List of Abbreviations

AA Antiaircraft
AACS Army Airways Communications System
AAF Army Air Forces
AAFSAT Army Air Forces School of Applied Tactics
AAG Air Adjutant General
AARS Army Amateur Radio System
AB Air Base
AC Air Corps or alternating current
AC&EC Army Communications and Equipment Coordination
ACAN Army Command and Administrative Network
ACB Army Communications Board
ACD Army Communications Division, OCSigO
ACofAS Assistant Chief of Air Staff
ACofS Assistant Chief of Staff
ACS Alaska Communication System
Actg Acting
ADC Alaska Defense Command
Adm Administrative
AF Air Forces or air force
AFACT Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Training
AFCC Air Force Combat Command
AFHQ Allied Forces Headquarters
AFofL American Federation of Labor
AFMIDPAC Army Forces, Middle Pacific
AFRDB Air Force Research and Development Branch
AFTSC Air Force Technical Service Command
AG Adjutant General
AGCT Army General Classification Test
AGF Army Ground Forces
AGL Airborne gun laying
AGO Adjutant General's Office
AI Airborne interception (radar )
AM Amplitude modulation (radio)
AMET Africa-Middle East Theater
AN Army-Navy
ANCPEA Army-Navy Communications Production Expediting Agency
ANEPA Army-Navy Electronics Production Agency
ANMB Army and Navy Munitions Board
APD Army Pictorial Division, OCSigO
APHB Army Pearl Harbor Board
APO Army Post Office
APS Army Pictorial Service
AR Army Regulations
ARL Aircraft Radio Laboratory
ARO Airborne range only
ASC Air Service Command
ASF Army Service Forces
ASG Naval sets related to ASV
ASP Army Supply Program
ASV Air-to-surface-vessel (radar)
AT&T American Telephone and Telegraph Company
ATC Air Transport Command
Avn Aviation
AW Aircraft warning
AWS Aircraft Warning Service
Bd Board
Bn Battalion
Br Branch
BTO Bombing-through-overcast (radar)
BWI British West Indies
C&E Coordination and Equipment
CA Coast Artillery
CAA Civil Aeronautics Administration
CAC Coast Artillery Corps
CAF Clerical, Administrative, and Fiscal (a category of civil servants)
CBI China-Burma-India
CCB Combined Communications Board
CCS Combined Chiefs of Staff
CD Coast Defense (radar)
CESL Camp Evans Signal Laboratory
CG Commanding General
CH Chain Home
CHL Chain Home Low
CIO Congress of Industrial Organizations
CMP Controlled Materials Plan
CNC Chief of Naval Communications
CNO Chief of Naval Operations
Co Company
CofCA Chief of Coast Artillery
CofE Chief of Engineers
CofS Chief of Staff
COL Chain Overseas Low (British radar)
Com Communication or communications. Com is used throughout this volume as the abbreviation for both communication and communications in accordance with Army practice during the war period, although Signal Corps men used the abbreviation comm.
Comd Command
Comdr Commander
Conf Conference
Const Construction
Coord Coordination
CSigO Chief Signal Officer
DA Department of the Army
DC Direct current
Dev Development
DF Direction finding (radio) or direction finder
Dir Director
Dist District
Distr Distribution
Div Division
Doc Document
DRB Departmental Records Branch (AGO)
EEIS Enemy Equipment Identification Service
Engrs Engineers
Equip Equipment
ERC Enlisted Reserve Corps
ESCRTC Eastern Signal Corps Replacement Training Center
ESCS Enlisted Signal Corps School
ETG Electronics Training Group
ETO European Theater of Operations
ETOUSA European Theater of Operations, United States Army
EW Early warning (radar)
Ex 0 Executive Order
Exped Expediting
FA Field Artillery ( Corps)
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FEAF Far East Air Force
Fld Field
FM Frequency modulation (radio)
FY Fiscal Year
G-1 Personnel Section of the War Department General Staff, or of any other headquarters on the division level or higher
G-2 Military Intelligence Section
G-3 Operations and Training Section
G-4 Supply Section
GCI Ground-controlled interception (radar)
GCT Greenwich Civil Time
GD General Development
GHQ General Headquarters
GL Gun laying (radar)
GO General Order
Gp Group
GSA General Services Administration
GSC General Staff Corps
Hist History or historical
HPG High Power Group
HUSAFMIDPAC Headquarters, United States Army Forces, Middle Pacific
I&M Installation and Maintenance
IBM International Business Machine Corp.
IFF Identification, friend or foe (radar)
IGD Inspector General's Department
ILS Instrument landing system
Ind Indorsement
Inf Infantry
Inspec Inspection
Instl Installation
Intel Intelligence
Interv Interview
IRE Institute of Radio Engineers
ISIB Inter-Service Ionosphere Bureau
JAGD Judge Advocate General's Department
JAGO Judge Advocate General's Office
JANP Joint Army Navy Procedure
JCB Joint Communications Board
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
Jt Joint
KW Kilowatt
LAB Low altitude bombsight
LCP Landing Craft Personnel
LRN Loran (navigational radar aid)
Ltr Letter
LW Light warning (radar)
M Day Mobilization Day
Maint Maintenance
MAL Multiairline (a type of British pole line construction)
Mat Material or materiel
MESC Middle East Service Command
MEW Microwave Early Warning (radar)
Mil Military
Min Minutes
MIS Military Intelligence Service
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MRU Mobile Radio Unit (a type of British radar)
Msg Message
MTOUSA Mediterranean Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
MWSCS Midwestern Signal Corps School
NATO North African Theater of Operations
NATOUSA North African Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
NCS Net Control Station (radio)
NDRC National Defense Research Committee
NEI Netherlands East Indies
NIBC Northern Ireland Base Command
O/C Officer in charge
OASW Office of the Assistant Secretary of War
OCMH Office of the Chief of Military History
OCS Office of the Chief of Staff or Officer Candidate School
OCSigO Office of the Chief Signal Officer
OCT Office of the Chief of Transportation
Off Office
OPD Operations Division, WDGS
Opns Operations
Orgn Organization
OSRD Office of Scientific Research and Development
OUSW Office of the Under Secretary of War
P&D Procurement and Distribution
P&T Personnel and Training
PEA Plant Engineering Agency
PERL Pictorial Engineering and Research Laboratory
Pers Personnel
Photo Photographic
PL Public Law
PMP Protective Mobilization Plan
POE Port of Embarkation
PPI Plan position indicator (a type of radar oscilloscope)
Proc Procurement
Prod Production
Prog Progress
Proj Project
PSCPD Philadelphia Signal Corps Procurement District
PTT Postes, Telegraphes et Telephones
Purch Purchasing
R&AC Radar and Air Communications
R&D Research and Development
R&R Routing and Record (sheet, in AAF office usage)
R&W Routing and Work (sheet, in SigC office usage)
RAAF Royal Australian Air Force
RAF Royal Air Force
RCA Radio Corporation of America
Rcds Records
RCM Radio/radar countermeasures
RDF Radio direction finding (a term for radar before early 1942) or radio direction finder
Res Reserve
Ret Retired
Rqmts Requirements
RI Radio Intelligence
RL Radiation Laboratory (at MIT, radar research for NDRC)
ROTC Reserve Officers Training Corps
RPF Radio position finding (a term for radar before early 1942) or radio position finder
RPL Rapid pole line (a type of pole line construction)
Rpt Report
RR Radio recognition (radar, similar to IFF )
RTC Replacement Training Center
Rtty Radioteletype
S&I Storage and Issue
SADU Sea Search Attack Development Unit
SAS Signal Airways Service
SAW Signal Aircraft Warning
SC Signal Corps
SCASS Signal Corps Aircraft Signal Service
SCEL Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories
SCGDL Signal Corps General Development Laboratory
SCGSS Signal Corps Ground Signal Service
SCIA Signal Corps Intelligence Agency
SCL Signal Corps Laboratories
SCPC Signal Corps Pictorial Center
SCPL Signal Corps Photographic Laboratory
SCR Set complete radio
SCRL Signal Corps Radar Laboratory
SCRTC Signal Corps Replacement Training Center
SCS Sector control system ( radio and radar assemblage employed in aircraft interception)
Sec Section
Sen Senate
Sess Session
SFSCPD San Francisco Signal Corps Procurement District
SigC Signal Corps
SigO Signal Officer
SIS Signal Intelligence Service
SLC Search light control (radar)
SOI Signal Operating Instructions
SOS Services of Supply
SPA South Pacific Area
SPBC South Pacific Base Command
Spec Special or specialist
SPOBS Special Observer (U.S. Army group in London )
SSCS Southern Signal Corps School
Stat Statistics or statistical
Sv Service
SWPA Southwest Pacific Area
T/BA Table of Basic Allowances
T/O Tables of Organization
TAG The Adjutant General
TBX and TBY Types of short range Navy radios
TC Transportation Corps
Tech Technical
TF Task Force
TFPL Training Film Production Laboratory
Tng Training
TRU Transportable radio unit (a type of British radar)
TWX Teletypewriter exchange
UHF Ultrahigh frequency
USAFBI United States Army Forces in the British Isles
USAFFE United States Army Forces in the Far East
USAFIA United States Army Forces in Africa
USAFIME United States Army Forces in the Middle East
USFIP United States Forces in the Philippines
USAFISPA United States Army Forces in the South Pacific Area
USFOR United States Forces
USN United States Navy
USNR United States Navy Reserve
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
USW Under Secretary of War
VHF Very high frequency
VT Vacuum tube
Waac Member of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps
WAC Women's Army Corps
WD War Department
WDGS War Department General Staff
WO Warrant Officer
WP&T War Plans and Training
WPB War Production Board
WPD War Plans Division, WDGS
W/T Wireless telegraph, i.e., radio