

A-17, 175–76

A-20: A-20A, release of, 302

acceptances, 354

characteristics, 198

deck-loading, 419

production, 337n, 357

sent to U.S.S.R., 405

unit cost, 360

A-24, 198

A-26: 198, 201, 317

acceptances, 354

characteristics, 201

production, 357

unit cost, 360 A-29, 402

A-30, 402

A-31, 284

A-36, 199

AAA Comd., 107

AAF base units, 75

AAF Board, 64, 68, 685, 693

AAF Forms: Form 20, 539, 542

Form 34, 38

Form 119, 38

Form 127, 37

AAF Headquarters: 31, 33–34, 41–44, 4648, 51–52, 55–56, 60–61, 390, 544, 547, 671, 683–84, 692

and AAFSAT, 686

and aircraft allocation, 412, 414

and aircraft distribution, 415, 420

and aircraft production, 201

and air base development, 145, 155

and basic military trig., 531

and bomb. trig., 468

and flight trig., 468, 489, 493, 522, 533, 560, 603–4, 607, 614

and medical trig., 690

and other WD agencies, 56

and overseas deployment, 626

and reconnaissance trig., 617, 620

and recruiting procedures, 496

and signal training, 665

and subordinate commands, 46, 62–63, 67–68, 70, 73, 75, 368, 373, 477, 610–11, 6z z

and technical trig., 659

and women pilots, 678

established of senior intel. officers' course, 689

on-the-line trig., 564–65

recruiting staff members, 38–40

reorgn., (9 Mar. 42) 65, (29 Mar. 43) 42–44

succeeds AFCC and OCAC, 366. See also Air Staff.

AAF Medical Service Training School, 649

AAF Navigation School, 547

AAF School of Applied Tactics: 44–46, 64, 68, 93, 161, 231, 623, 684–93

actv., 684

Air Defense Dept., 602

Air Support Dept. 602

and ANSCOL, 690–91

and OTU training, 602–3

Bomb. Dept., 602

inspection course, 692–93

intel. training, 687–89

medical training, 689–90

orgn., 684–85

staff officers' course, 692

AAF Tactical Center, 46, 64, 68, 685, 690, 693

AAF Weather Wing, 46

Academy of Aeronautics, 464

AC/AS. See Assistant Chief of Air Staff.

Adjutant General, The: 127, 375, 440, 446, 448

and ACER, 495

and application procedures, 499

and recruitment, 437–39, 441, 443–44, 491–96, 498, 518

and regular commissions, 451

and trig. at civilian schools, 463

classification procedures, 539–41, 543

movement orders, 6z6

procurement of avn. cadets, 519–21

Administrative Services Div., 43, 46

Administrator of Export Control, 341

Aeronautical Board, 181, 235

Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of

America, Inc., 165, 181, 304

Aeronca Aircraft Corp., 315

Aeroproducts Div., 356

Airacobra. See P-39.

Air Adjutant General, 34, 37, 43–44

Air base group: 369

in Army maneuvers, 482–83

Airborne operations. See Flight training, troop carrier training

Air Communication Office, 234

Air Communications Officer, 45–46

Air Corps Act, 4, 15, 171, 446, 450

Air Corps Board, 64, 122, 48!

Air Corps Engineering School, 030

Air Corps Enlisted Reserve: 459, 494–97, 516

civilian flying instructors, 511

established, 495

extended to 17-year-olds, 516–17

Air Corps Ferrying Comd.: redesignated as ATC, 674

Air Corps Proving Ground, 27, 64, 68, 160–61

Air Corps Squadrons Interceptor Control, 106

Air Corps Tactical School, 64, 68, 123, 125, 133, 684

Air Corps Technical Committee, 232

Air Corps Technical School, 428, 430, 446, 455, 461–62, 472–73, 475, 630

Air Corps Training Center, 132, 428, 430, 439, 455, 458, 465

Air Council, 24, 27, 233

Aircraft, AAF: bomber (heavy) 202–11, 423, (medium and light) 197–201, 352, 423

characteristics, 194–96

communications, 352, 423

designation, 193

distribution, 412–24

eval. (1939), 175–76

fighter, 211–21, 352, 423

first-line combat strength, 423

F-series, 221–22

glider, 225, 352n

increase in inter-overhaul time, 392–93

longevity, 177, 394

modif., 334–37

number, 197, 352, 411–13, 423, (overseas combat strength) 397

radius and range, 196n

reconnaissance and liaison, 221–23, 352, 423

special purpose, 352

statistics, 423–24

trainer, 226–27, 352, 423, 577

transport and troop carrier, 223–25, 352, 423. See also individual aircraft types.

Aircraft accessories, 310

Aircraft allocation: 272, 398–415

agreements with U.K., 405–12

block system, 414n

Navy, 265, 267, 273–74, 279–81, 288, 398, 400, 405

statistics, 352

to U.S.S.R., 401, 405

within AAF, 412–15

Aircraft Distribution Office, 415

Aircraft industry: 172, 181–92, 230, 301, 323

absenteeism, 346

adopts mass production techniques, 332–34, 345

allocation of materials, 290

and automotive industry, 301, 320, 328–29

attempts to freeze designs, 332

demands tax amortization, 300

foreign orders, 301–4 (see also France, United Kingdom, U.S.S.R.)

labor problems, 340, 345–47

managerial efficiency, 340–41

plant expansion, z68, 287, 290–91, 303–19, 399

production councils, 297–98

productive capacity, 291, 306, 308

reluctance to disperse, 311

structure, 186–89, 288, 338

subcontracting, 337–39. See also Aircraft production.

Aircraft production: 333, 399

and CBO, 283

conversion to mass production, 299

coordination with British, 292–93

cutbacks, 316–17, 411

expansion, 299–330, 409–10

heavy bomber, 311–14, 321, 323

Navy requirements, 399

need for control of, 287–88

orgn., 271–74, 292–98

plans, 182–85, 190, 265–71, 275–87, 299–300, 305–14, (over-concentration on numbers) 284

resources for, 182–92

schedules, 287, (basis) 291–92, (nature) 288–91

shortages, 341–46, (spare parts) 347–50

statistics (airframe weight) 350–51, 353, 355, (by individual manufacturers) 354–55, (by type) 352–54, (cost) 359–61, (no. of aircraft) 350, (production rate) 356–59. See also Aircraft industry; Aircraft Production Board.

Aircraft Production Board: 291, 346, 344

AAF representation, 295

established, 293

Aircraft Production Div., 293

Aircraft Resources Control Off.: 46, 290–92, 295

engine reports (8-series, W-series, WE-series), 290–91

established, 293

on worker productivity, 333

Aircraft warning service: 104, 115

Aircraft Warning Corps, 103

need for troops, 90

net, 103, 115

training, 664–66

weaknesses, 90, 103–4. See also Air defense, U.S.

Fighter interceptors

Ground observer system.

Aircraft Warning Unit Training Center, 664–65

Aircrew college training program, 562–64

Air Defense Comd., 84–86

Air defense, U.S.: 3, 5, 2i, 78–118

and AC mission, 202

control of, 22, 86–87, 93

Dir. of 34–35, 93, 147

enemy activity, II 2.-i3

govt. policy on, 78–80, 82, 91, 95, 113–15, 177

regions, control of, 92–93

role of radar in, 94–95

wings, 93

zones, 92

Air depot group: 369–72, 391, 393, 658

function, 667

in Army maneuvers, 482

°Lyn., 376–71

personnel, 395

platoons, 663

training, 667–73

Air districts: 365

converted into air forces, 21

hq. locations, 137

Airdrome squadrons, 658

Air Engineer, 661

Airfields, bombing and gunnery ranges: For Chanute, Maxwell and Randolph Fields. see separate entries.

Albuquerque Air Base, 469

Aloe Field., 151n

Amarillo Army Air Field., 529, 555, 596

Andrews Field., 146, 165

Atlanta Municipal Airport, 143

Avenger Field., 679

Barksdale Field., 122, 125, 132–33, 151, 164, 468, 470, 538, 547, 586, 650, 659

Bergstrom Field., 157n

Blackland Field., 151n

Bluethenthal Field., 147

Boca Raton Army Air Field., 598, 640

Bolling Field., 122, 130

Bowman Field., 135n, 157n, 649

Bradley Field., 135n

Brookley Field., 129

Brooks Field., 123–24, 132, 428, 465, 471, 616

Buokingham Field., 151, ,6z

Buckley Field. 529, 643, 650, 659, 66,-6z

Camp Williams Field., ,60

Carlsbad Army Air Field., 584

Chatham Field., 156n, 164

Clinton County Airport, 159

Cochran Field., 137

Craig Field., 466

Dale Mabry Field., 135n, 156n

Daniel Field., 135, 136n

Davis-Monthan Field., 135n, 154

Dow Field., 136

Drew Field., 129, 135n, 137, 156n, 483, 664

Eglin Field., 68, 125, 132, 160, 231, 240–41, 256, 466

Ellington Field., 132, 139n, 467–68, 512n, 547, 558

Esler Field., 144, 158

Fairfield-Suisun Field., 165, 626

Foster Field., 137n, 699

Gardner Field., 137n

Geiger Field., 135n, 154, 660

George Field., 151n

Godman Field., 125

Gore Field., 160

Gowen Field., 135n, 154

Gray Field., 125, 159

Grenier Field., 135


Gulfport Field., 529n

Gunter Field., 132

Hamilton Field., 122, 125, 129, 133, 165, 486, 538, 6a6, 650

Hammer Field., 135n

Harding Field., 135n

Harlingen Army Air Field., 590

Harris Neck Field., 156n

Hendricks Field., 139n

Hensley Field., 675

Herbert Smart Airport, 483

Hickam Field., 468n

Hill Field., 129

Hondo Army Air Field., 471, 597

Hunter Field., 135n, 136, 156n

Jackson Army Air Base, 697–98

Keesler Field., 140, 463, 474–75, 528–30, 536, 555

Kellogg Field., 157–58

Key Field., 135n, 156n, 617

Kirtland Field., 135n, 151, 162, 697

Knollwood Field., 692

La Guardia Field., 464, 626

Langley Field., ,o6, 121, 125, 137, ,8i, 241, 478, 483, 537, 640, 664

Las Vegas Army Air Field., 590

Lawson Field., 125, 157n

Lincoln Army Air Field., 628

Lockbourne AAB, 142n, 151, 157–58

Loughlin Field., 151n

Lowry Field., 123, 129, 133, 140, 164, 428, 446, 464, 468, 474–75, 579, 597, 641–44, 650, 692

Luke Field., 122, 137n, 143, 162

Lunken Airport, 157–58, T60

McChord Field., 122, 129

MacDill Field., 128–29, 131, 156n, 164, 660

Majors Field., 151n

March Field., 121, 125, 478, 538, 66,

Marshall Field., 125, 156n

Matagorda Peninsula and Island, 143

Mather Field., 130, 137n, 165, 471, 587

Midland Army Air Field., 584

Mills Field., 165

Mines Field., 147

Minter Field., 137n

Mitchel Field., 71, 121, 125, 137, 444, 478, 538

Moffett Field., 122, 132–33, 139, 143, 241, 465–66, 538

Moody Field., 139n

Moore Field., 139n

Morris Field., 135n

Morrison Field., 135n, ,60, 626

Moses Lake Army Air Field, 154, 155n

Muroc Dry Lake, 143, 161, 164, 231, 249–50

Napier Field., 139n, 699

National Airport, 160

New Orleans Municipal Airport, 135n, 136

Olmstead Field., 124–25

Paine FId., 135n

Patterson Field., 65, 124, 366n, 415, 482

Perrin Field., 139

Peterson Field., 617

Phillips Field., 125

Plum Tree Island, 125

Pope Field., 125, 157n

Post Field., 125

Presque Isle Field., 6z6

Reilly Field., 144

Richmond AAB, 146

Rockwell Field., 122, 124

Rosecrans Field., 160

Santa Ana Army Air Base, 492, 513, 525, 548–49, 552, 558

Scott Field., 121, 129, 133, 140, 152, 446, 474–75, 528, 637–39, 641

Selfridge Field., 121, 125, 156n, 157–58

Selman Field., 471, 588

Seymour-Johnson Field., 152n, 529n

Shaw Field., 139n

Sheppard Field., 140, 152, 463, 474–75, 528–30, 536, 555

Sherman Field., 125

Smyrna Field., 151

South Plains Field., 151n

Spence Field., 139n

Stewart Field., 125

Stockton Airport, 132

Stout Field., 157, 622

Strother Field., 151n

Suffolk Army Air FId., 696

Syracuse Field., 157–58

36th Street Airport, Miami, 159

Thunderbird Field., 696

Truax Field., 152, 640

Truman Field., 151n

Turner Field., 137n, 470–71

Tuskegee Army Air Field, 524

Tyndall Field., 137n, 143, 151, 162, 472, 590

Wayne County Airport, 144

Westover Field., 128–29, 131, 660

Wilbur Wright Field., 124

Will Rogers Field., 135n, 156n

Williams Field., 139n, 162

Wright Field., 65, 124, 159, ,80, 183, 230–31, 240, 243, 294, 363, 366

Airfields, U.S. Army: 119–68

air transport and ferrying, 144–45

appropriations for, 127, 130

bombing and gunnery ranges, 125, 129–30, 142–43, x61- 62

civil airports, 125–26, 130, 133–34

facilities, 119–20

for air support units, 125, 143–44,8

15 -59

location, 120, 128- 29

no., 174

site selection and construction procedures, 127–29, 134–42, 145, 149–50, 152, 163–68

statistics on development, 120–21, 145

status in 1939, 121–26

training (individual flying) 123–24, 131–32, 137n, 139n, 150, 151n, 428, (technical) 123–24, 129, 132–33, 137n, 139n, 140, 152–54, 428–29, (unit flying) 154–57, 164, 613

Air Force Combat Comd.: 24–25, 27, 3233, 62, 64, 73, 75, 86–87, 142, 144, 149, 157–58, 366–67, 469, 485

and Army maneuvers, 482

and unit training, 478

dissolution of, 31–32, 366

navigation training, 469

vs. Maintenance Comd., 365

Air Forces (numbered):

First AF: 21, 31, 42, 44, 46, 6z, 64, 72–75, 87, 92, 114, 116, 163, 165, 484, 651, 664, 696

and recruitment, 496

fields for, 146–47, 154, 161

location, 71, 137, 478

training program, 479–80, 601, 604, 609–10, 660, 664

First Tactical AF (P), 698

Second AF: 21, 32, 46, 6z, 64, 72–74, 87, 92, 143, 147, 155n, 156, 157n, 158, 164, 61r, 696–97

and recruitment, 496

designated training air force, 480

fields for, 137, 154–56, 161–62

location, 71, 478

training program, 601, 604, 606–8, 610

Third AF: 21, 32, 46, 62, 64, 73–74, 87, 92, 103, 157n, 158–59, 161, 164, 573, 611, 650

designated training air force 480

fields for, 147, 151, 154, 156–57, 162

location, 71, 137, 478

training program, 60,, 604, 606, 609–10, 615, 618, 664

Fourth AF: 2,, 31, 44, 46, 62, 64, 7275, 87, 92, ,o8, 114–15, 117, 143, 163–64, 167, 612

fields for, 147, 154, 161

location, 71, 137, 478

training program, 479–80, 601, 604, 609–10, 664–66

Fifth AF, 73, 208, 613

Sixth AF, 696

Eighth AF: 41, 43, 54–55, 208, 217–18, 254, 258, 419

aircraft longevity, 394

AGP rate, 394

and mobile service units, 371

deployment, 424

fighter protection, 609

Ninth AF: 55, 217, 219–20

aircraft in commission, 396

AGP rate, 394;

deployment, 424

maintenance, 391

Twelfth AF, 697

Fourteenth AF, 696n

Fifteenth AF: 55, 371n

and mobile service units, 371

Twentieth AF: 29, 47, 55, 209, 211;

and mobile service units, 371

Air Inspector, 34, 42, 44, 46, 627, 692

Air Installations Div., 150

Air Intelligence School, 689

Air Judge Advocate, 34–35, 42, 44, 46

Airlines: schools, 464

set up modif. centers, 336

War Training Institute, 675

Air Materiel Planning Council, 233

Air Reserve Association, 451

Air Service, 527, 6,6, 629

Air Service Comd.: 27, 44–45, 6,, 63–67, 73, 156, 158, 253, 294, 489, 649, 659, 662, 673

abandons automatic supply system, 384

aircraft distribution, 412, 4,5

aircraft modif., 336–37

and air transport, 373n

and MC, 372–73

and McNarney Directive, 386–87

calculation of requirements, 376–79

civilian labor, 501–8

Contract Air Cargo Div., 66–67

depot system, 367–68, 380–81, 383, 489, 501–8

development, 366–67, 668

distribution of supplies, 379, 382–88

facilities for, 159

given jurisdiction over ordnance units, 663

jurisdiction, 365, 375, 391

low personnel priority, 390, 395

maintenance, 377–78, 381, 395

orgn. of overseas comds., 370–71

origin, 363–66

overseas shipments, 368–69, 387

training activities, 629, 634, 638, 643, 650, 659, 662–64, 667–68, 670

Training and Opns. Sec., 668. See also Field Service Section.

Air service commands: 367n

origin, 366–67

overseas, 376, 387

Air Staff: 27, 33–48, 222, 275, 277, 281

A-1 (Personnel), 34, 490

A-2 (Intel.), 34, 481

A-3 (Training and Opns.), 34, 242, (and aircraft allocations) 414

A-4 (Supply), 34, 149, 231

A-5 (Plans), 34

and flight training, 482

and research and development, 233

Chief of, 34, 43–44, 46, 242, 256, 262, 490, (Actg.) 211

development, 33–34, 42–43

eval., 47. See also AAF Hq.

individual staff offices.

Air support, 197, 691

Air support commands, 616

Air Support Sec. (AFCC), 144, 158

Air Surgeon, 34–35, 42, 44, 46, 520

Air Technical Sec., 238

Air Technical Service Comd.: 46, 63, 296, 375–76

and service and depot groups, 668

depot system, 380

development, 65, 294, 373–74

Dir. of, 295

training activities, 672

Air technical service commands. See Air service commands.

Air Transport Comd.: 39, 44–46, 63–64, 158–59, 165, 170, 224, 373–74, 387, 557, 607, 622, 679

aircraft overhaul, 391

Air Transportation Div., 675

and aircraft distribution, 412, 415

and women pilots, 678–79

bases for, 160

development, 65–67

ferrying deliveries, 416

Ferrying Div., 415, 676, 678, 680, (training program) 675–78

mission, 373n

training program, 674–78

Air War Plans Div.: 30, 91, 217, 244, 276

AWPD/1, 276–77, 402, 433

AWPD/4, 277

AWPD/42, 281–82

Air Weather Officer, 70

Alabama Institute of Aeronautics, Inc., 456n

Allis-Chalmers, 247–48, 250

Allison Div. (General Motors Corp.): 188, 195n, 249, 251, 310, 315, 320, 326, 328, 341

production statistics, 356

Aluminum Co. of America, 181, 342, 344

Aluminum shortage, 342–45

American Airlines, Inc., 336

American-British staff conversations: 20

ABC agreements, 20

aircraft allocation, 400

American Flying Services Foundation, 442

American Legion, 435, 442

Anderson, Col. Jonathan W., 12

Andrews, Maj. Gen. Frank M., ,6, 173, 204, 440

Anglo-American agreement (23 July 1940), 270, 288

Anglo-French Purchasing Commission, 302–3

Antiaircraft artillery: 88, 93, 107–12, 609

control of, 108–9, 261

disposition, 109–10

orgn., 107–8

Antisubmarine Comd., 44–45, 64, 74, 147, 163

Appointment and Induction Branch, 440

Arctic training course, 635

Armament, 194, 236, 245

Armament Training School, 643

Armies (numbered):

First Army, 27, 85, 87

Second Army, 27, 87

Third Army, 27, 87, 224

Fourth Army, 27, 87

Armored Force, 72, i58

Arms and Services with the AAF: 61–62, 524, 531, 536, 542, 648, 655, 658, 686

composition, 375

discriminated against, 666

integration, 61

training, 629, 648–51, 658–66, 669

Army Air Corps: 11, 13–14, 21, 31


GAF, 174–76

change in leadership, 8

eval., 172–76

mission, 177, (reconnaissance) 12, 81

orgn., 11–12, 23, (dualism of) 7, 364, 413, 478

personnel strength, 427–28, 431

Army Air Corps Reserve, 428, 436

Army Air Forces: and Army orgn., 27, 30–31

and GHQ, 25–26

established, 24, 28

independence, 3, 18, 76

jurisdiction, 28

mission, 32, 57, 62, 374, 484

predisposed in favor of experimental approach, 40

proportion of regular officers, 452–53

representation on CCS, 49

strength, 402, 424, (personnel) 427–28, 485

vs. ASF, 374–75

Army Air Forces Statistical Digest, 38

Army Airways Communications System, 46, 64, 69–70, 639

Army Chaplain School, 649

Army Finance School, 650

Army General Classification Test, 430, 515, 539, 541, 543, 655, 681

Army Ground Forces: 28, 30–31, 67, 108, 158, 163, 536, 541, 564, 691

Airborne Comd., 623, 661

and guided missiles, 260–61

officer strength, 453

Army-Navy Munitions Board, 183, 272, 300

Army-Navy Staff College, 690–91

Army of the United States, 436–37, 492, 5 to, 68

Army Regulations:

AR95–5, 24, 28

AR615–25, 538

AR615–26, 539

Army Service Forces: 28, 30–31, 45, 149, 163, 166, 294, 536, 564, 648, 659, 662

ASWAAF units, 375

guided missiles, 260

Military Personnel Div., 520, (Requirements and Resources Branch) 521

officer strength, 452–53

stock procurement, 376

training activities, 659, 663

training center, finance, 662

vs. AAF (base administration and procurement) 374–75.

See also Services of Supply.

Arnold, General of the Army Henry H.: 6–7, 9–11, 13, 15–17, 20–22, 31, 41–43, 47–48, 52, 54–55, 65, 67, 81, 83–84, 119, 216, 238n, 284, 430, 452, 481, 484–86, 547, 627, 692, 694–95

and aircraft allocation, 403, 406–7, 409–11, (within AC) 413–14

and aircraft production, 184–85, 292, 200–201, 219, 221, 229, 265, 268–69, 282–83, 285–86, 305, 311–12

and AGP, 394

and aid to Allies, 265, 271

and air base development, 127–29, 134–35, 142, 147–49, 163–64

and air defense, 90–91, 108, 145

and air force requirements, 275

and atomic energy, 262

and depots, 390

and educational orders, 301

and flight training, 131, 476–77, 491, 522, (aircrew college training program) 562–63, (civilian schools) 454–56, 460, (ground-school instructors) 513

and guided missiles, 253, 257–58, 260–61

and jet propulsion, 248

and long-range bomber development, 206, 209

and OCS, 680

and personnel procurement, 441

and research and development, 229, 231, 234, 236, 242–43, 245 (see also and atomic energy

and guided missiles

and jet propulsion

and long-range bomber development)

and technical training, 473, 499, 651, 668

and women pilots, 678

C/AAF, 24–25, 27, 365

C/AC, 8, 16

CG AAF, 34, 46, 48–50, 56, (powers) 28

combat observers to Europe, 480

Dep. C/S for Air, 24–25, 27, (Actg.) 18, 23

direct communication with air commanders, 56

escort carriers, 418

foreign orders, 302

gov't-owned factories, 305

member of CCS and JCS, 25, 44, 49–50, 53, (executive agent) 55

on aircraft disposition, 396

on air intel., 480

on Allies in Pacific War, 416

on excess supplies, 384

on 12,000-pilot program, 432

preferential personnel policy, 541

recruitment of 17-year-olds, 517

shortage of spare parts, 347–48

WD reorgn., 17, 27–28, 30

Arnold-Courtney agreement, 410

Arnold - Evill - McCain - Patterson agreement, 408

Arnold-McCain-Courtney-Portal agreement, 409

Arnold-Portal agreement, 406

Arnold-Portal-Towers agreement, 407

Arnold-Slessor-Towers agreement. See

Arnold-Portal-Towers agreement. Assistant Chief of Air Corps, 244, 546

Assistant Chief of Air Staff:

Intel., 43–46

MM&D, 43–46, 150, 233–34, 262, 273, 294

OC&R, 43–44, 46–47, 70, 233–34, 262, 626

Personnel, 43–46, 525 (see also Aviation Cadet Branch)

Plans, 43–44, 46, 53

Training, 43–46, 544, 604

Assistant Secretary of War: 112, 183, 185, 202, 308

and aircraft production, 266

functions, 272, 300. See also Patterson.

Assistant Secretary of War for Air, 15, 60, 293. See also Lovett.

AT-6, 226, 360, 412, 577

AT-7 series, 227, 360, 588

AT-68, 577

AT-10, 227, 577

AT-11, 227, 584

AT-17, 227, 577

AT-18, 593

Atlantic conference, 25, 48

Atlantic Overseas Air Service Comd., 369, 387

Atomic energy, 262

Automotive Committee for Air Defense, 321

Automotive Council for War Production, 327

Automotive industry: aircraft assembly, 328–29

aircraft engine production, 328

and aircraft industry, 320, 328–29

and small companies, 338

contribution to aircraft industry before 1942, 326

conversion, 189, 299, 309, 311–12, 314, 319–20, (financing) 321–22, 324–25, 327

Aviation Cadet Act, 518

Aviation cadet bill, 434

Aviation Cadet Branch (AC/AS Personnel), 498, 500

Aviation cadet examining boards: 491, 494–96, 498, 518

established at reception

centers, 520

ground-duty cadets, 498.

See also Flying cadet examining boards. Aviation cadets. See Flight training. Aviation engineers, 659–62

Aviation Section, 527


B-10, 183, 302

B-12, 183

B-15, 202–3

B-17: 7, 176, 218, 303, 593

acceptances, 354

and B-24, 207–8

British use of, 482

development and modif., 6, 203–6

inter-overhaul time, 393

production, 298, 3,3, 333n, 339, 342, 357

unit cost, 360 B-18, 175, 203, 302

B-19, 202–3

B-24: 218, 224, 303, 593, 597

acceptances, 354

and B-17, 207–8

characteristics, 207

development and modif., 206–7

for U.K., 411

Navy efforts to obtain, 404n

production, 312–13, 315, 328–29, 333, 337n, 339, 357

unit cost, 360

B-25: 206, 303

acceptances, 354

characteristics, 199–200

modif., 336

Navy efforts to obtain, 404n

production, 333n, 337n, 357

sent to U.S.S.R., 401

unit cost, 360

B-26: 201, 303

acceptances, 354

characteristics, 199–201

production, 337n, 357

unit cost, 360

B-29: 211, 383, 605

acceptances, 354

AGP rate, 395

characteristics, 210

development, 208–9, 242

modif., 337

offensives, 41, 55

production, 289, 315–16, 339, 342, 344, 357

program, 47

training program, 164, ,68, 595–97, 605, 607–8, 612, 632, 636, 642, 686–87

unit cost, 360

B-32: 164

development, 208–11, 242

production models, 289

B-34, 402

B-36, 217, 243–46

B-47, 252

Baker Board, 3, 5, 7, 10

Barling bomber, 202

Barrage balloons, 111–12

Base Services, Dir. of, 34–35, 149–50, 154

Basic military training: 473–75, 479, 527–37, 670

administrative units, 529–30

chemical warfare, 534

eval., 537

instructors, 535–36

marksmanship, 53233

morale, 536–37

orientation period, 534–35

physical training, 533–34

subordinated to technical training, 527–28

training schedules, 530, 532n

Basic training centers, 529, 531–37, 542–45, 554–55, 563, 648

Battle of Britain, 21, 36, 68, 71, 78, 85, 111, 480–81, 484, 687

"Battle of Los Angeles," 91

Battle of Midway, 91, 114

Beamish, W/C E. B., 481

Beech Aircraft Corp., 227, 309, 315

Bell Aircraft Corp.: 209, 248–50, 303, 309, 315, 318n

expansion, 304

Marietta plant, 342

production statistics, 354–55

Bellanca Aircraft Corp., 315

Bendix Aviation, Ltd., 310, 342

Berkeley Control Group, 115

Biggers, John D., 275

Black Widow. See P-61.

Boeing Aircraft Co.: 187, 190, 202, 208–9, 244, 298, 303, 316, 318n, 333n, 342, 351

expansion, 304, 309

production statistics, 354–55

subcontracting, 339

Boeing School of Aeronautics, 455, 462

Boeing-Vega-Douglas Committee, 298

Bohn Aluminum & Brass Corp., 342n

Bombardment, Dir. of, 34–35

Bomber, development of long-range, 6, 7, 12–13, 177–78, 202–11, 241–46, 281.

See also individual bomber types

Aircraft, AAF.

Bombing and gunnery training ranges. See Airfields, bombing and gunnery ranges.

Bombing through overcast. See Flight training, radar observer.

Bombsights, 584

Boston. See A-20.

Bowles, Dr. Edward L., 234

Bradley, Brig. Gen. Follett, 601

Branshaw, Maj. Gen. Charles E.: 297

CG MC, 296, 297n

Brant, Col. Gerald C., 430, 455, 462

Brazilian pilots, training of, 695–96

Brett, Maj. Gen. George H.: and aircraft industry expansion, 306

and research and development, 244

C/AC, 27, (Actg.) 18, 23, 436

C/MD, ,80, 189, 194, 231–32, 295n

on aircraft modif., 335

on contract negotiation, 307

Brewster Aeronautical Corp., 304

Briggs Manufacturing Co., 310

British Air Commission, 248

British Purchasing Commission: 267, 273

and aircraft allocation, 399

British Staff Mission, 401

BT-13, 226, 360, 577

BT-15, 226

Budget Officer, 34, 42, 44, 46

Buick Motor Div.: 312, 315, 324, 328

production statistics, 356

Buildings and Grounds Sec. (OCAC), 128, 134–37, 139–42, 149

Bullitt, William C., 9

Bunker, Col. Howard G., 238

Bureau of Aeronautics (Navy): 180–81, 234, 242

and aircraft allocation, 399, 407

and research and development, 240

Chief, 25

Bureau of the Budget, 266, 278

Bureau of Ordnance (Navy): 234

and research and development, 240

Bureau of Public Relations, 440

Burns, Col. James H., 9n

Burtonwood, 391, 395

Bush, Vannevar, 177, 236, 256

Byrnes, James F., 517


C-3 cargo vessels. See Liberty ships. C-45, 225, 227

C-46: acceptances, 354

characteristics, 224

production, 333n

unit cost, 360

C-47: 588, 674

acceptances, 354

characteristics, 223–24

for the U.K., 408, 411

production, 337n

unit cost, 360

C-53, 224

C-54: 224, 588, 674

acceptances, 354


characteristics, 224

production, 333n

unit cost, 360

C-61, 225

C-64, 225

C-78, 225

C-82, 223, 317

C-87, 224

C-109, 224

Cadet unit program, 443–44

California Institute of Technology, 247, 260, 464

California, Univ. of, 464

Camera gun, 593

Camps, Army:

Camp Anza, 626

Camp Davis, ti

Camp Echo Lake, 635

Camp Kilmer, 6z6

Camp Kohler, 165

Camp Luna, 160

Camp Mabry, 689

Camp Pinedale, 665

Camp Polk, 143

Camp Riley, 662

Camp Ripley, 650

Camp Sibert, 659

Camp Springs, 165

Camp Stoneman, 626

Camp Tyson,

Caproni-Campini CC-2, 246n

Carroll, Brig. Gen. Franklin O., 231, 238n

Casablanca conference, 53–54, 281, 283

Casey Jones School of Aeronautics, Inc., 461n, 462

Central Air Defense Zone, 110

Central Defense Comd., 21, 27, 86–87, 110, 147

Central Flying Training Comd.: 64, 586

Brazilian pilots, 696

Central instructors schools: 458, 510, 562, 576–77

bombardier, 584

eval., 514–15

flexible gunnery, 595

instrument pilot, 57t

navigator, 587

Central Scientific Office, 238

Central Technical Training Comd., 64

CG-4A, 225, 624

Chance Vought Aircraft: 318n

production statistics, 354–55

Chaney, Maj. Gen. James E.: 21, 84–85, 238n

urges air command of air defense, 85

Chanute Field.: 129, 140, 428, 446, 455, 461, 463–64, 547, 630, 635, 637, 639–41, 645, 692

hist., 123–24

hq. ACTS, 473

hq. TTC, 475

trade testing, 537–38

Chaplains, Corps of, 375, 649

Chemical Training Center, 659

Chemical Warfare Service: 232, 370, 375, 648, 650

trig., 659

Chevrolet Motor Div.: 313, 315, 325, 328

production statistics, 356

Chicago, Univ. of, 464

Chicago and Southern Air Lines, Inc., 336

Chicago School of Aeronautics, 456n, 457, 507

Chidlaw, Col. Benjamin W., 249, 295

Chief, Army Air Forces, 87, 142. See also Arnold.

Chief of Air Corps: 7–8, 24–25, 141, 172, 246, 447, 452, 480, 483

and ASC, 366

and civil airports, 130

and JAC, 214

and personnel procurement, 439–40, 444

and research and dev., 178, 233

and site selection, 134, 138–39, 144

and training, 138, 465, 470–71, 476, 486, 490–91

and TTC, 475, 477

logistical responsibilities, 364

responsibilities for procurement and production, 271–72

to supervise GHQ Air Force, 12. See also Brett


Chief of Aviation, 24

"Chief of Aviation, GHQ," 11

Chief of Engineers, 89, 98, 137–39, 141–42, 149–50

Chief of Staff, U.S. Army: 4–5, 7, 15–16, 18–19, 25, 27–28, 30–31, 49, 87, 91, 447, 541

and aircraft allocation, 401, 403

and aircraft production, 266, 274, 277, 374

and air base development, 127–28

and civilian schools, 456

and research and dev., 178, 232, 26,

plan for enlarged Air Corps, 264

Second Aviation Objective, 270, 467. See also Marshall.

Chief of Transportation, 627

Chief Signal Officer, 89

China: U.S. aircraft allocation, 403, 406

China-Burma-India Theater: 208, 422

stock levels, 385–86

Chinese Air Force: training of, 696–97

Chinese-American Composite Wing, 696n

Choctawhatchee National Forest, 129, 160

Chrysler Corp., 301, 311, 321–22, 327–28

Churchill, Winston: 20, 48–50

and Roosevelt, 271, 407

Civil Aeronautics Administration: to0, 102, 126, 130, 133–34, 136, 142, 145, 147–48, 156, 158, 165, 564

flying instructors, 510

research and dev., 235–36

Civil Air Patrol, 223, 518

Civil Airways, Dir. of, 36, 69

Civilian Conservation Corps, 144

Civilian Defense, Off. of, 86–88

Civilian Personnel, 44, 46

Civilian Personnel Div. (WD), 505

Civilian Pilot Training Program, 223

Civil Service Commission, 510

Classification and assignment procedures: Army, 538–40

aircrew college training program, 555

classification centers, 548–55

consolidated training directive, 544

effect of Weaver campaign, 543

flight training, 489–91, 516–21, 545–56

pre-Pearl Harbor, 537–40

priority accorded AAF, 540–42

psychological testing, 545–48

technical training, 537–45

Classification centers (aircrew), 548–55

Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co., 310

Cline, Ray S., 30n

Coast Artillery, 88, 93, 107, 111

Cochran, Jacqueline, 678

Combat Crew Processing and Distribution Center, 628

Combat crew training school, 604, 615, 625, 628

Combat returnees, 614. See also Personnel Distribution Comd.

Combined Bomber Offensive: 41, 54, 283

debate on, 280–81

Combined Chiefs of Staff: 28, 44, 49–50, 53–56, 404, 414

and aircraft allocation, 405–8, 410

Arnold's position in, 48

MAC (Air), 292

Combined Staff Planners, 50

Command and Employment of Air

Power (FM 100–20), 57, 109, 69,

Command and General Staff School, 687, 692

Commando. See C-46.

Commands (numbered):

I Air Support Comd., 483, 609

I Bomber Comd., 64, 73–74, 147

I Concentration Comd.: 64, 70

bases for, 157–58

I Ftr. Comd.: 97–98, 100, 102–3, 108, 115

I Interceptor Comd., 87, 90, 137

I Troop Carrier Comd.: 44–46, 6364, 67, 672

Air Transport Comd., 64, 66–67, 622

fields for, 157–58

functions, 67–68, 622

training activities, 604, 622–25, 649, 657, 661

II Air Support Comd., 609, 620

II Interceptor Comd., 87, 90, 137

III Air Support Comd., 73, 483

III Ground-Air Support Comd., 73;

III Reconnaissance Comd., 73

III Tactical Air Comd., 73

III Bomber Comd.,

III Ftr. Comd.: 97

III Interceptor Comd., 87, 90, 137

4th Antiaircraft Comd.,115

IV Bomber Comd., 75

IV Ftr. Comd.: 75, 97, 103, 105, 115

disbanded, 666

IV Interceptor Comd., 87, 90, 137, 147

IV Service Comd., 512

VIII Bomber Comd., 54

VIII Ftr. Comd., 613

XXI Bomber Comd.: AGP rate, 395

XXII Tactical Air Comd., 696

Committee of Operations Analysts, 41 "Common use" items, 362, 375–76

Communications, Dir. of, 34, 36, 64

Conant, James B., 238

Congress: 4, t0, 13, 29, 45, 131–32, 267

and air base development, 122, 127, 130, 134, 136, 138, 142, 167

and civilian schools, 456

and defense appropriations, 263

and educational orders, 300–301

and flight training, 467, 518

and ground-duty personnel, 445–46

and National Guard, 453

and prewar AC, 171, 431

and reserve officers, 450–52

appropriates funds for vocational training, 50 c

appropriations for AAF, 279

appropriations for aircraft, 127, 172–73, 268–69, 286, 307

authorizes negotiated contracts, 300

lowers draft age, 516

personnel legislation, 434

profit limit on aircraft contracts, 306–7

Senate, 153–54, 436

Congress of Industrial Organizations, 322

Consolidated Aircraft Corp., 187–88, 206–8, 210, 244–45, 297, 303–4, 309, 312, 318n 329n

Consolidated training directive, 544

Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp.: 329, 333n, 351

production statistics, 354–55

subcontracting, 339

Continental Air Forces: 46, 6,, 64, 67, 165, 622

activated, 75

training activities, 672

Continental air forces: 485, 612, 622

and AAF Headquarters, 610–11

and service and depot groups, 667

fields, 146–48, 154–57

fixed and mobile echelons, 478–80

functions, 72, 74–75

hq. locations, 137

jurisdictional boundaries, 92

orgn., 75

photographic rem, 616

training activities, 478–80, 567, 579, 603–4, 610, 613–15, 629, 657, 659–60

units for overseas deployment, 627–28. See also Air Forces (numbered): First, Second, Third, Fourth.

Continental Aviation and Engineering Corp., 315–16

Continental Motors Corp., 342, 356

Controlled Materials Plan, 343

Cook, Brig. Gen. Orval R., 296

Cooks and Bakers School, 655

Corps areas, 364, 439–43, 455, 492–93, 528

Cosmoline, 422

Courtney, ACM Sir Christopher L., 409n, 411

Craig, Maj. Gen. Howard A., 51

Craig, Gen. Malin, 8, 971, 112

Craigie, Col. Laurence C., 249

Cummings, Homer S., 9n

Curtiss-Wright Corp.: 188, 218, 293, 297, 303, 315, 3,8n, 333n, 341

Airplane Div., 188, 215n

expansion, 304, 309, 327

production statistics, 354–55

Propeller Div., 188, 356

Curtiss-Wright Technical Institute of Aeronautics, 455, 461n, 462


Daily News, N.Y., 78, 435

Dallas Aviation School & Air College, 456n

Davis, Col. Benjamin 0., Jr., 524

DB-7, 201, 357n

DC-3, 224

DC-4, 224

Deck-loading, 417–23

Defense, Dept. of, 17, 77

Defense Aid Control Office, 401

Defense Aid Organization, 372

Defense Plant Corp., 308, 317, 458

DeHavilland, 250

Delc0 Products Div. (General Motors Corp.), 310

Demonstration Air Force, 46, 64, 68, 685

Deployment and redeployment, 70, 524z6, 625–28

Depot groups. See Air depot group.

Depots: 165, 378–82, 390–91

air, 363–64, 366–68

air service, 336

area, 379–80

civilian personnel, 389–90, 501–8

floating, 391–92

GFE, 380

in 1939, 124–25, 389–90

schools, 507–9

sites, 124–25, 138, 140–41

specialized, 380–81. See also individual depots.

Dept. of Inspection, 692

Deputy Chief of Staff, 626

Deputy Chief of Staff for Air, 17–18. See also Arnold.

Desert Training Center, 158, 161

deSeversky, Alexander P., 17

DeWitt, Lt. Gen. John L., 92

Director of Production (U/SW), 295

Director of Women's Flying Training, 678

Directorate of Military Requirements, 233, 284, 414n

Disposable fuel tank, 2,8

District Engineer, 89

Dodge Div. (Chrysler Corp.), 315, 328, 356

Donaldson, W/C E. M., 481

Doolittle, Maj. James H., 208, 321

Doolittle raid, 116, 199, 336

Dornier 17, 175

"Double deputy" orgn., 60

Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc.: 187–88, 190, 201–2, 244, 303, 312, 315, 318n, 329, 333n, 342, 351

bomber production, 313

expansion, 304, 309, 327

production statistics, 354–55

subcontracting, 339

Duke Univ., 650

du Pont de Nemours and Co., E. I., 177

Durand, William F., 247

Durand Committee, 247–48


Eaker, Lt. Gen. Ira C., 38n, 41, 54–55, 61, 216, 238n, 430, 482

Eastern Aircraft Div. (General Motors Corp.), 318, 328, 354–55

Eastern Defense Comd., 21, 64, 72, 108–9

Eastern Flying Training Comd., 64

astern Sea Frontier, 73

Eastern Signal Aviation Unit Training Center, 664

Eastern Technical Training Comd., 64

Eastern Theater of Operations, 146

Eastman Kodak, 181

Echelons, supply and maintenance, defined, 384n, 388n

Echols, Maj. Gen. Over P.: 231, 271, 284, 309

AC/AS M&S, 373

and conversion of automotive industry, 321

and research and dev., 244, 260

CG MC, 294–95

heavy bomber production, 314

on APB, 295

Educational orders, 300–301

18,000-plane program, 308

84-group program, 432, 434, 449, 485, 488–89, 502, 600. See also Second Aviation Objective.

Eisenhower, General of the Army Dwight D., 31, 51, 54–56

Eliot, George Fielding, 9

Emergency Management, Off. for, 87

Eerson Electric Manufacturing Co., 310

Emmons, Lt. Gen. Delos C.: 27, 238n, 241, 243

CG AFCC, 365–66

Emmons Board, 241, 243

Engineering Div., 242

Engineering officers, 445–56, 448–49, 635–36

Engineers, Corps of: 111, 135, 139, 146, 149, 153, 155, 166, 174, ,80, 232, 375, 445, 648, 650, 687

AC construction, 131, 135

procurement, 374

training, 660

Engine industry: 306, 320, 325

and automotive industry, 320, 328

characteristics, 188- 89

licenses, 319

plant expansion, 304, 309, 315–16, 318–19

subcontracting, 339

Engine production: 188–89

allocations, 352

capacity, 304, 306, 313–14

dimen- sions, 312, 33 I

foreign orders, 303

schedules, 288–89

spare parts, 347–49

statistics, 353, 355–56

Engines: 178, 194–96, 246

cooling systems, 195

inter-overhaul time, 393

research and dev., 241–42

Engines, types of:

Allison V-1720, 194n, 195n, 213–15, 328

G-E I-40, 250–52, 316

Halford H-1, 250

I-16, 249

Liberty 12-A, 202

Lockheed L-1000, 251

Northrop Turbodyne, 251

Packard V-1650, 194n, 195 71, 328

Pratt & Whitney PT-1, 251

Pratt & Whitney R1830, 194n, 195, 213, 324

Pratt & Whitney R-2800, 194n, 195n, 201, 216, 220

Rolls-Royce Merlin, 195n, 239

Rolls-Royce Merlin 61, 219

Rolls-Royce Merlin (V-1650), 309, 316

TG-100, 249, 251

TG-180, 251–52

Westinghouse 19A, 251

Whittle (W2B), 239, 246, 248, 251, 253

Wright R-1820, 194n, 393

Wright R-1820–51, 205

Wright R-2600, 194n, 198–99, 324

Wright R-3350, 194n, 209

Enlisted Reserve Corps, 346, 438n

Eronol, 422n

Escort carriers, 418–20

Escort fighter: 212, 217, 241

range, 218

European Theater of Operations: 238, 625

air service organization, 335


level, 385–86

Evill, AM Douglas C. S., 408n

Experimental contracts, 182

"Eyes Aloft," 99


F-5, 618

F-6, 618

F-86, 252

Factory schools, 464, 508

Fairchild, Brig. Gen. Muir S., 233

Fairchild Engine & Airplane Corp., 304, 309, 315–16

Fairfield Air Depot, 124, 6z6 501, 507

Far East Air Forces, 210, 259

Federal Communications Commission, 102

Federal Indian School, 153

Federal Works Agency, ,86

Ferrying Comd., 27, 63–64, 66–67, 144, 459

Ferrying deliveries, 415–16, 418–19

Field Artillery Service, 6,6

Field Service Sec.: 365

calculation of requirements, 376

functions, 363–64

OCAC control over logistics, 364

54-group program: 13, 18, 20, 267, 269- 70, 402–3, 431–32, 434, 446, 502

sites for, 135n, 137. See also First Aviation Objective.

50.000-pilot training program, 548

Fighter Comd. School, 68, 93, 161, 166, 684

Fighter interceptors, 104–7, 115, 666

Finance Dept., 61, 370, 375, 648, 650, 662

First Aviation Objective, 131–32, 138, 140, 142–43, 266–67, 431–32. See also 54-group program.

Fiscal Officer, 34, 42, 44, 46

Fisher Body Div. (General Motors Corp.), 312, 315, 321–22, 328

5,500-airplane program, 263, 287, 390

Flight Control Comd., 44–45, 64, 69–70

Flight engineers, 595–97

Flight training: 428, 557–625

advanced training, 465, 470, 572–75

basic training, 465–66, 569–72, 574

bombardier training, 465, 467–69, 489–90, 522, 546–47, 579–85

bombardment training, 573, 605–8, 613–15 (see also B-29, training programs)

civilian schools, 455–61, 470, 678

combined training, 609–10, 623

cutbacks, 521–22

eliminees, 578, 585, 589, 591, 596

expansion, 465–72, 485–86

facilities for, 485–86 (see also airfields, flying training)

ferry and transport, 674–78

fighter training, 567, 572–73, 608–9, 613, 615, 677

flight engineer, 595–97

for enlisted men, 436–37, 494, 519

for foreign nationals, 457n

for hump opns., 678

for Negroes, 523–24

for officers in grade, 436–37, 521

for women, 678–80

ground training, 573–76, 580–81, 587, 676–77

gunnery, B-29 course, 595

gunnery, fixed, 572–73

gunnery, flexible, 467n, 471–72, 478, 481, 486, 589–95

instructors, 458–60, 508–15, 561–62, 576–77, 582–84, 587, 594, 597

instrument trig., 570–71, 676–77, 679

morale, 562, 565–66, 589, 591

navigation training, 465, 467, 469–71, 522, 546–47, 585–89, 695, (PAA school) 470, 586, (selection for) 489–90

of foreign nationals, 693–700

orgn. of, 465–66, 476–77, 557, 567, 573, 586, 604, 618, 622, (activation of training centers) 465 (see also Flying Training Command)

phases and types, 57–58, 454, 557, 566–68

pilot programs, 430–37, 465, 486, 493

preferred instructor-student ratio, 51t

preflight, 458, 557–62, (curriculum) 559--61

pre-1939, 428, 566, 579, 585–86

prerequisites, 434–36, 488, 494, 521

primary training, 454–61, 568–69, 574, (instructors) 510

priority for appointment to, 438n

procurement crisis, 516–22

publicity on, 440, 585

radar observer, 597–99

reconnaissance training, 6 5–21

recruiting procedures, 437–45, 491–94, 496–97

sources for procurement, 516–19

student nos., 485, 577–78, 584, 589–90, 596, 598, 605, 608, 618, 622

teaching methods, 575–76, 588, 594, 606–7

trainers, 577, 584, 588, 593, 597, 612, 617, 623–24

training aids, 583, 588, 591, 597

transition training, 454, 567, 572–73, 575, 608, 675–77, 679

troop carrier training, 621–25

unit trig., 600–625, 676, (criticism of) 613–14, (effect of shortages on) 612–13, (joint fighter-bomber) 609–10, (pre-Pearl Harbor), 477–80, 600, (specialization according to theater) 614–15, (trig. standards) 605–6, 608, 619, 622–23 (see also B-29

trig. programs

operational trig. unit program

replacement training unit program). See also aircrew college training program

classification and assignment procedures

on-the-line training.

Floating aircraft maintenance unit, 672–73

Florida, 68, 160, 167

Flying cadet examining boards: 438, 440–42, 444, 447–48

traveling boards, 441–42, 494. See also Aviation cadet examining boards.

Flying Cadets of the Army Air Corps, 438n

Flying Safety: 45

Dir. of, 36, 42, 69–70;

Off. of, 45–46, 70

Flying Training Comd.: 44–45, 63–64, 150–51, 430, 543, 547–48, 555, 557, 560, 567, 573, 576, 584, 611, 619, 624

and ground-school instructors, 513–14

and trig. of foreign nationals, 694

enlisted instructors, 515

established, 466n, 476–77

pilot production, 516n

training for women, 678

FM 100–20. See Comd. and Employment of Air Power.

Focke-Wulf, 176

Ford, Henry, 310, 312, 320

Ford Motor Co.: 301, 309–10, 315, 318, 320n, 321–22, 328–29, 333, 341, 351, 355

aluminum shortage, 343

contribution to aircraft production, 329–30

expansion, 327

production statistics, 354–56

Foreign nationals, training of, 693–700

Foreign Service Concentration Comd., 63–64, 70, 627

Fort Belvoir, 687

Fort Benjamin Harrison, 650, 662

Fort Dix, 626

Fort George Wright, 478, 698

Fort Leavenworth, 687

Fort Logan, 474–75, 692

Fort Sill, 616

Fort Worth, 63, 151, 164

41-group program, 431, 434

France: agrees to furnish U.S. technical data, 303, 480

fall of, 12, 27, 78, 131, 265, 303, 467

flying training for French cadets, 457n

procurement of U.S. aircraft, 191, 287, 301–4, 398

Frank, Maj. Gen. Walter H.: 381, 671

CG ASC, 367, 668

Frazier, Lynn J., 10

French Air Force: 198

and U.S. aircraft production, 191

deliveries for, 302

French nationals, training of, 697–98

Frigidaire Div. (General Motors Corp.), 328, 356, 358


Gardner, Brig. Gen. Grandison, 231, 238n

Gates, Artemus, 78

Gates, Col. Byron E., 37

General Electric Co., 181, 247–51, 310, 316

General Federation of Women's Clubs, 443

General Motors Corp., 188, 320–21, 327

General Staff (WD): 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 1617, 19, 24, 27, 29–31, 40, 172

and aircraft production, 173, 183

and air base development, 127–29, 134, 139, 144

and air force requirements, 275

and function of Army avn., 20, 197

and production planning, 274

and research and dev., 233, 256

Chief of Opns. (see G-3)

G-1, 18, 45, 495, 519–20

G-2, 480

G-3, 138, 432, 520

G-4, 26, 127, 135, 138–39, 2034, 232

OPD, 30, 45, 51, 53, 56, 625–26

reorgn., 34, 51

strategic priorities, 414

WPD 21, 24, 26, 30, 86, 130, 431, 473

George, Brig. Gen. Harold L., 38n

German Air Force: 177, 191, 208, 212, 229, 287, 302

effect on allied diplomacy, 8–9

influence on U.S. avn., 71

strength, 174

superiority, 301

Germany: 399

aircraft production, 350–51

Geyer, Cornell, and Newell, 496

GHQ, U.S. Army: 4–5, 19, 27, 87

activated, 17

debate on role of, 26

inactivated, 30

GHQ Air Force: 5–7, 11–12, t6, 18–19, 21–22, 59, 62, 64, 70, 72, 8,, 212, 369, 451, 479

aircraft used, 203–4

and air base development, 129, 134, 142

and air defense, 22, 25, 71, 86

and flight training, 467, 470, 478, 567, 600, 605

and GHQ, 17–18

and Maintenance Comd., 365

and OCAC, 364, 413

and research and development, 233

bases, 121–23, 133, 136–37, 389

demands on, 478–79

established, 3

hq., 137

navigators in, 469

on lack of ranges, 125

personnel strength, 428

redesignated AFCC, 24

strength, 270

Giles, Maj. Gen. Barney M.: 43, 256, 483–84

and guided missiles, 261

Gliders, 622–25

Globe Aircraft Corp., 315

Goodwill Act, 693, 695

Goodyear Aircraft Corp., 311, 354–55

Graham-Paige Motors Corp., 321

Grand Central Flying School, 456n, 457

Grant, Col. David N. W., 491

Gross, Brig. Gen. Mervin E., 295

Ground-Air Support, Dir. of, 34–35, 158

Ground-duty training. See Technical training.

Ground Observer Corps, 98–99, 115

Ground observer system, 88–90, 99–103

Groups (numbered):

1st Ftr. Gp., 419

1st Photographic Gp., 616–18

2d Photographic Gp., 617

4th Air Depot Gp., 482–83

7th Bomb. Gp., 259

14th Ftr. Gp., 419

20th Pursuit Gp., 347

22d Bomb. Gp., 200

68th Observation Gp., 619–20

96th Service Gp., 524

332d Ftr. Gp., 524

356th Ftr. Gp., 419

374th Troop Carrier Gp., 625

387th Service Gp., 524

477th Bomb. Gp. (M), 524

Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp.: 318n

production, statistics, 354–55

subcontracting, 338

Guided missiles: 232, 235, 239, 242–43, 253–62

azon bomb (VB-1), 259

control of, 260–62

glide bombs, 257–59

GMA-1, 253–54

GT-1, 259

JB series, 253, 256–57, 259

power-driven, 253–57

types of, 253–54

V-1, 255–56

XBQ series, 254

Guided Missiles Committee, 261–62

Gulf Coast Training Center: 131–32, 137n, 139n, 150, 151n, 476, 678–79;

activation, 465

and ground-school in-

structors, 512

navigation training, 471


Hamilton Standard Propellers, 188, 304, 310, 356

Hansell, Brig. Gen. Haywood S., Jr., 38n, 55

Harlingen Gunnery School, 472

Harris, AM Arthur T., 348

Harrison, Col. William K., Jr., 26, 29

Harvard. See AT-6.

Harvard Univ., 42, 640, 649

Hawaii, 363, 413, 438

Heinkel 111, 175

Higgins Aircraft, Inc., 316

Hill, Archibald Vivian, 237

Hitchcock, Maj. Thomas, 219

Hitler, Adolf, 8,18

Holden, Col. Harlan W., 685

Holloman, Maj. George V., 258

Homer, Maj. Gen. John L., 109

Hopkins, Brig. Gen. Frederick M., 295, 309

Hopkins, Harry: 8, 9n, 278, 285, 292

and aluminum production, 343

Atlantic conference, 25

chairman MAB, 404

friend of airmen, 14–15

Howard Aircraft Corp., 315

Hudson, 214, 415

Hudson Motor Car Co., 301, 311, 321–22, 328

Hughes Aircraft Co., 221

Hughes Tool Co., 310

"Hump" route, 224

Hunsaker, Dr. Jerome C., 247

Hurricane, 175

Hutchins, Col. Don L., 297


Individual Training, Dir. of, 34–35

Industrial Planning Sec., 183

Informal Committee on AAF Development, 234

Information Services, Off. of, 46

Inspections, technical, 392

Instructors: 508–15

enlisted, 515

flying, 459–60, 508–11

ground-school, 509, 512–15

technical school, 515

Intelligence: on German jet propulsion, 247

orgn., 480–81

photo, 484

significance of reconnaissance for, 221

training, 687–89

weathermen as source of, 69

Interceptor Comd. School, 68

Interdepartmental Air Traffic Control

Board, 136, 150, 168

Invader. See A-26.

Italian Air Force, 246


Jackson, Robert H., 9

Jacobs Aircraft Engine Co., 313, 356

Japan: aircraft production, 350–51

Japanese Air Force, 212

Japanese balloons, 116–18

Jefferson Barracks: 132, 140, 152, 475, 529–30, 535

acquisition, 474

established, 528

Jenkins, Maj. Daniel W., 481

Jet bombers, 252

Jet fighters, 249–52

Jet propulsion: 193, 230, 239, 243, 246–53

Johns Hopkins Univ., 247

Johnson, Col. Alfred, 297

Johnson, Louis: 9n, 184

air defense, 82

expansion of aircraft production, 305

Johnson, Maj. Gaylord, 512n

Johnson, Maj. Gen. Davenport, 284

Johnson Act, 303

Joint Air Advisory Committee, 273

Joint Aircraft Committee: 50, 238, 274, 284, 292–94, 336, 404

and aircraft allocation, 291–92, 400–401

and production schedules, 291

and spare parts production, 349

and standardization of equipment, 334

dominated by military, 293

role of, 273

Joint Aircraft Planning Committee, 281

Joint Army-Navy Board, 7, 25, 49

Joint Board Estimate of United States Over-all Production Requirements, 275, 432

Joint Chiefs of Staff: 28, 44, 49–52, 55–56, 404, 411, 414

and aircraft allocation, 406–8

and aircraft deliveries, 418, 421

and aircraft production, 281–83, 285–86

and air defense, 114–15

and guided missiles, 261

authorizes ANSCOL, 690

effect of Arnold's position in, 48–50

reorganization (and AAF gains), 53–54

role of, 50–76

Joint Committee on New Weapons and Equipment, 262

Joint Planning Staff, 50, 53, 282

Joint U.S. Strategic Committee, 52

Joint War Plans Committee, 53

Jones, Brig. Gen. Aaron E., 296

Jones, Col. Roy M., 297

Ju-87, 175–76

Ju-88, 176

Judge Advocate General, 452


Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Sales, Inc., 342n

Kellogg-Briand Pact, 5

Kelly Field.: 132, 138, 428, 465, 492, 527, 547–49, 566

history, 123–24

navigation training, 470–71

preflight training, 558

reconnaissance 616

Kennedy, Maj. William L., 481

Kenney, Gen. George C., 56, 200, 213, 296, 334, 480

Kettering, Charles F., 253

Kilner, Brig. Gen. Walter G., 178

Kilner Board, 178–80, 241, 243

Kindleberger, James H., 328

King, Adm. Ernest J., 52–54

Knudsen, Lt. Gen. William S.: 65, 265–66, 296, 320–21

and aircraft production, 269, 311, 314–15

and civilian production, 325

and production planning, 275

and Reuther Plan, 323

CG ATSC, 373

engine production, 309–10, 312

NDAC, 308

on APB, 293

role of, 295

Koenig, Col. Egmont F., 687

Kollsman Instrument Div., 188

Kraus, Col. Walter F., 476–77

Kuter, Brig. Gen. Laurence S., 29, 38n, 43, 114


L-4, 223, 360, 420

L-5, 223, 360, 420

L-14, 223

Labor: 340, 345–47, 501–8

and AAF, 346

physically handicapped, 504–5

productivity, 347

turnover, 346

unskilled, training of, 505–8

women, 503–4

Laredo Gunnery School, 162

Lamer, G. de Friest, 17

Las Vegas Gunnery School, 137n, 162, 472

Latin Americans, training of, 693, 694n, 695–96, 699

Leach, Col. W. Barton, 42

Leahy, Adm. William D., 50

Lear, Lt. Gen. Ben, 110

Lee, Theopholis, Jr., 455

Lees, Robert E., 288

Legislative Planning, Dir. of, 34, 37

Legislative Services, Off. of, 45–46

Leigh-Mallory, AM Sir Trafford, 219

Lend-Lease Act: 20, 78, 237, 303, 400, 432

and training of foreign nationals, 693

Liaison pilots, 618–19

Liaison planes, 222

Liaison units, 618–19

Liberator. See B-24.

Liberty ships, 421

Lightning. See P-38.

Lincoln, Maj. Gen. Rush B.: 430

CG TTC, 475

Lincoln Airplane and Flying School, 456n, 457

Lindbergh, Charles A., 178n

Lockheed Aircraft Corp.: 187, 190, 214, 247–48, 250, 303, 316, 342, 597

expansion, 304, 309

Lockheed "B", 319n, 333n

production statistics, 354–55

Lodestar, 214

Lodge, Henry C., Jr., 13

Logistics: AC experience with, 362–63

defined, 362

lack of priority, 390

orgn., 362–97, 667–73

transition to independent air force, 363. See also Aircraft allocation

Aircraft distribution

Air depot group

Air Service Comd.


Service group

Supply. Lombard, Dr. Albert E., Jr., 288

Lothian, Lord, 237

Louisiana and Carolina maneuvers, 90

Love, Nancy H., 678

Lovett, Robert A.: ,6, 23–24, 42, 260

and aircraft procurement, 277

and aircraft production, 268, 285, 312–14, (methods) 332

and B-29, 209

and conversion of automotive industry, 324

and ground-school instructors, 512

and research and development, 229, 244, 256

AS/W for Air, 15, 23–24, 27, 31, 60, 293

on aluminum shortage, 343

urges increase in monthly production capacity, 312–13

Luftwaffe. See German Air Force.

Lycoming Div. (Aviation Manufacturing C0.), 188, 356

Lyon, Lt. Col. Alfred J., 178n, 217, 238, 248> 295

Lyttelton, Sir Oliver, 408


MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 56

MacArthur-Pratt agreement, 5, 81

McCain, Rear Adm. John S., 408n

McCarran, Sen. Patrick A., 50

McDonnell Aircraft Corp., 315

Machine tools, 341–42

McNair, Maj. Gen. Lesley J., 17, 27, 31, 108

McNarney, Maj. Gen. Joseph T.: 29–31, 33, 51, 430

on marksmanship training, 533

on preferential assignments to AAF, 542

McNarney Directive, 385–86

McNutt, Paul V., 517

Macon Air Depot, 138

Maintenance: 390–97

administrative techniques, 388

echelons, 364–65, 367–71, 388n, 388–89, 391, 482

overseas theaters, 391–92

prewar system, 389–90

supplies, distribution of, 383–84

wings, 365, 367.

See also Maintenance Comd.

Maintenance Comd., Air Corps: 64–66, 140

and Army maneuvers, 482

established, 390

history, 365–66

succeeded by ASC, 366

Maintenance-Supply Command, 365

Management Control, Dir. of, 34, 36–38, 41–44, 46

Manchester bomber, 6, 176

Maneuvers, 1941 Army, 482–84

Manhattan Project, 240n

Manpower Div., 43–44, 46

Marauder. See B-26.

Marine Corps: flight training, 429

Marriner, Lt. Col. Alfred W., 238n

Marshall, General of the Army George C.: 8, 9n, 12, 17–18, 21–22, 24, 31, 51–54, 138, 263, 484, 541

airpower, 10

and aircraft allocation, 281, 405

and aircraft production, 265, 269–70, 282, 285, 311

and aid to Allies, 271

and Air Corps requirements, 270

and air defense, 82, 84, 86, 92

and air orgn., 23, 25

and civilian schools, 456

and GHQ, 26

and procurement policy, 228–29

and research and development, 243

and site selection, 134–35, 141, 144

and WD orgn., 27, 30

Chief of Staff, 16.

See also Chief of Staff.

Martin, Glenn L., Co.: 187–88, 190, 199, 209, 297, 303, 318n, 342–43

expansion, 304, 309

production statistics, 354–55

Martin, Maj. Gen. Frederick L., 154

Maryland, Univ. of., 687

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 247, 464, 639–40

Materiel Center, 249, 294

Materiel Comd.: 44–45, 63–65, 68, 138, 231, 254, 294, 563

and aircraft distribution, 415

and aircraft production, 221, 349

and ASC, 272–73

and research and development, 233–34, 236, 242–43, 245, 249–51, 260–61

and stock procurement, 376

CG, 295, 297n

facilities, 159

personnel, 295–96

procurement district, 296

Production Div., 296

role of, 296–97

Willow Run, 329

Materiel Div. (OCAC): 27, 64–65, 80–8,, 138, 183, 185, 274, 363, 445

and aircraft allocation, 274

and distribution of supplies, 379

and maintenance policies, 389

and procurement, 225, 271

and research and development, 202, 229–30, 233, 236, 242

and subcontracting, 338

chief, 295

in AC logistical system, 363–66

location, 124

orgn., 230–31, 271, 374

proposes modification centers, 335

reconstituted as Matériel Comd., 372

role of, 294

Maxwell Field.: 68, 132–33, 138, 164

465–66, 492, 512, 545–49

ACTS, 684

finance school, 650

hist., 123–24

navigation training, 470

OCS, 680

preflight training, 558

psych. research unit, 491, 545–46

Me-109, 175, 179, 215

Mead, Dr. George J., 308

Meccano deck, 420

Mechanic learner program, 505–8

Mechanical aptitude test, 515, 539, 541, 543

Medical Corps, 139–41, 174, 370, 375

Medical training, 648–49, 689–90

Mediterranean theater, 220, 524, 694

Menasco Manufacturing Co., 310

Mexican pilots, training of, 695–96, 699

Meyers, Maj. Gen. Bennett E., 295

Mid-Continent Airlines, Inc., 336

Middletown Air Depot, 124, 363–65, 501–2

Military occupational specialty (MOS), 539–40

Military Police, Corps of: 6,, 375, 648, 650

Center, 663

School, 650

training, 662–63

Training Center (Avn.), 662

Military Requirements, Dir. of, 34–36, 149–50

Miller, Brig. Gen. Henry J. F., 366

Ministry of Aircraft Production (British), 237, 239, 393n

Mitchell. See B-25.

Mitchell, Brig. Gen. William: 4, 14–16, 71

air defense, 80

Mobile Air Depot, 128–29, 138, 365, 379n, 502–4, 673

Mobile repair shops, 391

Modification centers, 316, 332, 335–36, 415

Morgenthau, Secretary of Treasury Henry L., Jr.: 9n, 11

and aircraft production, 272

Moseley, C. C., 455

Mosquito bomber: 222

AAF use, 409

Munich conference, 8, 12, 27

Munitions Assignments Bd.: 51, 405–6

established, 292, 404

Munitions Assignments

Committee (Air), 292, 404, 406

Murray, Philip, 322

Mustang. See P-51.


Naiden, Lt. Col. Earl L., 178n, 242

Nash-Kelvinator Corp., 326, 328, 356

National Academy of Sciences, 181, 246–47

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics: 121, 210, 236, 240–42, 247, 251, 257

and jet propulsion, 249

and research and development, 240, 262

functions, 181, 235

National Aeronautics Association, 17

National Aircraft War Production Council, Inc., 297

National Aviation Forum, 456

National Bureau of Standards, ,80, 235, 247, 259

National Defense Act, 518

National Defense Advisory Commission: 265, 268, 307–8

aircraft industry production capacity, 311

Aeronautical Sec., 268, 308

and conversion of automotive industry, 320

plant expansion, 306, 308

role of, 272

National Defense Research Committee: 237–38, 247, 255, 261

and guided missiles, 259

coordinates aircraft production, 288, 293

functions, 236

National Guard: 38, 173, 189n, 428, 436, 438n

Bureau, 144

contribution to AAF strength, 453

National Research Council, 546

National Security Act, 77

Naval Expansion Act, 172

Navy, U.S.: 7, 49, 53, 77, 122, 130, 136, 168, 181, 191, 239, 300, 419, 515, 561, 609, 673

aircraft 403, 410,

(standardization) 334–35,

(total acceptances) 354

aircraft carriers, 417–18

aircraft requirements, 287, 291

air arm, 14, 165–66, 172, 180, 198, 203, 207, 234, 571,

(expansion) 287,

(strength) 173n

and AAFSAT, 686

and aircraft allocations, 265, 267, 273–74, 279–81, 288, 398, 400, 405,

(for RAF and RN) 408–9

and aircraft production, 185–86, 188, 190, 275, 279, 282, 288–89, 291, 328

Dept., 691

flight training, 429, 443,

(recruitment) 494, 517–18

Naval Reserve, 517

plants for, 309–18

procurement, 287

"raids" civilian flying schools, 459, 511

role in Pacific War, 410

Sec. of, 31, 149

use of aluminum, 343

V-12 program, 517

VS. AAF, 52, 81, 155, 157, 167, 234–35, 261–62, 404

Negroes: flying training for, 457

in AAF, 523–24, 664

in aircraft industry, 345

Nelson, Donald M., 277, 279–80, 182–83, 285–86

Netherlands East Indies: 410m

Air Force, training for, 697

cadets, 151

New Guinea, 697

Neutrality Acts, 5, 191, 302

New Developments Div. (WD), 232

New England Aircraft School, 461n, 462

New York Air Service Port Area Comd., 368–69

New York City, defense of, 88, 97, 106

New York POE, 368

New York Univ., 446, 464

Night fighters, 220–21, 608–9

98-group program, 267

Norden bombsight, 239

North Africa: 198, 201, 418, 618, 697

North Africa Campaign, 609, 617

stock levels, 385

test for automatic supply system, 384

North American Aviation, Inc.: 187–88, 190, 199, 218, 251, 303, 311, 315–16, 319n, 328, 333, 342–43

expansion 304, 309

production statistics, 354–55

Northeast Air District: 64, 71

activated, 19

hq. location, 137

Northeastern Defense Comd., 21, 27, 8687

North Island Naval Air Station, 147

Northrop Aircraft, Inc., 220, 244–45, 247–48, 250, 256–57, 315, 343

Northwest African Air Forces, 43

Northwest Air District: 64, 71

activated, 19

hq. location, 137

Northwest Airlines, Inc., 336


Observation groups, 616–21

Office, Chief of Air Corps: 5, ii, 16, 1819, 24, 27, 31–33, 36, 62–63, 131, 172, 364

and aircraft allocation and distribution, 413

and air base development, 124, 128–30, 132–35, 137–43

and ASC, 366

and ground-duty training, 447–48

and recruitment, 437–39, 443–44, 491, 498

and research and development, 233, 242

and training, 454,

(flight) 455, 465–66, 468, 476, 557–58,

(technical) 461, 463–64, 473–74

dissolution, 366

Information Div., 481

Inspection Div., 244

Intelligence Div., 481

Medical Div., 489–91, 545, 547

Personnel Div., 447–48, 450, 490

Plans Div., 24, 33, 37, 446,

(aircraft priorities) 365,

(and aircraft logistics) 414

Plans Sec., 128, 134–35, 232–33

Supply Div., 65

"training group," 430

vs. GHQ Air Force, 364, 413

Weather Sec., 64.

See also Materiel Division, Training and Operations Div.

Office of the Chief, AAF, 33

Office of the Chief of Transportation, 419

Office of Education, U.S., 501

Office of Lend-Lease Administration, 401

Office of Production Management: 272–74, 277n, 310

and aircraft allocation, 274

and aircraft Scheduling Unit, 274, 292–94

and aircraft Sec., 274, 288–90

and automotive industry, 324–25

and bomber production, 313

and production planning, 275, 313

replaced by WPB, 293

Office of Scientific Research and Development: 240

and AAF, 236

and guided missiles, 262

functions, 236

Office of Strategic Services, 223

Officer candidate schools, 511–12, 514, 536, 554, 561, 680–83

Officer Training School, 636, 683–84

Off-reservation schools, 506–7

Ogden Air Depot, 128–29, 138, 365, 378, 379n, 502

Okinawa depot, 387n

Oklahoma Air Depot, 379n

Olds, Maj. Gen. Robert, 154–55

Oliphant, Herman, 9n

Olson, Lt. Col. Jergen B., 512n

115-group program, 279

1,200-pilot program, 431, 434

On-the-line training, 564–66

Operational Research Sec. (Eighth AF), 41

Operational training. See Flight training: bombardment training

fighter training

unit training

Operational-training unit program: 74, 601–15, 617–18, 622

admin., 604

in ATC, 675–78

individual training, 611

Operations Analysis Div., 43, 46

Orangeburg flying school, 457n

Ordnance Dept: 174, ,80, 194, 232, 260–61, 370, 375, 648, 651

and educational orders, 301

and research and development, 240

procurement authority, 374

releases plants, 316

training, 663

Organizational equipment: distribution of, 381–83, 385

Organizational Planning, Dir. of, 34, 37, 44, 46

Organized Reserve, 173, 189n

Orlando, 68, 161, 685, 687

Overseas deployment, 625–28

Overseas replacement depots, 627


P-26, 183

P-35, 195, 302

P-36, 175, 195, 213, 302

P-38: 183, 195, 214, 218, 222, 419–21

acceptances, 354

characteristics, 214–15

production, 333n, 357

release, 303

unit cost, 360

P-39: 183, 195

acceptances, 354

characteristics, 212–14

production, 357

sent to U.S.S.R., 405

unit cost, 360

P-40: 195, 218

acceptances, 354

characteristics, 212–14

production, 357

release of, 302

sent to U.S.S.R., 401, 405

unit cost, 360 P-43, 402

P-47: 195, 215, 218–19, 421

acceptances, 354

characteristics, 215–17

development, 229n

production, 333n, 357

unit cost, 360

P-51: 195, 198

acceptances, 354

characteristics, 219–20

development, 217–18

for U.K., 411

production, 357

unit cost, 360

P-61, 220–21

P-63, 405

P-66, 344n

P-80, 250–51

Pacific Overseas Air Service Command, 369, 387

Packard Motor Car Co.: 195n, 310, 316, 320, 328, 342

Aircraft Engine Div., 320

production statistics, 356

Pack-ups, 383–85

Panama: 413, 438

air depots, 363

defense of, 83, 91, 110

Pan American Airways System, 66, 470, 586, 695

Paralketone, 422

Parks, Oliver L., 455

Parks Air College, Inc., 455, 456n, 461n

Patterson, Rear Adm. W. R., 408n

Patterson, Robert P.: 17, 23, 270

and aircraft production, 268–69, 274, 309

and procurement functions, 293–94

and research and development, 245

plant expansion, 311.

See also Assistant Secretary of War, Under Secretary of War.

PB4Y2. See B-24.

Peabody, Brig. Gen. Hume, 685

Pearl Harbor attack, 79

"Pelican," 259

Pershing, Gen. John J., 26

Personnel, Dir. of, 34–35

Personnel Distribution Comd., 46, 64, 70, 165, 524–26, 628

Personnel procurement: AAF priority in, 429–30, 540–42

and 84-group program, 488

1943 manpower crisis, 516–21

requirements, 434, 452–53.

See also Flight training, Technical training.

Philadelphia Wing, 105, 107

Philippines: 413, 416, 438

air depots, 363

defenses of, 402

Phillips, Col. James F., 295

Photographic reconnaissance, 222n, 616- 21, 647. See also Technical training, photography.

Photography, Dir. of, 34, 36

Physically handicapped persons, 504–5

Pioneer Instrument Div., 188

Piper Cub. See L-4.

Pittsburgh cadet unit, 443

Plans Div. See Office, Chief of Air Corps.

Plastiphane, 422n

Ploesti raid, 208n

Portal, ACM Sir Charles F. A., 51, 55, 406–7

Portal, Rear Adm. Reginald H., 409n

Ports of embarkation, 626–27

Post schools, 507–8

Powers, Maj. Gen. Edward M., 262, 295

Pratt & Whitney Aircraft: 188, 190, 249, 304, 309–10, 313, 328, 342

expansion, 312, 355

production statistics, 355–56

Preparation for Overseas Movement, 627

Price Administration, Off. of, 99

Privateer. See B-24.

Procurement and Production: 288

AAF authority for, 374

AAF orgn. of, 294

Air Corps, 287

contract admin., 295–96

Hq. AAF and MC, 295–96

methods, 271–72

Navy, 287

personnel, 294–9.5

policy, 183, 267–68

procurement districts, 295–97. See also Aircraft production, Engine production.

Procurement of Aircrew Trainees, 438n

Production Planning Board (OPM), 275

Production Survey Branch (MD), 274

Program Control Off., 47

Project A, 202–4, 208

Project B-7, 243

Propellers, 288–90, 292, 310, 318, 326, 328, 347, 353, 355–56

Protective Mobilization Plan, 183

Protectives, 422

Proving Ground Comd., 44, 46, 63–64, 68, 231, 693

Psychological research, 491, 525, 545–47, 550

Psychological testing, 547–56

PT-13 series, 360, 577

PT-19 series, 360

Public Relations Off., 34, 45

Purdue Univ., 446, 464

Putt, Col. Donald L., 238

Quartermaster Corps: 129, 133, 135, 166, 174, 370, 375, 648–49

AC construction, 131

Quartermaster General, 127–28, 134–35

training, 663


Radar and radio: AN/APQ-13, 598

AN/APQ-15, 598

and bomb. training, 615

development, 82–84, 194, 232

D/F stations, 105

early equipment, 96

GCI, 95, 97

HF, 84, 95, 105

IFF, 104

nets, 97–98

SCR series, 83–84, 96–97

station locations, 89

training, 597–99, 637–41

VHF, 84, 95, 105

Radio code aptitude test, 539

Radio Corp. of America, 259

Radiosonde. See Technical Training, weather.

Randolph Field.: 63, 124, 132, 164, 428, 430, 439, 454, 458, 465, 548, 566, 690

central instructors school, 514, 562, 576

hist., 123

SAM, 648

Ranger Aircraft Engines, 188, 356

Rawlings, Col. Edwin W., 309

Reception centers, Army, 538–42

Reconnaissance aviation, 221, 615–21

Reconnaissance squadrons, 616

Reconstruction Finance Corp., 308

Recruiting Publicity Bureau, 440

Recruitment. See Flight training. Redistribution centers, 64, 70, 525–26

Regional defense comds., 21

Regular Army, 436, 438n, 451, 463

Remington Rand, Inc., 356

Rentschler, Frederick B., 328

Reorganization Act (1920), Army, 4

Replacement training centers, 528–29, 538, 545, 548, 558

Replacement training unit program, 75, 603–15, 617–18, 621–22

Republic Aviation Corp., 188, 215, 222, 256, 309, 315, 318n, 333n, 342, 354–55

Research and development: AAF orgn. for, 230–34

cost of, 239–40

physical plant, 240–41

priority accorded to, 228

programs, 176–80, 241–43

resources for, 180–82

role of non-AAF agencies, 234–39. See also B-36

Bomber, development of long-range

Guided missiles

Jet propulsion

Radar and radio.

Reserve officers, 450–53

Reserve Officers Training Corps, 437, 438n

Reuther, Walter P., 322–24

Reynolds, Brig. Gen. R. B., 520

Reynolds Metals Co., 342

Rickenbacker, Eddie, 219

Rising Sun Aircraft School, 463

River Rouge plant, 321n

Roberts Commission, 29

Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 328

Rome Air Depot, 138, 379n

Roosevelt, Col. Elliott, 221

Roosevelt, Pres. Franklin D.: 3, 15, 31, 48, 50, 90, 175, 181, 237, 272, 303, 408, 430, 452, 694

allocation to U.S.S.R., 401, 405

and aircraft allocation, 279, 401, 403, 407, 409–10

and aircraft production, 172, 192, 204, 266, 269, 278–82, 284–85, 289–90, 305, 313, 315, 320, 327, 342,

(British claims on) 265, 400

and air arm autonomy, 12, 14

and air defense, 79, 99

and CBO, 283

and CCS, 49

and enlarged air program, 8, 11, 13, ,6, 127, 171–72, 206, 214, 232, 263–64, 267, 271–72, 277, 306, 404, 428, 451

and place of air arm in military orgn., 25, 30

and procurement policy, 229

and production planning, 276–77, 287

CINC, 48, 50, 693

favors tax relief for aircraft industry, 307

foreign sales, 303

on aluminum shortage, 343

on conversion of durable-goods industries, 325

on Neutrality Act, 302

plant expansion, 311

voluntary enlistments, 516

Roosevelt Aviation School, 461n

Royal Air Force: 6. 49. 55, 66, 95, 192, 218, 237, 239, 481, 694–95

AAF diversion of aircraft for 423

and standardization of equipment, 334

and U.S. aircraft allocation, 302, 406, 408–9, 411

and U.S. aircraft production, 191, 402–3

Army Cooperation Comd., 219

Bomber Comd., 54

defense tactics, 85

Fighter Comd., 71

flight training, 694–95

gunnery, 471

influence on U.S. avn., 21–22, 34, 41, 59–60, 481–82, 6131, 617, 687–88, 691

scarcity of spare parts, 348

strength, 174

Royal Australian Air Force, 697

Royal Canadian Air Force, 481

Royal Navy, 408

Royce, Brig. Gen. Ralph, 238n

RP-63, 594

Ryan Aeronautical Co., 309

Ryan School of Aeronautics, 456n


Sabrejet. See F-86.

Sacramento Air Depot, 124, 363–65, 501

"Sadowsky Spotter," 100

San Antonio Air Depot, 124, 363–65, 379, 501

San Antonio Aviation Cadet Center: 525, 549, 558

chaplains school, 649

OCS, 680

San Bernardino Air Depot, 141, 379n, 504

San Francisco AAA Gp. (P), 115

San Francisco POE, 368

Santa Maria School of Flying, 456n, 460n

Sault Ste Marie, defense of, 110–11, 147

Saville, Col. Gordon P., 93–95, 238n

Schannep, Col. Dwight B., 668

Schneeberger, Col. Philip, 309

School of Aviation Medicine: 489, 552, 648–49

and AAFSAT, 690

School of the Soldier, 530

Scientific Advisory Group, 234

Scrugham, James G., 24

Seabees, 661

Seatrains, 418

Seattle Wing, 93

Second Aviation Objective, 90, 138, 141–43, 467, 485. See also 84-group program; 30,000-pilot program.

Secretary of the Treasury, 306. See also Morgenthau.

Secretary of War: 5, 16, 18–19, 27, 31, 203, 396, 447, 484, 496, 505

aircrew college training program, 563–64

and air base development, 127–28, 149

and civilian schools, 456

and 54-group program, 270

and flight training, 467, 513

on direct commissions, 510–11. See also Stimson, Woodring.

Selective Service System: 442, 562, 654

AAF intercessions for deferment, 346

Dir., 510

Selective Service Act, 494, 539

Selective Training and Service Act, 436

Self, Sir Henry, 248

Service group: 384n, 391, 393, 658

mobility, 372

origin and function, 369–70, 667, 671–72

personnel, 395

training, 667–73

Service pilots, 510, 675, 679

Services of Supply: 30–31, 67, 149, 362–63, 373, 418–19, 541

aircrew college training program, 563

procurement functions, 294

vs. AAF, 294.

See also Army Service Forces.

Sessums, Col. John W., Jr., 295

7,000-pilot program, 431–32, 434, 456, 462

75,000-pilot program, 512

Sherwood, Robert E., 8, 50

Shoults, D. Roy, 248

Signal Corps: 83, 90, 92–93, 102, 174, 180, 194, 232, 370, 375, 445, 648–49

and research and development, 236, 240

procurement authority to AAF, 374

responsibility for weather info. to AC, 645

training, 663–66

6th Army Gp., 698

Skymaster. See C-54.

Skytrain. See C-47.

Slessor, AVM John C., 407

Smaller War Plants Corp., 339

Smith, A. 0., Corp., 310

Snyder Board, 512–13

Somervell, Lt. Gen. Brehon B., 31, 282

Southeast Air District: 64, 71

activated, 19

hq. location, 137

Southeast Training Center: 131–32, 137n, 139, 150–51, 157–58, 476–77, 558–59

activation, 465

and flexible gunnery training, 471

and ground-school instructors, 512

British flight training, 695

navigation training, 471

Southern Aviation Corp., 336

Southern Defense Comd., 21, 27, 86–87

South Pacific theater, 614

Southwest Air District, 19, 64, 71, 137

Southwest Pacific Area, 200, 208, 220, 613, 625, 696

Spaatz, Gen. Carl: 26, 38n, 55–56, 178n, 200, 238n, 244, 430, 480, 697

and selection of aviation cadets, 490

C/MD, 295n

Spare parts: failure to provide for, 347- 50

numbering, 378–79

requirements, 377

shortage, 390, 393–94

Spartan School of Aeronautics, 456n, 461n

Special Assistant for Antiaircraft, 45–46

Special Observer Group, 238

Sperry Gyroscope Co., ,88, 310

Spitfire: 179, 211, 2 15

AAF use, 409

characteristics, 175

unit cost, 360n

Spokane Air Depot, 141, 379n, 503–4

Squadrons (numbered):

1st Fighter Sq. (Braz.), 696

No. 18 NEI Sq., 697

99th Fighter Sq., 524

No. 120 NEI Sq., 697

201st Fighter Sq. (Mex.), 696

SSN's, 539

Stace, Brig. Gen. Donald F., 297

Stalin, Joseph, 350, 401

Standardization of equipment, 333–34

Standard Oil, 181–82

Statistical Control, Dir. of, 34, 37–38, 44, 46

Steel Products Engineering Co., 310

Stevens Hotel, 153

Stimson, Secretary of War Henry L.: 17, 23, 25, 27, 30–31, 52–53, 99, 103, 248, 313

aircraft allocation, 403

air program, 271

and production planning, 229, 274–77, 3'5

named Secretary of War, 15

on civilian volunteers, 115

on foreign orders, 304

Stinson. See L-5.

Strategic bombing, 219

Stratemeyer, Maj. Gen. George E., 43, 284, 491

Stratemeyer-Towers line, 156

Streett, Brig. Gen. St. Clair, 51–52

Studebaker Corp., 312, 315, 324, 328, 356

Subdepots, 367–68

Supply: calculation of requirements, 376- 79

distribution, 379

echelons, 364–65, 368–71, 384n

overseas distribution, 381–83, 385–88

prescribed stock levels, 385–86

stock items, 376, 378–79

stock records, 377–79, 385

storage, 379–81. See also Logistics.

Supply Council, 275

Supply Priorities and Allocations Board, 277


Tactical Air Divisions, 621

Tactical reconnaissance, 617–19, 621

Tankers, 419–20

Target selection, 41

Technical Information Div., 45

Technical Inspection, Dir. of, 34, 36

Technical inspectors, 392

Technical School: 129, 131, 133

location, 123

selects sites, 140

Technical services: 362–64, 375–76

coordination with ASC, 366

Dir. of, 34, 36, 69

procurement authority, 374

Technical training: 445–50, 461–64, 474–76, 629–73

administrative clerks, 464

aircraft maintenance, 461–64, 473–75, 629–37, 672–73

armament, 446, 448–49, 641–43

civilian schools, 446, 455, 461–64, 475, 506–7, 630–31, 652

combined training, 659, 661, 663–64, 669, 671

communications, 446, 448–49, 473–74, 482, 637–41

districts, 475

eliminees, 655–56

engineering (aviation-cadet), 446, 448–49

expansion, 472–74

for ASWAAF personnel, 648–51, 658–66

general vs. specialized training, 631–32, 641–44

ground echelons of combat groups, 657–58

instructors, 515, 651, 653–55

mobile training units, 636–37, 655

morale, 656

organization, 475–76, 629, 651 (see also Air Corps Technical School Technical Training Comd.)

photography, 446, 448–49, 643–45

pre-Pearl Harbor, 428–29, 445–46, 629–30, 645

prerequisites, 448, 498, 655

procurement, 447–50, 497–500

programs, 446, 450, 461, 646–47

service and air depot groups, 667–73

stations for (see Airfields, technical training)

student nos., 449–50, 485, 500, 630, 638, 640–41, 643, 645

teaching methods, 638–39, 651–53, 670

unit training, 657–73

weather, 445–46, 449, 464, 645–47. See also Classification and assignment procedures.

Technical Training Comd., Air Corps: 27, 44–45, 63–64, 152, 158, 430, 477, 507, 543, 547, 555, 557, 629, 643, 651, 666, 680, 682

basic military training, 528, 530

bombardier and navigation selection, 489

enlisted instructors, 515

established, 475

instructors, 515

merges into Training Comd., 653

sites, 140

vs. ASC, 634

Texas. See AT-6.

30,000-pilot program, 432–34, 449, 457, 467, 486, 493, 495. See also Second Aviation Objective.

3,600-bomber program, 271

Thunderbolt. See P-47.

Thunderjet. See XP-84.

Timberlake, Brig. Gen. Patrick W., 211

Tizard, Sir Henry, 237

TORCH, 54, 280

Towers, Rear Adm. John H., 407

Tracy, Myron A., 288

Traffic Control and Regulation, Dir. of, 34, 36

Training: combat lessons, 480–84

instructors, 508–15

of foreign nationals, 693–700

on eve of Pearl Harbor, 485–87

pre-1939, 428–29

trainee motivation, 429. See also AAF School of Applied Tactics

Basic Military training

Flight training

Officer candidate schools

Officer Training School

Technical training.

Training and Operations Div. (OCAC), 134, 137, 446, 462, 465, 475–76, 490, 601

Training Comd., AAF: 46, 164–65, 226, 430, 522, 543, 549, 556–58, 561, 573, 576, 584, 594–95, 607–8, 614, 619, 624, 628-. 29, 641, 649–51, 653, 662

aircrew college training program, 564

and basic military training, 532–33

and training of foreign nationals, 694

classification procedures, 544

hist., 63–64

on civilian vs. military schools, 460–61

on-the-line training, 564–65

redistribution, 525

source for B-29 pilots, 607

Transportation Corps: 387, 626

and POE's, 368

procurement authority, 374

Traveling Boards. See Flying cadet examining boards.

Treasury Dept., 11, 272

Truman committee, 112, 183, 484

Tuskegee Flying School, 457

12,000-pilot program, 432, 434, 456, 467

21st Engineer Regiment, 660

24-group program, 431, 434

273-group program, 148, 283, 285–87, 408–9


UC-64, 420

UC-78, 344n, 420, 577

UN conf. at San Francisco, 115

Under Secretary of War: 293, 295

and ASF, 374

and research and development, 261

responsible for procurement, 293.

See also Patterson.

United Aircraft Corp., 188, 327–28

United Air Lines Transport Corp., 336

United Automobile Workers, 322

United Kingdom: 20, 52

allocation of U.S. aircraft, 267, 288, 352, 398, 403, 405–12

aluminum shipments, 343

and standardization of equipment, 334

and U.S. defense, 399

claims on U.S. aircraft production, 267, 270, 287–89, 291, 301–4, 307, 398–99, 403, 423

emphasis on aircraft repair, 393n

exchange of info. with, 236–39, 309

ferrying flights, 415

field inspection agencies, 292

navigation training, 470

need for machine tools, 341

on aircraft productive capacity, 312

Roosevelt on maximum aid for, 400

technical data to U.S., 303, 480

training of Br. flyers in U.S., 694–95

United Nations, 534

United States Air Force, 71, 75, 77

United States Coast Guard Academy, 433, 438n

United States Military Academy, 438n, 450

United States Naval Academy, 438n

U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 479

U.S. Maritime Commission, 275

U.S. Strategic Air Forces:

Europe, 55, 60, 238n, 254

Pacific, 55


AAF on participation in Pacific War, 410

aircraft allocations for, 211, 214n, 352, 398, 401, 403, 405–6, 408

aircraft production, 350

aircraft shipments to, 405, 412, 419

aid to, 271, 275

aluminum shipments, 343

claim on U.S. production, 401–2, 406, 411

need for machine tools, 341

rigidity of agreements with, 401

Russian pilots for U.S. aircraft, 407

training of Russian officers, 698


V-1: New York City, 116. See also Guided missiles.

Vanaman, Brig. Gen. Arthur W., 296

Vaughan, Col. J. C., 309

Vega Airplane Co., 313, 342

Veterans Administration, 526

Veterans of Foreign Wars, 442

Victory Program, 242, 314, 474

Vinson-Trammell Act, 306

Vital Air Defense Area, 92

Volandt, Col. William F., 295, 307

von Karman, Dr. Theodore, 234

Vultee Aircraft,284n, 297, 304, 309, 329n


Waco Co., 225

Wallace Clark Co., 37

War Dept.: 9, 11, 14–15, 20, 26, 32–33, 53, 136, 148, 263, 293–94, 329, 432–33, 691, 694

aircrew college training program, 563–64

and aircraft allocation, 399, 403, 407

and aircraft production, 183–85, 190, 204, 269, 278–79, 305, 332

and air base development, 127, 130–31, 133, 137, 139, 142, 146, 149, 163, 165

and Air Corps orgn., 11, 23–24

and air defense, 87

and basic military training, 528

and civilian labor, 502

and civilian schools, 455, 459, 461

and classification system, 538

and conversion of automotive industry, 320

and educational orders, 300–301

and enlarged air program, 172, 267

and flight training, 435, 439–40, 465, 476–77, 495, 510–11, 518, 558

and ground-duty training, 449–50

and increase in combat plane strength, 138, 263

and Negroes, 523

and production planning, 275

and research and development, 6–7, 178, 180, 202–4, 232, 253, 256–57

and site selection, 466

approves ASWAAF integration into AAF, 375, 648

approves group programs, 283, 431

Circular 59, 28, 32

Circular 80, National Policy of Air Defense, 114

construction procedures, 127–29

contract negotiations, 307

course for corps and division commanders, 691

on aircraft allocations, 394

plant construction, 308, 311

preferential personnel policy for AAF, 540–41

prescribes marksmanship training, 533

public pressures on, 16–17, 24

recognizes equality of land power and air power, 57

relieves ASF of air base responsibilities, 375

reorganization, 25, 29, 141, 149, 293–94

voluntary induction procedures, 519.

See also Civilian Personnel Div.

Warhawk. See P-40.

War Manpower Commission, 517, 562

Warner Robins Air Depot, 379n, 649

War Organization and Movement, Dir. of, 34–35

War Production Board: 149, 272, 274, 277n

and aircraft production, 285

and management, 344

and passenger-car production, 326

replaces OPM, 293

subcontracting, 339. See also Aircraft Production Board.

War Service Training program, 537

War Shipping Administration, 419–21

Warton Base Depot (Eng.) 391, 395

War-weary aircraft, 254–55, 394, 612

Watertown maneuvers, 85, 155n

Water transport of aircraft, 416–23

Watson-Watt, Sir Robert, 96

Weaver, Maj. Gen. Walter R.: 152–53, 543, 558

Actg. C/AC, 477

and OCS, 680

CG TTC, 476, 651

Weaver directives, 651–53

Weather, Dir. of, 34, 36, 64

Weather Div., 70

Weather reconnaissance, 617–19, 647

Weather service, AAF, 64, 69–70, 645

Weather Training Center, 645

West Coast Aircraft War Production Council, 297

West Coast Training Center: 132, 137n, 139n, 150–51, 469, 476–77

activation, 465

and site selection, 466

ground-school instructors, 513–14

navigation training, 471

Western Defense Comd., 21, 27, 64, 72, 86–87, 92, 107–8, 112, 117, 146–47

Western District, 297n

Western Flying Training Comd., 64, 515, 565, 696

Western Sea Frontier, 117

Western Signal Aviation Unit Training Center, 665–66

Western Technical Training Comd., 64

Westinghouse, 247–48

Westover, Maj. Gen. Oscar F., 8

White House conference:

(14 Nov. 1938), 9–10, 172

(14 May 1940), 13

Whittle, Wing Cmdr. Frank, 246

Wilcox Act, 122, 126, 128

Williams, Alford J., Jr., 16–17

Willkie, Wendell, 17

Willow Run, 158, 312–13, 315, 318, 322, 329–30, 333, 355

Willys-Overland Co., 321

Wilson, Charles E.: 344

chairman of APB, 293

on production, 340

Wilson, Col. Roscoe C., 295

Wilson, Hugh R., 18

Wings (numbered):

1st Bomb. Wing, 43

1st Wing, 5, 16, 81

2nd Wing, 5

3rd Wing, 5

50th Transport Wing, 66, 365, 373n

Wolfe, Maj. Gen. Kenneth B., 296, 309

Women: in AAF, 640, 678–80

in aircraft 807

industry, 345

in air depots, 503–4

in civilian flying schools, 460

Women Airforce Service Pilots, 679–80, 686

Women's Army Corps, 102, 649

Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron, 678–79

Woodring, S/W Harry H., 9n, 11–12

Works Progress Administration, 127–28, 130

Wright, Theodore P., 288, 308

Dir. ARCO, 293

recorder of APB, 293

Wright Aeronautical Corp.: 188, 190, 249, 304, 309, 315

expansion, 312, 355

production statistics, 355–56

Wood-Ridge plant, 346

Wright Propeller, 310


XA-43, 252

XB-series, 202, 229n, 245, 252

XP-series, 229n, 243, 249–52, 344n


Yale Univ., 153, 635, 639, 643–44

YB-series, 202, 218

YC-series, 344n

Yount, Maj. Gen. Barton K.:

assignments, 430

CG TRC, 653

CG TTC, 477

in OCAC, 430


ZEC-2, 421