Code Names

ALAMO Force Code for U.S. Sixth Army while operating as a special ground task force headquarters directly under GHQ SWPA.
ANVIL Early plan for invasion of southern France.
AVALANCHE Invasion of Italy at Salerno.
BACKHANDER Task force for operations on Cape Gloucester, New Britain.
BLACKSTONE Unit of Western Task Force which landed at Safi, French Morocco.
BOLERO Build-up of U.S. forces and supplies in United Kingdom for cross-Channel attack.
COBRA U.S. First Army operation designated to penetrate the German defenses west of St. La and secure Coutances, France.
DRAGOON The plan for the Allied invasion of southern France, code name that replaced ANVIL.
FLINTLOCK The Marshall Islands operations.
FORAGER Operations for the capture of the Mariana Islands.
HORLICKS Allied operation against Biak Island, 27 May-30 August 1944.
HURRICANE Assault force for Biak, New Guinea.
HUSKY Allied invasion of Sicily, July 1943.
ICEBERG Invasion of the Ryukyu Islands.
MAPLE Base Port Moresby.
OLYMPIC Plan for March 1946 invasion of Kyushu, Japan.
OMAHA Normandy beach assaulted by troops of U.S. V Corps, 6 June 1944.
OVERLORD Allied cross-Channel invasion of northwest Europe, June 1944.
PERSECUTION Assault force for Aitape operations, New Guinea.
PLUM Code name for the Philippines.
QUEEN 12th Army Group operation on Roer Plain between Wurm and Roer Rivers.
RAINBOW Various plans prepared between 1939 and 1941 to meet Axis aggression involving more than one enemy.
RAINCOAT Assault on Camino hill mass, Italy.
RECKLESS Assault force for Hollandia operation.
ROUNDUP The name by which plans for cross-Channel invasion were known until the summer of 1943.
SHINGLE Amphibious operation at Anzio, Italy.
TORCH The Allied invasion operation in North Africa, November 1942.
TRADEWIND Task force for Morotai.
UTAH The Normandy beach assaulted by the U.S. VII Corps on 6 June 1944.