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Appendix B: Recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross

All who received the Medal of Honor for individual actions during operations described in this volume have been mentioned either in text or footnotes. Because of space limitations, similar mention of all who were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross could not be made. The following list of recipients of the DSC is as complete as possible in view of the fact that no single Army file listing DSC awards is maintained. Effort has been made to provide ranks as of the date of the action cited. (P) indicates a posthumous award.

Adams, Pfc. John W. (P)

Anderson, 2nd Lt. Roy L. (P)

Bacle, Sgt. Peter (P)

Baum, Capt. Francis J. (P)

Berlin, 1st Lt. Walter I.

Bieber, S/Sgt. Melvin H.

Blakely, T/Sgt. Ewel (P)

Blanton, T/Sgt. Benjamin T.

Blazzard, Capt. Howard C.

Booth, Capt. Everett L.

Botts, Capt. Seth S.

Bouchlas, Capt. Michael S.

Brenner, Pvt. William E.

Brohman, Pvt. Howard E., Jr.

Bruns, T/5 Raymond E.

Bucci, Pfc. Joseph R.

Burke, 1st Lt. Robert C.

Burns, Sgt. George E.

Burton, Lt. Col. William H., Jr.

Cambron, 1st Lt. Joseph W. (P)

Castro, Pfc. Luis F.

Catanese, Pfc. Albert

Chase, Pfc. Francis T., Jr.

Chatfield, Capt. Henry H.

Chenoweth, Pfc. Charles H., Sr. (P)

Citrak, Pfc. Michael

Clark, S/Sgt. Willard D.

Clementi, T/Sgt. Vincent (P)

Clinton, T/Sgt. Weldon D.

Colombe, Pvt. David L.

Cowden, 2nd Lt. Paul W.

Crabtree, S/Sgt. William H. (P)

Dew, 2nd Lt. Joseph H.

Dickerson, Pfc. Harry S. (P)

Dixon, T/3 Harold M.

Dooley, 1st Lt. William E.

Drennan, Capt. Fred O. (P)

Dupas, 1st Lt. James, II (P)

Eells, 2nd Lt. Calvin E.

Erbes, Capt. John

Fairchild, S/Sgt. Robert L.

Farmer, S/Sgt. Robert D. (P)

Felkins, Capt. William G., Jr. (P)

Fesmire, Pvt. Albert H.

Fiori, Pfc. Nanti J. (P)

Fitzpatrick, 1st Lt. James K. (P)

Folk, Capt. George K.

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Fontes, Pvt. Eugene A. (P)

Ford, Pvt. Willis B. (P)

Foster, S/Sgt. Leslie W. (P)

Frazier, 1st Lt. Gael M.

Free, 1st Lt. Charles A.

Fretwell, Sgt. Thomas E., Jr.

Funk, Pvt. Victor P.

Gehrke, 2nd Lt. Roy E. (P)

Gilbrath, Pvt. Dwight

Ginder, Col. Philip D.

Glogau, 1st Lt. Donald (P)

Golojuch, 1st Lt. Frank J.

Gomes, Lt. Col. Lloyd H.

Greene, S/Sgt. Thomas A. (P)

Greer, Maj. Howard W.

Grotelueschen, 1st Lt. Edgar W.

Hackard, Capt. Clifford T.

Hall, 1st Lt. Sanford F.

Hall, T/5 Willis B.

Hammonds, Pvt. Joseph J.

Haney, Cpl. Manning G. (P)

Harty, T/Sgt. Willard (P)

Hauschildt, 1st Sgt. Edward W.

Henley, S/Sgt. Robert M.

Herin, S/Sgt. Ralph D. (P)

Holland, Pfc. Robert H.

Holman, Capt. Grady B.

Hopes, S/Sgt. Robert D.

Howard, Pfc. Wilbur I.

Jennings, Pvt. Sheldon D.

Jett, Pfc. Arthur C.

Johnson, 1st Lt. Kenneth L. (P)

Johnson, Pvt. Albert L.

Johnson, S/Sgt. Richard C.

Johnson, T/5 Martin E.

Justice, Pvt. Clyde E.

Kalinowsky, Pfc. Henry J.

Kelleher, Lt. Col. Gerald C.

Kelley, S/Sgt. Brady O.

Kessler, 1st Lt. Albert L.

Kirk, Pfc. Owens L. (P)

Kirksey, Sgt. Earnest L.

Kudiak, Sgt. Tony

Lackner, T/Sgt. Clarence

Lanham, Col. Charles T.

Lee, 1st Lt. Robert E. (P)

Lester, 1st Lt. Vestal R.

Littleton, S/Sgt. Walter J.

Malone, Pfc. Henry A.

Mathews, Pvt. James E. (P)

McCaskey, 2nd Lt. Charles I., Jr. (P)

McCully, 1st Lt. William C. (P)

McDaniel, Pvt. Doyle W. (P)

Messer, Pfc. Allen B.

Miccori, Pfc. Joseph A. (P)

Miller, Capt. Jesse R., Jr.

Mills, 2nd Lt. Donald C.

Mills, Lt. Col. Herbert M. (P)

Moralez, Pfc. Frank (P)

Moses, Sgt. Albert D., Jr. (P)

Nietzel, Sgt. Alfred B. (P)

Norris, T/4 Herman W.

O’Connell, S/Sgt. Stephen W.

Olsen, 1st Lt. John

Palm, 2nd Lt. Carl C.

Parrish, Capt. Edward L.

Parrow, S/Sgt. Peter J. (P)

Pece, Pfc. James T. (P)

Peebles, 1st Lt. Arthur F., Jr. (P)

Pepe, Pfc. Salvatore

Peso, 2nd Lt. Frank L. (P)

Polio, Pfc. James V. (P)

Potter, Pvt. Phillip H.

Quinlan, 2nd Lt. James P.

Rabreau, S/Sgt. John

Rees, Capt. Roger S.

Regan, 2nd Lt. Dennis J.

Rennebaum, 1st Lt. Leon A.

Renteria, T/4 Jess T.

Rhodey, Capt. William A.

Robey, S/Sgt. Paul W., Jr.

Russell, Capt. William E.

Sawyer, T/Sgt. Phillip F. (P)

Schultz, T/5 George W., Jr.

Searles, S/Sgt. James W.

Singer, T/4 Leonard

Single, T/Sgt. James C.

Smelser, T/Sgt. Raymond B.

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Speer, Pfc. Harold J.

Stevens, 1st Lt. Richard W.

Stott, Pvt. Robert H.

Swanberg, T/5 Bertol C.

Tempesta, S/Sgt. Anthony A.

Terry, Capt. John R., Jr.

Terry, S/Sgt. Joseph

Tester, 1st Lt. Perry O., Jr. (P)

Thayer, Pfc. Kenneth C.

Thomas, 2nd Lt. George

Tipton, Pfc. Beverly

Tucker, T/4 William I.

Van Giesen, 1st Lt. George T. (P)

Whidden, Sgt. Adolphaus W., Jr.

Whitehouse, Sgt. Rempfer L.

Whitley, Capt. Arthur N.

Whitney, Capt. William B.

Wild, Pfc. Joseph J.

Wilson, S/Sgt. William R.

Wise, Sgt. Alvin R.

Wittkopf, Capt. Philip W.

Wohner, Maj. John H.

Wolf, Cpl. Alvin E. (P)

Worrall, 1st Lt. William T. (P)