
Abau: 150, 178-80

Abau Trail: 178-80

Abbott, Lt. Col. Ward T.: 112, 135-37, 248

Abel, Cecil: 180

Abel’s Landing: 180-81, 192

Adak Island: 284, 290, 294-95, 332

Adelaide: 113-14, 119, 124, 141

Administrative Planning Committee, Australian: 113, 120-22

Administrative procedures

Australia: 113, 121, 242

CBI: 453

Hawaii: 41, 52, 341-42, 353-54, 356-58, 363-64, 370-73, 376, 486-89

India: 401

Philippines, 1941-42: 61

SWPA: 556-57

Admiralty Islands: 521-27, 529, 541-43, 544, 570

Advance Sections, SOS CBI: 395, 396, 415, 418, 439, 452

Advisory Commission to Council of National Defense: 24-25

Aeronautical charts, compilation and distribution: 458

Agana: 506

Agno River: 75-77, 588-91, 595-97, 60I06, 611-12

Agra: 392, 395-96, 399-400, 404

Agriculture and Forestry Board, Hawaii: 346

Aguadulce Airfield: 30, 32

Aguinaldo Building, Manila: 667

Ahioma: 257

Air attacks

Biak: 538

Borneo: 636

Carolines: 514, 516

Japan: 456, 467-68, 518, 668

Kwajalein: 479, 482

Luzon: 596, 599, 604, 612, 639

New Guinea: 179, 527

Okinawa: 647, 658

Philippines, 1944-45: 572, 626, 633-34

Rabaul: 272

Saipan: 496

SOPAC: 542

SWPA: 542

Wakde: 536

Air attacks, Japanese Alaska: 276, 283-89

Assam: 400-401

Borneo: 636

Central Pacific: 386

Corregidor: 101-02, 105

Hollandia: 530

Air attacks, Japanese-Continued

Lae: 251

Leyte: 577, 580, 584

Luzon: 592-93

Milne Bay: 178

New Britain: 273-74

New Guinea: 143, 146, 157, 251, 253

Okinawa: 647

Port Moresby: 142-43, 145-46

Saipan: 497, 499, 501, 518

SOPAC: 559

SWPA: 559, 565

Wakde: 536

Air bases: See Airfield construction and repair; B-29’s.

Air bases, Japanese: 143

Air commandos: 427-28, 430, 445, 447, 455

Air defense construction. See also Aircraft warning stations, construction of; Civilian defense, Hawaii.

Alaska: 36

Canal Zone: 50

Corregidor: 66

Hawaii: 40-41, 43-44, 344, 361-62, 365

India: 398, 400

Air defense measures: 66, 125, 249, 344-49, 366-67. See also Civilian defense, Hawaii.

Air ferry routes. See also islands and areas by name. airfield construction and repair: 45-48, 52-53,

161-64, 168-69, 232-33

to Alaska: 287-88

alternate routes: 161, 168-69, 171

become operational: 163-64, 220-22

climate, effect of: 168

communications facilities: 161

defenses, status of: 168

to Philippines, 1941: 45

priority rating: 161

reconnaissance, engineer: 168-69

shipping shortages: 161

storage facilities, construction and operation: 164

to USSR: 288

Air Forces

Caribbean: 29

Far East: 71-72, 392, 658, 668, 672

Hawaiian: 38-39, 342, 346, 348, 354

Strategic: 649-50, 658, 667-68

Fifth: 157, 183-88, 230, 242, 248, 583

Seventh: 361-62, 365, 373, 376, 478, 507

Tenth: 39--92, 398-400, 41:6, 428-29, 458, 463, 466, 468, 472

Eleventh: 282-83

Thirteenth: 243

Fourteenth: 417-18, 427-29, 438, 452-53, 458, 468-70, 668. See also American Volunteer Group.

Air Forces Service Commands V: 260-62

X: 429

XIII: 243

Air offensive against Japan: 7-8, 107, 150, 153-54, 387-89, 391-92, 408-09, 417-18, 421, 425, 428, 4.30-32, 437-38, 463, 467, 561, 563, 566, 573, 581, 586, 587, 598, 674. See also B-29’s; China.

Air Service Area Command, 5308th: 439, 451

Air Service Command, CBI: 429, 439

Air strength, Japanese: 522, 591, 594

Air strength, SWPA: 234-35

Air strips, construction and repair. See Airfield construction and repair.

Air superiority, Allied: 662

Air Transport Command: 324, 431, 452, 454, 472, 666

Air Unit, 5318th: 428

Air units, arrival in China: 431-32

Airborne Division, lith: 581, 609, 614, 631, 639

Airborne engineer troops. See Engineer airborne aviation battalions.

Airborne operations

Arnold and: 428

Burma: 444-46, 454

Corregidor: 619-20

New Guinea: 248-49, 252

Philippines, 1944-45: 619-20

Aircraft, supplied to China: 389, 391-92

Aircraft repair shops, construction: 370, 373-74, 50’7,


Aircraft warning service, Hawaii: 347, 362, 365

Aircraft warning stations, construction of

Alaska: 18, 36-37, 53, 278, 283, 287-88

Bataan: 64, 66

Canal Zone: 20-21, 30-3t

Hawaii: 15, 18, 40-42, 51, 53, 346

Ledo Road: 435

Panama: 20-21, 30-32

Philippines, 1941-42: 59, 64, 66

Airfield construction and repair

Admiralties: 521-27, 541-42

air ferry routes: 45-48, 52-53, 232-33

Alaska: 12, 19, 21-23, 28, 33-35, 37, 50-53, 276-78, 281, 284-89, 291, 296-98, 328-29, 331-34

Alaska Highway: 313

Allied Air Forces and: 182

Arnold and: 430

by ASCOM: 583-8.1, 591-92, 598-600

Assam: 392, 396-97, 400-401, 416-18, 420, 425, 431, 438-39.452-53

Attu: 331

Australia: 45-46, 111, 113-20, 123-26, 133-37, 141-45, 147-52. 154-55, 158, 218-20, 223, 239, 260, 549-50

Airfield construction and repair-Continued Bataan: 61, 64-65, 71, 78-79, 89, 95

Biak: 537-42, 544

Burrna: 428, 444-47, 454-55, 459, 463-64, 467-88, 472

Canada: 288, 299

Canal Zone: 29-32

Canol: 321, 324-27

Canton Island: 45-47, 161, 163-64, 385

Carolines: 512-17

CBI: 392, 430, 437

Central Pacific: 381-86, 476, 518

China: 387-89, 392, 397, 402-04, 415-16, 419-20, 425, 429-32, 437, 439-42, 451-53, 456, 468-69, 662-63

Christmas Island: 45-47, 161, 164, 385

coral, uses in: 385-86

Corregidor: 61, 103, 105

Fiji: 45, 48, 161, 163, 171, 232-33, 256

Guadalcanal: 171-72, 206-07, 256

Guam: 493, 506, 517

Hawaii: 28, 38-42, 51, 161, 340-43, 346-49, 361-62, 365, 370, 373-74, 488-87, 507-08

Hollanclia: 527-28, 531-34, 543-44

India: 392-94, 396-97, 399-404, 406-08, 416-18, 420, 425, 429-32, 438-42, 455-56, 457-68, 666

Iwo Jima: 659-60

Japan, for assault on: 672-74, 677-78

JCS directives on: 527

Kwajalein: 476-79, 483-85

Lae: 230-31, 234, 244

Leyte: 573, 575, 579-81, 583-84, 586, 590

Luzon: 58-61, 64-65, 79, 590-92, 597, 606, 610, 615, 631-33, 638-39, 655

Manila: 615

Marianas: 592-93, 518

Marquesas: 168

Marshalls: 485-86

Milne Bay: 151-54, 157-58, 174-75, 186, 221, 235- 36

Mindanao: 59, 61, 65, 570, 578, 636, 655

Navy’s role in: 12

New Britain: 273

New Caledonia: 45, 161, 163-67, Pp, 206-07, 221-- 22, 233, 256

New Guinea: 143-48, 150-59, 174, 180-87, 194,

198-99, 202, 218-20, 230-31, 235-38, 244-49,

251-52, 254, 257-60, 274-’75, 533, 549-50, 561

New Hebrides: 170-71, 232

New Zealand: 48

Okinawa: 625, 643, 645, 657-58

Panama: 21, 23, 31-32, 50

Philippine Commonwealth: 59

Philippines, 1941-42: 45, 55, 58-59. 63-66, 71

Philippines, 1944-45: 625-26, 633-34, 655

POA: 380, 640

Port Moresby: 143, 145-48, 151-57, 174-75, 184- 86, 166, 220, 236, 259

zqxqz 161-64, 168-69,

Airfield construction and repair-Continued QMC’s role in: 12-14, 19

Saipan: 493, 498-501, 503, 511, 518

Solomons: 245, 249-50, 254-55

SOPAC: 232-33, 243, 255-56, 266, 549-50

by SOS CBI: 437-39

SWPA: 218-20, 230-31, 234, 256-57, 266, 549-50, 566-68, 561-66

Wakde: 645-46, 651, 654-55

Airfield construction and repair, Japanese: 477, 550

Airfield defense measures, Hawaii: 348-49, 374

Airfields, Japanese seizure of: 468-69, 662

Airlift operations. See also Supply, by airlift. Admiralties: 525

Burma: 427-28, 468

New Guinea: 180-81, 192, 205

Aitape: 527, 532-34, 541-44

Aitutaki169, 171, 233

Alacan: 639.

Alaska: 3, 4, 7-8, 11, 12-14, 16-19, 21-23, 27, 28, 33-37, 48-53, 276-98, 305-06, 328-34. See also Alaska Highway; North Pacific Area; islands by name.

Alaska-Canada Highway. See Alaska Highway. Alaska, Gulf of: 281

Alaska Defense Command: 33, 332-34. See also Buckner, Lt. Gen. Simon B., Jr.

Alaska Defense Force: 17-18, 33. See also Buckner, Lt. Gen. Simon B., Jr.

Alaska Highway: 276, 299-318, 334, 337, 339

Alaska Railroad: 18-19, 22-23, 34, 287, 289, 295

Alaskan Department: 333. See also Alaska Defense

Command; Alaska Defense Force; Buckner, Lt.

Gen. Simon B., Jr.

Alaskan International Highway Commission: 299

Alaskan Siberian Ferry Route (ALSIB): 288

Albany Race Track, Calif.: 362

Albrook Field: 7-8, 14

Alcan: 312

Alcan Highway. See Alaska Highway.

Aleutian Islands: 284-85, 290-98, 364. See also islands by name.

Alexandra Falls: 327

Aliamanu Crater: 15, 39-42, 51, 370

Alice Springs: 114, 123, 148, 239, 241

Allahabad: 397

Allied Air Forces, SWPA: 128, 182-83. See also Brett, Maj. Gen. George H.; Kenney, Maj. Gen. George C.

Allied Land Forces, SWPA: 128. See also Blarney, General Sir Thomas.

Allied Naval Forces, SWPA: 128

Allied Supply Council: 141

Allied Works Council, Australia:

construction machinery and equipment, procurement by: 155, 2 15-16

and construction program and progress: 141-45, 223-24

Allied Works Council, Australia-Continued cooperation with SWPA: 120-22, 134-35, 137-38, 140-41, 151-52

and costs of construction: 152, 223-24, 239-41, 260

and hospital construction: 239-40

labor force, mobilizing: 241-42

labor force, strength: 211

road construction and repair: 239

specialist training by: 271-72

Alligators (LVTs): 273, 382, 496, 506

Almirante: 30

Aloha Tower, Honolulu: 346

Altman, Col. Ellis F.: 424

Amberley Airfield: 114-15, 127, 260

Amchitka Island: 288-89

American-Australian Lend-lease agreement: 141

American-British-Dutch-Australian Command (ABDA): 118, 392

American Military Mission to China: 389

American Procurement Commission, USAFIA: 126

American Red Cross, construction for: 546

American Volunteer Group: 389, 391-92, 415. See also Chennault, Maj. Gen. Claire I..; China, China Air Task Force

Ammunition storage facilities, construction of. See

Storage facilities, construction and operation. Ammunition storage plan, Hawaii: 367-69

Amphibious Force, VII: 576-78

Amphibious operations. See also Engineer special brigades; Landing craft.

Admiralties: 522-23

Borneo: 636

Central Pacific: 476

control of: 227

coral, effect on: 385

Iwo Jima: 640-41

Japan, for assault on: 673-74, 677

lessons gained from: 273, 577-78

Leyte: 575-78

Luzon recovery: 594, 608, 610, 639

Navy’s role in: 273, 577-78

New Britain: 272-74

New Guinea: 179, 181, 192, 246-48, 251-54, 272- 75, 535

Okinawa: 643-44

Philippines, 1944-45: 619-21, 625-26, 632-35

SWPA planning for: 520-21, 527-28, 534

training program: 271, 330-31, 478, 490-91, 671

Amphibious truck. See Dukws.

Amsterdam Island: 563-65

Anchorage: 16-19, 22, 26, 33, 34-35, 37, 282, 284, 289, 290, 295-96, 324-25

Andrews, Maj. Gen. Frank M.: 29-32

Angat River: 613

Angaur Island: 514-16

Angeles, Luzon: 77-78, 603

Ango: 195, 205

Annette Island: 12, 19, 21-22, 35-37, 278, 283, 296

Anshun: 663

Antitank defenses, Japanese: 383, 583, 634

Apamama Island: 381

Aparri: 66, 72-74, 625, 638-39

Appropriations. See Congress, defense appropriations by.

Arawe: 272-74

Arayat River: 77

ARCADIA Conference: 107, 164, 390

Archerfield (airfield): 114-15, 127

Argenlieu, Rear Adm. Thierry d’: 163-64

Ariake Bay: 675

Arias, Dr. Arnulfo: 21, 32

Arizona: 350-51

Armand Considere: 670


Third: 471n

Fourth: 11, 276

Sixth: 230, 238-39, 242, 244, 256-57, 520-21, 523, 527-28, 537-38, 541-42, 547, 551-52, 557, 559-60, 563-64, 570-72, 574-75, 584, 586, 588-92, 594-95, 600-601, 606-09, 613, 625-26, 632, 639, 671-72, 674-76, 678

Eighth: 586-87, 608-10, 625-27, 632-33, 639, 666, 669-72, 678

Tenth: 642-43, 657, 668, 678

Armies, British

Eighth: 408

Fourteenth: 446-47

Armies, Chinese

First: 468

Sixth: 468

XI Group: 466

Armored Group, 13th: 587, 594, 597

Army, Australian First: 196

Army Air Forces (AAF). See also Air Forces; Air Forces Service Commands.

and Alaska Highway: 313

and China supply: 464

construction, pressure for: 135-36, 174, 184-86, 354, 365, 397, 401-02, 416-17, 437-38, 486, 549, 583

construction transferred to: 437-39

and engineer units, control of: 547

in India-Burma sector: 428-29

and Ledo Road: 464

and map compilation and distribution: 668

Army Forces, Middle Pacific (AFMIDPAC): 675, 678

Army Forces, Pacific (AFPAC): 649, 668, 674-75

Army Forces, Western Pacific (AFWESPAC): 654, 675, 678. See also United States Army Services of Supply.

Army Map Service: 188, 290, 458, 607, 668

Army and Navy Munitions Board (ANMB): 48-49

Army Service Command (ASCOM): 571

airfield construction and repair: 583-84, 591-92, 598-600

base construction and operation: 584-85, 591

Base K: 579, 591, 650-5I

Army Service Command (ASCOM)-Continued Base M: 591, 600-601, 604-06, 650-51

beach defense construction: 585

bridge construction and repair: 585

cargo unloading and distribution: 600-60t civilians, employment of: 585, 599

construction, problems of: 584-85

Construction Command: 579, 619

dredging operations: 585

engineer organization: 571-72

engineer units, arrival: 598-99

engineer units, control of: 591, 594

engineer units, shortages of: 586

engineer units, strength: 575

Hollandia, transfer to: 572

hospital construction: 586

in Japan assault: 676

land acquisition: 584

Leyte Campaign: 575, 579, 582-86, 591-92

Luzon Base Command, redesignation to: 601

Luzon Base Section, redesignation to: 651

Luzon Campaign: 591-92, 598-601

pipeline construction and operation: 585, 600

port facilities, construction and repair: 585, 600601

railroad construction and repair: 600, 604

road construction and repair: 585-86, 600

Sixth Army, assignment to: 572, 601

spare parts shortage: 585

storage facilities, construction and operation: 585- 86, 600

USASOS, assignment to: 60i

Army service commands. See Service commands. Army Service Forces: 429-30, 436-37, 442, 448, 563

See also Somervell, Lt. Gen. Brehon B.

Arnold, General Henry H.: 391-92, 418, 428, 430

Arrowsmith, Brig. Gen. John C.: 398-401, 406-12, 415-17, 423-24, 432

Arthur, Col. Joseph D., Jr.: 166

Artillery fire support: 482, 536, 621, 647

Artillery fire support, Japanese: 104-05

Arundel Island: 250

Asensio, Col. Manuel J.: 463, 468, 472

Aslito Airfield: 496-98

Assam: 392, 393-97, 399-401, 404, 405, 409, 413, 416- 18, 419, 420, 424, 425, 426-27, 431, 435, 438-39, 4m Oil Company: 4052-5a3n’4: 49

574466-67’ 471, 464-66

Assa Athabaska, Lake: 324

Athabaska River: 320-22

Atherton Tablelands: 241

Atimonan: 82

Atka Island: 284-87

Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company: 60

Atomic bombs, use of: 678

Atsugi Airfield: 679

AttuIslad2:37 462, 2384, 290, 322, 329-31, 364


Australia: 107, 160, 164, 170, 364. See also Australian

Army; Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). AAF, pressure for construction: 135-36

Administrative Planning Committee, 113, 120-22

administrative procedures: 113, 121, 242

airfield construction and repair: 45-46, 111, 113-20, 123-26, 133-37, 141-45, 147-52, 154-55, 158, 218-- 20, 223, 239, 260, 549-50

Allied Works Council. See Allied Works Council, Australia.

base construction and operation: 112-13, lig, 239

camouflage measures: 219-20, 559-60

civilians, employment of: 112, 1SO, 142-44, 154-55, 158, 215, 239, 557, 680

construction, control of: 133-39, 651

construction, problems of: 116-17, 119-22, 135, 144, 148-49, 155, 241-42

construction design standards: 120, 139

construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 117, 123-24, 127, 140-41, 144-45, 148-49, 152-53, 155, 241, 554

construction materials, improvised: 125-26, 149, 261-62

construction materials, procurement: 117-18, 120, 124-27, 134-35, 140-41, 155, 213-16, 260-62, 266-67, 554-56

construction programs and progress: 113-22, 133- 34, 138-44, 152-53, 214-15, 217, 220, 223, 239, 260

cooperation from: 111-14, 131, 144, 158, 215-16

costs of construction: 152, 223-24, 240-41

demolition operations: 138-39, 216

duplication of effort: 134-35

Economic Cabinet: 215

engineer mission: 111-14

engineer units, arrival and departure: 118, 122-26, 131, 144-49, 152, 190, 228, 247

engineer units, requirements: 133

engineer units, strength: 144

engineers as infantry: 149-50

financial aid from: 112

hospital construction: 114-15, 223, 240

housing arrangements: 114, 217

housing construction: 114-15, 119, 124, 139-40, 223, 260

labor force, mobilizing: 121, 142, 241-42

land clearing operations: 148

and lend-lease: 140-41, 216, 560

maintenance and repair, general: 126, 148-49

map compilation and distribution: 189-91, 551-52

planking, pierced, first use: 125

port congestion: 126-27, 242

port facilities, construction and repair: 110, 113

zqzq 15, 240, 260

priority rating: 121-22, 134-35, 137-38, 215-16, 241-42, 260

purchasing, centralized: 126-27

RAAF in construction program: 136-38, 154, 158, 560

railroad construction and repair: 241

reconnaissance, engineer: 119-20, 123, 135, 144

resources: 108-09, 140-41, 216

road construction and repair: 122-23, 128, 138, 239-40

shipping: 140, 155, 554

shop construction and operation: 229

Soils Mechanics School: 272, 561.

spare parts shortage: 149

specialists, training: 271-72, 560-61

storage facilities, construction and operation: 113-15, 119, 141, 223, 239, 260

supply situation: 126-27, 140-41, 149, 152-53, 155, 556

terrain model construction: 552-53

topographic supplies, procurement: 553

training programs: 122, 124-25, 136, 271

Australian Army. See also Royal Australian Engineers.

in Borneo assault: 636

construction policy: 139

Hiring Service: 113

map compilation and distribution: 188-89

in New Guinea: 155, 174-78, 182, 193, 200-02, 204-05, 235, 238, 244, 247-48, 251-54

specialists, training: 271-72

storage facilities, construction and operation. 217-18

Australian Army units

Infantry Brigade, 26th: 636

Infantry Divisions

7th:174, 178, 193, 252

gth: 251, 636

Australian Chiefs of Staff: 109, 113, 118, 129, 216

Australian Imperial Forces: 108, 118

Australian Military Forces: -09, 133

Australian-New Guinea AdministrativeUnit

(ANGAU): 269

Australian Survey Corps: 189-90, 200

Ayala Bridge, Manila: 656-57

B-17s: 55-59, 63-65, 143, 152, 164, 341, 347, 361-62, 439-40

B-18s: 286

B-24s: 484, 495

B-25s 181, 554

B-29s: 387, 428, 430, 437-42, 449-53, 456, 467-68, 492, 493, 499-501, 503, 506, 510-11, 517, 518, 640, 643, 658, 660, 666

Babelthuap Island: 514

Baccus Marsh: 123

Bagabag: 637-39

Bagac: 86, 89-91

Bagac River: 97

Baguio: 625, 627-32, 636-38

Bailey, Sir Donald Coleman: 448

Bailey bridges: 448, 465, 470

Baker, Capt. C. D.: 47, 163, 165, 488

Baker Island: 380

Bakery construction: 546

Balara Filters, Luzon: 614

Baldwin, Lt. Col. Herbert: 363-64

Baler Bay: 627

Balete Pass: 627-28, 636-37

Balikpapan Island: 636-37, 639

Balivag: 613

Bamban: 76-77, 595, 604-05, 6to

Bamban River: 77, 603

Barnbang: 627-29, 632, 636-38

Banga Cave: 81

Bangalore, India: 399

Bangkok: 456

Banzai charges: 500, 592, 594, 647, 649

Barbed wire obstacles: See Wire obstacles; Wire obstacles, Japanese.

Barber’s Point: 351

Barbey, Rear Adm. Daniel E.: 578

Barge lines. See Waterways, development and use. Barking Sands, Kauai: 39, 349, 361

Barnes, Brig. Gen. Earl W.: 565

Barnes, Brig. Gen. Julian F.: log, 128, 157. See also United States Army Forces in Australia. (USAFIA).

Barracks construction. See Housing construction. Base B: 672

Base K: 579, 591, 650-51

Base M: 591, 600, 604, 606, 650, 656

Base R: 650, 656

Base S: 650

Base X: 650

Base construction and operation

Admiralties: 524-25, 527, 534, 541-42

Alaska: 282-83, 289-91, 331-34

by ASCOM: 584-85, 591

Assam: 395-96

Attu: 331

Australia: 112-13

Biak: 537-38, 541-42, 544

Burma: 413, 465

CBI: 395-96

Central Pacific: 381, 476, 507, 518

China: 395-96, 415, 418-21

Espiritu Santo: 569

Guam: 492

Hawaii: 366, 369-70, 380

Hollandia: 527-29, 533-34, 544, 557

India: 395-96, 404

Japan, for assault on: 674-75, 677

JCS directives on: 527

Kwajalein: 484

Lae: 244-45, 258-59, 546-47

Ledo: 405-06, 409-10, 412, 419, 467n

Leyte: 570-72, 575, 584-85

Base construction and operation-Continued

Luzon: 93, 591, 606, 625, 632, 650-51

Manila: 93, 656, 670

Manila Bay area: 591

Marianas: 492

Marshalls: 478;9, 484-86, 570

Milne Bay: 236, 245, 257, 556-58

Mindanao: 572, 636

New Caledonia: 661

New Guinea: 236, 238-39, 244, 256-58, 275, 544, 546-47, 557

Okinawa: 643, 658

Port Moresby: 174-75, 236, 245, 258

Saipan: 493-94, 499-503

Solomons: 245, 250, 527, 544-47

SOPAC: 255-56, 542-43, 546-47, 649

by SOS CBI: 395-96, 409, 415, 418

SWPA: 182-83, 209-10, 256-57, 543-44, 546

USASOS: 236, 245, 256-59, 262-63, 528

Wakde: 535, 542

Base construction and operation, Japanese: 512-14

Base General Depot No. 2, SOS CBI: 456

Base Sections, SOS, CBI:

1: 395-96, 398, 402

2: 395

3: 409, 423,-24, 431-32, 436, 438, 442

Basilan Island: 633

Bataan Peninsula: 55, 57-58, 61, 64-65, 66, 71, 72- 101, 608

Batangas: 84, 632, 650, 655

Batangas Bay: 632

Batchelor Field: 10

Bathing facilities, installation: 266

Bathurst, Col. Charles R.: 556, 567

Battery Arizona: 661

Battery C/osson: 349

Battery Hatch: 349

Battery Pennsy/vania: 661

Battery Williston: 349

Bauang: 76, 630

Bauang River: 630

Bauer Airfield, New Hebrides: 232

Bayambang: 76, 595, 602, 604, 611

Bayombong: 638

Bayug Airfield: 573, 576, 580, 583

Beach defense construction: 351-52, 365, 374, 585

Beach defense construction, Japanese: 501

Beach party operations. See also Shore party operations.

Biak: 538

Carolines: 514

Kwajalein: 479-82

Leyte: 576-77

Luzon: 592-94, 597, 608-09

Marianas: 506

Marshalls: 483

New Guinea: 535

Okinawa: 644

Beach party operations-Continued

Saipan: 501, 496-97

Wakde: 536

Beadle, Col. Frank L.: 172, 214, 232, 243, 520, 569

Beard, Lt. Col. Cornelius: 222, 233

Beaver Creek: 314

Bechtel, McCone & Parsons: 28

Bedford, Earle: 84

Bellows Field: 39, 45, 51-54, 340, 347-48, 361

Bena Bena Airfield: 244

Bengal-Assam Railway: 449-50, 456

Bengal, Bay of: 405

Bengal Province: 450, 666

Benguet Consolidated Mining Company: 60

Bering Sea: 283, 285, 288, 325

Bermel, Maj. Peter E.: 11

Bethel, Alaska: 295

Betts, Col. Austin W.: 469

Bhamo: 389-91, 405, 430, 460-65, 468, 472-73, 663

Biak Island: 534, 537-42, 544, 557

Bicol Peninsula: 64, 80, 632, 639, 657

Big Delta: 295, 299, 302, 307, 309-10, 312, 315, 334

Big Delta Airfield: 288

Bin loc River: 596

Birdum: no, 148

Bismarck Archipelago. See islands by name.

Bismarck Sea: 272, 522

Bissell, Brig. Gen. Clayton L.: 391, 400, 416, 429

BLACKLIST: 678, 679

Blarney, General Sir Thomas. See also New Guinea Force.

and Allied Land Forces: 128, 139-40, 182-83, 190

and demolitions operations: 216

and New Guinea Force: 179

in Rabaul offensive: 244-45

Blasting operations

Alaska Highway: 312-14, 317

Luzon: 604, 638

Marshalls: 485

Mindanao: 635-36

Saipan: 498-99, 511

Bloch, Rear Adm. Claude C.: 42, 45

Blueberry River, Canada: 308

Bluemel, Brig. Gen. Clifford: 91, 97

Boat Building Command, USASOS: 653-54

Boatner, Brig. Gen. Haydon L.: 455

Bohol Island: 626, 634

Bolo Airfield: 658

Bomana Airfield: 146, 186

Bomb disposal, training in: 271, 560-71. See also Demolition operations.

Bombardment, aerial. See Air attacks; Air attacks, Japanese.

Bombardment Group, 9th: 21

Bombay: 396, 411

Bomber Commands

XX: 458

XXI: 518

Bond, Maj. Gen. Richard L. (British): 391-92

Bonegilla: 271

Bongabon: 6ro

Bonham, Maj. Roscoe: 69-70, 75-76, 87, 92-93, 100

Booby traps, Japanese

Leyte: 583

Luzon: 597, 631

Manila: 619

Okinawa: 645, 648

Saipan: 499

Bootless Inlet: 183

Borneo: 118, 633, 636

Borokoe Airfield: 537, 540, 544

Bosnek: 537, 539-40

Bostock, Air Vice Marshal William D, (RAAF): 136-37

Bougainville Island: 234, 254-55, 520, 526, 544-47, 569

Bourake Airfield: 167

Brady, Col. Francis M.: 71

Brahmaputra River and Valley: 427, 431, 450, 467n, 663

Brandt, Col. Carl A.: 261

Breene, Maj. Gen. Robert G.: 214, 232, 256

Brereton, Maj. Gen. Lewis H.: 71, no, 115, 117, 392-96, 397, 399-400

Bres, Col. E. S.: 136

Bretschneider, Pvt. Karl F.: 149

Brett, Maj. Gen, George H.: 109-13, 115-16, 118-24, 126-28, 135-37, 147-48, 150, 153-54, 392

Brewer, Maj. John E.: 547

Bridge construction and repair. See also Ponton

bridges; type by name or model designation.

Alaska Highway: 307, 312-13, 315-18, 334

By ASCOM, 585

Burma: 444, 458-59

Burma Road: 413, 435

Canol: 328, 337

Fiji: 256

Guadalcanal: 207-08

Ledo Road: 413, 433, 447-49, 457, 465, 470-72, 663-64

Leyte: 574-75, 581-83, 585

Luzon: 76-77, 80-81, 590-91, 595-97, 602-06, 609, 611-13, 616, 626, 628-32, 638-39

Manila: 619, 657

Mindanao: 635-36

New Guinea: 247, 257, 274, 533, 535, 543, 546, 551

Okinawa: 645, 649

Philippines, 1941-42: 64

Philippines, 1944-45: 633-34

Solomons: 249, 255, 526

SOPAC: 542

SWPA: 542, 551, 565

Brisbane: 109-10, 112-13, 114, 115, 119, 122, 138-39, 141, 153, 156, 240, 242, 272, 288, 520, 528, 552-54, 558, 571

Brisbane River: 114

Bristol Bay: 288

British Army

in Burma: 391, 407-08, 409, 463

in China: 389, 464, 662

in India: 392-93, 396, 416-17, 420

Ledo Road, attitude toward: 407-08, 464

British Chiefs of Staff. See Combined Chiefs of Staff. British Columbia-Yukon-Alaska Highway Commission, Canada: 299

British Infantry Division, 36th: 468

British Royal Air Force: 391

British Royal Engineers

Assam: 400-4131, 416-17, 425, 431, 452

India: 392-93, 396-97, 400-402, 406, 416-17, 420, 425, 440

Ledo Road: 409-10, 412-13, 423-24, 450

British Royal Navy: 405-06

Brizay, Mr.: 217-19

Broken Hill Proprietary Company: 140

Brown, Lt. Col. Desloge: 378, 486

Brown, Lt. Col. Herbert E., Jr.: 484, 517

Brown, Col. Rothwell H.: 444

Bruce, Lt. Col. Burton B.: 144

Brunei Bay: 636

Buckner, Lt. Gen. Simon B., Jr. See also Alaska;

Alaska Defense Command; Alaska Defense

Force; Alaskan Department; Armies, Tenth.

and airfield construction and repair: 34-35, 658

commands Alaska Defense Command and Force: 17, 33, 333

and construction, control of: 282

demands staff engineer: 37

and radar installations: 283

Buckner (Nakagusuku) Bay: 641, 659

Budge-Budge: 450

Bued River: 596, 611

Buffaloes (LVTs): 273, 382, 497, 506, 530, 538, 562

Bulldog Village: 231, 260

Bulldozers, tactical use of

Admiralties: 523-24

Carolines: 515

Corregidor: 621

Guam: 506

Luzon: 628-29

Okinawa: 648

SOPAC: 542

SWPA: 542

Buna: 1.53-55, 156-57, 173-74, 179-80, 188-89, 192- 205

Buna Force: 156

Buna Mission: 193, 196, 198-203

Bunker defenses, Japanese, assaults on. See Demolition operations.

Burauen: 573

Bureau of Aeronautics, Philippine Commonwealth: 66

Bureau of Public Works, Philippine Common-wealth: 62-64, 66, 73-74, 76-’77, 80-81

Burgin, Maj. Gen. Harry T.: 350, 368

Buri Airfield: 573, 576, 580, 583

Burma: 391-92, 404, 406-08, 413, 415-18, 420-21, 425, 429, 431, 443, 450, 456, 469, 473-75. See also China; China–Burma–India Theater; India; India-Burma Theater; Stilwell, Gen. Joseph. W. AAF, construction transferred to: 437-38

airfield construction and repair: 428, 444-47, 454-55, 459, 463-64, 467-68, 472

base construction and operation: 465

bridge construction and repair: 444, 458-59

China-India road, proposed: 405

civilians, employment of: 465, 680

climate, effect of: 393

command and staff structure: 397-98

construction, control of: 394-95

construction machinery and equipment, procure-ment: 430, 472

construction materials, procurement: 430, 466

construction programs and progress: 393-94, 464, 661-62

demolition operations: 445

Distinguished Unit Citation awarded: 455

engineer missions: 387-89

engineer organization: 438-39

engineer units, arrival: 445, 454-55. 466, 468, 472

engineer units, diversity in: 427

engineers as infantry: 444, 453-55, 463

isolation of: 387-89

labor force, mobilizing: 465, 467, 47 1

and Ledo Road. See Ledo Road.

malaria: 462

map compilation and distribution: 457-58

pipeline construction and operation: 390, 426-27, 430, 434-35, 442, 454, 457, 463-67, 471, 666

port facilities, construction and repair: 467, 471

railroad construction and repair: 389

railroad system: 393, 435

rainfall, effect of: 436, 446, 454-55. 462

reconnaissance: 445, 454-55

river crossings: 444, 454-55, 459, 468, 472

Burma Railway: 445-47, 468

Burma Road: 389-91, 404. 405, 406, 408, 413-15, 418-19, 421-22. 426-27, 435-36, 442, 455, 458-60, 464, 465-66, 468, 472, 473-75, 662-63, 666

Burma Road Engineer Detachment: 459

Burma Road Engineer Divisions

2nd: 465-66

3rd: 466

Burmah Oil Company: 467, 471

Burns, Col. Brendan A.: 479-80, 493, 498, 511

Burns Airport: 39, 349

Burt, Maj. R. P., Jr.: 167

Bush flyers: 306, 309

Butaritari Island: 382

Butjo Luos Island: 524

Byroade, Maj. Henry A.: 395-97, 400, 417, 419, 431, 439-40, 451, 469

C-47’s: 247-48, 445, 550, 615

C. W. Cunningham Company: 327

Caballo Island: 57, 104, 621-23

Cabanatuan: 66, 75, 77, 596, 610-13

Cabcaben: 79, 93, 95

Cableway construction and operation: 466

Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Company: 70

Cagayan River and Valley: 73-74, 625, 627-28, 637-38

Cairns Airfield: 143, 235, 240-42, 260

Calasiao: 614

Calcutta: 392, 396-97, 411-12, 416, 424, 427-30, 439-40, 449, 456-57, 467, 471, 475, 666

California Packing Company: 348

Callahan Construction Company: 25, 327

Calmay River: 593, 595, 602

Calumpan Peninsula: 632

Calumpit: 80, 82, 610-12

Camalig: 639


air ferry routes: 168

Alaska: 37, 51, 290-91

Assam: 400

Australia: 219-20, 559-60

Bataan: 91

Canal Zone: 32

Hawaii: 44-45, 346, 350-52, 361-62, 365

India: 398-99

SOPAC: 559-60

SWPA: 219, 559-60

training in: 271-72

USASOS: 559-60

Camouflage, Japanese

Carolines: 515

Corregidor: 620

Luzon: 598, 610, 629, 639

Manila: 614

Okinawa: 647

Philippines, 1944-45: 633-34

Camp Claiborne: 430

Camp Columbia: 115

Camp construction. See Housing construction.

Camp Prairie: 321

Camp Seymour: 124-25

Canada: 276, 288, 299, 302-03, 305, 339. See also Alaska Highway; Canol.

Canada-Alaska Highway. See Alaska Highway.

Canal Zone: 3, 4, 6-15, 20-21, 27-28, 29-33, 48-49, 50, 52, 53. See also Panama, Republic of.

Canals. See Waterways systems.

Candaba River: 77

“Canes” : 367

Canol: 276, 313-17, 318-28, 335-39

Canton, China: 452

Canton Island: 45-47, le’ 162, 163-65, 385

Capas: 605

Cape Endaiadere: 193-96, 200

Cape Esperance: 209

Cape Gloucester: 272, 274

Cape Muari: 399

Cape Prince of Wales: 22

Cape Spencer: 281

Cape York Peninsula: 109, 134, 143-44, 150-55, 230, 245

Carabao Island: 57, 104, 624

Carcross: 302-03, 310

Card, Lt. Francis C.: 402

Carew, Col. John J.: 194-98, 203

Cargo unloading and distribution

Admiralties: 523-24

Alaska: 297-98

ASCOM: 600-01

Assam: 400

Biak: 537-39

Guam: 504

Hollandia: 529-30

Leyte: 577-79

Luzon: 592-94, 597, 600, 609

New Guinea: 533, 535

Okinawa: 644, 646

Saipan: 496-97

Solomons: 546

SOPAC: 214

SWPA: 212, 562, 567

Caribbean Defense Command: 28

Carigara Bay: 573, 576

Carmen, Luzon: 76-77, 596, 603

Carnegie, Capt. Orris A.: igo

Carney Airfield: 256

Caroline Islands: 489-90, 491-92, 507, 510, 512-17

Carter, Brig. Gen. A. H.: 319, 322

CARTWHEEL: 225, 229, 234, 244, 245, 255, 272, 275

Casablanca Conference: 225, 328, 418

Casey, Maj. Gen. Hugh J.

and AAF pressure for construction: 185-87

arrival in Australia: 99, 127

and base construction and operation: 238-39, 543

Bataan defense: 86-90, 94, 97-99

civilians, employment of: 72

commands of: 57, 63-64, 130, 230, 571, 650

and construction, control of: 133-40, 220, 651

on construction design standards: 549

and construction machinery and equipment, procurement: sio, 236, 547, 556-57

Corregidor defense: los

and elimination of nonessential construction: 154, 217

and engineer units, control of: 147, 187, 230, 548, 591

zqxqz 41, 320, 325,


Casey, Maj. Gen. Hugh J.-Continued

and engineer units, shortages of: 153-54, 186-88, 234-35, 650

and forestry units: 262

and Japan, assault on: 673-75, 677

Krueger, relationship to: 572

Leyte Campaign: 557, 579-81, 583

Luzon, 1941-42: 68, 74-75, 80-82, 84

Luzon, 1944-45: 588, 591, 598-600

and Manila: 618

and map compilation and distribution: Igo, 269

mission: 230

and New Guinea offensive: 237-38, 521

and oil field development plans: 563

and port facilities, construction and repair: 254

professional background: 63-64

reconnaissances by: 178-79, 183, 236-37

and SansaporMar operation: 564

and spare parts procurement: 558

and specialists training: 561, 671

and stock control: 557-58

and supply policy: 141, 263-64, 559

Casey, Capt. Patrick J.: 445

Casualties, Allied

Burma: 444-45, 455, 463

Milne Bay: 177

Casualties, evacuation of: 208-09

Casualties, Japanese: 177, 330, 462, 504

Casualties, U.S.

Attu: 330

Guam: 504

Lae: 251

Luzon, 1944-45: 597, 630

Okinawa: 646, 648

Philippines, 1944-45: 622, 624

Saipan: 500

Solomons: 250

Wakde: 536

Cataisan Peninsula: 573, 576-77, 579, 584

Caucasus: 326

Causeway construction and repair

Carolines: 516

Kwajalein: 482

Leyte: 577

Luzon: 593

Marshalls: 485

New Guinea: 183-84, 187

Cavalry Brigades

1st 522-23

2nd: 522, 524

Cavalry Division, 1st: 271, 5’26, 576, 587, 610-18, 627, 632, 638-39

Cavalry Regiments

12th: 524

112th: 581

Cave defenses, Japanese

Biak: 540-41

Carolines: 515

Corregidor: 620-21

Guam: 506

Luzon: 598, 609, 627, 629

Manila: 617

Mindanao: 636

Okinawa: 646-48

Philippines, 1944-45: 624, 633

Saipan: 499-900

Wakde: 536

Caves, The, Australia: 260

Cavite Province: 84, 94, 104

Cawnpore: 397

Cebu: 634, 650, 656

Cebu Island: 93, 105, 626, 634, 657

Cement plants, rehabilitation of: 657

Central Pacific Area (CPA): 161, 170, 340, 377-86, 476-79, 489-90, 491, 492, 506-10, 511-12, 518-19, 568-69, 669, 670, 671. See also Halsey, Admiral William F.

Central Pacific Base Command: 491, 508

Central Plain, Luzon: 73-75, 587-90, 594, 597-96, 600-03, 607, 610, 612

Central Public Works Department, India: 387, 396

Chabua: 400, 458

Chaffin, Capt. Andrew D., Jr.; 123

Chagres River: 32

Chakulia: 416, 450

Chamberlain, Maj. Gen. Stephen J.: 269

Chame Airfield: 30-32, 50

Champagne, Yukon Territory: 317

Chanco, Capt. Antonio P.: 85

Changsha: 428, 430, 468

Chanyi 415

Chapin, Lt. Col. W. S.: 663

Chaplains’ facilities, construction of: 546

Charlie Lake: 310

Charon Kanoa: 493, 496, 499

Charters Towers Airfield: rio, 115, 122, 128, 157’ 141, 260

Chemical Warfare Service: 32

Chen Cheng, General (Chinese): 413

Chen Chin-Chieh, Lt. Gen. (Chinese): 414

Chengkung: 402-03, 415-16

Chengtu: 430-31, 440, 452, 456, 467

Chengtu Valley: 440

Chennault, Maj. Gen. Claire L.

and air offensive in China: 408, 417-18, 452-53

and air units, deployment of: 469

and airfield construction and repair: 437

and AVG: 389, 391-92, 415, 425

and China Air Task Force, 402

and demolition operations: 469

and construction, control of: 451-52


421, 432’

Chennault, Maj. Gen. Claire L.-Continued

and Fourteenth Air Force: 417-18

freedom of action by: 429

Chenoweth, Capt. William C.: 80-81, 87-89, 93, 98- ‘coo

Chernofski Bay: 280

Chiang KaIshek, Generalissimo. See also China; China–Burma–India Theater; Chinese Army. and air offensive in China: 428-29

anckairfield construction and repair: 415

and Burma offensive: 404-06, 418, 421

and Burma Road: 421

and Chinese troops in India: 403

Combined Chiefs, exclusion from: 390

and Ledo Road: 411, 460-62

and lend-lease: 402

and road construction and repair: 391

Stilwell, relationship to: 397-98, 470

Chichagof Valley: 329-30

Chief of Engineers. See also Reybold, Lt. Gen. Eugene; Schley, Maj. Gen. Julian L.

and Alaska Highway: 300, 314

and bridge types: 448-49

and Canol: 319-20, 323

and construction, control of: 282, 360

and construction design standards: 315-16

and construction materials, procurement: 63

and cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contracts: 24-25, 487-88

and Hawaii defenses: 360

and Ledo Road: 448

and map compilation and distribution: 489-go, 668

mission: 6-7

and pipeline construction and operation: 427, 434, 467

and storage facilities, construction and operation: 442

Chief of Staff, U.S. Army. See Craig, General Malin;

Marshall, General of the Army George C. Chiefs of Staff Committee, Australia: 113, 121

Chihchiang: 663

Chilkoot Barracks: 8

China: 398-99, 449--50, 473, 625, 682. Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo; China–Burma–India Theater; Chinese Army; Stilwell, General Joseph W.

AAF, construction transferred to: 438-39

AAF pressure for construction: 437-38

airfield construction and repair: 387-89, 392, 397, 402-04, 415-18, 419-20, 425, 429-32, 437, 439-42, 451-53, 456, 468-69, 662-63

base for air offensive: 387-89, 409, 417-18, 421, 425, 428, 430-31, 437-38

base construction and operation: 395-96, 415, 418- 21

China Air Task Force (CATF): 402

China-India road. See Ledo Road.

civilians, employment of: 403, 415, 431, 440


construction, control of: 403, 416, 437-41

construction, problems of: 452

construction design standards: 451

construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 403, 452, 472

construction materials, procurement: 430, 452

construction programs and progress: 419, 425, 431, 440-41, 452, 661-62

costs of construction: 422, 441, 452

demolition operations: 469

engineer missions: 387-89, 402-03, 416

engineer organization: 395-96, 416, 439-40, 451-52, 470

engineer units, arrival: 438, 475, 663, 666

engineer units, requirements: 408

hospital construction: 419

housing construction: 402-03, 419

labor force, mobilizing: 403, 451, 472

and Ledo Road. See Ledo Road.

lines of communication: 387-88, 391, 394, 397, 405-06, 418-19, 425-26, 429-30, 641

map compilation and distribution: 416, 457-58

Military Engineering Commission: 403, 440, 451

mines, installation of: 462-63

Mitu Road Authority: 436

National Military Council: 390

officials, inaction of: 413-14, 415, 421, 436, 472

photography, aerial: 458

pipeline construction and operation: 390, 418, 426-27, 430, 466, 471, 475, 662, 666

POL supply to: 427, 467-68

RAF in supply role: 391

railroad construction and repair: 389

rainfall, effect of: 425

reconnaissance, engineer: 440

river crossings: 663, 666

road construction and repair: 413, 430, 472, 662

road system, enemy control of: 393

and shipping shortage: 408

storage facilities, construction and operation: 402

supply, by airlift: 387, 391-92, 396-97, 400-01, 415, 418, 420, 425, 426, 431-32, 452-54, 464, 467, 472, 666

supply, measurement tons to: 391, 418, 420, 426, 431, 464, 666

supply, overland: 387-88, 391, 404-06, 408-09, 415, 424-25, 432, 464, 470, 474-75

supply system: 425-26, 429-30

technology, lack of: 413

telephone and telegraph, installation of: 419

tunnel construction and repair: 462

U.S. Task Force in: 390

War Ministry: 408, 422

Yunnan-Burma Highway Engineering Administration: 408, 413-15, 421-22, 465, 663

Yunnan-Burma Railroad Authority: 389, 403, 415

China–Burma–India Theater: 387, 389, 390, 392, 393- 99, 426, 427-29, 430, 431, 436-39, 442, 453, 456- 58, 463-64, 466, 470, 475, 649, 651, 680. See also Assam; Burma; Chiang Kaishek, Generalissimo; China; India; Stilwell, General Joseph W.; Wheeler, Maj. Gen. Raymond A,

China-India road, proposed: 405

Chindits: 427-28, 445-47, 454-55

Chindwin River: 462

Chinese Army. See also Chiang Kaishek, Generalissimo; China.

and Burma offensive: 408-09, 420-21, 442, 453-56, 458-63

and Burma Road: 408, 458-59

German influence on: 403-04

India, troops in: 403, 416

Kunming Training Center: 455

on Ledo Road: 410-12

supply system: 413-15, 421

training program: 403-05, 420-21, 426, 455-56, 463, 662

X-Force: 405

Y-Force: 405, 408, 413-15, 421, 442, 454-56, 45-g-62, 470, 662

in Yunnan Province: 462-63

Chinese Engineer units: 411, 431, 465, 470

Chittagong: 46’7, 471

Chittagong-Tinsukia railway: 467, 471

Chorrera Airfield: 3z, 50

Christmas Island: 45-47, 161, 162, 164-65, 385

Chungking: 389, 391, 397, 413, 453, 458, 469-70

Churchill, Winston S.

and Alaska defenses: 328

at ARC.AD1A Conference: 107

at Casablanca Conference: 225, 328

and China as theater: 390

and Germany-first policy: z07

and guerrilla operations: 427

and Rabaul, isolation of: 255

and SEAC: 428

and U.S. role in Pacific: 128

Cituinan Hills: 639

Civil Aeronautics Authority (CAA): 12, 19, 28, 33-34, 37, 39-41, 46, 51, 59, 66, 278, 281, 283, 287, 292, 296

Civil Constructional Corps, Australia: 142-43, 154, 236

Civil disturbances: 398, 400, 404, 431

Civil engineering missions: 5-6, 20

Civilian Conservation Corps: 19, 22, 35, 653

Civilian defense, Hawaii: 342, 344-46

Civilian Defense Director, Hawaii: 342, 345

Civilians, employment of: 679-80. See also Labor forces, difficulties with; Labor forces, mobilizing; Labor forces, shortages in; Labor forces, strength.

Alaska Highway: soo-301, 305-07, 310-18, 334

ASCOM: 585, 599

Civilians, employment of-Continued

Assam: 400

Australia: 112, 120, 142-44, 154-55, 158, 215, 239, 557, 680

Burma: 465, 680

Burma Road: 414-15, 422

Canol: 320-25, 327, 335

Central Pacific: 509

China: 403, 415, 431, 440

Fiji: 268-69

Guadalcanal: 20-09

Hawaii: 23-25, 341, 353-55, 369, 486

Hollandia: 531

India: 392-93. 396, 399, 40l, 416-17, 440, 680

Ledo Road: 406, 409-11, 424-25

Leyte: 579, 585

Luzon: 596, 599, 601, 606, 638-39

Manila: 65


New Guinea: 181, 198, 202, 231, 235-37, 248, 254, 268

in Philippines, 1941-42: 73, 75, 77, 79-82, toI02

Philippines, 1944-45: 635, 653

POA: 507

Solomons: 235, 268-69

SWPA: 554, 556

USASOS: 268-69, 653-54

Civilians, evacuation of: 163, 165, 285, 658

Civilians, Japanese, in combat: 646

Clagett, Brig. Gen. Henry B.: 115

Clark, Barney: 64

Clark Field: 59-60, 63-66, 72-73, 598, 655, 672

Clatterbos, Maj. Louis J.: 355

Clay, Maj. Gen. Lucius D.: 549

Climate, effect of. See also Ice formation problem; Permafrost; Rainfall, effect of; Snowfall, effect of; Temperature, effect of; Weather, effect of; Winds, effect of.

on air ferry routes: /68

Alaska: 291-92

Akan Highway: 307

Burma: 393

Guadalcanal: 208-og

India: 393

New Guinea: 151, 157-58, 186, 191, 220, 235

Clipperton Island: 8

Cloncurry: /37, 141

Clowes, Maj. Gen. Cyril A. (Australian): 175, 177

Coal 111111CS, operation of: 289

Coast Artillery Brigade, Hawaiian Separate: 23

Coast Artillery Corps: 348-51

Coast defenses construction: 7

Alaska: 287, 291

Canal Zone: 50

Hawaii: 42, 52-53, 348, 349-52, 365-66, 661

naval guns: 349-52, 374, 661

Panama mounts: 58

Philippines, 1941-42: 57

Cochran, Col. Philip G.: 428, 445

Cocos Island: 8

Coen Airfield: 143-44

Cold Bay: 37, 278, 280-81, 283, 287, 329

Cold storage, installation of. See Refrigeration plants, installation and operation.

Cold Weather, effect of. See Climate, effect of; Weather, effect of.

Cole, Lt. Col. Heston R.: 124

Colombia: 31-32

Columbus Engineer Spare Parts Depot: 375

Combined Chiefs of Staff. See also Joint Chiefs of Staff.

and Burma offensive: 409, 418, 426

CBI, plans for: 426, 430, 463

Chiang excluded from: 390

India-Burma Theater, directive to: 470

and Leyte: 572

and map compilation and distribution: 458

and Pacific offensives: 463

and pipeline construction and operation: 426-27

and Rabaul, isolation of: 225

and SWPA offensive: 225

Combined Intelligence Center, SOPAC: 270

Combined Operations Service Command (SOCS): 182

Command and staff structures

Burma: 397-98

CBI: 397-98, 428-29, 437, 470

Central Pacific: 506-07

China: 390-91, 397-98, 428-29

Hawaii: 491

India: 397-98

POA: 377-79

SEAC: 437

SOPAC: 232

SWPA: 128

Commerce, Department of: 278

Committee on Aeronautical Affairs, China: 402-03

Committee on Military Affairs, House: 7

Communications facilities

on air ferry routes: 16,

Alaska Highway: 303-05, 313

Australia: 155

Canol: 337

China: 419

Luzon: 60,

Communications zones: 438, 662

Concrete. See Construction materials, improvised; Construction materials, procurement.

Concrete mixers. See Construction machinery and equipment, procurement.


Alaska Highway, hearings on: 307-08

Canol, hearings on: 319, 335-36

cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contracts, hearings on: 23

defense appropriations by: 7-14, 19, 38, 40-41, 55-59

and Selective Service Act: 14

Truman Committee hearings: 335, 362

Connell, Brig. Gen. Carl W.: 260

Constantine Harbor: 289

Construction. See Costs of Construction and by type. Construction, control of: 681

Alaska, 278, 281-82

Alaska Highway: 301-03, 313-14

Assam: 394-95, 413

Australia: 133-39, 651

Burma: 394-95

CBI: 394-98, 651

China: 403, 4 16, 437-41

Hawaii: 341-42, 353, 491

India: 392-94, 398, 438

Ledo Road: 409, 433-34

Marianas: 492

New Britain: 274

New Guinea: 236, 650-51

Okinawa: 657

Philippines, 1944-45: 601, 651-52

POA: 379

Saipan: 501

SOPAC: 242

SWPA: 229-30, 521, 548, 651-54

USASOS: 229-30, 257-58, 651-54

War Department policy: 360

Construction Command, ASCOM: 579, 619

Construction Corps of the Philippines (CONCOR): 653

Construction design standards: 502

Alaska: 296-98

Alaska Highway: 305, 315-18

Assam: 452, 471

Australia: 120, 139

Burma Road: 413

China: 451

Hawaii: 366

India: 401-02, 471

Ledo Road: 409, 433

Marshalls: 478

SOPAC: 266-67

SWPA: 216-20, 266, 521, 548-51

Construction machinery and equipment, diversified: 264-65, 558

Construction machinery and equipment, improvised: 247, 261-62, 329-31

Construction machinery and equipment, maintenance and repair of: See Maintenance and repair, general; Spare parts procurement zq Construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 49-50

Alaska: 278-80, 297-98

Alaska Highway: 302-05, 310-1

Australia: 117, 123-24, 127, 140-41, 144-45, 148-49, 152-33, 155, 215-16, 241, 554

Burma: 430, 472

Burma Road: 414

Canol: 321-23

CBI: 436, 442

Construction machinery and equipment, procurement-Continued

Central Pacific: 476, 510

China: 430, 452, 472

Guadalcanal: 209

Hawaii: 43-44, 343, 355-56, 375-76, 488

India: 398, 402, 420, 450

Kwajalein: 482, 484-86

Ledo Road: 4036, 409-13, 433, 449, 453-54, 456-57, 465, 470

Marshalls: 478

New Britain: 273

New Caledonia: 212

New Guinea: 151, 155, 202

New Zealand: 47-48

Philippines, 1941-42: 62-63, 69-70

Saipan: 496-98

SWPA: 210-12, 236, 264

War Department policy: 547, 549

Construction materials, improvised

Australia: 125-26, 149, 261-62

Bataan: 93.-94

Ledo Road: 663-64

New Caledonia: 165

Construction materials, measurement tons, for Canol: 323

Construction materials, procurement: 49-50, 381-82, 508-og

Alaska: 278-81, 289, 295-98, 333-34

Alaska Highway: sot, 316-18, 334

Assam: 400-401, 424, 441-42, 471

Australia: 261-62, 266-67, 554-56

Bataan: 92-94, 99-100

Burma: 430, 466

Burma Road: 458

Canol: 323-27

CBI: 436

China: 430, 452

Corps of Engineers and: 682

Corregidor: 103-04

Hawaii: 342-43, 353-57, 362-63, 366-67, 375-76

Hollandia: 531-32

India: 397, 399-400, 402-03, 424, 471

Kwajalein: 484-86

Ledo Road: 406, 409, 424, 447, 449-50, 456, 465-66, 471, 664

Leyte: 574-75, 586

Luzon: 602, 612

Marshalls: 478

Milne Bay: 239

New Caledonia: 214

New Guinea: 155, 238, 258, 262-63, 266-67

New Zealand: 213-14, 261-62, 266-67

Okinawa: 657

Philippines, 1941-42: 69-70

Saipan: 496-97

SOPAC: 260-64

Construction materials, procurement-Continued SWPA: 260-63, 548, 554, 682

by USAFIA: 117-18

Construction missions

Corps of Engineers: 5-6

Quartermaster Corps: 6, so Construction problems: 20-21, 679-80

Alaska: 11, 21-22, 35, 280-83, 291-96

Alaska Highway: 308-09, 312

ASCOM: 584-85

Assam: 416-17

Australia: 116-17, 119-22, 135, 144, 241-42

Burma Road: 414-15

Canal Zone: It, 14-15, 20-21, 30-31

CBI: 393-94

Central Pacific: 384

China: 452

Hawaii: it, 19, 39, 52, 365-66

India: 393-94, 401-02, 417

Ledo Road: 466

Leyte: 585

Luzon: 632

New Guinea: 151, 157-58, 181-82, 257

Philippines, 1941-42: 59-61, 64-65

SOPAC: 542

SWPA: 542

Construction programs and progress Admiralties: 543

Alaska: 33-37, 50-52, 276-78, 280-81, 283-84, 286- 88, 291, 298, 333-34

Alaska Highway: 305-15

Allied Works Council: 141-45, 223-24

Assam: 393-94, 396-97, 399-400, 404

Australia: 13-22„ 133-34, 138-44, 152-53, 214-15, 217, 220, 223, 239, 260

Bataan: 58, 95-96

Biak: 537-38

Burma: 393-94, 464, 661-62

Burma Road: 406, 413-15, 418-19, 421-22, 425-26, 435-36, 442, 458-59, 465-66, 473-75, 662-63, 666

Canal Zone: 29-33, 50

Canol: 321, 325-27, 336-38

Canton Island: 47

Carolines: 515-17

CBI: 431, 649

Central Pacific: 381-82, 476, 506, 511-12

China: 419, 425, 431, 440-41, 452, 661-62

Christmas Island: 47

Corregidor: 58, 65-66, 71, 102-04

Fiji: 242-43

Guadalcanal: 172-73, 208-09, 232, 569, 661

Guam: 517

Hawaii: 38-45, 51-53, 361, 363, 365, 372-74, 486-87, 506-10, 649

Hollandia: 541-42, 544

India: 392-94, 396-97, 399-400, 404, 407-08, 416-17, 438-39, 362-63, 366, 369, 372, 148-49, 155,

Construction programs and progress-Continued Japan, for assault on: 675

Lae: 258

Ledo Road: 03-13, 418-19, 422-25, 426, 431-34, 442-49, 453-54, 456-57, 465, 472, 474-75, 662-64

Manila: 650

Manila Bay area: 58

Marianas: 506

Milne Bay: 181-82, 220-22, 238-39

naval construction: 287

New Britain: 273

New Caledonia: 206-07, 569, 661

New Guinea: 133-34, 170-75, 181-85, 220-22, 231-32, 238, 244, 248-47, 258, 541-42, 548

New Hebrides: 569

New Zealand: 222, 233, 661

Okinawa: 649

Philippines, 1941-42: 59-66, 71-72, 86-87

Philippines, 1944 -45: 649

POA: 378-79

Port Moresby: 133-34, 181-82, 185, 220-22, 235

Saipan: 497, 499-503, 511

Solomons: 526, 544-46, 568-69, 66


SOPAC: 220-24, 231-32, 242-43, 542-43, 648-49

SW PA: 220-4, 235, 542-43

Wakde: 543-44

Construction Service, CPA: 507-03, 5


Construction Service, SOS CBI: 438, 475, 681

Contact Creek: 314

Contract negotiation. See Administrative procedures; Cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contracts.

Cook, Les: 309

Cooktown Airfield: 143-44

Coral: 385-86

Coral Sea, Battle of, 150, 157, 168

Cordillera Central Mountains: 627-28

Cordova, Alaska: 279, 283

Corlett, Maj. Gen. Charles H.: 331, 477, 482

CORONET: 677, 678

Corozal, Post of: to, 14

Corps, Philippine Army

I: 87-91, 96-97, 99-100

II: 87-91, 97, 99-too

Corps. See also Marine Amphibious Corps.

I: 196, 528-29, 587, 592-95, 601, 610, 625, 627, 632, 675-76

IX: 675-76

X: 574-77, 582, 635

XI: 567, 608-og, 619-20, 625, 632, 638, 675-76

XIV: 255, 526, 574, 587, 592-96, 599, 601, 610-12, 625, 627, 630-32

XXIV: 574-76, 582, 643-45, 649. 657

Corps of Engineers, Philippine Army: 66, 68-69

Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. See Engineers, Corps of.

Corpus Christi, Tex.: 326

Corregidor Island: 55, 57, 58, 61, 65-66, 71, 72-80, 93-95, 101-06, 619-21, 625

Cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contracts

Congress and: 23

Hawaii: 353, 363, 371-72, 487-89, 507

Philippines, 1941-42: fit

War Department policy: 24

Costa Rica: 31-32

Costs of construction

Alaska: 278

Allied Works Council and: 152, 223-24, 239-41, 260

Australia: 152, 223-24, 240-41

Burma Road: 414, 421, 435-36

Canal Zone: 50

Canol; 338

China: 422, 441, 452

Hawaii: 52, 342. 353, 355-58, 363, 371-72, 488

Ledo Road: 421

Philippines, 1941-42: 61, 66, 70

Counterattacks, Japanese: 330, 514, 526, 539-40. See also Suicide attacks, Japanese.

Couplings, victaulic: 427

Covell, Brig. Gen. William E. R.: 664

Craig, General Malin: 7-8

Crow River: 309

Curtin, John: 118, 120-21, 140, 215

Cutcut River: 603, 606


Cyclops Airfield: 531-32

Cyclops Mountains: 527

Dagupan: 600

Dagupan air strip: 599-600

Dagupan River: 593, 596, &xi

Dale, Wing Comdr. William A. C. (RAAF): 533, 561

Dallas huts: 266

Dam construction and repair: 285-86

Damage control, Corregidor: 102-04, 146

Damortis: 76, 627

Daraga: 638-39

Darwin: 45, 109, 110-11, 112-13, 114, 115-19, 122, 123-24, 134, 147-48, 158, 231, 240-41

Darwin Civil Field: 110

Darwin RAAF Field: uo

Davao: 635

Davao Gulf: 635

Davidson, Brig. Gen. Howard C.: 429

Dawson, Lt. Col. Louis Y., Jr.: 408, 413-15, 420-22, 435-36, 458-59, 461-62, 465

Dawson, Col. Miles M.: 559

Dawson Creek: 299, 301, 305, 312, 315, 327, 334

DC-3’s: 181

Dean, Col. Reginald L.: 598-99, 613

Decker, Brig. Gen. George H.: 608

Defence Department, Australia: 124, 131

Defense appropriations. See Congress, defense appropriations by.

Defense Battalions, Army

3rd: 478, 485, zqq

437-40, 456, 466,

Defense Battalions, Army-Continued

4th: 478

Defense battalions, CPA: 381

Defenses, buildup of

Alaska: 7-8, 12-14, 16-19, 28, 35-36, 276-78, 298

Australia: 109-11

Burma: 391

Canal Zone: 6-15, 20-21, 27-28, 32-33

Canton Island: 162, 164-65

China: 387-90

Christmas Island: 162, 164-65

Corregidor: 57, 619-20

Fiji: 162, 164, 232-33

Hawaii: 6-16, 19-20, 27-28, 341-42, 362

New Caledonia: 160, 162, 164-66

New Hebrides: 169-70

Panama: 12, 15

Philippines, 1941-42: 55

SOPAC: 169-71

Del Carmen Airfield: 63-66, 73, 79, 655

Del Gallego: 81

De Longe, Maj. Merrill E.: 270

Del Monte: 61, 65, 71

Demolition operations

Admiralties: 523-24

Australia: 138-39, 216

Bataan: ioo-oi Biak: 540-41

Burma: 445

Burma Road: 455

Carolines: 515-16

Central Pacific: 382-83

china: 469

Corregidor: 620-21

Guam: 506

Hawaii: 352-53, 361

Kwajalein: 479-81

Leyte: 578

Luzon: 74-84, 597, 609-12, 627, 632

Manila: 84, 617

Marshalls: 483-85

Mindanao: 106

New Guinea: 146

Okinawa: 646-48

Philippines, 1941-42: 66-68, 74, 596

Philippines, 1944-45: 621-24, 633

Saipan: 496-98, 500

SOPAC: 542

SWPA: 542

Wakde: 536

Demolition operations, Japanese

Leyte: 582

Luzon: 590, 595, 602-04,618, 626, 629, 638

Manila: 613-14, 619, 656

Mindanao: 635

Dengue fever; 186, 517

Denver, Rio Grande and Western Railroad: 389

Department of Interior, Australia: 121

Department of the Interior: 13, 19, 288. See also Ickes, Harold L.

Department of Public Works, New Caledonia: 163, 223

Depot construction and operation. See Base construction and operation; Base construction and operation, Japanese; Storage facilities, construction and operation.

Depot Field: 506

Derby, Maj. George T.: 112-14, 117, 120

Derra: 115

DeWitt, Lt. Gen. John L.: 276

and air buildup: 276

and airfield construction and repair: 18-19, 22-23, 28, 34-36, 284

and Alaska defenses: 11, 33, 331

and constniction, control of: 20, 25-26, 28, 34, 282

and construction programs and progress: 34-37, 276-78

and engineer units, strength: 276-78

and port fadlities, construction and repair: 281

and storage facilities, construction and repair: 37, 281

and threat to Alaska: 284

Diamond Head: 351

Dibrugarh: 400, 427, 467n

Digb01: 434, 457, 463, 467n

Dimapur: 446

Dimond, Anthony J.: 299

Dinalupihan: 79, 609

Dingalan Bay: 594

Dinjan: 391, 400

Diseases, effect of: 393, 423-24, 433, 462, 466, 541

Distinguished Unit Citation awards: 455, 536

Districts. SOS CBI: 438-40, 452

Divisions, SOS CBI

1st: 438

2nd: 439

Dobodura: 156, 193-96, 198-99, 202-03, 205, 235-38, 245, 257-58

Dock construction and repair. See Port facilities, construction and repair.

Dogs, training with: 490-91

Dorn, Col. Frank: 421

Douglas Fir: 670

Drawings, standard. See Construction design standards.

Dredging operations: 501, 516, 585, 656. See also

Port facilities, construction and repair; Port

facilities, construction and repair, by Japanese. Driniumor River: 541

Drury, Maj. Harold F.: 608

Duke River: 31

Dukws: 273-74, 476, 497, 506, 530, 562, 578, 644

Dulag: 573-78

Dulag Airfield: 573-’74, 576, 579-80, 584-86

Dulag-Burauen road: 581-82, 584

Dunbar, Col. Ernest A.: 607

Dunn, Col. Beverly C.: 18, 22, 28, 33-34, 37, 49, 278, 280-82, 287

Dunne, Col. David M.: 626

Dutch Harbor: 12, 16-18, 28, 35-36, 276, 278, 284, 287, 288, 290, 308, 322

E. W. Elliott Company: 302, 311

Eagle Farm Air Base: 115, 127, 141, 260

Earth Moving Manufacturers Group: 140, 213

East-West Road, Australia: 114

Eastern Command, British: 440

Economic Cabinet, Australia: 215

Eddleman, Brig. Gen. Clyde D.: 613

Edmondton: 288, 299-301, 311, 313, 321, 324, 327

Efate Island: 169-70, 212, 214, 222, 662

Eichelberger, Lt. Gen. Robert L. See also Armies, Eighth; Corps, I.

and Biak: 541

in Buna campaign: 199, 201-03

commands of, 196, 586

and Hollandia: 528-29

El Fraile Island: 57, 104, 622-24

Electric power plants, installation of. See Power plants, installation and operation.

Electrical fixtures: 261

ELKTON plan: 225, 231, 234, 235

Ellice Islands: 380

Elliott, Col. John C. B.: 584

Ellison, Lt. Col. Marvin C.: 522

Ellison, Maj. William J., Jr.: 258

Elmendorf Field: to, 12, 14, 16-19, 28, 34-37, 278, 283, 287, 296

Ely, Col. William J.: 239, 246, 584

Eman Point: 89

Embessa: 181

Embogo: 195

Embogo River: 202

Emmons, Lt. Gen. Delos C. See also Hawaiian Islands.

and air defense measures: 344, 347-48

and air ferry routes: 168-69

and airfield construction and repair: 361

and ammunition storage plan: 368

and coast defenses: 350-51

command of: 161, 344

and construction, control of: 354, 360-61

and construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 355, 375

and construction programs and progress: 361, 365, 367

and food production: 343-44

and mines, requisition for: 352

and naval guns, emplacement of: 374

and priority ratings: 346

and road construction and repair: 369

and storage facilities, construction and operation: 366-67

Empress Augusta Bay: 255

Ende, Capt. Carl F.: 48

Engebi Island: 484-85

Engineer Airborne Aviation Battalions

871st: 248-49, 252, 254

872nd: 248, 254, 533 873rd: 633

875th: 533

879th: 450, 454-55

Engineer Airborne Aviation Company, Booth: 445

Engineer Airborne Combat Battalion, 127th: 609-10, 630-31

Engineer Aviation Battalions

802nd: 36, 278, 286, 290

803rd: 63, 69, 73, 79, 93, 95-98, 100, 103, 105

804th: 41, 47-53, 162, 340-41, 348, 380-86, 498-500, 518

805th: 50, 500

807th: 281, 284, 297, 331

808th: 122-24, 127, 148, 153, 157-58, 181-182, 187, 235, 258, 267, 275, 581

810th: 167, 171, 206, 223, 256

811th: 167, 223, 233, 640

813th: 283, 289

821st: 71, 232-33, 256, 581

822nd: 207, 232, 256

823rd: 398, 400, 406, 409-12, 424

828th: 212, 232, 256, 599

836th: 258, 526, 536, 564-65, 599

839th: 264

841st: 274, 603-05, 612

842nd: 235, 265

848th: 452

849th: 433

853rd: 450

854th: 478, 484, 517 857th: 235, 258

858th: 663

860th: 275, 540

863rd: 275, 539-41, 602

864th: 264, 274, 538-41, 599 865th: 634

930th: 468, 662

1874th: 562

1875th: 450, 472

1876th: 600, 603-04, 613

1877th: 450, 468

1878th: 503

1879th: 599, 605, 611

1880th: 663

1881st: 564-65, 579

1880: 433, 444, 447

1884th: 515

1887th: 515-16

1888th: 450, 468

1897th: 564-66, 632

1905th: 434, 447

1913th: 274, 603-04

Engineer Aviation Companies

804th: 38, 4s

805th: 29, 50

807th: 36, 280-81

809th: 63

Engineer Aviation Regiments

28th: 19, 22, 36n

931st: 525, 532

Engineer Aviation Topographical Companies

955th: 223, 270

958th: 458

960th: 270

Engineer Base Equipment Company, 617th: 525, 564

Engineer Base Shop Battalion, 411th: 229

Engineer Base Topographical Battalion, 30th: 667

Engineer Boat and Shore Regiments

532nd: 246, 251, 253, 530, 632

533rd: 593, 635

534th: 567, 594

542nd: 530, 535-36, 538

543rd: 562, 565, 593, 633

544th: 567, 592-93

592nd: 608, 620, 623, 631

593rd: 533, 535-36, 562

594th: 593, 595

Engineer Brigade, 1st Provisional: 511-12

Engineer Camouflage Companies

639th: 282-83, 291

641st: 559-60

642nd: 559-60

Engineer Combat Battalions: 144-45, 547

3rd: 43-44, 369, 531, 586, 620, 635-36

6th: 564, 596, 627, 638-39

13th: 328-31, 478-79, 582, 645

14th: 69, 73, 80, 90-91, 94, 98, 100

27th: 533, 535-36, 561-62

34th: 495 50th: 478, 482

52nd: 514, 516-17, 634

57th: 167, 170, 207-og, 526, 634

65th: 43, 209, 249-50, 342, 352, 369, 597, 628

79th: 530-31

102nd: 381-83, 478, 482-83, 485, 495-96, 499-500 104th: 482-83, 485

106th: 567, 635

108th: 629 112th: 535 113th: 609, 619-24, 638-39

114th: 181, 192, “94-95, 198-203, 205, 271, 274, 628-29

15th: 595

116th: 171, 182, 237, 246-47, 261-62, 271, 530, 533,

535, 538-40, 632-33

117th: 171, 249--50, 255-56, 526, 595, 598, 602, 604,


118th: 233, 245, 249-50. 596, 598, 603 131st: 212,223

132nd: 503--04

152nd: 381-83, 386, 495

154th: 514 155th: 515-17

186th: 597

209th: 433-34, 448, 454-55, 465, 472, 664

233rd: 504

236th: 454-55, 465, 473

242nd: 504

302nd: 503-06, 644, 646

306th: 514-16

32’st: 582

moth: 603 1279th: 611, 639

1341st: 495, 506

Engineer Combat Companies

32nd Separate: 17, 33, 36, 278

59th Separate: 246, 251, 273

223rd: 332-33 404th: 246 521st: 332-33

Engineer Combat Groups

1112th: 537, 564-65, 580

1129th: 632

a138th: 514-15

1165th: 495-96

Engineer Combat Regiments

3rd: to, 16, 23, 38, 42-43, 342, 352

lith: 10--11, “4, 21, 29

14th: 6”, 68

18th: 295, 300, 302-03, 310-17, 331

34th: 41-42, 53, 342, 354, 369, 375, 381, 478, 482, 495

35th: 300-301, 305, 310-16, 326, 335

50th: 328-33 131st: 526, 544

151st: 36, 278-79, 281. 284, 289

Engineer Combat Squadron, 8th: 271, 522-24, 613, 615, 627, 632

Engineer Construction Battalions: 547-48

43rd: 564-65, 599, 613, 618

46th: 579

47th: 501-02, 511

239th: 634 240th: 579-80 339th: 577, 638

382nd: 434, 440, 450, 456

1304th: 465, 470, 664

1398th: 502 1399th: 509

Engineer Construction Brigades: 548

5201st: 548, 571

5202nd:548, 588, 591, 594, 601, 603-06, 652

Engineer Construction Command (ENCOM): 651-54, 656, 669, 681

Engineer Construction Groups

1112th: 565-66, 632

1136th: 632

Engineer Construction Groups-Continued

-176th: 495, 498, 500-0-, 511-12

1181st: 657

Engineer Depot Companies

soist: 153

439th: 618

452nd: 375, 510

456th: 411, 418

Engineer Dump Truck Companies

195th: 398, 403

198th: 239

576th: 187-88

Engineer General Service Battalion, 47th: 495, 501

Engineer General Service Regiments: 210, 307, 436 42nd: 279, 283, 286-87

43rd: 124, 127, 147-48, 158, 175-78, 182, 188, 198-99, 203, 235-38, 261-62

45th: 398-400, 406-07, 409-12, 424, 432-33, 447, 453

46th: 124-28, 144-45, 149-51, 155-56, 158, 175-76, 187, 235, 238-39, 246

47th: 70, 369, 381, 478, 482, 485, 495

gist: 272

93rd: 302-03, 310, 317

95th: 305, 3143-11, 317

96th: 272, 564-65

97th: 303, 310, 312, 314-15, 317

176th: 292

177th: 287, 289

330th: 411--2, 420, 424, 431-35, 444, 447-48, 465, 470

331st: 287

339th: 239

340th: 303, 310-11, 314-17

341st: 305, 309-11, 316-17

349th: 331

Engineer Heavy Ponton Battalions

89th: 321-22

90th: 321, 326-27

556th: 575, 582-83, 603-02, 611-14, 619

Engineer Heavy Shop Company, 445th: 239

Engineer Hill: 329-30

Engineer Intelligence Section, USASOS, 269

Engineer Light Ponton Companies

71st: 444, 472-74, 663

73rd: 302, 312, 317

74th: 301, 312, 317

75th: 470-71

76th: 444, 448

77th: 444

191st: 663

504th: 455

506th: 575, 596, 601

5roth: 575, G01

530th: 575, 595-96, 60i, 611-12, 615-16

Engineer Maintenance Companies

468th: 290

472nd: 213

479th: 411, 433

Engineer Maintenance Companies-Continued

963rd: 613, 618

Engineer Map Depot Detachments

1603rd: 553

1604th: 553

1608th: 553-54

Engineer missions

Admiralties: 523-25

Alaska: 278, 291, 339

Alaska Highway: 300

Australia: 111-114

Burma: 387-89

Canada: 276, 339

Carolines: 514-16

CBI: 389, 431

Central Pacific: 381-83, 518-19

China: 387-89, 402-03, 416

Guam: 504-06

Hawaii: 340-45, 353, 358, 369-70, 372-73, 507-08

Hollandia: 527-28

India: 396, 404

Japan, in assault on: 674-75, 677-78

Kwajalein: 477-78

Leyte: 574-75

Luzon: 72-85, 587-92, 601-03, 605-06, 610-11, 626-27, 637

Marianas: 493

Marshalls: 477-78

New Guinea: 133-34, 1643, 174, 521, 541-42

Okinawa: 642-47

Philippines, 1944-45: 570-71

POA: 507-08

Rabaul: 244

Saipan: 496-97

Solomons: 172-73, 244-45, 249

SOPAC: 275, 542, 568-69

SWPA: 130-38, 275, 520-21, 542


Engineer Office, CPA: 377-78. See also Honolulu Engineer District.

Engineer organization

Admiralties: 522

AFPAC: 650

Alaska: 281-83, 333

Alaska Highway: 3132-435, 313-14, 316-17

ASCOM: 571-72

Assam: 438-39

Australia: 120-21

Bataan: 86-87, 99

Burma: 438-39

Burma Road: 422

CBI: 395-96, 398-99, 429, 431, 437-39, 453

China: 395-96, 416, 439-40, 451-52, 470

Hawaii: 340-42, 353-54, 358, 360-61, 486, 491-92

Hollandia: 527-28

India: 395-96, 398-99, 403-04, 415-16, 429, 438-39

India-Burma Theater: 470, 475

Japan, for assault on: 676-78

Engineer organization-Continued

Ledo Road: 409-10

Leyte: 579, 651

Luzon: 601, 650-51

Marianas: 493-95

New Guinea: 147, 174, 521

Okinawa: 657

Philippines, 1941-42: 66, 69

in POA: 507

Saipan: 511-12

SOPAC: 232, 243, 520-21, 543, 568-69

SOS CBI: 398-99, 438-39

SWPA: 130-31, 230, 235, 243-44, 520-21, 548, 551-52, 556, 571-72, 650-51, 654


USASOS: 243-44, 257, 520-21, 528-29, 571-72, 650- 54

Engineer Parachute Combat Battalion, 161st: 586, 620

Engineer Petroleum Distribution Companies

138th: 467

699th: 449

706th: 449, 457

709th: 450, 466, 471, 664

775th: 449, 457, 471

776th: 450, 466

777th: 450, 467

778th: 457, 466

779th: 457, 471

780th: 457, 471

1381st: 471

1382nd: 471, 664

Engineer Port Construction and Repair Group, 1052nd: 264

Engineer Railroad Battalion, 714th: 287

Engineer Section, SOS CBI: 398

Engineer Separate Battalions

91st: 144-45, 149-50, 155, 178, 182, 235

96th: 144-52, 155, 181, 183, 235, 238

388th: 321, 326

Engineer Special Brigades: 226-30, 246, 578, 644, 646

1st: 643-46

2nd: 228, 235, 246, 253, 273-74, 524, 530, 538, 562, 576, 578, 634, 639, 670, 676

3rd: 521, 532-33, 562, 592, 635, 676

4th: 252, 567, 592, 601, 676

Engineer survey. See Reconnaissance, engineer.

Engineer Survey Liaison Detachment, 1679th: 608

Engineer Topographical Battalions

29th: 23, 33, 278, 290, 302, 306, 490, 667

64th: 489-90, 510

648th: 190-91, 269-70, 301, 306, 552-53, 607. 666

650th: 552, 607

651st: 490

653rd: 440, 458

Engineer Topographical Companies

64th: 376-77, 381-82, 490

69th: 190, 200,270

Engineer Treadway Bridge Company, tooth: 601-02,612-13

Engineer Unit Training Center: 430

Engineer units, arrivals and departures

Admiralties: 525

Alaska: 16-18, 279-83, 285-91, 295, 297-98, 331

Alaska Highway: 300-305, 307, 316, 334

ASCOM: 598-99

Assam: 400, 442

Australia: 118, 122-26, 131, 144-49, 152, Igo, 228, 247

Biak: 538-40

Burma: 445, 454-55, 466, 468, 472

Burma Road: 459

Canol: 321, 326, 335

Carolines: 514-16

CBI: 430, 436-37

China: 438, 475, 663, 666

Fiji: 171, 263

Guadalcanal: 206-07, 209, 255-56

Guam: 503-04, 517

Hawaii: 369, 375-’76, 490, 666-67

Hollandia: 530

India: 398, 411,430, 440, 450, 458, 475

India-Burma Theater: 475

Kwajalein: 484

Lae: 258

Ledo: 406-09, 457

Ledo Road: 406-12, 432-34, 449-50, 454-55, 457, 471

Leyte: 579-81

Luzon: 599-600, 602, 607, 610-11

Marianas: 506

Marshalls: 485

Milne Bay: 2313-39, 521, 558

New Britain: 274

New Caledonia: 164-67, 206, 213, 223

New Guinea: 144-49, 151, 154-55. 157-58, 187-88, 235, 239, 258, 274-75, 533, 551-52, 558

Okinawa: 657

Philippines, 1941-42: 63

Philippines, 1944-45: 666-67

POA: 640

Saipan: 496, 498-501

Solomons: 249, 526, 544

SOPAC: 161, 164-68, 171-72, 226-27, 266, 270,541

SWPA: 227, 263, 266, 270, 559-60, 564

Wakde: 536

Engineer units, control of: 681

by AAF: 547

Admiralties: 525-26

AFPAC: 649-50

by ASCOM: 591, 594

India: 400

Luzon: 591, 612-13, 626

New Guinea: 174, 182, 187, 202

Okinawa: 657

POA: 649-50

SOPAC: 243, 543

SWPA: 229-30, 543, 547-48, 649-50


Engineer units, imbalance in: 680-8t

Engineer units, National Guard: 5

Engineer units, organization: 681

Engineer units, requirements

Assam: 417

Australia: 133

Biak: 538

CBI: 395, 426, 436, 463-64

Central Pacific: 489-90

China: 408

Guam: 503

Hawaii: 16, 342-43, 489-90

Japan, for assault on: 672, 674-75, 677-78

Ledo Road: 406, 409, 423-25, 429, 456-57, 464

Luzon: 590-g

New Guinea: 152-54, 187-88, 244-45

Okinawa: 643

Philippines, 1944-45: 626-27

Rabaul: 234

Saipan: 494-95

SOPAC: 232, 234

SWPA: 231-32, 234-35

Engineer units, shortages of

Alaska: 278-79

ASCOM: 586

CBI: 680

Leyte: 586

New Guinea: 238

Philippines, 1941--42: 59-60

SOPAC: 210-11, 267-68, 680

SWPA: 210, 267-60, 547-48, 680


Engineer units, specialized. See Specialists, shortage of; Specialists, training.

Engineer units, strength

Alaska: 33, 35-36, 53, 278, 283

Alaska Highway: 307, 680

ASCOM: 575

Australia: 144

Bataan: 88

Burma Road: 466, 473

Canal Zone: 10, 53

Canol: 338

Central Pacific: 519

Fiji: 163

Hawaii: 10, 38, 42, 342, 380, 680

Hollandia: 529

India: 404, 450

Kwajalein: 478, 482

Ledo Road: 432, 442, 454, 456, 465, 664

Leyte: 575

Luzon: 587, 592, 594, 601

Milne Bay: 175, 239

New Caledonia: 256

Engineer units, strength-Continued

New Guinea: 182, 569

Okinawa: 645

Philippines, 1941-42: 61, 68-69

POA: 507, 519

prewar and postwar: 5, 679

Saipan: 512

SOPAC: 210, 243, 275, 520, 569, 661

SWPA: 210, 243, 275, 520, 567, 569, 666


Engineer units work potential formula. See Work Potential formula.

Engineer Water Supply Company, 1504th: 613, 618

Engineering and Terrain Intelligence Team: 668-69

Engineers, Chief of. See Chief of Engineers.

Engineers, Corps of

civil engineering missions: 5-6, 20

civilians, employment of: 679-80

construction, problems of: 20-21, 679-80

construction materials, procurement and use: 682

construction missions: 5-6

construction transferred to: 20, 25-26

defense appropriations, share of: 9, 14

engineer units, imbalance in: 680-81

engineer units, strength prewar and postwar: 5, 679

liaison, interservice and Allied: 680

logistical tasks: 5

military engineering missions: 4-5

mobilization plans: 5

spare parts procurement: 682

stock control: 682

supply system, deficiencies in: 682

training, deficiencies in: 682

training missions: 227

and war plans: 4-7

Engineers as artillerymen: 162

Engineers as infantrymen

Attu: 330

Australia: 149-50

Bataan: 87-100

Burma: 444, 453-55, 463

Carolines: 514-15

Guadalcanal: 207

Guam: 503-04

Kwajalein: 480-82

Luzon: 597-98, 609

Manila: 617

Marshalls: 483

New Guinea: 175-78, 205, 252-53, 535, 543

Okinawa: 646

Saipan: 496, 498-500

Solomons: 249-51, 526-27

Wakde: 535-6

Engineers, Office of Chief of. See Chief of Engineers. Eniwetok Island: 477, 483-85

Entrance Creek: 193, 200, 202-03

Equipment, construction. See Construction machinery and equipment.

Equipment Maintenance School: 672

Escolta, Manila: 614

Espiritu Santo Island: 171, 206, 214, 221-22, 547, 569

European Theater of Operations: 117, 227

Ewa Marine Air Station: 53-54

Excursion Inlet: 287


F-4’s: 270

Faie Island: 516

Fairbanks: 19, 22, M, 283, 288, 292, 293, 295-96, 313, 315, 325-27, 335-38

Falalop Island: 515-16

Far Eastern University: 651

Farrar, Capt. Willard: 112-14

Farrell, Brig. Gen. Thomas F.: 430, 437-38, 448-51, 456, 462, 467, 475, 663-64

Fasari Airfield: 180-81, 192

Federal Bureau of Investigation: 487

Federal Works Agency (FWA): 317

Ferry operations. See River crossings.

Fertig, Col. Wendell W.: 61-62, 65, 71-72, 79, 87, 92, 95, roo, r06, 634

Fiji: 45, 46, 48, 118, 161, 162, 163, 164, 171, 214, 220-22, 232-33, 242-43, 256, 263, 268-69

Finschhafen: 234, 244, 252-54, 258, 272-73, 528-29, 546, 554. 557-56, 561

Fire-fighting: 518, 530

Fischer, Maj. Harry O.: 62, too

Flame throwers, tactical use: 245, 249, 383, 462, 480, 483. 496-97, 500, 515, 536, 541, 562, 621. 647

Flanders, Maj. Edward A.: 380


Pacific: 232, 675

Third: 576

Fifth: 492, 496

Seventh: 265, 576, 578

Fleming, Maj. Robert J., Jr.: r68

Floating depot concept: 558, 670

Floridablanca: 655

Food production, Hawaii: 343-44, 358

FORAGER: 492, 496

Forestry units, requirements: 262

Formosa: 463, 467

Fort Belvoir: 653

Fort Drum. See Carabao Island. Fort Fitzgerald: 320-22, 324

Fort Frank. See Carabao Island. Fort Hertz: 427, 430, 434

Fort Hughes. See Caballo Island. Fort Kamehameha: 340

Fort Kobbe: 14

Fort McKinley: 61, 64;66, 84, 615, 656

Fort McMurray: 329121

Fort Mears: 280

Fort Mills. See Corregidor Island.

Fort Nelson: 299, 301, 305-09, 311, 315-17, 334

Fort Nelson River: 309

Fort Ord: 328

Fort Pikit: 635

Fort Raymond: 33

Fort Richardson: 14, 33-34, 36, 282

Fort St. John: 299, 30r, 304-ro, 312, 315

Fort Shafter: 10, 14, 16

Fort Simpson: 315, 326

Fort Smith: 321-22, 327

Fort Stotsenburg: 45, 598

Fortifications, construction of

Admiralties: 523

Bataan: 87--90, 97

Hawaii: 346, 365, 373

Solomons: 526

Fortifications, construction of, Japanese

Biak: 537, 542

Carolines: 5 15

Central Pacific: 383

Corregidor: 620

Leyte: 582

Luzon: 598, 609-10, 627

Manila: 614-15, 617

Mindanao: 636

New Britain: 274

Okinawa: 642, 644-45, 646-48

Philippines, 1944-45: 633-34

Saipan: 496-98

SOPAC: 542

SWPA: 542, 562

Wakde: 536, 542

Fowler, Brig. Gen. Raymond F.: 362, 558

France: 13, 163

France Field: 8

Frank, Maj. Gen, Walter H.: 488

Fraser, Peter: 48, 213

Freight unloading and distribution. See Cargo unloading and distribution.

Fremantle: 240

French canal, Panama: 32

Frink, Maj, Gen. James L.: 534, 556, 650-51. See also United States Array Services of Supply.

Fritsche, Capt. Frederick L.: 32

Frostbite: 292

Fuel storage construction. See Storage facilities, construction and operation.

Fuller, Maj. Gen. Horace H.: 236-N, 539-40

Fuller, Kent: 325

Futema Airfield: 658

Fyzabad: 397


Galapagos Islands: 8

Galena Airfield: 288, 295

Ganges River: 467

Garapan: 493, 498

Garapan-Charan Kanoa road: 502

Garbutt Field: ro, 115, 141,

Garrison forces

Central Pacific Area: 381, 386

Kwajalein: 478, 484

Marshalls: 478, 484-85

Okinawa: 643-44, 657-58

Saipan: 495

Gasoline. See POL (petroleum, oil, and lubricants). Gasoline storage facilities. See Storage facilities, construction and operation.

Gaya: 397

Geelvink Bay: 537, 561

Gehr, Capt. Harvey W.: 422

General Engineer District (GENED): 652-53

General Headquarters, India: 392-93, 396, 417, 420

General Headquarters, SWPA: 128, 649. See also

MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas;

Southwest Pacific Area.

General Headquarters, U.S. Army: 5

General Purchasing Board, USAFIA: 126

General Staff Geological Survey, India: 457

Geological surveys

Central Pacific: 669

Iwo Jima: 667-68

Japan: 673

Okinawa: 667-68

SWPA: 554, 669

Germany: 13-14, 27, 35, 107, 210, 326, 403-04

Gertrude Cove: 331-32

Gewald, Capt. Harold T.: 92, 105

Ghormley, Vice Adm. Robert L.: 170-72, 206

Gibson, Col. Herbert D.: 164-65

Gila Peninsula: 567

Gilbert Islands: 164, 377-83, 386, 463, 476

Gili Gili: 238-39, 257

Giru Airfield: 145, 149

Girua River: 194, 205

Gliders: 247, 445, 447, 454

Godfrey, Brig. Gen. Stuart C.: 249, 261, 430, 437, 468, 569

Goerz, Col. Peter P.: 282, 569

Goldie River: 182

Gona: 193, 200

Goodenough Island: 192, 236, 238, 244, 257, 520, 529

Gormsen, Lt. Col. Harold F.: 495

Grace Park, Manila: 614, 618

Grafe, Paul: 41, 327

Graham, Col. James H.: 318-19

Grande Island: 57

Grant, Lt. Gen. Ulysses S.: 471n

Gray, Cpl. Charles H.: 204

Great Slave Lake: 322, 324

Green, Clinton: 501, 518

Green, Lt. Col. Edwin B.: 403

Green, Lt. Col. James E.: 328

Green, Lt. Col. William J.: 433-34, 449

Greenlee, Lt. Col. Harold E.: 454

Grenades, improvised: 352

Griggs, Lt. Col. E. L., Jr.: 539

Griswold, Maj. Gen. Oscar W.: 613, 618-19

Gruening, Ernest: 22, 279. See also Alaska.

Grunert, Lt. Gen. George: 55, 58, 488

Guadalcanal Island: 159, 205, 233, 326, 546-47

airfield construction and repair: 171-72, 206-07, 256

base construction and operation: 569

bridge construction and repair: 207-08

civilians, employment of: 208-09

climate, effect of: 208-09

construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 209

construction materials, procurement: 214

construction program and progress: 172-73, 20809, 232, 569, 661

engineer units, arrival: 206-07, 209, 255-56

engineers as infantry: 207

map compilation and distribution: 188-91

mines, Japanese: 208

road construction and repair: 208-09, 256

topography: 207

Guam: 4, 45, 52, 492, 493, 503-06, 517, 577

Guardia, Ricardo Adolfo de la: 33, 53

Guerrilla operations

Burma: 427-28, 454-55

Churchill and: 427

Leyte: 582

Mindanao: 634

Philippines: 106

Guimba: 596, 610, 612

Gulf Oil Company: 318

Gulkana: 310-11

Gunderson, Maj. Frank N.: 457-58

Gunther & Shirley Company: 25, 41

Gurkha troops: 455

Gurney Airdrome: 257

Gusap Airfield: 254

Guskhara: 399

Guy F. Atkinson Company: 287


H. C. Price Company: 320, 325, 327

H-20 bridge: 447-49, 470

Hagushi: 641, 643-44

Haines: 317

Haleakala: 46

Halsey, Admiral William F. See also Central Pacific Area (CPA); South Pacific Area (SOPAC).

and Admiralties: 522

command of: 206, 232

and Leyte: 572

MacArthur, conferences with: 234

offensive plans: 225

and Philippines, 1944-45: 572

and Solomons: 244, 250

Hammond Iron Works: 51

Hangar construction: 217-19. See also Airfield construction and repair.

Hankow: 453

Hanna, J. L.: 322

Hannum, Col. Warren T.: 24, 344, 362

Hansa Bay: 527-28, 533

Hansell, Brig. Gen. Haywood S., Jr.: 518

Harbor construction and repair. See Port facilities, construction and repair; Waterways, development and use.

Harding, Maj. Gen. Edwin F.: 192-95

Harmon, Maj. Gen. Millard F.: 172, 251

Harris, 1st Lieut. Henry: 98

Harrison, Maj. Gen. Desmond (British): 437, 439-40

Harrison, Lt. Col. Raymond L.: 213, 236

Harvey, Lt. Col. Raymond J.: 540

Hauwei Island: 524

Hawaii Air Depot: 361, 667

Hawaii Island: 348-49

Hawaii National Park: 23

Hawaiian Coast Artillery Command: 350

Hawaiian Constructors: 25, 41-42, 46-47, 5t-52, 162, 341-43, 345-49, 353-56, 359-64, 371-72, 487-89

Hawaiian Contracting Company: 353

Hawaiian Department Reproduction Plant: 376

Hawaiian Islands: 3, 4, 6-9, 13-14, 20, 27, 54

administrative procedures: 41, 52, 341-42, 353-54, 356-58, 363-64, 370-73, 376, 486-89

air defense construction: 40-41, 43-44, 344, 34849, 361-62, 365, 374

aircraft repair shops, construction of: 370, 373- 74, 507

aircraft warning stations, construction of: 15, 18, 40-42, 51, 53, 346

airfield construction and repair: 28, 38-42, 51, 161, 340-43, 346-49, 3 61-62, 365, 370, 373-74, 486-87, 507-08

airfield defense measures: 348-49, 374

ammunition storage plan: 367-69

base construction and operation: 366, 369-70, 380

beach defenses, construction of: 351-52, 365, 374

blackout control: 341, 343

camouflage measures: 44-45, 346, 350-52, 361-62, 365

civilian defense: 342, 344-46

civilians, employment of: 23-25, 341, 353-55, 369, 486

coast defense construction: 42, 52-53, 346, 349-52, 365-66, 661

construction, control of: 341-42, 353, 491

construction, nonessential, efforts to eliminate: 370-71,373

construction, problems of: 11, 19, 39, 52, 365-66

construction design standards: 366

construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 43-44, 343, 355-56, 362-63, 366, 369, 372, 375-76, 488

construction materials, procurement: 342-43, 353-57, 362-63, 366-67, 375-76

construction programs and progress: 38-45, 51-53, 361, 363, 365, 372-74, 486-87, 506-10, 649

cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contracts: 353, 363, 371-72, 487-89,507

costs of construction: 52, 342, 353, 355-58, 363, 371-72, 488

demolition measures: 352-53, 361

engineer missions: 340-45, 353, 358, 369-70, 372-73, 507-08

engineer organizations: 340-42, 353-54, 358, 36061, 486, 491-92

engineer units, arrival: 369, 375-76, 490, 666-67

engineer units, requirements: 16, 342-43, 489-90 engineer units, strength: 10, 38, 42, 342, 380, 680

financial problems: 356-57, 363-64

fortifications, construction of: 346, 365, 373

hospital construction: 365-66, 374, 486, 507-08, 661

housing: 366

housing construction: 38-39, 346, 361, 366-67, 373-74, 486-87, 507-08

labor force, mobilizing: 23, 342-43, 359-60, 369, 371-73

labor force, strength: 357, 369

land acquisition: 40-41, 51-52, 341-42, 346, 355- 59, 374

map compilation and distribution: 376-77, 489-go, 666-69

mines, improvised: 352-53

mines, installation and removal: 348-49, 365-66, 377

mines, number required: 352, 362, 365

naval guns, emplacement of: 349-52, 374, 661

Navy, cooperation from: 370, 374, 376, 661

pipeline construction and operation: 42

POL rationing: 343, 356, 358

port congestion: 367

port facilities, construction and repair: 12, 40, 367, 373-74, 486

POW camp construction: 507

power plant installation: 373

priority ratings: 48-50, 346, 351, 353-56, 369, 373

prisoners, employment of: 345

radar station, construction of: 347

railroad construction and repair: 23

rainfall, effect of: 371

reconnaissance, engineer: 16, 51-52, 350, 368, 486

refrigeration plant installation: 486

road construction and repair: 23, 43, 346, 350, 369, 374

roadblocks, construction of: 352

seaplane base construction: 365. 374

sewerage installation: 366, 373

shipping, allocation of: 356

shipping shortage: 343-44, 355, 362-63

and SOPAC supply: 171-72

spare parts procurement: 354-56, 375-76

specialists, shortage of: 354-55, 375

as staging area: 366

storage facilities, construction and operation: 39-42, 51-53, 350, 365-70, 373-75, 486, 507

telephone exchange installation: 370

temperatures, effect of: 370

transportation facilities: 354, 365-66

trench obstacles, construction of: 344-45

tunnel construction and repair: 350, 368-70, 374

utilities, installation and maintenance: 365

water supply and distribution: 373

waterways, development and use: 342

Hawaiian Pineapple Company: 348

Hay River: 327

Hearn, Lt. Col. I. K.: 565

Heating plants, installation: 297, 316

Heavey, Brig. Gen. William F.: 228-29, 247, 252, 266, 576, 578

Heiberg, Lt. Col. Elvin R.: 112, 121, 126, 130, 137

Heiman, Col. David W.: 537, 540, 564-66, 580, 583- 84, 587

Henderson Field: 206, 256

Hengyang: 469

Hermosa: 79

Herne Bay: 223

Herron, Maj. Gen. Charles D.: lo, 15-16, 20, 26-27

Hickam Field: 8, 38-39, 44, 52, 53, 340, 341, 348, 365, 507,661

Hicks, Lt. Col. William E.: 435

Highway 1, Leyte: 577

Highway 3, Luzon: 74, 82, 588-90, 595-96, 603, 610- 13, 628, 632, 638

Highway 4, Luzon: 639

Highway 5, Luzon: 74, 610, 613, 627-28, 632, 638-39

Highway 7, Luzon: 609

Highway 9, Luzon: 628, 636

Highway 11, Luzon (Kennon Road): 627, 629, 632, 636

Highway 13, Luzon: 595

Highway construction and repair. See Road construction and repair.

Highway systems. See Road systems.

Hill Field: 586

Hilo: 39, 348-49, 361

Himalaya Mountains: 387, 393, 404, 426, 432, 439, 454, 462

Hiring Service, Australian Army: 113

Hiroshima: 678

Hirshfield, Maj. Robert A.: 399, 407, 410, 417, 465

Hodges, Col. John N.: 10

Hoge, Brig. Gen. William M.: 300-305, 307, 313

Hokkaido Island: 678

Holcombe, Col. William H.: 390-94, 397, 416-17

Holland Park, Brisbane: 223, 240


airfield construction and repair: 527-28, 531-34, 543-44

ASCOM move to: 572

base construction and operation: 527-29, 533-34, 544, 557

cargo unloading and distribution: 529-30

civilians, employment of: 531

construction materials, search for: 531-32

construction program and progress: 541-42, 544

engineer missions: 527-28

engineer organization: 527-28

engineer units, arrival: 530

engineer units, strength: 529

fire-fighting: 530

housing construction: 527, 544

map compilation and distribution: 553-54

naval construction battalions at: 529

photography, aerial: 530

pipeline construction and operation: 544

port facilities, construction and repair: 527, 544

rainfall, effect of: 531

road construction and repair: 527, 530-31, 544

shore party operations: 530-31

stock control: 557-58

storage facilities, construction and operation: 527, 544

supplies, measurement tons: 557

topography: 527

USASOS move to: 569, 650

work potential formula: 529

Hollandia Airfield: 531-32

Holtz Bay: 329

Homestead, Hawaii: 361

Honolulu: 12, 23, 40, 344-45, 367, 369, 374, 509

Honolulu Engineer District: 10-12, 20, 23, 38-44, 47, 169, 340, 353, 356-64, 367, 369, 372, 377-78, 487-89, 493-94. See also Kramer, Brig. Gen. Hans; Wyman, Col. Theodore, Jr.

Honshu Island: 518, 669, 673-74, 677-78

Horn Island Airfield: 143-44, 152, 155, 230

Horowitz, Col. Louis G.: 430

Hospital construction

Alaska: 291

by Allied Works Council: 239-40

by ASCOM: 586

for assault on Japan: 677-78

Australia: 114-15, 223, 240

Biak: 544

China: 419

Fiji: 232, 256

Hawaii: 365-66, 374, 486, 507-08, 661

Kwajalein: 485

Leyte: 575, 586

Luzon: 638

Manila: 655

Marianas: 493

Milne Bay: 257

New Britain: 273

New Caledonia: 220

New Guinea: 235, 257, 259, 546

New Zealand: 232, 243

Okinawa: 643, 660

Philippines, 1944-45: 653, 655-56

Port Moresby: 259

Saipan: 502

Solomons: 250-51

SOPAC: 267

SWPA: 267, 550, 568

Wakde: 544

War Department and: 486

House Committee on Appropriations: 8-9

Housing: 114, 217, 366, 410

Housing construction

Admiralties: 543

Alaska: 33, 37, 278, 282-83, 286-87, 291, 296-97

Alaska Highway: 313, 315-16

for assault on Japan: 678

Australia: 114-15, 119, 124, 139-40, 223, 240-41, 260

Biak: 544

Canol: 321

Carolines: 516

Central Pacific: 476

China: 402-03, 419

Fiji: 232-33

Guadalcanal: 208, 256

Hawaii: 38-39, 346, 361, 388-87, 373-’74, 488-87, 507-08

Hollandia: 527, 544

India: 396-99, 401-03, 456

Kwajalein: 486

Leyte: 575

Luzon: 632

Marianas: 493

Marshalls: 478-’79, 485

Navy’s role in: 267

New Caledonia: 167, 223

New Guinea: 184-85, 254, 257-58, 546

New Hebrides: 256

New Zealand: 243

Okinawa: 643, 660

Philippines, 1944-45: 653

Port Moresby: 185

Saipan: 503

Solomons: 544

SOPAC: 256, 266-67

SWPA: 217, 266-67, 568

Howell, Lt. Col. Harold K.: 478

Hoy, C. A.: 121

Hsinching: 440

Hukawng Valley: 442, 444, 446, 465

Humboldt Bay: 527, 530-31, 534

Hump, the. See Himalaya Mountains.

Hump airfields: 393, 396-97, 400-401

Hunter, Col. Robert C.: 65R

HURRICANE: 537, 538, 541

Hutchings, Brig. Gen. Henry: 252, 507, 592

Hyane Harbour: 522-23

Hyland, Maj. James F.: 416


Iba: 71

I-beam bridge, on Ledo Road: 448

Ice formation problem: 316, 328

Ickes, Harold L.: 279, 299, 322. See also Department of the Interior.

Icy Strait: 287

Ie Shima: 643, 646, 658. See also Okinawa.

Igloo warehouse: 217-19, 502

Iloilo: 634

Imperial General Headquarters: 179, 682

Imperial Oil Company: 318-25, 335-38

Imphal: 446, 462

Import Procurement Department, Australia: 126

Imus River: 84

India, 389-91, 405, 427-28, 438, 453, 458, 680.

AAF, pressure for construction, 397, 401-02, 416-17

administrative procedures: 401

aeronautical charts, compiling: 458

air defense construction: 398, 400

airfield construction and repair: 392-94, 396-97, 399-404, 406-08, 416-18, 420, 425, 429-32, 438- 42, 455-56, 467-68, 666

base construction and operation: 395-96, 402, 404, 406

camouflage measures: 398-99

Central Public Works Department: 387, 396

civilians, employment of: 392-93, 396, 399, 401, 416-17, 440, 680

climate, effect of: 393

command and staff structure: 397-98

construction, control of: 392-93, 398, 404, 438

construction, problems of: 393-94, 401-02, 417

construction design standards: 401-02, 471

construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 398, 402, 420, 430

construction materials, procurement: 397, 399- 400, 402-03, 424, 471.

construction programs and progress: 392-94, 396-97, 399-400, 404, 407-08, 416-17, 438-39

customs, effect of: 450

diseases: 393

engineer mission: 396, 404

engineer organization: 395-96, 398-99, 403-04, 415-16, 429, 438-39

engineer units, arrival: 398, 411, 430, 440, 450, 458, 475

engineer units, control of: 400

engineer units, strength: 404, 450

housing construction: 396-99, 401-03, 456

India-China road. See Ledo Road.

labor force, mobilizing: 393, 400, 471

and Ledo Road. See Ledo Road.

map compilation and distribution: 457-58

pipeline construction and operation: 387, 419, 426-27, 439, 442, 450, 457, 466-67, 471, 666

POL supply: 427

port congestion: 396

port facilities, construction and repair: 394, 396, 399

power plants, installation of: 399

priority rating: 401

Public Works Department: 416-17

rainfall, effect of: 392-93, 397, 399

reconnaissance, engineer: 440

refrigeration plants, installation and operation: 399

road construction and repair: 393, 398-99, 403

road system: 393

Royal Engineers in: 392-93, 396-97, 400-402, 406, 416-17, 420, 425, 440

shipping shortage: 471

storage facilities, construction and operation: 394-96, 400, 467, 666

supply, by airlift: 472

supply system: 394-95, 425, 429

training facilities, construction of: 403

transportation facilities: 399-400, 402-03

utilities, installation and operation: 403

wire obstacles, erection of: 399

India-Burma Theater: 470, 475, 662

Indian Navy: 471

Indochina: 452

Infantry Divisions

Americal: 206-07, 209, 634

Philippine: 61, 69

6th: 564, 587,592-96, 603, 627, 639

7th: 328, 332, 477, 575-76, 579, 582, 643, 645

24th: 23, 43, 529-32, 575-12, 609, 635

25th: 43, 206, 209, 250, 587, 592, 594, 597, 628-29, 637-38

27th: 381, 478, 482-83, 492, 494-97, 506, 643, 647

31st: 567, 635

32nd: 118, 124, 156, 178, 192-96, 274, 567, 581, 627-29, 637-38

33rd: 628-30, 636-38

37th: 171, 249, 255, 587, 593-95, 602, 610, 612-15, 630, 636-39

38th: 582, 609, 621-23, 638

40th: 587, 592-95, 602, 610, 634

41st: 118, 124, 156, 205, 237, 247, 529-31, 534, 537, 539, 632-33

43rd: 233, 245, 587, 592, 594, 596, 638-39

77th: 492, 503, 581, 643-44, 646-47

81st: 5 12-14

96th: 575-76, 579, 582, 643, 647

Infantry Regiments

34th: 608, 619-20

105th: 496, 500

106th: 482-83

126th: 567

148th: 615

151st: 624

158th: 561, 588, 594, 597, 631-32, 638-39, 657

162nd: 538

163rd: 529, 534, 537

164th: 206

165th: 381,496

186th: 539, 632-33

305th: 503

321st: 514

322nd: 514

323rd: 515

Infantry-tank teams: 647

Ingalls, Col, Robert D.: 300-301, 305, 309, 314

Inland Passage: 280-81

Insoemanai Island: 535

Insoemoar Island: 535

Inspector General, War Department: 377

Intelligence Center, POA: 376

Intelligence estimates and reports

Hollandia: 527, 530

Luzon: 587-88, 601, 611

Manila: 613

Marianas: 493

by Navy: 284

New Guinea: 156, 158

Saipan: 499

SOPAC: 269-71, 551-52

SWPA: 269-71

International Harvester: 140

Intramuros, Manila: 614, 617

Ioribaiwa: 179

Ipo Dam and Reservoir: 618, 627, 638, 656

Iran, U.S. Military Mission to: 394

Irisan River: 637

Iron Range Airfield: 260

Irrawaddy Plain: 394

Irrawaddy River: 391, 406, 454-55, 465, 468, 470, 472, 663-64

Irwin, Maj. Francis I.: 147

Isa: 647

Isely, Commander Robert H.: 498n

Island Command, Okinawa: 643-44, 657-58

Isley Airfield: 498-99, 5131-133, 511, 518

Isurava: 173

Itoman: 641

Iwo Jima: 625, 640-41, 660-61, 666


Jacky Jacky Point Airfield: 155, 230-31

Jake’s Corner: 307, 310, 315

James River, Virginia: 471n

Japan: 3-4, 27, 50, 52, 53-54, 71-72, 153, 179. 325, 326, 364, 456, 467-68, 510, 518, 625, 636, 640-41, 649, 650, 654-55, 667-69, 672-79, 682-83

Japanese Combined Fleet: 153

Jaque: 30

Jarman, Maj. Gen. Sanderford: 495, 499, 511

Jarrett, Lt. Col. Donald L.: 449

Jaure: 178, 192

Java: 118, 392

John Rodgers Airport: 40, 367, 374, 507, 661

Johns, Brig. Gen. Dwight F.: 112, 119-21, 125-27,

136, 140-41, 152, 182-83, 185, 190

Johnson, Col. Alexander L. P.: 114-15

Johnson, Col. Frank M. S.: 302

Johnson, Maj. John P.: 395-96, 399

Johnson, Lt. Col. W. H.: 373

Johnson’s Crossing: 327

Joint Army and Navy Board: 10, 14, 17, 35, 39, 51

Joint Chiefs of Staff. See also Combined Chiefs of Staff.

and AFPAC: 649

and airfield construction and repair: 527

and Alaska defenses: 284, 288, 328, 331

and base construction directives: 527

and Canol: 336

and Central Pacific offensives: 377-80, 492

and Japan, assault on: 674

and Japan, occupation of: 678

and Kavieng, seizure of: 527

and Klamono oil fields: 563

and Leyte: 572

and Marianas: 492

and Marshalls: 477-78

and Mindanao: 570

and Okinawa: 641

and Pacific areas, division of: 128

and Philippines, 1944-45: 570

and Rabaul: 153, 172, 234

resources, allocation of: 225, 234

SOPAC, directives to: 234

and SOPAC offensive: 170, 172

SWPA, directives to: 234

Joint Expeditionary Force, Kwajalein: 482

Joint Logistical Board, POA: 378

Joint Planning Committee, Australia-U.S.: 113

Joint Purchasing Board, SOPAC: 171-72, 2 /4

Joint Staff, POA: 378-79

Joint Supply Council, New Zealand: 214

Jolo Island: 633

Jones, Brig. Gen. Albert M.: 82

Jones, Air Marshal George (RAAF): 241

Jones Bridge, Manila: 619

Jorhat: 447

Juneau: 279, 281, 283, 287, 289

Jungle warfare, Saipan: 500

Jungle warfare training: 156, 490-91


K. B. Mission: 238-39

Kabacan: 635

Kadena Airfield: 645, 658-59

Kagman Point: 500

Kagoshima: 673-75

Kahuku: 348, 361

Kalihi Valley: 345

Kamiri air strip: 562

Kanchow: 419-20, 452, 469

Kanchow Construction Company: 419

Kaneohe Seaplane Base: 53

Kansas City Engineer District: 321, 323

Kapa Kapa Trail: 178-79

Kapalama Basin: 40, 42, 367, 374, 486

Karachi: 392, 393, 394-96, 398, 399--400, 402, 404, 406, 417

Karrick, Col. Samuel W.: 653

Katherine, Australia: 123, 149

Kauai Island: 348-50

Kavieng: 522

Kayangel Island: 516

Keehi Lagoon: 40, 365, 367, 374

Kelso Airfield: 145

Kenerson, Lt. Col. Waldo I.: 440, 451-52

Kenney, Maj. Gen. George C. See also Allied Air Forces, SWPA.

and Admiralties: 522-23

and airfield construction: 174, 184-85, 188, 220, 230, 581, 584

and airlift operations: 180

commands of: 157

construction, pressure for: 184-87

and engineer units, control of: 187, 229

and Hollandia base: 534

in Leyte campaign: 581, 584

and Luzon: 599

Kennon Road, Luzon. See Highway 11, Luzon.

Kerama Retto: 643-44. See also Okinawa.

Kewalo Basin: 340-41

Kharagpur: 440, 456

Khasi Hills: 393

Kiangan: 639

Kiangsi Province: 419, 431, 452

Kila Drome: 143. 152

Kimmel, Admiral Husband E.: 347

Kindley Field: 61, 103, 105, 620

King, Maj. Gen. Edward P., Jr.: 62, 99, 101

King, Admiral Ernest J.: 169, 378. See also United States Navy.

King, William L. Mackenzie: 300. See also Canada.

KING operations: 570, 572, 592

Kingman, Brig. Gen. John J.: 6, 60, 390

King’s Wharf, Makin: 382

Kingsbury, Lt. Col. Leonard L.: 478

Kinjaki Barige:

Kinkaid, Rear Adm. Thomas C.: 328

Kinsolving, Col. William C.: 439, 449-50, 457, 446-67, 471

Kipapa: 361

Kipapa Gulch: 368, 370, 374

Kiriwina Island: 231, 234, 239, 244, 246, 251

Kirkpatrick, Capt. Harry F.: 415

Kiska Harbor: 331-32

Kiska Island: 33, 276, 284, 286, 290, 322, 328-29, 331.- 34, 364

Kiunglai: 293

Klamono oil fields: 563

Klenso Field: 565

Klinke, Maj. Emil F.: 130

Kluane Lake: 302-03, 310-11, 316-17

Knox, Frank: 18, 27, 299. See also United States Navy.

Kodiak Island: 12, 17, 18, 22, 35, 278, 284, 287, 295-96

Kohloss, Col. Fabius H.: 395, 401, 408, 413-15, 421-22

Kokee: 16, 51

Kokoda Trail: 156-57, 173, 178-80, 192

Kokoda Village: 157-58

Kolombangara Island: 250

Koontz, Capt. Clyde L.: 398

Korea: 678

Kornasoren Airfield: 563

Koromokina River: 255

Koumac Airfield: 171

Kramer, Brig. Gen. Hans: 369-74, 377-78, 381, 478, 486-87, 489, 491, 493

Kromer, Col. Philip F.: 438

Krueger, General Walter. See also Armies, Sixth.

and Admiralties: 522

and Biak: 539

and General Casey: 572

heads Sixth Army: 225

and Hollandia: 532

and Leyte: 584-85

and Luzon: 591, 594-95, 599, 610, 612

and Morotai: 567

and New Guinea: 238-39, 244

and Sansapor-Mar: 563-64

Kuba: 646

Kuluk Bay: 286

Kumon Mountains: 446

Kumpe, Maj. Emil F.: 190

Kung, C. C.: 415, 421-22, 472. See also Yunnan-Burma Highway Engineering Administration.

Kunming: 389-91, 395-96, 402-03, 408, 413-15, 419-21, 425, 427, 430, 439. 451, 454, 464, 469-71, 474-75, 662-63, 666

Kunming Training Center: 455

Kushikino: 673, 675, 677

Kusiokwim River: 288, 295

Kwajalein Atoll: 476-82, 483-86, 496

Kwanghan: 440

Kweilin: 418-19, 431, 452, 468-69

Kweiyang: 663

Kyushu Island: 456, 467-68, 668-69, 672-78


La Joya Airfield: 31, 50

Labaun Island: 636

Labor forces, difficulties with Alaska: 21-22, 35

China: 451

Hawaii: 23, 371-73

Labor forces, difficulties with-Continued

Ledo Road: 457

Labor forces, mobilizing

by Allied Works Council: 241-42

by ASCOM: 585

Assam: 401, 471

Australia: 121, 142, 241-42

Burma: 465, 471

Burma Road: 466

Canal Zone: 29, 32-33, 50

China: 403, 451, 472

Hawaii: 342-43, 359-60, 369, 373

India: 393, 400, 471

Ledo Road: 424-25, 450

Leyte: 585

New Guinea: 180-81

Philippines 1941-42: 69

Labor forces, shortages in: 278-79

Labor forces, strength

Alaska Highway: 334

under Allied Works Council: 211

Burma: 467

Burma Road: 473

Canal Zone: 32

Canol: 335, 338

Fiji: 163

Hawaii: 357, 369

New Caledonia: 163

Ladd Field: 9, 12, 19, 28, 34-37, 278, 287, 288, 291, 293, 296

Lae: 143, 174, 230-31, 234, 244-45, 248, 251-52, 258- 59, 546-47

Laguna Province: 84

Lahore: 410

Laiana: 245, 249

Laloki Airfield: 146, 186

Laloma Cemetery, Manila: 614

Lanai Island: 348

Land acquisition and return

by ASCOM: 584

Hawaii: 40-41, 51-52, 341-42, 346, 355-56, 358-59, 374

Leyte: 584

New Caledonia: 661-62

Panama: 29-33, 50, 53

Philippine Commonwealth: 60

Philippines, 1941-42: 60, 65

by USAFFE: 60

Land clearing operations: 148, 157-58, 307-12, 314

Landhi: 396

Landing craft. See also LCIs; LCMs; LCTs; LCVPs; LSMs; LSTs; LVTs.

Admiralties: 523-24

Biak: 537-38, 540, 544

by Boat Building Command: 653-54

Borneo: 636

Carolines: 516

Central Pacific: 382, 476

concept formulated: 227

Corregidor: 620

Dukw: 476, 497, 506, 530, 562, 578, 644

Hollandia: 529

Kwajalein: 479-80, 485

Leyte: 576-79

Luzon: 588, 590-93, 595-96, 609

Marianas: 506

Navy-operated: 578

New Britain: 273

New Guinea: 533

Okinawa: 644

Philippines, 1944-45: 621-24, 632-33, 638

Saipan: 496-98, 511

Solomons: 546

spare parts for: 265, 558-59

SWPA: 551, 562, 564, 567

Tinian: 506

training with: 671

Wakde: 536

Lane, Col. Albert L.: 305, 560, 569, 652

Lane, Col. Thomas A.: 258-59, 265

Langemak Bay: 258

Larrimah: 123, 239, 241

Unison, Lt. Col. G. K.: 345

Lashio: 389, 391, 413, 662

Lauterbach, Col. Herbert G.: 537, 540, Got

Layac Junction: 85

LCIs (landing craft, infantry): 251

LCMs (landing craft, mechanized): 228-29, 235, 247, 251, 253, 273, 476, 496, 530, 562, 576, 578, 593, 620-24

LCTs (landing craft, tank): 253, 516, 540, 551, 620, 638

LCVPs (landing craft, vehicle-personnel): 229, 235, 247, 251, 253, 273, 497, 530, 536, 576, 578, 593

Leahy, Flight Lt. Michael J. (RAAF): 180, 231

Leary, Vice Adm. Herbert F.: 128

Leavey, Brig. Gen. Edmond H.: 378-80

Ledo: 391, 405-10, 412, 419, 434, 448-49, 454, 457, 467n, 473, 663

Ledo Road: 387-89, 391, 404-13, 418-19, 421, 422-25, 426, 427, 429, 430, 431-35, 439, 442-50, 453-55, 456-58, 460--62, 463-67, 468, 470-73, 472-75, 572, 662-66. See also Pick, Brig. Gen, Lewis A.

Lee, Col. John C. H.: 11, 18, 33

Lee Wen-ping, Dr.: 414, 422

Legaspi: 6, 72, 81, 639

Lehr, Maj. William: 141


Act, passage of: 27

Australia: 140-41, 216, 560

China: 389, 398-99, 402-03

India: 392-93, 395, 398-99, 401-02

New Zealand: 2 3-14, 222

Lenox, Maj. George H.: 167

Lentaigne, Maj. Gen. W. D. A.: 446-47

Leron River: 244

Le Sueur, R. V.: 322

Leyte: 570-88, 590, 59

t-92, 599, 611, 650, 651, 670

Leyte Engineer District: 651-54

Leyte Gulf: 572, 576, 578-79

Leyte Gulf, Battle of: 580-81

Leyte River and Valley: 573, 582

Liard River: 309, 311, 315

Liberty ship berths. See Port facilities, construction and repair.

Libmanan Cave: 81

Likhapani: 410-11, 457, 466

Liles, Lt. Col. Sherwood E., Jr.: 535, 537, 544, 613, 617-19, 656

Lim, Brig. Gen. Vicente: 98-99

Limay: 71, 85, 95, 97

Lines of communication

Alaska: 287-88, 295-96

Assam: 394, 435

Australia: 118, 141, 160, 170, 364

Bataan: 87, 90

Burma: 387, 391, 416, 435-36, 474-75

Canol: 322

China: 387-88, 391, 394, 397, 405-06, 418-19, 425-26, 429-30, 641

Hawaii: 352, 380

India: 391, 394, 397, 405, 426, 429-3i, 475

Japan: 625, 636, 640-41, 677

Luzon: 588

New Caledonia: 166

SOPAC: 160, 168

SWPA: 231, 380

Lines of communication, Japanese: 446, 462,


625, 636,

Lingayen: 595, 602

Lingayen Drome: 598-600

Lingayen, Gulf: 73-76, 79, 587-95, 600-6432, 604-07, Lingling: 469

,6142-13, 650, 657


Lipa: 632

Liuchow: 663

“Loew’s Bougainville”: 546

Logistical missions, Corps of Engineers: 5

Logistical systems

for assault on Japan: 672-75

POA: 507

SWPA: 209-10

USASOS: 570-71

Logai: 449

Loper, Brig. Gen. Herbert B.: 489-91, 507, 510, 668

Loper-Hotine Agreement: 190

Loran station, construction of: 517

Lorengau: 522, 524-25

Los Angeles Port of Embarkation: 362,456

Los Balms: 93

Los Negros Island: 522-25

Lovett, 1st Lt. Max D.: 136

Loving, Harry W.: 487-88

LSMs (landing ship, medium): 590, 593

LSTs (landing ship, tank): 253, 382, 476, 485, 496, 498, 511, 523-24, 533, 544, 551, 564, 567, 576-79, 588,593,609,636

Lubang Island: 64, 66

Lubricants. See POL.

Lumber. See Construction materials improvised; Construction materials, procurement; Sawmill construction and operation.

Lung Yun, Governor; 403, 422, 466, 472, 474

Lungling: 456, 459, 461

Luzon: 55-57, 62-63, 66-71, 92, 570, 598, 614, 617-18, 636. See also Bataan Peninsula; Manila, Manila Bay area.

airfield construction and repair: 58-61, 64-65, 79,

590-92, 597, 606, 610, 615, 631-33, 638-39, 655

base construction and operation: 93, 591, 606, 625,

632, 650-51

Base M: 591, 900, 64, 606, 650, 656

Base R: 650, 656

beach party operations: 592-94, 597, 608-09

blasting operations: 604, 638

bridge construction and repair: 76-77, 80-81, 5943- 91, 595-97, 6432-436, 609, 611-13, 616, 626, 628-- 32, 638-39

bulldozers, tactical use: 628-29

cargo unloading and distribution: 592-94, 597, 600, 6439

causeway construction and repair: 593

civilians, employment of: 596, 599, 601, 606, 638-39

communications facilities: 601

construction, control of: 601

construction, problems of: 632

construction materials, procurement: 602, 612


operations: 74-84, 597, 609-12, 627, 632

engineer district in: 651

engineer missions: 72-85, 587-92, 6431-433, 605-06, 610-11,626-27,637

engineer organization: 60i, 650-51

engineer units, arrival: 599-600, 602, 607, 610-11

engineer units, control of: 591, 612-13, 626

engineer units, requirements: 590-91

engineer units, strength: 587, 592, 594, 601

engineers as infantry: 597-98, 609

hospital construction: 638

housing construction: 632

map compilation and distribution: 607-08, 668-69

mines, shortage of: 75

photography, aerial: 588, 596, 607-08

pipeline construction and operation: 600

POL, evacuation and destruction of: 84

ponton cubes, employment of: 590, 593, 602

port facilities, construction and repair, 592, 600, 632

priority ratings: 604, 612

railroad construction and repair: 596-97, 600, 602- 06, 612, 639

rainfall, effect of: 588, 637-38


reconnaissance, engineer: 588, 593, 599, 6coi, 615, 626, 638

refrigeration plant, construction and operation: 632

river crossings: 5943-91, 595-96, 6432, 610-13, 615-16, 630, 638

road construction and repair: 594, 596-97, 600, 609, 626-32, 637-39

roadblock construction: 74, 77

salvage operations: 603-04, 629

sawmill construction and operation: 632

storage facilities, construction and operation: 594, 600, 6439

supply system: 606

wire obstacles, erection of: 82

Luzon Base Command: 6131

Luzon Base Section: 651, 669

Luzon Engineer District (LUZED): 651-52, 654

Luzon Force: 99

LVTs (landing vehicle, tracked): 273, 382, 480, 496, 497, 506, 530, 538, 562, 596, 644

Lyman, Brig. Gen. Albert K. B.: 15-16, 23, 38-39, 41-44, 341-44, 348, 350-54, 358-64, 367, 369, 371, 376

Lyons, Lt. Col. F. Russel: 302, 314

Mabatang: 87

Mabatang-Mauban line: 97

Macajalar Bay: 635

MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas. See also General Headquarters, SWPA; Southwest Pacific Area; United States Army Forces in the Far East: United States Forces in the Philippines. and Admiralties: 521-23

air buildup by: 150

and air ferry routes construction: 47

and airfield construction and repair: 59, 229-30, 525,563,566,568

and airlift operations: 1fio

arrival in Australia: 127

and base construction and operation: 258

and Biak: 537-38

commands of: 57, 99, 128, 49, 650

and construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 547

and demolition operations: 216

and engineer construction brigades: 548, 675

and engineer districts: 652

and engineer special brigades: 227-28

and engineer units, control of: 649

Halsey, conferences with: 234

and Hollandia: 527, 534

and Japan, assault on: 675, 678

and Klamono oil fields: 563

and land acquisition: 60

and Leyte: 571-72

and Luzon: 591, 599, 608

and Manila: 618

MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas-Continued

and map compilation and distribution: 608, 667- 68

and Marianas: 492

and Mindanao: 570

and Mindoro: 586

and Morotai: 566, 568

and New Guinea: 153, 156-57

and Noemfoor: 561

offensive plans: 129-30, 216, 225, 272-75

ordered to Australia: 99

and Philippines, 1941-44: 57, 80, 82, 87, 89, 92, 98

and Philippines, 1944-45: 570, 572

and Philippines buildup: 55

and priority ratings: 70, 215-16, 260

and Rabaul: 255

and SansaporMar: 563-64

and Solomons: 153

and Southern Philippines: 625, 634

and strategy of isolation: 520, 527, 542-43, 563

and Waigeo: 563

and Wakde: 534

McBride, Brig. Gen. Allan C.: 99

McCandlish, W. L.: 77-78, 81-83

McCarthy, Maj. James A.: 314

MacCasland, Capt. Stanford: 46-48, 163

MacDonald, Thomas H.: 300, 305, 310-1

i. See also Public Roads Administration.

McGrath, Alaska: 288

MacIsaac, Col. Kenneth: 434-35, 449, 457, 463, 466

Mackenzie Mountains: 327

Mackenzie River: 276, 318-21, 324, 327

McNutt, Col. Charles H.: 167, 555

Madang: 234, 244

Madsen, Lt. Col. Kenneth E.: 438-39, 450

Maeda, Lt. Gen. Masami: 79n

Maffin Drome: 535, 541

Magat River: 638

Magicienne Bay: 498

Magnusson, Warren G.: 299

Maintenance and repair, general. See also Spare parts procurement; Specialists, shortages of: Specialists, training.

Alaska: 279-80, ago

Alaska Highway: 313, 317-18

Australia: 126, 148-49

Burma: 442

Burma Road: 422

Guam: 517

Ledo Road: 412-13, 433-34

Manila: 670-71

New Guinea: 186, 265-66

Philippines, 1941-42: 62-63

Philippines, 1944-45: 669-70

SOPAC: 264-66

SWPA: 271-72

Majuro Island: 477-78, 482-83, 485

Makin Garrison Force: 386

Makin Island: 381-86, 478

Malabang: 61, 65, 7 1, 655

Malacafian Palace, Manila: 615

Malaria, incidence of: 151, 238

Malaya: 390

Malicbuy: 81

Malinta Hill and Tunnel: 66, 101-02, 105

Malir: 396, 398-99

Manchuria: 467, 678, 682

Mandalay: 391, 394, 468

Mandaluyong: 656

Mangaldan Drome: boo Got

Manila: 76, 80-85, 92, 93, 587, 591, 604-05, 607-19, 625, 650, 651-53, 655, 656-57, 666-67, 670-71

Manila Bay area: 55, 57-58, 74, 98, 104, 587, 591, 612-13, 656. See also islands and forts by name.

Manila Railroad: 74, 77, 81-82, 84, 604-06, 657

Manipur Plain: 446-47, 454, 462, 468

Manipur Province: 450

Manus Island: 522, 524-25

Manzano, Lt. Col. Narciso L.: 75, 77, 82-84, 106, 613

Map compilation and distribution

by AAF: 668

Alaska: 23, 33, 290

Alaska Highway: 305-06

Attu: 290

Australia: ifig-gt, 55


by Australian Army: 188-89

Bataan: 94-95

Burma: 457-58

Canal Zone: 15

Carolines: 489-90, 510, 516

CBI: 457-58

Central Pacific: 381-82, 489-90, 5to China: 416, 457-58

Combined Chiefs directive on: 458

Corregidor: 94-95

Guadalcanal: 188-91

Hawaii: 376-77, 489-90, 666-69

Hollandia: 553-54

India: 457-58

Japan, for assault on: 518, 650, 667-69

Ledo Road: 410, 457-58

Luzon: 607-08, 668-69

Manila: 666-67

Marianas: 489-go

New Caledonia: 269-70

New Guinea: 188-91, 269-70, 553-54, 668-69

Philippines, 1941-42: 94

Philippines, 1944-45: 626, 668-69

POA: 650, 668

Port Moresby: 199-200

Solomons: 188-89

SOPAC: 188-89, 269-71, 551-52, 666-67

SWPA: 188-91, 269-70, 650, 666-69

USAFIA: 189-90

Maps, Japanese, used by U.S.: 490

Mar: 653

Mar Drome: 565

Mareeba: 144

Mariana Islands: 467, 503, 510-11, 518. See also Guam; Saipan.

beach party operations: 506

construction: 492-93, 506, 518

engineer mission: 493

engineer organization: 493-95

engineer units, arrival and departure: 506

intelligence estimates and reports: 493

JCS directive on: 492

map compilation and distribution: 489-go

mines, Japanese: 506

photography, aerial: 490, 493

planning phase: 492-95

road construction and repair: 506

shipping routes to: 493-94

shore party operations: 506

supply, measurement tons: 493-94, 496

training for: 495

Marilinan Airfield: 248

Marine Amphibious Corps

I: 255

III: 492, 495, 643-45, 657

V: 492, 675

Marine Brigade, 1st Provisional: 492, 495, 503-04

Marine Corps photographic squadrons: 668

Marine Corps troops. 153, 173, 205-08, 211, 232, 242, 244-45, 380, 503, 506, 514, 526, 640, 646, See also

Marine Amphibious Corps; Marine Divisions. Marine Divisions

1st: 274,642,647

2nd: 209, 492, 495-96, 498, 503, 643

3rd: 255, 492, 495, 504-05

4th: 477, 492, 495, 498, 503

6th: 643, 647

Marine Operators Association: 327

Marine raider battalions: 245

Marine Supply Section, USASOS: 558-59

Mariquina River: 619

Mariveles; 71, 92-93, 95, 108, 619-20, 655-56

Mariveles–Bagac road: 95

Mariveles Harbor: 620

Mariveles Mountains: 86, 90, 105

Markham River and Valley: 230, 244, 247-48, 251- 52, 260, 543, 546, 548

Marquesas Islands: 168

Marshall, General of the Army George C.: See also War Department.

and air support for CBI: 392

and Alaska defenses: 18, 35

and Alaska Highway: 318

and Australia buildup: 107, 111, 118

becomes Chief of Staff: 16

and Burma offensive: 404, 418

and Canol: 319

and central purchasing board: 126

Marshall, General of the Army George C.Continued

and China air offensive: 409, 418

and China theater status: 397

and guerrilla operations: 427-28

and India airfields: 420

and Ledo Road: 408-09, 464

and Leyte: 572

and Philippines defenses: 57-58

and priority ratings: 70

and Rabaul: 255

and SOPAC defenses: 170

and Stilwell: 390, 398

Marshall, Brig. Gen. Richard J.: 157, 174, 182, 187. See also United States Army Services of Supply.

Marshall Islands: 476-86, 495-96, 570

Marsman and Company: 60

Marston mat: 125, 219

Martin, Maj. Gen. Frederick L.: Maryborough: 260

Mason, Capt. George J.: 403

Massacre Bay: 329, 331

Massacre Valley: 329

Matanikau River: 207-09

Materials, construction. See Construction materials, improvised; Construction materials, measurement tons, for Canol; Construction materials, procurement.

Mathison, Jack: 144

MArrERnoks: 430, 438, 441, 449, 450, 453, 456, 467

Matthews, Col. Albert G.: 124-28, 137, 144-45, 147,

174-75, 181-83, 185, 212, 218

Mauban: 87

Maui airport: 39

Maui Island: 6


Maynard, Maj. Clarence F.: 94

Mayo Landing: 319

Meadows, Lt. Col. Benjamin E.: 540

Mechanics. See Maintenance and repair, general; Specialists, shortages of: Specialists, training. Medal of Honor award: 253-54

Meeandah: 223, 240

Mekong River: 4 1 4-15, 435

Melbourne: 109, 149

base operation: 112, 153

construction: Ho, 112, 114, 119, 122, 138, 141, 153

housing arrangements: 114

map compilation and distribution: 551-52, 607, 666

specialists, training: 271-72, 560-61

Merauke Airfield: 152, 158, 230

Merrill, Brig. Gen. Frank D.: 405-06, 424, 426, 444

Merrill’s Marauders: 444, 446, 454-55

Metlakatla Indians: 19, 22

Mexico, Philippines: 78

Middleburg Island: 563-65

Midway Island: 153, 157, 284, 287, 364, 365, 683

on air ferry routes: 45, 161


Midway Island-Continued

port facilities, construction and repair: 12

Mielenz, Col. Lloyd E.: 58, 65, 87, 93, 101-04

MIKE: 587, 591, 592, 601, 603

Military aid to China, costs: 389

Military Engineering Commission, China: 403, 440, 451

Military engineering missions, Corps of Engineers: 4-5

Miller, Col. Ernest B.: 78

Millingimbi Airfield: 231

Milne Bay: 179

airfield construction and repair: 151-54, 157-58, 174-75, 186, 221, 235-36

base construction and operation: 236, 245, 257, 556-58

battle of: 175-78

construction materials, procurement: 239

construction program and progress: 181-82, 220- 22, 238r-39

engineer units, arrival: 238-39, 521, 558

engineer units, strength: 175, 239

hospital construction: 257

ponton cube assembly plant: 546

port facilities, construction and repair: 151, 158, 175, 183, 221, 257, 546

rainfall, effect of: 239

reconnaissance, engineer: 238

road construction and repair: 221, 235

spare parts procurement: 265, 557-58

storage facilities, construction and operation: 257, 265

Minaker River: 308

Mindanao: 72, 105, 608, 626, 633

airfield construction and repair: 59, 61, 65, 570, 578, 636, 655

base construction and operation: 572, 636

blasting operations: 635-36

bridge construction and repair: 635-36

demolition operations: 106

guerrilla operations: 634

photography, aerial: 570

road construction and repair: 635

topography: 634-35

weather, effect of: 570-71

Mindanao River: 635

Mindanao Sea: 576

Mindoro: 64, 586-87, 655

Mine laying, marine, China: 462-63

Mine sweeping, marine, Leyte: 576

Mines, Japanese

Admiralties: 524-25

Biak: 538-39

Burma: 459

Corregidor: 620

Guadalcanal: 208

Leyte: 582-83

Luzon: 597-98, 609, 614, 617, 626-30, 639

Mines, Japanese-Continued Manila: 614-15, 617, 619

Marianas: 506

Okinawa: 645-46, 648, 658

Philippines, 1944-45: 633-34

Saipan: 497-99

SOPAC: 542


SWPA: 542, 562

improvised: 352-53

installation in Hawaii: 348-49, 365-66, 377

required for Hawaii: 352, 362, 365

shortage of, Luzon: 75

Mines, marine, Japanese: 183

Ministry of Communications, China: 403, 414

Missouri: 679

Mitu: 413, 415

Mitu Road: 421-22, 435-36

Miyazaki: 675, 677

Mobile Construction Force: 422

Mobilization plans: 5, 43-44, 341

Mogaung: 443-44, 446, 468, 470, 472

Mohanbari: 400

Mokerang Peninsula: 522, 524-25, 543

Mokmer Airfield: 537-41

Mokuleia: 348, 361, 507

Molokai Island: 39, 361

Molucca Island: 566-68

Momote Airfield: 522-25, 543

Mong Yu: 464-65, 473

Monsoons. Sew Rainfall, effect of.

Montalban Dam and Reservoir: 618, 627, 638, 656

Montgomery, Col. Harry A.: 430

Moore, Maj. Gen. Richard C.: 25


Australia: 149

Corps of Engineers: 683

Ledo Road: 423

New Guinea: 146

SWPA: 654


Morobe: 246, 251

Moron: 86-87

Morotai: 566-68

Morris, Col. D. A.: 660

Morse, Col. Birney K.: 466, 471, 664

Morse Field: 39, 348

Motobu Peninsula: 645

Mount Austen: 207-09

Mount Barigada: 505

Mount Bataan: 85

Mount Hagen : 231

Mount Haleakala: 16, 23, 41, 51, 347

Mount Isa: 114, 239, 241

Mount Kaala: 16, 23, 51, 347

Mount Kokee: 347

Mount Macolod: 631

Mount Malepunyo: 631

Mount Natib: 85, 87, 89

Mount Pacawagan: 638

Mount Popomanisu: 207

Mount Santa Rosa: 505

Mount Silanganan: 87, 89 Mount Suribachi: 640

Mount Tapotchau: 493, 498-99

Mountain Engineer Division: 282

Mountbatten, Admiral Lord Louis: 428, 439, 446-47, 455, 466. See also Southeast Asia Command. Mukden: 467

Mullins Harbor: 150

Muncho Lake: 309

Munda: 245, 249, 256

Municipal Water Department, Manila: 619

Murray River: 122

Murrow, Col. Lacey V.: 243, 267, 520, 569

Musa River: 180-81, 192

Musita Island: 193, 200-201, 203-04

Muskeg problem: 35, 293-94, 305, 308

Muskwa River: 309, 313

Myitkyina: 391, 405, 435, 443, 446-47, 454-55, 457, 460-66, 468, 470-73, 663-66

Nabesna Highway, Alaska: 304

Nabesna River: 295

Nadzab: 230, 244, 252, 254, 258, 543, 546

Nafutan Point: 498

Nagasaki: 678

Naha: 641-43

Nakagusuku (Buckner) Bay: 641, 659

Naknek River: 295

Namber Field: 563

Namhkam: 473, 663

Namur Island: 477

Nandi Airfield: 46, 48, 163-64. 222, 233

Nanomea Island: 380

Narewa: 222

Nassau Bay: 246, 273

Nasugbu landing: 608-09, 636

National Guard: 5, 14

National Military Council, China: 390

National Park Service: 41, 51

Nausori Highlands: 256

Naval base construction

Admiralties: 521-22, 543-44

Alaska: 16-18, 33, 35, 37, 287

Carolines: 515-16

Kodiak: 17

Leyte: 575

Marianas: 492

Marshalls: 483-85

Samar: 575

Naval construction battalions Admiralties: 521-25, 543-44

Alaska: 287

Carolines: 516

Central Pacific: 380-81

Naval construction battalions-Continued

Guam: 506, 517

Hollandia: 529

Marianas: 493, 506

Marshalls: 485

Mindanao: 635

New Guinea: 258

POA: 640

Saipan: 498, 511-12

Solomons: 171-72, 233, 243, 255

SOPAC: 211, 232-33, 244-46, 569 7th: 157

40th: 523, 525

57th: 516

tooth: 525-26

Naval Construction Regiment, 17th: 525

Naval districts: 36, 42

Naval gunfire support

Biak: 538

Borneo: 636

Carolines: 514, 516

Guam: 503-04

Hollandia: 530

Kwajalein: 479, 482

New Guinea: 532, 535

Philippines, 1944-45: 621, 626, 633-34

Saipan: 496

SOPAC: 542

SWPA: 542

Wakde: 536

Naval guns, emplacement in Hawaii: 349-52, 374, 661

Nawadih: 399

Nawngyang River: 433

Negro troops: 144n

Negros Island: 626, 634

Neilson, Col. Alexander M.: 651, 654

Nenana: 295

Netherlands East Indies: 107, 148, 230, 625, 636, 641

New Britain: 234-35, 272-74, 521

New Caledonia: 118, 234, 652

airfield construction and repair: 45, 161, 163-67, 171, 206-07, 221-22, 233, 256

base construction and operation: 661

construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 212

construction materials, improvised: 165

construction materials, procurement: 214

construction programs and progress: 206-07, 569, 661

defenses, buildup of: 160, 162, 164-66

engineer units, arrival: 164-67, 206, 213, 223

engineer units, strength: 256

hospital construction: 220

housing construction: 167, 223

labor force, strength: 163

land acquisition and return: 661-62

lines of communication: 166

New Caledonia-Continued

map compilation and distribution: 269-70

port facilities, construction and repair: 167, 223

power plant, installation and operation: 167

quarry operation: 223

railroad construction and repair: 167

reconnaissance, engineer: 46, 48

road construction and repair: 166, 167, 223

spare parts procurement: 264-65

New Delhi: 395, 397-99, 439, 448, 453, 458

New Georgia Islands: 234, 245, 249-51, 256

New Guinea: 172, 234, 520, 557, 586. See also towns by name.

AAF pressure for construction: 184-86

airfield construction and repair: 143-48, 150-59, 174, 180-87, 194, 198-99, 202, 218-20, 230-31, 235-38, 244-49, 251-52, 254, 257-60, 274-75, 533, 549-50, 561

airfield construction and repair, by Japanese: 550

base construction and operation: 236, 238-39, 244, 256-58, 275, 544, 546-47, 557

beach party operations: 535

bridge construction and repair: 247, 257, 274, 533, 535, 543, 546, 551

cargo unloading and distribution: 533, 535

causeway construction and repair: 183-84, 187

civilians, employment of: ifit, 198, 202, 231, 235-37, 248, 254, 268

climate, effect of: 151, 157-58, 186, 191, 220, 235

construction, control of: 236, 650-51

construction, problems of: 151, 157-58, 181-82, 257

construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 151, 155, 202

construction materials, procurement: 155, 238, 258, 262-63, 266-67

construction programs and progress: 133-34, 174- 75, 181-85, 220-22, 231-32, 238, 244, 246-47, 258, 541-42, 548

demolition operations: 146

engineer missions: 133-34, 160, 174, 521, 541-42

engineer organization: 147, 174, 521

engineer units, arrival: 144-49, 151, 154-55, 15758, 187-88, 235, 239, 258, 274-75, 533, 551-52, 558

engineer units, control of: 174, 182, 187, 202

engineer units, requirements: 152-54, 187-88, 244- 45

engineer units, shortage of: 238

engineer units, strength of: 182, 569

engineers as infantry: 175-78, 205, 252-53, 535, 543

hospital construction: 235, 257, 259, 546

housing construction: 184-85, 254, 257-58, 546

labor force, mobilizing: 180-81

land clearing: 157-58

maintenance and repair, general: 186, 265-66

malaria, incidence of: 151, 238

map compilation and distribution: 188-91, 269-70, 553-54, 668-69

New Guinea-Continued

mines, marine: 183

morale: 146

naval construction battalions at: 258

photography, aerial: 189, 191, 258, 553

pipeline construction and operation: 244, 258

port facilities, construction and repair: 158, 183, 194, 202, 235, 238, 244, 246, 257-58, 544, 546, 554

quarry operation: 152, 188

rainfall, effect of: 151, 156, 186, 247, 252, 258, 274, 533, 549-50

reconnaissance, aerial: 150, 563

reconnaissance, engineer: 150-51, 156, 178-81, 230, 236,238-39,258,521

road construction and repair: 158, 182, 194, 202, 205, 230, 237-38, 244, 246, 251, 257-59, 274, 533, 535, 546

roadblock construction: 205

shore party operations: 533, 535

Soils Mechanics School: 272

spare parts shortage: 186, 265-66

specialists, training: 271-72, 672

storage facilities, construction and operation: 238, 244, 251, 257-58, 265, 546

topography: 178-79, 542

trail clearance: 178-80, 231

weather, effect of: 248

New Guinea Force: 174, 179, 182, 202

New Hebrides: 48, 169-71, 232, 256, 546-47, 569

New Ireland: 522

New Malir: 396

New Zealand: 112, 160, 211

construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 47-48

construction materials, procurement: 213-14, 26 162, 266-67

construction program and progress: 222, 233, 661

hospital construction: 232, 243

housing construction: 243

POL survey: 222, 233, 243

reconnaissance, engineer: 48

storage facilities, construction and operation: 233

New Zealand Chiefs of Staff: 170

Newcomer, Brig. Gen. Francis K.: 416, 453, Got, 605

Newmann, Col. David L.: 305

Newnam, Lt. Col. Frank H.: 471

Ngulu Island: 516

Nichols Field: 58-63, 66, 73, 84, 615, 655

Nielson Field: 66, 84, 92, 655

Night operations: 177, 491

Nimitz, Admiral Chester W. See also Pacific Ocean Areas; South Pacific Area.

and Alaska defenses: 288, 331

and B-29

bases: 658

and Central Pacific offiensives: 492

and engineer units, control of: 649-50

and Gilberts: 380

and Hawaii defenses: 350

Nimitz, Admiral Chester W.-Continued

and Iwo Jima: 640

and Leyte: 572

and Marianas: 492

and Marshalls: 477-78

and Philippines, 1944-45: 572

heads POA: 128, 170, 347, 37879

Richardson, relationship to: 507

and Solomons: 153

Nisutlin Bay: 315

Nob Pier, Kwajalein: 485

Noble Drilling Corporation: 325, 335, 337

Noce, Brig. Gen. Daniel: 265

Noemfoor Island: 561

Nold, Brig. Gen. George J.: 19, 21-22, 35, 37, 278-79, 282, 289-90, 333, 642

Nolting, Maj. John P.: 417

Nome: 33, 278, 288, 325

Norman Wells: 318-27, 335-38

North, Col. Earl: 10-11, 14-15, 21, 29

North Africa campaign: 409

North Burke Airfield: 219

North Drome, New Guinea: 251

North Field, Guam: 517

North Field, Iwo Jima: 640

North Harbor, Corregidor: 620

North Harbor, Manila: 656

North Island, New Zealand: 222

North Luzon Force (NLF): 73-80

North Pacific Area: 170, 276, 328, 333, 339

North Pacific Division: it, 18, 33, 36

North-South Highway, Mindanao. See Sayre (North-South) Highway, Mindanao.

North-South Road, Australia: 114, 239

Northway Airfield: 288, 292, 295

Northwest Division, NSC: 316-17

Northwest Service Command (NSC): 313-14, 316-17

Northwest Staging Route: 288, 299, 313, 318, 338

Norton Sound: 18, 288

Noumea: 165-66, 212-14, 223, 233, 661

Novaliches Reservoir: 614, 618

Nukufetau Island: 380

Nurse, Lt. Col. Howard B.: 357-59, 372

Oahu Island. See Hawaiian Islands; Honolulu. Oahu Railway Fe Land Company: 342

Oakes Construction Company: 315

Oakland, Calif.: 362

Obstacles, ground, construction of: 80, 88, 97, 634. See also Roadblock construction; Roadblock construction, Japanese; Wire obstacles; Wire obstacles, Japanese.

O’Connor, Brig. Gen. James A.: 304, 307, 309, 313, 325, 453, 458, 481, 465.475

OCTAGON (Quebec) Conference: 572

O’Donnell Field: 61-64, 71, 73

Offensive plans. See MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas; also areas by name.

Office of Chief of Engineers (OCE). See Chief of Engineers.

Officer candidate schools, SWPA: 272

Ogden, Brig. Gen. David A. D.: 521, 532

Ogelbang Airfield: 231

Ohmer, Maj. John F., Jr.: 37

Oil. See POL (petroleum, oil, and lubricants). Okinawa: 625, 641, 642-49, 657-58, 659-60, 667-68

OLYMPIC: 674-78

On Chong’s Wharf, Makin: 382

Ondal: 399

Operations Division, WDGS: 464, 663

Operators, engineer equipment. See Specialists, shortage of; Specialists, training.

ORANGE plans: 3-5, to, 55. 58, 66, 76/77, 89, 92-94

Orani: 79

Orion: 85, 89, 91-93

Ormoc: 576, 581-82, 586

Ormoc Plain: 573

Oro Bay: 194, 202, 221, 236-37, 257-58, 546, 557-58, 561

Orote peninsula: 503-04, 506

Ostrand, Capt. James A., Jr.: 44

Oua Tom Airfield: 233, 256

Owen Stanley Range: 158, 178-80, 192, 198

Owi Island Airfield: 539-41

P-38’s: 541

P-40’s: 541

Pacific Commercial Company: 70

Pacific Division: It

Pacific hut: 297

Pacific Ocean Areas (POA): 128, 153, 170, 376, 377- 79, 380, 383, 507-08, 518-19, 640, 649-50, 668, 680. See also Nimitz, Admiral Chester W.; islands or areas by name.

Pacific theater: 27, 49-50, 128, 463, 649-50, 667-69. See also Central Pacific Area; Pacific Ocean Areas; South Pacific Area; Southwest Pacific Area.

Paez, Jose: 81

Pagbilao: 81

Pago Bay: 504

Paint, photoresistant: 44

Palau Islands: 510, 512-14, 518, 527

Palawan Island: 626, 632-33

Pallets, use in unloading: 496-97

Pallikulo Airfield: 206-07

Palmerston North: 222

Palo: 579

Palo River: 576

Palolo Valley: 345-46

Pampanga River: 74, 76-80, 82-84, 590-91, 596, 6


Pan American Airways: 47, 163

Pan American Highway: 14-15

Panama, Republic of: 12, 15, 20-21, 23, 29-33, 50, 53

Panama Canal. See Canal Zone.

Panama Canal Department. See Stone, Maj. Gen. David L.; Van Voorhis, Lt. Gen. Daniel.

Panama mounts: 58, 287

Panaon Island: 576, 577

Panay Island: 105, 626, 634, 657

Pandacan District, Manila: 84

Pandasveswar: 399

Pangsau Pass: 411, 433, 466

Paoshan: 414

Papua: 156. See also New Guinea.

“Papuan Aviation Battalion”: 181

Parachute Infantry Regiment, 503rd: 252, 619-20

Parang: 635

Park, Col. Richard: 33-35, 279, 282

Parker, Maj. David B.: 196, 203

Parker, Brig. Gen. George M., Jr.: 73, 80, 87, 89, ioo Parry Island: 483

Pasig River: 69, 614-17, 619, 656-57

Passage Canal: 18

Patch, Brig. Gen. Alexander M.: 164, 167, 170, 206, 2013-09

Patkai Mountains: 405, 411-12, 423

Patnode, Pvt. Jerald F.: 149

Pattee, Lt. Col. Karl M.: 452

Patterson, Robert P.: 24-25, 41, 61

Paules, Lt. Col. Earl G.: 300, 302, 311, 314

Paxton, Maj. John W.: 498

Peace River: 301, 312, 315, 326-27, 334

Pearl City: 374

Pearl Harbor: 53-54

Pearl Harbor Board: 488

Peiping-Hankow railway: 452

Pekoa Airfield: 206-07

Peleliu Island: 514

Pelly River: 337

Pengshan: 440

Pennsylvania: 350-51

Penrhyn Island: 169, 171, 233

Permafrost: 292-93, s09-12

Permanant Joint Board of Defense, Canada-U.S.: 300


Perth: 119

Pest control: 3438, 501, 550

Peter Kiewit Company: 327

Petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL). See Pipeline construction and operation; POL; Storage facilities, construction and operation.

Philippe, 1st Lt. Hersel E.: 105

Philippine Army

in CONCOR: 653

Corps of Engineers of: 66, 68-69. See also Philip-pine Army Units by name.

mobilization: 55, 57, 68-69, 72-73

training program: 97-98

Philippine Army Engineer Combat Battalions

1st: 87

zqsd: 87

zqdr 73, 76, 87

Philippine Army Engineer Combat Battalions- Continued

21st: 73, 76, 87

31st: 73, 76, 87

41st: 80, 87-88, 90

51st: 80, 82, 87, 91, 100

61st: 105

71st: 73, 76, 87, 95-96

81st: 105

91st: 73, 76-77, 87

101st: 105

201st: 88, too

202nd: 88, too

Philippine Army Engineer Combat Regiment, 301st: 88, 90

Philippine Army Infantry Divisions

11th: 89

31st: 91

41st: 98

Philippine Base Section: 651, 669

Philippine Department. See Philippine Army; Philippines, Commonwealth of; Philippines, 1941-42; Philippines, 1944-45.

Philippine Engineer Depot: 69

Philippine engineer districts: 650-53

Philippine Racing Club: 616

Philippine Scouts: 653

Philippine Sea, Battle of: 503

Philippines, Commonwealth of

airfields, 1940-41: 513-59

Bureau of Aeronautics: 66

Bureau of Public Works: 62-64, 66, 73-77, 80-81

independence of: 57n

and land acquisition: 60

Philippines, 1941-42: 4, 52-53, 76, 89, 92-93. See also Grunert, Lt. Gen. George; MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas; islands and areas by name. aircraft warning stations, construction of: 59, 64, 66

airfield construction and repair: 45, 55, 58-59, 63- 66, 71

bridge construction and repair: 64

civilians, employment of: 73, 75, 77, 79-82, 88, loI02

coast defense construction: 57

construction, problems of: 59-61, 64-65

construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 62-63, 69-70

construction materials, procurement: 69-70

construction programs and progress: 59-66, 71-72, 86-87

demolition operations: 66-68, 74, 596

engineer organization: 66, 69

engineer units, arrival: 63

engineer units, shortage of: 59-60

engineer units, strength: 61, 68-69

guerrilla operations: 106

labor force, mobilizing: 69

Philippines, 941-42-Continued

land acquisition: 60, 65

maintenance and repair, general: 62-63

map compilation and distribution: 94

port facilities, construction and repair: 61, 66, 71

prisoners, employment of: 65-66

railroad construction and repair: 78

reinforcements for: 55-57, 72, 109

road construction and repair: 60-61, 64

spare parts procurement: 62-63

storage facilities, construction and operation: 66

troop units, defense organization: 55, 66-69

tunnel construction and repair: 6t, 64, 66, 71

weather, effect of: 61-62

Philippines, 1944-45: 463, 468, 561, 563, 566, 569-70, 572, 586, 619-20, 632, 635, 638. See also MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas; islands or areas by name.

airfield construction and repair: 625-26, 633-34, 655

base construction and operation: 625-27, 650-51

bridge construction and repair: 633-34

cement plants, rehabilitation: 657

construction, control of: 651-52

construction program and progress: 649

demolition operations: 621-24, 633

engineer districts in: 650-53

engineer missions: 570-71

engineer organization: 650-54

engineer units, arrival: 666-67

enginer units, requirements: 626-27

flame throwers, tactical use: 621

floating depot concept: 670

fortifications, construction by Japanese: 633-34

hospital construction: 653, 655-56

housing construction: 653

maintenance and repair, general: 669-70

map compilation and distribution: 626, 668-69

pipeline construction and operation: 655

POL, tactical uses: 621-24

ponton cubes, employment of: 621

port facilities, construction and repair: 655-56

railroad construction and repair: 657

reconnaissance, engineer: 626

road construction and repair: 633-34, 653

sawmill construction and operation: 657

snipers, Japanese: 622

spare parts procurement: 669-71

specialists, training: 671-72

storage facilities, construction and operation: 653, 655-56

topography: 626

training, deficiencies in: 671

weather, effect of: 570-71

Photo interpretation: 554

Photo Squadrons

1st: 33

8th: 189-91

Photography, aerial

Admiralties: 522

Alaska: 290

Alaska Highway: 308-09

Biak: 538

Burma: 445

Carolines: 516

Central Pacific: 490, 510

China: 458

Guam: 517

Hollandia: 530

Japan: 510, 518, 668-69, 673

Lae: 252

Leyte: 570, 573

Luzon: 588, 596, 607-08

Marianas: 490, 493

Marshalls: 483

Mindanao: 570

by Navy: 668

New Guinea: 189, 191, 258, 553

Okinawa: 641

POA: 382

Saipan: 490, 495, 503

Solomons: 250

SOPAC: 270-71

SWPA: 271, 552-54, 567

Wakde: 534-35

Photography, trimetrogon: 189-91

Photomaps, compilation and distribution: 376-77, 607. See also Map compilation and distribution;

Photography, aerial.

Pick, Brig. Gen. Lewis A.: 433. See also Ledo Road. and bridge construction and repair: 444, 448, 663-64

and Chinese, supplies to: 472-73

commands of: 432, 438, 439, 443

completes Ledo Road: 664

and construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 456, 465, 472

and construction program and progress: 434, 453-54, 465-66, 470

and engineer units, diversity of: 466

and engineer units, strength: 465, 664

and engineers as infantry: 444

leads first convoy to Kunming: 473-74

and Myitkyina base: 463, 466, 473

and Myitkyina-Tengchung road: 473

and pipeline construction and operation: 434, 462, 466, 664

and reconnaissance, engineer: 462, 465

and reinforcements: 457, 463

and road construction and repair: 433, 444, 447, 663-64

and route selection: 460, 462, 465

and spare parts procurement: 442, 456

Pilar: 79, 85-86, 89, 93

Pilar-Bagac road: go, 93

Pilar-Orion road: 95

Pilar River: 97

Pillboxes. See Demolition operations; Demolition operations, Japanese; Fortifications, construction by Japanese.

Pim: 530

Pinamopoan: 582

Pine Creek Airfield: 149

Pineapple Growers Association: 343

Pipe, invasion weight: 426-27, 434, 449-50

Pipeline construction and operation

Admiralties: 544

Alaska: 288

by ASCOM: 585, 600

Assam: 426-27, 439, 442, 457, 466-67, 471, 664-66

Burma: 390, 426-27, 430, 434-35, 442, 454, 457, 463-67, 471, 666

Canol: 320, 323-28, 335-38

CBI: 436, 466

Central Pacific: 386

China: 390, 418, 426-27, 430, 466, 471, 475, 662, 666

Combined Chiefs directive on: 426-27

Fiji: 222

Hawaii: 42

Hollandia: 544

India: 387, 426-27, 439, 442, 450, 457, 466-67, 471, 666

India-Burma Theater: 662

Lae: 244

Ledo Road: 427, 434-35, 439, 449-50, 454, 457, 462, 466-67,471,475,664-66

Leyte: 585

Luzon: 900

Manila: 619

New Guinea: 244, 258

Okinawa: 659-60

Philippines, 1944-45: 655

SWPA: 563

Pitoe Airfield: 568

Plaines des Gaiacs Airfield: 48, 161, 163-67, 222-23, 233, 256

Planking, pierced, first use of: 125, 219

Plaridel: 83, 6io

Pleasanton Hotel, Honolulu: 358-59

Pock, 1st Lt. Hugh A.: 473

Poindexter, Joseph P.: 344-45

POL (petroleum, oil, and lubricants)

deposits, exploration for: 337

evacuation and destruction of: 84

rationing: 343, 356, 358

requirements: 339, 426-27

shortages: 95, 100

supply of in CBI: 427, 466-68

surveys for: 222, 233, 243

tactical use: 621-24

as weapon against Japan: 325

Pongani Airfield: 181, 192

Ponton bridges: 444, 470,471

n, 472-74. See also Bridge construction and repair; River crossings.

Ponton cubes, employment of

Central Pacific: 476, 511

Leyte: 577

Luzon: 590, 593, 602

Manila: 618, 656

Okinawa: 659

Philippines, 1944-45: 621

Saipan: 511

SWPA: 550

Ponton cube assembly plant: 546

Popa, Cpl. Stephen: 253

Porac: 655

Port congestion

Australia: 126-27, 242, 554

Hawaii: 367

India: 396

Pacific Coast: 343

San Francisco: 355, 362

SWPA: 264, 554, 557

Port facilities, construction and repair

Admiralties: 544

Alaska: 36, 280-81, 283, 286-89, 291, 297-98, 331, 333-34

ASCOM: 585, 600-601

Attu: 331

Australia: 110, 113-15, 240, 260

Bataan: 61, 66, 95

Biak: 539, 544

Burma: 467, 471

Carolines: 515-17

Central Pacific: 476, 511

Fiji: 222

Hawaii: 12, 40, 367, 373-74, 486

Hollandia: 527, 544

India: 394, 196, 399

Japan, for assault on: 673-74, 677-78

Kwajalein: 485

Lae: 244-45, 258

Leyte: 575, 585

Luzon: 592, 600, 632

Manila: 619, 656

Marshalls: 485

Milne Bay: 151, 158, 175, 183, 221, 257, 546

New Britain: 273

New Caledonia: 167, 223

New Guinea: 158, 183-84, 194, 202, 235, 238, 244,

246, 257-58, 544, 546, 554

Okinawa: 643, 659

Philippines, 1941-42: 61, 66, 71

Philippines, 1944-45: 655-56

Port Moresby: 145, 174, 182-83, 259

Saipan: 499, 501-02, 511

Solomons: 245, 249-50, 546

SWPA: 550-51, 567

Wakde: 544

War Department directive on: 287

Port facilities construction and repair, by Japanese: 476-77

Port Heiden: 28, 37, 51, 278, 281, 283, 285, 287

Port Moresby: 118, 142, 150, 173, 546

airfield construction and repair: 143, 145-48, 151-57, 174-75, 184-86, 188, 220, 236, 259

base construction and operation: 174-75, 236, 245, 258

construction programs and progress: 133-34, 181- 82, 185, 220-22, 235

hospital construction: 259

housing construction: 185

map compilation and distribution: 199-ano

port facilities, construction and repair: 145, 174, 182-83, 259

road construction and repair: 259

Soils Mechanics School: 272, 561

specialists, training: 271-72

Porter, Col. Horace L.: 495

Portland, Ore.: 290

Portland Roads Airfield: 152, 155

Power plants, installation and operation: 167, 373, 399, 502, 619, 657

Prefabricated housing. See Housing construction. Press correspondents: 473

Preventive maintenance. See Maintenance and repair, general; Spare parts procurement.

Price, Maj. Charles F. B.: 396, 402, 418-19

Prince George, B.C.: 299

Prince Rupert: 280, 289, 302, 323, 327

Prince William Sound: 18, 287

Priority ratings

air ferry routes: 161

Alaska: 48-50, 279, 282, 289-90

Assam: 416-17

Australia: 121-22, 134-35, 137-38, 215-16, 241-42, 260

Burma: 409

Canal Zone: 48-49

CBI: 436, 456

Central Pacific: 377, 381

Hawaii: 48-50, 346, 351, 353-56, 369, 373

India: 40i

Kwajalein: 486

Luzon: 604, 612

PliiiippilICS, 1944-45: 70

POA: 379

USAFFE: 242, 260

Prisoners, employment of: 65-66, 345

Prisoners of war: 403, 507

Propaganda broadcast, by Japanese: 146

Prophet River: 308

Public relations, in Hawaii: 358-60, 363

Public Roads Administration (PRA): 21, 278, 300- 302, 305-07, 3to-17, 334

Public Works Department, India: 416-17

Public Works Department, New Zealand: 233

Puerto Princesa: 633, 655-56

Puerto Rican Department: 6-7, 28

Pulo Anna Island: 516

Punahou Academy: 341-42, 346, 355, 358-59

Pyron, Brig. Gen. Walter B.: 318-19

QUADRANT (Quebec) Conference: 255, 388-89, 425-28, 431, 444, 448, 466-67, 664

Quarry Heights: 14

Quarry operation: 152, 188, 223, 500, 511

Quartermaster Corps: 6, 9, 12-14, 19, 20

Quebec Conferences: 255, 388-89, 425, 426-28, 431, 448, 466-67, 572, 664

Queensland Agricultural College: 114

Queensland Island Defense Road: 239

Queensland Main Roads Commission: 144, 152, 158

Quezon, Manuel L.: 60

Quezon City: 615

Quinauan Point: 96, 103

Quoin Hill Airfield: 232

Quonset hut: 267, 297

R. G. Le Tourneau, Inc.: 140, 272, 560


air attacks on: 272

as air base, Japanese: 143

air support requirements: 153-54

Combined Chiefs directive on: 225

engineer mission: 244

engineer units, requirements: 234

fall of: 118

JCS directives on: 153, 172, 234

offensive, Allied: 150, 153-54, 160, 172, 225, 244, 255,272,275

task force concentration, by Japanese: 149

Radar stations, construction of: 250, 283, 347

Radio station, construction of: 315

Ragay: 80

Railroad construction and repair

Alaska: 18-19, 22, 34, 36, 52, 53, 278, 283, 287-89

by ASCOM: 600, 604

Australia: 241

Burma: 389

Carolines: 516

China: 389

Fiji: 222

Hawaii: 23

Japan, for assault on: 677

Ledo Road: 410

Luzon: 596-97, 600, 602-06, 612, 639

Manila: 604-05

New Caledonia: 167

Philippines, 1941-42: 78

Philippines, 1944-45: 657

Saipan: 502-03

Railroad systems Assam: 393, 471

Australia: 108, 123

Burma: 393, 435

Canada: 302-03, 305

India: 393, 471

Japan: 673-74

Luzon: 74

New Caledonia: 166

Railroads, Japanese control of: 393

Rails, source of: 389

RAINBOW plans: 10, 14, 19

Rainfall, effect of. See also Weather, effect of.

Alaska Highway: 305, 317, 334

Assam: 393, 400, 416

Burma: 436, 446, 454-55, 462

Burma Road: 414

Carolines: 516

China: 425

Hawaii: 371

Hollandia: 531

India: 392-93, 397, 399

Lae: 252

Ledo Road: 411, 423-25, 432, 453-54, 456-57, 465

Leyte: 580-84, 586

Luzon: 588, 637-38

Milne Bay: 239

New Britain: 274

New Guinea: 151, 156, 186, 247, 252, 258, 549-50

Okinawa: 641, 649. 658-59

Saipan: 500-503

Solomons: 249

SOPAC: 256, 543

SWPA: 542, 565, 568

Ralph Woolley and Company: 41, Ramey, Maj. Roger M.: 46, 48

Ramgarh: 403-05, 416

Ranger Battalion, 6th: 587, 594

Rangoon: 390-91, 430-3

Rangoon-Lashio railway: 390-91

Rations, shortage of: 96

Raymond: 585


Reconnaissance, aerial

Alaska: 283

Alaska Highway: 306, 308-09

Burma: 445

Canol: 323

Luzon: 626

New Guinea: 150, 563

Okinawa: 646

Solomons: 231

SOPAC: 231

Reconnaissance, aerial, Japanese: 401, 592

Reconnaissance, combat: 250, 454-55, 482, 522-23

Reconnaissance, engineer

air ferry routes: 168-69

Alaska: 12-14, 33-34, 36-37, 283-85, 288-89, 305- 06, 331

Alaska Highway: 300-301, 305-06, 308-12, 314-16

Australia: 119-20, 123, 135, 144

Biak: 537, 539-40

Burma Road: 413-15, 466

Canol: 325, 327

Canton Island: 46-47

Carolines: 516-17

Central Pacific: 384, 510

China: 440

Reconnaissance, engineer-Continued

Christmas Island: 46

Fiji: 46

Guam: 517

Hawaii: 16, 51-52, 350, 368, 486

India: 440

Kwajalein: 482, 484

Ledo Road: 406-07, 409-to, 423-24, 461-62, 465

Leyte: 577, 580-81, 584-85

Luzon: 588, 593, 599, Got, 615, 626, 638

Milne Bay: 238

New Britain: 521

New Caledonia: 46, 48

New Guinea: 150-51, 156, 178-81, 230, 236, 238- 39, 258, 521

New Hebrides: 48

New Zealand: 48

Okinawa: 658

Philippines, 1944-45: 626

POA: 380

Saipan: 496, 499-500, 503

Solomons: 48

SOPAC: 271

SWPA: 230, 549, 554, 563-65, 568

Wakde: 535

Recreation facilities, construction of: 546

Red I Point. See Jacky Jacky Point Airfield.

Refinery construction and operation: 326-28, 335-39

Refrigeration plants, installation and operation: 399, 478,486,632

Reid River: 125


Philippines: 55-57, 72, 92, 109

SOPAC: 164

Reinforcements, Japanese: 205-06, 581, 586

Rendova Island: 245

Repair of machinery. See Maintenance and repair, general; Spare parts procurement; Specialists, shortages of; Specialists, training.

Replacements, requirements for: 547

Requisitions. See Administrative procedures.

Reserve Corps: 5

Reserve Force, USAFFE: 73

Reybold, Lt. Gen. Eugene: 42-43. See also Chief of Engineers.

and Alaska Highway: po, 305, 317, 324

becomes Chief of Engineers: 45

and Canol: 319-20, 323-24

and construction, control of: 354

and construction programs and progress: 278

and engineer districts: 652

and engineer units, shortages of: 342-43

and maintenance and repair, general: 266

and specialists: 263-64

supply policy: 140, 261

Rhine River: 471n

Richardson, Lt. Gen. Robert C., Jr. See also Hawaiian Islands; United States Army Forces in the Pacific Ocean Areas.

274, 533,


Richardson, Lt. Gen. Robert C., Jr.-Continued commands of: 377, 491, 507

and defense battalions: 381

and engineer missions: 507, 661

and Hawaiian Constructors: 487

Nimitz, relationship to: 507

Richardson Highway: 33, 278, 290. 303-04

Richmond, Australia: 560

Riddell-Webster, General Sir Thomas: 426

Rinehart, Col. O. N.: 650

Rio Hato Airfield: 8-9, 11-12, 14, 21, 50

River crossings. See also Bridge construction and repair; Ponton bridges

Alaska Highway: 310, 3 1 2

Burma: 444, 454-55, 459, 468, 472

China: 663, 666

Ledo Road: 470, 472-73

Leyte: 574-75

Luzon: 590-91, 595-96, 602, 610-13, 615-16, 630, 638

New Guinea: 192

SOPAC: 542

SWPA: 542

Rivers, development and use. See Waterways, development and use.

Rizal, Luzon: 6 10

Rizal Province: 84

Road construction and repair: 16. See also Burma Road; Land clearing operations; Trail clearing operations.

Admjralties: 524

Alaska: 36, 50, 278, 283, 288, 291, 295-96, 329-33

by Allied Works Council: 239

by ASCOM: 585-86, 600

Attu: 329-31

Australia: 122-23, 128, 138, 239-40

Bataan: 61, 90-91, 95-97

Biak: 538, 544

Burma: 391, 413, 430, 443, 464

Canal Zone: 20-21

Canol: 321, 325-28, 335-37

Carolines: 514, 516

Central Pacific: 386

China: 413, 430, 472, 662

Fiji: 220-22, 232-33, 256

Guadalcanal: 208-09, 256

Guam: 504-06

Hawaii: 23, 43, 346, 350, 369, 374

Hollandia: 527, 530-31, 544

India: 393, 398-99, 403

Iwo Jima: 660

Japan, for assault on: 673, 677

Kwajalein: 480, 482, 485

Lae: 244, 258

Ledo: 412, 663

Leyte: 577-86

Luzon: 594, 596-97, 600, 609, 626-32, 637-39

Manila: 619, 657

Marianas: 506

Road construction and repair-Continued

Marshalls: 485

Milne Bay: 221, 235

Mindanao: 635

New Britain: 273

New Caledonia: 167, 223

New Guinea: 158, 182, 194, 202, 205, 230, 237-38, 244, 246, 251, 257-59, 274, 533, 535.546

New Hebrides: 170, 256

Okinawa: 643, 645, 648-49, 659

Panama Republic: 50

Philippines, 1941-42: 60-61, 64

Philippines, 1944-45: 633-34, 653

POA: 380

Port Moresby: 259

Saipan: 498-502

Solomons: 249-50, 255, 526

SOPAC: 256

SWPA: 565, 567-68

Road systems

Australia: 108, 110, 114

Bataan: 85-86

Burma: 393

India: 393

Japan: 674

Leyte: 573

Luzon: 74, 588-90, 627-29

New Caledonia: 166

Roadblock construction. See also Obstacles, ground, construction of.

Bataan: too Hawaii: 352

Luzon: 74, 77

New Guinea: 205

Roadblock construction, Japanese

Luzon: 598, bog-10, 627, 639

Manila: 617

Okinawa: 645, 648

Philippines, 1944-45: 634

Robb, Col. Holland L.: 369

Robert Louis Stevenson: 670

Robins, Maj. Gen. Thomas M.: 319

Robinson, Col. Bernard L.: 39

and airfield construction and repair: 219

and base construction and operation: 528

and civilians, employment of: 231

and coast defense construction: 351

commands of: 528, 548, 557

and construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 153

and costs of construction: 353

and engineer units, control of: 147

and engineer units; shortage of: 153

and Hawaiian Constructors: 356, 363, 488

and priority ratings: 215

reconnaissance, engineer, by: 47-48, 156

on SWPA staff: 130, 571

Rocket fire support: 273-74, 530, 562

Rockhampton: 45

Rocky Mountain Trench: 299

Rocky Mountains: 308

Rohl, Hans Wilhelm: 489

Rohl-Connolly Company: 25, 489

Roi Island: 476-77

Roome, Maj. Gen. Horace L.: 417

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

activates USAFFE: 57

and Alaska defenses: 328

and Alaska Highway: 299-300

approves RAfismow: 14

and Australia buildup: ir8

authorizes transfer of construction to Engineers: 20

and B-29

bases: 441

and Burma Road: 404

and Canal: 319, 322-23

at Casablanca Conference: 225, 328

and China air offensive: 417-18, 428

and China lend-lease: 389

and China as theater: 390

defense planning by: 13-14

and Germany-first policy: roi, 210

and hemisphere defense: 7

and Ledo Road: 409

orders MacArthur to Australia: 99

and SEAC: 428-29

and Stilwell: 398, 470

and U.S. role in Pacific: 128

Rorona Airfield: 147, 186

Rosario, Luzon: 627

Ross, Brig. Gen. Lewis T.: 520, 549, 651, 670

Roto Airfield: 219

Rowell, Maj. Gen. Sydney F.: 174, 178, 182

Royal Australian Air Force: 136-38, 154, 158, 211, 544, 561-63, 56,7-68, 586

Engineer Construction Squadron, 5th: 562-63

Engineer Mobile Works Squadrons

5th: 533

6th: 533

7th: 533

Royal Australian Engineers: 133, 146-47, 152, 155-56, 158, 211, 231, 271, 636. See also Australian Army.

Royal Australian Navy (RAN): 108

Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Honolulu: 358-59

Royal Melbourne Hospital: 114

Royal Netherlands Indies Army: 636

Rumaggi, Col. Louis J.: 650

Russell, Maj. Gen. Henry D.: 488

Russell Islands: 233

Rutledge, Col. Paul W.: 164

Ryukyu Islands. See Ie Shima; Kerama Retto; Okinawa.

S. G. Hindes: 367

Sabotage, by Japanese: 536, 614

Sadon: 466

Sagami Bay: 673-74, 677

Saidor: 272-73, 275

Sailor’s Home, Melbourne: 114

Saint, Capt. Frederick G.: 73

Saint-Gaudens, Col. Homer: 32

St. Paul Island: 284, 286-87

Saipan: 492-503, 511-12, 518

Sakhalin Island: 6,78

Salacsac Pass: 628-29, 636-37

Salamaua: 143, 174, 234, 244, 247-48, 251-52

Salt Lake City: 282

Salvage operations: 93, 603-04, 629

Salween Gorge: 397

Salween River: 405, 408, 413, 421, 435, 454-55, 458- 62, 466

Samar: 580, 586

Samarai Island: 173

Samboga River: 195

San Agustin, Luzon: 639

San Clemente, Luzon: 595

San Diego, Calif.: 328

San Fabian, Luzon: 588, 603

San Fernando, La Union: 74-75, 588, 603, 655-56

San Fernando, Pampanga: 76-77, 82, 85

San Francisco, Calif.: 52-53, 171-72, 261, 344, 355, 362,379,494

San Jose, Luzon: 610, 627-28

San Jose, Mindoro: 586-87

San Juan Reservoirs, Luzon: 614, 617-18

San Juan del Monte: 61

San Manuel, Luzon: 597

San Pablo Airfield: 573, 576, 579-80, 583

Sanananda: 193, 204-05

Sand Island: 36,7

Sandau Island: 636

Sandvall, Lt, Col. Leslie E.: 454

Sansapor: 564-66

Santa Fe, Luzon: 629, 637-38

Santa Maria, Luzon: 597, 628

Sarana Pass: 329

Sarana Valley: 329

Sarangani Bay: 570-72, 575

Saratoga: 350

Sarmi: 534, 537

Sauer, Maj. Richard P.: 48, 163, 165, 167, 170, 511

Sawmill construction and operation: 433, 544, 551, 632, 657

Sayre (North-South) Highway, Mindanao: 635

Schley, Maj. Gen. Julian L.: 6, 22, 29, 33-34, 36, 42, 45, 63, 70, 389. See also Chief of Engineers.

Schofield Barracks: 10, 14, 23, 53, 350, 5lo

Schouten Islands: 537, 539, 561-63

Schull, Col. Herman W., Jr.: 429

Seabees: See Naval construction battalions.

Seacoast defenses. See Coast defenses construction. Seamen’s Mission, Melbourne: 114

Seaplane base construction: 365, 374, 515

Seattle: 302, 319, 323

Seattle Engineer District: 1, 19, 28, 34, 36-37, 49, 278-82, 288-91, 296, 333

Secretary of the Navy. See Knox, Frank.

Secretary of War. See Stimson, Henry L.; Woodring, Harry H.

Seeadler Harbour: 522, 526

Seedlock, Lt. Col. Robert F.: 453, 465-86, 473

Seeman, Col. Lyle E.: 429, 437

Selective Service Act: 14

Semichi Islands: 328

Sentani, Lake: 527

Sentani Airfield: 531-32

Service commands: 214, 676

Services of Supply, CBI

activated: 394

advance sections activated: 395-96, 415, 418

and airfield construction and repair: 437, 439

base sections activated: 395-96, 409

China: 470

Construction Service: 438, 475, 681

divisions and districts activated: 438-39

engineer organizations: 398-99; 438-39

Engineer Section: 398

Services of Supply, SOPAC: 172, 214, 568

Services of Supply, USAFISPA: 172, 214, 568

Seven-Mile Drome: 143, 146, 152, 186-87, 220

Seward: 17, 287, 289-90

Seward peninsula: 283, 288

Sewerage installation: 366, 373, 502, 657

Shaffer, Maj. C. N.: 479

Shaoyang: 469

Sheepsfoot rollers. See Construction machinery and

equipment, procurement. Sheldon Lake: 325, 327

Shell Oil Company: 233, 390, 426

Shemya Island: 328, 331, 333

Shepard, O. F.: 358-59

Shibushi: 673, 675, 677

Shield, Maj. John E.: 47, 162, 164-65

Shikoku Island: 678

Shingbwiyang: 405, 411, 424, 433-35, 443, 447, 449

Shipping, allocations: 264, 356, 379

Shipping congestion. See Port congestion.

Shipping losses, Japanese: 425, 432, 452, 468

Shipping priorities: 478-79

Shipping routes: 379, 493-94

Shipping shortages

on air ferry routes: 161

Alaska: 280-81, 289

Australia: 140, 155

Burma: 471

Canol: 325

CBI: 436

China: 408

Congressional hearings on: 362

Hawaii: 343-44, 355, 362-63

India: 47 1

SOPAC: 543

SWPA: 175, 186, 210-12,543,554

USASOS: 186-88

Shop construction: 229

Shore party operations: See also Beach party operations; Cargo unloading and distribution. Carolines: 514-15

Guam: 503-04

Hollandia: 530-51

Kwajalein: 479-82

Leyte: 477-79

Marianas: 506

Marshalls: 482-83

New Guinea: 533, 535

Okinawa: 644-45

Saipan: 494-97

Wakde: 536

Short, Lt. Gen. Walter C. See also Hawaiian Islands. and air ferry routes: 45-46, 161-63

and airfield construction and repair: 361

heads Hawaiian Department: 27, 38, 344

and construction machinery and equipment, shortages: 42-43

and construction programs and progress: 341-43

and Hawaii defenses: 27-28, 40

as military governor: 341, 343

and priority rating: 49

Shweli River: 473-74, 663-64

Siberia: 326

Sibul Springs: 76

Sierra Madre Mountains, Luzon: 625, 627, 638

Signal Corps: 347, 362

Silhavy, 2nd Lt. Robert C.: 80

Silver Star awards: 444

Simemi: 193, 196, 199

Simemi Creek: 193, 196, 200

Sincheng: 419-20, 452

Sincheng Construction Company: 419

Singapore: 118, 390

Sitka: 12, 18, 22, 36, 278, 287

Skagway: 302-03, 319, 323-24, 326, 335, 339

Skerry, Lt. Col. Harry A.: 68, 73-78, 83, 87-88, 96,98-99,611

Slana: 304, 312

Slave River: 320, 322

Slim’s River: 313

Stoat, Lt. Col. James W.: 407, 409

Smith, Lt. Gen. Holland M., USMC: 492, 496-97, 502

Smith, Col. W. D.: 601

Smoke, tactical use: 523, 638

Smoke screen, use considered: 32

Snipers, Japanese: 484, 614, 617, 622, 657

Snowfall, effect of: 294-95, 309

Society Islands: 168

Sogod Bay: 576

Soil cement: 219

Soils Mechanics School: 272, 561

Soldier’s Summit: 315

Solomon Islands

airfield construction and repair: 245, 249-50, 254-55


Solomon Islands-Continued

bakery construction: 546

base construction and operation: 245, 250, 527, 544-47

bridge construction and repair: 249, 255, 526

civilians, employment of: 235, 268-69

construction machinery and equipment, improvised: 247

construction programs and progress: 526, 544-46, 568-69, 661

engineer mission: 172-73, 244-45, 249

engineer units, arrival: 249, 526, 544

engineers as infantry: 249-51, 526-27

flame throwers, tactical use: 245, 249

hospital construction: 250-51

housing construction: 544

map compilation and distribution: 188-89

naval construction battalions at: 171-72, 233, 243, 255

offensive, Allied: 153, 172, 233-34, 245-46, 249-51, 254-55, 574

photography, aerial: 250

port facilities, construction and repair: 245, 249- 50, 546

rainfall, effect of: 249

reconnaissance, aerial: 231

reconnaissance, combat: 250

reconnaissance, engineer: 48

road construction and repair: 249-50, 255, 526

sawmill construction and operation: 544

seizure by Japanese: 165

storage facilities, construction and operation: 526, 544

water supply and distribution: 249-51

Sommerfeld mat: 380

Somervell, Lt. Gen. Brehon B.: 29. See also Army Service Forces.

activates India Committee: 429

and Alaska Highway: 313, 318, 324

and Canol: 318-19, 322-26, 339

and CBI supply: 436, 442

and China pipeline: 419

and China supply system: 426, 429-30

and construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 236

and Hawaii base development: 375-76

and Ledo Road: 429-30, 464, 663

and pipeline construction and operation: 436-37

and POA staff: 378-79

and POL survey: 222

and port construction and repair: 281

and road construction and repair: 288

and shipping shortages: 436-37

and TOE: 438

Sookerating: 400

Soong, T. V.: 474

Sorido Airfield: 537, 541

Sorong: 563

South China Sea: 88, 97

South Harbor, Manila: 656

South Island, N.Z.: 222, 233

South Luzon Force (SLF): 73, 79-82

South Pacific Area (SOPAC): 160, 162, 169-70, 173, 214 244-46, 379, 507. See also Ghormley, Vice Adm. Robert L.; Nimitz, Admiral Chester W. activation: 170

airfield construction and repair: 232-33. 243, 255- 56, 266, 549-50

base construction and operation: 255-56, 542-43, 546-47, 649

bridge construction and repair: 542

bulldozers, tactical use: 542

camouflage: 559-60

construction, control of: 242

construction, problems of: 542

construction design standards: 266-67

construction machinery and equipment, diversified: 264-65

construction materials, procurement: 260-64

construction programs and progress: 220-24, 231-32, 242-43, 542-43, 648-49

demolition operations: 542

engineer missions: 275, 542, 568-69

engineer organization: 232, 243, 520-21, 543, 56869

engineer units, arrival and departure: 161, 164-68, 171-72, 226-27, 266, 270, 541

engineer units, control of: 243, 543

engineer units, requirements: 232, 234

engineer units, shortages of: 210-11, 267-68, 680

engineer units, strength: 210, 243, 275, 520, 569, 661

hospital construction: 267

housing construction: 256, 266-67

maintenance and repair, general: 264-66

map compilation and distribution: 188-89, 269-71, 551-52,666-67

photography, aerial: 270-71

rainfall, effect of: 256, 543

reconnaissance, aerial: 231

reconnaissance, engineer: 271

reinforcements for: 164

river crossings: 542

road construction and repair: 256

spare parts procurement: 264-66

specialists, shortage of: 263-65

storage facilities, construction and operation: 256, 267

theater missions: 225, 568-69

topography of islands: 542

training program: 271-72

troop units, strength: 210, 243, 569

South Pacific Base Command, SOPAC: 507, 568, 661

South Pacific Engineer Division: 24

South Pacific Force: 244

Southeast Asia Command: 428, 437, 470, 473-75. See also Mountbatten, Admiral Lord Louis.

Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA): 107, 128, 153, 156, 174, 175, 186, 225, 380, 522, 527-28, 534, 670. See also MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas; United States Army Services of Supply.

activated: 128

airfield construction and repair: 218-20, 230-31, 234, 256-57, 266, 549-50, 561-66

Allied Works Council and: 120-22, 134-35, 137-38, 140-41, 151-52

bases, construction and operation: 182-83, zog-10, 256-57, 543-44, 546

bridge construction and repair: 542, 551, 565

bulldozers, tactical use: 542

camouflage: 219, 559-60

civilians, employment of: 554, 556

combat battalion organization: 547

construction, control of: 229-30, 521, 548, 651-54

construction, problems of: 542

construction battalion organization: 547-48

construction brigade organization: 548

construction design standards: 216-20, 266, 521, 548-51

construction machinery and equipment, diversified: 265, 558

construction machinery and equipment, improvised: 261-62

construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 210-12, 236

construction machinery and equipment, shortages: 264

construction materials, procurement: 260-63, 548, 554

construction materials, shortages: 260-62, 554, 682

construction programs and progress: 220-24, 235, 542-43

construction units, deficiencies in: 560

demolition operations: 542

engineer missions: 130-38, 275, 520-21, 542

engineer organization: 130-31, 230, 235, 243-44, 520-21, 548, 551-52, 556, 571-72, 650-51, 654

engineer units, arrival: 227, 263, 266, 270, 559-60, 564

engineer units, control of: 229-30, 543, 547-48

engineer units, requirements: 231-32. 234-35

engineer units, shortages: 210, 267-69, 547-48, 680

engineer units, strength: 275, 520, 567, 569, 666

flame throwers, tactical use: 562

forestry units, demand for: 262

general service regiment organization: 210, 548

General Headquarters in: 128, 649

geological survey: 554. 669

hangar construction: 217-19

hospital construction: 267, 550, 568

housing construction: 217, 266-67, 568

Southwest Pacific Area-Continued

maintenance and repair, general: 271-272

map compilation and distribution: 188-91, 269, 650, 666-69

photography, aerial: 271, 552-54, 567

pipeline construction and operation: 563

ponton cubes, employment of: 550

port facilities, construction and repair: 550-51, 567

RAAF in construction program: 561-63, 567-68

rainfall, effect of: 542, 565, 568

reconnaissance, engineer: 230, 549, 554, 563-65, 568

replacements, need of: 547

river crossings: 542

road construction and repair: 565, 567-68

sawmill construction and operation: 551

Soils Mechanics School: 272, 561

spare parts procurement: 212, 264-66, 509-10, 557- 59, 568

specialists, shortage of: 263-64, 547, 558, 590

specialists, training: 271-72, 560-61, 671-72

storage facilities, construction and operation: 217-19, 220, 267, 550, 562-63, 568

task force organization: 521

terrain model construction: 552-53

topographic supplies, procurement: 553

topography of islands: 542

training program: 271-73, 560-61, 671-72

troop units, strength: 210, 243, 567, 569

winds, effect of: 550

Spaatz, Brig. Gen. Carl: 71

Spare parts procurement

Alaska: 279-80, 29o

by ASCOM: 585

Australia: 149

Bataan: ioo

Burma: 442

Central Pacific: 509-10, 671

and Corps of Enginers: 682

Hawaii: 354-56, 375-76

for landing craft: 265, 558-59

Ledo Road: 412-13, 434, 456

Leyte: 585

Manila: 671

Milne Bay: 265, 557-58

Navy’s role in: 558

New Caledonia: 264-65

Ncw Guinea: 186, 265-66

Philippines, 1941-42: 62-63

Philippines, 1944-45: 669-71

SOPAC: 264-66

SWPA: 212, 264-66, 509-10, 557-59, 568

Specialists, shortages of: 263-65, 354-55, 375, 456-57, 509, 547, 558, 560

Specialists, training. See by geographic name. Specifications, standard. See Construction design standards.

Spruance, Admiral Raymond A.: 496

Staging areas: 256, 257. 366, 495-96, 529, 544, 546, 657

Standard Oil Company of California: 320

Standard Oil Company of New Jersey: 318-20, 322, 338

Stark, Admiral Harold R.: 35

State Department: 15

Steel. See Construction materials, improvised; Construction materials, procurement.

Steel units, prefabricated: 656

Steele, Maj. Gen. Clive S. (Australian): 131-33, 136- 37, 119, 143

Stefansson, Vilhjalmur: 318-19

Stickney, Col. Henry H.: 57, 59-64, 68, 70, 73-74, 79, 82, 86, 93-94, 96, 99-too, 103, 105

Stilwell, General Joseph W. See also China–Burma–India Theater.

activates CBI Air Service Command: 429

and airfield construction and repair: 430-31

arrival in Burma: 392

arrival in China: 391

arrival in India: 391

and B-29

bases: 441

Brereton, relationship to: 397

and Burma offensive: 404-06, 417-18, 421, 434-35, 436, 442-44, 447, 461-62

Chiang, relationship to: 397-98

and China defensive: 469

and Chinese Army training: 418, 420-21, 426

and Chinese troops in India: 403

commands of: 390, 391, 470

and construction, control of: 394-95, 397, 438, 451-- 52

construction, transfers to AAF: 438

and construction program and progress: 394

and costs of construction: 441

and demolition operations: 469

and Ledo Road: 407, 4tI12, 421, 423-24, 433-34, 447, 454. 457, 460-61, 465

and lines of communication: 394

Marshall, relationship to: 398

mission in CBI: 391, 397-98

Mountbatten, relationship to: 428

Newcomer, relationship to: 416, 453

offensive plans: 391

and pipeline construction and operation: 434

plans North Africa invasion: s9;

recalled: 470

as Roosevelt’s representative: 398

and shipping shortage: 408

and SOS CBI: 438

supply plans: 391

and theater status: 397

and troop units, requirements: 395, 40£3-09, 463-64

Wavell, relationship to: 397

Wheeler, relationship to: 394, 402

Stimson, Henry L. See also War Department.

and Alaska defenses: 35

anl Alaska Highway: 299

and Australia defenses: 107

and Canol: szo, 322, 335-36

and China supply: 467-68

and Hawaii defenses: 27

and Hawaiian Constructors: 489

selects Stilwell for CBI: 390

Stirling Range: 176

Stock CCM trol: 508-10, 555-58, 669-71, 682

Stone, Maj. Gen. David L.: 8, 12. See also Papama, Republic of.

Storage facilities, construction and operation Admiralties: 544

on air ferry routes: 164

Alaska: 37, 276-78, 281, 213s, 287-89, 291,133

by ASCOM: 585-86, 600

Australia: 113-15, 119, 141, 223, 239, 260

Australian Army: 217-18

Bataan: 95

Biak: 544

Burma: 457, 463

Canol: 323

Carolines: 516

Central Pacific: 386

China: 402

Hawaii: 39-42, 51-53, 350, 365-70, 373-75, 486, 507

Hollandia: 527, 544

India: 394-96, 400, 402, 467, 666

Iwo Jima: 660

for Japan, assault on: 673, 677-78

Kwajalein: 485

Lae: 244

Ledo Road: 4to

Leyte: 575, 585

Luzon: 594, 600, 609

Manila: 656

Marianas: 493

Marshalls: 477-78, 485

Milne Bay: 257, 265

New Caledonia: 167, 233-34

New Guinea: 238, 244, 251, 257-58, 265, 546

New Hebrides: 256

New Zealand- 233

Okinawa: 643, 659-60

Philippines, 1941-42: 66

Philippines, 1944-45: 653, 655-56

Saipan: 498-503

Solomons: 526, 544

SOPAC: 256, 267

SWPA: 217-20, 267, 550, 562-63, 568

Wakde: 544

Stout-type houses: 297

Straight, Col. Clio E.: 487

Strategic planning, Japanese: 179

“Strategic triangle”: 3, 27

Stratemeyer, Maj. Gen. George E.: 428-31, 437, 463, 472

Street fighting, Manila: 617

Strong, Col. Frederick S.: 417, 420, 436-37

Strong, Brig. Gen. George V.: 7

Sturdevant, Brig. Gen. Clarence L.: 300, 305, 310, 313, 322-23, 325

Sturgis, Brig. Gen. Samuel D., Jr.

and airfield construction and repair: 525, 573-74, 580. 583, 597

and base construction and repair: 238-39, 584-85

and bridge construction and repair: 575, 590-9 1, 605-436, 612

and communications, signal: Goi

and construction programs and progress: 548-49> 60i

and engineer units, control of: 591, 612-13, 626

and Japan, assault on: 675

and logistical facilities: 542

and Manila, 1944-45: 613-14

and Philippines, 1944-45: 570, 580, 588, 592, 599, 626

and road construction and repair: 577, 584

as Sixth Army engineer: 225, 235, 520

and specialists, shoratge of: 590

and supply system: 263, 557, 559

and task force engineers: 521

and Wakde: 535

work potential formula: 529

Styer, Lt. Gen. Wilhelm D.: 423, 429, 436, 654

Subic Bay: 656

Subic Bay landing: 57, 608-09

Submarine threat to Alaska: 280

Sugar Plantations Association: 343

Suichuan: 469

Suicide attacks, Japanese: 500, 592, 594, 647, 649

Sulipan Canal: 611

Sultan, Maj. Gen. Daniel I.: 466, 468, 470, 473, 662, 664-66

Sulu Archipelago: 626, 633

Sumatra: 118, 467

Sung Shan Mountain: 459, 462

Superior Oil Company: 222

Supplies, construction. See Construction materials, improvised; Construction materials, procure. ment.

Supply, by airdrop: 157, 180-81, 582

Supply, by airlift

Assam: 471

Burma: 466, 472

China: 387, 391-92, 396-97, 400-401, 415, 418, 420, 425-26,435-32,426-54,467,472,666

Hollandia: 532

India: 472

Ledo Road: 456, 471

SWPA: 558

Supply, daily requirements: 554

Supply, hand-carried: 582

Supply, measurement tons

Alaska: 289

Biak: 557

China: 391, 418, 420, 426, 431, 464, 666

Hollandia: 557

Japan, for assault on: 677-78

Marianas: 493-94, 496

Saipan: 496

SWPA: 212, 556-58

Wakde: 557

Supply, overland: 198, 387-88, 391, 404-06, 408-09, 415, 424-25, 432, 464, 470, 474-75

Supply, by water, SWPA: 558

Supply dumps. See Storage facilities, construction and operation.

Supply duty, attitude toward: 559, 682

Supply Mission, New Zealand: 213

Supply systems

Attu: 329-30

Australia: 155, 556

Burma: 466, 394-95, 432, 436, 443, 446

Burma Road: 473

Central Pacific: 508-ro, 568-69, 669

China: 425-26, 429-30

Chinese Army: 413-15

deficiencies in: 682

India: 394-95, 425, 429

Leyte: 611

Luzon: 606

Marshalls: 485

Navy’s role in: 265

Philippines, 1944-45: 669-70

POA: 378

Port Moresby: 263

SOPAC: 171-72, 214, 233-34, 262-63

SWPA.: 211-14, 262-63, 558, 568-69, 669

War Department directives on: 171-72, 211, 261, 264,508-09,554,669-70

Supply systems, Japanese: 443

Surrender, by Japan: 678-79

Survival training: 491

Sutherland, Col. Edwin M.: 396

Sutherland, Lt. Gen. Richard K.: 179, 187, 234, 608

Suva: 162

Sverdrup, Maj. Gen. Leif J.

and airfield construction and repair: 46-48, 154, 231, 236, 525

becomes SWPA acting chief engineer: 571

and bridge construction and repair: 602

commands of: 130-31, 174, 651-52, 653-54

and construction, obstacles to: 186

and construction deadlines: 543-44

and construction reorganization: 174

and engineer units, control of: 202

forms Construction Corps of Philippines: 653

and Hawaii contractors: 488

Sverdrup, Maj. Gen. Leif J.-Continued

and labor force, mobilizing: 181

and Musita Island action: 204

and reconnaissance, engineer: 48, 168-69, 178-80, 230

and specialists, training: 671-72

and supply discipline: 553

Sverdrup and Parcel, engineering firm: 41, 47-48, 112, 120, 163, 320

Sweeper Creek: 286

Sydney: 109, 114, 126, 134, 136, 138, 141-42, 240, 242, 271-72, 556-57, 560

Sydney Technical College: 560

Szechwan Province: 431, 451

Taal, Lake: 71, 631

Tacloban: 573, 576, 579, 581, 585, 599, 670

Tacloban Airdrome: 576, 579, 583-85

Tactical methods: 77, 82, 91-92, 542

Tadji Drome: 533

Tagish Lake: 312

Tagoloan River: 65

Tagudin: 74

Taipha Ga: 443-44

Talaud Islands: 572, 575

Talley, Col. Benjamin B.: 22-23, 28, 14, 36, 278, 280, 282-84, 288, 292-93, 295, 331, 333, 643-44

Tambu Bay: 247

Tami Airfield: 532

Tanacross Airfield: 288, 307, 310, 315

Tanaga Island: 284

Tanahmerah Bay: 527-28, 531-32, 534

Tanai River: 442-43, 447, 453

Tanana: 288, 325

Tanana River: 295, 304, 310, 312

Tanapag Harbor: 500-501, 511

Tanauan: 584-85, 587

Tanchuk: 469

Tank action, Burma: 444

Tank fire support Corregidor: 621

Kwajalein: 480-81

Luzon: 598

Manila: 617

New Guinea: 205, 533

Okinawa: 647

Tank-Infantry teams, Okinawa: 647

Tanks, control by USAFFE: 78

Taping River: 663-64

Tarakan Island: 636

Tarawa Island: 381

Tarlac: 75, 78, 93, 605

Tarlac River: 75, 77, 595

Tarung River: 435, 443, 447-48

Task forces

2600: 32, 324, 335

Brewer: 522, 524

Task forces-Continued

Connolly: 638-39


Efate: 171

HURRICANE: 537, 538, 541

New Guinea, organization in: 251



Southwest Pacific Area, organization in: 521




Task forces, Japanese: 149

Tasmania: 137, 216

Tatana Island: 183, 187

Tate, Maj. Ferdinand J.: 398, 400, 410-12

Tawang River: 448

Tawitawi Island: 633

Teale, Col. Willis E.: 151, 153, 158, 213, 215-16, 266, 520

Technology: 413, 682-83

Tehran Conference: 463

Telegraph and telephone installation: 337, 370, 419

Temperature Zone Hospital: 241

Temperature, effect of: 310, 370, 501. See also Climate, effect of; Weather, effect of.

Tengchung: 456, 460-62, 465, 472-73

Tengchung-Myitkyina road: 472-74

Tennant Creek: 114, 240-41

Tenney, Col. Clesen H.: 381

Terminals, port. See Port facilities, construction and


Terowie: 123

Terrain model construction: 552-53

Territorial Airport Contractors: 41, 348

Teslin Lake: 303, 310-12

Teslin River: 303, 312

Thailand: 390

The Caves, Australia: 260

Theodore, Edward G.: 121, 127, 137-38, 141-43, 215, 241-42

Thomas, Lt. Col. H. E.: 607

Three-Mile Drome: 186

Tignuan River: 81

Tiis River: 97

Tingkawk Sakan: 467

Tinian Island: 490, 492-93, 503, 5436, 511

Tinker, Maj. Gen. Clarence L.: 348, 361

Tinsukia: 449-50, 457, 466-67, 471, 664-66

Tocumwal Repair and Assembly Depot: 122, 141

Toem: 534, 537, 541

Tojo, General Hideki: 50

Tokyo: 518, 673-74, 677

Tokyo Bay: 679

Tonga Islands: 168-69

Tongatabu Island: 169-70, 661

Tontouta Airfield: 46-48, 161, 163-67, 223, 233, 256

Toobally Lakes: 309, 315

Tools, construction. See Construction machinery and equipment, diversified; Construction machinery and equipment, improvised; Construction machinery and equipment, procurement.

Topographical supplies, procurement: 533


Torrens Creek: 125

Townsville: 150, 158

airfield construction and repair: 45, 10, 115, 119, 125, 127-28, 143, 164

base construction and operation: 112-13, 153

port congestion: 243

port facilities, construction and repair: 10, 115, 128,240

reconnaisance, engineer: 46

road construction and repair: 138

storage facilities, construction and operation: 260


Traffic control and congestion: 316-18, 343, 577, 580, 599, 611, 634

Trail clearing operations; 178-80, 231, 443-44, 447, 470

Training, deficiencies in: 97-98, 330-31, 606, 682

Training centers, in Australia: 271

Training facilities, construction in India: 403

Training missions, Corps of Engineers: 227

Training programs

amphibious operations: 271, 330-31, 478, 490-91, 671

Australia: 122, 124-25, 136

bomb disposal: 271, 560-71

camouflage measures: 271-72

Central Pacific: 478

Chinese Army: 403-05, 420-21, 426, 455-56, 463, 662

Hawaii: 377, 490-91

India: 403-04

jungle operations: 156, 490-91

with landing craft: 671

Marianas: 495

Marshalls: 478

night operations: 491

on-the-job: 271-72

Philippine Army: 97-98

Philippines, 1944-45: 671

Saipan: 496

SOPAC: 271-’72

specialists: 271-72, 560-61, 671-72

in survival: 491

SWPA: 271-’73, 560-61, 671-72

USASOS: 671-72

Transporation Corps: 325

Transportation facilities: 320-21, 323-25, 327, 338, 365-66, 399-400, 402-03, 476

Transports, naval, in CPA: 476

Trans-Siberian railroad: 293

Trench obstacles, construction in Hawaii: 344-45

Triangle, The, New Guinea: 196, 200-01

TRIDENT (Washington) Conference: 164, 377, 390, 418-20, 426

Trik, Capt. Carl H.: 355-56

Trinidad Base Command: 28

Tripler General Hospital: 374, 486, 507, 661

Troop assignment methods, USAFIA: 124

Troop units

Japanese strength: 248, 682

organization for Philippines defense: 55, 66-69

shortages of: 509, 670

strength; 68, 210, 243, 496, 518-19, 567, 569

Trucks, assembling: 400

Trudeau, Col. Arthur G,: 227-28

Truk Island: 492

Truman Committee hearings: 335, 362. See also Congress.

Tseng Yang-fu. Dr.: 421

Tsili Tsili Airfield: 244, 248, 252

Tuguegarao: 66

Tulagi Island: 168, 172

Tulavera River and Valley: 627

Tully, Lt. Col. James K.: 51

TULSA plan: 153

Tuna Packers cannery, Honolulu: 340

Tundra: 293-94, 329, 331

Tunnel construction and rcpair Alaska: 283

Bataan: 61, 71, 95

China: 462

Corregidor: 66, ioI04

Hawaii: 350, 368-70, 374

Ledo Road: 410

Philippines, 1941-42: 61, 64, 66, 71

Tunnel defenses, Japanese: 383, 598, 633. See also Cave defenses, Japanese.

Tuol River: 97

Turnbull, J. Gordon: 320

Turnbull Airdrome: 257

Turner, Rear Adm. Richmond K.: 482, 492

Twitty, Brig. Gen. Joseph J.: 378, 490, 5io “Two-Ocean Navy Act”: 14

Tydings-McDuffie Act: 57n

Tyler, Brig. Gen. Max C.: 6


Ulithi Atoll: 514-16

Ulupau Head: 351

Umingan: 597

Umnak Island: 28, 37, 51, 278, 280-81, 284, 285, 296- 98

Unalaska Island: 37, 281, 285, 296-97

Under Secretary of War. See Patterson, Robert P. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR): 27, 35, 288, 293, 326, 333, 463, 678, 682

United States Advanced Base, Port Moresby: 174

United States Army, expansion of: 14

United States Army Forces in Australia (USAFIA): 109, us, 117-18, 119, 124, 126, 156, 171, 189-go. See also Barnes, Brig. Gen. Julian F.; Brett, Maj. Gen. George H.

United States Army Forces in the Central Pacific Area (USAFICPA): 377

United States Army Forces in the Chinese Theater of Operations, Burma, and India: 390

United States Army Forces in the Far East (USAFFE): 57, 60, 78, 230, 242, 260. See also MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas.

United States Army Forces in the Pacific Ocean Areas (USAFPOA): 507, 568. See also Richardson, Lt. Gen. Robert C., Jr.

United States Army Forces in the South Pacific Area (USAFISPA): 172, 214, 507, 568

United States Army Services of Supply. See also Army Forces, Western Pacific; Frink, Maj. Gen. James L.; Marshall, Brig. Gen. Richard J.; Southwest Pacific Area; Styer, Lt. Gen. Wilhelm D.

AFWESPAC, redesignation to: 654

Army Service Command (ASCOM) activated: 571

ASCOM, assignment to: 601

Australia, transfer from: 557

base construction and operation: 236, 245, 256-59, 262-63, 528

Boat Building Command: 653-54

camouflage: 559-60

civilians, employment of: 268-69, 653-54

construction, control of: 229-30, 257-58, 651-54

Construction Corps of the Philippines: 653

Engineer Construction Command (ENCOM): 651-53, 681

engineer districts of: 650-53

Engineer Intelligence Section: 269

engineer mission: 521

engineer organization: 243-44, 257, 520-21, 528-29, 571-72, 650-54

and engineer units, control of: 187

engineer units, shortage of: 238

engineer units, strength: 654

General Engineer District (GENED): 652

Hollandia, move to: 569, 650

Japan, assault on: 673, 675

Leyte, move to: 650

logistical system: 570-71

Manila, move to: 650

Marine Supply Section: 558-59

mission: 183, 262-63

morale: 654

New Guinea, move to: 557

and shipping shortage: 186-88

specialists, training: 671-72

supply divisions activated: 556, 558-59

stock control: 555-56

training program: 671-72

USAFIA, redesignated from: 156

United States Coast and Geodetic Survey: 94, 376, - 573, 577

United States Forces in the Philippines (USFIP): zqgg.

See also MacArthur, General of the Army

Douglas; Wainwright, Lt. Gen. Jonathan M. United States Geological Survey: 668-69

United States Navy. See also Naval construction battalions; Naval gunfire support.

airfield construction and repair: 12

amphibious operations, role in: 577-78

in construction program: 278, 287, 501, 511-12, 541-44, 657

fleet expansion: to-ii

Hawaii, cooperation in: 370, 374, 376, 66,

housing construction: 267

intelligence estimates and reports: 284

at Iwo Jima: 640

landing craft operation: 578

in Luzon, 1944-45: 591-92, 594

in Manila rehabilitation: 656

photography, aerial: 668

and pilots for AVG: 389

POA, liaison in: 680

SOPAC, role in: 160

spare parts procurement: 558

in supply system: 265

war plan: 4

United States Task Force in China: 390

Upolo Field: 348

Urbana Force: 199-201, 205

Urbiztondo: 77

Urdaneta: 596

Utiladors: 292

Utilities, installation and maintenance: 365, 403

Valdez, Alaska: 303

Van Noy, Pvt. Junior N.: 253-54

Van Voorhis, Lt. Gen. Daniel: 15, 20-21, 28-32. See also Canal Zone.

Vasey, Maj. Gen. George A.: 193

Vella Lavella Island: 250

Viardo, Capt. Emilio: 68

VICTOR plans: 625

Vigan: 72, 74

Vila: 170

Vila Airfield: 250

Villa Verde Trail: 627-29, 637

Visayan Islands: 72, 608, 625, 634, 655

Visayan-Mindanao Force: [05-06

Viti Levu: 46, 222

Vitiaz Strait: 272

Vogelkop peninsula: 563

Volunteer Defence Corps (VDC): 109

W. A. Bechtel Company: 320, 325, 327

W. E. Callahan Construction Company: 25, 41, 320, 325, 327

Wacol: 115

Waga Waga: 176-77, 238

Wahiawa: 23

Wahiawa Gulch: 368

Waianae Amphibious Training Center: 491

Waiele Gulch: 362

Waigani Drome: 157, 186

Waigeo Island: 563

Waikakalaua Gulch: 40-42, 368, 370

Wainwright, Lt. Gen. Jonathan M.: 73, 75-77, 79, 83, 87, 89, 96, 99, toy, 128

Wakde Island: 534-36, 541, 542, 543-44

Wake Island: 45, 161

Walawbum: 444

Walker, Maj. James A.: 4 10

Walker, Lt. Col. Nelson M.: 51

Walkway construction: 502

Wallace, Maj. Gen. Fred C.: 657

Walsh, Col. Orville E.: 239, 246, 548, 588, Got, 613

Wama Drome: 568

Wanamaker, Col. William W.: 522, 525

Wanigela Mission: 180-81, 192

Wanting: 474, 663

War Cabinet, Australia: 216

War Department. See also Chief of Engineers; Marshall, General of the Army George C.; Stimson, Henry L.; War Department General Staff; War Plans Division, WDGS.

activates SOS, CBI: 394

and aircraft for China: 391-92

and Alaska defenses: 276--78, 299, 333

and Alaska Highway: 299-300

and American Military Mission to China: 389

appropriations, prewar: 9

and Burma offensive: 404, 409

and Canol: 318-21, 335-36, 339

and China, supply of: 423

and China defenses: 389, 408

and China theater status: 390, 397

and Communications Zone organization: 438

and construction, control of: 360

construction directives: 25, 281-82, 402, 508

and construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 547, 549

and construction units: 547-48, 675

and cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contracts: 24

and Engineer Construction Command: 654

and Hawaii defenses: 16, 342-43, 360-61

and hospital construction: 486

and India airfields: 420

and Ledo Road: 463-64, 663-64

and pilots for AVG: 389

and POL surveys: 222, 233

and port facilities, construction and repair: 287

and radar installations: 283

and specialists: 265, 270, 456, 463-64

supply system and directives on: 171-72, 211, 261, 264, 508-09, 554-, 669-70

War Department General Staff. See also Marshall, General of the Army George C.; Operations Division, WDGS; War Department; War Plans Division, WDGS.

Alaska inspection by: 51

and Alaska Highway: 299

hemisphere defense plans: 7

ORANGE plans, changes in: 3-5

RAINBOW plans, changes in: to, 14, 19

War Ministry, China: 408, 422

War Office, British: 420

War plans, U.S.: 4-7

War Plans Division, WDGS

and Alaska defenses: 16, 18, 23, 34

and Alaska Highway: 299

and Canol: 318-19

Warazup: 454

Ward’s Drome: 186

Warehouse construction and operation. See Storage facilities, construction and operation.

Warren Force: 199-200

“Washing Machine Charley”: 274

Washington Conference: 107, 164, 377, 390, 418-so Water purification. See Water supply and distribution.

Water seepage problem: 292-93, 316

Water supply and distribution

Australia: 155

Biak: 539-40

Central Pacific: 476

Corregidor: 103

Hawaii: 373

Kwajalein: 483

Manila: 614, 618-19, 656-57

Marshalls: 478, 483, 485

Okinawa: 645

Saipan: 501-02

Solomons: 249-51

Waterways, Alberta: 319-27

Waterways, development and use: 288-89, 295, 319, 321-25, 327-28, 342

Waterways systems: 73-74, 312-13, 590, 602, 612-13, 641

Watson Lake: 299, 301-04, 309, 311, 325-26, 328, 335

Watut River: 252

Wau: 231, 260

Wavell, Field Marshal Sir Archibald: 118, 391, 397, 404-05. See also General Headquarters, India; India.

Wawa: 77, 84, 595-96, 602, 612

Weather, effect of. See also Climate, effect of; Permafrost; Rainfall, effect of; Snowfall, effect of; Winds, effect of.

Alaska: 281, 283-89, 291-96, 333-34

Alaska Highway: 315-18

Attu: 329

Canol: 324-25, 327-28, 337

Weather, effect of-Continued

Ledo Road: 433

Leyte: 576, 578, 580-81

Mindanao: 570-71

New Guinea: 248

Philippines, 1941-42: 61-62

Philippines, 1944-45; 570-71

Wedemeyer, Lt. Gen. Albert C. See also China.

and Burma offensive: 662

Chiang, relationship to: 470

heads China Theater: 470

and pipeline construction and operation: 664-66

and road construction and repair: 662-63

at SEAC: 437

training program: 662

Wehuria Creek: 176-77

Welling, Col. Alvin C.: 301, 475, 663

Wells, drilling in Alaska: 293, 325-27, 335-37

West Construction Company: 34, 36, 278, 287

Western Defense Command: 276

Wewak: 284, 527, 533, 563

Wheeler, Maj. Gen. Raymond A.: 112, 436. See also China–Burma–India Theater: Services of Supply, CBI.

and airfield construction and repair: 418, 420, 431

base establishment by: 409, 418

and Burma Road: 405

and construction, control of: 394-95, 397-98, 437- 38

and construction program and progress: 397

and engineer units, arrival: 436

heads SOS, CBI: 394-95, 437

and Ledo Road: 406, 409-12, 423-24

lines of communication, operation by: 394

and pipeline construction and operation: 434

at SEAC: 437

Stilwell, relationship to: 394, 402

and supply of Chinese forces: 406, 408

Wheeler, Col. W. J.: 313

Wheeler Field: 8, 28, 39, 44, 51, 53, 340, 347, 361

Whipple, Col. Stephen C.: 303

White, Capt. George E., Jr.: 348

White Pass & Yukon Railroad: 302, 326

White River, Canada: 314-15, 317, 328

Whitehead, Brig. Gen. Ennis C.: 184-85, 229, 584

Whitehorse: 288, 299, 302-04, 307, 309-11, 314-15, 319-20, 322-28, 335-38

Whitlock, Brig. Gen. Lester J.: 178, 672-74

Whittier, Alaska: 287, 289

Wilcox, Maj. H. Case: 395

Wilkinson, Rear Adm. Theodore S.: 225

Williams, Mr.: 104

Willingdon Airdrome: 392, 399

Williwaws: 294-95

Wilson, Brig. Gen. Walter K., Jr.: 437, 440, 664n

Wiener, Col. Benjamin R., 378, 486-88, 507-10

Winds, effect of: 294-95, 550

Wingate, Brig. Gen. Orde C.: 427-28, 430, 444-46

Wire obstacles: 82, 351, 399, 525

Wire obstacles, Japanese: 481, 562, 610, 617, 633

Womeldorff, Lt. Col. Virgil M.: 330-31

Woodbury, Lt. Col. Harry G.: 249

Woodlark Island: 231, 234, 239, 244, 246, 251

Woodring, Harry H.: 7, 18, 20

Woodstock Airfield: 125, 145, 149

Work potential formula: 529, 549

Works Progress Administration (WPA): 38-39

World War I ponton bridge: 471n

Worsham, Brig. Gen. Ludson D.: 317, 327, 334, 655

Wright, Col. Albert: 127, 140

Wyman, Col. Theodore, Jr.: 16

and AAF pressure for construction: 354

and aircraft repair shops: 361

and airfield construction and repair: 39-40, 45-46, 48, 161-65, 168, 348

as Canol director: 316, 320-21, 323, 327

and civilian defense construction: 344-45

and civilians, evacuation of: 345-46

and coast defenses: 349-51

and construction machinery and equipment, procurement: 49, 343

and construction materials, procurement: 49, 343

and cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contracts: 41, 52, 320

and costs of construction: 52, 353

and engineer units, requirements: 38

and food production: 344

and Hawaii defense construction: 38-40, 42, 52, 341, 353

and Hawaiian Constructors: 52, 356, 488-89

heads Northwest Division: 316-17

and land acquisition: 356

and pipeline construction and operation: 42, 325

and POL delivery: 324-25, 343

and priority ratings: 161, 343

and public relations: 359-60

and reconnaissance, engineer: 168-69

and road construction and repair: 325

and staff organization: 340-41

and storage facilities, construction and operation: 41

and supply, by airlift: 324

supply difficulties: 324, 327, 355-56

X-Force, Chinese: 405

Y-Force, Chinese: 405, 408, 413-15, 421, 442, 454-56, 458-62, 470, 662

Y-Force Operations Staff: 421

Yakutat: 12, 22, 35-37, 278, 283, 295-96

Yakutat hut: 297

Yangkai: 403, 415

Yangtze River and Valley: 425, 432, 452, 662

Yap Island: 514, 572, 574

Yawata: 456

Yoder, Lt. Col. Leverett G.: 144, 147, 150-51, 181

Yokohama: 673-74, 677

Yontan Airfield: 645, 65/3-59

York, Col. Robert E.: 432

Young, Col. Gordon R.: lo, 29, 31-33

Young Hotel, Honolulu: 340

Yount, Brig. Gen. Paul F.: 395, 664n

Yukon River: 288, 295, 309, 325

Yukon Territory: 305, 312

Yunnan-Burma Highway Engineering Administration: 408, 413-15, 421-22, 465, 663. See also Kung, C. C.

Yunnan-Burma railroad: 413, 436

Yunnan-Burma Railroad Authority: 389, 403, 415

Yunnan Province: 392, 397, 403-05. 409, 416, 429,

Yunn45an5z4:594z1456, 24’2661. 647

Yupbang Ga: 435, 442

Zablan Airfield: 656

lambales Mountains: 6io

Zamboanga: 633, 655-56

Zamboanga peninsula: 626, 633-34

Zamboanga Province: 65-66

Zero aircraft: 518

Zigzag Pass: 609