United States Army in World War II: Mediterranean Theater of Operations

Cassino to the Alps

by Ernest F. Fisher, Jr.


... to Those Who Served

Table of Contents


The Author


Part 1: The Spring Offensive

Chapter 1: Spring in Italy—1944

Allied Strategy—German Strategy—Allied Command and Organization—The Germans

Chapter 2: Preparing for a New Offensive

The German Defenses—Alexander’s Concept—A Cover Plan—Disposition of the Allied Armies—Planning the Offensive—Planning for Operations in the Liri Valley—Developing the Fifth Army Plan—German Preparations

Chapter 3: DIADEM’s First Day—11 May

Behind the German Front—Monte Cassino and the Rapido—Santa Maria Infante and the S-Ridge—The Capture of Monte Majo

Chapter 4: Collapse of the Gustav Line

German Countermeasures—The II Corps’ Attack Renewed—The Germans Fall Back on the Right—The Fall of Santa Maria Infante—Attack on Castellonorato—The Germans Prepare To Withdraw—Keyes Reinforces His Left—Progress in the Liri Valley—The German Reaction

Chapter 5: Breakthrough on the Southern Front

The Eighth Army’s Advance to the Hitler Line—The Fifth Army’s Advance to the Hitler Line—Breakthrough of the Hitler Line—Junction With the Beachhead—The Tenth Army Withdraws

Part 2: Breakout From the Beachhead

Chapter 6: The Anzio Beachhead

Italian Lands vs. German Blood—German Plans—The Terrain—The Opposing Forces—Allied Preparations—Final Moves

Chapter 7: The First Day

A General Hazard—Harmon’s Plan—The Attack Begins—The Attack on Cisterna—Action on the Corps’ Flanks

Chapter 8: Breakout From the Beachhead

Action on the Flanks—The German Reaction—The Third Day—The Enemy Situation—The Attack on Cori—The Capture of Cisterna—German Countermoves

Part 3: Drive to Rome

Chapter 9: Stalemate Along the Caesar Line

Clark’s Decision—BUFFALO Buried—Almost—“The most direct route to Rome”—Truscott Commits His Armor—The German Situation—Infantry Against Lanuvio—The 1st Armored Division’s Attack Reinforced

Chapter 10: Breaking the Stalemate

Stratagem on Monte Artemisio—The German Reaction—Exploiting the Penetration—Preliminary Moves—Keyes’ Plan—The II Corps Begins To Move—The VI Corps Begins To Move

Chapter 11: The Fall of Rome

The Race for Rome—Entry Into Rome

Part 4: Rome to the Arno

Chapter 12: Interlude in Rome

The View From the Capitoline Hill—Planning the Pursuit—The German Situation—Rome in Allied Hands

Chapter 13: Pursuit North of Rome

Eighth Army Joins the Pursuit—Kesselring Outlines His Strategy—To the Trasimeno Line—The French Advance to the Orcia—The British Sector—Kesselring Reinforces His Right Wing—The Eighth Army Closes With the Frieda Line

Chapter 14: The Pursuit Ends

Strategic Priorities: France or Italy—Breaking the Frieda Line—The Capture of Volterra and Siena—The Eighth Army—Strategic Decisions

Chapter 15: End of the Campaign in Central Italy

Mission—The Terrain and the Plan—Advance Toward Leghorn—The Capture of Leghorn—The Capture of Ancona and Arezzo—Pause at the Arno

Chapter 16: Along the Arno

The Eighth Army—The German Situation—Evacuation of Florence—The Ligurian Flank—The Cost

Part 5: The Gothic Line Offensive

Chapter 17: Planning for the Offensive

The Terrain—The Gothic Line—German Dispositions—Changes in Allied Strategy—Preliminary Moves—Conference With Clark—The Allied Plan—Allied Regrouping—Doubts on Both Fronts

Chapter 18: The Gothic Line Offensive Begins

Preliminary Operations—Leese’s Plan—German Preparations—The Offensive Begins—German Countermeasures—The Assault—The Germans Reinforce Their Line—The Coriano Ridge—The Fifth Army—Plans and Regrouping—IV Corps Crosses the Arno—The German Situation

Chapter 19: Battle for the Pass

The Approach—Plans and Terrain—First Contacts—The Attack on the Monticelli Ridge

Chapter 20: A Diversionary Operation

Leese’s Plan—Resuming the Offensive—The Capture of Rimini—Toward Imola—Battle for the Mountains—The Germans Reinforce—The Defense of Battle Mountain—The Imola Drive Abandoned—The Germans Take Stock—Shift Back to Highway 65

Part 6: In the Northern Apennines

Chapter 21: From Ridge to Ridge

Keyes’ Plan—II Corps Resumes Its Advance—The Livergnano Escarpment—Action on the Flanks—The Personnel Problem—Unrealistic Strategies

Chapter 22: Toward a Winter Stalemate

The Eighth Army Advance to the Ronco—The II Corps’ Plan—The II Corps’ Attack Renewed—German Countermeasures—New Plans for II Corps—Kesselring Hospitalized—The Attack Continues—Operations on the IV Corps Front—The Offensive Is Halted

Chapter 23: Stalemate in the Mountains and on the Plain

Alexander Develops His Strategy—The Capture of Forli—Reorganization and Planning on the Fifth Army’s Fronts—Outside Influences on Strategy—Command Changes—Alexander’s Orders—An Allied Directive—The Eighth Army’s Advance Continues—German Reactions—Attack on Faenza Resumed—The Fifth Army Plans and Waits—A German Counterattack—The Stalemate

Chapter 24: Through the Winter

Sustaining the Armies—Strengthening the Army—Regrouping the Army—Eliminating Enemy Bridgeheads on the Eighth Army Front—German Dispositions—Operation FOURTH TERM—A Forecast of Spring—Into the Mountains—The Second Phase—Truscott Halts the Attack

Part 7: The Last Offensive

Chapter 25: Strategies and Plans

German Strategic Problems—The German Defenses—Allied Strategy and Plans—The 15th Army Group Operations Plan—The Eighth Army’s Plan—Developing the Fifth Army’s Plan—The Plan—Allied Preponderance in Material and Manpower

Chapter 26: Breakthrough on the Eighth Army Front

In the East—In the West—German Indecision—The Eighth Army Attack—Breakthrough at the Argenta Gap

Chapter 27: Breakthrough on the Fifth Army’s Front

Armor Joins the Battle—The II Corps Attacks—Breakthrough to the Plain—Progress on the Flanks—Hitler’s Strategic Decisions

Part 8: Pursuit to the Alps

Chapter 28: Race for the Po

The Pursuit—Crossing the Po

Chapter 29: To the Alps

Race for Verona—Clearing the Po Valley—Army Group C’s Situation—Victory on the Flanks—The Last Engagements—The Eighth Army Crosses the Adige

Chapter 30: The Capitulation

The Widening Circle—German Reservations—Preparations for a Cease-Fire—The Surrender at Caserta—Army Group C’s Last Hours

Chapter 31: An Assessment

German Strategy—The Commanders—Allied Tactics—The Surrender Negotiations

Appendix A: Table of Equivalent Ranks

Note on Sources


Code Names



I. Jump-Off, 11 May 1944

II. Attack on Santa Maria Infante, 351st Infantry, 11–12 May 1944

III. Collapse of the Gustav Line, II Corps, 13–15 May 1944

IV. Approach and Breakthrough, the Hitler Line, 15–23 May 1944

V. Capture of Cisterna, 23–25 May 1944

VI. Shifting the Attack, 25–26 May 1944

VII. The Drive for Rome, 31 May–4 June 1944

VIII. Pursuit From Rome to the Trasimeno Line, 5–20 June 1944

IX. From the Trasimeno Line to the Arno River, 21 June–5 August 1944

X. The Approach to the Gothic Line: Concept of Operation OLIVE, 25 August 1944

XI. II Corps Attack on the Gothic Line, 10–18 September 1944

XII. Thrust Towards Imola, 88th Division, 24 September–1 October 1944

XIII. II Corps Attack on the Livergnano Escarpment, 1–15 October 1944

XIV. The Winter Line, 31 January 1945

XV. Breakthrough Into the Po Valley, IV and II Corps, 14–21 April 1945

XVI. The Spring Offensive, 9 April–2 May 1945

Inline Maps

1. The Battle for Monte Cassino, 12 May 1944

2. FEC Capture of Monte Majo, 11–13 May 1944

3. FEC Drive, 13–15 May 1944

4. II and VI Corps Link-Up, 22–25 May 1944

5. Stratagem on Monte Artemisio, 30 May–1 June 1944

6. Fifth Army in Rome, 4 June 1944

7. The Advance on Leghorn, 2–19 July 1944

8. Capture of Altuzzo and Monticelli, 16–18 September 1944

9. Operation FOURTH TERM, 8–11 February 1945

10. Operation ENCORE, 19 February-5 March 1945

11. The Last Battle, 10th Mountain Division Takes Lake Garda, 27 April-1 May 1945


Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring—General Sir Henry Maitland Wilson—Lt. Gen. Sir Oliver Leese, General Sir Harold Alexander, and Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark—Maj. Gen. Alfred W. Gruenther—Liri Valley—Maj. Gen. John B. Coulter—Maj. Gen. John E. Sloan—Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Keyes—Lt. Gen. Willis D. Crittenberger—Brig. Gen. Donald W. Brann and General Clark—Monte Cassino—Terrain Facing the U.S. II Corps—Terrain in French Corps Sector—American Troops Entering the Ruins of Santa Maria Infante—Monte Cassino Monastery Shortly After Its Capture—View of Itri—U.S. Infantry Approaching Itri—German Prisoners Captured at Itri—Aerial View of Terracina—Maj. Gen. Lucian Truscott, Jr.—Maj Gen. Ernest N. Harmon—Brig. Gen. John W. O’Daniel—Isola Bella—General O’Daniel’s Battle Sleds—Patrol Moving Through Cisterna—Disarming German Prisoners at Cisterna—Aerial View of Valmontane and Highway 6—Tanks of 1st Armored Division Assembling for Attack Near Lanuvio—3rd Division Infantry Entering Valmontane—American Infantrymen Advancing Along Highway 6 Toward Rome—Generals Clark, Keyes, and Brig. Gen. Robert T. Frederick Pause During Drive on Rome—German Troops Withdrawing From Rome—Entering the Gates of Rome—American Infantrymen Pass Burning German Tank in Rome—Romans Line Streets as U.S. Tank Destroyers Roll by Coliseum—Aerial View of Civitavecchia—Grosseto and Terrain to the East—Generals Brann, Crittenberger, and Mascarenhas—Lt. Gen. Wladyslav Anders With General Leese—Aerial View of Cecina—General Alphonse Juin With General Clark at Siena—Aerial View of Leghorn—American Patrol Entering Pisa—Aerial View of Florence—Il Giogo Pass—Artillery Battery in Action—Carrying Supplies to Mountain Positions—Captured German Positions in Gothic Line—85th Division Troops on Mt. Verruca—Looking North From Futa Pass—Generals Clark and Keyes Study II Corps Situation Map—German Prisoners Captured Near Castel del Rio—Monte Battaglia—Men, Mules, Mud—Indian Infantry in Northern Apennines—6th South African Armoured Division Tanks Assembled for Attack—Truck Crossing a Steel Truss Bailey Bridge—Italian Mule Train Transporting Supplies to the Front—General Clark Visits British 13 Corps Sector With General Kirkman—Motor Transport in Northern Apennines—Soldiers Relaxing During Lull in Battle—Area North of Cinquale Canal, 92nd Division Zone—Ski Patrol, 10th Mountain Division—Apennines, IV Corps Sector—Artillery Ammunition Being Brought Forward, 10th Mountain Division Zone—Monte Belvedere Massif From Lizzano, 10th Mountain Division Sector—Evacuating Casualties Over Mountain Trail—SS General Wolff—The Last Heights Before Bologna—Mountain Infantry in Tole Area—German Prisoners Captured by 10th Mountain Division—Infantrymen Entering the Po Valley—34th Division Infantrymen Pause in Bologna—Aerial View of Po River Crossing—German Equipment Destroyed Along Po—American Troops Storm Ashore After Assault Crossing of the Po River—Placing a Steel Treadway Bridge Across Po—Col. William O. Darby—91st Reconnaissance Squadron Moves Through Verona Railroad Station—Crossing the Adige—American Infantry Enter Vicenza—Partisans Before the Cathedral of Milan—Engineers Repairing Approach to Tunnel, Lake Garda—General der Panzertruppen Heinrich von Vietinghoff gennant Scheel—German Representatives Sign Surrender Document—General Morgan Receives German Representatives—Generalleutnant Joachim Lemelsen and Oberstleutnant Victor von Schweinitz—General der Panzertruppen Traugott Herr Leaves Bolzano for Surrender—Generalleutnant Fridolin von Senger und Etterlin Surrenders to General Clark at Fifteenth Army Group Headquarters—German Representatives Receive Instructions From General Gruenther—Prisoners of War Assemble at Foot of Alps—88th Division Column in Alpine Pass

Illustrations are from Department of Defense files, with the exception of the photograph on page 212, which is from Yank Magazine, and that on page 348, which was supplied by William G. Bell of the Center of Military History.

Center of Military History, United States Army

Washington, D.C.

United States Army in World War II

Maurice Matloff, General Editor

Advisory Committee (as of 1 March 1976)

Otis A. Singletary, University of Kentucky

Russell F. Weigley, Temple University

Edward M. Coffman, University of Wisconsin

Maj. Gen. Robert C. Hixon, United States Army Training and Doctrine Command

Harry L. Coles, Ohio State University

Brig. Gen. Edward B. Atkeson, United States Army War College

Frank Freidel, Jr., Harvard University

Brig. Gen. William C. Louisell Jr., United States Army Command and General Staff College

Peter Paret, Stanford University

Col. Thomas E. Griess, United States Military Academy

Center of Military History

Brig. Gen. James L. Collins, Jr., Chief of Military History

Maurice Matloff, Chief Historian

Col. Walter L. McMahon, Chief, Historical Services Division

Col. James F. Ransone, Jr., Chief, Histories Division

Joseph R. Friedman, Editor in Chief