
The author’s debts for aid in preparing this volume are numerous and heavy. The largest is to those officers who survived the campaign and the ordeal of prison camp. Their memories, and the precious notes they had hidden so carefully during the bitter days of Japanese imprisonment, provided material without which the record of this campaign would have been forever lost. These officers gave freely of their time and their contribution is apparent on every page and in almost every footnote. In a sense, they are as much the authors as the writer of this preface.

Special acknowledgments must be made to Mr. Stanley L. Falk and Dr. George C. Groce who, with ingenuity and perseverance, aided the author in his search for the materials needed for this work. The search was an exciting and rewarding adventure and is described in full at the end of the book. Both men also labored long and mightily to mold the fragmentary materials thus assembled into a form which greatly eased the author’s work and performed cheerfully the many other arduous and time-consuming tasks which are the lot of every author. Without Mr. Falk’s special knowledge of the enemy’s records and operations, reinforced by information willingly furnished by the enemy himself, this volume would have been less precise and far longer in preparation.

The author owes a large debt also to many individuals who directly and indirectly gave him much valuable assistance: to Dr. Kent Roberts Greenfield, Chief Historian and General Editor of this series, for his wise counsel and guidance, for encouragement and never-failing support; to Mr. Wsevolod Aglaimoff and his staff who spent many months at the drafting boards to provide the maps to guide the reader through the jungles and mountains of the Philippines; to Miss Margaret E. Tackley who searched diligently and in remote corners for the pictures with which to illustrate this volume; to Miss Ruth Stout, the editor, and Mr. Ronald Sher, the copy editor, who edited the manuscript and guided it through the printers; to Mr. Leonard B. Lincoln, the indexer; to Mr. Israel Wice and his aides who patiently filled the author’s numerous requests for aid in securing records; and to those of his colleagues, in and out of uniform, who read this volume in manuscript and made numerous and helpful suggestions. All these and other placed their special knowledge and skill freely and generously at the disposal of the author, but he alone is responsible for any shortcomings this volume may possess.

L. M.

Washington, D.C.

26 June 1952