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The pronunciation of Italian geographical names

Italian words are commonly accented on the penultimate, or next to the last, syllable. Names appearing in the text which are exceptions to this rule are listed below, and are stressed as shown. Certain other names whose pronunciation will be familiar from their usage in English have not been included in the list. Most of these end in -ia or -io, and are accented on the antepenultimate syllable (e.g., Anzio, Calabria, Catania, Emilia, Lucrezia, Savio and Spezia).

Àssoro Forlimpòpoli Pòpoli
Àvola Gàllico Porto Empèdocle
Basèlice Gambèttola Rìmini
Bìscari Ìmola San Stèfano
Bonìfica Ìspica Sant’ Àgata
Brìndisi Mèlito Sant’ Àrcangelo
Càiro Migliònico Santarcàngelo
Cattòlica Mòdena Santo Spìrito
Cefalù Mòdica Tàranto
Centùripe Montespèrtoli Tèrmini Imerese
Cercepìccola Pàssero Tèrmoli
Cesenàtico Paternò Tìvoli
Còmiso Pèllaro Tràpani
Fontanèlice Pèsaro Wùlture