
AAA Antiaircraft Artillery
AAC Assembly Area Command
AAF Army Air Forces
AAR After action report
AB Airborne
ABS Atlantic Base Section
AC Air Corps
ACofS Assistant Chief of Staff
Actg Acting
Admin Administrative
ADSEC Advance Section, Communications Zone
AEF American Expeditionary Forces, World War 1
AES U.S. Army Exchange Service
AF Air Force
AFDAG Airborne Forward Delivery Airfield Group
AFHQ Allied Forces Headquarters
AFLRS Allied Forces Local Resources Section
AGCT Army General Classification Test
AGF Army Ground Forces
AGO Adjutant General’s Office
AGRC American Graves Registration Command
AGWAR Adjutant General, War Department
Amph Amphibious
ANC Army Nurse Corps
ANCFX Allied Naval Commander, Expeditionary Force
ANPB Army-Navy Petroleum Board
ANVIL The planned 1944 Allied invasion of southern France in the Toulon-Marseille area (later DRAGOON)
ARCADIA U.S.-British staff conference at Washington, December 1941—January 1942
Armd Armored
Arty Artillery
ASF Army Service Forces
Asgmt Assignment
Asst Assistant
Atchd Attached
ATS Auxiliary Territorial Service (British),
AVALANCHE Invasion of Italy at Salerno
BANG Zone III, Northern Ireland
BBS Brittany Base Section
Bd Board
BEF Brazilian Expeditionary Force
BID Brazilian infantry division
BIGOT Special security procedure for OVERLORD
BOLERO Build-up of troops and supplies in the United Kingdom in preparation for a cross-Channel attack
Br Branch, British
Brig Brigade, Brigadier
BRIMSTONE Plan for the capture of Sardinia. Canceled.
BRUSHWOOD Subtask force of Western Task Force for the attack on Fedala
BUCO Build-up Control Organization
Bull Bulletin
CA Civil Affairs
CA Coast Artillery
CATOR Combined Air Transport Operations Room
CBS Channel Base Section
CCAC Combined Civil Affairs Committee
C&E Clothing and equipment
CEM Captured enemy materiel
CENT Task force in Sicily assault landing
CFLN French Committee of National Liberation
CG Commanding general
Cir Circular
COBRA The operation launched by First Army on 25 July 1944 designed to break out of the Normandy lodgment
CofS Chief of Staff
Comdr Commander
COMZ Communications Zone
CONAD Continental Advance Section, Communications Zone
CONBASE Continental Base Section
Conf Conference
Corresp Correspondence
COSSAC Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander (Designate)
CP Command post
CTF Center Task Force
DCofS Deputy Chief of Staff
DCQM Deputy Chief Quartermaster
DGPA Deputy general purchasing agent
DIME Task force for Sicily assault landing
Dir Directive
Distr Distribution
Div Division
DQM Division quartermaster
DRAGOON Final code for the invasion of southern France
DP Distribution point
DUKW A six-wheel 21A-ton amphibian truck
EBS Eastern Base Section
Ech Echelon
Engr Engineer
Equip Equipment
ETO European Theater of Operations
ETOUSA European Theater of Operations, United States Army
Evac evacuation
ExO Executive officer
F&B Fumigation and Bath
FBO Field bake oven
FEA Foreign Economic Administration
FEC French Expeditionary Corps
FECZ Forward Echelon, Communications Zone
FFI Forces Francaises de l’Interieur (French Forces of the Interior)
FM Field manual
FRC Federal Records Center
FUSA First U.S. Army
FUSAG 1st U.S. Army Group
G-1 Personnel division of a headquarters
G-2 Military intelligence division
G-3 Operations and/or training division
G-4 Supply division
G-5 Civil affairs and/or military government division
GFRS Ground Force Replacement System
GLUE Zone II, South Britain
GO General Order
GOALPOST Task force for assault landing in Mehdia—Port—Lyautey area, North Africa
Gp group
GPA General purchasing agent
GPB General Purchasing Board
GR Graves registration
GR&E Div Graves Registration and Effects Division
GRO Graves registration officer
GRS Graves Registration Service
GS Gasoline Supply
HBT Herringbone twill
HUSKY Code for Allied invasion of Sicily in July 1943
IBS Island Base Section (Sicily)
IG Inspector General
Ind Indorsement
Info Information
Instl Installation
Instr Instruction
Intel Intelligence
Interv Interview
IRS Informal Routing Slip
ISU Italian service unit
JAGD Judge Advocate General’s Department
Jnl Journal
Joss Task force for Sicily assault landing
LBS Loire Base Section
LCI Landing craft, infantry
Ln Liaison
Log Logistical
LST Landing ship, tank
L/T Long ton
MAGNET Plan for the shipment of American forces to Northern Ireland
Maint Maintenance
MARKET-GARDEN Operation to secure bridgehead over the Rhine
MBS Mediterranean Base Section
Med Mediterranean
Memo Memorandum
MG Military Government
Mil Military
MLS Military Labor Service
Mob (Div ASF) Mobilization
MP Military Police
MT80 Motor transport gasoline, 80-octane
MTO Mediterranean Theater of Operations
MTOUSA Mediterranean Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
NA North Africa
NAAFI Navy-Army-Air Force Institute (British)
NATOUSA North African Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
NBS Normandy Base Section
NCO Noncommissioned officer
NEPTUNE Operations within OVERLORD, 1944
NIBC Northern Ireland Base Command
NIGHTLIGHT An operation against Norway (never carried out!
NUSA Ninth U.S. Army
NYPE New York Port of Embarkation
Obsv Observer
OCE Office, Chief of Engineers
OCMH Office, Chief of Military History
OCOT Office, Chief of Transportation
OCQM Office of the Chief Quartermaster (ETOUSA)
OCS Office of the Chief Surgeon
OCSigO Office of the Chief Signal Officer
OCT Office of the Chief of Transportation
OD Olive drab
ODQM Office of the Division Quartermaster
Off Officer
OGPA Office of the general purchasing agent
OIC Officer in charge
OKW Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (German Armed Forces High Command)
OMAHA Landing beach in Normandy
OPD WDGS Operations Division, War Department General Staff
Opns Operations
OQM Office of the Quartermaster
OQMG Office of The Quartermaster General
ORB Organizational Records Branch
Ord Ordnance
Orgn Organization
OSD Overseas Supply Division, New York Port of Embarkation
OTCQM Office of the Theater Chief Quartermaster
OVERLORD Plan for the invasion of northwest Europe, June 1944
P&C Purchasing and contracting
P&F Petroleum and Fuel
P&O Div Planning and Operations Division
P&T Div Plans and Training Division
PBS Peninsular Base Section
PEMBARK Code name for the commander of a port of embarkation
PENBASE Peninsular Base Section
Pers Personnel
Ping Planning
Plat Platoon
POL Petrol, oil, and lubricants
POW Prisoner of War
PQMD Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot
Proc Procurement
PROCO Projects for Continental Operations, a system of requisitioning supplies and equipment for special operations
Prov Provisional
Purch Purchasing
PX Post exchange
QMBD Quartermaster Base Depot
QMC Quartermaster Corps


Quartermaster Review
QMSO Quartermaster supply officer


Quartermaster Training Service Journal
QUADRANT The first Quebec Conference, August 1943
R&D Research and Development
RAC Ration Accessory Convenience
Rad Radiogram
RAF Royal Air Force
RANKIN A, B, C Plans for return to the Continent in the event of deterioration of the German position
RASC Royal Army Service Corps
RED VAULT An operation of II Corps in Tunisia
Repl Replacement
Reqmts Requirements
Rhd Railhead
RHUMBA Plan for reversing BOLERO and transferring U.S. forces, supplies, and logistic structure from the United Kingdom to the Continent
ROUNDUP Various 1941–43 plans for a cross-Channel attack in the final phases of the war
SAFA Service d’Aide aux Forces Alliées
S&D Storage and Distribution
SATIN Plan for U.S. II Corps operation against Sfax, Tunisia. Canceled.
SBS Southern Base Section
Sec Section
SEXTANT International conference at Cairo, November and December 1943.
SGO Surgeon General’s Office
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force
SHARK Task Force (II Corps), HUSKY plan
SHINGLE Amphibious operation at Anzio, Italy
Ship ton 40 cubic feet of cargo space
SLEDGEHAMMER Plan for a limited-objective attack across the Channel in 1942
SLOE Special list of equipment
SOLOC Southern Line of Communications
SOP Standing operating procedure
SOS Services of Supply
SOXO Zone I, North Britain
SPOBS Special Army Observer Group in London
SS Schutzstaffel (Elite Guard)
Subcom Subcommittee
Subs Subsistence
SUSA Seventh U.S. Army
Sv Service
SvC Service Command
SW Secretary of War
T/A Table of Allowances
TAG The Adjutant General
T/BA Table of Basic Allowances
TC Transportation Corps
TCQM The Chief Quartermaster
T/E Table of equipment
Telecon Telephone conversation, conference
TFA Task Force A
TIGER Rehearsal for OVERLORD
TLOS Troop List for Operations and Supply
T/O Table of Organization
T/O&E Table of Organization and Equipment
TORCH Allied invasion of North and Northwest Africa, 1942
TQMG The Quartermaster General
TRIDENT International conference in Washington, May 1943
TSFET Theater Service Forces, European Theater
TUSA Third U.S. Army
UGLY Shipping address code name for United Kingdom
U.K. United Kingdom
UKB United Kingdom Base
UNRRA United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
USAAF U.S. Army Air Forces
USAFBI U.S. Army Forces, British Isles
USAFIME U.S. Army Forces, Middle East
USANIF U.S. Army Northern Ireland Forces
USCC United States Commercial Corporation
USFET U.S. Forces, European Theater
USFOR U.S. Forces
USO United Service Organizations
USSAFE U.S. Strategic Air Forces, Europe
USSTAF United States Strategic Air Forces
UTAH Landing beach in Normandy
VARSITY Airdrop east of the Rhine
WAC Women’s Army Corps
Wac Member of Women’s Army Corps
WAAC Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps
Waac A member of the WAAC
WBS Western Base Section
WD War Department
WPB War Production Board
WSA War Shipping Administration
WTF Western Task Force
ZI Zone of interior