
AA and QMG Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General
Abar, Abyar Wells (plural of Bir)
ADS Advanced Dressing Station
AFV Armoured Fighting Vehicle
Alam Cairn; rock
ASC Army Service Corps
A-tk Anti-tank
Bab Pass; gate
Bde Brigade
Bir Well; cistern
BM Brigade Major
BTE British Troops in Egypt
Bullet Pool
Burg Fort; tower; hill resembling tower
Buweib Pass (dim. of Bab)
CGS Chief of the General Staff
CIGS Chief of the Imperial General Staff
CO Commanding Officer
Comd Commander; commanding
CRA Commander Royal Artillery
CRE Commander Royal Engineers
Deir Depression
Duweir Group of hills
FDL Forward Defended Locality
Gabr Tomb
Gebel Hill; mountain
GOC General Officer Commanding
HQ Headquarters
Inf Infantry
IO Intelligence Officer
Kafr Village
Maaten Shallow wells
MDS Main Dressing Station
Mersa Port; anchorage
Minqar, Munqar Cliff; bluff
MT Mechanical Transport
Naqb Pass; cutting
p.w. Prisoner of war
Qabr, pl. Qubur Grave
Qaret Low hill
RA Royal Artillery
RAP Regimental Aid Post
Raqabet Dry watercourse
Ras Headland; cape
RHA Royal Horse Artillery
RMO Regimental Medical Officer
RMT Reserve Mechanical Transport
RTR Royal Tank Regiment
Sanyet Deep well
SDR Special Despatch Rider
Sidi Saint
Tell Mound (usually artificial)
Wadi Watercourse (dry)
Wishka Palm