List of Abbreviations

AA Antiaircraft
AAR After action report
ACCWS Assistant Chief, Chemical War Service
ACmlC Army Chemical Center
ACofS Assistant Chief of Staff
ADSEC Advance Section, Communications Zone
ADSOS Advance Services of Supply
Adv Advance
AEAF Allied Expeditionary Air Forces
AEF American Expeditionary Forces
AF Air Force
AFHQ Allied Force Headquarters
AFMIDPAC U.S. Army Forces, Middle Pacific
AFPAC U.S. Army Forces, Pacific
AFSC Air Force Service Command
AG Adjutant General
AGF Army Ground Forces
AGWAR Adjutant General, War Department
Amphib Amphibian; amphibious
AO Air officer
ASC Air Support Command
ASF Army Service Forces
ASP Ammunition supply point
BADA Base Air Depot Area
BAR Browning automatic rifle
Bomb Bombardment
BW Biological warfare
ca. circa
CCWS Chief, Chemical Warfare Service
CENPAC Central Pacific Area
CG Commanding general
CinC Commander in Chief
CINCPAC Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet
CINCSWPA Commander in Chief, Southwest Pacific Area
CCmlO Chief chemical officer
CM-IN Classified message, incoming
Cml Chemical
CmlC Chemical Corps
CMLHO Chemical Corps Historical Office
CmlO Chemical officer
CM-OUT Classified message, outgoing
CPBS Central Pacific Base Command
CO Commanding officer
Co Company
CofOrd Chief of Ordnance
CofS Chief of Staff
CofT Chief of Transportation
Comdr Commander
COMINCH Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet
COMZ Communications Zone
CONAD Continental Advance Section
Conti Control
Corresp Correspondence
COSSAC Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander
CP Command post
CPBC Central Pacific Base Command
CTF Center Task Force
CWS Chemical Warfare Service
CWSO Chemical Warfare Service Officer
CWTC Chemical Warfare Technical Committee
DA Department of the Army
DANC Decontaminating agent, noncorrosive
DCCWS Deputy Chief, Chemical Warfare Service
DF Disposition form
Dir Director
Dist District
Distr Distribution
EBS Eastern Base Section
EEIST Enemy equipment intelligence service team
ETO European Theater of Operations
ETOUSA European Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
ExO Executive officer
FEC French Expeditionary Corps
FECOMZ Forward Echelon, Communications Zone
FETU Far Eastern Technical Unit
FM Field manual
FS CWS symbol for a solution of sulphur trioxide in chlorosulfonic acid, a smoke mixture
FUSA First U.S. Army
FUSAG First U.S. Army Group
G-1 Personnel section of divisional or higher staff
G-2 Intelligence section of divisional or higher staff
G-3 Operations section of divisional or higher staff
G-4 Supply section of divisional or higher staff
GHQ General Headquarters
GO General Orders
Gp Group
HC Symbol for hexachloroethane, a smoke mixture
HE High explosive
Hist Historical
Hq Headquarters
Incl Inclosure
Ind Indorsement
Instr Instruction
Intel Intelligence
Interv Interview
IOM Interoffice memo
Lab Laboratory
LCI Landing craft, infantry
LCI(A) Landing craft, infantry (ammunition)
LCM Landing craft, mechanized
LCT Landing craft, tank
LCVP Landing craft, vehicle and personnel
Lib Library
LST Landing ship, tank
LVT Landing vehicle, tracked
LVT(4) Landing vehicle, tracked, unarmored
Maint Maintenance
MBS Mediterranean Base Section
Mil Military
Min Minutes
MPR Monthly progress report
MSR Material status report
MTOUSA Mediterranean Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
NATO North African Theater of Operations
NATOUSA North African Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
NCO Noncommissioned officer
NDRC Nation Defense Research Committee
NYPE New York Port of Embarkation
OCCWS Office of the Chief of the Chemical Warfare Service
OCS Officer candidate school
Off Office
OP Observation post
OPD Operations Division
Opn Operation
Ord Ordnance
Orgn Organization
OSRD Office of Scientific Research and Development
PBS Peninsular Base Section
PCD Panama Canal Department
Per Periodic
Pers Personal; Personnel
Phila Philadelphia
POA Pacific Ocean Areas
POW Prisoner of war
PROCO Projects for continental operation
Proj Project
PT Patrol boat, motor torpedo boat
RAF Royal Air Force
Rcd Record
RCT Regimental combat team
Rpt Report
Rqmts Requirements
S-3 Operations officer or section of regimental or lower staff
Sec Section
Serv Service
SG Smoke generator
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces
SOLOC Southern Line of Communications
SOPAC South Pacific Area
SPBC South Pacific Base Command
SPOBS Special Observer Group
SOS Services of Supply
Sup Supply
SWPA Southwest Pacific Area
T/A Table of allowances
TAG The Adjutant General
TBA Table of basic allowances
TDMR Technical Division Memo Report
Tech Technical
TF Task Force
TM Technical manual
Tng Training
TOE Table of organization and equipment
TofO Theater of Operations
TUSA Third U.S. Army
UGNCO Unit gas noncommissioned officer
UGO Unit gas officer
USAFBI U.S. Army Forces in the British Isles
USAFFE U.S. Army Forces in the Far East
USAFIA U.S. Army Forces in Australia
USAFICPA U.S. Army Forces, Central Pacific Area
USAFISPA U.S. Army Forces in the South Pacific Area
USAFMIDPAC U.S. Army Forces, Middle Pacific
USAFPOA U.S. Army Forces, Pacific Ocean Areas
USAR U.S. Army Reserve
USATC U.S. Assault Training Center
USASOS U.S. Army Services of Supply
USCWC U.S. Chemical Warfare Committee
USFET U.S. Forces in the European Theater
USSBS U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey
USSTAF U.S. Strategic Air Forces
VLR Very long range
WD War Department
WDGS War Department General Staff
WP White phosphorus
WPD War Plans Division
WTF Western Task Force
ZI Zone of interior