

Abadan Oilfields, 600, 605

Abdiel, British minelayer, 343, 415

Abiar, el (Sketches pp. 25, 83), 31, 41, 58, 63-4, 66-8, 76, 78, 80, 87, 90

Abyssinia, 39, 143, 166, 244

Achdar, Jebel, see Jebel Achdar

Acroma (Sketches pp. 25, 83), 87, 101, 108-9, 119, 121-2, 165, 172, 178, 188, 191, 196, 199, 209-11, 278, 280, 458, 491, 510-12, 535

Acroma Road, 191, 197, 204, 206, 217-21, 318, 333

Acworth, Capt G. W., 53

Adams, L-Sgt A., 96n

Adana (Sketch p. 517), 518

Addu Atoll, 753-4

Adelboden (Map p. 758), 770

Adem, El (Map p. 13; Sketch p. 83), 15, 24-5, 32, 47, 49, 53, 59, 63, 76-7, 87, 94, 100n, 101, 103, 107-8, 119, 124-5, 128, 132, 134, 136-7, 246, 254, 275, 277n, 278, 329, 427, 431, 438, 459, 462, 479, 483, 491, 495-7, 500-1, 503-4, 506-12, 535

Admiralty House (Map p. 220), 188, 397-8

Adnams, Capt W. T., 620

Afrine (Sketches pp. 517, 520), 516, 521

Agar-Hamilton, J. A. I. and Turner, L. C. F., 429n, 433n, 437n, 482n, 485n, 500n, 547n

Agedabia (Map p. 13; Sketch p. 83), 14, 18, 25, 27-9, 32-3, 37, 42, 48, 51-2, 54-5, 60, 65, 81, 87, 118, 123, 511, 533

Agheila, El (Map p. 13; Sketches pp. 16, 31), 15, 17-18, 21-31, 35-40, 46-9, 53, 753, 756

occupied by enemy, 38

AIF News, 638

Ain Mara (Sketch p. 83), 93-4

Aircraft, strength and dispositions in Middle East in March 1941, 33

dispatched to Far East in April 1942, 533

Enemy, destroyed at Tobruk, 413

Airente, Fort (Map p. 220; Sketch p. 126), 140, 253, 256, 399, 418-19, 536

Air Raids, on Tobruk, 192-3, 198, 211, 214, 240, 273, 292-3, 337-8, 353, 368-9, 410-13, 415

Ant Reconnaissance, at Tobruk, 317, 338-9

Air Supply, of Axis armies in Africa, 623

Air Support, at Tobruk, 184-5, 338-9

at Alamein, 555, 679

Aitken, Lt-Col E. F., 755n

Ajax, British cruiser, 376, 398

Akterin (Sketch p. 520), 521

Alam Baoshaza (Sketch p. 553), 554

Alam Barghut (Sketch p. 361), 359

Alamein, El (Maps pp. 13, 668; Sketches pp. 543, 618), 24, 357, 424, 536-7, 544-5, 558, 561, 563, 566, 571, 574n, 588, 596, 599, 603-4, 613, 617, 623, 629, 634-6, 638, 752, 754, 763-4

defence of, 542-3, 597, 624

disposition of forces at, 543

Auchinleck’s plans in event of loss, 546-7

Rommel’s attack on, 547-9, plans renewed offensive, 624

living conditions at, 616

enemy dispositions, 625, 655

Alexander and Montgomery fix date of offensive, 640-1

British deception arrangements, 648-9

Battle of, 663-742, casualties, 742, examination of 742-5

Rommel orders withdrawal from, 719, 738-41

Alamein Box, 542-3, 548, 558, 562, 564-5, 570, 603, 617, 621, 625

Alam El Dab (Sketch p. 135), 187

Alam El Dihmaniya (Sketch p. 568), 568

Alam El Halfa (Sketches pp. 543, 628), 611, 625

Battle of, 624, 627-8, 636, 640, 642, 656, 658

British and enemy losses, 629-30

post-mortem on, 634-5

Alam El Hamam (Sketch p. 361), 363

Alam El Kidad (Sketch p. 361), 362

Alam Hamza, 511-12

Alam Nayil (Sketch p. 543), 550, 557, 624-5, 627

Alanbrooke, Field Marshal Viscount, 286, 605, 613, 640

visits Washington, June 1942, 603-4

proposes Montgomery as commander of Eighth Army, 605

offered Middle East command by Churchill, 606

appraisal of Alexander and Montgomery, 607-8

chooses senior commanders in Middle East, 615

defends Montgomery against Churchill’s criticism 706

Albrecht, Cpl K. G., 689

Aleppo (Sketch p. 517), 516, 517n, 520, 521, 524, 526, 529, 823, 828

Alexander, Field Marshal Rt Hon Earl (Plate p. 604), 609, 611-12, 614-15, 624, 639, 699, 749, 753

becomes C-in-C Me, and career of, 606-8

on appointments to higher command, 613

issues written directive to Montgomery, 621

on importance of Battle of Alam el Halfa, 635

fixes date for Alamein offensive, 640-1

unable to release 9 Div from Alamein battle, 695-6

visits Montgomery with R. G. Casey, 706

achievements compared with Auchinleck’s, 744

visits Morshead to express appreciation of 9 Div, 745

takes salute at 9 Div parade at Gaza, 751-2

farewell signal to Morshead, 754

opens Beirut–Tripoli railway, 829

Alexandria (Map p. 13), 24, 29, 113, 142, 173, 180, 243, 271, 335, 343, 356, 368, 375-6, 398-9, 414, 416 513-14, 537, 541-2, 544-5, 547, 550-2, 555, 557, 580, 608, 622n, 648

Aley, 517

Algiers (Sketch p. 2), 772

Allan, Col H. T., 121, 385, 399

Allan, Lt R. T., 734-5

Allen, Capt J. L., 370, 594

Allen, Capt K. F., 714-15

Alleyne, Sgt F. O., 227, 713

Allied War Crimes Tribunal, 767

Alma, 529n

Almaza, 368

Alouites, The, 529

Altengrabow (Map p. 758), 814

America, United States of, 341, 624

opposed to return of 9 Aust Div to Australia, 748-9

exchanges prisoners with Germany, 801

American Air Force: No. 12 Medium Bombardment Gp, at Alamein, 640

American Army, 367

additional division proposed for Australia, 528, 537

adopts common vocabulary for US and British forces, 637-8


First, 814

Third, 814

Divisions: 7th, 814

24th, 749n

25th, 749n

27th, 749n

40th, 749n

1st Armd, 639n

American Government, proposes dispatch of additional divisions to Pacific, 537-8

Joint Chiefs of Staff, 527-8, 603, 750

Amin, schooner, 376

Amiriya, El (Map p. 5; Sketch p. 546), 111, 116, 135, 375, 514, 540, 545-6, 552, 574n

Ammunition, at Tobruk, 293-4, 300, 368, 377-8, 413, 451

at Alamein, 647-8

expended in battle, 743

Italian, at Tobruk, 240, 300, 368

Anatolia (Sketch p. 517), 276, 519

Andersen, Capt L. E., 78

Anderson, Maj E., 104-5, 107

Anderson, Cpl F. E., 800n

Anderson, Capt G. G., 259, 564-5

Anderson, Cpl J. H., 713

Anderson, L-Cpl K. C., 321

Andrew, Brig L. W., 498-9

Andrews, Pte R. C. S., 71

Andrews, Pte W., 71

Anglo-Egyptian Treaty, 523-4

Angus, Capt W., 618, 632-3

Ankara (Map p. 5), 518

Annear, Sgt G. M. P., 581

Antelat (Map p. 13; Sketch p. 25), 25-7, 29, 34-5, 40, 48, 51-4, 56, 59-60, 81

Antiklia, storeship, 293, 414

Aosta, Duke Of, 166, 256

Aphis, British gunboat, 145, 187, 369

Apollonia (Sketch p. 25), 26, 94

Appleton, Lt F. C., 626

Aqqaqir Ridge, 732, 737

Aquitania, British troopship, 753

Arab El Moulk (Sketch p. 517), 531

Arabs, The, 42-3, 344, 529, 532, 626

Arbe (Sketch p. 522), 521

Arco Dei Fileni, 22; see also Marble Arch

Arderne, Brig E. A., 136

Argent, Col J. N. L., 135-6, 172, 187, 245, 254, 284, 358

Ark Royal, British aircraft carrier, 431

Armitage, Captain, 247, 440, 475

Arnold, Lt-Col A. S. W., 245

Arosa (Map p. 758), 770

Artillery, strength in March 1941, 15

equipment compared with German, 20

“bush artillery”, 112-13, 127-8, 134, 239-40, 262, 294, 298, 316, 336

command organisation, 120

at Tobruk, 122, 161, 171, 181-2, 185-6, 199, 201, 210-11, 265-6, 268, 293-5, 299-300, 316, 320, 337-8, 368-9, 385, 409-13

strength in Crusader, 429

at Alamein, 544, 646, 660-1, 665-6, 668, 698

strength, 639, 655

in Supercharge, 729-30

ammunition expended in Battle of El Alamein, 743


use 88-mm guns, 20, 150-1, 154, 258, 278, 281, 284, 429, 446, 449, 502, 745

at Tobruk, 181-2, 294, 299, 336-7, 353, 422

strength, 385, 395

use 210-mm guns, 460, 471, 493

at Ed Duda, 503

number of guns opposing XXX Corps at Alamein, 666n

Ashby, Sgt H. H., 584

Aston, Cpl F. C., 207

Athens (Map p. 5), 65, 755n, 775

Atid, Palestinian ship, 415

Atkins, Gnr R., 153

Atlantic Conference, 313, 342

Auchinleck, Field Marshal Sir Claude (Plate p. 589), 118, 310-11, 331, 343, 353, 382, 417, 427n, 491-2, 495, 499, 500n, 507, 509-10, 519, 526-7, 530, 544, 553-6, 564-6, 569, 571, 577, 578n, 588-9, 597-8, 600n, 603, 608, 622, 624-5, 641

and Churchill, 244, 312, 341-2, 534-5, 604-5

becomes C-in-C Middle East, 285, 296-7

career of, 286

and relief of 9 Aust Div, 313, 332, 334, 345-52, 380-1

on achievements of Tobruk garrison, 400-1

and Crusader operation, 425, 428, 432n, 433, 451-2, 454, 487, 533

appoints Ritchie to replace Cunningham, 455

on value of “Jock columns”, 501

“plan of deception” in Syria, 529

takes over command of Eighth Army from Ritchie, 536

plans for stand at Alamein, 546-7

orders counter-attack by Xiii Corps, 549

orders Eighth Army to “attack and destroy”, 550-1

and Morshead, 552, 579, 614

orders capture of Tel el Eisa and Tel el Makh Khad, 557

plans attack in Ruweisat Ridge area, 576

issues Special Order of the Day, 25 Jul 1942, 590

on failure of Ruin Ridge attack, 595n

on need to build up greater strength before renewing attack at Alamein, 596

appoints Brig de Guingand BGS, Eighth Army, 597

policy at Alamein, 603

replaced by Alexander, 606-7

achievements compared with Alexander’s and Montgomery’s, 744-5

Auckland, New Zealand sloop, 414

Auda, Wadi (Map p. 220; Sketch p. 126), 111, 139, 299, 337, 420

Augila (Map p. 13), 53

Aurora, British cruiser, 431

Austin, Capt A. G., 581

Austin, Maj G., 581

Australian Air Force, 511n, 820

No. 3 Sqn, 68-9, 97

No. 451 Sqn, 531, 533

Australian Army, 4, 318, 515, 538, 755-6, 765, 794

reorganised in Middle East, 6, 9

relations with British and other troops, 121, 141, 353, 525

strength, in Tobruk, 159, in Middle East, 304, 527, 600, at Alamein, 661

German estimates of, 210, 267-8

conditions of service, 306

dispositions in Middle East and proposed concentration, 256, 309-11, 348, 351, 367, 382

trains men at OCTU, 522-3

behaviour of troops in Syria, 525-6

reinforcement of, 555, 600, 695

appointments to higher command, 612

AHQ Melbourne, 600-1

HQ AIF Middle East, 29, 424

Base Area, 308, 514

Rear Echelon, 10

I Australian Corps, 7, 28, 295, 366, 444, 515, 517, 519, 546, 772

leaves Cyrenaica, 8-9

renamed Anzac Corps, 367

embarks for Far East, 527

ANZAC Corps, 367

proposed formation of, 307, 309, 380n

Australian Corps, 310, 313

proposed formation of, 307, 380n

1st Armoured Division, 8n

6th Infantry Division, 3, 6-8, 10-11, 26-7, 111, 160, 303, 306-7, 310, 312, 334, 533, 767

relieved in Cyrenaica by 9 Div, 9, 14, 16-17

strength of, 527

return to Australia sought, 527-8

in Ceylon, 537-8

losses in Greece, 775

7th Infantry Division, 3, 6, 7, 32, 110, 113-14, 116-17, 157, 162, 256, 307, 310, 312, 332, 334, 533

composition, 9-10

in defence of Cyrenaica, 64-5, 115, 118, 124, 129, 138-9, 141-2, 143, 306

moves to Syria, 515-16

return to Australia sought, 527-8

8th Infantry Division, 6, 533

9th Infantry Division, 307, 366, 747-8, 755

in Palestine, 3, 514

role in Middle East, 6, 8

formation of, 6-7, 10

composition, 8n, 9

training of, 10-11, 258, 747

in Cyrenaica, 12, 17, 24, 31-2, 34-5, 41-2, 52, 56, 58-9, 63, 67, 78, 82, 86-90, 92, 94n, 100-1, 109, 111, 114-15, 118, 140

relieves 6 Div, 14, 16

equipment of, 28-9, 43, 64, 75

discipline, 43-5, 525-6, 748

at Tobruk, 119-25, 129, 190, 192-3, 227, 264, 271, 288n, 296, 375, 385, 421

relief of, 305-6, 310-11, 313, 334-5, 344-52, 359, 378, 381, 383, 395, 399-400, 417, 421, 423

German estimate of, 267-8

role in Battleaxe, 256, 278-80

Morshead on decorations for, 353

casualties at Tobruk, 401n

General Scobie’s tribute to, 510-11

in Syria, 515-17, 521, 525-6, 530-3

proposed recall to Australia, 527, 537-9, 600-2, 694-6, 746, 748-50

reactions to loss of Tobruk, 537

moves to Egypt, 540-1, 543-5

at Alamein, 551-2, 555, 557-8, 562, 564-5, 569, 571-2, 574, 576, 578-9, 588, 590, 593, 598-600, 603, 605, 610-12, 614-15, 617, 621-2, 625, 630, 634-5, 637-8, 642, 644-8, 650-61, 664

in Battle of El Alamein, 672-5, 676n, 678-9, 680n, 683, 685-7, 692-4, 698-700, 702, 705-8, 716, 719, 723, 732, 735, 739-40, 742

achievements at, 575, 728, 743, 745-6

casualties, 601, 742

affiliates with 51 Highland Div, 636

issued with T colour patch, 750

parades at Gaza, 751-2

embarks, 753-4

affection for GOC, 746, 754


6 Div Cav Regt, 42, 334, 756

7 Div Cav Regt, 306, 308, 310, 312, 334

9 Div Cav Regt, 515, 520, 531, 541

equipment of, 544, 622

at Alamein, 558, 561, 572-3, 579, 616, 620, 630, 632

in battle of, 659, 736, 739, 740


RAA 9 Div,

proposed dispatch to Tobruk, 344, 346-7

in Egypt, 356, 359

in Tobruk, 401n

in Syria, 531

at Alamein, 563, 572, 708

achievements, 571, 743

Anti-Aircraft, 2/3rd Regt, 36

2/4th Regt, 515, 653

8th Lt Bty, 96

Anti-Tank, 2/1st Regt, 8n

Anti-Tank, 2/2nd Regt, 135, 137, 142, 171-2, 186-7, 254

Anti-Tank, 2/3rd Regt, 358, 514, 526, 757

allotted to 9 Div, 7, 8n, 9

in Cyrenaica, 54, 103

at Mechili, 77, 84, 102, 105-7

at Tobruk, 119-20, 151-2, 153-4, 340, 359-60, 375

casualties, 401n

on Egyptian frontier, 135-7, 172, 186-7, 245, 254, 284

absorbs 20 and 24 A-Tk Coys, 515

at Tel el Eisa and Ruin Ridge, 560-1, 563, 566, 594

equipped with 6-pdrs, 622, 661

in Battle of El Alamein, 686, 703, 704, 717, 722, 724, 726-7

number taken prisoner, 755

Anti-Tank, 16th Coy, 16-17, 38, 48

Anti-Tank, 20th Coy, 70, 389

absorbed by 2/3 A-Tk Regt, 515

Anti-Tank, 24th Coy, in Cyrenaica, 43, 64, 75

at Tobruk, 132, 202, 207, 340

absorbed by 2/3 A-Tk Regt, 515

Anti-Tank, 26th Coy, at Tobruk, 201n, 209, 228-9

absorbed by 4 LAA Regt, 515

Field, 2/2nd Regt, 15n, 571

Field, 2/3rd Regt, 8n

Field, 2/7th Regt, 8n, 368, 515, 517

allotted to 9 Div, 9

on Egyptian frontier, 356-7, 358-60, 362-7

at Alamein, 563, 588, 592, 627, 634, 686, 693, 703

Field, 2/8th Regt, 8n, 356, 367, 515

allotted to 9 Div, 9

on Egyptian frontier, 358-9, 363, 365-6

at Tel el Eisa, 564

Field, 2/9th Regt, 520

Field, 2/12th Regt, 8n, 514

allotted to 9 Div, 9

at Tobruk, 257, 265, 267-8, 298-9, 300, 320, 356-7, 359, 369, 374

relieved, 375

at Alamein, 727

Engineers: 9 Div, 32, 42, 515, 531

at Tobruk, 272, 300, casualties, 401n

at Alamein, 649, 652, 669, casualties, 742n

Field Companies: 2/3rd, 8n, 755

in Cyrenaica, 27, 32, 58-9, 66, 92-3

at Tobruk, 127, 138, 190, 338, relieved, 396

at Alamein, 661, 672, 699, 708, 740

2/4th, 32

in Cyrenaica, 8, 16

at Tobruk, 111, 113, 160, 190, 303-4, 327, relieved, 334

2/7th, 8n, 515

in Cyrenaica, 32, 41, 59, 92-4

at Tobruk, 181, 371, relieved, 375

at Alamein, 575, 580, 587n, 661, 699

2/13th, in Cyrenaica, 32, 41, 59, 78-9, 94

at Tobruk, 131, 168, 185, 192, 199, 321, 327, 334, 384

at Alamein, 617, 631-2, 634, 652, 661, 668, 670, 699, 740

2/24th Field Park, 529n

Railway Units:

HQ Rlwy Construction and Maintenance Group, 751, 823n

1st Rlwy Construction Coy, 823n, 824

2nd Rlwy Construction Coy, 823n, 824

3rd Rlwy Construction Coy, 823n, 824, 828

1st Rlwy Svy Coy, 823-4

2nd Rlwy Svy Coy, 823n

3rd Rlwy Svy Coy, 823n

Infantry brigades:

16th, 559

17th, 14-15, 23

18th, 6, 8, 10, 32, 79, 157, 190, 516, 602

allotted to 9 Div, 7

switched to 7 Div, 9

captures Giarabub, 31

at Tobruk, 101, 113-14, 115-16, 118-19, 124, 139, 141, 160, 201, 211, 227, 230-5, 236, 241, 242, 246, 266-7, 270-1, 279-80, 293, 297-8, 310, 314, 327

relief of, 312, 331-4, 343, 345, 347-8, 375

casualties, 401n

20th, 514-15, 746

transferred to 9 Div, 9-10

formation and training, 10-11

in Cyrenaica, 12, 14-15, 17, 23, 25, 30-2, 41, 44, 64, 68, 79, 96, 101, 119

at Tobruk, 121, 126, 128, 131-2, 139, 144, 160-1, 163-4, 178, 190-1, 221, 230, 236, 247, 266, 270-1, 273, 279-80, 288, 297-8, 314, 336, 340, 375, 385-6, 389-92, 394, 420-1

relief of, 397, 399

casualties, 401n

in Syria, 516, 519-20, 521, 524-6, 529-31, 533

moves to Egypt, 541, 552

at Alamein, 555, 565, 569, 579, 590, 603, 610, 616, 622n, 626, 630, 635-6, 653-4, 659, 661, 667, 670, 680, 685, 688, 693-4, 698-700, 702-3, 705, 708, 729, 733, 740

casualties, 742n

21st, 516

24th, 8, 369, 514, 555, 755

allotted to 9 Div, 7, 9

formation and training, 10-11

at Tobruk, 32, 43, 101, 112-13, 119, 126, 132, 138-9, 141, 144, 160-1, 170, 190, 193, 201, 252, 270, 279-80, 297, 301, 313, 316, 327, 333, 370

relieved, 375

casualties, 401n

in Syria, 516-17, 521, 525, 532-3

moves to Egypt, 540, 545-6

at Alamein, 551-2, 553-4, 556, 564, 571-2, 574, 578-9, 585-6, 589, 592-3, 598, 603, 610, 627, 635, 637, 654, 658n, 659, 662, 666, 671-2, 675, 688, 699, 708-9, 720, 723, 727-8, 733-4, 736, 739

casualties, 742n

25th, 6-7, 8n, 9, 516

26th, 12n, 514, 555

allotted to 9 Div, 9-10

formation and training, 10-11

in Cyrenaica, 32, 41, 43, 57, 59, 62, 64, 79, 95-6, 101, 112, 119, 121-2

at Tobruk, 126, 137, 160-1, 189-91, 193-5, 200, 202, 206, 241, 252, 270, 279-80, 298, 301, 333, 336, 386, 392, 397

relieved, 396

casualties, 401n

in Syria, 516-17, 521-2, 526, 531-3

moves to Egypt, 540-1, 545-6

at Alamein, 555, 558, 563, 565, 569, 574, 578, 580, 603, 606, 649, 653-4, 659-61, 669, 674-5, 679, 687-8, 692, 699-700, 702, 705, 708-9, 711, 719, 723, 739

casualties, 742n.

Infantry Battalions:

LOB component at El Alamein, 555

restoration of MMG platoons to, 622

2/1st, 756

2/2nd, 160

2/5th, 15, 755-6

2/7th, 15-16, 756

2/9th, 8n, 516

at Tobruk, 217, 230, 233-4, 235-7, 241, 246, 248-52, 266-7, 271, 280, 303, 327, 339, 467

relief of, 335

casualties, 401n

2/10th, 8n, 516

at Tobruk, 190, 215, 217-18, 221, 227-33, 236, 241, 245-6, 248-52, 258, 261, 263, 266, 280, 327, 333, 405

casualties, 401n

2/11th, 756

2/12th, 8n, 516

at Tobruk, 170, 230-2, 235, 241, 247-8, 250, 252-3, 257, 266, 280, 298, 302, 327, 405-6

casualties, 401n

2/13th, 515, 516, 519n, 747, 755

in Cyrenaica, 12, 14, 16, 32, 41, 79-80, 85, 88, 90, 92, 95-6, 100-1, 123

at Er Regima, 43, 60, 62, 67-8, 70-2, 73-6, 78

at Tobruk, 127-8, 132-4, 150, 164, 181, 205, 207, 241-2, 249, 266-7, 270-3, 288-9, 290, 292n, 338-9, 341, 386, 392, 397, 399, 404, 417-24, 434, 514

casualties, 401n

in Crusader, 435-6, 438, 451, 463-4, 466, 469-72, 475-81, 483, 487, 492-7, 502-3, 508-10

leaves Tobruk, 511

in Syria, 521, 525

at Alamein, 555, 579, 587, 616-20, 626, 630, 635-6, 654, 659-60, 669-71, 679-81, 683, 685-6, 691-3, 696, 698-9, 700-1, 703-5, 714n, 739

casualties, 742n

as POW, 755

2/14th, 521

2/15th, 369, 755

in Cyrenaica, 12, 15, 27, 41, 64, 68, 72, 79, 88, 92-3, 95-6, 101

at Tobruk, 149, 154-5, 191n, 203, 216, 238, 249, 267-8, 270-1, 273, 280, 288-92, 314, 340, 391, 397, 399, 401, 406, 418, 420, 422

casualties, 401n

in Syria, 516, 521, 541

at Alamein, 616-20, 635, 667-8, 699, 701, 703-5, 709, 711, 717, 719-20, 722, 724, 727-8, 733, 735-6, 739-40

in Bulimba operation, 630-4, 687

casualties at Alamein, 742n

2/17th, 421

in Cyrenaica, 12, 15-16, 29, 41, 64, 67-8, 78-9, 91, 95-6, 101, 121

at Tobruk, 127, 133-4, 137, 139-41, 164, 174, 178, 203, 246, 270n, 271, 273, 286n, 288, 290, 293n, 317n, 338, 340, 385-94, 467

in Easter Battle, 145, 147-51, 153-4

relief of 397

casualties in Tobruk, 401n

in Syria, 515-16, 519n, 520, 529

at Alamein, 616, 619-20, 626, 635, 659, 663-4, 667-8, 671, 680-1, 683, 685-6, 688, 690-1, 697, 699-700, 704-5, 727, 736

casualties at Alamein, 742n

2/23rd, 755, 759

in Cyrenaica, 32, 41, 79

at Tobruk, 29n, 32, 112, 126, 165, 170, 174, 176-8, 182-4, 189, 192, 194-5, 197, 202, 205-7, 213, 217-18, 221, 224, 237-8, 241, 252-3, 257-65, 268, 287n, 303, 315, 319, 330-1, 334, 392, 409, relief of, 396

casualties, 401n

in Syria, 522

at Alamein, 563, 659, 687, 699, 702-3, 705, 708

at Tel el Eisa, 563-5, 570-1, 574, 580-4, 585

casualties at Alamein, 742n


in Cyrenaica, 32, 41-2, 57, 67, 69, 78-80, 85, 91, 95-6, 101, 126, 128, 163-5, 170, 189-90, 191-6, 199-200, 202-10, 212-16, 220-1, 223-4, 227, 238, 245-6, 249, 251-2, 301-4, 327, 333-4, 384, 392, 396, 401, 408-9

losses in evacuation from, 398

casualties, 401n

in Syria, 522, 532, at Tel el Eisa, 558, 560-1, 563-4, 565-6, 569, 580-1, 583, 585

at Alamein, 667-8, 669, 687-8, 690-1, 693, 697, 699-703, 708-12, 715-17, 719-20, 723-4

casualties, 742n

as POW, 755, 759

2/25th, 8n, 9, 190

2/28th, 8n, 596

at Tobruk, 112-13, 127-9, 132, 163, 238-9, 298, 313-16, 318, 320-1, 323-7, 369-70, 372-3, 403, 407

casualties, 401n

in Syria, 521, 533

at Alamein, 551-2, 555, 636-7, 672, 723-8, 734-5, 739-40

at Ruin Ridge, 575-6, 579-80, 586-96, 599, 755

casualties at Alamein, 728, 742n

2/31st, 8n

2/32nd, 8n

at Tobruk, 190, 237, 302, 314-17, 320, 322, 324-7, 370, 372, 404, 408

casualties, 401n

in Syria, 522, 552

at Alamein, 553, 555, 635, 636-7, 708-11, 716-17, 719-20, 722, 724-5, 728, 734, 736, 740

at Ruin Ridge, 572-5, 576n, 585-6, 588

casualties at Alamein, 742n

2/33rd, 8n, 755n

2/43rd, 8n

at Tobruk, 112, 127-8, 132, 140, 147, 164, 170, 201, 238-9, 314-19, 324-5, 369-70, 375, 386, 391, 396, 404, 407-8, 514n

casualties at Tobruk, 401n

in Syria, 521

at Alamein, 552-3, 556, 572-4, 576n, 579, 585-6, 589, 591-4, 617-18, 620-1, 627, 636, 671-2, 723-8, 734-6, 739-40

casualties at Alamein, 742n


in Cyrenaica, 32, 43, 57, 64, 79, 88-9, 93-4, 96, 100-1, 121

at Tobruk, 122, 127, 129, 141, 145, 162-5, 167-9, 171, 174-6, 178, 188-90, 199-200, 202, 204, 211, 214-15, 217-20, 221, 224-7, 236, 238, 241, 279, 293n, 297-8, 301, 304, 313-14, 316, 319, 321, 327, 333, 384, 397, 402, 404

casualties, 401n

in Syria, 522

in defence of Alexandria, 546

at Tel el Eisa, 558-63, 566, 569, 576, 579-80, 582-5

at Alamein, 661n, 668-70, 678-9, 685, 687-90, 693, 696, 699-700, 703, 708-17, 719-24, casualties, 742n.

Machine Gun Battalion:

2/2nd, 8n, 572

at Mersa Matruh, 356

at Tel el Eisa, 562-3, 565, 571

in Ruin Ridge operations, 572-3, 585-6

at Alamein, 659, 727

Pioneer battalions:

2/1st, 514

in Cyrenaica, 16, 79, 98, 119, 167, 178, 211, 216, 228-9, 236, 241, 270-1, 297-8, 303, 330-4, 375, 386, 402-3

casualties, 401n

2/2nd, 755n

2/3rd, 375

at Alamein, 555, 605-6, 620, 636, 652, 661, 669, 708-10, 717-24, 728

casualties, 742n.

Canteen services, 821

Entertainment unit, 530

General base depot, 559

Medical units, 748

2/1 Fd Amb, 808n

2/3 Fd Amb, 8n

2/5 Fd Amb, 113-14

2/8 Fd Amb, 8n, 755-6, 761

2/11 Fd Amb, 8n, 396, 710

2/4 Fd Hyg Sec, 8n

2/4 Agh, 64

2/5 Agh, 755, 789

2/6 Agh, 748, 751

Nursing service, 753n


9 Div Pro Coy, 91, 525

Reception group UK, 807, 820-1

Royal Military College, Duntroon, 160

Service Corps, 111-12, 170, 193, 201, 238-9, 300, 332, 409, 536, 755


9 Div Sigs, 28-9, 246

Australian Comforts Fund, 287, 316, 514, 532, 753

Australian Government, 18, 256, 296, 343, 399, 424, 552n, 602

and dispatch of 18 Bde to Tobruk, 114

relief of 9 Div at Tobruk, 305-6, 310-11, 334, 344, 347-8, 350-2, 378-81, 383, 400

formation of Anzac Corps, 307

policy that Aif units should serve with own formations, 308

agrees to dispatch of two divisions from Middle East to Far East, 516

seeks return of forces to Australia, 527-9, 537-9, 600-1, 695, 746, 749-50

nominates General MacArthur as Supreme Commander in Swpa, 538

presses claims of Morshead for appointment to higher command, 613-14

and defence of Australia, 694

protests about treatment of Australian prisoners in Germany, 793, 795-6

Advisory War Council, 540, 601, 695

Chiefs Of Staff, 538, 694

Information Department, 530

War Cabinet, 8n, 313, 528, 540, 601

decides to form 9 Div, 6

and relief of 9 Div at Tobruk, 381

return of 9 Div, 694, 696

Australian Navy, 343, 417, 513

Austria (Map p. 758), 755n, 767, 774, 777-8, 805, 812, 818

Avery, Sig J. L., 779

Avon, Lord

see Eden, Rt Hon Sir Anthony

Ayoun, El (Sketch p. 522), 522

Azaz (Sketch p. 520), 519-20

Azge (Sketch p. 522), 522

Az Zib (Sketch p. 517), 823


Bab El Haoua (Sketch, p. 520), 521

Bab El Qa1tara, see Qattara, Bab El

Badsulza (Sketch p. 809), 793

Baghdad, 244, 520-1

Bahsas (Sketch p. 825), 828-9

Bailey, WO2 L. K., 690

Baillieu, Maj E., 303, 581

Baillieu’s Bluff (Map p. 668; Sketch p. 580), 578, 616

Bakewell, Capt L. N., 620-1

Balbo, Marshal, 22

Balfe, Lt-Col J. W., 133-4, 139, 141, 146-7, 149-51, 153-4, 709-11

commands 2/32 Bn, 635

Ballerstedt, Major, 267-8

Bambling, Cpl R. H., 631

Bamford, Pte G. H., 755n

Bamgarten, Maj A. E., 27, 127

Bantria, British ship, 415

Baracca (Sketch p. 83), 41, 57, 64, 78-9

Barbara Creek (Sketch p. 825), 827

Barce (Map p. 13; Sketch p. 83), 9, 14, 16, 30-1, 32n, 33, 35, 40-2, 44-5, 47, 53, 57, 63-4, 67-8, 72, 75-9, 82, 85, 88, 93

Barcelona, 801, 805

Bardia (Map p. 13; Sketch p. 442), 24, 112, 137-8, 172, 179, 188, 243, 245, 254, 256, 283, 299, 417, 427-8, 450, 453, 457, 464, 491-3, 497-9, 500n, 501, 505, 507, 511, 534, 655

Germans occupy, 141, 143

bombarded by RN, 164, 398

“Bardia Bill”, 299, 337, 508

Bardia Road, 132, 135-6, 138-40, 144, 151, 191, 214, 217, 237-8, 269-70, 279, 301, 330, 369, 374, 385, 387, 409, 422, 431, 463-4, 467-8, 472, 504, 507

Bare Knoll (Sketch p. 320), 320, 322

Barham, British battleship, 431

Barham, Brig Rev R. J., 64, 82, 91

Barlow, Brig J. M., 77, 102-4, 108, 176, 401

Barlow, Capt L, 98-9, 104, 119

Barnes, Lt-Col E., 407

Barnes, Lt G., 672, 713n

Barnett, Corelli, 432n, 578n, 579n, 600n

Barrel Hill (Map p. 668; Sketches pp. 712, 725), 708, 711, 717-20, 722-8, 734-5, 739 see also Point 11

Barrel Track (Sketch p. 543), 542, 721

Barrett, Lt F. A., 778-9

Barrett, Capt R. J., 701

Barrowclough, Maj-Gen H. E., 483-4, 487-9

commands 6 NZ Bde, 461

Barton, Lt-Col C. N., 96

Bash Outpost (Sketches pp. 302, 371), 369, 408

Bastico, General Ettore, 329, 433, 497, 505, 511-12

Bastin, Lt-Col H. E., 561

Batten, Maj R. L., 95

Battleaxe, 243n, 286, 293, 295-6, 301, 327, 329, 346, 355, 357, 414, 422, 429, 435, 437, 457, 479

planning of, 275-9

operations, 280-5

lessons from, 354

Batty, Sgt L W. C., 175-6

Baty, Pte E. L., 804-5

Baxter, Capt R. R., 795n

Bayerlein, Lt-Gen Fritz, 432n, 627

Baylis, Maj C. F. W., 821n

Bayonets, used at Tobruk, 73-4, 106n, 148-9, 153, 156, 163, 175, 177, 220, 232-3, 271, 406, 440, at Ed Duda, 462, 477-8, at El Alamein, 550, 560, 582, 591, 620, 631, 670, 689, 714-15, 734

Beames, Maj W. B., 232-3

Bean, Dr C. E. W., estimate of General Morshead, 11

Bech Mezzine (Sketch p. 522), 531

Beda Fomm (Map p. 13; Sketch p. 16), 14-16, 30, 39, 48, 55

Beda Littoria, 419

Bedriye (Sketch p. 520), 521

Beer, Lt H. R., 301, 327, 402-3

Behrend, Lieutenant, 85, 122

Beirut (Sketch p. 517), 530-2

Beirut–Tripoli Railway 529, 751, 823-9

Beit ed Dine (Sketch p. 517), 532

Beit Ghanein Barracks, 522

Belgassem, Wadi (Map p. 220; Sketch p. 409), 147, 238, 409

Belhamed (Sketches pp. 449, 456), 446-9, 456, 458n 459-60, 462, 467-9, 472n, 473-5, 481, 483, 485-6, 488, 490-4, 498, 502, 506

captured, 461

loss of, 487

Bell, Lt H. E. Y. 561

Bell, Sgt J. W., 570

Benghazi (Map p. 13; Sketch p. 83), 3-4, 14-18, 25-6, 28-32, 34-5, 37, 40, 43-7, 51, 55-8, 60, 66, 68-70, 80-1, 112, 129, 169, 190, 243, 343, 425, 511, 533, 599, 623, 641, 662, 665, 747, 756, 760-1, 763-4

defence of, 41-2

evacuation of, 52, 58-9

occupied by enemy, 65, 67

Benina (Sketch p. 83), 68n, 69-70

Bennett, Lt A. M., 585

Bennett, Sgt L., 331

Benson, Cpl F. A., 139

Bentley, Lt A. R., 686

Beresford-Peirse, Lt-Gen Sir Noel, 185, 241, 244-5, 253, 255-6, 283-4

commands Western Desert Force, 157-8

Berry, Sgt A., 804-5

Berry, Sgt G. T., 690

Bettsworth, Sergeant, 167

Bharucha, P. C., 738n

Bianca (Map p. 220; Sketches pp. 218, 228), 212, 218, 221-6, 228-9, 231-2, 236-7, 249, 267, 271

Bianco, Captain, 419

Biberach (Map p. 758), 779, 788

Bicycle, 363, 365

Bidstrup, Capt M. L., 232

Moos, Cpl J. W., 209

Bilston, S-Sgt R., 208

Bingham, WO2 F. P., 138, 672

BEgNs, Lt-Col R. T., 760

But Belhamed (Sketch p. 484), 467, 481, 487, 493-4, 496, 502

Bra Ben Gania (Sketches pp. 25, 83), 47, 65, 76, 81, 83

Bir Berraneb (Sketch p. 465), 490, 500-2

Bra Bu Creimisa (Sketches pp. 474, 484), 474, 479, 483, 505

Bird, Maj A. C. B., 190, 198-200, 203-6, 212, 214-16

But Duedar, 500

But El Azazi (Map p. 220; Sketch p. 302), 302, 369, 387-94, 422, 438, 495, 503-4, 508-9

Bir El Carmusa (Map p. 220; Sketch p. 405), 391, 404-5, 510

Bir El Chleta (Sketch p. 465), 457, 466, 490

Bir El Eleba, 512

But El Ginn (Map p. 13; Sketch p. 16), 36

Bra El Gum (Sketches pp. 443, 454), 436, 442, 444, 446, 453, 462, 479, 500-2, 505-7

But El Khireigat (Sketch p. 361), 360

Bir El Melezz (Sketch p. 83), 53, 76, 78

Bir El Merduma (Map p. 5), 38

Bir El Tombia (Map p. 13; Sketch p. 16), 16, 52

But En Naghia, 512

Bir Es Sultan, 43

But Ghersa (Map p. 220; Sketch p. 371), 280, 331, 370

But Gibni (Sketch p. 443), 285, 444, 490

But Hacheim (Sketch p. 83), 534-5

Bnurs, Maj-Gen H. L., 171, 204, 241

Bir Salem, 474, 483, 506

Bir Sciafsciuf (Sketch p. 484), 466, 482

Bir Sciuerat (Sketch p. 446), 490

But Sheferzen (Sketch p. 361), 367

But Suesi (Map p. 220; Sketch p. 302), 374, 395

Bra Sultan Omar, 705

Bir Taieb El Esem (Sketch p. 445), 436

Bra Tengeder (Sketch p. 25), 25, 47, 83-4, 512

But Wair (Sketch p. 282), 278

Bishop, Capt K. E., 727

Bismarck, German battleship, 274

Bismarck, General von, 628

Bismarck, Fort, 768, 771

Bissaker, Lt F. S., 671

Bizerta (Map p. 5), 599, 742

Blackburn, Lt-Cdr J. F., 240

Blamey, Lady, 52.7

Blamey, Field Marshal Sir Thomas, 14, 18, 26, 44n, 45, 116, 118, 190, 235, 241, 256, 275-6, 315, 317, 349, 360, 400, 466, 525, 551-2, 554, 622n, 694, 745, 749-50

reorganises AIF in ME, 6, 9

on formation and command of 9 Div, 7-8

on employment of 7 Div, 114-15, 124, 515-16

criticises GHQ ME decisions, 136

defence of Tobruk, 138-9, 143, 295-7

command of Western Desert Force, 157

seeks relief of 9 Div at Tobruk, 305, 310-13, 316, 332, 334-5, 343-8, 350-2, 380-2

seeks concentration of Aust forces, 306, 308-9

recommends formation of Australian and Anzac Corps, 307

returns to Australia, 424, 527

critical of Ninth Army defence plans, 519

appointed C-in-C Aust Army and Allied Land Forces SWPA, 538

seeks return of 9 Div to Australia, 538-40

reinforcement of 9 Div, 600-2

presses claims of Morshead for appointment to higher command, 612-15

on British order regarding manacling of prisoners, 794

Blue Line (Sketch p. 126), 158, 160, 170, 181, 183, 188-9, 211, 217, 221, 301, 314, 385-6

Boat Track (Sketch p. 657), 649, 673, 681-2

Bob Outpost (Sketch p. 302), 331, 369, 407

Boddington, Col N., 93, 99n

Bode, Capt F. L., 406-7, 630-1, 633

Boekeman, Lt R., 734

Böttcher, Maj-Gen Karl, 468, 479

Bolding, Lt G., 795n

Bologna (Map p. 758), 766-7, 771

Bolzano (Map p. 758), 757

Bomb Alley, 28

Bombs, Sticky, 562

Bondi Outpost (Sketch p. 302), 302, 369, 386-9, 391, 394, 407, 504, 509

Booby-Traps, at Tobruk, 272, 289-90

Booker, Pte G. T., 405

Boomerang Track, 650, 679

Boon, Capt W. J., 778

Booth, Cpl F. O., 403, 734-5

Boreham, Sgt F. J., 74

Bottle Track (Sketch p. 657), 649, 673, 682-3

Bouar (Sketch p. 825), 826

Bowden, Lt J. N., 221, 259

Brady, Sgt H. M., 153

Brauchitsch, Field Marshal Walther von, 19, 21, 37, 328

Brevity Operation, 242-5, 253-6, 274

Brewer, Capt F. N. T., 776

Bridges, Sgt E. L. R., 207

Brien, Maj L. C., 668

Briggs, Lt-Gen Sir Harold, 612

Briggs, Maj-Gen R., 655, 732

Brill, Gnr J. L., 760n, 813n

Brink, Maj-Gen G. L., 356-7, 433, 437, 446

British Air Force, 17, 38-9, 50, 60-1, 80-1, 85, 87, 94, 117, 145, 159, 161, 188, 244, 256, 270, 275, 297, 460, 466, 481, 520, 534, 552, 611, 642, 741, 762

strength, in Cyrenaica, 33, at Alamein, 639

at Tobruk, 129, 141, 152-4, 188, 338, 344-6, 350, 367-9, 377-9, 382, 413

in Battleaxe, 281

in Crusader, 345-6

attacks Tiberio, 416-17

and proposal to send squadrons to Turkey, 519

in Battle of Alam el Halfa, 635

in Supercharge, 730

Desert Air Force, 611, 626-7

organisation of, 640

at Alamein, 679, 728, 736-7, 744

Groups, No. 211, 640

No. 212, 640


No. 204 Fighter, 184-5, 317

No. 232, 640

No. 285, 640

Squadrons: No. 6, 27, 140, 241

No. 73, 33, 97, 140, 181

No. 274, 181

British Army, 4, 11, 53, 113, 118, 203, 274, 311, 523, 525, 533, 725, 761, 763-4, 765n, 793-4

in Cyrenaica, 19, 26, 109-11

relations with Dominion troops, 121, 141, 353

appointment of Dominion generals to higher command, 157-8, 614

strength of forces in Tobruk, 159

in Crusader, 424-5, 429

–British Expeditionary Force, 9, 286, 410


British Troops, Egypt, 9, 142-3, 544

Cyrenaica, 8, 14, 17, 32, 53-4, 56-7, 60-4, 67-8, 80, 82, 86-7, 88-90, 93-4, 96, 102, 120, 158

takes over from I Aust Corps, 9

defence plans, 26-7, 29-30, 42, 46-7, 58-9, 117-119

discipline of Australian troops, 44

O’Connor appointed to command, 58

orders withdrawal from Mechili, 103

Lavarack appointed to command, 109

merged into Western Desert Force, 129, 142-3, 156-7

South-Eastern, 608.

Southern, 286, 608


Eighth, 378, 417, 432, 547, 601, 604-5, 611, 616, 622, 644-5, 753

HQ formed from Western Army HQ, 425

in Crusader, 433-7, 440, 442, 444, 447-8, 452, 454-5, 457, 464-5, 472-3, 483, 485, 488, 491, 495, 498-9, 501

in Cyrenaica, 532-3, 534-6

strength and dispositions, 515, 542-3, 639, 655

at Alamein, 548-51, 554, 558-9, 564, 569, 577-8, 580, 588, 590, 597, 641, 643

state of, 596-8, 608, 647

tactics and training, 598-9, 621, 656

ambivalent planning of, 603

Churchill’s visit to, 606

Montgomery takes command, 608

his influence on, 609, 614, 663, 744

German estimate of, 623

losses in Battle of Alain el Halfa, 630

adopts common vocabulary for British and US forces, 637-8

reinforcement and equipment of, 639, 647-8

in Battle of El Alamein, 665-6, 669, 675-7, 682-4, 686-7, 692, 697, 717, 719, 728, 731-3, 737-8, 741, 743-4

casualties, 693, 742

Ninth, 514-17, 524, 525n, 531-2, 541

plans defence of Suez Canal, 519.

Twenty-First, 614n


IV, 286

V, 286

X, 515, 536-7, 657

at Alamein, 544, 548, 551, 612

in Battle of El Alamein, 648-50, 658, 673, 675

composition, 655

role in Battle of El Alamein, 643, 645, 656-7, 700, 729

tank strength compared with Axis strength, 685

XIII, 608

formation of, 425

in Crusader, 426, 429-30, 447, 449, 450, 457, 459, 464, 467-8, 482, 484-5, 493, 495, 504, 512

in Cyrenaica, 536-7

at Alamein, 543, 548-51, 553, 557, 566-8, 576-80, 603, 609, 626, 629

Horrocks appointed to command, 612-13

in Battle of El Alamein, 674-5, 678, 684, 686, 694, 717

arty support in, 666n

role in, 643, 645, 656, 658, 699

composition, 655

XXX, 579, 588, 616, 747, 753

formation, 425

in Crusader, 426, 428-9, 430, 434, 436-7, 441-2, 446, 452, 454, 457, 464, 468, 473, 478, 485, 491-2, 495, 503-4, 506-7, 509, 512

at Alamein, 536, 547-50, 552-5, 562, 564, 566-7, 576, 578, 589, 596, 598, 603, 649

command of, 606, 609, 612-13, 615, 637

role in Battle of El Alamein, 644-6, 650, 656-7, 699-700, 729

in Battle of El Alamein, 658, 667-8, 672-3, 675-8, 683, 686-7, 693, 698, 719

artillery support, 666

ammunition expenditure, 743


Delta Force, 544-5

Western Desert Force, 9, 184, 255, 270, 297, 357

reconstituted, 142-3

absorbs Cyrenaica Command, 156-7

in Battleaxe, 275, 286

in Summer Night’s Dream operation, 361, 364

goes out of existence, 425

–Divisions, Armoured

planned employment in Crusader, 427-8.

1st, 426, 533-4, 536

at Alamein, 542-3, 548-50, 553, 567, 646, 655, 664

in Miteiriya Ridge attack, 589, 595, 598

tank strength, 577, 684, 730

in Battle of El Alamein, 673, 678-9, 681, 686-7, 691-2, 694, 697-8, 707, 729, 731-3, 738

2nd, 3

strength and condition, 4, 19, 99

in Cyrenaica, 14, 30-1, 34-5, 40, 43, 45, 48, 168

in withdrawal, 52, 55-6, 58-63, 66-7, 76, 78, 80, 84-7, 89, 94-5, 100, 103-4, 113

at Tobruk, 119-20, 159

7th, 3, 442, 535, 536, 730

role in defence of Tobruk, 118

in Battleaxe, 256, 277-8, 281-4

on Egyptian frontier, 358, 360, 365

in Crusader, 426, 429, 430, 441, 450, 452-3, 455, 466, 468, 473, 479-80, 482, 485, 495, 500, 511-12

at Alamein, 542-3, 576, 597, 625-7

in Battle of El Alamein, 643, 655, 658, 664, 675, 678, 684, 732, 737-8, 740

tank strength, 684, 730

8th, 639, 649, 655

10th, at Alamein, 625, 628

in Battle of El Alamein, 664, 673, 677-8, 681-2, 685, 694, 698, 738

tank strength, 684

15th, 678.

–Divisions, Infantry:

1st, 607-8

6th, 3, 65, 115, 121, 142

proposed as relief for 9 Div in Tobruk, 313, 334, 344, 350

arrives Tobruk, 378, 446

at Alamein, 611, 625, 627, 639

in Battle of El Alamein, 655, 658, 664, 674, 678

50th, 312, 536-7, 555, 589, 612n

at Alamein, 542-3, 548, 553

in Battle of El Alamein, 655, 658, 664, 707, 732

51st, 791

at Alamein, 611, 639, 654-5

relations with Australians, 636-7, 747

in Battle of El Alamein, 645, 656-7, 658n, 664, 672-5, 678-9, 680n, 681, 683-4, 692-4, 697-8, 707, 729, 732, 738, 740

70th, in Crusader, 437, 440, 446, 458, 462n, 470, 485, 493, 495, 503, 504n, 507-8, 510-11

earmarked for India-Burma theatre, 528

11th and 12th African, 3

–Brigades, Armoured:

2nd, 608

at Alamein, 567-8, 578

at Ruin Ridge, 589, 592-5

in Battle of El Alamein, 657, 673n, 681, 684, 692n, 707, 729, 731-2, 741

3rd, in Cyrenaica, 15-16, 26, 34-5, 48, 51, 54-5, 58-9, 61, 63, 67, 76, 78, 80, 82, 86-7, 89-90, 94, 98-9, 103, 118

in Tobruk, 119-20, 137, 202, 246, 292, 376

in Battleaxe, 279-80

4th, in Battleaxe, 278, 283-4

in Crusader, 429-30, 436, 440, 443-5, 447-9, 466, 489-91, 499-502, 506-7, 512

defeat of, 535

at Alamein, 550

4th Light, at Alamein, 589, 625

in Battle of, 645, 647, 730, 738

4th/22nd, 482

7th, 366

in Battleaxe, 283-4

in Crusader, 436, 440, 443-4, 446-50

8th, at Alamein, 625-7

in Battle of, 673, 677, 679, 681-4, 687, 707, 729, 733, 738, 741.

9th, in Battle of El Alamein, 657, 673, 678-80, 682, 684-5, 687, 707, 729, 731-2

tank states, 684, 730

22nd, in Crusader, 429, 436, 440, 442, 444, 447-50, 462, 466

at Alamein, 551, 567, 625-6, 684, 741

23rd, 660n

arrives ME, 577

at Alamein, 578, 626, 628

in Battle of El Alamein, 645, 650, 655, 657, 698, 702-3, 738

tank states, 684, 730

24th, in Battle of El Alamein, 683-4, 686.

2nd Armd Div Sup Gp, in Cyrenaica, 9, 15, 31-2, 46, 48-52, 54-5, 58, 60-3, 67, 78, 80, 86-7, 90, 95, 97

in Tobruk, 101, 119-20

7th Armd Div Sup Gp, 9, 42, 63, 79, 447-8, 466, 512

in defence of Tobruk, 118, 120, 125, 128-9

on Egyptian frontier, 132, 136, 142, 144, 171, 187, 358, 360

in Brevity operation, 245,254

in Battleaxe, 278, 283-4

in Crusader, 440, 444, 446, 449-50, 492, 499, 507.

1st Army Tank, 496, 588

in Crusader, 426, 430, 455, 464

at Alamein, 542, 566, 577-8, 593, 650

Australians praise, 599.

32nd Army Tank, at Tobruk, 376, 391, 397

in Crusader, 441, 450, 457, 464, 470, 486, 496, 502, 509, 512

at Alamein, 542

–Brigades, Infantry:

14th Inf, relieves 20 Brigade at Tobruk, 397

in Crusader, 496, 503

16th Inf, 141

at Tobruk, 375, 378, 385-6, 395, 397

in Crusader, 469, 496, 503, 508.

22nd Guards, 116, 121, 533

on Egyptian frontier, 135-6, 141, 172, 179, 358, 364

in Brevity, 254-5

in Battleaxe, 281

in Crusader, 426, 430, 453, 492, 506.

23rd Inf, at Tobruk, 397

in Crusader, 438, 496, 504, 509

32nd Inf, 508

69th Inf, in Ruin Ridge attack, 589, 592-5

132nd Inf, at Alamein, 625, 629

133rd Inf, at Alamein, 678, 697, 732

150th Inf, 546

151st Inf, at Alamein, 707, 729-30, 732, 740

152nd Inf, at Alamein, 699, 707, 729-30

153rd Inf, 732

2nd Motor, 657

7th Motor, at Alamein, 625, 693, 696, 707, 729, 732-3

–Regiments, Armoured:

3 Hussars, 15, 32-3, 48, 52, 54-6, 61-2, 76, 90, 98

at Tobruk, 120, 132n, 170-1, 211, 280, 334-5

at Alamein, 731

5 Hussars, at Tobruk, 170

7 Hussars, 121, 134

8 Hussars, 816

in Crusader, 443, 449, 487

11 Hussars, 59, 79, 100n, 108, 113, 119, 132

on Egyptian frontier, 142, 144, 179

in Crusader, 507

1 King’s Dragoon Guards, 15

on Cyrenaican frontier, 17, 20, 27-8, 33, 35-6, 38-9, 47-9

in Cyrenaican withdrawal, 50, 52, 54, 56, 60-3, 66, 80, 82, 85, 90, 95, 97-8, 121

in Tobruk, 119-20, 125, 127, 137, 271, 334-5, 402

in Battleaxe, 280

in Crusader, 440, 443, 462n, 466, 500, 507

The Queen’s Bays, at Alamein, 673, 683-4

The Royal Dragoons, at Alamein, 731, 733, 738

1 RTR, 79, 113

in Tobruk, 119-20, 129, 133-4, 151-2, 168, 171, 211-12, 214, 331

in Battleaxe, 280

in Crusader, 460, 469

2 RTR, 254

3 RTR, in Crusader, 443-4

at Alamein, 681

4 RTR, at Tobruk, 122, 170, 376, 392-4

in Brevity, 254, 256n

on Egyptian frontier, 274-5

in Battleaxe, 281

in Crusader, 439-40, 459-60, 467, 469-70, 474, 476, 492, 502

5 RTR, in Cyrenaica, 15, 32, 47-9, 52, 54-6, 58, 60-2, 76, 86, 87n, 89n, 90, 95, 96n, 99

in Tobruk, 120, 137

in Crusader, 443-4, 487

6 RTR, in Cyrenaica, 15, 33, 48, 52, 54-5, 58-62, 67, 76, 86, 90-1, 99n, 100

in Tobruk, 137

in Crusader, 446

at Alamein, 563

7 RTR, in Tobruk, 167, 170-1, 174-5, 211, 214-16, 394

in Battleaxe, 280-1, 283

in Crusader, 438, 440, 458-9, 469

8 RTR, in Crusader, 455, 457, 468, 488, 490

at Tel el Eisa, 570

in Battle of El Alamein, 730

40 RTR

in Bulimba operation, 630, 632-3

in Battle of El Alamein, 658-60, 670, 680-1, 703, 708, 721-2, 736

42 RTR, 457

44 RTR, in Crusader, 457, 461, 462n, 463, 468, 476, 488, 490

at Tel el Eisa, 557, 563, 569-70

in Ruin Ridge attack, 572-3

46 RTR, in Battle of El Alamein, 699, 702-3

50 RTR

in Ruin Ridge attack, 578-9, 586-9, 593-4, 596

placed under command 9 Div, 603

in Battle of El Alamein, 730, 732

Royal Wiltshire Yeo, 731

Staffordshire Yeo, 682-3

Warwickshire Yeo, 731

–Regiments, Artillery

part played in defence of Tobruk, 400

strength in Crusader, 429

4 AA Bde, at Tobruk, 397, 409-10

14 Lt AA Regt, 113, 273n

37 Lt AA Regt, 36

40 Lt AA Bty, 411

102 Anti-Tk Regt, 366

149 Anti-Tk Regt, 375

1 Fd Regt, 368

8 Fd Regt, 134, 187, 357

25 Fd Regt, 357.31 Fd Regt, 499

51 Fd Regt

in Cyrenaica, 15, 31-2, 41, 78-9, 95, 101, 109

at Er Regima, 69-71, 74, 76

in Tobruk, 119, 122, 127, 161-2, 165, 168-9, 175, 199-200, 202-5, 207-8, 210, 213-14, 229, 250, 252, 261, 265, 267, 294, 320, 334, 340

107 Fd Regt, 388

144 Fd Regt, 375

7 Medium Regt

in Crusader, 429

at Tel el Eisa, 558, 563

in Bulimba, 630

in Battle of El Alamein, 658, 678

64 Medium Regt, 658


in Cyrenaica, 15, 31, 38, 48, 52, 55, 60-1, 62n, 67, 75n, 78, 87, 95, 97, 109, 119, 122

in Tobruk, 126, 128, 132-3, 140-1, 146, 149-53, 156, 161, 178, 181, 191, 207-8, 210-12, 214, 229-31, 239, 246-7, 249, 273n, 279, 294-5, 298, 320, 337, 339, 392, 405, 422, 434

in Crusader, 439-40, 450, 460, 467, 469-70, 474-6, 480-2, 486-7, 492, 496, 512

evacuates Tobruk, 513

at Alamein, 664

3 RHA, 98

in Cyrenaica, 15, 17, 49-50, 67, 84, 100-1, 113

at Mechili, 77, 80, 102-3, 107

in Tobruk, 119-20, 132, 139, 151, 153, 167, 174-5, 201n, 208-9, 230, 375

at Alamein, 554

4 RHA, 113

in Tobruk, 119, 128

104 RHA

in Cyrenaica, 15, 31-2, 48-50, 56, 67, 79, 97, 101

at Mechili, 84, 102-3

in Tobruk, 119, 120n, 132, 151n, 161, 201, 229, 303, 330-1, 368-9, 374, 385, 388

in Crusader, 436, 440, 480n, 482, 496, 504

at Alamein, 664

107 RHA, 79, 113

in Tobruk, 119, 122, 126, 128, 146, 149, 151n, 161, 208, 210, 212, 214, 298, 300, 316, 320, 388, 392

in Crusader, 482

289 Bty, at Alamein, 717, 721-2, 724, 726

66 Mortar Coy, 658


in Cyrenaica, 42

in Tobruk, 300

42 Fd Coy, 520

295 Fd Coy, 59, 93, 669

552 Fd Coy, 93


7/A&SH, 738

1/Bedfs & Herts

in Tobruk, 396-7

in Crusader, 440, 481, 493-4

2/Black Watch

in Tobruk, 378, 397

in Crusader, 438-41, 447

7/Black Watch, at Alamein, 636, 681

2/Border Regt, 396-7

4/Border, in Crusader, 495-7, 502-3, 505, 509

1/Buffs, 512

2/Camerons, 281, 500, 700

Coldstream Guards, 544

2/Coldstream, 187

3/Coldstream, 134, 142, 144, 171-2, 186, 274-5, 366

1/Durham LI, 135-7, 142, 144, 171, 186-7, 254

in Tobruk, 378, 396, 418, 422

in Crusader, 495-7, 503-4, 509

6/Durham LI, 592

E. York R., 592

Essex It., in Crusader, 462n, 467


in Tobruk, 397, 421

in Crusader, 457, 460, 469, 474-5, 477, 480-1, 492, 496, 502

2/Essex, 396

1/Gordons, at Alamein, 670, 680-1

5/Gordon, at Alamein, 670, 738

1/King’s Own YLI, 464

2/King’s Own 386, 395, 438-9


in Cyrenaica, 63-4, 79, 82, 87-8, 93-5, 97-9, 101, 120

on Egyptian frontier, 135, 142

in Crusader, 446


at Tobruk, 386-7

in Crusader, 459, 510


at Tobruk, 386-91, 395,422

in Crusader, 438, 440, 464, 467, 469, 509

2/Rifle Bde, 254, 284, 446, 697

7/Rifle Bde, 680-1, 683


in Cyrenaica, 15, 43, 47, 51n, 59, 64, 88, 95-6, 101, 119, 121

at Er Regima, 69, 75

at Tobruk, 127, 212, 228-9, 231, 257, 320, 397, 405

at Alamein, 546

Scots Guards, 554

2/Scots Guards, 186-7, 254, 283, 362-5

2/Seaforth Highlanders, 732

1/Sherwood Foresters, 626

Sherwood Rangers, 113, 681-2

2/Sussex, 730

5/Sussex, 730

1/Tower Hamlets Rifles

in Cyrenaica 9, 15, 32, 36, 38, 44, 54, 56, 58, 61, 63, 80, 87, 94, 97-8, 99n, 118

at Marsa Brega, 47-51

on Egyptian frontier, 120, 142

2/Yorks & Lancs

at Tobruk, 378, 397, 418

in Crusader, 450, 459.

–Army Air Photograph Interpretation Unit, 643

–Army Air Support Control, 555

–Army Ordnance Corps, 29

–Middle East OCTU, 522-3, 544

–Security Service, 255 FSS Sec, 526

–Service Corps, 14 RASC Coy, 64

–Special Service Brigade (Commando)

in Battleaxe, 279

at Tobruk, 298, 315-16, 332

raid Twin Pimples, 402

–Survey Regiments, 4 Durham, 295

British Broadcasting Corporation, Ion, 111,286, 445, 766, 801

“British Free Corps”, 806

British Government, 1-2, 6, 109, 256, 286-7, 307, 352, 379n, 399, 510, 518, 544, 600, 614

and relief of 9 Div at Tobruk, 305-6, 310, 345, 347, 378-9, 381, 383, 400

proposes dispatch of two Aust divisions from ME to Far East, 516

relations with Egyptian Government, 523-4

and Australian Government’s request for return of forces, 527, 539

future employment of 9 Aust Div, 537-8, 748-9

reinforces Me, 639

and prisoners of war, 770-3, 801

Chiefs Of Staff, 17, 31, 57, 116, 124, 173, 180, 243-4, 275, 286, 295, 309, 341, 352, 399, 527, 534, 601, 605, 706

supply of Tobruk, 297

concentration of AIF in ME, 311

and Auchinleck, 312, 534

relief of 9 Aust Div, 345, 351, 378

proposed employment of Australian forces in Burma, 528

recall of 9 Aust Div, 600, 695

Defence Committee, 244, 352, 534

Dominions Office, 307

War Cabinet, 3-4, 162, 345, 352, 528, 534, 604, 606

War Office, 157, 342, 532, 766-7, 771, 794, 820, 829

British Navy, 39, 146, 159, 161, 163, 274, 277, 296, 330, 513, 639, 762

at Tobruk, 376-7, 398, 411, 416

–Admiralty, 173

–Fleet Air Arm, 367, 417

–Fleets: Eastern Fleet, 754

Mediterranean Fleet, 187

–Flotillas: 10th Destroyer, 414, 417

Western Desert Schooner, 415

–Forces: Force K, 431-2


7th Cruiser, 376

Inshore, 161-2, 164, 369, 377, 409, 413-14, 417

Bromley, Maj L. F., 294

Brooke, General, see Alanbrooke, Field Marshal Viscount

Broomhead, Chaplain Rev E. N., 761n, 763n, 772n

Brough, Sgt E. J., 804-5

Broumane (Sketch p. 517), 515, 517

Brown, Lt-Col A., 236, 331

commands 2/1 Pnr Bn, 228

Brown, Lt C. S., 776

Brown, Lt D. McD., 273

Brown, Capt J. F. S., 740

Brown, AVM Sir Leslie, 33-4, 117

Brown, Maj W. F., 238, 247

Brown, WO1 W. R., 784

Browne, Maj D. S., 105, 107-8

Browning, Maj H. G. M., 103

Brownless, Lt P. P. S., 475n

Brownrigg, Lt C., 315

Bruce, Rt Hon Lord, 695, 749

Brudenell-Woods, Pte B., 804

Bruer, Lt-Col L. G., 246, 262

Bryant, Sir Arthur, 605n, 606n, 608n, 615n, 706n

Bryant, Lt-Col D., 220, 238, 559, 561, 669, 688-90, 714-15

Bu Amud (Map p. 5), 33, 507

Buckingham, Pte E. L., 565

Buckley, Lt J. A. R., 384

Bucknell, Capt E. R., 266-7, 338, 404

Budden, Lt-Col T. R., 49

Budge, Maj W. F. R., 190, 563-4, 566

Bu Dueisa, Wadi (Sketch p. 402), 420

Bulimba Operation, 626, 630-4, 643, 687

Buntine, Lt-Col M. A., 403

Buq Buq (Map p. 13 Sketches pp. 135, 361), 12, 142, 179, 187, 244-5, 358, 363-4

Burg El Arab, 611

Burgess, Cpl J. A., 696

Burma, 381, 528, 608

Burrell, Maj J. R., 71, 73, 288, 701

Burrows, Brig F. A., (Plate p. 364) 68-9, 73-5, 82, 90, 100-1, 242, 266-7, 271-3, 288, 291, 338, 386, 418-19, 421, 423, 424n, 434, 464, 469-71, 475-7, 480-1, 483, 492-4, 519n

commands 2/13 Bn, 16

career of, 71-2

Burston, Maj-Gen Sir Samuel, 309

Butch Outpost (Sketches pp. 302, 439), 374, 386, 438-9, 459, 486

Butler, L-Bdr B. McD., 265

Butler, Lt G. J., 714

Buweibat el Raml, 576


Cahill, Maj N. M., 326

Cairn (Sketches pp. 517, 618), 579, 618, 620

Cairo (Map p. 13), 7-8, 14, 28, 30, 40, 47, 59, 61, 64-5, 85, 109, 113, 115-17, 129, 164, 244, 275, 295-7, 309, 316, 331-3, 342, 345, 368, 377, 424, 455, 495, 501, 514-15, 517, 523, 527, 540, 542, 544, 547, 550, 557, 562, 597, 603-4, 606, 608, 648, 751, 753

Morshead attends conferences in Sep 1941, 348-9

“Cairo flap”, 545

Churchill and Brooke visit Aug 1942, 605

behaviour of Aust leave troops in, 748

Calcaterra, Colonel, 759-60, 766-7

Cameron, WO2 F. M., 690-1, 713

Cameron, Lt-Col R. W., 572, 585

Camouflage, at Tobruk, 186

Campbell, Maj-Gen J. C., VC, 129, 135, 142, 144, 447, 507

Campbell, Gnr M. J. A., 106

Campbell, Sgt N. L., 359

Campbell, Maj W. H., 710, 717

Campo 5 (Map p. 758), 771

Campo 19 (Map p. 758), 766

Campo 52 (Map p. 758), 763

Campo 57 (Map p. 758), 759-60, 765, 767

Campo 59, 761-2

Campo 75 (Map p. 758), 764

Campo 78 (Map p. 758), 757, 764-5

Campo 106 (Map p. 758), 769

Campo Prato, 757

Canty, Capt L. G., 190, 194, 197-200, 202-8, 210, 213

Caple, Lt S. S., 714

Capua (Map p. 758), 756

Capuzzo, Fort (Map p. 13; Sketches pp. 135, 282), 24, 135-7, 144, 179, 186, 188, 245, 254-5, 278, 280-4, 450, 453, 455, 457, 465, 500n, 501

loss of, 144

Capuzzo, Trigh (Sketches pp. 443, 454), 132, 135-6, 279, 301, 441, 445-8, 450, 452, 455-6, 461, 464, 466-8, 473, 482-3, 488-9, 498-9, 504

Carleton, Sgt F. L., 262

Carley, Sergeant, 208

Carlton, Capt W. A., 591

Carmuset Beludeah, 459n

Caro Outpost (Sketch p. 302), 303

Carrier Hill (Sketches pp. 175, 192), 144, 183, 198, 225, 249

raid on, 174-6

Consort, Lt A. B., 670

Carter, Maj A. A. C., 727

Cartledge, Maj D. J., 387-8,

Carvosso, Pte R. W., 221

Casey, Lady, 751

Casey, Rt Hon Lord, 544, 545n, 605-6, 706



at Mechili, 108

at Tobruk, 235, 401n

at Alamein, 601, 693n, 728


at Mechili, 108

in Battle of Alam el Halfa, 630

at Alamein, 693, 742


at Tobruk, 235

in Battle of Alam el Halfa, 629

at Alamein, 705


at Tobruk, 235

in Battle of Alam el Halfa, 630

at Alamein, 705

New Zealand

at Alamein, 693n

Catherall, Capt J. McP., 207

Caucasus, The, 19, 328, 518, 600, 635

Cavallero, General Count Ugo, 328, 512, 557

Cawthorne, Lt C. H., 315

Cemetery Hill (Sketches pp. 16, 31), 39, 48-50

Ceylon, 528, 537-8

Chakdina, British armed merchant cruiser, 513

Chakla, British ship, 190-1

Champ, Lt J. W. K., 795n

Chantala, British armed merchant cruiser, 513

Charlton, Sgt T., 325

Charruba (Sketch p. 83), 78, 80

Cheetah Outposts (Sketch p. 402), 419-20

Cheetham, Capt R. T., 136, 187, 284

Chekka (Sketch p. 522), 526, 823-4, 828

Cheney, Pte L., 236

Cherrington-Hunter, Lt B., 371-2

Chiavari (Map p. 758), 763

Chilton, Lt-Col H. H. M., 68, 272

Chinchen, Sqn-Ldr G. T., 771n

Christie, Capt J. S., 213, 221

Chiustsen, WO2 J. W., 229

Chrystall, Maj-Gen J. I., 748

Churchill, Maj R. F. E. S., 279

Churchill, Rt Hon Sir Winston (plate p. 588) 16, 18, 31n, 40, 100, 109, 125, 242-3, 253, 256, 311, 313, 330n, 342-3, 355, 360, 425, 433, 491, 518, 598, 602, 612, 639n, 640, 695

on withdrawal in Cyrenaica, 57-8, 64-5, 116

message to Wavell on Easter Battle, 162

convoy of tanks to be sent to Wavell, 173

message to Morshead, 235

defence of Crete, 243

and Wavell, 244

on future operations in Me, 275

appoints Auchinleck to replace Wavell, 285

on German invasion of Russia, 287

relief of 9 Div at Tobruk, 305-6, 345, 347-9, 351-2, 378, 380-2, 400

return of 9 Div to Australia, 537-9, 600-1, 749-50

and Auchinleck, 312, 341, 534-5

seeks employment of 7 Aust Div in Burma, 528

visits Washington, 603

at Cairo Conference, 604-5

visits 9 Div, 606

reorganisation of Me Command, 606

Alexander to replace Auchinleck, 607-8

on claims of Morshead for higher command, 613

cables Mr Curtin on part played by 9 Div at Alamein, 696

on Montgomery’s achievements at Alamein, 706

Clapham, Capt A. D., 203-4, 210

Clark, L-Cpl H. P., 262-3

Clarke, Maj K. C., 583-4

Clarke, Lt-Col T. C. A., 702

Clarkson, Pte C. W., 769n

Clifton, Brig G. H., 577

Cloverleaf (Map p. 668 Sketches pp. 618, 739), 620, 666, 708, 739

Cobb, Capt W. W., 616-17, 668

Cocoa Outposts (Sketch p. 402), 402, 419-20

CoLorrz (Map p. 758), 795, 816

Coleman, Col S. T. G., 332

Collins, Maj-Gen R. J., 124n

Colour Patches, Morshead on origin of T-shaped patch, 750-1

Colvin, Lt-Col G. E., 419, 480, 493-4, 496, 504, 686, 701, 703, 747

commands 2/13 Bn, 680

Combs, Capt G. D., 556

Combe, Maj-Gen J. F. B., 59, 92, 116

Coningham, Air Marshal Sir Arthur, 611, 639

Connell, J., 455n, 495n, 500n, 501n, 596n, 598n, 606n

Connor, Maj G. B., 755n

Conroy, Lt-Col T. M. (Plate p. 365), 270

commands 2/32 Bn, 314-15

Convoys: “Tiger”, 173, 180, 256

to Malta, 534

Conway, Capt R. A. E., 317, 320-3, 326-7

Cook, Col F. W., 232

Cook, Lt J. T., 593

Cook, Col T. P., 111-13, 121

Cooma Outpost (Sketch p. 302), 391, 393-4, 421

Cooper, Lt-Col G. D. T., 249-50, 252

Cooper, Cpl H., 789n

Cooper, Cpl R. C., 616-17

Cope, Maj J. F., 36, 38

Copeland, Maj G. F., 717, 722, 726-7

Coppock, Gnr C. G. A., 106

Coppock, Capt H. T., 320-2, 326

Corbett, Lt-Gen T. W., 547, 606

Corinth (Map p. 758), 755n, 764, 773-4, 777

Cortis, Lt J. F., 680-1

Cotman, WO1 A. A. S., 759

Cousins, Sgt H. S., 153

Cowell, WO1 C. M., 102

Cox, Col J. P., 302, 575, 586-8

Cranborne, Rt Hon Viscount, 313, 334, 345

Crawford, Capt A. D., 795n

Crawford, Brig J. W. (Plates pp. 156, 364), 82, 91, 132-3, 141, 147, 149, 153, 288, 340, 385, 387-90, 392-4, 519n

commands 2/17 Bn, 15

career of, 145-6

Creagh, Maj-Gen Sir Michael, 57, 281, 284

Crellin, Col W. W. (Plate p. 365), 238, 240, 314, 317-20

commands 2/43 Bn, 128

Crete (Maps pp. 5, 13), 31, 37, 39, 188, 256, 277, 287, 306, 310, 348, 382, 385, 414, 617, 639, 755-6, 773-5, 779, 787-8

defence of, 243-4

German invasion of, 274-5

Cribb, Maj B. G., 670-1

Croker, Cpl M. O, 248

Cromie, Capt R. C., 570, 583-4

Cronk, Maj R. G., 371-2

Croucher, Dvr C. W., 808n

Crüwell, General Ludwig, 449, 464, 466, 472-4, 483, 490, 497-8, 506

commands Africa Corps, 443

Crummey, L-Cpl W., 177

Crusader Operation, 277, 352, 357, 378, 380-1, 383, 417, 423, 432-3, 533, 542, 559, 732

plans for, 279, 345, 347, 349, 364, 425

opens, 382, 435

the Tobruk garrison’s sortie, 437-41

Eighth Army operations, 441-510

Cub (Sketch p. 439), 438

Cuff, Wadi (Sketch p. 83), 16, 42, 67, 79-80, 85, 94

Cultivate Operation, 417

Cunningham, Admiral of the Fleet Viscount, 39, 161, 274-6, 297, 313, 332, 414-15, 417

estimate of Wavell, 57

and relief of 9 Div at Tobruk, 345, 352, 399-400

Cunningham, General Sir Alan, 347n, 349, 432n, 437, 444, 447-8, 450-4, 744

GOC, East Africa Forces, 39

appointed GOC Eighth Army, 342-3

plans for Crusader operation, 425-9, 433, 437, 442

replaced by General Ritchie, 455

Curren, Sgt W. B., 556

Curtin, Rt Hon John, 612, 696

requests relief of 9 Div at Tobruk, 380-1, 400

seeks return of 9 Div to Australia, 528, 537-9, 695, 746, 748-50

agrees to temporary retention of 9 Div in Me, 600-2

presses claims of General Morshead for higher command, 613-15

Cyprus (Map p. 5), 306, 308, 310, 312, 334, 352, 518n

Cyrenaica (Map p. 13 Sketches pp. 25, 83), 8-10, 12, 16-17, 19, 24, 31, 60, 66, 68, 113-18, 120, 140, 157, 172, 195, 275, 312, 346, 356, 428, 430-1, 452, 455, 502, 518, 534, 623, 755

plans for defence of, 3-4, 6, 26, 29-30, 34-5, 40, 42, 48, 112

strength and disposition of British forces in, 14-15, 27-8

Rommel proposes to re-occupy, 23, 37-8

terrain described, 25-6

shortage of tanks and aircraft in, 32-3

discipline of Australian soldiers in, 44-5

British withdrawal in, 57-60, 85, 87-8, I 11

German thrust into, 80-1, 123

British tank losses in, 100

Axis plans for defence of, 511-12

Cyrene (Map p. 5), 91, 94

Czechoslovakia (Map p. 758), 801, 804, 810-12, 814

Czechoslovakian Battalion, 396, 419-20, 495, 546


Daba, El (Map p. 13 Sketch p. 543), 552, 557-8, 576, 579, 595, 645, 647, 655, 698, 736, 738, 740-1

Daintree, Lt-Col C. M., 272, 420, 480, 494, 703

Dalby Square (Sketch p. 371), 408, 474

raid on, 370-1

captured, 450

loss of, 496

Daley, Sgt D. A., 575

Daly, Lt-Gen T. J., 317-18, 332-3

Damascus (Sketch p. 517), 532, 824

Daniels, Sgt R. G., 165, 176

Darwin, 9, 525, 538, 621

Davidson, L-Cpl A. MacK., 288

Davidson, Maj J. J. G., 585

Dawes, Spr L. J., 101

Dean, Cpl H. J., 573

Deane, Gunner, 208

Decorations, 149n

for garrison at Tobruk, 352-3

Decoy, British destroyer, 237

Deering, Cpl R. T., 210

Defender, British destroyer, 237, 414

De Guingand, Maj-Gen Sir Francis, 109n, 115-16, 545, 598, 608-9, 614n, 640, 678, 682, 686, 707

on role of R. G. Casey in Middle East, 544

appointed Bgs, Eighth Army, 597

Deir el Abyad (Sketch p. 543), 547-8, 576

Deir el Agram, 635

Deir el Dhib (Sketches, pp. 553, 664), 589, 596

Deir el Hamra (Sketch p. 361), 245, 274

Deir el Barra (Sketch p. 543), 736-7

Deir el Munassib (Sketch p. 543), 656

Deir el Murra (Sketch p. 543), 736-7

Deir el Qatani (Sketch p. 628), 656, 736

Deir el Shein (Sketches pp. 543, 568), 543, 548-9, 553, 557, 567-8, 576-8, 625, 644

Deles, Sig W. G., 321, 323, 326

Demolitions, 58-9, 61, 66, 79, 93-4, 100, 300

Dennis, Maj W. J., 366

Dentz, General Henri, 243

Derna (Map p. 13 Sketch p. 83), 8-9, 14, 16, 25-6, 29, 32, 34-5, 41, 44, 54, 57, 63, 77, 79, 85-6, 88-94, 96-100, 111, 118, 120-1, 123, 126, 138n, 145-6, 275, 512, 756, 761

Derna, Wadi, 42, 63, 82, 86

Derna Road (Map p. 220 Sketch p. 176), 96, 112, 125, 127-8, 131, 137, 140, 144, 170, 174, 177, 181-3, 189, 241, 246-7, 250, 269, 271, 280, 297-8, 314, 369, 403, 458, 510

Derrick, Lt T. C., VC, 562, 714-15

De Salts, Lt-Col S. C. F., 97

Diamond Track, 650, 679

Diarbekir (Sketch p. 517), 518

Dieppe, Maj C. I. C., 795n

Digby, WO2 K. N. W., 566

Dill, Field Marshal Sir John, 8, 18, 115-16, 173, 306, 341

and plans for defence of Cyrenaica, 30-1

on appointment of Auchinleck, 285

Dingwall, Lt L. J., 713

Dinning, Maj J. H., 704

Discipline, of 9 Div in Cyrenaica, 43-5, in Syria, 525-6, in Cairo, 748

Diedeide (Sketch p. 517), 519, 529

Dierablous (Sketch p. 517), 520

Doc, 474, 496 see also Dalby Square

Dodds, Lt-Col N. G., 64, 91, 399

Dodecanese Islands (Map p. 5), 3-4, 113, 755n

Donaldson, Cpl G. A., 208

Donnan, Lt R. S., 768n

Dopey, 486 see also Butch

Dora, 826

Dorman, Capt E. A. J. R., 53-4, 105, 107

Dorman-Smith, Maj-Gen E. E., 579, 596-7, 606, 610, 624

Double Bar Track, 650, 679

Doughan, Lt C. A., 690

Douglas, Maj J. A., 257

Douglas, Lt-Col J. S., 168

Draper, Lt J. W., 595

Drew, Brig H. D., 56, 94, 98-100, 120, 171, 246, 487

Drummond, Air Marshal Sir Peter, 297

Dryvynsyde, W. B. S., see Andrews, Pte W.

Duderstadt (Map p. 758), 812-14

Duff, Lt-Cdr D. V., 99n, 111, 415-16

Dulag Kreta, 775

Dunbar, Lt A. E., 141

Dunkirk, 53, 159, 607-8, 612n

Dunn, Cpl E., 92

Dunn, Capt R. L., 720

Dwyer, Pte A. J., 566

Dyer, Lt J., 778


Eacott, Maj D. F., 709, 722

Eagle Corner, see Airente, Fort

Eakins, Maj D. H., 824n

East Africa, 3-4, 244, 256, 342

Eastbourne, 808, 820

Easter, WO2 R. K., 73, 670, 680

Eastick, Brig T. C., 358, 360, 362, 364, 366-7

commands 2/7 Fd Regt, 356

Ed Duda (Map p. 13 Sketches pp. 474, 484), 24, 254-5, 279-80, 283, 303, 430, 436-8, 441, 445-8, 450-2, 455-6, 481-3, 485-8, 490, 501.7, 519n

operations at, 457-63, 466-80

Eden, Rt Hon Sir Anthony, 8, 18, 65, 115, 118

Eden, Col R. A., 84, 102-3, 107-8, 119

Edmonds, Cpl F. E., 207-8

Edmondson, Cpl J. H., VC, 148-9

Edmunds, Maj G. S., 668-9, 690, 714-15

Edmunds, Lt I. G., 620

Egg Feature, 708

Eggleston, F-Lt, F. F. H., 768n

Egypt (Map p. 13 Sketch p. 135), 1, 6, 9, 22-5, 40, 52, 77, 114-18, 121, 124, 137, 139, 144, 146, 156, 158, 169, 172, 186, 235, 244-5, 253, 256, 276, 287, 296, 305-6, 333, 345-6, 353-5, 359, 362, 375, 413, 422, 425, 430, 445, 453, 483, 490, 505, 510, 512, 516, 532, 534-5, 557, 604, 606, 608, 612, 624, 737, 753, 755, 772, 823-4

strength of British Forces in, 3

defence of, 141, 159, 180, 356-8, 605

Axis plans for offensive in, 328-9

relations with Britain, 523-4

9 Aust Div moves to, 540-1

strength of Axis forces in, 655

Eichstatt (Map p. 758), 792-4, 802, 808, 817

El Adem Road (Map p. 220 Sketch p. 126), 127-8, 132, 134, 139-41, 144, 146, 148-52, 181, 191, 205, 209, 214, 217, 237, 247, 269, 301-2, 330, 338, 369, 387-8, 394, 405, 421-2, 431, 496, 510-11

Eland, Pte S., 73

Ellenby, Lt M. R., 405

Elliot Lt T. W., 768n

Ems, Capt C. C., 767

Ems, Capt H. L., 330

Else, S-Sgt A., 616-17

Encounter, British destroyer, 399

Endeavour, British destroyer, 397

Enfeh (Sketch p. 825), 828

Engert, C. van, 530

En Nofilia (Map p. 5), 22, 46, 753


in Cyrenaica, 28-9, 43, 195-6, 534

in Syria, 525

of 9 Div at Alamein, 622


in North Africa, 21, 29

in Crusader, 497

Eritrea, 3-4, 39

Er Regima (Sketches pp. 25, 69), 41-2, 44, 52, 59, 61-4, 67, 76-8, 80-1, 123, 756

loss of, 68-75

Erskine, Maj-Gen Hon I. D., 135-6

Esc Sceleidima (Sketches pp. 25, 83), 25, 27, 55, 58-63, 66, 68n, 77, 81

Etches, Capt G. C., 481

Euphrates River (Sketch p. 517), 519-20

Evans, Pte A. G., 626

Evans, Brig Sir Bernard, (Plate p. 621), 176, 183-4, 203-6, 217, 253, 256-65, 303, 319, 571, 583-4, 702-3, 733-4

commands 2/23 Bn, 163

24 Bde, 727

career of, 252

Evans, Maj G. D., 423n

Evans, Pte G. D., 403

Evans, Sgt L. R., 220

Evans-Pritchard, E. E., 43n

Evatt, Rt Hon H. V., 538-9

Evetts, Lt-Gen J. F., 142-4, 158, 164

Exton, Lt R. D., 632


Fadaous (Sketch p. 825), 824

Fadden, Rt Hon Sir Arthur, 305, 307, 351, 380

becomes Prime Minister, 346-7

Fahey, Capt J. P., 302

Faine, Capt C. R., 93

Fairbairn, Capt M. T., 635

Fairley, Brig Sir Neil, 309

Fallingbostel (Sketch p. 809), 805, 808, 813-14, 816

Fallon, Pte M., 405

Fanshawe, Col G. H., 67, 76, 89, 95

Far East, 431, 510, 516-17, 519, 527, 533

Faregh, Wadi (Sketch p. 16), 39, 48, 50

Farouk, King, 523

Farrell, Lt G. J., 219-20

Fatma, 761-3

Ferrel, Maj M., 265, 294-5, 299, 369, 374

Feldpost 12545, 761-3

Fell, Maj L. A., 91-2, 190-1, 193-4, 197-200, 202-7, 209, 224n

Fergusson, Sir Bernard, 439n

Fergusson, Brig M. A., 519n

Ferres, Cpl H., 478

Fidler, Lt T., 327

Field, Sgt A. E., 752n, 755

Field, Brig J., 231-2, 246-7, 250-2, 280, 298, 302

commands 2/12 Bn, 230

Fielding, Capt A. W., 357, 592, 594

Fig Orchard (Map p. 668 Sketch p. 704), 687-8, 690, 701, 721

Fig Tree Road (Sketch p. 231), 231

Finigan, Lt-Col J. L. T., 721

Finlay, Capt J. T., 409

Fisher, Maj-Gen A. F., 595, 732

Fitzgerald, Pte J., 769n

Flamingo, British sloop, 414

Fleming, Lt-Col E. W., 233

Florina (Map p. 758), 773

Forbes, Maj W., 174-5, 190, 220-1

Forbes Mound (Map p. 220 Sketches pp. 192, 231), 190, 196, 207, 218, 227, 238, 248-50, 252, 271-2, 291, 319, 333, 404

Forwood, Capt K. B., 572

Fourgloss (Sketch p. 517), 532

France (Map p. 758), 1, 9, 17, 20, 53, 91, 172, 267, 286, 603-4

France, Sgt W. L., 373-4, 403

Franco, General, 2, 641

Frankfurt-on-Main (Map p. 758), 783

Franklin, Cpl D., 556

Fraser, Lt-Col K. A., 823

Fraser, Capt T. K., 69, 72, 74-5

Freddie Outpost, 468-9, 504, 506-7

French Army, 23, 60, 520, 525, 764, 765n

1st Free French Bde, 535, 658, 664, 674

2nd Free French Bde, 536

1st Free French Motor Bn, 15, 47-8, 53, 61, 67, 97, 101, 120, 134, 136, 187

French Foreign Legion, 354

French Government, 339

French North Africa, 606, 640-1

Freyberg, Lady, 527

Freyberg, Lt-Gen Lord, VC, 365, 444, 449-50, 456, 458-9, 465, 468, 473, 479-81, 484-7, 489, 498, 500, 512, 515, 527, 578, 610, 629, 655, 663, 693, 700, 753

appointed to command forces in Crete, 244

proposed as commander of Anzac Corps, 307

in Ed Duda operations, 461-3

seeks return of 5 NZ Bde, 467

temporarily commands XIII Corps, 609, 613

experience compared with other British North African commanders, 612n

qualifications for higher command, 614

in Battle of El Alamein, 677-8, 686

placed in command of infantry breakout in Supercharge operation, 707, 729

Fricker, Lt D. C., 233

Fuel, shortages, 67, 80, 270-1, 377

Enemy, 624, 629, 719

Fuka (Map p. 13), 542, 576, 719, 736-8

enemy withdrawal to, 740-1

Fyffe, Capt H. G., 573


Gabr Saleh (Sketches pp. 443, 465), 427, 440, 443, 446, 453, 457, 500n

Gabr Taieb el Esem (Sketches pp. 443, 445), 436,440

Gadd el Ahmar (Sketch p. 83), 77, 89, 102, 245

Gahan, Capt S. M., 259-60

Gairdner, General Sir Charles, 655

Galal (Map p. 13), 741

Galatea, British cruiser, 398

Gallasch, Col A. V., 717, 721

commands 2/3 Pnr Bn, 710

Galvin, Gnr C. J., 105

Gambier-Parry, Maj-Gen M. D., 35-6, 48, 50, 52, 55-60, 62, 67, 80, 85-7, 95, 99n, 103, 106

commands 2 Armd Div, 31

takes command of Mechili garrison, 101-2

captured, 107-8, 117

Gambut (Sketches pp. 442, 456), 278, 281, 432, 448, 457, 462-3, 466, 507-8

Garaet En Nbeidat (Sketch p. 456), 452

Gardiner, Lt G., 184, 259-61

Gargaresc (Map p. 5), 756

Gariboldi, Marshal Italo, 54, 59, 65-6, 80, 328

appointed C-in-C N. Africa, 20

replaced by General Bastico, 329

Gasr el Arid (Sketch p. 456), 466, 499

Gatehouse, Maj-Gen A. H., 449, 479-80, 482, 485, 487-90, 512, 682-4

commands 4 Armd Bde, 444, 10 Armd Div, 655

Gattara, Wadi (Sketches pp. 63, 69), 35, 41, 59-62, 67

Gause, Maj-Gen Alfred, 328, 355

Gavi (Map p. 758), 771

Gaza (Map p. 5), 514, 516, 540, 748

9 Div parade at, 751-2

Gazala, Ain el (Map p. 13 Sketches pp. 25, 83), 14, 24, 29, 32, 41, 43, 57, 75, 77, 86-7, 94, 96, 101, 115, 121, 245, 277n, 278, 430, 464, 507, 509, 511-12, 532-3, 542, 547, 624, 634

loss of, 534-5

Gazzard, Cpl L. H., 212

Geale, Capt F. B., 690

Gebhardt, Maj P., 190, 200-1, 204-9, 218, 224, 303

takes command of 2/24 Bn, 716, 720

Gehrmann, Lt-Col A. S., 78-9, 93-4, 99, 670

commands 2/13 Fd Coy, 634

Geikie, Capt W. B. A., 147, 151

Geissler, Lieut-Colonel, 498-9

Gemmell-Smith, Maj G. A., 96

General Headquarters, Middle East, 27, 34, 44, 58, 79, 138, 145, 164, 180, 241, 244, 286, 295-6, 304, 312, 339, 343, 351, 423-4, 544-5, 547, 597, 609, 640

short of aircraft, 33

estimate of German forces in Libya, 47

policy on Tobruk, 115

and dispersion of AIF, 136, 308

reconstitutes Western Desert Force HQ, 142-3

Brevity operation, 242

Battleaxe operation, 276

and decorations for Tobruk garrison, 353

attitude to training requirements, 357

restricts use of tanks at Tobruk, 376

proposal to move 7 Aust Div to Egypt, 515-16

reorganisation of, 606

instructions to Aust war correspondents, 621n

Geneva Convention, 325, 771, 781, 790, 793

George VI, King, 425, 604

Gerald, Lt-Col J., 530

Geriula, Wadi, 240

German Air Force, 17, 39, 60, 80, 97, 140, 379-80, 383, 431, 496, 560, 624

strength in North Africa, 33-4, 639

attacks Tobruk, 154, 181, 185-6, 189, 337-8, 410-13

in Crete, 274

in Battleaxe operation, 281

attacks hospital ship, 325

strength in Cyrenaica, 346

at Alamein, 552, 626, 725, 736


II, 513

X, 22, 66 , 354-5

German Army, 2, 53-4, 55-8, 116, 256, 274, 309, 328, 353, 527, 533, 607, 700, 736-7

plans participation in North African campaign, 1, 3, 19-21

British estimate of strength and intentions in, 6, 16, 18, 47, 116

first contacts with British in North Africa, 17, 36, 40

reinforces North African theatre, 22, 27, 35

invades Greece, 85

at Tobruk, 133, 145, 148, 171, 174, 269, 433

compared with Australians at, 267-8

relations with Italians, 166, 328

strength in North Africa, 169, 655

in Brevity operation, 254

defeats Battleaxe operation, 278

armoured tactics, 354, 429

strength and dispositions at Alamein, 547, 590, 623, 625

losses at, 742

chivalrous treatment of wounded, 722-7

– High Command (OKH), 1, 2, 17, 23, 169, 179-80, 245, 526n, 623, 809, 814

plans participation in North Africa, 18-19, 37, 46

and Rommel, 21, 222, 327-9, 355, 547

issues directive on North African planning and strategy, 65-6, 329-30

seeks achievement of Axis supremacy in Mediterranean, 431

orders manacling of British PW, 793

–Armoured Army of Africa, 563n, 564, 574, 588, 706

armoured successes at Alamein, 599

supply and equipment of, 623-4

assumes defensive at Alamein, 629, 641

composition, 655

prepares to meet Eighth Army assault, 656

tank strength and losses at Alamein, 685, 730, 732

–Armoured Group Africa, 355, 440n,

formed, 329

–Armies, Sixth, 179

–Corps: Africa Corps (D.A.K.), 37, 53, 248, 429

Rommel appointed to command, 21

naming of, 22

tasks listed by German High Command, 65-6

in Cyrenaica, 83, 85, 87, 109, 140

in operations on Egyptian frontier, 143, 186

withdrawn from, 506

in May battle at Tobruk, 222

in Battleaxe operation, 278

proposed increase in strength of, 329

in Summer Night’s Dream operation, 360

in Crusader, 443, 450, 453, 455, 466, 472, 474, 476, 478, 480, 482-3, 487-8, 490, 498, 507, 512

captures Tobruk, 535

at Alamein, 547-8, 551, 553, 557, 559, 563-4, 567, 571, 577, 596, 625, 627, 706, 723, 730, 736

withdrawal from, 740-1

tank strength at Alamein, 549-50, 624, 639, 737

short of fuel, 624

in Battle of Alam el Halfa, 628, 635, losses in, 629-30

composition of, 655

placed under command of General von Thoma, 656. Xx Corps, 553

–Divisions: 426-7, 430

3rd Armd, 18, 20

7th Armd, 20

15th Armd, 23, 37, 66, 123, 137, 163, 169, 172, 174, 243, 329, 537

at Tobruk, 178, 180, 183, 187, 222-4, 278, 281-4, 431

casualties, 235

in Crusader, 444, 448-9, 453, 464, 466, 468, 473-4, 479-80, 482-3, 489-90, 499

at Alamein, 551, 556-7, 562, 567, 576, 624-5, 627, 655, 679, 698

strength, 623, 685, 705, 730

in Battle of Alam el Halfa, 628-9

21st Armd, in Summer Night’s Dream operation, 360

at Tobruk, 422, 432

in Crusader, 443-4, 447-8, 453, 464, 468, 473-4, 479, 483, 488-90, 498-9, 506

at Mersa Matruh, 537

at Alamein, 556-7, 564-5, 567, 571, 588, 624-5, 627, 655, 675, 698, 719, 725, 728, 731, strength, 576, 623, 685, 705, 730

in Battle of Alam el Halfa, 628

Afrika zbV, 328

at Tobruk, 384, 431, 440, 445

becomes 90th Light Division, 466

5th Lt Motorised, 22-3, 172, 329

formation of, 18

composition and strength, 19-20

in Cyrenaica, 46, 55, 66, 76, 80-1, 103, 122-3

at Tobruk, 128n, 144, 155-6, 180, 222, 269, 278, 280-5

90th Lt, 328, 431

formation of, 466

in Crusader, 469, 483, 489-90, 494, 498-9, 505-6, 511

at Mersa Matruh, 537

at Alamein, 547-9, 553, 557, 571, 574, 576-7, 587-8, 596, 624-5, 655, 675, 698, 705, 707, 719, 723, 725, 728-9, 738-40

strength, 623, 730

in retreat from, 741

164th Inf, 623

at Alamein, 562, 571, 617, 625, 655, 698, 706, 719, 738-9

losses, 705

strength, 730

in retreat from, 741


Ramcke Parachute, 623

at Alamein, 625, 630, 655

in retreat from, 736

–Forces And Groups: Geissler Force, 499

Baade Gp, 567-8, 574

Bach Gp, 274

Boettcher Gp, 481

Briehl Gp, 571, 574, 588, 590, 595-6

Cramer Gp, 274-5

Herff Gp, 186, 245, 254, 274

Kiehl Gp, 562, 590, 674, 679

Kirchheim Gp, 222-4

Knabe Gp, 143-4, 164, 274-5, 448-9, 499

Mickl Gp, 481, 483, 489, 505

Olbrich Gp, 123

Pfeiffer Gp, 723

Prittwitz Gp, 123-4

Reconnaissance Gp, 625

Schwerin Gp, 81, 83-4, 122-3, 137, 144

Streich Gp, 103, 123

Wechmar Gp, 274-5

155th Battle Gp, 698

159th Battle Gp, 698

200th Battle Gp, 698, 705

361st Battle Gp, 698

–Armoured Regiments: at Tobruk, 207-16

5th, 37, 46, 56, 81

at Tobruk, 137, 149-52, 154n, 155, 166, 223-4, 245, 254

in Crusader, 443, 448, 453

at Alamein, 557, 569-71, 574

8th, at Tobruk, 223, 254, 283

in Crusader, 464, 474, 477, 489-90

at Alamein, 567

15th, 675

Panzer Grenadier Regt, 741

125th Panzer Grenadier Regt, 675

–Artillery, 449

Artillery Comd 104 (ARKO), 468

18th AA Regt, 146n, 269

75th Regt, 46

–Infantry Regiments

104th Lorried, at Tobruk, 224, 269, 317

at Alamein, 565, 569-71, 574

115th Lorried, at Tobruk, 267, 269, 317

in Crusader, 474, 489-90

at Alamein, 596, 675, 705

125th, at Alamein, 617-18, 625, 627, 688, 692, 702n, 705, 719, 723, 728-9, 736

155th, in Crusader, 445, 448, 456

at Alamein, 551, 586, 588, 705

200th, in Crusader, 474, 489-90, 596, 719

258th, 384

361st, 354

in Crusader, 445, 448, 452, 455

at Alamein, 574, 588, 590, 596, 625, 698, 710, 719, 723

382nd, at Alamein, 562, 571, 590, 625, 627, 633, 672, 675, 705

433rd, 625

–Units And Battalions

33rd Engineer Bn, 251, 269, 464-5

200th Engineer Bn, 224, 505

900th Engineer Bn, 269, 505

2nd Mg Bn, 46, 81-2

at Tobruk, 223-5, 269

in Crusader, 490

8th Mg Bn, 46, 50, 85, 124

at Tobruk, 146-7, 149, 155, 223, 269

in Crusader, 499, 505

15th Motor Cycle Bn, 187

in Crusader, 490, 498-9

3rd Recce Unit, 38

in Cyrenaica, 46, 55, 65, 80-1, 123-4, 137, 143

at Tobruk, 128

on Egyptian frontier, 164, 187

in Summer Night’s Dream operation, 360

in Crusader, 443, 446, 483

at Alamein, 557, 567, 574, 596, 625, 629

33rd Recce Unit, 245, 498

at Alamein, 557, 567, 571, 574, 590, 596, 625, 629, 655

580th Recce Unit, 723

588th Recce Unit, 655

Kolbeck Bn, 494

German Navy, 398, 431

Germany (Map p. 758), 1-3, 66, 109, 309, 339, 378, 433, 771-4, 777, 795, 814

declares war against Russia, 287

and Turkey, 518-19, 526

exchanges prisoners with the Allies, 801, 805-8

Ghazal (Sketch p. 543), 698, 728, 730, 733, 740

Ghedir Esc Sciomar (Sketch p. 83), 78

Ghemines (Sketch p. 25), 30

Giaida, see Bianca

Gialo (Map p. 13), 24, 46-7, 81, 87, 455

Giarabub (Map p. 13), 8, 24, 31, 37, 43, 47, 53n, 160, 455, 756

Gibraltar, 1-2, 173, 328, 605

Gill, Lt W. G., 105

Gillam, Lt W. J. F., 245

Gillan, Maj H. G., 266, 494, 654n, 692n, 701, 703-4

Gilson, Spr J. F., 580

Giovanni Berta (Sketches pp. 25, 83), 25, 41, 88, 90-1, 93-5, 96n, 98, 100

Glenn, J. G., 559n, 696

Glover, Lt-Col H. J. H., 84, 102

Gnat, British gunboat, 226, 369, 398, 417

Godden, Pte E., 398

Godfrey, Brig A. H. L. (Plates pp. 365, 605), 101, 111-13, 193, 201, 238-9, 270, 280, 297, 301, 313, 315-16, 319-20, 322-4, 326, 370, 374-5, 521, 546, 552, 554, 574-5, 585-6, 588, 592-5, 621, 659, 723-5, 727

commands 24 Bde, 32

career of, 160

Godwin-Austen, General Sir Reade, 429, 444, 447, 449-50, 452, 456, 458-63, 468, 472-3, 479-80, 482, 484-6, 492-3, 495, 498, 500, 507-8, 512

commands XIII Corps, 426

and General Scobie, 457

issues order of the day to Tobruk defenders, 502-3

Goode, Maj P. C. R., 494, 683

Goodfellow, Pte J. T. R., 236

Goodhart, D., 357n, 362n, 364n, 545n, 634n

Goodwin, Brig S. T. W., 294, 300, 320, 340

commands 2/12 Fd Regt, 265

Gordon, Lt-Col J. D., 573

Gorlitz (Map p. 758), 767, 799-801, 808, 811, 812

Gorman, Brig Sir Eugene, 820

Goschen, Maj G. W., 133, 150, 152-4, 178, 210, 440, 475, 486, 513

Gott, Lt-Gen W. H. E., 119-20, 125, 128-9, 131-2, 136-8, 142-4, 157, 179, 186, 243, 253-6, 443, 446, 448, 454, 466, 473, 476, 478-80, 482, 487-9, 500-2, 506-7, 535, 537, 547, 551, 568, 608, 613

commands 7 Armd Div Support Gp, 79, 118

7 Armd Div, 442

temporarily commands XXX Corps, 485

and Godwin-Austen, 512

commands XIII Corps, 536

proposed by Churchill as commander of Eighth Army, 605-7

Goyim, Capt N. S., 703

Gowitm, Earl, VC, 271n, 745, 806

Grace, Col C. H., 146n, 632-3

commands 2/15 Bn, 631, 727

Gradisca, Italian hospital ship, 776, 789

Graham, Lt-Col G. J. 236

Graham, Capt H. T., 420, 434, 475, 478, 480, 482, 492

Graham, Maj-Gen Miles, 614n

Grant, Maj E. C., 556

Gratwick, Pte P. E., VC, 689

Graudenz (Sketch p. 809), 809

Gray, Brig J. R., 550

Gray, Lt R. J., 215

Graziani, Marshal, 20, 36

Greasley, WO2 C. A., 93-4

Greatorex, Capt A. G. W., 667, 690

Greece (Map p. 5), 1-4, 6, 8-9, 14, 17-18, 28, 37, 40, 48, 64, 109-10, 113-16, 124, 138, 141-3, 157, 256, 274, 306-8, 310, 312, 339, 348, 382, 526, 740, 755, 764, 779

German invasion, 39, 85

evacuation of British forces, 173, 180, 187-8, 243

Aust POW escapes, 771-3

Greek Brigade, at Alamein, 664

Green Line (Sketch p. 126), 183, 317

Green Mountain, see Jebel Achdar

Gretton, Capt R. J., 266, 401

Grice, Maj K. J., 710, 717

Griffin, British destroyer, 398

Griffin, Dvr K. H., 808n

Gripsholm, Swedish ship, 805

Grogan, Lt B. B., 768n

Gros, Gnr A. F., 105

Grumpy, 459n, 472

Gruppenstein, 783

Gruppignano (Map p. 758), 759-60, 763, 765-8

Grara, El (Sketch p. 16), 52, 55

Guam, El (Map p. 220; Sketch p. 126), 186, 297, 472

Guest, Lt J. C., 766n

Gurney, Pte A. S., Vc, 582


Habata (Sketch p. 361), 256

Habbaniya, 244, 256

Hackett, L-Sgt C. G., 251

Hadamar (Map p. 758), 768, 814

Hafid Ridge (Sketch p. 282), 278, 281-3

Hagamush Nullah, 141

Hagart, Sgt P. C., 373

Hagfet En Nezha, 502

Haifa (Map p. 5; Sketch p. 517), 514, 531, 541, 748, 751

Haifa–Beirut–Tripoli Railway, 823-9

Haig, Field Marshal Earl, 285-6

Haile Selassie, Emperor, 244

Halder, Colonel-General Franz, 37, 179, 328-9, 355, 432

Halfaya Pass (Sketches pp. 282, 361), 24, 134, 136-7, 142, 164, 171-2, 179, 245, 254, 278, 280, 354-5, 357-8, 362, 364, 395, 453, 500n

operations at, 186-7, 254-6, 274-5, 281-4, 534

Hall, Maj R. J., 403

Hamer, Lt-Col Hon R. J., 635

Hamilton, Lt B. Y., 714

Hamilton, Maj H. P., 265

Hammam, El (Sketch p. 543), 520, 597

Hammelburg (Map p. 758), 783, 795, 805, 808, 811, 814

Hammer, Maj-Gen H. H., 560, 562, 582-4, 661n, 668-70, 679, 687-9, 710-11, 715-16, 721

commands 2/48 Bn, and career of, 558-9

“Hamra Scurry”, 363

Handley, Maj E. A., 68, 71-3, 266, 289-90, 420, 670

Hannaford, Lt R. A., 668

Hannah, Capt J. F., 403

Happy, see Jack Outpost

Harar, 39

Harding, Field Marshal Sir John, 82, 94, 101, 116-17, 121, 737

commands 7 Armd Div, 655

Harding, Capt W. C., 565, 583-4

Hare, Capt A. I., 573, 621, 726

Hard,’ (Sketch p. 520), 521

Harland, Lt-Col L. S., 86, 90

Harland, Maj M., 249, 289, 401

Harman, Corporal, 51n

Harris, L-Sgt E., 668

Harrison, Corporal, 51n

Harrison, Lt A. J., 372

Harrod, Lt E. C., 593-4, 767

Harty, Capt E. P., 667, 669, 690-1, 712, 716

Hasbaya, 532

Hasluck, Rt Hon P., 305n, 352n

Hatch, Maj C. G., 153, 208

Hat Track (Sketch p. 657), 649, 673, 681

Haupt, Maj F. K., 247-8, 250, 405

Hay, Captain, 211, 487

Hayes, L-Sgt C. B., 331

Hayes, Lt E. D. P., 734

Hayman, Capt P. S., 409

Haynes, Sgt R. N., 561

Head, Capt J. M., 321-2, 592

Health, of Tobruk garrison, 292, 309-10, 313, 347-50, 515

Heatley, Capt W. C., 632

Helka, British ship, 270

Heloue (Sketch p. 825), 823

Herff, Colonel von, 164, 179, 187, 255

Heri (Sketch p. 825), 824

Herington, J., 511n

Hero, British destroyer, 399-400, 417

Heslop, Capt R. W., 635

Hetherington, J., 309n

Hewrrr, Sgt G. V., 205, 207, 209

Hickey, Lt M. A., 370

High Position, 363-4

Hill, Maj A. J., 68, 73-5, 272-3

Hill, Cpl J. D., 632

Hill 26, 558

Hill 28, see Trig 29

Hill 33, 564

Hill 69, 367, 511

Hill 187, 166 see also Point 187

Hill 209, 293

see also Ras el Medauuar

Hilmi, schooner, 376-7

Himeimat, see Qaret el Himeimat

Hinds, Sgt Id., 152

Hinson, Cpl J., 559

Hitler, Adolf, 19, 65, 169, 274, 287, 309, 509, 623, 738, 801

plans in 1941, 1-2, 37

and Rommel, 20, 692, 737, 740-1

issues directive on “Plan Orient”, 328

transfers submarines from Atlantic to Mediterranean, 354, 398

naval and air reinforcement of Mediterranean theatre, 431, 506

Hobart, Australian cruiser, 376, 398, 513

Hobson, Lt R. W., 234

Hocking, Sgt I. D., 284

Hodgman, Lt-Col S. T., 390

Hogan, Pte J. S., 583

Hohenfels (Map p. 758), 790n, 793, 796-7, 800, 803, 808, 816-17

Hohmann, German officer, 245, 254

Holding, WO2 F. W., 595

Hollywood Operation, 747

Holmes, Lt-Col D. L., 265

Holmes, Lt E. L., 372

Holmes, Lt-Gen Sir William, 536, 544-5

Homs (Sketch p. 517), 532, 540, 823

Hood, British battle cruiser, 274

Hook, Lt P. R., 260

Hopkins, Harry L., 604

Hore-Ruthven, Capt Hon A. H. P., 61

Hornsby, Capt D. F., 82

Horrocks, Lt-Gen Sir Brian, 614n, 615, 626, 629, 639n, 643, 655

commands XIII Corps, 612-13

on 9 Div at Alamein, 746n

Hotspur, British destroyer, 399

Howard, Capt H. R., 17

Howard, Lt M. A., 795n

Howe, Gnr E., 105

Huggett, Maj G. R., 358, 364, 367

Hughes, Maj-Gen I. T. P., 655

Hughes, Sgt W. T., 581

Huitfeldt, Maj H., 709

Hulse, Lt T., 755n

Humphries, Gnr H. S., 102

Humphries, Cpl W., 620

Hungerford, Pte F. S. G., 769n

Hunt, L-Sgt J. G., 272

Hunter, Lt A., 771

Hutchings, B. L. B., 60n

Hutchinson, Maj J. A., 177-8

Hutchison, Lt-Gen Sir Balfour, 349


Idlib (Sketch p. 517), 516, 521

Ikingi Maryut (Map p. 13), 8

Ile de France, troopship, 753

Imayid, El (Sketch p. 628), 555

India, 286, 537, 607, 639

Indian Army, 4, 6, 39, 243, 278, 286, 318, 350, 352, 453, 535, 760

strength in Tobruk, 159

cooperation with British and Australian troops, 353


4th, 9, 121, 141, 358, 365

in Eritrea, 3, 295

in Battleaxe, 278, 281, 283

in Crusader, 426, 430, 491-2, 498-9, 501, 504-5, 510-12

at Alamein, 655, 664, 694, 699, 732

5th, 3

at Alamein, 542-3, 548-9, 569, 603

in B. of Alam el Halfa, 624

10th, 536

at Mersa Matruh, 537

at Alamein, 542, 548, 554


5th, 664n

in Crusader, 498-9, 512

at Alamein, 567, 738

7th, in Crusader, 450, 457, 510, 512

9th, 366

at Alamein, 543

in B. of Alam el Halfa, 630

11th, 364

in Battleaxe, 283

in Crusader, 500-1, 506

at Alamein, 542

17th, 541

in Crusader, 512

18th, at Alamein, 543, 548-9

3rd Motor, 6, 34, 47, 53-4, 103, 105, 118, 334

at Mechili, 59, 63, 76-7, 83, 87, 102, 119

7th Motor, 543

161st Motor, 577


2nd Royal Lancers, 63

at Mechili, 76-7, 84, 89, 102-8

11th (Pavo) Cavalry, at Mechili, 76-7, 84, 89, 103-5

18th Cavalry, 54, 87

at Mechili, 76-7, 102-4

at El Adem, 119-20

in Tobruk, 125, 128, 131, 170, 176, 178, 183-4, 189, 238, 247-8, 250, 266, 280, 298, 332, 401, 419

relief of, 334-5, 340

commended by Morshead, 335

Central India Horse, 499

–Engineers And Pioneers

Pioneer Coys at Tobruk, 119, 300

4 Fd Sqn, 108


2/7 Gurkha, 536

2/5 Mahratta, 500

Indian Ocean, 528, 600, 754

Ingledew, Major, 79

Ingus, Maj-Gen L. M., 467, 568, 578

commands 4 NZ Bde, 461

Intelligence, British, 17, 21, 47, 172, 183, 454

of Italian and German dispositions at Alamein, 25 Jul, 590

of enemy defences at Alamein, 643-4

German, 432-3

and plans for Battleaxe, 278

at Alamein, 548

Iraq, 243-4, 256, 274, 350, 518-19, 543, 577, 600n, 606

Irvine, Pte W. R., 804

Isascs, Cpl R. A. N., 407

Isaksson, Col O. H., 165, 219, 688

Ismay, General Rt Hon Lord, 173

Italian Air Force, 34, 346, 639

Italian Army, 1-2, 16-17, 31, 40, 66, 161, 419, 533, 736, 765

strength and aims in Tripolitania, 18-19

relations with Rommel, 21-2, 81, 174

at Tobruk, 130-1, 171, 422, 433

relations with German Army, 166, 328

training and equipment, 169

tank strength at Alamein, 577, 639, 685, 705, 730, 732

strength and dispositions at, 590, 625, 655

losses in B. of Alam el Halfa, 630

withdraws from Alamein, 737, losses, 742

–High Command (Commando Supremo), 66, 433;

on advance into Egypt, 169

and supplies for North Africa, 505

and defence of Cyrenaica, 511


X Corps

at Alamein, 549, 553, 557, 574, 655

withdraws, 736

surrenders, 741

XX Corps

at Alamein, 548-9, 625, 655, 737-8

tank strength, 624

XXI Corps, composition and strength, 329

at Tobruk, 431-2

in Crusader, 498

at Alamein, 553, 557, 574, 655, 706

withdraws, 736-7, 740

Mobile Armd Corps, 506

–Divisions: 7th (Toscana), 740

16th (Pistoia), 623, 655

17th (Pavia), 22

at Tobruk, 269, 278, 301, 329, 394

in Crusader, 509

at Alamein, 568, 576, 623, 655

surrenders, 741

25th (Bologna), 22, 623

at Tobruk, 329, 336, 373, 394

in Crusader, 440, 446, 496, 506

at Alamein, 625, 655, 740

27th (Brescia), 22, 80-1, 122-3, 124

at Tobruk, 128, 137, 144, 183, 222-3, 224, 248, 269, 329

in Crusader, 511

at Alamein, 548, 550, 568, 576, 625, 655

surrenders, 741

55th (Savona), 22, 329

60th (Sabratha), 557

at Tel el Eisa, 562, 571

rendered ineffective, 576, 623

101st (Trieste) Motorised, 329, 354

in Crusader, 498, 506

at Alamein, 564, 574, 576, 590, 625, 655, 719, 732, 737

tank strengths, 685, 730

102nd (Trento) Motorised, 19, 66, 123, 172, 186, 188, 245

at Tobruk, 144, 163, 165, 178, 180, 183, 269, 301, 329, 336

in Crusader, 496, 509, 511

at Alamein, 548-9, 557, 590, 625, 655, 692, 706-7, 730, 740

in B. of Alam el Halfa, 630

at Ruin Ridge, 574, 587

132nd (Ariete), 19, 22-3, 65, 81, 103, 122-3, 188, 278, 329

at Tobruk, 144, 155-6, 162-3, 166, 168, 180, 222-5, 235, 269, 301

in Battleaxe, 281, 283

in Crusader, 442-3, 446, 453, 474, 482-3, 489, 498-9, 506

at Alamein, 550, 625, 655, 698, 733, 736-8, 740

tank states, 685, 730

133rd (Littorio)

at Alamein, 554, 557, 625, 655, 675, 679, 692, 705, 736-7

tank states, 685, 730

185th (Folgore), 623

at Alamein, 625, 655

surrenders, 741

Young Fascists Div, 655


Bersaglieri, at Tobruk, 238, 301

at Tel el Eisa, 564

at Alamein, 692

7th Regt, at Alamein, 549, 559, 574

19th Regt, 183

20th Regt, 183

61st Regt, 625

62nd Regt, 165

at Alamein, 625, 670n, 672, 675

132nd Regt, 269

16th Arty Regt, 269

46th Arty Regt, 269

357th Lt AA Regt, 719


X Bersaglieri Bn, 728.

Xi Bersaglieri Bn, 702n, 705.

Fabris Bn, 81, 89, 137

at Tobruk, 176, 178, 183.

Fascist Youth Bn, 500, 506.

Montemurro Unit, 137, 164, 188

Italian Navy, 39, 163, 513

Italy (Map p. 758), 1-2, 66, 506, 526, 639, 753, 756, 799

exchanges prisoners with Britain and Australia, 772


Jacka, Sgt C. R., 576

Jackman, Maj J. J. B., VC, 127

Jack Outpost (Sketches pp. 302, 372), 303, 369, 373-4, 384, 387, 394, 438, 440, 446, 473, 492

see also Normie and Trig 146

Jackson, Brig D. R., 575, 727

Jackson, G. J., see Farrell, Lt G. J.

Jackson, WO1 J. W., 213, 217

Jacoby, Capt P. R., 709

Jagoe, Pte C. H., 757n

James, Lt R. W., 177

Jamison, Pte E. E., 403

Japan, 382, 513, 525, 527, 533, 540, 600

attacks Pearl Harbour, 510

lands forces in Thailand and Malaya, 515-16.

Java, 527-8

Jeanes, Lt-Col M. R., 238-9, 556

Jebel Achdar (Map p. 13; Sketch p. 25), 24-6, 34, 37, 63, 76, 80-1, 111, 123

Jebel Rein Gabir (Sketch p. 553), 565

Jebel Kebir, ship, 415

Jebel Tourbol (Sketch p. 522), 521-2, 529n

Jed Outpost (Sketch p. 302), 303, 369

Jenkins, Pte P. H., 75

Jenkins, Lt W. C., 163, 175

Jerusalem (Map p. 5), 514, 531, 748

Jess, Lt. C. McG., 259

Jezzine (Sketch p. 517), 532

Jill Outpost (Sketches pp. 302, 439), 303, 374, 386, 438-9, 492

Jim Outpost (Sketch p. 302), 331

Jock Columns, 129, 454, 466, 473, 492, 499, 505, 507, 598, 608

Auchinleck on, 501

Montgomery discontinues, 610-11

Jodl, Field Marshal, 433

Johnston, Lt-Col R. L., 358-9

Johnstone, Maj J. A., 372-3

Jones, Captain, 440

Jones, Maj. A. G., 362, 686, 703

Jones, Cpl K. S., 212, 214, 216

Jones, Pte M.E., 233

Jones, Lt R. H., 768n

Jones, Sqn-Ldr R. S., 768n

Joshua, Lt-Col R., 370-2, 408, 709

commands 2/32 Bn, 711

Jounie (Sketch p. 825), 823

Joy, Lt F. N., 164, 726

Joyce, Lt K. D., 702

Jubb, Capt W. H. V., 701

Julis (Map p. 5), 7-8, 514


Kapr Aya (Sketch p. 522), 521-2

Kalmoun (Sketch p. 825), 828

Karapara, British hospital ship, 240

Karlsbad (Sketch p. 809), 812

Kassab (Sketch p. 520), 521

Katma (Sketch p. 520), 521

Kearney, Lt. E. A. J., 713, 716

Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm, 65-6, 328

Kelly, Lt-Col J. L. A., 90, 703-4

Kelly, Lt. M. J., 210

Kelly, Sgt. R. L. F., 105-6

Kennedy, Maj-Gen Sir John, 285, 341n

Kennedy, Sgt M. J., 36

Kennedy, Cpl R. F., 689

Kennel, 365

Keren, 3, 39, 295

Kerkennah Islands (Map p. 5), 163

Kessell, Capt J. S., 717, 722, 726

Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert, 506, 512, 642, 740

appointed C-in-C South, 431

Keys, Capt J. T., 155

Khaid el Dine, schooner, 376

Khamsins, in Cyrenaica, 39

in Tobruk, 125, 129, 185, 188

Khlaisse (Sketch p. 522), 522

Kibby, Sgt. W. H., VC, 669, 715, 728n

Kidney Ridge (Map p. 668; Sketch p. 674), 680n, 683, 692-3, 696-8, 730, 732

Kiley, WO2 H. E., 778

Killis (Sketch p. 520), 521

Kilo 6 (Sketch p. 618), 618

Kilo 8 (Sketch p. 587), 588, 591, 637

Kilo 9 (Sketch p. 587), 588, 591

Kilo 10 (Sketch p. 581), 591

Kilo 89, 12, 514

Kilo 109 (Sketch p. 580), 580-1, 583, 699, 708

Kilo 110 (Map p. 668), 672

Kilo 113 (Map p. 668), 699

Kilo 166.7, 824

Kilo 840, 52

Kimber, Capt D. G., 175, 182, 238, 582

Km Outpost (Sketch p. 126), 386

Kinder, Sgt A. G., 74

King, Fleet Admiral Ernest J., 604

King’s Cross, 330, 464, 536

Kinnane, Lt J., 136-7

Kipling, British destroyer, 349

Kippenberger, Maj-Gen Sir Howard, 547, 550, 568

Kirby, Pte M. N., 421n

Kirchheim, Maj-Gen Heinrich, 123, 210, 222, 224

Kirkland, British ship, 415

Kisch, Brig F. H., 58, 88, 93, 100n, 650

Klein, Brig. B. E., 295, 299

Klopper, Maj-Gen H. B., 535

Knabe, Lieut-Colonel, 137, 164, 172, 179, 498-9

Knave (Sketch p. 520), 521

Knight, WO2 A. H., 152

Knight, WO1 V. H., 565

Knightsbridge (Sketch p. 25), 24, 511, 535

Kokkinia, 775, 789

Kopanski, Maj-Gen Stanislaw, 340, 419-20, 434

commands Polish Carpathian Bde, 339

Kos XXI, British trawler, 376-7

Krems (Sketch p. 809), 812

Krige, Uys, 767n

Kroger, Maj H. J., 768n, 771

Kufra, 23-4, 641


Ladybird, British ship, 240

Laing, Sub-Lt I. H., 415

Lally, Sgt. D. A., 373-4

Lamb, Maj L., 326

Lampson, Rt Hon Sir Miles, 523-4

Lamsdorf (Map p. 758), 788-9, 793, 795-6, 799-800, 802-4, 808, 811-12, 814

Lance, British destroyer, 431

Landing Ground 105, 740

Landshut (Sketch p. 809), 810, 818

Lane, Bombardier, 167, 208

Lang, Gnr D., 785-7

Larkins, Maj G. D., 220

Lassach, 783

Latakia (Sketch p. 520), 516, 521, 529, 531, 541

Latham, Brig H. B., 50-1, 60, 67, 78, 87, 97

commands 2 Armd Div Support Gp, 48

Latona, British minelayer, 343, 399-400, 415, 417

Laud, WO1 H., 249

Lavarack, Lt-Gen Sir John, 113-14,132, 136, 142-5, 151, 160, 307-8

commands 7 Div, 11

appointed to Cyrenaica Command, 109, 115-17

and defence of Tobruk, 118-19, 121-2, 124-5, 129, 138-41

resumes command of 7 Div, and career of, 156-8

commands I Aust Corps, 515

flies to Java, 517, 527

Lawrence, Lt C. H., 460

Lazer, Lt B. L. B., 182

Leach, Sgt G. L., 73

Leach, Maj S. R., 680

Leaflets, at Tobruk, 145, 166, 287-8

at Alamein, 621

Leakey, Lt-Col A. R., 331

Leave, in Palestine, 514

in Syria, 532

before Alamein, 648

Lebanon, The, 516, 519, 530, 532, 823, 826

Leclerc, General Jacques, 23

Ledingham, L-Bdr L. G., 105

Leese, Lt-Gen Sir Oliver, 614-16, 643, 655, 663, 677, 686, 693-5, 699-700, 745-7, 753

experience compared with Morshead’s, 612n

commands XXX Corps, 613, 637

Leeson, Sgt H. T., 404, 574

Legg, Lt F. H., 220, 715

Lesar, S-Sgt. H., 778

Lesbos, British merchant ship, 416

Levings, Capt E. W., 760

Lewin, Maj L. H., 201n

Lewin, Capt R. W., 668

Lewis, WO2 K. T., 713

Libya (Map p. 13), 19-20, 24, 47, 53, 93, 114, 145, 276, 285, 306, 310-11, 328, 434, 526, 608, 623-4

Libyan Omar (Sketch p. 454), 450

Libyan Refugee Battalions, in Tobruk, 119, 159

Liddell Hart, Sir Basil, 22n, 256n, 277n, 281n, 502n, 588n

Liddington Operation, 753

Ligertwood, Capt W. L., 588

LIGHTFOOT Operation, 733

plans and preparations, 644-63

the battle, 665-700

Lindsay, Lt-Col M. J., 28, 36

Lindsey, Cpl B. W. A., 689

Limes, Capt E. H. D., 232

Lion Outpost (Sketch p. 439), 438, 440, 450

Lively, British destroyer, 431

Llewellen Palmer, Lt-Col A. W. A., 271, 402

Lloyd, Maj-Gen C. E. M., 10, 14, 28-9, 32, 43, 63, 82, 160, 193, 195, 200-2, 204, 221, 241, 252, 257, 295-6, 308, 316, 331-3, 544

appointed GSO1 9 Div, 7

career of, 12

Lloyd, Brig J. E. (Plate p. 365), 313-15, 317, 319-20, 322-7, 374

commands 2/28 Bn, 127

career of, 318

Loder-Symonds, Brig R. G., 97, 141, 486, 507

Lomax, Maj-Gen C. E. N., 386, 469

commands 16 British Bde, 375

London, 30, 57, 109, 117, 125, 146, 172-3, 243-4, 275, 277, 295, 306, 312, 334, 342, 399, 539, 596, 603-6, 640, 695-6, 706, 746

Long, G., 3n, 17n, 18n, 31n, 44n, 114n, 306n, 307n, 516n, 519n, 755n, 756n, 771n, 773n, 782n

Longhurst, Lt A. W., 562

Long Range Desert Group, 47, 53, 61, 76, 81, 84, 358

Looting, 44

Loughrey, Lt-Col J., 95, 182, 218-20, 225, 596n, 723-4

Love, Pte P. L., 73

Lovegrove, Capt E. A., 127

Lovett, Lt-Col B. M., 234

Loxton, Maj F. E. C., 233

Lübeck (Sketch p. 809), 777, 780

Luck, L-Cpl H. J., 207

Luckenwalde (Sketch p. 809), 814

Lumby, Capt J. L., 632

Lumsden, Lt-Gen H., 551, 567, 643, 655, 677-8, 678, 682, 693, 700, 732

commands 1 Armd Div, 548

XIII Corps, 608

X Corps, 612

Lyall, WO2, W. K. McK., 323, 594


Maameltein (Sketch p. 825), 823-4, 826, 828

Maaten Bagush, 117, 142, 241

Maaten Belcleibat (Sketch p. 31), 39

Maaten el Baghlia (Sketch p. 16), 52

Maaten Gheizel (Map p. 13; Sketch p. 31), 30, 39, 48

Maaten Giofer (Map p. 13), 36, 49

Macadam, Lt J. A., 229

MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas, 540, 695, 749

arrives in Australia and appointed Supreme Commander SWPA, 538

seeks return of 9 Aust Div, 539, 694, 746, 750

Macarthur-Onslow, Lt-Col E., 669, 688, 699, 727

commands 2/2 Mg Bn and composite force, 659

McCarter, Lt-Col L., 316, 324-5, 592-5

commands 2/28 Bn, 591

McCluskey, Cpl J., 583

McCorquodale, Col D., 15, 60n, 121

McCraith, Capt P. J. D., 53

McCreery, General Sir Richard, 597-8, 615, 706-7

appointed Chief of Staff, ME Comd, 608

McCulloch, Maj E. M., 681

McDermott, Capt D. H., 265, 294, 300

Macdonald, Brig A. L., 27

Macdonald, Capt D. A., 768n

McElroy, Lt R. McL., 153

Macfarlane, Maj A., 227

McHenry, Lt S. C., 320-3, 326

McHenry, WO2 W. R., 616-17

Machine-Guns, 622, 661

Machrhara (Sketch p. 517), 532

McIlrick, WO2 A. A., 594

McIntosh, Bdr R. H., 106

McIntyre, Lt-Col A. E., 630

Mackay, Lt-Gen Sir Iven, 14, 17, 26-7, 44, 308

Mackay, Maj-Gen K., 363-4

McKee, Pte E., 139

Mackell, Lt-Col F. A., 148-50

McKellar, Sgt R. V., 481, 701

Mackenzie, Capt I. S., 690, 713

McKibbin, M. N., 798n, 799n

McKoy, Lt A. N., 583

McLachlan, Sgt H. F., 631

Maclarn, Maj L. C., 246, 389-90, 407

McLaughlin, Sgt R. B., 70

McLeod, Lt E., 713

McMahon, Bdr J. T., 561

McMaster, Capt I. F., 389, 727

McNally, Lt J. S., 153

McNamara, Capt J. F., 560, 667

McRae, Maj E. H., 583

Maddalena (Sketch p. 25), 32, 41, 64, 79, 189, 425

Madden, Lt J. E., 635

Madjlaya (Sketch p. 522), 516-17, 522

Magno, Lt-Col C. K. M., 635, 667, 701

Magrun (Sketches pp. 25, 83), 34, 42, 58-9, 65

Magrun, Wadi, 420

Mair, Lt J. L., 205-6, 210, 212, 768n

Malatya (Sketch p. 517), 518

Malaya, 515-16

Malloch, Lt-Col G. I., 205-7, 221, 237, 257-60, 264

Malta (Map p. 5), 1, 163, 330, 431, 533-4, 640

Mann, Brig J., 93, 94n, 99, 138n, 146

Manning, L-Sgt A. R., 592

Marada (Map p. 13), 18, 22-3, 27, 36, 39, 47, 53

Maras (Sketch p. 517), 518

Maraua (Sketches pp. 25, 83), 33, 63-4, 68, 76, 80, 82, 86-7, 89-92, 94, 100n

Marble Arch (Map p. 5), 22, 753

Marburg (Map p. 758), 773, 780-1, 795-6, 805

Mardin (Sketch p. 517), 518

Maria Giovanni, schooner, 376-7, 415-16, 451

Marienburg (Sketch p. 809), 809

Markt Pongau (Sketch p. 809), 799, 818

Marlan, Col R. F., 15, 93, 95-6

Marsa Brega (Map p. 13 Sketch p. 16), 14-16, 23, 25-7, 29-30, 32, 34-9, 46-8, 52-3, 109, 118

German attack on, 49-51

Marshall, General of the Army George C., 604

Martin, Brig E. O., 96, 397, 437, 463

Martin, Maj G. G. F., 249

Martin, Capt J. B., 338, 511

Martin, Brig J. E. G., 113, 231, 236-7, 267, 280

commands 2/9 Bn, 230

Martin, T. A., 460n, 475n

Martuba (Sketches pp. 25, 83), 34, 41, 88, 90-4, 96, 100

Maryut, Lake (Sketch p. 546), 546

Masab Mountains, 518

Masel, Brig P., 128n, 238, 374, 407, 576n, 579n, 591, 595n, 724n

Mason, Maj G. H., 97-8, 120

Mason, W. Wynne, 781n, 789n

Matthew, Lt-Col A. G. (Plate p. 365), 203, 374, 385

Matthews, Cpl A. E., 817n

Maughan, Lt-Col D. W. B., 471, 493, 703

Maxwell, Brig A. H., 352

May, Captain, 210

Mechili (Map p. 13; Sketches pp. 25, 83), 25, 34, 47, 59, 63, 67, 80-1, 83, 109, 115-16, 118-24, 128, 135, 137, 145, 176, 275, 401n, 512-13, 756

importance of, 76

area described, 77

operations at, 84-108

Mediterranean Sea (Map p. 5), 1-2, 24, 173, 180, 188, 274, 277, 287, 350, 354, 398, 417, 431, 513

Medway, British submarine depot ship, 416

Meggitt, Lt N. P., 300

Meidan Ekbes (Sketch p. 520), 520-1

Meighan, Lt R. D., 191

Mellenthin, General F. W. von, 550, 562 , 623, 628n 630

Menastir, 464, 507

Menzies, Rt Hon Sir Robert, 235, 312, 346-7

seeks concentration of AIF in ME, 306, 308, 311

proposes formation of Anzac Corps, 307

requests relief of 9 Div, 313, 345

Menzies, Lt R. W. J., 693

Merdjayoun (Sketch p. 517), 532

Mersa el Magrun (Sketch p. 402), 420

Mersa Matruh (Map p. 13; Sketch p. 135), 12, 24, 29, 32, 100n, 115-16, 120-1, 125, 134-5, 141-3, 158, 164, 171-2, 190, 237, 271, 306, 343, 358-9, 365, 375-6, 414, 416, 536-7, 548, 571, 580, 655, 735n, 741-2, 747

strength and disposition of British forces at, 356

defences, 357

Mersa Pescara (Sketch p. 402), 420

Messervy, General Sir Frank, 283-4, 359, 498, 500-1

commands 4 Indian Div, 281

Middle East, 1-4, 19, 100, 115, 157, 163, 173, 188, 222, 275, 286, 307, 328, 343, 364, 375, 381, 431, 433, 455, 516, 518, 529-30, 532, 537-40, 544, 601, 604, 612, 641, 665, 695-6, 753

reorganisation of AIF in, 6, 9

concentration of Australian forces in, 256, 306-11

strength of AIF in, 527, 600

American supplies for, 342

reinforcement of, 352, 639

forces sent to Far Eastern theatre, 533

British strategy in, 605

appointment to higher commands in, 613, 615

Aust Govt seeks return of 9 Div from, 749-50

Middle East Supply Centre, 544

Miles, Maj C. G., 275

Miles, Brig R., 484-6

Millett, Lt J. R., 795n

Mina, El (Sketch p. 825), 824, 828

Mines, at Tobruk, 137, 168, 180-1, 185, 189, 208, 211-12, 224, 227-8, 231, 272, 303-4, 338, 386

at Alamein, 575, 599, 642-4, 650-2, 661, 666-70, 673

Minocks, Capt J. W. N., 627, 734

Minqar Qaim (Map p. 13), 537, 547

Miranda, storeship, 293, 414

Misurata (Map p. 5), 21, 756

Miteiriya Ridge (Sketches pp. 543, 587), 542, 558, 563, 566, 578, 604, 624, 644-5, 699

operations at, 586-90, 673, 675, 677-8, 680-4

Mitford, Col E. C., 47, 53, 81, 84

Mollard, Maj K. F., 565, 581-2, 667, 690, 715

Monaghan, Brig R. F., 171

Monaghan, Cpl S. C. H., 619

Monk, L-Cpl R. J., 315

Monotti, Capt F. R., 563

Monson, Ronald, 638

Montezemolo, Lt-Col Guiseppe, 505

Montgomery, Field Marshal Viscount (Plate p. 604), 11, 286, 357, 544, 551, 605, 615-16, 624, 626, 628, 641, 650, 660, 677, 684-7, 694-5, 697, 700, 732-3, 737-8

appointed to command Eighth Army, and career of, 606-7

Brooke’s appraisal of, 607-8

assumes command of Eighth Army, 609

visits 9 Aust Div, 610-11, 693, 745

experience compared to Morshead’s, 612n

views on appointment of, Dominion officers to higher command, 613-14

on need for CO’s to regularly assemble units, 621-2

policy at Alamein, 625

Rommel’s impression of, 629

conduct of Alam el Halfa Battle examined, 634-5

appoints Leese to command XXX Corps, 637

wins confidence of Eighth Army, 638

agrees to Alexander’s choice of date for Alamein offensive, 640

plans for battle, 642-7, 656, 676, 698-700

orders training to begin, 653

briefs Eighth Army commanders, 662-3

orders for 25th October, 678

clashes with Gatehouse, 682-3

criticised by Churchill, 706

plans new break-out thrust, 707

orders for Supercharge operation, 729

achievements compared with Auchinleck’s, 744-5

Moodie, Maj R. O. K. T., 99

Moon Track (Sketch p. 657), 649, 673

Moore, Lt G. Md., 672

Moosburg (Map p. 758), 768, 785, 795, 799, 811-12, 814, 816-18

Morale, of Tobruk garrison, 111, 171, 286, 292, 316, 350

of 9 Div in Syria, 530

Morish, Lt J. C., 768n

Morley, Pte E. Ai W., 769n

Morphett, Maj H. C., 219

Morrice, Pte A. O., 73

Morris, Lt F. W., 635

Morris, L-Cpl J. A., 617

Morrison, Capt W. G., 259-64, 315

Morshead, Lt-Gen Sir Leslie (Plates pp. 108, 396, 588, 604), 14, 16-17, 59, 77, 82, 91-3, 109, 111-12, 117, 124, 127, 129, 132, 136-7, 143, 145, 162, 179, 190, 192-3, 200-2, 204-5, 240, 253, 261-3, 272, 277n, 288, 295-6, 308, 335, 338, 376, 389-90, 399, 409-10, 419, 424, 437, 515, 517, 532, 545-6, 554, 557, 586-7, 589, 593-5, 602, 615, 617, 622n, 625, 633, 636, 655, 661, 680, 682, 687, 693-6, 699-700, 703, 708, 720, 723, 725, 733-4, 736, 747-8

appointed GOC 9 Div, 8, 10

career of, 11-12

in defence of Cyrenaica, 27-32, 35, 41-2, 63-4, 67-8, 72, 79-80, 85-90, 94-5, 101

and conduct of Aust troops in Cyrenaica, 43-5

appointed fortress commander at Tobruk, 119, 142, 146, 157-8

orders attempt to rescue Neame and O’Connor, 121

in defence of Tobruk, 122, 150-1, 159-60, 164, 166-7, 170-1, 174, 180-1, 183, 188, 191n, 195, 211, 214, 217-18, 220-1, 226-7, 230, 234-5, 237, 401

tactics, 536

protests at withdrawal of air support at Tobruk, 184-5, 241

policy of aggressive patrolling, 237-8, 242, 298

and Brevity operation, 245, 248

on defence of perimeter posts, 251-2

on fuel shortage, 270-1

and plans for Battleaxe operation, 279

directly responsible to GHQ, ME, 286

seeks reinforcements, 297

on health of Tobruk garrison, 309

plans operations in Salient, 313-17, 331-3

orders analysis of enemy shelling, 336

and Polish Bde, 340

attends Cairo conferences, 348-9, 377

relief of 9 Div, 351, 359

decorations for Tobruk garrison, 352-3

use of tanks at Tobruk, 376

orders recapture of Bir el Azazi (Plonk), 391

farewell visits to non-Australian units, 396-7

leaves Tobruk, 397

decorated by Polish Govt, 514

on need for training in Syria, 524-5, 530

appointed GOC AIF (ME), 527

allotted task of defending Cairo sector of Nile Delta, 544

objects to piecemeal employment of 9 Div, 551-2

on appointment of Ramsden to command XXX Corps, 555-6

issues orders for capture of Tel el Eisa, 558

protests to Auchinleck about employment of 20 Bde, 569

critical of tasks allotted to 9 Div for Ruin Ridge–Tel el Eisa attacks, 579

on development of divisional “battle cunning”, 590

on state of mind of HQ Eighth Army, 598

seeks reinforcement of 9 Div, 600-1

visited by Churchill at Alamein, 606

expresses regret at Auchinleck’s removal from command, 607

temporarily commands XXX Corps, 609. 637

on Montgomery, 610

claims for appointment to higher command, 612-16

complains to Alexander regarding attempts to suppress publicity about 9 Div, 621n

confidence and affection of 9 Div, 638, 746

expounds plan to CO’s, 662

opposes Leese’s wish to advance zero hour, 663

letter to his wife on eve of battle, 665

his plan of attack for 27 Oct examined, 698-9

orders for 30-31 Oct attack, 708-9

visited by Alexander and Montgomery, 745

cables Aust Govt that 9 Div would return to Aust, 749

on T colour patch, 750-1

at 9 Div parade at Gaza, 752

visits Eighth Army, 753

death, 754

Moulds, Maj W. J., 92

Mreir, El (Sketch p. 568), 550, 577

Msus (Sketches pp. 25, 83), 25-6, 34, 42, 48, 53-4, 60-3, 65-6, 76-8, 80-2, 85-7, 103, 123

Mubarik Tomb (Sketch p. 553), 569

Mud and Blood, 287

Muffett, Sgt A. J., 566

Mulgrue, Lt G. E., 84, 563

Muller, Lt-Col D. O., 138n

Munassib Depression (Sketch p. 628), 658, 684

Munckton, Pte M. L., 616-17

Munday, William, 638

Munich (Map p. 758), 778, 786-7

Munro, Lt-Col E. E., 76, 83, 102-4, 106, 757

commands 2/3 A-Tk Regt, 54

Munro, Maj N. J., 366

Murphy, Sgt J. T., 817

Murphy, W. E., 452n, 459n, 462n 488n, 489n, 497n

Murray, Maj E. D., 575

Murray, Maj-Gen J. 3. (Plates pp. 108, 364), 11-12, 14-15, 17, 23, 30, 41, 68, 72, 121, 133, 149, 205, 211, 217, 221, 228, 236, 241, 266 ,270-3, 288, 297-8, 314, 375, 385-6, 388, 390, 392-4, 397, 399, 418, 422, 424n, 514, 519n

commands 20 Bde, 10

career of, 160

Musaid (Sketches pp. 135, 282), 135, 142, 144, 187 255, 278, 283, 450, 453

Mussolini, Benito, 19, 557, 737, 741


Nahas Pasha, 523-4

Nahr Antelias (Sketch p. 825), 826

Nahr Barid (Sketch p. 522), 521

Nahr el Asfour (Sketch p. 825), 827

Nahr el Djouz (Sketch p. 825), 827

Nahr el Fgal (Sketch p. 825), 827

Nahr el Fidar (Sketch p. 825), 827

Nahr el Kalta (Sketch p. 825), 827

Nahr el Kelb (Sketch p. 825), 826, 829

Nahr el Mott (Sketch p. 825), 826

Nahr Ibrahim (Sketch p. 825), 827

Nahr Naccache (Sketch p. 825), 826

Nahr Sene, 531

Napier, Australian destroyer, 417

Naqb Abu Dweis (Sketch p. 543), 542-3, 549, 566

Natrun, Wadi, 368

Neame, Lt-Gen Sir Philip, VC, 14, 30-1, 35, 37, 49, 57, 113, 115, 118

takes over Cyrenaica Command, and career of, 9

in defence of Cyrenaica, 34, 40, 42, 46-7, 51-2, 55, 62, 67-8, 76-82, 85-7, 90, 112

on behaviour of Australian troops, 43-5

O’Connor nominated to succeed, 58-9

captured, 92, 94, 116-17

Nehl, Maj W. B., 77, 104

Nehring, Lieut-General, 564, 567-9, 574, 627

Nelson, Lt F. R., 713

Nelson, Pte J. C., 769n

Neptune, British cruiser, 376

Neuendorf, Capt K. O., 259n, 570

Neuendorf, Capt T. O., 259, 570n

Neumann-Silkow, Maj-Gen Walther, 466, 473, 483, 490, 498-9, 501, 504, 506-7

commands 15 Armd Div, 281-2

Newbery, Brig J. C., 726

Newcomb, Maj S. P., 290

New Guinea, 601-2, 695

Newron, Lt R., 620

New Zealand, 399

American proposal to send another division to, 537

New Zealand Army, 4, 523, 760


1st, 543n

2nd, 311, 365, 426, 451, 494, 498, 536, 651

in Egypt, 3

in Anzac Corps, 307

in Crusader operation, 429-30, 444, 450, 452-6, 458-64, 466-74, 478-91, 497

achievements in, 499

in Syria, 515, 529

at Minstar Qaim, 537, 547

renamed, 543

at Alamein, 548-50, 554, 557, 567, 577, 603, 609, 612n, 614, 653

losses at Ruweisat, 568, 578

in Battle of Alam el Halfa, 624-6, 628-9

in Battle of El Alamein, 645, 655-7, 664, 673, 675, 679, 682-3, 686, 693, 697-700, 707, 729, 731-2, 737-8

losses, 693

3rd, 543n

4th, 543n

5th, 543n

6th, 543n

–Cavalry Regiment, 678, 683-4


in Crusader, 493

6th Fd Regt, in Crusader, 486, 490

–Infantry Brigades

4th, in Crusader, 456-7, 460-1, 467

at Alamein, 550, 554, 567, 568

5th, 455

in Crusader, 457, 464, 467, 498-9, 506, 510, 512

at Alamein, 550, 567, 625

in Battle of Alam el Halfa, 629, 657

6th, in Crusader, 449-50, 452, 455-7, 459, 461, 483, 487-9

in Syria, 526n

at Alamein, 543, 577, 657

in Battle of Alam el Halfa, 629

–Infantry Battalions: 18th, in Crusader, 468, 486-7, 490, 493, 496, 502-3

19th, in Crusader, 461, 462n, 463, 467, 469-70, 472, 478, 480-3, 488, 492

at Alamein, 550

20th, in Crusader, 490

21st, in Crusader, 461

22nd, m Crusader, 464, 498

at Alamein, 567

23rd, in Crusader, 453, 465

24th, in Crusader, 452, 455, 461, 468, 483

25th, in Crusader, 452, 455, 461, 483, 488

26th, in Crusader, 452, 461, 468, 483

28th (Maori)

in Crusader, 453, 512

at Alamein, 729-30, 736

New Zealand Government

formation of Anzac Corps, 307

protests at repeated supersession of Freyberg, 614

and prisoners of war in Germany, 793

Nicholls, Maj H. W., 402-3

Nicholls, Maj-Gen J. S., 480, 492-3, 501

commands 50 Brit Div, 655

Nieuw Amsterdam, troopship, 753-4

Nile Delta (Map p. 13), 115, 295, 514-15, 542, 545-6, 554, 557, 596, 641

defence of, 544

Nile River (Map p. 13), 142, 546, 623

Nino Bixio, Italian freighter, 763-4

Nixon-Smith, Lt A. F., 237n

Nixon’s Post (Sketches pp. 273, 290), 237, 249, 272-3, 288, 291

Nizam, Australian destroyer, 343, 398, 417

Noble, WO2 E. A., 168, 220-1

Norman, Brig C. H. B., 202, 204, 207, 596n

Normie Outpost (Sketch p. 302), 303, 330, 369

see also Jack Outpost and Trig 146

Norrie, Lt-Gen Lord, 428, 430, 433, 442, 447, 448, 450, 453-4, 473, 479-80, 482, 484, 489-91, 499-502, 505, 507-8, 511-12, 536, 554-5, 552

commands XXX Corps, 426

views on outcome of Alamein, 547

Norrie, Lt E. F. G., 671

North, Maj S. C. F., 701

North Africa (Map p. 13), 1-3, 16-17, 22, 109, 114, 125, 150, 161, 188, 378, 382, 455, 494, 506, 510, 516, 540, 603, 609, 662-3, 706, 742, 756

German reinforcement of, 18-21

terrain described, 24-5

German directive on strategy in, 65-6

strength of German forces, 169

German and British tank strengths, 172-3

Rommel reports to German High Command on situation, 179

reorganisation of Axis command structure, 328-9

Axis supply and reinforcement, 354-5, 431

Allied decision to mount invasion, 604

opposing air force strengths at Alamein, 639

strength of Axis forces, 655

Northcott, General Sir John, 8n

North Point (Sketch p. 361), 355, 358, 361, 365-6

Norton, Capt E. O., 619

Norton-Knight, Sgt G. O., 764n

Norton-Knight, Bdr M. O., 764n

Norton-Knight, Gnr O. P., 764n

Noyes, Capt W. H., 233-4

Nuremberg (Map p. 758), 810-11, 814-15


Oakley, Maj A. W., 190

O’Brien, Pte J. P., 716

O’Carroll, Brig W. C. L., 460, 474, 492, 501

O’Connor, Lt C. A., 671

O’Connor, General Sir Richard, 57, 61-2, 67-8, 76, 79, 81, 86-7, 89, 94

on discipline of Australian soldiers, 44

appointed to Cyrenaica Command, 58-9

captured, 92, 116-18

O’Dea, Lt L. H., 134

Oflags (Map p. 758):

IVC, 795, 816

VA, 768, 802, 816

VB, 779-80

VIB, 790-2, 804

VIIB, 792-51 808, 817

IXA/H, 791-2, 815

IXA/Z, 792, 815

XC, 780

XIIB, 768, 814

XXIB, 792

79, 802

Ogilvie, L-Cpl K. R., 93n

Ogle, Lt-Col R. W. G. (Plate p. 364), 112, 268, 289, 291, 314, 406, 541, 616, 630-2

commands 2/15 Bn, 288

Olbrich, Lt-Col Dr Friedrich, 81, 83, 103, 137, 155-6

O’Mara, Capt M. J., 585

Omars, The (Sketch p. 454), 453, 491, 493

see also Sidi Omar, Libyan Omar

Oranje, Australian hospital ship, 801

Osborn, Maj G. S., 229-30

Overall, Lt-Col J. W., 99, 146, 320, 632

Owens, Maj G., 718, 720-1

Oxalic Line, 656, 675, 677-81, 683-4, 692, 697, 746

Oxley-Boyle, Brig R. F. C., 504, 508


Pacific Theatre, 537, 540, 601

Pacific War Council, 528

Page, Rt Hon Sir Earle, 528

Palestine (Map p. 5), 6-10, 16, 28, 32, 111, 113-14, 116, 120, 135, 190, 244, 292, 308, 311, 339, 346, 366-8, 511, 515-16, 518-19, 532, 600n, 606, 751, 823-4

9 Aust Div arrives in, 514

Palmer, Lt A. B., 415

Parker, Lt J. A., 786

Parramatta, Australian sloop, 414, 417, 513

Pass of Balmaha, British ship, 271, 377, 413-17

Pasteur, French ship, 791

Paterson, Lt H. B., 421n

Paterson, L-Cpl J. L., 764n

Paton, Gnr R., 769n

Pat Outpost (Sketch p. 302), 303

Patrick, Sgt R. A., 406

Patrols, at Tobruk, 137-8, 147, 183-4, 237-8, 267, 288, 298-9, 301, 303, 314-15, 338-9, 370, 387, 391, 401

at Alamein, 617-21, 635-6, 734-5

German, at Tobruk, 384

at Alamein, 636

Paul, Lt E. A., 768n

Paulus, Field Marshal Friedrich von, 179, 222, 224, 245, 327

Payne, Lt L. J., 327

Pearl Harbour, 510, 513, 515, 639n

Peck, Lt J. D., 769

Peek, Maj A. E. de L., 88, 149, 154, 249

Penelope, British cruiser, 431

Perkins, Lt S. A., 734

Perry, Maj W. H., 257, 259-62, 264

Persia, 518-19, 606

Petain, Marshal, 339

Peter, King, of Yugoslavia, 39

Peterson, Capt H. A., 72, 74-5, 768n, 771

Petherick, Lt-Col W. G., 98

Pfeiffer, Major, 723

Phillips, C. E. Lucas, 685n, 694n

Phillipson, Maj E. C., 362

Phoebe, British cruiser, 343

Pickup, Pte V. G., 617

Pienaar, Maj-Gen D. H., 479, 482, 484, 558, 655, 663

commands 1 South African Bde, 453

1 South African Div, 547

Pierson Bound, 656, 678, 682-4

Pilastrino, Fort (Map p. 220 Sketches pp. 126, 147), 122, 127, 140, 148, 151, 161, 192, 202, 212, 214-15, 217, 222, 236, 246, 269, 337, 399, 418, 420, 423-4, 431, 451, 463

Pinkney, Lt E. M., 703

Pirie Street, 219

Pitman, Maj C. G., 147

Plan Orient, 328

Plant, Maj-Gen E. C. P., 10, 32

Plait, General Sir William, 39

Playfair, Maj-Gen I. S. O., 255n, 256n, 277n, 352n, 623n

Playground (Sketch p. 361), 358, 361, 365-6

Playoust, Capt R. A., 777, 784

Plonk, see Bir el Azazi

Poidevin, Sgt G. G., 212

Point 5, 626

Point 11, see Barrel Hill

Point 17, 618, 637

Point 19 (Sketch p. 361), 362

Point 20 (Sketch p. 361), 362

Point 21, 564, 579

Point 22 (Tobruk Sketch p. 402), 395

Point 22 (Tel el Eisa Sketch p. 691), 691

Point 23 (Tel el Eisa Map p. 668, Sketch p. 560), 558-9, 577

Point 23 (Makh Khad Ridge Map p. 668, Sketches pp. 618, 631), 620, 626, 630-3, 636-7, 644, 658, 687

Point 24 (Map p. 668 Sketches pp. 570, 580), 558, 561, 563-6, 570-1, 576, 578, 580, 582-6, 610, 669, 679

Point 25 (Map p. 668 Sketch p. 580), 616-17 see also Ring Contour 25 and Baillieu’s Bluff

Point 26 (Map p. 668 Sketch p. 560), 558-60, 566, 603

Point 27 (Map p. 668 Sketch p. 691), 589

Point 29 (Sketch p. 691), 683

Point 30 (Sketch p. 587), 594

Point 32 (Tobruk Sketch p. 402), 395

Point 32 (Alamein Map p. 668), 680, 729

Point 46, 729

Point 71 (Sketch p. 553), 556

Point 132 (Sketch p. 628), 629

Point 144 (Sketch p. 407), 407

Point 156, 510

Point 157, 509

Point 162 (Ed Duda), 462

Point 162 (Bir el Azazi), 509

Point 171 (Sketch p. 218), 212

Point 175 (Sketches pp. 445, 484), 445, 448, 452, 455, 457, 473, 479-86, 498, 507

Point 178, 213

Point 179 (Sketch p. 218), 213

Point 180 (Sketch p. 218), 224

Point 182 (Sketch p. 218), 224

Point 187 (Sketch p. 218), 209, 213, 224

Point 206 (Sketch p. 282), 245, 278, 281-2

Point 207, 367 Point 208 (Sketch p. 282), 278, 282

Point 209 (Sketch p. 175), 203, 209, 219

Poland (Map p. 758), 20, 53, 792, 796, 805, 809-10, 814, 819

Poland, Vice-Admiral Sir Albert, 117, 413

Polish Army, 3, 110, 141, 161n, 419

Cavalry Regiment, 332, 340, 386, 395, 418-19, 510

1st Carpathian Brigade, at Tobruk, 312-13, 332, 334, 341, 345, 348, 386, 397, 418, 421-2, 435-6, 438, 451, 458-9, 495-6, 512, 546

history of 339-40

Polish Officers’ Legion, 339, 418-19, 423-4


1st, 335, 341, 438

2nd, 340

3rd, 340, 438

Polish Government, 312, 339, 514

Pollok, Lt-Col J. A., 325

Ponath, Lieut-Colonel, 85, 91, 95, 122-4, 127, 146

Pope, Maj H. W., 671, 696, 714n

Pope, Lt-Gen V. V., 342, 426

Port Moresby, 601-2

Posts, at Tobruk (Map p. 220 Sketches pp. 126, 147, 192), 130-1, 210, 251

K62, 511

R, 210

R1, 198, 209-10, 224, 230, 233

R2, 167, 204, 210, 212, 233, 319

R3, 182, 201, 210, 212, 225, 233

R4, 205, 210, 212, 216, 233, 319

R5, 182, 199-201, 212, 214-15, 217, 224-5, 233-4, 316, 318-19

R6, 208, 212, 214-16, 225-6, 233-4, 316, 318-19

R7, 212, 214, 216, 225-6. 229, 233-4, 316-19, 324-5

R8, 208, 214-16, 225, 229, 233-4, 249, 291

R9, 203, 205, 214-16, 229, 319

R10, 214, 216, 228-30

R11, 148, 215-16

R12, 215, 228

R14, 211, 215-16, 225, 228, 231, 234, 236

R17, 510

R19, 112

R21, 148, 405

R23, 405

R27, 148, 405

R29, 148, 405

R30, 146

R31, 132

R32, 133, 141, 148, 150, 205

R33, 133, 141, 147-9

R34, 496

R35, 139, 141, 146, 496

R37, 497

R39, 246

R40, 510

R41, 149-50, 405-6

R43, 246, 405, 407

R47, 421

R51, 421

R52, 301

R53, 301-2, 407, 422

R55, 301

R57, 301

R59, 132, 497

R63, 132, 407, 422

R65, 408, 422

R67, 408

R69, 371, 408, 469

R71, 407

S1, 182, 209-10

S2, 209-10, 224n

S3, 182, 201, 209-10, 218, 223

S4, 199, 210, 224, 257, 259-62, 264, 319

S5, 198, 201, 209-10, 231, 257, 261

S6, 204, 210, 217, 231-2, 252, 257, 259-64, 315-19, 321, 326-7, 333

S7, 198, 209-10, 213, 217-18, 223, 225, 231-2, 249-50, 251n, 252, 257, 259-64, 315-16, 318-20, 322-3, 325-7, 331-3, 419, 759n

S8, 208, 213-14, 221, 226, 237, 248, 250-3, 256-7, 262-4, 266, 271-3, 291, 319, 321, 326

S9, 208, 213-14, 221, 237, 248, 251-2, 256-8, 262-4, 319, 322-3

S10, 213-14, 217, 219, 221, 248-52, 262, 264, 271-3, 322-3

S11, 189, 213-14, 221, 250-1, 259-60, 403

S11A, 213-14, 251

S12, 322

S13, 213, 238, 250-1, 322

S14, 213

S15, 247, 250, 403

S17, 127

S19, 247, 403

S21, 271, 402

S27, 271

S33, 420

Z80, 201

Z101, 409

Potter, WO2 A. K., 372-3

Potter, Maj J. D., 689-90

Pound, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Dudley, 173

Pratt, Lt L. J., 238-9

Press, The, 621n

Priddis, Capt K. W., 592

Prisoners of War, Allied, taken in capture of Tobruk, 535

exchange of, 805-8

Australian, in Battle of El Alamein, 742

losses in ME, Greece and Crete campaigns, 755-6

experiences of, 755-822

Enemy, at Tobruk, 159, 296

evacuated from, 344

in Crusader operation, 441, 469

captured at Ed Duda, 478

taken by 9 Div at Alamein, 742n

Pritchett, Maj T. K. D., 49

Prittwitz und Gaffron, Maj-Gen Heinrich von 123-4, 127-8, 137

Propaganda, German, 740, 806-7

Provan, Capt W. R., 216

Pryor, Capt W. E., 582, 584


Qalala (Sketch p. 282), 278

Qaraoun (Sketch p. 517), 532

Qaret el Abd (Sketch p. 664), 562, 736

Qaret el Himeimat (Sketches pp. 628, 664), 625, 629, 643-5, 648, 656, 658, 674

Qaret el Reteim (Sketch p. 282), 245

Qassasin (Map p. 13), 753

Qastina (Map p. 5), 748

Qattara, Bab el (Sketches pp. 543, 553), 542-3, 548-9, 737

Qattara Box (Sketch p. 543), 542, 548, 550, 554, 557

Qattara Depression (Map p. 13), 24, 542, 624

Qattara Track (Sketch p. 587), 571n, 573-5, 590, 618, 636-7

Queen Elizabeth, British battleship, 513

Queen Mary, British troopship, 538, 753-4

Queen of Bermuda, British armed merchant cruiser, 753

Queen Outpost, 504, 509

Quinn, Lt R. B., 324-5


Raeder, Grand Admiral Erich, 1, 354

Rahman Track (Sketch p. 733), 731-2, 736, 738

Railways, construction in Syria, 823-9

Rainier, Maj P. W., 648n

Rajendrasinhji, General Maharaj Shri, 63, 77, 103, 104n, 105, 107-8

Raju (Sketch p. 520), 520, 529

Ralph, Maj. M. R., 358-9, 362-3, 365

Raml Ridge, 24

Ramsay, Maj-Gen Sir Alan, (Plate p. 621), 357-60, 558, 708, 751

CRA 9 Div, 356

career of, 571

proposed by Morshead as his successor, 615

Ramsden, Lt-Gen W. H. C. (Plate p. 589), 557-8, 586, 589, 598, 605, 612n, 637

appointed to command XXX Corps, 555, 612

relations with Morshead, 556, 579, 614

replaced as GOC XXX Corps, 606, 613

temporarily commands Eighth Army, 609

Ranford, Sgt R. F. G., 714

Ras Abu el Guam, (Sketch p. 664), 645

Ras Bayada (Sketch p. 517), 823

Ras el Medauuar (Map p. 220 Sketches pp. 218, 291), 125, 127, 129, 144, 162-3, 165, 167-9, 174, 178, 181-3, 185, 189, 191-2, 194-5, 198-9, 201-2, 206-8, 211-15, 217-19, 222, 228-30, 248-9, 257-8, 264, 274, 280, 291, 316-18, 333, 409, 421, 755

area described, 196-7

loss of, 209-10, 223-6

recaptured, 510

Rashid Au, 243-4, 274

Ras Naqoura (Sketch p. 517), 823

Rations, at Tobruk, 237, 377-8

in German POW camps, 774, 776-7, 779-80, 785, 796

Rattray, Maj R., 79, 176-8

Ravenstein, Maj-Gen Johann von, 364, 453, 473, 479, 513

commands 21 Armd Div, 443

Raward, Cpl L. V., 403

Rayak (Sketch p. 517), 540, 823

Rayner, Bdr V. A., 84, 105

Reardon, Sgt J. D., 371-2

Red Cross, 240, 266, 323, 529, 757, 760, 765, 766n, 774, 776-82, 784, 786, 788-9, 790n, 791-2, 794-7, 800-1, 803-4, 807, 810-16, 818-19, 821-2

International Committee of, 763, 771, 772n, 774, 781-2, 784-5, 787, 791, 793-4, 796, 803, 808, 811, 813, 817

Red Line (Tobruk Sketch p. 126), 121, 181, 183

Red Line (Alamein), 658

Reid, Lt A. L., 257, 298, 405-6

Reid, Capt G. T., 390, 392-3

Reid, Capt W. R., 715

Reinforcements, 639

Australian, at Tobruk, 304

for 9 Div at Alamein, 600-1, 661-2

Rennison, Maj A. C., 136. 187, 254n, 284-5

Rhodes (Map p. 5), 65, 115, 769

Rhodesian Battery, see 289 Bty RA

Rhodi, ship 415

Richards, Lt E. J., 302,734

Richards, Maj-Gen G. W., 599, 702

commands 1 Tk Bde, 588

23 Armd Bde, 650, 655

Riebeling, Cpl E. C., 321

Rigel Ridge, 24

Rigg, Capt C. G., 260n

Rimington, Brig R. G. W., 48, 52, 60, 62-3, 66-7, 86-7, 94-5, 98-9

commands 3 Armd Bde, 15

Ring Contour 25 (Map p. 668 Sketch p. 580), 578, 580-1, 583, 728n, 729

see also Point 25 and Baillieu’s Bluff

Ring Contour 45, 732

Rintelen, General Enno von, 21, 624

Risson, Maj-Gen R. J. H., 92, 138n, 727

Ritchie, General Sir Neil, 349, 467, 472-3, 478-80, 493, 495, 498-501, 505, 507, 534-5, 744

relations with Morshead, 352

appointed GOC Eighth Army, 455

plans for Crusader operation, 491-2

relieved of command, 536

Roach, Maj W. G., 93

Robbins, Sgt L. S., 74

Robbins, Capt P., 219-21, 668-9, 688-9, 714-15

Roberts, Maj T. L., 359

Robinson, Maj C. H., 460

Robinson, WO2 D. S., 73

Robinson, Lt K. E., 154

Rocknest, 91

Rodriguez, Lt-Col T. A., 686

Roffey, Lt G. C. de F., 785, 801n, 817

Rogers, Maj A. L., 360, 366

Rome (Map p. 758), 21, 65-6, 433, 497, 512

Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin (Plate p. 109), 25, 45, 47, 50, 54, 59, 83-4, 101, 117, 134, 137, 141, 148, 164, 166, 168-9, 178, 181, 187, 212, 216, 221, 235, 245, 255, 269-70, 277, 288, 301, 303, 335, 357, 369, 374, 413, 426-8, 440, 443, 446-7, 457, 464-6, 472, 474, 478-80, 483, 488, 490-1, 493-4, 499-502, 504, 507, 536-7, 540, 542, 545, 547, 549-50, 552-3, 556-7, 562, 564, 566-9, 571, 574, 577, 578n, 600n, 605, 607-9, 611, 616, 626-7, 640-3, 646, 663, 670n, 697-8, 702n, 705-6, 710, 725, 728, 732, 744, 749, 754

appointed to command German forces in North Africa, 18-19

career of, 20-1

plans offensive defence, 22-3

plans operations in Cyrenaica, 37-8, 80-1

plans capture of Marsa Brega, 46, El Agheila, 55, Mechili, 85, 89, 102-4

relations with General Gariboldi, 65-6

on rules of desert warfare, 108

tactics in Cyrenaica, 110

reorganises German and Italian forces, 122-3

orders encirclement of Tobruk, 124, plans for capture, 143, 162-3, 174, 222, 329-30, 382, 430-3, 442, 444-5

comments on Easter battle, 155-6

Egyptian frontier operations, 172, 186, 453

seeks reinforcements, 179-80

on Australian soldiers at Tobruk, 210

in May 1941 battle, 223-5

his estimate of Wavell, 243

on British tanks, 253

on Brevity operation, 256

in Battleaxe operation, 283-4

and Axis High Command, 328, 355

Summer Night’s Dream operation, 353-4, 360-2, 364

orders attack on Sidi Rezegh airfield, 448-9

tactics in Crusader, 454-5

and General Bastico, 497, 511-12

plans eastward advance, 498

decides to withdraw from Tobruk and Egyptian frontier, 505-6

launches counter-attack in Cyrenaica, 534-5

orders attack at Alamein, 547-8, on 9 Div at Tel el Eisa, 565

on failure of Xxx Corps attack, 596

plans renewed offensive, 622-5

his estimate of Montgomery, 629

hands over command to Stumme, 656

returns to Africa to take command at El Alamein, 692

orders attack on 9 Aust Div sector 30-31 Oct, 719, 723

decides to withdraw from Alamein, 736, 738

Hitler’s “victory or death” message, 737

orders general withdrawal to Fuka, 740-1

Roosevelt, President Franklin D., 528, 602-4, 639, 694-5, 745

and Churchill, 313, 341-2

employment of 9 Aust Div, 537-8, 749-50

Rose, Capt G. H., 251

Rosel, Capt J. S., 203-4, 213-14, 217

Rosevear, Maj H. G. M., 718, 720-2

Ross, L-Sgt N. D., 321, 323

Rotenburg (Sketch p. 809), 792, 815

Rowley, Lt T., 17, 756

Rudd, Bdr G. T., 153, 208

Ruin Ridge (Sketch p. 587), 321n, 572-3, 579, 599, 618, 634, 636n, 723, 755, 764n

attacks on, 586-94

casualties, 595

Morshead’s views on factors contributing to failure, 598

see also Miteiriya Ridge

Rule, Capt E. D., 127, 407, 592

Rundle, Pte H. R., 236

Ruses, in Cyrenaica, 37

at Alamein, 648-9, 671

Russell, Capt N. H., 298, 405

Russia, 1-2, 19, 37, 274, 309, 312, 328, 340, 346, 378, 381, 506, 510, 518, 527, 605, 788, 790n, 819

Germany declares war on, 287

Churchill visits, 612

Ruweisat Ridge (Sketches pp. 553, 568), 542-3, 548, 550-1, 553-5, 557, 564-5, 603, 624, 626-7, 630, 656

operations at, 566-8, 571, 576-8

Ryan, Spr C., 93


Sagan (Map p. 758), 800, 803, 812

Salient (Sketch p. 290), 230-1, 238, 246, 248-50, 255, 263-7, 273-4, 278, 288, 291, 301, 313, 323, 332-4, 338, 384, 386, 400, 403-4, 422, 435

reliefs in, 236-7, 270-1, 290, 297-8, 327

Morshead plans offensive action, 241-2

strength and disposition of enemy forces in, 269

health and living conditions of units, 292

enemy lays mines, 303

Australian patrols, 314-15

attacks on posts, 316-17, 320, 324-5

plans to strengthen defences, 418-19

Salmond, J. B., 637n

Salonika (Maps pp. 5, 758), 755n, 773-81, 783-4, 788-9

Salt, Maj D. C. M., 246, 474-5

Salum (Map p. 13; Sketches pp. 135, 282), 24, 31, 98n, 117, 120-1, 134-7, 142, 145, 163, 166, 172, 179, 187-8, 242-3, 245, 254-6, 275-6, 278, 283, 312, 424n, 426-8, 453, 457, 491, 493, 497, 626, 761

occupied by enemy, 144, 164

naval bombardment of, 398-9

captured, 534

Salum Fort, 137

Salum Pass (Sketch p. 135), 135-7, 256

Salvation Army, 287

Salvia, British corvette, 513

Salzburg (Sketch p. 809), 778, 781, 818-19

Samos, British merchant ship, 417

Sanderson, Capt R. G., 627, 670-1

Sandys, Rt Hon Duncan, 804

Sanju (Sketch p. 520), 520

Saucer, 711, 716-18, 721-5, 727, 733, 736, 739, 746

Savige, Lt-Gen Sir Stanley, 14-15, 23

Sayers, Sgt W. F. R., 778

Scanlon, Lt J. O., 186-7, 254, 284

Schmidt, H. W., 144n, 148n, 178n

Schmundt, Col I. G., 19

Scholfield, Gnr J. W., 152

Schorm, Lieutenant, 154n

Schrader, Capt C. L., 359

Schubin (Map p. 758), 792

Schulz, Lieutenant, 84

Schwebel, Gnr A. H., 722

Schwerin, Lt-Col Graf von, 81, 83-4, 137

Sciafsciuf (Sketch p. 484), 479

Scobie, Lt-Gen Sir Ronald (Plate p. 396), 418-19, 424, 437, 441, 444-5, 447-8, 450-1, 456, 460-1, 464-5, 468-70, 472-3, 479-82, 485-7, 491, 493, 495, 501-2, 504, 506-7, 510-11

takes command of Tobruk fortress, 397

plans for attack on Ed Duda, 457-9

and Freyberg, 462-3

Scoggins, Capt D. W. R., 249

Scorpion Operation, 274

Scott, Lt A. R., 262

Scott, Brig T. H., 202

Scoullar, J. L., 515n, 526n, 550n, 551n, 567n, 578n

Scrimgeour, Lt D. W., 295

Seabee, Pte H. S., 95-6

Searle, Capt J. E., 478

Seaview Outpost, 391

Seekamp, Lt A. H., 405

Sehel, Wadi (Map p. 220; Sketches pp. 126, 402), 111, 126, 129, 146, 170, 184, 189, 238, 247, 297-8, 369, 386, 395, 402, 418-19, 435, 451

Senussi, Tim, 43, 47, 61, 75, 146, 296, 344

Serle, Maj R. P., 41, 197, 203-5, 663n, 667

Sghifet el Adem, 407

Shanahan, Capt M. S., 135-7

Sharp, Capt F., 104, 768n

Sharp, Gnr K. W., 768n

Shatt, El, 753

Shave, Lt-Col L. K., 92

Sheehan, Maj W. J., 228

Sheferzen, 457

Sheldrick, Lt G. A., 259-62, 264

Shelton, Lt J. T., 199, 203, 206-7

Shillaker, Capt R. S., 562, 584, 669, 688-90, 714-15

Shipping, 140, 276, 431, 539n

Axis, 431, 623

Shipton, Col E. A., 49

Shunten, merchant ship, 513

Sicily (Map p. 5), 1, 22, 34, 753, 763

Sidi Abd el Rahman (Sketch p. 543), 561, 626, 630, 696, 698, 700, 705, 707, 719, 723, 725, 728-30, 736-7, 740, 746

Sidi Azeiz (Sketch p. 135), 179, 254-5, 453, 464, 499-500

Sins Barrani (Map p. 13 Sketch p. 135), 135, 144, 172, 179, 187, 245, 297, 355-6, 362-5, 414

Sidi Belgassem (Map p. 220), 238

Sidi Bishr (Map p. 13), 545

Sims Brahim (Sketch p. 83), 59-61

Sidi Bu Amud, 464, 466

Sidi Haneish (Map p. 13), 747

Sidi Mahmud (Sketch p. 126), 161

Sidi Omar (Sketches pp. 135, 454), 187, 283, 285, 354-5, 367, 426-7, 444, 455, 499, 500n, 505

captured, 450

Sidi Rezegh (Map p. 13 Sketches pp. 443, 446, 449), 24, 427, 490-1, 498-500, 505

operations at, 430, 436, 441-50, 452-3, 456-63, 466-74, 479, 482-5, 487-8

Sidi Suleiman (Sketches pp. 135, 282), 187, 245, 274, 284-5

Siekmann, Capt D. C., 315, 324-5

Sikorski, General Wladyslaw, 312, 423, 514

Silesia, 788, 799-800, 803, 809, 812

Simmons, Sgt R. E., 70-1, 73

Sinner, Brig K. N., 823-4

Simpson, Capt A. M., 36, 38

Simpson, Maj B., 591

Simpson, Maj-Gen C. H., 28

Simpson, Maj-Gen N. W., 667, 680, 704

commands 2/17 Bn, 519n, 616

Sirry Pasha, 523

Sirte (Map p. 5), 21-3

Sirte, Gulf Of (Map p. 13), 25

Siwa Oasis, 24, 358, 364, 655

Skene, Sgt W. P., 797n

Skipworth, Pte G. S., 323n

Skudd 3, Norwegian whaler, 337

Slater, Maj-Gen J. N. (Plate p. 108), 161, 181, 185-6, 409-11

Slaughter, Capt S. R., 635

Slessor, Kenneth, 638

Slinn, Capt G. J. S., 210

Slonta (Sketch p. 83), 79-80, 85, 94-5, 96n

Smith, Lt-Gen Sir Arthur, 34, 138, 143-4, 167, 308, 331, 455, 495, 500n, 501, 507

Smith, Capt F. M., 161, 188

Smith, Lt-Col J. S., 820n

Smith, Lt-Col J. W., 99, 146

Smuts, Field Marshal Rt Hon J. C., 604-6, 706

Snell, Maj H. W., 561, 563

Snell, Maj L., 631-3

Sneezy, 459n, 470

Snipe, 693, 697, 732

Snowwhite, 495n, 508

Sofafi (Sketches pp. 135, 361), 142, 172, 179, 245, 358, 361, 363, 365

Solaro, Fort, (Map p. 220) 399, 431

Smoot (Sketch p. 25), 30, 39, 59, 81

Sophie, ship, 415

South Africa, 4, 415, 527, 639

historians’ comments on British tactics in Crusader, 429

South African Air Force, 414

No. 3 Wing, 640

South African Army, 4, 311, 523, 535, 547


1st, 3, 356-7

in Crusader, 426, 429-30, 433, 436-7, 441, 444, 446

at Alamein, 536, 542, 547-50, 557-8, 562-3, 565, 572, 577-8, 589, 593, 595n, 603, 612, 636-7, 645, 655-8, 664, 673, 675, 687, 694, 697, 699, 732

2nd, in Crusader, 492, 499, 505, 507

at Alamein, 542-3.


4 Armd Car Regt, 358, 361

4th/6th Regt, 733, 738

–Artillery: 4 Fd Regt, 358

–Engineers: in Syria, 823-4, 828

–Infantry: Brigades

1st, in Crusader, 467-8, 472-3, 479-86, 488, 490, 492, 500

in Battle of Alam el Halfa, 630. 2nd, 628

3rd, at Alamein, 543, 548

5th, in Crusader, 446, 448-50, 452-3, 455-6, 458, 496

South-West Pacific Area, 527, 538, 540, 601-2, 749

Spangenberg (Map p. 758), 791-2, 815

Spavin, Pte J. L., 176

Spears’ Mission, 526, 531

Spender, Hon Sir Percy, 8n, 114, 306, 308-9, 334, 345n, 348

Spier, Maj P. E., 32, 41, 79, 182, 197, 260-1

Spittal (Map p. 758), 767, 781, 796, 799, 804-5

Spooner, Pte A. D., 74

Spowers, Col A., 190, 196-206, 209, 21415, 217, 227, 301-4, 560.1, 563

commands 2/24 Bn, and career of, 189

Sproule, Pte I. H. St. G., 769n

Square Track, 650, 679

Squires, Lt-Gen E. K., 157

Srar (Sketch p. 522), 521

Stalags (Map p. 758 Sketch p. 809):

IIIA, 814

VIIA, 768, 785-8, 790, 795, 799, 814, 816-18,

VIIIA, 767, 799-801, 808

VIIIB, 788-9, 793, 795, 799-800, 802-3, 808, 812

VIIIC, 800, 803, 812

IXC, 793

XIA, 814

XIB, 816

XIC, 813

XIIIC, 777n, 784, 795, 805, 808, 811, 814

XIIID, 814-15

XVIIB, 812

XVIIIA, 763, 781, 795-6, 782-3, 807-8, 818

XVIIIA/Z, 767, 781, 796, 799, 804-5

XVIIIB, 781, 796

XVIIIC, 799, 818

XVIIID, 773, 780, 795

XXA, 789-90, 796, 809

XXB, 809, 344, 802, 806, 808, 811-12

357, 805, 808, 816

383, 790n, 793, 796-9, 801, 803-4, 808, 816

Frontstalag 183, 774, 788

Stalin, Marshal, 604

Stand-To, 751n, 760n, 768n, 808n

Star Track (Sketch p. 657), 649, 673

Steddy, Lt E. M. C., 252, 298

Steilberg, Spr W. H. C., 805

Stenhouse, Maj T. R., 591

Stephenson, Pte H., 757n

Stevens, Maj F. D., 365

Stevens, Maj-Gen Sir Jack. 615

Stevens, Mai J. W. C., 718, 720-1

Stevenson, WO2 E. F., 782

Stewart, WO2 D. P. S., 95

Stirk, Pte F. A., 409

Stoke, British minesweeper, 240

Strange, Maj B. D., 289-90, 701

Strasbourg (Sketch p. 809), 768, 771

Streich, Major-General, 46, 144, 155, 222

Stretcher Bearers, at Alamein, 716-17

Stuart, Australian destroyer, 414

Stumme, General, 656, 674-5

Sturdee, Lt-Gen Sir Vernon, 8n, 114, 116, 527-8, 750

Submarines, 431

German, in Mediterranean, 354, 431, 513

Sudan, 6, 121, 141

Sudeley, Major Lord, 279

Sudholz, Capt R. F., 238, 407, 585

Sümmermann, Maj-Gen Max, 445, 466

Suez Canal (Map p. 5), 1-2, 7, 12, 23, 124, 222, 519, 540, 546-7, 557, 753

Suleiman Murshed, 529

Sulmona (Map p. 758), 757, 764-5

Summer Night’s Dream Operation, 354, 360, 364, 430

Summerton, Lt-Col J., 228-9, 711

Summons, Lt W. I., 755n

Sunter, Maj I. S., 147

Sun Track (Sketch p. 657), 649, 673

Supercharge Operation, 746

planning of, 707, 729, 743-4

the battle, 727-37

Supply, in Cyrenaica, 28, 35, 431

of Tobruk, 111, 161-2, 270-1, 276, 293, 296-7, 343-4, 377-9, 415-16

of Malta, 534

of Eighth Army for Battle of El Alamein, 647

Enemy, of forces in North Africa, 169, 179, 330, 354, 431-2, 505, 510, 623

shortages in Crusader, 497, at Alamein, 547

Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), 819-20

Suthers, Lt-Col R. A., 620, 632-3

Suthers’ Hill (Sketch p. 618), 620

Switzerland (Map p. 758), 768-71, 786, 800, 802-3, 818

Syme, Capt D. M., 251

Symons, Cpl E. W., 759n

Syria (Sketches pp. 517, 520, 825), 1, 19, 243, 256, 287, 308-11, 334, 339, 342, 348, 382, 385, 514-18, 528, 606, 751, 755n

defence of, 519-20

behaviour of Australian troops, 525-6

food shortage, 529

morale of Australian troops, 530

9 Div training, 531

leave camps, 532

departure of 9 Div, 540-1

railway construction, 823-9


Tabarja (Sketch p. 825), 826

Tactics: use of Jock columns, 144, 164, 548, 554, 610

in Easter Battle, 156

with armour at Tobruk, 253-4

in Crusader operation, 428-9

at Alamein, 598-9, 624

Enemy, in desert warfare, 108

at Tobruk, 156

in armoured warfare, 354

in Crusader, 429

Taggart, Lt C. E., 689

Taieb el Esem (Sketch p. 445), 490

Tanks: American, 342, 604, 639. British, 3-4

in Cyrenaica, 15, 32-3, 37, 40, 47-8, 57

losses, 100, 534

at Tobruk, 119-20, 143, 211, 247, 253, 258, 260-1, 265, 375-7

in North Africa, 243, 276

in Battleaxe, 277, 280, 283

losses, 285

in Crusader, 425-6, 429

losses, 443, 447, 451-2

at Alamein, 549, 577, 582-3, 639, 652, 655, 730

losses in Battle of Alam el Halfa, 630

in Bulimba operation, 634;

number sent to Middle East in 1942, 639

Enemy, 4

Italian tanks used by British in Cyrenaica, 15, 28, 33, 48, 56, 60, 167-8

at Tobruk, 212, 225, 261, 269, 277

losses, 168

in North Africa, 172-3, 180, 655

captured tanks taken to England for examination, 191

in Battleaxe, 277, 280, losses, 285

in Crusader, 427, 429, losses, 443, 445, 450-2, 454

at Alamein, 547, 549-50, 557, 564, 576-7, 705, 730

losses, 742

Mark Iv Specials, 624, 639

in Battle of Alam el Halfa, 630

in Supercharge operation, 730

Tapp, Lt R. P., 324

Taqa, El (Sketch p. 543), 641, 736-7

Tasker, Lt-Col H. McK., 32, 78-9, 91, 163, 532

Taurus Mountains (Sketch p. 517), 518

Taylor, Lt A. J., 232

Taylor, Maj A. L. F., 315, 326-7, 726

Taylor, Maj C. F. S., 39

Taylor, Pte J. D., 686

Tberegh, Wadi, 421

Tecasis (Sketch p. 83), 87, 90

Tecnis (Sketches pp. 25, 83), 32, 34, 42, 53, 78, 80, 82, 85, 89, 99n

Tedder, Lady, 751

Tedder, Marshal of the RAF Lord, 276, 297, 313, 345-6, 378-80, 605

Tel Aviv (Map p. 5), 514-15, 748

Tel el Aqqaqir (Sketches pp. 664, 733), 656, 698, 729-30, 732, 736-8

Tel el Eisa (Map p. 668 Sketches pp. 560, 570, 580), 557-8, 590, 599, 617, 619, 621n, 624, 650, 718, 729, 746, 752

operations at, 559-64, 566, 569-71, 574, 576, 578, 580-5

Tel el Makh Khad (Sketches pp. 575, 587), 557, 603, 617-18, 625, 637, 654

operations at, 562, 572, 574-6, 578

Tel el Shammama (Sketch p. 543), 552

Tel Kalliakh (Sketch p. 517), 531

Templeman, Sgt B. A., 187

Terezin, Fort (Map p. 758), 805

Teschen (Sketch p. 809), 800, 802-3, 808, 812

Tewfik, Port, 753

The Camp, 806, 807n

Theron, Maj-Gen F. H., 547n

Thoma, General Ritter von, 650n, 656, 692, 719, 738, 744

Thomas, Lt E., 636

Thomas, Lt-Col K. B., 247

Thomas, Lt L. H., 672

Thomas, Maj V. C., 186

Thompson, Corporal, 477n

Thompson, Pte H., 73

Thompson, Capt J. K., 619

Thompson, Brig L. F. (Plate p. 108), 120, 160-61, 339, 374

Thompson’s Post (Map p. 668; Sketches pp. 691, 704), 619, 687, 690-1, 699, 701, 705, 708-9, 713-14, 716, 721, 726, 728n, 736, 739

Thomson, Cpl A., 210

Thorn (Map p. 758), 789, 796, 805, 809

Thurman, Maj E. B., 216

Tiberias, 540-1

Tiberias, Lake (Sketch p. 517), 517

Tiberio, British schooner, 415-17

Tiger Convoy, 243, 253

Tiger Outpost (Sketch p. 439), 438-40, 446-7, 450-1, 459n, 470, 476, 486

Tilly, Maj-Gen J. C., 3

Tinsley, Brig W. N., 356 359, 365-6

Tivey, Maj E. P., 564

Tmimi (Sketches pp. 25, 83), 16, 76-7, 81, 83, 88, 91, 93-6, 100-1, 120, 491

Tobruk (Map p. 220 Sketches pp. 126, 442), 8-9, 12, 14-16, 24, 26, 28, 32-5, 37, 41, 43-4, 51, 66, 75, 81, 87, 99, 101, 103, 107, 110, 114, 122, 507-8, 510-12 514-15, 524, 532-5, 544, 546, 552, 576, 580, 590, 599, 602, 607, 623, 626, 638, 639n, 664, 742, 747, 750, 752, 754-6, 760-1

equipment shortages at, 29

British plans for defence of, 85, 109, 112-13, 115-22, 124, 126-7, 129

terrain and defences, 111, 125-6, 129-31, 301, 419, 522

Rommel plans attacks on, 123-4, 163, 174, 179, 329-30, 382

siege of, 132-505

patrols at, 137-8, 160, 238, 298-9, 338-9, 370, 401

leaflets dropped on garrison, 145, 166, 287-8

the Easter Battle, 146-56, 162, 164

composition and strength of garrison, 159, 211, 237, 296

artillery strength and deployment, 161

British tank strength at, 172

air support withdrawn, 184, 241

supply of, 191, 293, 297, 343, 379, 398, 413-15

ships sunk on run to, 513

air attacks on, 192-3, 198, 211, 214, 240, 273, 292-3, 337-8, 353, 368-9, 410-13, 415

the May battle, 195-211, 215-35

health and morale of garrison, 241, 287, 292, 316, 350

and operation Brevity, 242-3, 244-5, 253-6

artillery (including “bush” artillery) employment, 257, 262, 265, 294-5, 336, 356n, 409-13

infantry-tank cooperation at, 265

German infantry compared to Australian, 267-8

Axis strength and dispositions, 269

fuel shortages at, 270-1

booby-traps, 272

and operation Battleaxe, 275-6, 277, 279, 281, 283, 285-6, 288

outposts at, 301-3

enemy minefields, 303

relief of 9 Div, 305-6, 309-13, 331-5, 344-8, 350-1, 375-8, 380, 395, 399-400, 416-17, 423, 458

decorations for members of garrison, 352-3

enemy shelling of, 398

unofficial truce, 384

achievements of garrison, 400-1

casualties, 401n

in Crusader operation, 428, 430-33, 436-8, 441-2, 446-8, 456, 458, 460, 462, 495-6, 509

siege lifted, 505, 509, 514

Germans capture, 535-7, 604, 624

British attempt raid on, 641

Tobruk Harbour (Map p. 220 Sketch p. 126), 85, 190, 293, 343, 376

Tobruk Truth, 111-12, 287

Tocra (Map p. 13 Sketch p. 83), 14, 35, 41-2, 57, 67, 78, 94

Todhunter, Lt-Col E. J., 120n

Tolmeta (Sketch p. 83), 41-2, 57

Tonkin, Sgt L. K., 220

Totensonntag, 450, 452-3, 480, 487

Tovell, Brig Hon R. W. (Plates pp. 108, 621), 32, 41, 79, 96, 163, 167, 170, 189, 198-9, 201, 204-5, 215, 217, 220-1, 227, 241, 270, 280, 298, 301, 392, 517, 521, 545-6, 581, 615

commands 26 Bde, 10-11

career of, 160

Tracey-Patte, Sgt J. J., 127

Training, 304, 357

given low priority in Me, 433

of 9 Div in Syria, 515, 524-6, 531-3

for Lightfoot operation, 653-4

after Alamein, 747

of Eighth Army for Alamein battle, 647, 650, 744

Transjordan (Map p. 5), 9, 824

Transport, for 9 Div in Cyrenaica, 43, 64, 67, 75

for Eighth Army, 639

Travers, Capt W. H., 793n

Treacle Operation, 343, 416

Trenwith, Maj R. G., 727

Treweeke, Lt F. S., 671, 691

Trig 22 (Map p. 668 Sketches pp. 572, 587), operations at, 572-5, 579-80, 585-6, 588, 617-18, 620

Luc 29 (Map p. 668 Sketches pp. 712, 725), 679

operations at, 687-93, 696, 698-701, 704-5, 710, 720 729-30, 743

Trig 30 (Sketch p. 587), 579, 589

Trig 33 (Tel el Eisa area Map p. 668 Sketches pp. 560, 618), 558-9, 561, 564-5, 569, 578, 584, 603, 617, 620, 626-7, 672

Trig 33 (Kidney Ridge area Map p. 668), 658, 660, 678, 680n, 683, 693

Trig 63 (Sketch p. 568), 566-8, 577

Trig 87, 626

Trig 93 (Sketch p. 553), 553

Trig 96 (Sketch p. 553), 553

Trio 146 (Map p. 220 Sketches pp. 372, 407), 303, 330, 373, 407

see also Jack and Normie Outposts Trig 157, 487

Trig 178 (Sketch p. 449), 448, 456

Trigh Capuzzo, See Capuzzo, Trigh

Trigh el Abd (Map p. 13 Sketches pp. 25, 83), 25, 35, 47, 52, 65, 76-7, 81, 83, 85, 123, 285, 427, 468, 491, 495, 499, 505-6

Tripoli (North Africa Map p. 5), 3, 6, 17, 19, 21-4, 27, 52n, 66, 169, 183, 222, 243, 328, 417, 452, 513, 532-4, 580, 599, 623, 742, 756, 760-3

Titreou (Syria Map p. 5 Sketches pp. 522, 825), 516-17, 519-22, 524, 529-31, 540-1

behaviour of Australian troops in, 525-6

railway to Haifa, 823-9

Titteourania (Map p. 5), 3, 16-19, 23-4, 27, 30, 38, 53n, 430-1, 511, 559

Truces, at Tobruk, 323, 325, 384

Tucker, Lt-Col F. A. G., 167, 219-21, 562, 669, 689

Tuoun Outpost (Sketches pp. 302, 439), 369, 386, 391, 438, 440, 451, 473

Turr, Sgt W. J., 325

Tuker, Lt-Gen Sir Francis, 655

Tunisia (Map p. 5), 1, 22, 24, 753

Turkey (Map p. 5 Sketch p. 520), 65, 287, 328, 516, 526, 755, 772, 776, 823

in British defence plans, 518-21

in Auchinleck’s “plan of deception”, 529

Turkish Army, 518-19, 525-6

Turkish Government, relations with Britain and Germany, 518

Turner, L. C. F., 429n, 433n, 437n, 482n, 485n, 500n, 547n

Turner, Lt-Col R. W. N., 72, 74, 146n, 424n, 670-1, 680

commands 2/13 Bn, 519n, 616

Turner, Lt-Col V. B., VC, 697n

Turron, Maj J. K., 300

Twin Pimples (Map p. 220 Sketch p. 402), 402, 438, 459

Twin Poles, 510

Tyre (Sketch p. 517), 532

Tyson, Sgt J. B., 362


U.79, German submarine, 398

Urquhart, Maj G. F., 583


Vaerst, General von, 627-8

Val-d’Isere (Map p. 758), 769

Valiant, British battleship, 513

Vampire, Australian destroyer, 257, 414

Vaughan, Brig E. W. D., 76-7, 83-4, 89, 102-8

commands 3 Indian Motor Bde, 54

Vendetta, Australian destroyer, 414

Vercelli (Map p. 758), 760, 765, 768-9

Verrier, Col A. D., 221, 226-8, 236, 266

commands 2/10 Bn, 215

Via Balbia (Sketches pp. 14, 443), 14, 22, 85, 463n, 498

Victoria Cross, awarded to

Cpl. J. H. Edmondson, 2/17 Bn, 149

Pte A. S. Gurney, 2/48 Bn, 582

Pte P. E. Gratwick, 2/48 Bn, 689

Lt-Col V. B. Turner, 2/Rifle Bde, 697n

Sgt W. H. Kibby, 2/48 Bn, 715

Victory Road (Sketch p. 361), 358, 363

Vicar, Pte R. L., 769n

Vincent, Capt M. D., 394, 701

Vincent, Maj T. H., 250-1

Volo, British ship, 415, 513

Voyager, Australian destroyer, 414


Wain, Col W. J., 573-4, 723, 727, 740

commands 2/43 Bn, 556

Wainewright, Pte H. G. L., 769n

Walker, Cpl A. M., 817

Walker, A. S., 293n, 648n, 760n, 789n

Walker, Lt L. C., 209

Wallder, Lt A. F., 686, 726

Walled Village (Sketch p. 302), 302, 331, 407

Waller, Brig R. P., 553-4

Wallis, Capt D. N., 402

Walsh, Maj-Gen G. P., 551

Walsh, WO K. W., 756

Walsh, Lt S. R., 632-3

Walsoe, Maj O. M., 74, 338, 420, 475, 477-8, 480-2, 492, 626

Walter Outpost, 468, 504, 506-7

Wanganella, Australian hospital ship, 801

Warburg (Map p. 758), 780, 790-2, 796

War Correspondents, relations with GHQ ME, 621n

Wardle, Capt A., 165, 175

Waring, Capt E., 326

Warren, Lt R., 128

Warszawa, merchant ship, 513

Washington, 341, 603-4, 746, 750

Watch, Lt-Col J. R., 72-4

Waterhen, Australian destroyer, 414-15

Water Supply, in Cyrenaica, 46, 76

in Tobruk, 419

in Syria, 533

at Alamein, 648

Water Tower (Sketches pp. 218, 263), 213, 218-19, 232, 260-1, 263-4, 315, 319, 321-2, 327

Wavell, Field Marshal Rt Hon Earl, 2, 9, 19-20, 23, 26-7, 34, 45, 55, 59, 61-3, 79, 100, 119, 121, 129, 161-3, 190, 191n, 274, 308, 341, 352-3, 385, 598, 604, 607, 614

tasks in Feb 1941, 3

disposes forces, 4, 6, 8

estimates of enemy strength and intentions, 16-18, 21

in defence of Cyrenaica, 30-1, 35, 40, 46-7, 51, 64-5, 109-10, 113-14, 134

and Churchill, 57, 116, 244

appoints General O’Connor to Cyrenaica Command, 58

decision to hold Tobruk, 85, 109, 113, 116-17, 124-5

orders 18 Aust Bde to Tobruk, 114-15, 118

visits Blamey in Greece, 138

in defence of Egypt, 141

reorganises command in Western Desert, 142-3

on importance of holding Tobruk, 146, 159

and Lavarack, 156-7

congratulates Morshead, 166, 235

seeks increase in tank strength, 172-3

decides to evacuate British forces from Greece, 173

reports to British Chiefs of Staff on enemy strength in Cyrenaica, 180

and Brevity operation, 242-5, 253, 256

Rommel’s estimate of, 243

and Battleaxe operation, 275-7, 279, 284

replaced by Auchinleck, 285-6, 296-7, 312

and formation of Anzac Corps, 307

attends Cairo conference, 604-5

on generalship, 609

Weaver, Lt M. H., 36

Weddan, Wadi (Sketch p. 409), 201, 409

Weinsberg (Map p. 758), 768, 802, 816

Weir, Lt-Col C. G., (Plate p. 621), 581, 667, 691, 710-11, 713-16

commands 2/24 Bn, 580

Weir, Capt J. H., 48

Weirs, Gnr P. A., 104

Weissmann, L-Cpl F. B., 71, 73

Wells, Lt-Gen Sir Henry, 546, 551-2, 586, 598-9

GSO1 9 Div, 544

Western Desert, 65, 114, 256, 274-5, 286-7, 295, 297, 307, 385, 600, 605, 638, 755

strength of British forces in, 3

Wavell’s plans for defence of, 115

reorganisation of command in, 142-3, 146

plans for offensive in, 244, 350

discussions on appointment of commander in, 342

Weston, Sgt. J. K., 404

Westphal, Lt-Gen Siegfried, 454

Wheatley, Maj M. I., 563, 766n

Whetherly, Maj R. E., 38, 49

White, General Sir Brudenell, 382

White, Sig L. L., 321, 323, 326

White, Brig T. W., 95, 201

White Cairn (Sketch p. 372), 370, 372-3

Whitehall, 286, 378, 381, 534

Whitehead, Brig D. A. (Plate p. 621), 573-4, 585, 659, 679, 687-8, 702-3, 708-9, 720, 723, 734

commands 2/2 Mg Bn, 356

2/32 Bn, 572

26 Bde, 615

White House (Acroma), 101, 108, 233

White Knoll (Tobruk area Sketches pp. 247, 403), 247-8, 391, 403

White Knoll (Alamein Map p. 668 Sketch p. 560), 560

Whiteley, General Sir John, 296, 597

White Post, 407

Williams, Lt-Col B., 722

Williams, Capt C. F., 559, 561-2, 582

Williams, Maj C. G., 330

Williams, Maj E. C., 727

Williams, S-Sgt E. M., 681

Williams, Brig E. T., 17, 38, 614n, 655, 707

Williams, Brig S., 338-9, 476

Williams, Capt W. H., 111-12

Williamson, Maj H. J., 740

Willison, Brig A. C., 393, 441, 457, 460, 462n, 469-70, 472, 475-7, 481, 487, 492

commands 32 Army Tank Bde, 376

Wilmot, R. W. W. (Chester), 12, 21n, 92n, 114n, 133n, 149n, 154n, 165n, 240, 260n, 406

Wilson, Field Marshal Lord, 26, 35, 124, 244, 342, 525-7, 530, 607, 614

appointed to command expedition to Greece, 9

Wilson, Brig C. H., 142, 172, 187

Wilson, Capt C. H., 147, 154

Wilson, Capt K. C., 71, 670-1

Wimberley, Maj-Gen D. N., 636, 655, 663, 693, 747

commands 51 Highland Div, 611

Windeyer, Capt H. F., 389-90

Windeyer, Maj-Gen Rt Hon Sir Victor (Plate p. 604), 96, 100-1, 146, 163, 165, 168, 171, 174, 183, 202, 214-15, 217-21, 226, 236, 301, 313-14, 322, 569, 610, 616, 633-4, 699, 703, 705, 722, 733

commands 2/48 Bn, 88

20 Bde, 519

career of, 162

Wishka, El (Sketches pp. 553, 664), 589-90, 683-4

Wolborough, British trawler, 368, 416

Wolf Outpost (Sketch p. 439), 459

Wolfsberg (Map p. 758), 763, 780-1, 783, 795-6, 799, 807-8, 818

Woodcock, 693, 730

Woods, Capt H. A., 218-20, 224

Woods, Cpl W. A., 617

Woolren, Maj-Gen Sir George (Plate p. 108), 31, 101, 113, 121, 139-40, 201, 211, 230-2, 234-5, 237, 241-2, 246, 251-3, 257, 261-3, 265, 267, 270-1, 280, 297-8, 317, 332-3, 437

commands 18 Bde, 8

career of, 160

Woozley, Maj. A. D., 60n

Wray, Lt G. R., 680

Wrigley, Brig H., 555, 659, 671, 680

Wykeham-Barnes, Avm P. G., 140

Wynter, Lt-Gen H. D., 7-8


Yarra, Australian sloop, 417

Yarrow, WO2 W. H. T., 632

Yates, Capt R. A., 154-5, 735

Yendall, Sgt G. L., 573

Yendall, Cpl O. R., 573n

Young, Lt-Col G. E., 99, 192

Young, Maj V. L., 294

Younghusband, Col G. E., 87

Young Men’s Christian Association, 771, 789, 802

Yugoslavia (Map p. 5), 39, 755n, 773-4, 778, 785, 804-5


Zaafran (Sketch p. 456), 456, 468, 473-4, 488-90

Zaremba, Lieut-Colonel, 434

ZErrum, Wadi Es (Sketch p. 409), 129, 170, 193, 201, 238, 301, 369, 409, 536

Ziesing, WO2 F. G., 321-2

Zingarella, British ship, 415

Zuetina, Ez, 55