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A-4 Assistant Chief of Staff for Supply on air staffs, corresponding to the G-4 on other Army staffs
AAR After action report
Abn Airborne
ACofS Assistant Chief of Staff
Adm Administrative
ADO(US) Assistant Directorate of Organization (U.S.)
ADSEC Advance Section, Communications Zone
AEAF Allied Expeditionary Air Force
AF Air Force
AFHQ Allied Force Headquarters
AFSC Air Force Service Command
AG Adjutant general
AGF Army Ground Forces
A Gp Army group
Ammo Ammunition
AMSO Air Minister for Supply and Organization


Allied Naval Commander Expeditionary Force
ASF Army Service Forces
ASP Ammunition supply point
Avgas Aviation gasoline
Bailey bridging Military bridging designed by British engineers
BCC(L) BOLERO Combined Committee (London)
BCC(W) BOLERO Combined Committee (Washington)
Bd Board
Belgian gates Steel gates used either as barricades or beach obstacles. Also known as Element “C.”
Br Branch; British
BSCC BOLERO-SICKLE Combined Committee
BUCO Buildup Control Organization
CAO Chief Administrative Officer
CATOR Combined Air Transport Operations Room
Cbl Cable
CCS Combined Chiefs of Staff
CinC Commander in Chief
C-in-C Commander-in-Chief (British usage)
Cir Circular
CG Commanding General
Chespaling A wood and wire matting laid on beaches wherever needed to provide footing for vehicles
Classes of Supply
I Rations
III Fuels and lubricants such as gasoline and coal
V Ammunition and explosives
II and IV All other supplies and equipment for which allowances may(Class II) or may not (Class IV) be established, as, for example, clothing, weapons, construction and fortification materials
CofEngrs Chief of Engineers
CofS Chief of Staff
CofT Chief of Transportation
Com Committee
Comd Command
Comdr Commander
COMZ Communications Zone
Conf Conference
COS Com British Chiefs of Staff Committee
COSSAC Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander (Designate)
CPS Combined Staff Planners
CWS Chemical Warfare Service
DCofS Deputy Chief of Staff
Dir Directive; director
Div Division
DQMG(L) Deputy Quartermaster General (Liaison) (British)
DUKW 2½ ton 6 x 6 amphibian truck
Dumb barge An unpowered barge that could be beached
Engrs Engineers
ETOUSA European Theater of Operations, United States Army
EUCOM European Command, successor to USFET
Exec Executive
Ex 0 Executive Officer
FECOMZ Forward Echelon, Communications Zone
FUSA First U.S. Army
FUSAG 1st U.S. Army Group
G-1 ACofS for personnel
G-2 ACofS for intelligence
G-3 ACofS for operations
G-4 ACofS for supply
Gen Bd Rpt General Board Report
GFRS Ground Force Replacement System
GHQ General Headquarters
GO General Order
Gp Group
GPA General Purchasing Agent
Hedgehog Portable obstacle, made of three crossed angle irons
Hist Historical
Incl Inclosure
Ind Indorsement
Int Intelligence
Interv Interview
ISS Identification of Separate Shipments to Overseas Destinations
JPs Joint Staff Planners
Jt Joint
LBV Landing barge, which was capable of carrying either supplies or vehicles and could be beached
LCI(L) Landing craft, infantry (light)
LCM Landing craft, mechanized
LCT Landing craft, tank
Liberty ship A cargo ship of approximately 10,000 tons which was designed for speedy construction early in the war and served as the work-horse in ocean shipping
Ln Liaison
Lobnitz pierheads Huge steel structures towed to the Normandy beaches to provide the unloading facilities for LCTs, LSTs and coasters in the MULBERRIES
Log Logistical
LST Landing ship, tank
LVT Landing vehicle, tracked
Min Minutes
Mov and Tn Br Movements and Transportation Branch
MOVCO Movement Control
MT ship Liberty ship converted for maximum vehicle-carrying purposes
MT80 Motor transport gasoline, 80-octane
MTB Motor Transport Brigade
Mtg Meeting
MTS Motor Transport Service
NAAFI Navy Army Air Force Institute (British)
NATO North African Theater of Operations
NOIC Naval Officer in Command
NUSA Ninth U.S. Army
NYPOE New York Port of Embarkation
OCofEngrs Office, Chief of Engineers
OCofT Office, Chief of Transportation
OCMH Office, Chief of Military History
OPD Operations Division, War Department
Opn Operation
OQMG Office of the Quartermaster General
ORC Organized Reserve Corps
Ord Ordnance
P&O Plans & Operations Division, WD, successor to OPD
PC&R Gp Port construction and repair group
Plng Planning
PLUTO From “pipeline under the ocean”—a cross-Channel underwater pipeline planned for bulk POL deliveries to the far shore
PMS&T Professor of Military Science and Tactics
POL Petrol, oil, and lubricants
prep prepared
PROCO Projects for Continental Operations, a system of requisitioning supplies and equipment for special operations
PSO Principal Staff Officers
Q(L) Quartermaster (Liaison)
QM Quartermaster
RA Regular Army
RAF Royal Air Force
RAP ROUNDUP Administrative Planners
Rhino ferry A barge constructed of bolted ponton units and propelled by an outboard motor
RTO Rail Transportation Officer
SAC Supreme Allied Commander
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force
Sommerfeld track A matting made of wire netting reinforced with steel, used in the same manner as chespaling
SOP Standing operating procedure
SOS Services of Supply
SPOBS Special Observer Group
Stf Staff
SUP Single unit pack, a method of crating vehicles
Svc Service
T/BA Tables of Basic Allowance
TC Transportation Corps
TCC Troop Carrier Command
Teller mine A German land mine
Tetrahedra Pyramid-shaped obstacles made of angle iron
TUP Twin unit pack, a method of crating vehicles
TURCO Turn-Round Control
TUSA Third U.S. Army
T/E Tables of Equipment
T/O&E Tables of Organization and Equipment
TWX Teletype message
USAAFUK United States Army Air Forces in the United Kingdom
USAFBI United States Army Forces in the British Isles
USANIF United States Army Northern Ireland Force
USFET United States Forces in the European Theater, successor command to ETOUSA
USSTAF United States Strategic Air Forces
WD War Department
WO War Office
WPD War Plans Division, War Department, predecessor of OPD

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