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Appendix 3: New Zealand Casualties in the Battle for Egypt, 20 June–21 November 1942

Western Desert ‘C’ 20 June – 31 August 1942 Western Desert ‘D’ 1 September–22 October 1942 Western Desert ‘E’ 23 October–21 November 1942 TOTALS
Officers Other Ranks Total Officers Other Ranks Total Officers Other Ranks Total Officers Other Ranks Total
Killed in Action 44 492 536 3 48 51 24 255 279 71 795 866
Died of Wounds 24 262 286 2 25 27 8 93 101 34 380 414
Deaths on Active Service* 33 33 13 13 4 4 50 50
Wounded 122 1,958 2,080 24 310 334 92 1,198 1,290 238 3,466 3,704
Prisoners of War 107 1,712 1,819 5 85 90 2 39 41 114 1,836 1,950
Totals 297 4,457 4,754 34 481 515 126 1,589 1,715 457 6,527 6,984

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* Includes deaths through sickness, accident, and causes not otherwise classified.

In June 1942 the New Zealand Division’s strength stood at nearly 20,000 men. Wounds, sickness and the departure of 4 Brigade to Maadi brought it down to just over 13,000 in July. After Alam Halfa, it reached its nadir with 648 officers and 10,913 men, but by November had crept back to nearly 13,000. Among the 7350 graves of Allied servicemen in the Alamein cemetery are those of 1049 known and 56 unknown New Zealanders.

Source: Statement of Strengths and Losses in the Armed Services and Mercantile Marine in the 1939–45 War, Parliamentary Paper H-19b, 1948.

Compiled by the War History Branch, Department of Internal Affairs.