
Units or appointments against personal names are those relevant to this campaign. Numbers in parentheses after place names refer to page numbers (or facing page numbers) of maps in which they appear. Normal units or formations are listed under Australian, British, German, Indian, Italian, New Zealand or South African Forces, in this order: corps, divisions, brigades, units. Units are in the order armour, artillery, engineers, signals, infantry and services (ASC, ordnance, medical). Special groupings are listed independently (Boettcher Gp, Meythaler Bn, Force E, Oases Gp). Commanders named in the text are listed in parentheses after units or higher commands.


Abiar el-Amar (367), 369, 414, 419

Abiar Nza Ferigh (318), 507, 509

Acroma, 469, 140, 428n, 444

Agar, Maj R. E., 20 Bn, 268-9, 371, 444

Agar-Hamilton, J. A. I., and L. C. F. Turner, 4n, 75n, 82n, 163n, 351n, 469n

Aikenhead, Brig D. F., BRA 30 Corps, 414

Air Support Control, 62, 77, 231, 265, 320,459. see also ‘T’ NZ Air Support Control Sigs Sec (NZ Forces)

Ajedabia (19), 201, 351, 390, 501, 506-9

Alamein, el (1), 16, 23n, 33, 509

Alexandria, 1, 13, 16, 18, 30, 51, 81n, 489, 522

Allen, Lt-Col J. M., CO 21 Bn

attacks Bir Ghirba, 117, 226

moves to southern escarpment, 242-3

first attack on S. Rezegh, 25/26 Nov, 256-64, 274-5, 277-8, 281

in second attack, 364

Allison, Sgt E. S., 20 Bn, 245n, 254, 424

Andrew, Brig L. W., CO 22 Bn

relieves 20 Bn, 147

at Menastir, 317, 342, 348

withdraws, 466-7

commands 5 Bde, 467

resumes command of 22 Bn, 487

at Gazala, 498

Ark Royal, HMS, 52n, 73n, 522

Armstrong, Brig B. F., Comd 5 SA Bde

attacks Pt 178, 106-7

on Totensonntag, 157, 162, 41, 195, 197, 201

Armstrong, Maj J. D., BM 5 Bde (from 7 Dec), 487n

Ashton, 2 Lt H. B., 24 Bn, 224

Auchinleck, Fd Mshl Sir Claude, C-in-C MEF

on Freyberg’s ability, 5

assumes command of MEF, 10

plans desert offensive, 10-13

commits NZ Div 24-9

CRUSADER plan, 37-8, 44-5, 49, 56

at Eighth Army HQ, 23/25 Nov, 198-202, 207, 216

dismisses Gen Cunningham, 307-8

proposed withdrawal from Ed Duda, 469-70, 472

reprimands Freyberg about orders to 5 Bde, 515-18

mentioned, 8n, 60, 63, 65, 99, 352, 485, 498, 519, 520n

Aujila (352), 39, 75, 298, 351, 390

Aurora, HMS, 52

Australian Forces –

2 AIF (Blamey), 10, 14

2/13 Inf Bn (Burrows), 371, 473, 482, 485

Australian Govt (War Cabinet), 3, 24n

Awatere, Lt A., IO 5 Bde (from 7 Dec), 487

Axis (Rome-Berlin), 7, 12-13, 17, 19, 514


Baggush (19), 23, 25, 31-4, 68, 71, 74, 489-90, 505-6, 514

Baird, S-Sgt J. D., 6 RMT Coy, 217

Baker, Maj G., 20 Bn, 253

Baker, Maj J. F., 20 Bn, 268

Balotta, Maj-Gen, GOC Ariete Div, 392n


Bardia, 44, 54, 86, 117, 519

defences of, 58, 73

perimeter probed, 117, 119-20, 128-33

masked by 5 Bde, 138-9, 142-5, 147, 315, 332, 466, 487, 517

and DAK, 24/27 Nov, 204, 282, 305-6, 316-17, 320-2, 324-5, 327, 329, 336, 342

as source of DAK supplies, 467, 479, 485

on 2/4 Dec, 481, 483

capture of, 52n, 522

Barrington, Brig B., BM 6 Bde, 72, 286

Barrowclough, Maj-Gen Rt Hon Sir Harold, Comd 6 Bde

character and experience, 72

moves westwards, 120, 141

overrunning of DAK HQ, 149-51

goes to help 30 Corps, 152-5

attacks Pt 175, 189, 193-6

captures Pt 175, 222-6

captures Blockhouse, 233, 236, 240, 242

first attack on S. Rezegh, 250, 261n, 269, 274, 280-1

captures S. Rezegh, 281-2, 286-7, 292-3, 295

on 28 Nov, 375, 379-81

counter-attacked, 387

promised help from 1 SA Bde, 400, 402, 411, 415, 417, 446

loses S. Rezegh, 425, 428

retreats to Zaafran, 444, 446-55, 5, 65n, 156, 172, 197, 209, 217, 232, 396, 398n, 403, 427

Bassett, Maj B. I., BM 4 Bde

capture of Belhamed, 250, 253-5

advance to Ed Duda, 283, 285

attacks south of Belhamed, 361, 372

loss of Belhamed, 425, 440, 443

mentioned, 63n, 72n, 243n, 266, 267n, 387

Bastico, Mshl Ettore, C-in-C Axis Forces in North Africa

extent of command, 19-20, 52-3

visits Rommel, 390, 54, 56, 351, 485, 498

BATTLEAXE, 8-12, 14, 18, 28, 37, 48, 56-7, 59, 109, 115, 119, 154n

Batty, WO I W., 6 Fd Regt, 438

Bayerlein, Maj-Gen Fritz, DAK Chief of Staff, 205, 500

Bayley, Lt G. W., 3 SA Recce Bn, 400, 14n, 371n, 405n, 406n

Beale, Maj J. H., 4 Bde HQ, 254, 220

Beattie, Lt-Col R. R., 5 Fd Regt, 262, 436

Beckingham, Pte G. G., 27 MG Bn, 189n

Beda Fomm (19), 468, 506

Beeley, Rfmn J., 1 KRRC, 96, 271n


on 21/22 Nov, 90, 97, 101-3

on Totensonntag, 163, 174

capture of, 235, 243, 247-56, 263-5, 519

consolidation on, 266-71, 273-4, 282

advance to Ed Duda from, 296, 357

pocket south of, 358-62, 369-75

part of Kessel, 391-6, 403, 405-6, 409, 419, 431

loss of, 432-56, 460, 462

saddle west of, 473, 482

mentioned, 61, 222, 306, 384, 387

Bell, Pte K. C., 24 Bn, 381

Bell, Lt-Col R. M., GSO III (I), NZ Div, 68n, 73, 140, 282, 489

Bencol – See 22 Guards Bde (British Forces)

Benghazi (19), 19, 51, 79, 351, 468, 483, 502, 506, 509n

Benina (19), 201, 509

Beresford-Peirse, Lt-Gen Sir Noel, GOC Western Desert Force, 9

Berry, Capt G., 309 Gen Tpt Coy, RASC, 345

Betts, Capt B. F., 7 A-Tk Regt, 280, 447

Bevan, Maj T. H., 4 Fd Regt, 229

Bharucha, Maj P. C., 215n

Bir Belhamed – See Magen Belhamed

Bir Berraneb (210), 209, 354, 464, 480

Bir Bu Creimisa (367), 95, 374, 377, 380, 393, 399, 404, 407, 412-13, 482

Bir Bu Deheua (111), 66, 67, 112, 303

Birch, Capt J. H., 25 Bn, 226

Bir el-Baheira (131), 147, 475

Bir el Chleta (353)

advance to, 67, 121, 135-8, 197, 206

loss of DAK HQ at, 149-51, 159-60, 391

20 Bn attack from, 226, 381

tank fighting at, 365

mentioned, 306, 315, 319, 384n, 429, 450, 464, 478

Bir el-Gubi (479), 47, 54, 80-2, 84, 87-8, 144, 159, 161, 204, 214, 265, 306, 353, 479-80, 98, 102

Bir el-Haleizin (353), 101, 220, 313, 365

Bir el-Hariga (111), 115, 120, 214, 315, 319, 320, 475

Bir Ghirba (111)

21 Bn attack on, 130, 209

mentioned, 127, 128, 281, 298, 325, 346, 354, 466, 510, 514

Bir Gibni (116), 80, 85, 98, 112, 212, 303, 311, 459, 465

Bir Habata (19), 211-12, 298

Bir Hacheim (19), 54, 211, 509

Bir Hafid (111), 113, 119, 122-3, 348

Bir Salem (395), 393, 399, 406, 413

Bir Sciafsciuf (146)

and Matruh Stakes 206, 209, 220, 226, 313

rendezvous for 1 SA Bde, 407, 418, 428-9

staging point for NZ Div, 453, 459, 463-4

Bir Sciuearat (146), 393, 403, 423, 425, 432, 445, 456, 462

Bir Sheferzen (116), 66-7, 215, 302, 306

Bishop, R. T., 18 Bn, 243n

Blamey, Fd Mshl Sir Thomas, Deputy C-in-C, MEF, and GOC, 2 AIF, 29n

Blennerhassett, J. G., 25 Bn, 149n


and attack on Pt 175, 154, 183, 193, 225

capture of, 234-45

attacks on S. Rezegh, 261, 295

occupied by 25 Bn, 399, 421, 445-8

Boettcher Gp (renamed Mickl Gp on 1 Dec), 222, 265, 305-6, 323, 371, 380, 390, 407, 412-13, 419, 447n, 470, 482

Boettcher, Lt-Gen Karl, Comd 104 Artillery Comd, from 30 Nov GOC 21 Pz Div, 205, 235, 265, 306, 331, 390, 463

Bolwell, Lt E. W., 20 Bn, 441

Bonifant, Brig I. L., Div Cav, 426, 430, 443

Borman, Maj C. A., 444n

Bott, Pte A. C., 24 Bn, 224, 239, 290

Breen, Lt J. R., 24 Bn, 224

Brennan, Capt P. J., Div Sigs, 285

Bretherton, Maj J. A., 14 Lt AA Regt, 474

BREVITY, 8, 14, 59

Briel, Capt, CO 606 AA Bn, 132, 133, 147-8, 170, 221, 321, 475

Briel Gp, 132-3, 170, 221, 231-2, 321, 475

‘Brigade Group Battle’, 41, 519

Bright, Joan, 18n

Brink, Lt-Gen G. E., GOC 1 SA Div, 40, 82, 99, 107, 156-7, 160, 195, 197, 213, 310

British Forces–

Royal Navy, 8, 13, 369, 522

Force K (Malta), 522

Fleet Air Arm, 78n, 384n


Western Desert Force (HQ – later 13 Corps HQ), 8-9, 14, 23, 33

8 Army (Cunningham, Ritchie)

formed, 37-40

in CRUSADER plan, 44-6, 49, 53, 57, 59-60, 62, 66, 68, 75-7

morale of, 79, 521

achieves surprise, 81-3

unbalanced in opening moves, 83-8

a favourable enemy move for, 90

in Crisis at S. Rezegh, 103, 106, 108, 145

and 13 Corps in opening phase, 110, 121, 128

possible defeat of, 199-200

commits NZ Div to relieve Tobruk, 232

Rommel’s Raid, 212-13, 216, 222, 297, 307, 310, 348

encourages Oases Gp, 351

misconstrues Panzer Moves, 366, 391, 411

and Kessel, 409

loose command of, 414

considers closing corridor, 458

redisposes forces at frontier, 468

continues policy of dispersion, 470

scheme to yield Ed Duda, 472

reacts to eastward thrusts, 478, 480, 485

has superior weight, 502

enemy opinion of, 498, 501

faces long pursuit, 504-5

strength of in Western Cyrenaica, 508-9

commits 5 Bde without consulting Freyberg, 516-18

Freyberg’s criticisms of, 519-20

fails to learn lessons, 522

mentioned, 386, 430

13 Corps (Godwin-Austen)

in CRUSADER plan, 27, 37-9, 43, 45-8, 60-1, 65-7, 69-70

in opening phase, 82, 85, 87, 99

starts major operations, 100, 121, 127, 133-4, 137

go-for-Tobruk policy, 140-5

tries to form front southwards from Ed Duda, 197-8, 201-3

discounts Rommel’s raid, 212, 214

links with Tobruk garrison, 232, 234, 248, 269, 282, 296-7, 353, 365

and Rommel’s raid, 311-13, 332, 365

holds Tobruk Corridor, 367, 387, 407, 413, 422, 426, 438, 444, 458, 472

takes El Adem, 484

at Gazala, 488-90, 499

losses in spoiling attack, 509

dispute with Freyberg about use of 5 Bde, 515, 517

30 Corps (Norrie)

in CRUSADER plan, 41, 43, 45-8, 59

loses tank battle, 74, 91, 94, 99-101, 107, 113, 121, 127, 131, 351

hears first news of tank disaster, 136-9, 519

support from 13 Corps, 143-5, 153-5

on Totensonntag, 156, 172, 195-200

in Matruh Stakes, 201-3, 213-16, 218

on southern flank of NZ Div, 246, 309-10, 353, 365-6, 368, 402, 411-14, 426, 444, 450, 458, 464

in Bir el-Gubi area, 4/6 Dec, 468, 471, 474, 478-80, 482-5

frontier operations, 490, 515

1 Armd Div, 12, 468, 502, 508

7 Armd Div (Gott)

returns to desert, 22

in CRUSADER plan, 38n, 39, 42-5, 48

fans out brigades inside Libya, 80, 82, 85, 87

chance of destroying DAK, 90

heavy tank losses, 108

loses S. Rezegh, 105, 107

defeated, 109

misconception about tank losses 110

confusing reports from, 137, 143, 145

in need of help from 6 Bde, 153

in Totensonntag action, 167, 171, 204, 206, 242

on Trigh Capuzzo, 354

and attack on Ed Duda, 404, 413

curious view of NZ Div operations, 417

ordered to counter-attack tanks threatening NZ Div, 426-8

signals 4 Armd Bde, 448, 450n, 455

expected to help NZ Div, 459

at Gazala, 490

relieved, 502, 508

70 Div (Scobie)

relieves 9 Aust Div, 14-15

starts sortie, 96, 99

continues sortie, 214

link-up with NZ Div, 233, 264, 356, 369, 388

defends Corridor, 414, 482

after relief of Tobruk, 488, 490. See also Tobruk Garrison

2 Armd Bde (1 Armd Div), 508

4 Armd Bde (Gatehouse) (7 Armd Div)


in CRUSADER plan, 48, 67

near Bir Gibni, 80-2, 85, 87-8, 112-15

overrun at night, 140, 154, 199

and Totensonntag attack, 156-7

in Matruh Stakes, 212-14

reorganising, 264

in ‘Battle of Taieb el Esem’, 309-10

on Trigh Capuzzo, 354

and return of DAK, 368, 389, 399, 407-11, 417, 429, 458

in 6 Bde area, 1 Dec, 447-55

withdraws south, 464, 469

recalled from El Gubi, 480

returns there, 484

strength on 4 Dec, 486

outflanks Gazala Line 490, 501-2, 504, 520n

7 Armd Bde (Davy) (7 Armd Div)


in CRUSADER plan, 49

seizes S. Rezegh air-field, 80, 82, 84-5, 88-91, 95

turns to meet DAK, 96, 98

suffers crippling loss, 104, 156

6 Bde tries to help, 153

withdraws, 163

in Matruh Stakes, 213

wrongly reported at El Gubi, 264

mentioned, 480n

22 Armd Bde (Scott-Cockburn) (7 Armd Div)

promised for CRUSADER, 12

composition, 48

role, 49

attacks Bir el-Gubi, 80, 84

recalled eastwards, 115

pursues DAK, 90, 98, 102

forced back by 21 Pz Div, 103-4, 106

heavy losses of, 156

in Totensonntag attack, 157, 162-3, 166-8, 171

on southern flank of NZ Div, 209, 212-13, 220, 222, 236, 246, 264, 309, 353, 386

on Trigh Capuzzo, 354, 356

again on southern flank, 368, 407-8

delays move of 1 SA Bde, 410

amalgamated with 4 Armd Bde, 415n

again defeated, 502, 508

mentioned, 480n

Support Group (Campbell) (7 Armd Div)

in CRUSADER plan, 48

in first battle of S. Rezegh, 87-91, 95-8, 100, 102-5

6 Bde goes to help, 136-9

on Totensonntag, 157, 163, 203

in Matruh Stakes, 213, 218

split up into Jock Colns, 309

in pursuit to Benghazi, 506

1 Army Tk Bde (Watkins) (in NZ Div, 22/30 Nov)

in 13 Corps, 38n

initially under 4 Ind Div, 66-7

separate from armd bdes, 101

move towards Tobruk, 135n, 140

not at full strength, 202

at Bir el Chleta, 227, 230

bombed, 247

uses of I tanks at night, 249, 283, 358

Lt Recovery Sec, 303-4

receives captured lorries, 313n

as NZ Div rearguard, 384

escorts Vic Coln to frontier, 488

32 Army Tk Bde (Willison) (70 Div)

in Tobruk break-out, 91, 94, 101, 108

to Ed Duda, 271

joins hands with NZ Div, 285

tries to widen Corridor, 370-1

with 5 Bde at Gazala, 489

transferred to 4 Ind Div, 498

14 Inf Bde (70 Div), 443, 473, 482

16 Inf Bde (70 Div), 371

150 Inf Bde (50 Div), 468

161 Inf Bde, 31

22 Guards Bde (7 Armd Div)

in 30 Corps, 38n

on L of C, 107

masking El Gubi, 143

defending FMCs, 214, 309, 468

relieves 11 Ind Bde, 480, 485

open to panzer attack, 483

as Bencol, advances to Gulf of Sirte, 505-8

Royal Armoured Corps, 42

4 Bn, CLY (22 Armd Bde), 84, 508

7 Hussars (7 Armd Bde), 95-7

8 Hussars (Sandbach) (4 Armd Bde), 106, 154, 194, 417, 448-9

11 Hussars (recce unit, 7 Armd Div), 80n, 84, 207, 309, 368, 464, 475, 487n

KDG (recce unit, 7 Armd Div)

in opening moves, 80, 85-7

B Sqn with NZ Div, 245

C Sqn in Corridor, 271, 357

observes return of DAK, 309, 354

Royal Dragoons (recce unit), 468

2 Bn, RGH (22 Armd Bde), 84, 506

12 Royal Lancers (recce unit, 1 Armd Div), 468

Royal Tank Regiment (Royal Tanks), 42

1 Bn (32 Army Tk Bde,) 93, 94, 271, 370, 498

2 Bn (7 Armd Bde), 95, 96, 98

3 Bn (4 Armd Bde), 85-6, 104, 106, 160n, 407, 448-52, 502-3, 506

4 Bn (O’Carroll) (32 Army Tk Bde), 92, 271, 357, 406, 473, 482, 499

5 Bn (Drew) (4 Armd Bde), 104, 106, 220, 408, 417, 452

6 Bn (7 Armd Bde), 84, 100

7 Bn (D Sqn, in 32 Army Tk Bde), 92, 271, 357, 370, 498

8 Bn (Brooke) (1 Army Tk Bde)

joins NZ Div, 112

B Sqn at Sollum, 121, 129, 342

A Sqn at Menastir, 132, 134, 146

C Sqn joins 6 Bde, 136

C Sqn at Pt 175, 152, 154, 175, 177, 183, 191, 193, 222, 226, 230, 232

A Sqn at Gambut, 197

A Sqn at Pt 172, 227-30

in link-up with Tobruk, 135n, 249-50, 279

defending 6 Bde, 394, 397, 400, 402

as NZ Div rearguard, 384, 386

at Belhamed and Zaafran, 445-7, 462, 465

at Gazala, 495

42 Bn (1 Army Tk Bde)

with 4 Ind Div, 126, 127, 135n, 215, 302

44 Bn (Yeo) (1 Army Tk Bde)

allotted to 6 Bde, 115, 120

B Sqn at frontier, 126, 299n

with 4 Bde, 134, 135n, 147

at Gambut, 230-1

to Belhamed, 249, 254-5, 266-7

to Ed Duda, 283-5, 295-6, 371

attacks south of Belhamed, 361-2, 371-4

in rearguard, 415, 418, 423, 425

at Belhamed, 1 Dec, 445, 452, 460-1

stays near Bir el Chleta, 465

at Bardia, 512

Royal Horse Artillery

1 Regt (70 Div), 94, 272, 356, 370, 404-5, 443, 473, 490-1, 496, 505

2 Regt (7 Armd Div), 87, 162, 408

3 Regt (a-tk) (7 Armd Div), 271n

4 Regt (incl F Bty) (7 Armd Div), 96, 168, 170, 310, 354

104 Regt (70 Div), 93, 370, 404

Royal Artillery–

65 A-Tk Regt (258, 259 and 260 Btys and 257 Bty from 63 A-Tk Regt, RA) (1 Army Tk Bde), 135n, 245, 259, 291, 319, 382-4, 386, 394, 398, 401-3, 422, 462, 465n, 495

1 Fd Regt (Dobree) (11 and 52 Btys) (4 Ind Div), 126, 299-301

8 Fd Regt (Walton) (V/AA and W/X Btys) (1 Army Tk Bde)

to join NZ Div, 67

at Libyan Omar, 127

at Gambut, 134, 135n, 148

W/X Bty to join NZ Div, 202

V/AA Bty south of Belhamed, 371n

in NZ rearguard, 384, 388-9

faces east, 423-4

FOO on Belhamed, 1 Dec, 445

at Zaafran, 457, 461, 465n

at Gazala, 495

25 Fd Regt (4 Ind Div), 126, 302, 495

31 Fd Regt (Goulder) (4 Ind Div), 215, 475, 498-9

60 Fd Regt (Hely) (Support Gp), 102

7 Med Regt (1 SA Div, then 4 Ind Div), 48, 213, 310, 407, 429, 459, 480

68 Med Regt, 126, 302


1 Bn, Bedfords Herts (70 Div), 93, 443, 473, 481

1 Bn, Buffs (5 Ind Bde), 425, 432, 495, 499-501

2 Bn, Black Watch (70 Div), 91-3, 521

4 Bn, Border Regt (70 Div), 482, 485

2 Bn, Camerons (11 Ind Bde), 480

2 Bn, DLI (70 Div), 485

1 Bn, Essex Regt (Nichols) (70 Div)

in push to Ed Duda, 271-3

consolidating, 295

heavily shelled, 356-7

a quieter day, 369, 371, 388

attacked by panzers, 404-6

rejects scheme to yield Ed Duda, 472-3

repulses last attacks, 482

in final relief of Tobruk, 487n

Green Howards, 34

2 Bn, King’s Own Regt (70 Div), 92

1 Bn, KRRC (de Salis) (‘60th Rifles’) (Support Gp), 104, 521

1 Bn, Northumberland Fusiliers (MMGs) (70 Div), 271n, 272

2 Bn, Queen’s R. Regt (70 Div), 93, 357, 370, 485

2 Bn, Rifle Bde (7 Armd Div), 95, 96, 104

‘60th Rifles’– See 1 KRRC

1 Bn, Royal Sussex Regt (7 Ind Bde), 66, 81, 126

2 Bn, Scots Guards (4 Armd Bde), 151, 157, 163, 168, 508

2 Bn, Y and L (70 Div), 485


65 Gen Transport Coy, 313

309 Gen Transport Coy, 33n, 333n, 344-5, 466n

RAF, 20-2, 34, 70, 76-80, 92, 112, 215, 317, 320, 354, 369, 384n, 413, 459-60, 466n, 468, 509, 522

2 RAF Armd Car Regt, 351

112 Sqn, 248

Whitforce, 78n, 351

258 Wing, 248

3 Aust Sqn, 248

Brittenden Maj J. A. M., 23 Bn, 325-6, 329

Brooke, Lt-Col F. K., CO 8 R Tks, 112, 381

Brown, Capt C. D., 24 Bn, 224-5, 239, 293

Brown, Pte S. W., 25 Bn, 173n

Brownless, Lt P. P. S., 1 Essex, 272n, 356-7

Bu Amud, Sidi (85), 265, 488

Buckeridge, Cpl C. W., 24 Bn, 239n

Burden, Pte R. O., 25 Bn, 218

Burdon, R. M., 225n

Burge, Capt A. E. B., 5 Bde HQ (from 7 Dec), 487n

Burgess, Pte G., 24 Bn, 290

Burrows, Lt-Col F. A., CO 2/13 Aust Bn, 405

Burton, Lt-Col H. G., CO 25 Bn from 23 Nov

and capture of DAK HQ, 149n

in attack on Pt 175, 184, 186, 188, 191, 225-6, 243

attacks S. Rezegh, 261, 278-9, 286-7, 294-5

in Blockhouse area, 383, 399n

attacked by Ariete, 420-1

withdraws to Zaafran, 454

Busch, Capt, CO 2 MG Bn, 397-8

Butler, Sir James, 7n, 8n, 11n, 24n, 28n

Butler-Porter, Lt-Col J., CO 1 R. Durban Lt Inf, 513

Butt, Capt F. G., Div Amn Coy, 303n


Cade, Brig G. P., 5 Fd Regt, 436

Cains, Pte E. W., 24 Bn, 290

Cameron, Sgt M. A., 26 Bn, 288-9, 374n

Campbell, Cpl A. H., 24 Bn, 376

Campbell, Capt B., 25 Bn, 185, 364n

Campbell, Brig J. C., (‘Jock’), Comd Support Gp, 89, 96, 97, 100, 103-4, 271n

Capuzzo, Fort

in CRUSADER plan, 67

in opening phase, 86, 88

captured, 115, 117-19, 130

in line masking Bardia, 135, 139, 143-5, 230

objective of DAK, 25/27 Nov, 204, 211, 282, 304-6, 315-16, 321, 324-30, 333, 342-9, 516

quiet at, 466-7, 487-8

site of proposed railhead, 509

and final attack on Bardia, 512

Carnachan, Capt J. L. G., 24 Bn, 294

Carver, Brig R. M. P., 30 Corps HQ, 198, 203

Cathie, Capt C. H., 25 Bn, 177-8, 186, 193, 278, 364n, 383

Cavallero, Mshl of Italy Count Ugo, Chief of Italian General Staff, 56, 498, 501

Chakdina, 489, 522n

Cherry, Sgt H. R., 23 Bn, 326

Churchill, Rt Hon. Sir Winston

consults Smuts about Greece, 5-6

impatient with Wavell, 7-9

makes Wavell and Auchinleck change places, 10-11

agrees to a November offensive, 12

opposes change of Tobruk garrison, 13-15

perturbed by Fraser’s inquiries, 24, 77

deprecates delay of CRUSADER, 56

‘Blenheim and Waterloo’ message, 74

on effect of Cunningham’s dismissal, 307-8

Ciano, Count Galeazzo, Italian Foreign Minister, 52-3

‘Cirener’ (111), 58, 514

Clark(e), Capt, LO, 30 Corps, 138, 151

Clarke, L-Cpl G. F., 20 Bn, 229n, 245n

Clifford, Alexander, 308n

Clifton, Brig G. H., CE 30 Corps, 62n, 213, 388-9, 399, 407, 513n

Closey, Lt-Col R. V., ‘A’ NZ FMC, 311-12

Cochran, Maj C. McN., CO 1 SA Irish, 168, 363, 403, 423, 432

Cockburn, Brig J. S.– See Scott-Cockburn

Cody, J. F., 18n

Colvin, Lt-Col G. E., 2/13 Aust Bn, 371n

Combined Operations School, 31

Conference Cairn (19), 312-13

Coningham, Air Mshl Sir Arthur, AOC Western Desert, 76, 78n, 79, 248

Connell, John, 5n, 11n, 15n, 60n, 469n

Connolly, Lt-Col J. R. J., 23 Bn, 325-7

Constable, Sgt F. H., 24 Bn, 294

Conway, Brig A. E., NZ Adjutant-General, 2-3

Cook, A. L., 6 Fd Regt, 433n

Cook, 2 Lt A. W., 5 Fd Regt, 319, 337, 339

Cooper, Sgt J. H., 5 Fd Regt, 436

Cooper, Lt T. L., 6 Bde HQ, 194

Copeland, Lt-Col A. D., 4 Bde HQ, 254

Cottrell, Capt A. B., Div Sup Coln, 220, 365

Coutts, Maj P. E., 1 Amn Coy, 220

‘Cova’– See Ghot Adhidiba

Cramer, Lt-Col Hans, Comd 8 Pz Regt, 161, 170, 205, 336, 340, 419

Crawford-Smith (Crawford), Maj H. O., 5 Fd Regt, 434

Crete, 1-5, 10, 13, 27, 41, 63-4, 71-3, 266, 273, 342, 364n

Crisp, Maj Robert, 3 R Tks, 161n, 407, 451n, 503n

Crüwell, Lt-Gen Ludwig, DAK Comd, 57n

and frontier line, 77

reacts to CRUSADER, 83, 86, 90, 101, 103, 105-6

escapes capture, 148, 151

commands Totensonntag attack, 155, 159-62

disagrees with Rommel on exploiting success, 204-8

at frontier, 24/27 Nov, 211-12, 215, 221, 247n, 297-9, 304-6, 330, 349-50

returns to Tobruk front, 352, 366-7

counter-attacks Corridor, 390-4, 396-7, 406

seizes S. Rezegh, 419

at Belhamed, 460, 462

opposes second frontier raid, 470-1, 474, 478

at El Gubi, 480, 483-4

at Gazala, 498-501

Crump, Brig S. H., CRASC, NZ Div, 221, 517

Crump, Capt S. N. S., 18 Bn., 442

Cunningham, Adm of Fleet Viscount (elder brother of Gen Cunningham), 7, 10, 13

Cunningham, Lt-Gen Sir Alan, 8 Army Comd

Appointed, 27, 37

presents plan, 37-41, 42-7, 48-50

visits NZ Div, 63

method, 65

vexed by enemy’s slow reaction, 81-4

at Maddalena, perceives danger to 4 Armd Bde, 86-7

Tobruk sortie, 91, 98, 100, 102, 107

orders main 13 Corps operations, 99, 115

and heavy tank losses, 101, 145, 156, 307

disagrees with Freyberg about use of mobile infantry, 138-9, 518

orders NZ Div to ‘go for Tobruk’, 140-1, 143-4

agrees to continue offensive, 197-203

underestimates Rommel’s raid, 207, 216

threatened with capture, 212-13

view of NZ Div operations, 250

dismissal of, 297, 501

Curie, Eve, 216n

Currie, Lt-Col A. R., 8 Fd Coy, 421, 448, 450

Currie Coln, 482

Cutler, 2 Lt J. G., 24 Bn, 260


‘d’Avanca’ (111), 58, 316, 510, 514

Davin, D. M., 1n

Davis, Sgt D. G., 23 Bn, 345n, 346n

Davy, Brig G. M. O., Comd 7 Armd Bde, 59n, 211, 213

de Giorgis, Maj-Gen Fedele, GOC Savona Div and West Sector, 58, 75n, 91, 130, 204, 298-9, 514

De Guingand, Maj-Gen Sir Francis, 307n, 308

de Meo Recce Gp, 406n – See also RECAM (Italian Forces)

Derbyshire, WO II J. A. M., 24 Bn, 239

Derna (19), 51, 79, 483, 501, 505

de Salis, Lt-Col S. C. F., CO 1 KRRC (‘60th Rifles’), 97

de Villiers, Maj-Gen, GOC 2 SA Div, 510, 513, 514

Dill, Fd Mshl Sir John, CIGS, 5, 7-8, 10-12, 308

di Nisio, Brig-Gen, 2 i/c Ariete Div, 161-2

de Nisio Gp (Ariete Div), 161n, 162

Director of Military Intelligence, MEF, 507n

Dittmer, Brig G., CO 28 Maori Bn, 72n, 145, 483

Dobree, Brig T. S., CO 1 Fd Regt, RA, 215, 301

Documents Relating to New Zealand’s Participation in the Second World War, 2n, 3n, 25n, 27n, 29n

Dodds, Capt G. M., 26 Bn, 288, 421

Donald, Lt-Col H. V., 22 Bn, 342

Drew, Lt-Col H. D., CO 5 R Tks, 448-50, 452-4

Duff, Brig C. S. J., CO 4 Fd Regt, 231, 250n, 254, 267, 285, 359, 363, 438, 460

Duffus, Louis, 161n

Dutton, Capt G. A., 21 Bn, 262, 275, 400-1

Dyer, Maj H. G., CO 28 Maori Bn (from 7 Dec), 487n


East Sector (Schmitt), 58, 130, 513

Ed Dbana (146), 386, 403

Ed Duda (291)

in Tobruk sortie, 82, 89-91, 100, 108

as objective of NZ and 70 Divs, 199, 200, 202, 245-50, 255-8, 269, 271-4, 292, 519

in DAK counter-attack, 356-8, 361-2, 369-71, 373-4, 387-8, 392-3, 396, 399-400, 403-7, 409, 422, 425, 427

excluded from Kessel, 431-3, 438, 459

again attacked by DAK, 471-4, 481-2

as base for push to El Adem, 485

El Adem (479)

in planning, 55

in opening battle, 82-3

as NZ Div objective, 199, 203-5, 247, 356, 414

objective of Trieste, 211, 214

site of Pz Gp Africa HQ, 221, 305-6, 331-2, 335, 366, 368, 390, 406

bottleneck of Axis supplies, 222

in DAK counterattack, 373, 399, 407, 415, 431

new objective of 8 Army, 469, 474, 480, 482-5, 488, 490, 515

staging point, 505, 514

proposed railhead, 523

El Agheila (19), 16, 351, 501, 505, 508-9

El Alamein– See Alamein

El Beida (111), 110, 220

El Chleta– See Bir el Chleta

El Cuasc (210), 48

El Gubi– See Bir el-Gubi


Fairbrother, Brig M. C., GSO III (Ops), NZ Div, 425, 428n, 444-5

‘Faltenbache’ (111), 58, 514

Farndale, HMS, 489

Farrow, Pte H. McG., 23 Bn, 345

Fenski, Maj, CO I Bn, 8 Pz Regt, 105

Ferguson, Capt C. A., 21 Bn, 122-3, 264, 279, 289, 291-3, 376-7

Fergusson, Bernard, 92n

Fisher, Maj F. M., 6 Fd Regt, 180

Fitzpatrick, Maj T. V., CO 21 Bn (from 27 Nov), 149n, 383, 394, 397-8, 400-1, 421-2

Fleming, Maj Y. K., 19 Bn, 284

Fliegerfuehrer Afrika–See Froehlich

Force E, Oases Group (Reid), 75, 78n, 200, 506

Fountaine, Col D. J., 20 Bn, 132, 269

Forder, Capt R. H., 24 Bn, 259-60, 277, 281

Franceschini, Gen, GOC Pavia Div, 393

Fraser, Lt-Col K. W., CQ 5 Fd Regt, 339

Fraser, Rt Hon Peter, NZ Prime Minister

on morale of 2 NZEF, 1

approves FFC 36 plan, 2-3

clarifies Freyberg’s status, 3-4

seeks opinions on Freyberg’s ability, 5

questions UK Chiefs of Staff, 24

seeks details of CRUSADER, 25-9

reassured about air support, 77

letters from Freyberg 41, 518

Free French Forces, 78n, 515, 521

Freeman, Air Chf Mshl, Vice-Chief of Air Staff, 28

Freyberg, Lt-Gen Lord, GOC 2 NZEF and 2 NZ Div

on reinforcements, 2

and FFC 36, 3

status, 3-4, 23-5

‘charter’, 4, 32

criticisms of, 4-5


farewells Wavell, 10

on CRUSADER prospects, 23, 36, 42, 69-70, 73-4

gives Fraser details of forthcoming offensive, 24-9, 41-2

wants force of all arms, 29-30

and NZ detachments, 30-2, 515-18

training at Baggush, 23, 33-6, 63-4

planning of CRUSADER, 38-42, 46-7, 65, 67, 519

on need of more infantry on Tobruk front, 41, 88

and Brigade-Group Battle, 41, 138-9

sets out for Libya, 69-71

offers to help 4 Armd Bde, 87

starts major operations, 99-100

misled about tank battle, 100, 113-15, 139, 144, 232, 264

in opening phase, 112-17, 120, 122, 124, 131, ordered westwards, 133-6

‘go for Tobruk’ policy, 137-46, 154, 201-3, 214, 216, 219, 225-6

attack on Pt 172, 227, 230

fights through to Tobruk, 242, 245-50, 264-5, 269-71, 286

first relief of Tobruk, 273, 295-7, 313, 362

visits 6 Bde, 26 Nov, 274

and dismissal of Cunningham, 297, 308

and 5 Bde at frontier, 315-16, 332

reacts to return of DAK and Ariete, 369, 374, 380-2, 384, 387, 389, 413-15

watches attack south of Belhamed, 372

keeps Corridor open, 422, 426-8, 432

in Kessel, 423, 425, 444-5

and 1 SA Bde, 410-11, 426-7, 429-30, 444, 458

withdraws from Zaafran, 461, 464, 472

5 Bde at Gazala, 488, 493n, 505, 515-18, 520

lessons of campaign, 519-20

assessment of, 522

mentioned, 13, 149, 156

Friday, Sgt W. D., 24 Bn, 379

Froehlich, Lt-Gen Stephan, Flieger-fuehrer Afrika, 204

‘Frongia’– See Sidi Omar Nuovo

Fuka (19), 32, 65


Gabr Saleh (19), 46, 74, 81, 83, 90, 100, 102, 136n, 199, 206-7, 209-1, 216, 264, 353

Gale, B. E., 26 Bn, 172n

Galloway, Lt-Gen Sir Alexander, BGS 8 Army, 87, 99, 198-9, 203

Gambara, Gen Gastone, GOS 20 Italian Mobile Corps and Chief of Staff, Italian High Command in North Africa, 53-4, 59, 159, 203, 390, 393, 471, 485, 500-1

Gambut (Airfield) (19)


as NZ objective, 67, 115, 133-5, 137, 143, 197

paratroop raid on, 75

site of Pz Gp HQ, 79

and Ariete, 159

as anchor of proposed 8 Army line, 199

4 Bde at, 220, 226, 235

supply dumps near, 221, 324

70 Div objective, 356

DAK counter-attack, 366, 391, 396

Geissler Coln, 475, 478

Gamlin, Pte H. B., 25 Bn, 182

Gapes, Lt B., 7 A-Tk Regt, 462n

Garaet en-Nbeidat (158), 163-4

Gardner, Capt P. J., 4 R Tks, 271n

Garland, Maj J. H., Div Cav, 513n

Gasr el Abid (318), 203, 207, 211-12, 297, 301, 305, 323, 478

Gasr el Abid (210), 137-8, 350, 354

Gatehouse, Maj-Gen A. H., Comd 4 Armd Bde

in first phase, 90, 98, 104-6, 114

on 24 Nov, 214

in ‘Battle of Taieb el Esem’, 310

on southern flank of NZ Div, 408, 415n

efforts to help NZ Div, 430, 447-55

at Gazala, 496, 502-4

Gatenby, Capt C., 26 Bn, 288

Gause, Lt-Gen Alfred, Chief of Staff, Pz Gp Africa, 19, 83, 204-5, 212, 215, 297, 390, 406n

Gay, L-Bdr K., 4 Fd Regt, 462

Gazala (19), 306, 308, 390, 469, 484, 488, 490, 493-506, 510, 520n

Geissler Adv Guard (Column)–See 200 Regt (German Forces)

Geissler, Gen Hans, GOC X Flying Corps, 77

Geissler, Lt-Col, Comd 200 Regt, 170, 398, 475, 481

Gentry, Maj-Gen Sir William, GSO I, NZ Div

discussions with Freyberg, 114, 369

move to Gambut, 121n, 133-4, 140

in advance on Tobruk, 201, 245, 250, 264, 269, 357-8

tribute from Brig Watkins, 233

in defence of Corridor, 382, 422

at Belhamed and Zaafran, 428n, 432, 444-5

in dispute about use of 5 Bde, 517

mentioned, 65n, 521n

German Forces

Wehrmacht (OKW), 1, 7, 56n

Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH), 19, 54

Pz Army Africa (formerly Pz Gp Africa), 412n

Pz Gp Africa (Rommel)

prepares attack on Tobruk, 19-22, 55-8, 75-7

in first phase of CRUSADER, 79, 85, 130

on Totensonntag, 159-60, 211

supply problems of, 222, 514

counter-attacks Corridor, 366, 390-3, 406-7, 412-13, 462

and Rommel’s ‘Evil Dream’, 298, 305-6, 323-4, 335

and Oases Gp, 351-2

after departure of NZ Div, 470-1

at Gazala, 484-5, 504

pessimistic, 498

reinforcements for, 501, 508

returns to Gazala, 509-10

German Africa Corps (DAK) (Crüwell)


in opening battle, 83, 85-6, 90-1, 96-8, 101-6

threats to supplies of, 133, 147, 242, 321, 342n, 466

HQ overrun by 6 Bde, 151

on Totensonntag, 155, 159-63, 174, 192-3, 204

drives to frontier, 205-12, 221-2, 247n

at frontier, 233, 298, 303-9, 322-5, 335, 342, 349-51, 466-7

returns to Tobruk front, 366

counter-attacks Corridor, 390-4, 431, 433, 447n, 451

in aftermath of Corridor battle, 470-1, 474-5, 478-81, 483-5

at Gazala, 490, 495, 498-501, 503

strikes back from Ajedabia, 508

as witness of NZ exploits, 519

Africa Div (renamed on 28 Nov 90 Lt Div) (Sümmermann)

formed, 20, 56-8

in opening phase, 83, 89, 94-5

on Totensonntag, 159, 192

and Corridor battle, 235, 265, 366-7, 406, 409, 413, 426, 433, 459, 470-1, 473

in aftermath of Tobruk fighting, 474, 481

withdraws, 484, 501

Division z.b.V. Afrika–See Africa Div

5 Lt Div – See 21 Pz Div

90 Lt Div – See Africa Div

15 Pz Div (Neumann-Silkow; Kriebel)

in BATTLEAXE, 48, 56, 60, 109

prepares to attack Tobruk, 20, 55, 57

in opening phase, 83, 86-8, 90, 94, 101-3, 138, 145

on Totensonntag, 159-63, 165-7, 205-6

drives to frontier, 206-9, 211-12, 221

at frontier, 297-8, 302-6, 314, 323-5, 330-2, 335-6

returns to Tobruk front, 347-50

at El Chleta, 354-5, 365

counter-attacks Corridor, 366, 368, 390, 392-9, 403-9, 411-13, 426

recaptures Belhamed, 433, 447n, 452, 455, 459-60, 462-3

in need of overhaul, 470-1

despatches Geissler Coln, 475, 478

at El Gubi, 480, 483-4

loses tank repair depot, 487

at Gazala, 499-500, 504

excellence of GOC of, 520

21 Pz Div (von Ravenstein; Boettcher)


redesignated, 57

under Pz Gp, 58

in first phase, 83, 85n, 86-8, 90, 101-5, 108, 113-14, 120, 145, 159-63, 174, 192, 205

drives to frontier, 217, 221

in Rommel’s ‘Evil Dream’, 297-302, 304-6, 316, 323-5, 327, 336, 342, 349-50

counter-attacks Corridor, 390-8, 402-3, 407, 409, 411, 412n, 423, 426, 431, 433, 450, 458, 460, 462-3

forms Knabe Coln, 475

at El Gubi, 480-1

5 Pz Regt (Stephan; Mildebrath) (21 Pz Div)


in first phase, 85-7, 103-5

on Totensonntag, 160-2, 165-7, 169-70, 205

drives to frontier, 208-13

misadventures there, 299, 301-4, 311-12, 323, 349n

east of NZ Div, 402, 463

at Gazala, 495

8 Pz Regt (Cramer) (15 Pz Div)


in attack on Belhamed, 61, 433-8, 440-52, 455

overruns 4 Armd Bde, 105-6

on Totensonntag, 160-2, 165-7, 170

drives to frontier, 206, 209, 212

at frontier, 303, 317-20, 349

returns to Tobruk front, 399

attacks Ed Duda, 404-6

recaptures S. Rezegh 417-21

attacks Zaafran, 460-2

in reserve, 478

at Gazala, 495, 499-500

115 Inf Regt (Zincke) (15 Inf Bde), 161-2, 166, 193, 206, 208, 209, 326, 329

361 Africa Regt (Grund), 58, 95, 101, 159-60, 173-4, 178, 192-3, 206, 235, 394

104 Inf Regt (Knabe) (21 Pz Div), 58, 208, 463, 475, 514

115 Inf Regt (Zincke) (15 Inf Bde), 162, 165-6, 193, 208, 212, 325-7, 349, 500

155 Inf Regt (Mickl) (Africa Div), 58, 83, 95, 101, 106, 157, 159, 160, 206, 235, 265, 373, 385. See also Boettcher Gp

200 Regt (Geissler) (15 Inf Bde), 162, 165-6, 172, 212, 349, 385, 398, 406, 460, 475-8, 481, 515

3 Recce Unit (von Wechmar) (21 Pz Div), 20, 86, 94, 148, 204, 209, 221-2, 227-31, 306, 323, 391, 428-9, 458, 504

33 Recce Unit (15 Pz Div), 80, 83, 205-6, 209, 211-12, 298, 304, 349, 391, 406, 421, 474


606 AA Bn (Briel) (21 Pz Div), 132

Army Artillery – See 104 Arty Comd

104 Arty Comd (Boettcher), 163, 222, 235, 265, 325, 433, 452, 470

33 Arty Regt (15 Pz Div), 161-2, 325, 327, 336, 346, 354n, 433, 460, 475

33 A-Tk Bn (15 Pz Div), 346, 347n, 348, 393

605 A-Tk Bn (Africa Div), 473


33 Engr Bn (15 Pz Div), 167, 349, 398

200 Engr Bn (21 Pz Div), 230, 481-2

900 Engr Bn (Africa Div), 235, 265, 473, 481-2


56 Signals Unit, 75


15 Motor-Cycle Bn (200 Regt), 170-1, 329, 397, 406, 433, 462, 475, 478

2 MG Bn (Busch) (200 Regt), 170-1, 385, 397-9, 401, 419, 433, 460, 462, 495, 499

8 MG Bn (Schuette) (21 Pz Div), 205, 325, 330, 349n, 350, 463, 481-2, 495

III Bn, 255 Inf Regt (Africa Div), 58

III Bn, 347 Inf Regt (Africa Div), 58, 473

Oasis Coys (Bn z.b.V. 300), 57-8, 127, 214, 467, 510

Luftwaffe, 13, 52, 77-8, 81, 492, 501

X Flying Corps (Gen Geissler), 51, 77

Luftflotte 2 (Kesselring), 52, 484

Ghot Adhidiba (‘Cova’) (125), 58, 125, 127, 214, 218, 510, 514

Gibbon, Maj ‘Stump’ (44 R Tks), 283, 362, 371-4, 425

Gilberd, Capt J. G., (7 A-Tk Regt), 386

Gilmour, Capt W. L. M., RMO 20 Bn, 441

Goad, Pte G. H., 21 Bn, 396

Godwin-Austen, Gen Sir Alfred, GOC 13 Corps: in CRUSADER planning, 27, 39, 49, 63, 65

offers to help 4 Armd Bde, 87

opens main 13 Corps operations, 99-100, 114-15, 138

orders raid to Gambut, 133-4

corresponds with Freyberg, 139-40, 142, 144, 246

‘go-for-Tobruk’ policy, 156, 198-9, 232

Rommel’s raid, 214, 216

links with Tobruk, 232, 234, 246-8, 250, 256, 273, 296, 356-8, 386-8

and Cunningham’s dismissal, 308

defends Corridor, 404, 413-14, 426-7, 430-1, 472

and 5 NZ Bde at Gazala, 488, 493n, 515-16

commands armour, 490, 502, 504, 507-8, 510

Goering, Reichsmarschall, C-in-C Luftwaffe, 7, 77

Goettman, Maj, CO II Bn, 115 Inf Regt, 166

Goldforce (Goulder), 475-6, 478

Goodheart, David, 19n, 20n

Goodland, Cpl H. E., 25 Bn, 295

Gott, Lt-Gen W. H. E., GOC 7 Armd Div

assessment of, 43

in first tank battle, 81-4, 89, 98-9, 101-4, 106-7

faces crisis, 137, 139, 141-2, 153

on Totensonntag, 156-7, 162-4, 195, 197-8

on 24 Nov, 214

return of DAK, 368, 411, 417

ambiguous orders of, 414, 450-1, 453, 455

orders 4 Armd Bde to help NZ Div, 430, 450

curious view of situation, 431, 454

Gatehouse reports to, 452, 454-5

authorised to withdraw, 458-9, 464

Ritchie’s visit, 468

at El Gubi, 480

at Gazala, 490, 502

Goulder, Lt-Col, CO 31 Fd Regt, RA, 475

Greaves, Gnr S. R., 5 Fd Regt, 435

Greece, 8, 13, 24-5, 35-6, 63-4, 233, 273

Greenless, P. D., 25 Bn, 175n

Green Mountain (Jebel Akhdar), 15, 79, 506, 522

Greville, Maj A. W., CO 22 Bn (from 29 Nov), 466n

Griffin, Brig E. H. L Lysaght, DA and QMG, 30 Corps, 203

Grigg, Maj A. N., 5 Fd Regt, 339-40, 364n

Grolmann, Maj von, CO I Bn, 115 Inf Regt, 166

Grooby, WO II H. L., 20 Bn, 269, 361

‘Grumpy’ – See ‘Wolf’

Grund, Lt-Col, Comd 361 Africa Regt, 173-4, 193

Guderian, Gen Heinz, 108n

Gulf of Sirte (1), 390

Gunn, 2 Lt G. W., 3 RHA, 271n

Guthrey, Lt A. R., 20 Bn, 244

Gwyer, J. M. A., 7n, 28n


Hagfet en-Nezha (479), 107, 157

Halfaya Pass (position), 8, 19, 45, 58, 69, 70, 113, 129-30, 211, 219, 299, 301, 304, 311, 316-17, 321-2, 324-5, 332, 346, 510, 514

Handyside, Maj M., 25 Bn, 175-6, 182

Hanson, Brig F. M. H., CRE NZ Div, 62

Harder, Lt-Col, CO I Bn, 361 Africa Regt, 173

Harding, Fd Mshl Sir John, BGS 13 Corps, 114, 356, 404, 414

Harding, Maj A. F., 7 A-Tk Regt, 244

Hareifet en-Nbeidat (158), 242, 365

Hargest, Brig J., Comd 5 Bde

criticises Freyberg, 4-5

character and experience, 73

in opening moves, 113-17, 121-2, 128

in frontier area, 135, 139, 145

at Sidi Azeiz, 219, 234, 282, 305

and Rommel’s raid, 315-20, 488

needed on Tobruk front, 357, 382

mentioned, 65n, 364n, 518

Hargrave, Capt C. R., 21 Bn, 274-5, 277

Harper, Capt J., 5 Fd Regt, 436

Harris, Mshl of the RAF Sir Arthur, 11n

Hartnell, Brig S. F., CO 19 Bn, 71-2, 131-4, 147-8, 370, 373, 403, 423

Harvey, Maj H. D., 28 Maori Bn, 129

Hasluck, Paul, 15n, 24n

Hastie, Lt-Col A. J. R., 25 Bn, 153, 175-7, 182-3

Hedge, Lt-Col S. J., 24 Bn, 236n, 240

Helwan Base Camp, 2, 14, 32

Hely, Brig A. F., CO 60 Fd Regt, RA, 102, 105

Henderson, Capt B. R., 25 Bn, 185, 225, 364n

Henderson, Jim, 6 Fd Regt, 434n, 509n, 510n

Herd, Sgt J. A., 24 Bn, 225

Heslop, Capt W. J., 25 Bn, 177, 182-3

Heyber, Pte E. E., 24 Bn, 150n, 187n

Higson, Maj J. F., 1 Essex, 472

Hill, 2 Lt M. C., 7 A-Tk Regt, 244

Hill, Lt M. L., 24 Bn, 236n, 276

Hill, Russell, 308n

Hinton, Sgt J. D., 20 Bn, 63

History of the 7th Medium Regiment Royal Artillery, 1939-1945, 157n

Hitler, Adolf (Fuehrer), 7, 19, 52-4

Hodge, D. W., 19 Bn, 285n

Holt, 2 Lt P. de V., 25 Bn, 175, 183

Hood, Maj A. G., OC 6 RMT Coy, 217-19, 312-13

Hulme, Sgt A. C., 23 Bn, 63

Hutchinson, Capt C. P., 21 Bn, 293, 377-8


Indian Forces– See also British Forces

4 Div (Messervy)

in preliminaries, 22, 27, 31, 65

takes over frontier area, 143-6, 467

asked to send I tanks to NZ Div, 202

and Rommel’s raid, 211, 215, 246, 301, 311, 315, 330n

supplies 5 NZ Bde, 466

at Gazala, 490, 498-500, 504-5, 518

in pursuit, 506

5 Bde (4 Ind Div)

in planning, 66, 68

on L of C, 127, 311-12

to relieve 5 NZ Bde, 143

mobile role of, 199, 353, 487

masking Bardia, 467-8

at Gazala, 492, 495-6, 498-500

7 Bde (4 Ind Div)

in planning, 66-7

opening moves, 83, 112, 114-17

attacks Omars, 121, 124-6

beats off counter-attacks, 299-302, 308-9, 311

completes capture of Omars, 467

in mobile role, 468

at Gazala, 495-6, 498-500

11 Bde (4 Ind Div)

in preliminaries, 22, 66

at frontier, 127, 199, 311, 321, 353

in mobile role, 468-9

at El Gubi, 483, 485-6

29 Bde (Reid), 75nSee also Force E, Oases Gp

38 Bde (independent), 468

CIH (4 Ind Div), 127, 215, 299n, 312, 475-6, 499


2 Bn, 5 Mahratta Lt Inf (11 Bde), 480

3 Bn, 1 Punjab Regt (5 Bde), 467, 499-500

4 Bn, 16 Punjab Regt (7 Bde), 126, 214

4 Bn, 6 Rajputana Rifles (5 Bde), 500

4 Bn, 11 Sikh Regt (7 Bde), 125, 127, 299-300, 312, 495

Inglis, Maj-Gen L. M., Comd 4 Bde

in planning, 65n

character and experience, 72-3

at frontier, 120, 131-5, 139

bound for Tobruk front, 146-8, 227, 231-4

captures Belhamed, 237n, 245, 250, 254, 266, 268-9

links with Tobruk, 281-5

attacks pocket south of Belhamed, 359, 361-3, 370-4

defends Corridor, 403, 414, 425, 427

withdraws from Zaafran, 458-9, 463

Iraq, 7, 11

Italian Forces

Comando Supremo, 52, 203, 484, 498

10 Corps, 490

20 Mobile Corps (Gambara

Piazzoni), 20, 57, 59, 80n, 203, 207, 307n, 331, 470, 474, 478, 483, 490, 499-501

21 Corps (Navarrini), 19, 159, 390, 490

Gambara Corps – See 20 Mobile Corps

132 Ariete Armd Div (Balotta) (Mobile Corps)

in preliminaries, 47, 54, 81, 83, 88, 108, 113

on Totensonntag, 159-62, 201-3

drives to frontier, 207, 211, 214, 221, 298, 303, 305, 309-10, 330

returns to Tobruk front, 354, 366, 390, 392-4

takes Pt 175, 401-2, 407

south of NZ Div, 421, 431, 433, 457, 463

on second trip to frontier, 474, 478, 483

at Gazala, 490, 498-500

25 Bologna Div (21 Corps), 55, 57n, 58, 88, 139-40, 390

27 Brescia Div (21 Corps), 57, 492, 497

17 Pavia Div (Franceschini) (21 Corps), 55, 57n, 58, 95, 235, 305, 390, 393, 413, 447n, 485, 496, 500

55 Savona Div (de Giorgis), 19-20, 57, 58, 75n, 83, 124, 130, 209, 298, 354

102 Trento ‘Motorised’ Div (21 Corps), 57n, 58, 305, 390, 471, 492-3

101 Trieste Motorised Div (Mobile Corps)

in preliminaries, 54, 57-8

under Rommel, 203

Rommel’s raid, 207, 211, 297, 307n

south of Corridor, 235, 390, 406n, 447n

on second frontier raid, 470-1, 474, 478, 483

at Gazala, 490, 498n

132 Tank Regt (Ariete Div), 84, 161n, 162

8 Bersaglieri Regt (Ariete Div), 84

9 Bersaglieri Regt (Trieste Div), 235, 259, 265, 277, 293

16 Inf Regt (Savona Div), 124

RECAM (Mobile Corps), 80, 167, 331. See also de Meo Recce Gp

Young Fascists, 480

5 Air Fleet, 77


Jack, Capt J. R. G., 25 Bn, 185

Jackman, Capt J. J. B., 1 RNF, 271n

Jalo (19), 39, 75, 81, 298, 351-2, 390

Jantzen, 3, 7, 24, 488, 522-3

Japeth, Pte W., 24 Bn, 259n, 277-8

Jarabub (19), 16, 17, 39, 75, 298, 303, 305, 323, 351-2

Jeavons, Capt A. J. H., 23 Bn, 322, 344-6

Jock Colns, 309, 311, 353-5, 385, 394, 407, 409, 411, 431, 457, 469, 483, 487-8, 490, 506-7. See also Currie Colon, Mayfield Coln, Vic Coln, Wilson Coln

Johansen, Maj C. C., 27 MG Bn, 267, 359

Johnson, Lt-Col S. H., 22 Bn, 319, 337

Joly, Cyril, 3 R Tks, 503n

Jones, Capt B. T. J., 24 Bn, 191, 237, 293, 376-7

Jones, Hon. F., NZ Defence Minister, 27, 42

Jordan, Rt Hon W. J., NZ High Commissioner to UK, 68

Joyes, R. B., Bn, 251n, 442n, 443n


Kabrit (Suez Canal Zone), 31

Kay, R. L., 75n, 189n, 276n

Kennedy, Maj-Gen Sir John, 5n

Kerr, Maj E. W., Div Cav, 513

Kesselring, Fd Mshl A., Oberbefehlshaber Süd, 501

Keyes, Elizabeth, 75n

Keyes, Lt-Col G., 75n, 271n

Kinder, WO II J. B., 25 Bn, 186

King, Lt-Col, 1 Buffs, 499

Kippenberger, Maj-Gen Sir Howard, CO 20 Bn

experience, 72

at Menastir, 120, 132-4, 146-7

and ‘go-for-Tobruk’ scheme, 139, 142, 146

attacks Pt 172, 149, 227-30, 391

at Zaafran and Belhamed, 243, 250-6, 264n, 266-9

escapes from MDS, 483

mentioned, 63n, 112n, 283n, 438n

Kirby, Lt-Col W. H., CO 3 Transvaal Scottish, 107

Knabe Battle Gp (Advance Guard, Coln) 87, 103, 304, 323, 475, 478, 481. See also 104 Inf Regt (German Forces)

Knabe, Lt-Col, Comd 104 Inf Regt, 87, 323, 403, 475, 481

Kolbeck Bn (Africa Div), 481

Kriebel, Lt-Col Rainer, GSO I, 15 Pz Div, 94, 205n, 212, 299, 324, 331, 392, 413n, 444n, 483, 500

Kuemmel, Capt, CO II Bn, 8 Pz Regt, 165-6, 419


Laird, F. J., 20 Bn, 440n

Lamb, 2 Lt F. G. S., 26 Bn, 288, 379

Latham, Brig H. B., BRA, 13 Corps (head of Historical Sec, UK Cabinet Office), 438

Laurie, Lt. E. C., 24 Bn, 236n

Leckie, Col D. F., CO 23 Bn, 117-19, 128, 315-16, 321-2, 348-9

Leckie, Pte G., 20 Bn, 440

Lee, Captain, 44 R Tks, 461

Lee, Lt G. L., 27 MG Bn, 403, 461

Levy, Maj P. B., 7 A-Tk Regt, 267, 435

Libyan Omar (often ‘Sidi Omar’) (125), 58, 66, 121, 215, 222, 308, 311-12, 315, 322-4, 335, 466-8

Libyan Sheferzen (300), 211, 214, 218, 311, 488, 505

Liddell Hart, B. H., 108n

Lindsay, WO II H. C., 4 Fd Regt, 461

Ling, Capt D., 44 R Tks, 372, 445, 459, 461, 465

Llewellyn, S. P., 303n, 320n, 419n

Lochhead, Sgt G. L., 20 Bn, 361, 440

Logan, Cpl G. H., 24 Bn, 223n, 260n, 276

Long, Gavin, 3n

Longmore, Air Chief Mshl Sir Arthur, AOC-in-C MEF (to May 1941), 10, 12

Long Range Desert Group, 17, 75, 201, 506

Lord, 2 Lt S. V., 21 Bn, 277

Loughnan, Bdr I. H., Div Cav, 434-5

Love, Lt-Col E. T. W., CO 28 Maori Bn (23 Nov), 129, 349, 477, 487n

Lynn, Pte R. D., 24 Bn, 239, 290, 377

Lysaght-Griffin, Brig E. H. L., DA and QMG, 30 Corps, 203

Lyttelton, Rt Hon. Oliver, Minister of State in ME, 307


Maadi Base Camp, 2-3, 14, 32

Mack, WO II R. J. G., 27 MG Bn, 325

Maddalena, Fort (210), 107, 141, 297

Maffey, Sgt H. G. E., 7 A-Tk Regt, 244

Magen Belhamed, 256, 370, 443

Magill, Gp Capt G. R., RAF LO with NZ Div, 73, 112

Malta (1), 13, 51-3, 76, 78n, 509, 522-3

Manchester, Capt K. G., 20 Bn, 359

Mansel, G. R., 24 Bn, 224n

Mantell-Harding, Maj A. C. W., 24 Bn, then CO 26 Bn, 150, 222, 363, 379, 418n, 419-20

Manzetti, Brig-Gen Ferruccio, 75n

Marchesi, Gen, GOC 5 Air Fleet, 77

Marshall, Maj E. L. J., Div Sigs, 285

Marshall, Cpl F., 24 Bn, 260n

Marshall, Bdr F. S., 7 A-Tk Regt, 441

Martin, Lt H. R., 25 Bn, 179, 189

Martin, Col T. A., 272n, 273n, 357n, 473n

Masefield, 2 Lt J. V., 6 Fd Regt, 435

Mason, Lt-Col C. G., CO 2 Regt Botha, 168, 242

Mason, Capt W. W., 5 Bde HQ, 333, 337, 489n

Masters, David, 283n, 304n

Matthewson, Maj B. J., 26 Bn, 171, 258

Matruh – See Mersa Matruh

Maxwell, Lt-Col D. T., AA and QMG, NZ Div, 65n, 428n

Mayfield Coln, 464See also Jock Colns

Medley, Brig E. J., BRA 8 Army, 311

Mellenthin, Maj-Gen Baron von, HQ Pz Gp Africa, 203n

Menastir (131), 67, 119, 131, 133-4, 135, 202, 314, 320, 333, 341, 348, 350, 466, 487, 497, 510, 512, 515, 517

Menny Battle Gp, 499-500

Menny, Col. Comd German 15 Inf Bde, 162, 166, 326, 329, 499-500

Menzies, Rt Hon R. G., PM of Australia, 23-4

Mersa Matruh (19), 17-18, 21, 23, 32, 40-1, 65, 68, 75, 79

Messervy, Maj-Gen F. W., GOC 4 Ind Div


in planning, 81, 99, 127

and Rommel’s raid, 214-16, 311

and 5 NZ Bde, 332, 341, 467

Meythaler, Maj, CO I Bn, 155 Inf Regt, 93

Meythaler Bn (Africa Div), 93

Mickl Gp – See Boettcher Gp

Mickl, Lt-Col, Comd 155 Inf Regt, 83, 373, 385, 412-13

Middle East Forces (Command, GHQ), 3, 30, 468

Mildebrath, Maj, Comd 5 Pz Regt, 299, 323

Miles, Brig R., CRA NZ Div

in preliminaries, 5, 65n

and move towards Tobruk, 138-9, 233

in Corridor battle, 282, 372, 423

shells Ariete, 415

mission to Tobruk, 422, 432

captured, 437, 518

Milliken, Maj T., 26 Bn, 258n, 288, 294

Millsteed, Pte J. F., 24 Bn, 290

Minson, Sgt R. D., 23 Bn, 326-7

Misheifa, Bir Abu (19), 18, 509-10

Mitchell, Brig J. M., 4 Fd Regt, 457

Mitchell, Maj T. H., 20 Bn, 253, 268

Moffatt, Maj W., 6 Bde IO, 257, 280n, 292, 418

Money, Capt J. H., 21 Bn, 396

Moorehead, Allan, 219n

Morgan, Cpl G. M., 24 Bn, 188

Morris, C. A., 25 Bn, 178n

Morris, Lt G. J. B., 25 Bn, 179, 295

Morshead, Lt-Gen Sir Leslie, GOC 9 Aust Div, 14-15

Mosque (tomb of S. Rezegh), 97, 151, 256, 258, 260-2, 274, 295, 377, 379, 382-3, 428, 430, 433-4, 446-7, 451, 453, 521

Mottram, Pte B., 24 Bn, 188

Muir, Pte M., 24 Bn, 381

Muirhead, Maj J. C., 7 A-Tk Regt, 180, 183, 185

Murchison, Capt I. L., Div Cav, 320

Musaid (128), 119, 128, 130, 316, 321, 325, 487

Mussolini, Benito (Duce), 52-3

MacAulay, L-Cpl A. A., 25 Bn, 295

McBride, Maj F. R., 25 Bn, 184, 188-9

McCarthy, Maj L. C., RMO 25 Bn, 192

McClymont, W. G., 1n, 4n, 23n, 24n

McCowan, Bdr H. W., 5 Fd Regt, 435n

McDonald, Capt H. H., 24 Bn, 187-9

MacDuff, Capt J. L., BM 5 Bde (from 29 Nov), 467n

Mackay, Maj J. G., 18 Bn, 268

Mackenzie, Pte H. R., 25 Bn, 192n

Mackenzie, Maj R. P. H., 65 A-Tk Regt, RA, 398

McKinney, J. B., 484n

McLauchlan, Maj D. K., 19 Bn, 369-71, 374

McLernon, Capt S. M., 22 Bn, 341-2

McNaught, Lt-Col G. J., CO 25 Bn, 150-4, 195, 217, 224, 232

McPhail, Lt E. A., 5 Bde IO (from 29 Nov), 467n

McPhail, Capt N. J., 20 Bn, 253n, 266n, 359-60

MacPherson, Capt E. G., 21 Bn, 377-8

Macpherson, Cpl J. A., 20 Bn, 229, 361n


Naafi/efi, 311

Napier, Brig J. L. C., BGS 30 Corps, 99

Nash, Rt Hon W., Acting PM of NZ, 1n, 5, 24n

Nathan, Maj E. C. W., 4 Fd Regt, 461

Nathan, Capt C. R., 24 Bn, 277, 293

Navarrini, Gen Enea, GOC 21 Italian Corps, 57n, 390, 393

Nelley, Pte L. M., 24 Bn, 418

Nellmapius, Lt G. S., 5 SA Fd Coy, 168

Neptune, HMS, 522n

Neumann-Silkow, Maj-Gen Walther, GOC 15 Pz Div

in tank battle, 105

on Totensonntag, 166

in Rommel’s raid, 205, 298, 303-6, 322-5, 330-2, 350

returns to Tobruk front, 354, 366, 368, 385

attacks Ed Duda, 391-3

captures S. Rezegh, 413, 419

attacks Zaafran, 460, 462

and Geissler Coln, 475, 478

killed, 483

assessment of, 520

Nevins, Gnr G. F., 5 Fd Regt, 436

Newth, Cpl K. L., 20 Bn, 441n

Newton-King, Lt-Col D. S., CO 4 SA Armd Car Regt, 469

New Zealand Forces

RNZN, 522

2 NZEF, 10, 23, 29-30, 32, 36, 64, 518-20

NZ Div (Freyberg)

after Crete, 1-5, 18n, 22, 28-9

reaches Baggush, 23, 25

training, 29-36, 62-4

and CRUSADER planning, 38, 45, 65-8

en route to Libya, 68-74

offers to help Gatehouse, 87, 114

starts main operations, 115

marking time, 110-15

masking frontier line, 117-24, 128-34

bound for Tobruk front, 135-49

moves to relieve Tobruk, 197, 201-3, 226-48

attacks Belhamed and S. Rezegh, 249-65, 371-4

joins hands with Tobruk garrison, 266-71, 273-4, 281-5, 309, 313-14, 353, 365, 399

and return of DAK, 362, 367-9, 381-2, 384-94, 396, 402-4, 407, 409-11, 468-9

in Kessel, 412-62

withdraws, 463-5, 470-4

return of 5 Bde, 505

reassembles at Baggush, 505-6, 515-18

assessment of, 518-21

Div HQ (Gp, G Branch), 63, 120, 143, 146, 148-9, 206, 230, 280, 362, 365, 381, 384-6, 388-9, 425-8, 443-6, 465n

AA and QMG (Maxwell) (‘A and Q’, DAQMG), 65n, 219, 365, 386-8, 428n

‘B’ Gp, Div HQ (Oakes), 386, 423

Div Admin Gp – See Rear Div HQ


Rear Div HQ, 70, 148, 219, 313, 365, 386-8

4 Bde (Inglis) (18, 19 and 20 Bns, 2 MG Coy)

after Crete, 2

in 1940, 23n

trains for combined operations, 31

desert training, 34-6

leaves Baggush, 68

experience, 71-3

in opening moves, 115, 119-20, 131

moves westwards, 139, 151, 192, 197, 219-22

Gambut to Belhamed, 226-34, 237-40, 243-40, 243-56, 306

on to Ed Duda, 263-73, 280-5, 292

clears ground south of Belhamed, 358-63, 377, 385

Corridor battle, 382, 387-8, 399, 403

loss of S. Rezegh, 410n, 411n, 422-5

evacuates transport, 428

loses Belhamed, 432, 434, 438-45, 450, 452, 454, 456-65

elements in Tobruk, 517

mentioned, 480n

5 Bde (Hargest) (21, 22, 23 and 28 Bns, 1 and 4 MG Coys)

after Crete, 2, 26

at Alamein, 23, 31, 33

desert training, 34

leaves Baggush, 68

experience, 71-3

in opening moves, 112-24, 135

masking frontier forts, 142-3, 145-8

21 Bn detached, 148

and Rommel’s raid, 211, 214, 219, 299n, 309, 313

sqn of I tks detached from, 230

reports to Freyberg, 282

attacked by DAK, 315-49

needed by NZ Div, 357

marking time at frontier, 474, 487-90

defeats Geissler Coln, 474-8

at Gazala, 490-8, 500, 504-6

Freyberg disputes use of, 514-18, 520

6 Bde (Barrowclough) (24, 25 and 26 Bns, 3 MG Coy)

after Greece, 2

in Canal area, 31

desert training, 34

detached role of, 67, 100, 107, 115, 133, 135-46

leaves Baggush, 69

experience, 71-2

crosses frontier, 112

joined by 21 Bn, 145, 231-2

skirmish at El Chleta, 160, 470

at Esc-Sciomar, 152-5

and Totensonntag attack, 163-5, 168-72

attacks Pt 175, 173-97, 230

and Matruh Stakes, 206-7, 212, 217-20

attacks Blockhouse, 233-43, 245, 248

first attack on S. Rezegh, 249-50, 269, 273-81

captures S. Rezegh, 282, 286-95

and Rommel’s raid, 315, 331, 349

and return of DAK, 363-5, 369, 371, 374-84, 392-402, 408

loses S. Rezegh, 428

on 1 Dec, 432-40, 463, 465n, 520

mentioned, 480n

Div Cav Regt (Nicoll)

in training, 26, 32, 34, 62, 64-5

on opening day of CRUSADER, 79-80

screening initial advance, 112-17, 121, 131, 145

C Sqn in detached role, 147, 227, 283n, 356, 371, 373, 386, 402, 426, 430, 443, 465n

at Sidi Azeiz, 317, 320, 336, 341

with 4 Ind Div, 466-7, 475-7

with 2 SA Div, 487-8, 506, 510-14

mentioned, 234

Artillery (Miles), 2, 29, 62, 515

7 A-Tk Regt (Oakes) (31, 32, 33 and 34 Byts)

cross-country to Baggush, 32

new equipment of, 32

at Menastir, 113n, 150

at Esc-Sciomar, 151

L Tp on 23 Nov, 163-5, 168-72, 233

K Tp at Pt 175, 174, 180, 188

on 24 Nov, 195, 227

in Blockhouse attack, 236, 244

RHQ bombed, 247

in Belhamed attack, 251, 267

in first S. Rezegh attack, 257, 259, 274, 279-80

in Ed Duda advance, 283n

in Rommel’s raid, 317n, 319-21, 328-9, 333-5, 337-8, 347

at S. Rezegh, 28/30 Nov, 383, 385-6, 418-22, 425

at Belhamed and Zaafran, 403, 434-5, 439, 441-2, 446-7, 460, 462, 465n

with 5 Bde in Dec, 466n, 476

4 Fd Regt (Duff) (25, 26 and 46 Btys)

at Menastir, 113n, 120, 131-2, 146-7

at Gambut, 148, 231

at El Chleta, 227

below Blockhouse, 244-5

in attack on Belhamed, 250-1, 255, 267-8

at Zaafran-Belhamed, 358-60, 363, 371-3, 432, 434, 439, 456-7, 465n

5 Fd Regt (Fraser; Sprosen) (27, 28 and 47 Btys)

at Bir Ghirba, 123-4

RHQ and 28 Bty at Sidi Azeiz and Menastir, 315, 319-21, 333-41, 348, 466n, 476-7

27 Bty at Capuzzo, 316, 321, 326, 343, 346-7

47 Bty with 6 Bde, 206-7, 242, 258-9, 262, 264, 274, 399, 423

last stand of 47 Bty, 438, 446, 457, 465n, 516

in Tobruk, 489

at Gazala, 496, 504-5

6 Fd Regt (Weir) (29, 30 and 48 Btys)

at El Chleta, 150-2

on 23 Nov, 164, 168-71, 180, 183, 185-6, 194-5

on 24 Nov, 222

in Blockhouse attack, 236, 239-43

in first S. Rezegh attack, 257-9, 274, 280

at S. Rezegh, 364, 372-5, 379, 382, 394, 399, 404, 415, 418

moves to Belhamed, 428

last stand of, 432-40, 447, 452, 456-7, 462, 465n

in Tobruk, 474

mentioned, 74n

14 Lt AA Regt (41, 42, 43 and ‘X’ Btys)

in Canal Zone, 25, 30

fires first NZ shots, 112

at Pt 175, 154, 195

in attack on Belhamed, 251

at Sidi Azeiz, 319, 338

at Capuzzo, 344, 347

and capture of MDS, 386

and loss of Belhamed, 438, 457, 465n

in 22 Bn Gp, 341, 466n

and Geissler Coln, 476-7

in Tobruk, 474, 489, 505-6

at Gazala, 490-1

1 Survey Tp, 231, 465n

Engineers (Hanson)

5 Fd Pk Coy, 363, 385, 403, 457, 465n

6 Fd Coy, 70n, 363, 373, 403, 425, 465n

7 Fd Coy, 34, 333n, 466n

8 Fd Coy (Currie)

at Pt 175, 195, 240, 243

near Blockhouse, 295

north of S. Rezegh airfield, 399, 430, 432, 446, 448, 450-1, 454

listed, 465n

Divisional Signals (Agar), 34, 140, 285, 444, 456, 465n


18 Bn (Peart)

outside Bardia, 131, 134

moves to Gambut, 147

to Zaafran, 243-5

reaches Belhamed, 250-5, 282

attacks pocket to south, 358-60, 363, 370-3

loss of Belhamed, 424, 432, 434, 441-3, 460

with Tobruk garrison, 466, 473, 481-2, 489, 505, 515, 517

19 Bn (Hartnell)

CO’s experience, 71

near Menastir, 119

moves to Gambut, 131, 133-4, 147

to Zaafran, 230, 243-5

advances to Ed Duda, 282-5, 295-6

at Ed Duda, 357, 362-3, 369-74, 393

Zaaforce, 403, 432, 458, 465n

Dudaforce, 404, 432, 443, 466, 473, 482, 489, 505, 515, 517

20 Bn (Kippenberger)

wins VCs 63-4

cuts Via Balbia, 119-20, 131-4

and ‘go-for-Tobruk’ scheme, 142, 146-9

attacks Pt 172, 381

advances to Zaafran, 239, 243-5

attacks Belhamed, 264, 282

two-coy attack, 358-62

changes places with 18 Bn, 373

overrun at Belhamed, 424-5, 432, 439-42, 445, 453, 465n

remnants at Baggush, 506

21 Bn (Allen; Fitzpatrick)

attacks Bir Ghirba, 117-19, 122-6

detached from 5 Bde, 145

moves to El Chleta, 146, 209

joins 6 Bde, 226, 232-3

on southern escarpment, 236, 242-3, 248

attacks S. Rezegh, 256-9, 261-4, 274-81, 287, 289, 291-3

and return of DAK, 364, 376-83

at Pt 175, 394-402, 408, 411, 417

remnants on Trigh Capuzzo, 421, 446-7, 454, 465n

losses of, 417, 516

22 Bn (Andrew; Greville)

morale, 64

moves to Menastir, 117, 121, 142, 146-7

and Rommel’s raid, 314-19, 332-42

withdraws and returns via Capuzzo, 466-7

and Geissler Coln, 476-7

at Gazala, 493-4, 496-8, 504-5

23 Bn (Leckie)

seizes Capuzzo, 117-19, 121-2, 128

heavily attacked, 320-2, 325-9

again attacked, 342-9

moves to Menastir, 466-7

at Gazala, 491-4, 505

24 Bn (Shuttleworth)

in Canal area, 2

attacks ‘Sidi Clif’, 34

en route to El Chleta, 150

at Esc-Sciomar, 154

supports 25 Bn at Pt 175, 164, 187-95

and Matruh Stakes, 212, 217, 222

completes capture of Pt 175, 223-6

captures Blockhouse, 236-44

attacks S. Rezegh, 256-63, 274-81, 282, 286-95

and return of DAK, 363-4, 374-83

overrun near Mosque, 398-9, 414, 417-20

losses of, 417

remnants on Trigh Capuzzo, 454, 465n

25 Bn (McNaugh; Burton)

in Canal area, 2

to El Chleta, 138, 149-51

attacks Pt 175, 152-4, 163-4, 173-95, 224

and Matruh Stakes, 193, 225-6, 364

and capture of Blockhouse, 237, 243

attacks S. Rezegh, 256-8, 260, 262-3, 274, 278-9, 281, 287, 294-5

and return of DAK, 374, 382-3, 394, 415, 430

on 1 Dec, 432, 446, 448, 454, 463, 465n

26 Bn (Page; Walden; Mantell-Harding)

in Canal area, 2

captures ‘Bir Stella’, 34

en route to El Chleta, 138, 149-50

sent to help 5 SA Bde, 153-5, 163-5, 168-72

on southern flank of 6 Bde, 195, 217, 222, 226

in Blockhouse attack, 233, 236, 240-3

attacks S. Rezegh, 256-9, 261-3, 274, 278, 280-1, 286-9, 292-5

second attack on strongpoint to east, 363-4

losses of, 364

captures strongpoint, 374-5

reinforces 24 Bn, 379

redisposed, 382-3, 398

sees attack on Ed Duda, 400

partly overrun, 418-22

remnants on Trigh Capuzzo, 446, 454, 465n

27 MG Bn

in training, 33

in opening phase, 129

at Gambut, 148

at Pt 175, 154, 189, 222, 398, 402

in attack on Pt 172, 227

in Blockhouse attack, 236, 239-40

in attack on S. Rezegh, 257, 259, 281

in capture of Belhamed, 267

at Menastir, 315, 341, 466n, 477

at Upper Sollum, 321

at Capuzzo, 321, 325-6, 342, 344

at Sidi Azeiz, 333-4

at Belhamed, 359-60, 371, 439, 441, 461, 465n

at S. Rezegh, 382, 421

at Bir Sciuerat, 403, 423, 425

28 (Maori) Bn (Dittmer




morale, 63

at Sollum, 128-9, 321-2, 330, 342, 348-9, 466-7

at Musaid, 327-9, 344

at Menastir, 475-8

at Gazala, 491-4, 496-8, 504-5

ASC (Crump), 32, 70, 219, 313, 332, 386, 473

Amn Coy (Coutts), 18n, 303n, 313-14, 332, 466n, 505

Petrol Coy, 74, 218-19, 220, 312, 365, 388, 517

Supply Coln (Coy), 74, 195, 219-20, 388

4 RMT Coy, 30, 32n, 219n, 227, 314, 488-9, 505-6, 509n, 517

6 RMT Coy (Hood), 29, 32, 195, 312, 357, 506, 510, 514

Div Provost Coy, 74n, 385

Ordnance (Workshops, LADs, Fd Park), 70, 332, 365, 386, 473

Div Salvage Unit, 70, 473


4 Fd Amb, 361n, 385, 465n, 483

5 Fd Amb, 333n, 385, 483

6 Fd Amb, 195, 385, 428, 432, 435, 483

4 Fd Hygiene Sec, 385

MDS (Medical Dressing Station)

captured, 384-5

recovered, 483-4

mentioned, 363n, 381-2, 388, 397, 399, 466, 515n

Mobile Surgical Unit, 70, 385

YMCA, 466n

Non-divisional entities

18 Army Tps Coy, NZE, 18n

‘A’ NZ FMC (50 FMC) (Closey), 33n, 245, 311-14, 514n

‘B’ NZ FMC (51 FMC, then 46 FMC) (Huggins), 33n, 312n, 514n

Rly Constr and Maintenance Gp, 18

‘T’ Air Support Control Sigs Sec, 33n, 320, 514n

‘X’ Water Issue Sec, 33n, 514n

Nichol, R. S., 21 Bn, 396n

Nichols, Lt-Col, CO 1 Essex, 272, 273n, 405, 406, 472

Nicoll, Lt-Col A. J., CO Div Cav Regt, 317n, 336, 337n, 341, 466

Niven, Bdr M. G., 7 A-Tk Regt, 337-8

Nixon, Cpl F. G., 5 Bde HQ, 333, 340

Norrie, Lt-Gen Lord

in planning, 39, 49

in opening battle, 81, 84, 87, 89, 91, 98-102, 107

and move of 6 Bde, 121n, 136-8, 141, 144, 151, 153-4

faces crisis, 156-7, 203

in Matruh Stakes, 212-14, 216

and dismissal of Cunningham, 308

‘Battle of Taieb el-Esem, 309-10

and return of DAK, 353, 355

leads 1 SA Bde forward, 407, 414, 429-30

withdrawal of NZ Div, 444, 448, 458-9, 463-5

at El Gubi, 468-9, 485

attacks Bardia and Halfaya, 490, 510

Nottle, Capt R. A., 26 Bn, 294, 363-4, 374-5, 379, 421

Nza Ferigh – See Abiar Nza Ferigh


Oakes, Lt-Col T. H. E., CO 7 A-Tk Regt and ‘B’ Gp, 386, 423

Oases Gp – See Force E

O’Brien, Sgt J. M., 27 MG Bn, 276n

O’Carroll, Lt-Col, CO 4 R Tks, 473n

O’Connell, L-Cpl M. G., 23 Bn, 327

Oliver, Bdr M. G., 6 Fd Regt, 435

Ollivier, Maj F. M., 6 Bde HQ, 195

Omar (s) – See Libyan, Sidi

Ombler, Capt E. P., 5 Fd Regt, 339

O’Neill, Maj J. A., 8 R Tks, 227, 229, 381, 383, 397

Opie, Cpl A. C., 24 Bn, 239n, 290, 293, 383n

Orbell, Maj R. M. S., 23 Bn, 344

Organisation Plan 36 of Field Force Committee (FFC36), 2-3, 29

Ormond, Capt W. E. W., 25 Bn, 176-7, 364n


Palmer, Rev C. G., 5 Bde HQ, 513n

Page, Brig J. R., CO 26 Bn

experience, 72

in skirmish with DAK HQ, 150

and Totensonntag attack, 153-5, 163-4, 168-72

in Blockhouse attack, 240

attacks S. Rezegh, 256-9, 261-3, 278, 280, 294

Pearl Harbour (Hawaii), 488

Pert, Lt-Col J. N., CO 18 Bn

in attack on Belhamed, 251, 254, 268-9

attacks on pocket to south, 359-60, 363

changes places with 20 Bn, 373

loss of Belhamed, 432, 442-3

with Tobruk garrison, 473, 482

Penelope, HMS, 52

Pepper, Lt C. S., 7 A-Tk Regt, 169, 172

Phillips, Capt J. F., 20 Bn, 253n

Piazzoni, Maj-Gen, GOC Trieste Div, later GOC Ital. Mobile Corps, 501

Pienaar, Maj-Gen D. H., Comd 1 SA Bde

training, 41

objects to night move, 107

on Totensonntag, 163, 197

in Matruh Stakes, 213

in ‘Battle of Taieb el-Esem’, 309-10

on journey northwards, 355, 368, 382, 402-3

lacks tank support for move, 407, 409-10

halts at news of loss of Pt 175, 411

directed to Bir Sciafsciuf, 414, 418

Bonifant’s mission to, 426, 430

attacks Pt 175, 429, 458

Pike, Capt, 44 R Tks, 254

Playfair, Maj-Gen I. S. O., 15n

Plumtree, Capt D. R., Div Pet Coy, 218, 388

Pt 137 (494), 504

Pt 154 (Belhamed), 251

Pt 154 (494), 504

Pt 162 (S. Rezegh), 97, 258, 262, 383, 398

Pt 162 (north of El Adem), 485

Pt 167 (S. Rezegh), 95-6

Pt 172 (south of Gambut), 148, 149, 226, 230

Pt 174 (north-west of B. el Gubi), 480

Pt 175 (Hill 175)

in opening phase, 95, 98, 104-5

as NZ objective, 121, 138, 160, 163-4, 212, 222-6, 232-4, 242-7, 521

defence of, 388

lost, 394-404, 407-15

held by Italians, 421, 424, 431, 444, 458, 472

Pt 178 (on southern escarpment), 102, 106, 248, 414

Pt 181 (494), 493, 496-7

Pt 182 (north-west of B. el Gubi), 480

Pt 182 (491), 493

Pt 194 (494), 494

Pt 204 (494), 495, 498-9

Pt 208 (476), 475

Pt 209 (491), 491-2

1 Polish Carpathian Inf Bde

at Tobruk, 14, 92

at Gazala, 497, 504-5

Pool, Lt-Col J., 6 RMT Coy, 218

Pope, Lt-Gen V. V., Comd-designate of K Corps (30 Corps), 43

Postan, Prof. M. M., 59n

Pringle, D. J. G., 23 Bn, 345

Puttick, Lt-Gen Sir E., former Comd 4 Bde, 5, 71n, 437n


Qattara Depression (19), 16

Quilter, Capt J. P., 20 Bn, 230, 424, 453

Quin, Cpl I. F. A., 25 Bn, 176, 183


Railway, Desert, 17-19, 23, 32, 64, 79, 505, 514, 523

Ravenstein, Lt-Gen Johann von, GOC 21 Pz Div

in opening phase, 83, 85-6, 105, 160

in Matruh Stakes, 205, 207-9, 211

at frontier, 299, 304-6, 322-5, 342, 349-50

in counter-attack on Corridor, 396, 400, 402

papers of, 403, 418, 423

rescued from sea, 489

Reed, Sgt A. G., 25 Bn, 189, 261n, 278

Reed, Maj C. K., 6 Fd Regt, 435

Reeves, Lt J. W., Div Cav Regt, 512

Reid, Brig D. W., Comd Force E, Oases Gp, 75, 351-2

Reid, Capt I. D., 25 Bn, 225

Rhodes, Maj G. A. T., 20 Bn, 268

Richards, Denis, and H. St. G. Saunders, 28n, 78n

Ritchie, Gen Sir Neil

as Deputy CGS, MEF, 30

appointed C-in-C 8 Army, 308

Force E, 351

Rommel’s raid, 352-5

tries to get 1 SA Bde forward, 407, 409, 411

El Gubi operations, 464, 468-9, 474, 480, 485

believes Bardia source of DAK supplies, 467, 478-9, 485

sanctions scheme to give up Ed Duda, 472

Gazala battle, 490, 493n, 498, 504

at Agheila, 508-10

in dispute with Freyberg about use of 5 Bde, 515-18

Robb, B. H., 25 Bn, 218n

Roberts, Maj L. W., Div Sup Coln, 219, 314

Roberts, Capt W. H., 25 Bn, 184-5, 192, 295

Robertshaw, Maj P. W., 25 Bn, 177, 364n

Romans, Lt-Col R. E., 23 Bn, 327-9

Rommel, Fd-Mshl Erwin, C-in-C Pz Gp Africa

and BATTLEAXE, 8-9

plans to attack Tobruk, 19, 77, 235


Freyberg’s assessment of, 73-4

in opening phase, 75, 78, 83-6, 90-1, 94, 97, 101, 103-6, 127, 247n

on Totensonntag, 153, 159

raids frontier area, 193, 200, 203-12, 215-16, 219, 221, 234, 282n, 519-20

action at frontier, 297-311, 323-5, 327-31, 520n

overruns 5 Bde HQ, 340

third attack on Capuzzo, 346-8

returns to Tobruk front, 349-52, 390-3

tries to form Kessel, 409, 412-13, 431

well served by frontier garrisons, 467

retreats to Agheila, 468, 490, 496-502, 504

proclaims victory at S. Rezegh, 470-1, 481-2

starts second frontier raid, 474

strikes back at El Gubi, 480, 483

returns to Gazala, 508-9

Ropp, Theodore, 108n

Ross, Lt-Col A. B., DAQMG, NZ Div, 365

Ross, Angus, 322n, 345n, 346n

Royal, Maj R., 28 Maori Bn, 327-8

42nd Royal Tank Regiment, 1938–1944, 127n

Rugbet en-Nbeidat (by Pt 175), 95, 102, 152-3, 175, 177, 225, 234, 235-7, 239-40, 258, 265, 394, 448, 453-4

Russell, Cpl A., 23 Bn, 328

Russell, Lt-Col J. T., Div Cav Regt, 64, 332

Russia, 7, 12, 53, 488

Rutherford, 2 Lt F. D., 26 Bn, 172

Ryan, Capt E. L., 7 A-Tk Regt, 183-4

Ryll, Maj, CO II Bn, 361 Africa Regt, 173-4, 192


Saddleton, Pte R. H., 24 Bn, 290

Salum – See Sollum, Upper Sollum

Sandbach, Maj. P., CO 8 Hussars, 449

Sanders, Col G. P., GSO II, NZ Div, 142, 143, 144, 145

Sandford, Capt H. S., 5 Bde IO, 336

Sawyers, Lt-Col C. H., 6 Fd Regt, 194, 375, 438

Schmeling, Maj, 33 Arty Regt, 380

Schmidt, Capt H. W., 115 Inf Regt, 166n

Schmitt, Maj-Gen, Comd East Sector, 58, 91, 130, 513

Schuette Gp (Lt-Col Schuette) – See 8 Mg Bn (German Forces)

Sciuearat – See Bir Sciuearat

Scobie, Lt-Gen Sir Ronald, GOC 70 Div and Comd, Tobruk Fortress

in planning, 43, 49, 91

mounts sortie, 94-5, 99, 101, 108

junction with NZ Div, 226, 246-7, 255, 281, 295-7, 308

Corridor battle, 362, 369-71, 404, 409

doubts about holding Ed Duda, 471-2

pushes to El Adem, 484

Scott, 2 Lt F. D., 7 A-Tk Regt, 172

Scott-Cockburn, Brig J., Comd 22 Armd Bde

in opening phase, 84, 90, 98, 104

on southern flank of NZ Div, 213, 264, 356, 410

Scoullar, Lt-Col J. L., 4n, 506n, 514n, 518n, 519n, 520n, 521

Shakespear, Pte W. R. A., 24 Bn, 188, 212n, 237, 239, 289-90, 294, 375n

Sheferzen – See Libyan Sheferzen

Shuttleworth, Lt-Col C., CO 24 Bn

experience, 72

at El Chleta, 150

at Pt 175, 193, 195, 222-4, 226, 232

attacks Blockhouse, 236-40

attacks S. Rezegh, 257-62, 278, 280-1, 293

and return of DAK, 376, 379-80, 382-3, 399

overrun, 418, 420, 499

Sicily, 11, 13, 484

Sidi Azeiz (334), 67, 99, 115, 117, 121, 146-8, 216, 219, 298, 303-6, 313-17, 325, 331, 332-3, 335-42, 346, 349, 466, 475-6, 488, 513

Sidi Barrani (19), 9, 16, 21

Sidi Omar (125), 19, 45, 66, 69-70, 85, 108n, 113, 130, 204-6, 212, 298-9, 302, 312, 316, 325, 341, 474

Sidi Omar Nuovo (‘Frongia’) (125), 58, 66, 121, 124-7, 211, 306, 308, 315, 330, 466, 468

Sidi Rezegh, 47, 58, 127, 136-56, 170-2, 193-209, 214, 349, 355-8, 482, 489, 516, 519,521. See also Mosque

‘Silver John’ (2/3 A-Tk Regt AIF), 14n

Sim, Bdr G. F., 7 A-Tk Regt, 244

Simpson, J. G., 24 Bn, 225n

Sinclair, D. W., 285n

Sleeman, Pte L. J., 24 Bn, 377

Smith, Lt-Gen Sir Arthur, CGS, MEF, 516

Smith, Lt C., Div Sigs, 444

Smith, Capt H. H. W., 21 Bn, 275-6

Smith, Lt-Col R. Trevor, 18n

Smuts, Fd Mshl Rt Hon J. C., PM of the Union of South Africa, 6

Smyth, Capt B. S., 6 Fd Coy, 425

Snadden, Maj J. P., 4 Fd Regt, 439, 442n, 474

Sofafi (19), 23, 311, 313

Sollum (Salum) (Pass, Front), (128), 16, 19, 53-4, 68, 69, 77, 117, 119, 121, 128-30, 142, 204, 216, 234, 305-6, 321-3, 325, 471, 514. See also Upper Sollum (Barracks)

SOMMERNACHTSTRAUM, 20-2, 31, 53, 85n, 207n

South African Forces

1 Div (Brink)

and relief of Tobruk garrison, 14

training, 31

role of, 27, 43, 48, 141

on approach march, 80

Norrie’s plan for, 107

to take over from 7 Armd Div, 143

new orders for, 197

and 13 Corps, 201

Germans believe destroyed, 205-6

2 Bde in frontier operations, 510

2 Div (de Villiers), 468, 510

1 Bde (Pienaar)

training, 41

masks El Gubi, 88

fails to reach 5 SA Bde, 107, 144, 157

in ‘Battle of Taieb el-Esem’, 197, 213, 264, 309-11

en route to NZ Div, 355, 368, 394, 402, 414

tries to recapture Pt 175, 426-32, 444, 453, 464, 472

3 Bde (2 Div), 487,510. See also Vic Coln

5 Bde (Armstrong)


training, 41

en route to S. Rezegh, 88-9, 95, 98, 103-4

repulsed at Pt 178, 106-7

6 NZ Bde moves to help, 151-3, 163-5, 168-72

attacked by DAK, 156-8, 160-3, 165-8

wrongly retained on order of battle, 197, 201, 232-3

scene of last stand of, 242

mentioned, 480n

4 Armd Car Regt (Newton-King) (7 Armd Div), 80n, 84, 89, 408, 469

3 Recce Bn (1 Div), 410

2 A-Tk Regt (4 Ind Div), 312

7 Fd Regt (1 Bde), 310

1 Bn, DEOR (1 Bde) 429, 458

2 Bn, Regt Botha (Mason) (5 Bde), 157, 163, 167-8, 242

1 Bn, RNC (1 Bde), 429, 458

1 Bn, SA Irish (Cochran) (5 Bde), 157, 165, 168, 363

Transvaal Scottish

1 Bn (1 Bde), 458

2 Bn (6 Bde), 514

3 Bn (Kirby) (5 Bde), 107-8, 157, 163, 171

SA Air Force, 20

Special Air Service, 506

Sprosen, Lt-Col J. F. R., CO 5 Fd Regt (Dec), 489, 496

Staveley, Maj J. M., 6 Fd Amb, 428

Stephan Battle Gp – See 5 Pz Regt

Stephan, Lt-Col, Comd 5 Pz Regt, 85-7, 167, 170, 211, 299

Stevens, Lt-Col G. R., 125n, 301

Stevens, Maj-Gen W. G., Officer-in-charge of Admin, 2 NZEF, 3n, 25-6

Stewart, Lt A. B., 7 A-Tk Regt, 343, 348n

Stewart, Col H., 73n

Stewart, Maj-Gen Sir Keith, former GSO I, NZ Div, 28-9

Stone, C. H. B., 5 Fd Regt, 339n

Straker, Maj T. W., BM 5 Bde, 123, 130, 315, 316, 333, 338, 340

‘Strategicus’, 308n

Struckmann, Lt, 115 Inf Regt, 166

Stubbs, Maj C. L., 23 Bn, 492

Sümmermann, Maj-Gen, GOC Africa Div (later 90 Lt)

in opening phase, 58, 83, 91, 93-5

opposes link-up between NZ and 70 Divs, 173, 235, 367

in counter-attack on Corridor, 370, 390, 393

low morale of troops of, 473, 481

evacuates Tobruk positions, 488

killed, 501n

Süsskind-Schwendi, Maj von, GSO I, 21 Pz Div, 392n, 393

Suez Canal, 2, 13, 18, 30-1, 51, 78n

Sugden, Lt G. H., 8 R Tks, 397, 400

Sutton, Maj S. P. M., 8 R Tks, 129, 379-81

Swift and Bold, 95n, 96n, 97n

Syria, 8, 10-11, 14-15


Taieb el-Esem, Bir (210), 197, 213, 464

Tappin, R. S., 24 Bn, 224n

Tedder, Mshl of the RAF Lord, AOC-in-C MEF, 12, 13, 28, 77, 199, 307

Thompson, Lt H, 24 Bn, 150n, 187n

Thompson, Wing-Cdr H. L., 78n

Thomson, Pte D. R., 24 Bn, 378

Thomson, Capt D. S., 19 Bn, 284

Thomson, Lt-Col E. J., 26 Bn, 278, 420-1

Thomson, Maj F. S. R., 23 Bn, 118, 491-2

Thorgrim, HMS, 489

‘Tiger’ (85), 92-4, 108, 370, 521

tiger, 13

Till, Pte R. E., 24 Bn, 293

Tmimi (19), 75, 469, 495, 501-3, 504

Tobruk (Tobruch)



in CRUSADER planning, 10-17, 27, 37-47, 49, 54, 66-70

projected Axis attack on, 19-21, 53-8, 509

in opening phase, 73, 76-8, 155, 159, 221

NZ troops leave, 505-61

use of 5 Bde beyond, 515-18

and objects of CRUSADER, 518-23

Garrison14-15, 27, 45, 60-1

sortie of, 81-7, 89-95, 100-2, 107-8, 131, 133, 214

and 13 Corps commitments, 110, 113, 117, 139-45

battle to relieve, 198-208, 216, 226, 233-5, 245-53, 255, 264, 269-73, 282-3, 295-7, 307, 479

extends sortie, 483-5

finally relieved, 500


counter-attack on, 324, 330-1, 355-8, 362, 366, 369-71, 381-2, 387-93, 396, 403-6

closed, 412-14, 422, 424, 432, 437-9, 441-3, 447-8, 465

New Zealanders remaining in, 466, 468

policy regarding, 478

final attack on, 481-2

Tolerton, Capt W. M., 26 Bn, 168, 288, 289, 420

Tomlinson, Maj E. K., 24 Bn, 190, 222, 237, 262, 277-8, 287n, 289, 379, 383n, 418-20

Tongue, Capt W. M., 21 Bn, 275, 394, 398, 400

Totensonntag (Sunday, 23 Nov), 165, 242

Tredray, Lt J. P., 25 Bn, 178

Tripoli, Tripolitania (1), 11, 13, 51, 78n, 508

Trolove, Capt F. J., 21 Bn, 274

‘Tugun’ (85), 93-4, 108

Tureia, Capt P., 28 Maori Bn, 129

Turner, D. H., 24 Bn, 237n

Turtill, Capt A. C., 21 Bn, 394, 400n

Tyerman, Capt J., 18 Bn, 358-9


U-Boats, 52

Upham, Capt C. H., 20 Bn, 63, 64

Upper Sollum (Barracks) (128), 16, 135, 142, 211, 282, 303, 315, 321, 325, 327, 329-30, 342, 346, 348-9, 466-7, 497

Upton, 2 Lt J. R., 26 Bn, 241


Vause, Pte C., 21 Bn, 396n

Veale, Lt-Col P. N., 8 R Tks, 137, 174, 177, 181, 188-9, 195, 226

Vernon, Capt F., 5 Bde HQ (from 29 Nov), 467n

Vic Coln, 487-8


Wadi esc-Sciomar, 138, 149, 195, 206, 365, 397, 399, 429, 458, 483-4

Wahl, Capt, CO II Bn, 8 Pz Regt, 419

Wait, Sgt R. S., 6 Fd Regt, 436n, 437n

Wake, Mai-Gen Sir Hereward, and Maj W. F. Deedes – See Swift and Bold

Walden, Maj E. F., 26 Bn, 236n, 363, 420-1

Wall, WO II J. L., 24 Bn, 294

Wallace, Capt T., 24 Bn, 290, 293, 379

Walton, Lt-Col W. F., CO 8 Fd Regt, RA, 402

Waters, S. D., 522n

Watkins, Brig H. R. B., Comd 1 Army Tk Bde, 140, 227, 233, 249, 267n, 358, 384n, 386

Wavell, Fd Mshl Lord, C-in-C MEF

and Anzac Corps, 3

commends Freyberg, 5

and conduct of war in ME, 7

and BATTLEAXE, 8-9

changes places with Auchinleck, 10-11

Wechmar Gp – See 3 Recce Unit (German Forces)

Wechmar, Col Freiherr von, CO 3 Recce Unit, 83, 306, 323

Weir, Maj-Gen Sir Stephen, CO 6 Fd Regt, 74n, 152, 236, 243, 286, 372, 399n, 401, 418, 422-3, 432-8

Wesney, Capt A. W., 26 Bn, 172

Westenra, Lt W. D., 26 Bn, 241

Weston, Maj G. C., 6 Bde HQ, 452-4

Westphal, Gen Siegfried, GSO I, Pz Gp Africa, and acting-comd, Tobruk Front, 24/28 Nov, 204, 205, 208, 211, 221, 305-6, 323, 330-1, 335, 352, 366

West Sector (de Giorgis), 58

White, Maj J. C., PA to GOC, 113n, 233n, 357, 428n

Whitehead, Sgt B. P. K., 4 Fd Regt, 462

Whitley, Wing-Cdr E. W., Comd Whitforce, 78n

Whyte, Pte J., 24 Bn, 290

Wilder, Maj-Gen A. S., Comd 5 Bde (from 7 Dec), 487, 493n, 515

Wilder, Lt-Col N. P., Div Cav Regt, 426, 430

Williams, Maj E. W. S., 19 Bn, 284, 369

Williams, Lt-Gen Sir Guy, Mil. Adviser to NZ Govt, 2-3

Williamson, Capt, 44 R Tks, 461

Willis, Rev C. E., attached 25 Bn, 192

Wilmot, Chester, 14n, 307n

Willison, Brig A. C., Comd 32 Army Tk Bde, 271, 285, 295, 357, 404-5

Wilson Coln, 483-4

Wilson, Capt D. A., 25 Bn, 225

Wilson, Maj H. S., 6 Fd Regt, 173

Wilson, Capt E. M., 20 Bn, 253, 359n, 360, 441

Wilson, Fd Mshl Lord, GOC-in-C BTE, 59n

Wilson, Maj R. N., 5 R Tks, 220

Winter, Sgt T. P., 25 Bn, 185

Winters, S. G., 18 Bn, 251n

‘Wolf’ (85) (renamed ‘Grumpy’), 255, 370

Wood, Prof. F. L. W., 4n, 6n

Wood, Capt W. N., 6 Fd Regt, 444


Yeo, Brig H. C. J., CO 44 R Tks, 267n, 283, 512

Yeoman, Capt A. A., 24 Bn (B Coy), 277

Yeoman, Capt A. C., 24 Bn (Carrier Pl), 241, 279, 379

Young, Brig Desmond, 205n, 208n

Young, Capt J. H., 5 Fd Regt, 436

Yugoslavia, 8, 425n


Zaafran, 234, 235, 243, 249, 266, 282-3, 358, 390, 398, 403, 406, 409, 423, 466, 489, 515, 519

Zincke, Lt-Col, Comd 115 Inf Regt, 166