

Aa River: 131, 145, 190

Aachen: 8, 18, 28-31, 34, 36, 66, 68, 86, 129, 135n, 200, 205, 227, 231, 240-41, 251, 283n, 341, 377, 392, 402, 496, 518, 547, 619-20

civilian evacuation: 71, 81-82, 307

costly delay to U.S. troops: 317

decision to bypass: 71-72

encirclement of: 67, 77, 80-81, 90, 95-96, 112, 253, 257, 274, 277-78, 280, 281-83, 283n, 284-306, 307, 313, 319n, 498

final assault: 304, 307-20, 340, 378, 519

German defense of sector: 69-71, 75, 77, 81, 103, 106, 127, 201, 257-59, 279, 295, 394, 396-97, 410-11, 616

Hitler’s orders to defend: 281, 307, 314, 315

Rundstedt’s view of danger: 18, 299n

symbol of Nazi ideology: 281, 285

ultimatum and surrender: 289, 304, 307, 309, 316-17

Aachen Gap: 7, 9, 29, 34, 38, 66, 69, 119, 251, 620

Aachen Municipal Forest: 67, 75, 81

Aachen–Cologne autobahn: 482, 503, 580, 584

Aachen–Cologne railroad: 309

Aachen–Düren railroad: 291, 479

Aachen–Geilenkirchen–München-Gladbach railroad: 545-46, 566

Aachen–Jülich highway: 294-95

Aachen–Jülich railroad: 485

Aachen–Laurensberg highway: 315

Aachen–Wuerselen–Linnich highway: 278, 305, 306, 313, 524

Adams, Pfc. John W.: 418n

Adams, Capt. Jonathan E. Jr.: 164

Aerial photographs: 26-27, 327, 345, 520, 596

Air bases: 13, 137, 198, 381, 412, 454

Air Defense of Great Britain: 137-38

Air forces: 5

Air landing brigades: 170-72

Air operations: 24, 64, 169n, 219, 228, 245, 381, 572, 572n. See also Air-ground cooperation; Aircraft; Eighth Air Force; Glider operations; Ninth Air Force; QUEEN; Tactical Air Commands; Troop carrier operations.

Aachen attacks: 290-92, 296, 299, 309, 309n, 310

air superiority: 17, 26-27, 94, 169n, 219, 318, 577

attacks on railroads: 11, 281, 284

battlefield isolation: 345-46, 357

“blind bombing”: 382

bomb line marking: 405-06

bombing and strafing errors: 254, 260, 348, 382, 404, 405, 412-13, 424, 428

carpet bombing: 254-55, 404, 498, 521, 525

German: 129, 138, 153, 172, 203, 276, 382, 454. See also Luftwaffe.

Hürtgen Forest: 332, 343, 348, 360-61, 446, 449-50, 465, 490, 592

low-level precision bombing: 597-98

MARKET-GARDEN: 129-30, 137-39, 150, 169, 179, 196. See also Troop carrier operations.

psychological effects: 309n, 413-14

Roer plain: 509, 536, 538n, 576

Roer River dams: 327, 597-98

target bombing: 498, 517, 520-21, 525

West Wall attack: 114, 253-55, 259-60, 260n, 261, 278-79

Air reconnaissance: 24, 26, 31, 135, 381, 596

Air Squadron, 492nd: 292

Air supply: 13, 120, 129, 132, 134, 167, 172, 176, 383, 386, 563

Airborne Antiaircraft Battalion, 81st: 190

Airborne Division, 17th: 128

Airborne Division, 82nd

casualties: 159, 166-68, 176, 178, 182, 199, 199n, 206, 206n

command and organization: 152n, 155n

fight for the Nijmegen bridge: 174, 179-84, 247

MARKET-GARDEN operation: 122, 128, 131-33, 138-39, 142, 154-70, 174-76, 176n, 177-78, 185, 193, 195, 199-200

post MARKET-GARDEN fighting: 203-06

Airborne Division, 101st

casualties: 145, 199, 199n, 206, 206n

command and organization: 143n, 152n

fight for Hell’s Highway: 142-54, 186-95

Operation MARKET-GARDEN: 128, 131-32, 132n, 133, 138-39, 156, 159-60, 167-68, 176n, 196, 199-200

post MARKET-GARDEN fighting: 203-05, 573

Airborne operations: 101, 119-20, 132, 132n, 133, 136, 218, 218n, 620. See also MARKET.

expected by Germans: 18, 120, 134-36, 240, 258

German reaction to MARKET: 140-43

Aircraft. See also Air operations.

A-20s: 24, 254-55

B-17s: 137

B-24s: 167

B-26s: 24, 254

bombers, heavy: 25n, 254, 403-04, 404-05, 412-13, 498, 520

bombers, light: 404n

bombers, medium: 24-25, 254, 260, 381, 403-04, 404n, 412-13, 442, 498, 500, 520, 525

C-47s: 129, 137

fighter-bombers: 24, 106, 133, 240, 254-55, 260, 278, 290, 299, 302-03, 310, 332-33, 343, 381-82, 403-04, 405n, 412-13, 422, 426, 428, 433, 449, 498, 500, 508, 525, 539-40, 548, 563, 568, 572, 576

fighters: 137-39, 404, 412-13

Lancasters: 137, 598

Mosquitoes: 137, 598

night fighters: 343, 382

P-38s: 24, 137, 254, 309, 412, 449, 525, 586

P-47s: 24, 64, 137, 150, 196, 254, 292, 309, 332-33, 381, 418, 436, 453-54, 525, 597

P-51s: 24, 137, 169

P-61s: 24, 382

Spitfires: 137, 169

Tempests: 137

Typhoons: 179, 196, 228

Aircraft, German: 137-38, 154, 412, 454, 611. See also Air operations.

Air-ground cooperation: 24-25, 106, 130, 227-28, 240, 287, 381-82, 403-05, 449-50, 453, 457, 459. See also Air operations; Aircraft.

Air/Sea Rescue Service: 138, 154

Albert Canal: 96, 98-103, 106-09, 115, 123-25, 134, 208-29, 219, 258, 521

Aldenhoven: 404, 498, 518, 520, 524-25, 538-39, 561

Allen, Lt. Col. Ray C.: 190

Allen, Maj. Gen. Terry de la Mesa: 222-25, 424-26, 428, 504-08, 511

Allgood, Lt. Col. James D.: 480-81

Allied Expeditionary Air Force: 218n

Alsace: 16, 395

Alsdorf: 274, 279, 283-85, 294-97, 299, 302, 305, 499

Altdorf: 509, 561, 563-64

Alzen. See Hoefen-Alzen ridge.

Ambush: 339, 361-62

Ammunition: 13, 37, 57, 68, 86, 261, 272, 275, 357, 380, 383, 545, 608. See also Shortages.

Ammunition, German: 396, 427. See also Shortages.

Amphibious operations: 221, 228-29

Amsterdam: 29

Anderson, Col. Glen N.: 58-61, 63, 445-46, 450, 459-60

Anderson, Maj. Gen. Samuel E.: 24

Antiaircraft, American: 27, 406, 454

Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion, 461st: 64n

Antiaircraft defense, German: 129-30, 132, 137-38, 145, 147n, 159-60, 170, 200, 253-54, 260, 412

Antiaircraft defense, of Antwerp: 230, 230n

Antiaircraft (ground role): 27, 63-64, 165-67, 180-81, 298, 315, 396

Antitank defenses. See Obstacles.

Antitank operations, German: 59, 67, 73, 175, 238, 242, 274-75, 295, 422-24, 426, 445-46, 450, 526-27, 530n, 533, 536, 542, 603-04

Antitank weapons: 25, 27, 45, 122, 153-54, 190, 301, 351, 514, 620-21. See also Bazooka.

Antitank weapons, German: 15, 25, 31, 45, 175, 331, 519-20, 620-21. See also Antitank operations; Artillery support; Panzerfaust.

Antwerp: 4, 6-8, 10, 19, 29, 99, 123-25, 218-20, 616, 619

opening of the port: 121, 200, 204-05, 207-15, 222, 228-29, 241-42, 377, 383, 390-91

V-bomb attacks: 229-30

Antwerp-Breda highway: 222-23

Antwerp-Turnhout Canal: 209, 220, 222

“Antwerp X”: 230n

Apweiler: 526-27, 531-32, 540-41, 543-44, 551, 553

Ardennes: 7, 9, 28-30, 40, 379, 441n, 600, 620

Ardennes counteroffensive: 55n, 136n, 244, 346, 374, 378n, 474, 593-95, 611-12, 614-15, 620, 622

German buildup: 393-95, 397, 410-11, 427, 431, 460, 487, 505, 539, 547, 559, 567, 583, 592, 601-02, 610, 616

Ardennes-Eifel: 29, 65, 251, 612-14, 620

Argentan-Falaise pocket: 23, 142

Armed Forces Command Netherlands: 125-27, 135, 140, 142, 171, 193, 395

Armed Forces Operations Staff: 135

Armenian troops: 220, 228n

Armor. See also Tanks.

Allied superiority: 5, 16, 18, 94, 308

“armor attracts armor”: 518, 530-33, 539-41

assist in Roer plain push: 482-85, 523-25, 529

commitment in a confined bridgehead: 269-70

defensive role: 460

dependence on roads and bridges: 107-08, 148, 185, 238, 244, 445

limited-objective attack: 543-44

organization of U.S. division: 72n

shock role: 65, 529, 534-35

superior enemy observation: 421-24

use in Siegfried Line campaign: 620

use in West Wall attacks: 39-40, 46, 52, 62, 71-72, 258, 278, 285

use in woods fighting: 333-34, 349-52, 355, 359-60, 431, 620

West Wall campaign armored duel: 318

Armor, German: 5, 16-17, 20, 122, 143n, 156-57, 162, 168-69, 200, 394-95, 620. See also Tanks.

Armored Divisions. See also Combat Commands.

Armored Division, 2nd: 23, 36

casualties: 272, 276, 279, 279n, 530, 533, 544

command and organization: 72n, 107n

Roer offensive: 400, 516-18, 521-27, 529-36, 540, 540n, 541-44, 547, 549, 551, 553, 558, 560-61, 563-65, 572

West Wall attack: 96, 99, 101, 107-12, 114, 233, 236, 252-53, 257, 269-80, 285, 294, 296, 302-03

Armored Division, 3rd: 20, 23, 36, 339

casualties: 492n, 586, 593n

command and organization: 72, 72n

drive to the Roer: 580-82, 584-86

November offensive: 409, 415, 417, 422-26, 464, 475, 480, 483-85, 492

West Wall reconnaissance: 66-68, 72-80, 82-83, 86, 86n, 88-90, 286, 292, 314

Armored Division, 5th: 3, 24, 36, 383

casualties: 65, 446, 450, 450n, 463, 493, 590-91, 593n

Hürtgen Forest attacks: 408, 429, 438, 440- 42, 448-55, 457-63, 471, 492-93, 600

Monschau Corridor attack: 341-42, 370

Roer drive: 580-82, 587-93

West Wall attack and Wallendorf bridgehead: 39-41, 44, 46, 52-53, 56-65, 291n, 620

Armored Division, 7th: 213, 232, 238n, 252, 400-403, 517, 547, 566, 568, 572n, 573

casualties: 238, 240, 280n

command changes: 238, 246-47

Peel Marshes fight: 233-48, 267, 384, 392

Armored Division, 9th: 379, 600, 607, 611, 613-15

Armored Engineer Battalions

17th: 533

22nd: 453

Armored Field Artillery Battalions

56th: 462

92nd: 540

95th: 61

400th: 63n

Armored Infantry Battalions

15th: 592

46th: 473, 493

47th: 455, 461-62

Armored Infantry Regiments

33rd: 585

41st: 533, 560-61, 565

Armored Regiments

66th: 533, 536, 541, 560, 565

67th: 526-27, 540-41

Army, First: 3-4, 6, 8-9, 16, 18-19, 28-29, 34, 94, 119, 122n, 134, 213n, 252, 377n, 379, 380. See also Hodges, Lt. Gen. Courtney H.

Aachen encirclement: 96, 129, 142, 201, 227, 242, 252, 285, 294, 302-03, 314, 318

boundary adjustments: 232-33, 241, 251-52, 319, 340-41, 373, 378-79, 429, 440-41, 452, 612

clearing west of the Maas: 231-35, 240

command and organization: 20-24

Hürtgen Forest attacks: 248, 252, 323, 341-43, 347-48, 373, 431, 438-39, 464, 474, 493, 561

initial plans for Ruhr advance: 36-37, 203, 205, 210-13, 215, 232-34, 240-41, 280

November offensive: 411-15, 488, 496-98, 517-18, 520-21, 525, 529, 547, 578-80, 582n, 593-95, 611, 614, 618-19

planning for November offensive: 341, 366, 373, 388, 390-92, 394-409

plans for Rhine crossing: 595

and Roer River dams: 326-28, 342, 406, 463, 596-600

summary of losses: 378, 493, 593-94, 617

summary of Siegfried Line campaign: 616-20

supply situation: 11-13, 37, 62, 129, 230, 233, 259, 341, 383-86, 521

West Wall penetrations: 37-40, 42, 55-56, 62-63, 96, 113-15, 121, 127, 233, 252-53, 280, 377-78

Army, First Allied Airborne: 119, 121, 127-30, 135n, 204, 218, 616

Army, Third: 4, 6, 18, 20-21, 34, 36-40, 42, 56, 62-63, 112, 115, 232, 251, 346, 380, 382, 388, 399n, 597, 613, 619. See also Patton, Lt. Gen. George S., Jr.

appraisal of German situation, August: 18-19

approval to resume attack: 36

November offensive drive from Metz: 391-92, 402, 582, 616

planned Rhine crossing: 595

preparations to resume advance: 8-10, 36, 211, 378

supply situation: 8-13, 134, 380, 384-85

Army, Fourth: 379

Army, Seventh: 4, 381

Army, Ninth: 4, 251, 318-19, 327, 341, 388, 394, 395, 399n, 613, 616. See also Simpson, Lt. Gen. William H.

command and organization: 379-80

final push to the Roer: 558, 577-78, 580, 584, 594, 596-97

November offensive: 390-92, 399-404, 406-07, 409-12, 414, 419, 425, 428, 463, 475, 487-88, 496-98, 516-19, 521-22, 525, 545-48

“phantom” army: 522

planned Rhine crossing: 595

summary of Siegfried Line campaign: 617, 619

supply situation: 384-86, 389, 400, 521-22, 545

transfer to the north wing: 378-79, 378–79n

Army Group, 6th: 4, 6, 243, 380, 387-88, 391, 402, 616

Army Group, 12th: 8, 25, 121, 129, 204, 213, 231, 241, 243, 377-78, 388, 391, 394, 410, 548, 619-20. See also Bradley, Gen. Omar N.

command and organization: 4

and the Roer River dams: 327, 597

supply situation: 12-13, 62, 259, 384-86, 389

Army Group, 21st: 6, 28, 36, 121, 129, 204, 213, 546-47. See also Montgomery, Field Marshal Sir Bernard L.

command and organization: 3-4

Maas River operations: 227, 231, 246, 248

and opening of Antwerp: 210, 212, 214-15, 377

and Ruhr thrust: 7-8, 112-13, 198, 205, 211-12, 215, 378, 390, 595, 619

Army Group B. See German Army units.

Army Group G. See German Army units.

Army Group H. See German Army units.

Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP): 621

Arnhem: 113, 120-22, 126-27, 130-32, 131n, 134, 136, 136n, 138, 140-42, 154, 166, 169-70, 174, 185-86, 188, 191, 200, 212, 241

fight for the bridge: 164, 170-73, 179, 185-86, 195-98, 201

Arnold, General Henry H.: 119, 121

“Artificial moonlight”. See Battlefield illumination.

Artillery. See also Artillery support.

against tanks: 448, 562

airborne: 144, 154, 167

attacks without preparatory fire: 433, 490, 563, 568-69, 603, 607

“blackout” and counterflak missions: 253, 255, 382, 406, 449, 524

Cannon Company under division artillery control: 621

casualties in units: 617

concentrated artillery shoot: 481

counterbattery fire: 48, 57, 224, 253, 276, 288, 524-25, 562, 572

fire direction centers: 26

harassing fire: 169, 562

interdiction fire: 109, 266, 452, 481, 562

marching fire: 550

massed fire: 269, 276, 604

neutralization fire: 253, 345

prepared concentrations: 88, 291, 482, 524, 526, 543, 574, 592, 607, 609

protective fire: 575-77

registration difficulties: 336, 609

rolling barrage: 254, 262, 273, 543, 555, 565, 584, 592

“short” fires: 271, 609

time fire: 419, 424, 504, 508, 564, 584n

TOT: 303, 418, 442, 481, 490, 504, 561, 592

tree bursts: 52, 332-33, 336, 349, 420, 444, 462, 467, 476, 590, 608

unobserved fire: 45

Artillery, American: 13, 20-22, 25-27, 620-21

Artillery fire plan: 253, 293, 524, 543, 555

Artillery, German: 15-17, 25-26, 28, 31, 620

Artillery liaison planes: 13, 26-27, 64, 443, 563, 591

Artillery support

Aachen final assault: 77, 308-10, 312-13, 318

assault crossing of rivers: 179-80, 226

Donnerberg attack: 425-27

V Corps in Roer River Dams attack: 600, 602, 604-05, 607-09

First Army drive to the Roer: 409, 414-16, 580, 582, 592-94

Hürtgen Forest attacks: 94, 333-34, 343, 348, 355, 363, 420, 442-43, 446, 452-53, 462, 465, 467, 479, 481-82, 489-90

MARKET-GARDEN: 178-80, 191, 194, 197

Ninth Army and the Roer plain: 499, 502, 504, 506, 508-09, 511, 513-14, 521, 524-26, 530-532, 537-40, 543, 547-48, 550, 554, 556, 561-62, 565, 568, 572, 574, 576-77, 584

Peel Marshes: 238-39

West Wall and Aachen attacks: 45, 55, 57, 60-61, 89, 253-55, 258-59, 261, 270, 276, 287, 291-92, 296, 299, 301-02, 305-06

Artillery support, British: 133, 148, 197, 246, 568

Artillery support, German

Aachen defense: 81, 283-84, 308, 318, 410

Albert Canal: 99-100

Hürtgen Forest: 330-31, 337, 358, 361, 364-65, 368, 432, 434-38, 442-44, 452, 459, 465-66, 481, 484-85, 490-91

MARKET-GARDEN defense: 125, 143, 165, 175-76, 180-81, 185, 189

opposing the November offensive: 396-97, 411, 413-14, 419n, 427, 519-20

Peel Marshes: 242-43, 245

Roer plain: 509-10, 519-20, 526, 530, 561-62, 567, 569, 574-76, 582, 585-86

Stohlberg Corridor: 422-24

West Wall and Aachen encirclement: 42-43, 51, 54-55, 58, 64, 83, 87, 257, 263-64, 273-74, 276, 280, 288, 303, 305

Asch: 108

Assault boats: 101-02, 106, 174, 176, 179-81, 196-98, 224, 226-27, 229, 255

Assault guns. See Guns, German, SP.

Assault teams: 262, 287, 310

Asten: 191, 243-46

Asten-Meijel road: 244

Attacks. See also Night operations; River crossings.

“Cannae” maneuver: 187

concentric: 177, 270, 359, 365, 600-01

converging: 466

diversionary: 266-67, 304-06, 332, 561

double-envelopment: 573, 601, 606

flanking maneuver: 85, 471-72, 478, 568, 584

frontal: 71-72, 372, 493, 496, 516, 529, 568

limited-objective: 94, 187, 253, 306, 469, 524, 540, 567, 571, 585, 601, 607

method used in Hürtgen Forest: 430-31

“pressure”: 425-27, 503

spoiling. See Peel Marshes.

Austrian troops: 111


Baesweiler: 278, 518, 523-24, 528-29

Baesweiler-Setterich highway: 535

Balck, General der Panzertruppen Hermann: 395

Balkans: 15

Ball, 1st Lt. James E.: 537

Ballard, Lt. Col. Robert A.: 189-90

Balloons: 406

Bane, Capt. Frank P.: 367

Bangalore torpedoes: 287, 433, 608

BAR. See Browning automatic rifle.

Bardenberg: 297-99, 300-01

Barmen: 560, 563, 565

Barrett, Lt. Col. William S.: 555

Barton, Maj. Gen. Raymond O.: 49, 51-53, 55, 428, 430, 432-34, 436-37, 440, 464-65, 467-72, 474

Bass, Capt. Hubert S.: 175

Battle fatigue. See Combat exhaustion.

Battlefield illumination: 548, 550, 564, 611

Bauchem: 546, 551

Baum, Capt. Francis J.: 450

Bayonet: 88, 181, 335, 511, 562

Bazooka: 25, 148, 153, 160, 167, 226, 263-64, 267, 299, 318, 331, 351, 356-58, 368, 419, 486-87, 539, 541, 564, 570

Beacons: 138, 406

Beeck: 546, 549, 551, 555-56, 566-69, 571, 573

Beehive charges. See Demolition charges.

Beek: 162, 167, 176, 178, 193

Beeringen: 96, 101, 108, 124-25

Beggendorf: 256, 269, 272-73, 277-78, 518-19, 523

Belfort Gap: 7n

Belgian troops: 208n, 232n. See also British Army units.

Belvedere (tower): 165

Berg en Dal (hotel): 155, 157-58, 162, 165, 167, 174, 176-78

Bergheim: 590-91, 593

Bergrath: 506

Bergstein: 442, 453-55, 453n, 457, 459-63, 601-02

Berlin: 6, 210-11, 522

Berzbuir: 591-92

Best: 144-47, 150, 152, 187, 189, 192

Bestebreurtje, Capt. Arie D.: 184

Bettendorf: 528, 535-38

Bettingen: 59, 61

Beyer, General der Infanterie Dr. Franz: 42-43, 56-57, 64

Bickerath: 602-03, 606

Bicycles: 15, 100, 284

Biddle, Col. William S.: 101, 103, 237

Bieber, S. Sgt. Melvin H.: 301, 301n

Biesdorf: 59-60

Billingslea, Lt. Col. Charles: 193

Bingham, Lt. Col. Sidney V., Jr.: 576

Birgel: 591-92

Birk: 297-301

Birkengang: 426-27

Birks, Col. Hammond D.: 102-03, 107, 294n

Bitburg: 40, 42, 56-57, 60-62

Bittrich, SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS Willi: 127, 142, 164, 170, 182, 185, 188, 193, 201-02

Bixel, Col. Charles P.: 379, 518, 520

Blanford, Lt. Col. William O.: 538

Blanton, Col. William L.: 44

Blaskowitz, Generaloberst Johannes: 6

Blazzard, Maj. Howard C.: 50n, 434, 472-73

Bleialf: 49

Bleialf-Prüm highway: 50, 53

“Blue Ball Express”: 571

Blumentritt, General der Infanterie Guenther: 519-20, 548, 567

Boehme, 1st Lt. William: 307, 317

Boeree, Col. Th. A.: 136n

Bogeyman Hill. See Hill 697

Bois le Duc Canal: 243

Bolling, Brig. Gen. Alexander R.: 549, 551, 553-56, 568, 573

Bolton, 1st Lt. Cecil H.: 226

Bombardment Division, IX: 24-25, 254, 260n, 381

Bomber Group 48th: 292

Bombs. See also Napalm bombs.

500-pound: 292

fragmentation: 404, 412

tonnage dropped in Aachen: 309

tonnage dropped in MARKET: 137

tonnage dropped in QUEEN: 412-13

tonnage dropped in Roer drive: 577

tonnage dropped on Roer River Dams: 598

Bond, Lt. Col. Van H.: 85, 338-39, 586

Bonn: 37, 212, 214, 252, 399, 440, 600

Booby traps: 350, 445, 588

Boos, Col. Francis H.: 606

Bork, Generalleutnant Max: 411

Borton, 1st Lt. Don A.: 261, 263, 295

Bouchlas, Capt. Michael S.: 301

Boudinot, Brig. Gen. Truman E.: 73, 422-23

Boulogne: 204, 208-09

Bourg-Leopold: 130

Bourheim: 559-63

Bovenberg: 480-82

Bovenberger Wald: 480, 484

Boyer, Lt. Col. Howard E.: 455

Braakman (inlet): 209, 215

Brachelen: 567

Bradley, Gen. Omar N.: 4, 7-8, 13, 20-21, 23, 36-37, 40, 120, 129, 213, 369, 377n, 560, 620. See also Army Group, 12th.

and boundary adjustments: 231-32, 251, 378-79

and the November offensive: 391-92, 400-01, 403, 406, 409, 498

relief of commanders: 246-47, 319

and Roer River Dams: 327, 342, 597

and Ruhr double-thrust drive: 9-10, 112-13, 211, 595

and supply allocations: 12, 62, 259, 384-86, 388-89

and US troops under British command: 233, 241, 378

Brand: 72, 76

Brandenberg: 451-55, 453n, 457, 459

Brandenberg–Bergstein ridge: 344-45, 349, 358, 364, 373, 440, 446, 451-60, 582-83, 592, 600-02, 612

Brandenberger, General der Panzertruppen Erich: 42, 63, 69, 87-88, 91, 93, 98, 103, 109, 273, 277, 290, 300, 330, 334, 337, 353, 359, 394-95, 460

Brandscheid: 40, 52-54

Breakthrough possibilities: 49, 51-53, 56, 86, 133, 234-35, 332, 421, 467, 475, 492, 594, 607

Breda: 224-25

Bree: 113, 231

Brereton, Lt. Gen. Lewis H.: 127-30, 128n, 132, 136-37, 154, 196, 199, 204, 218n

Breskens Pocket: 215, 218-21, 227-28

Brest: 4, 115, 232, 251, 378, 380, 441n, 606n

Bridgeheads. See also Meuse–Escaut Canal; River crossings; Wallendorf.

XIX Corps in West Wall: 262-280, 496, 517-18

Bridges. See also Engineers; and rivers and canals (by name).

air attack of: 346, 381, 525

Bailey: 108, 150, 153, 187, 226

demolished: 3, 12, 52, 57, 65, 70, 73, 75-76, 84, 101, 106, 148, 150, 152, 162, 200, 224, 436, 509, 511-12, 555

flood effect on: 326, 522

footbridges: 101, 148, 255, 261, 264, 266

ground attack of: 64, 144-48, 150, 152-53, 160-61, 181-82, 187, 190, 224. See also Arnhem; Nijmegen.

importance to Operation GARDEN: 131-32, 136, 154-57

improvised: 256-57, 265-66, 446, 533

ponton: 525

shortage for supply: 521-22

treadway: 60, 103, 226, 264-66, 533

trestle: 60

Briles, S. Sgt. Herschel F.: 480n

British Army units.

Army, Second: 4, 11, 113-14, 120, 122n, 133-34, 135n, 157n, 196, 204-05, 207-08, 212-13, 215, 220-22, 232, 241-42, 391, 404n, 545-46, 595

Battery, 357th Searchlight (Royal Artillery): 548, 551

Brigade, 1st Belgian: 232-35, 232n, 237-38, 241, 246

Brigade, 1st Polish Parachute: 128, 131-32, 172-73, 186, 195-98, 203

Brigade, 4th Armoured: 246

Brigade, 32nd Guards: 191

Corps, 1st: 4, 208, 221-23, 225, 227

Corps, 1st Airborne: 121-22, 128, 132, 136, 199, 204

Corps, 8: 113, 120, 133, 187, 191, 195, 199n, 202, 236, 241-42, 248

Corps, 12: 120, 133, 153, 187, 192, 202-03, 220-21, 247-48

Corps, 30: 96, 101, 113, 120, 128, 131, 133, 148-50, 154-56, 168-70, 172, 174, 186-87, 191, 195-200, 199n, 203, 248, 403, 516, 521-22, 545-48, 551, 555-56, 566, 594-95

Division, 1st Airborne: 128, 131n, 132-33, 138, 140, 170-74, 179, 185-87, 196-99, 201, 203

Division, 1st Polish Armored: 224-25, 227

Division, 3rd Infantry: 242

Division, 6th Airborne: 128n

Division, 11th Armoured: 242

Division, 15th Infantry: 246

Division, 43rd Infantry: 133, 185-86, 195-98, 546, 551, 556

Division, 49th Infantry: 222, 224

Division, 50th Infantry: 133, 195

Division, 52nd Lowland (Airportable): 128, 132, 196

Division, 53rd Infantry: 246

Division, Guards Armoured: 133, 148-50, 157n, 174-75, 177-78, 185, 196, 208

Drewforce: 548, 550

Group, Coldstream Guards: 178, 185, 196

Regiment, Dorsetshire: 197-98

Yeomanry, 1st Fife and Forfar: 542

Yeomanry, Sherwood Rangers: 554

British forces: 5, 617. See also British Army units.

casualties in MARKET-GARDEN: 198-99, 199n

delay in Operation GARDEN: 199-200

role in November offensive: 401, 520, 545, 547

Brittany: 4, 8, 11, 115, 379, 522, 580, 600, 612

“Broad front” policy: 6, 199-201, 210-11

Broichweiden: 294-95, 501-02

Brooke, Field Marshal Sir Alan: 214

Brooks, Maj. Gen. Edward H.: 65, 107n

Brown, Capt. Bobbie E.: 287n

Brown, Lt. Col. John C.: 570

Browning, Lt. Gen. F. A. M.: 128, 136, 138, 157, 157n, 159, 168-69, 172, 196-97, 203

Browning automatic rifle: 25, 181

Bruges: 208-09

Bruns, Generalmajor Walter: 359, 368

Brussels: 4, 8, 29, 205, 210, 213, 218, 232n, 377, 390-91

Buellingen: 611-12

Büsbach: 76, 80

Buildings (as cover): 309n, 310-12, 333, 368, 418-19, 453, 455, 481, 484-87, 508, 511-14, 520, 52n, 532, 577, 604-05

Bulgarian troops: 15

Bulldozers: 352, 541, 555

Bunkers: 31, 35, 43, 73, 253, 255, 316, 331, 333, 372, 432, 442, 608, 613

Burp gun: 15, 27-28, 491, 605

Burt, Capt. James M.: 303n

Burton, Lt. Col. William H. Jr.: 473n


Caen: 142, 404n

Calais: 204, 208-09

Camouflage: 31, 35, 45, 259, 264, 432

Camp d’Elsenborn: 84, 251, 314, 340, 399, 600-02, 606, 612

Canadian Army units

Army, First: 4, 204-05, 208-10, 208n, 212-15, 220-22, 227, 228n, 405n

Corps, 2nd: 220-21

Division, 2nd: 220

Division, 3rd: 221

Canadian forces: 5, 229, 617. See also Canadian Army units.

Canal de la Dérivation de la Lys: 209, 215

Cannon Company: 621

Carpenter, 1st Lt. Leonard R.: 569-70

Carr, 1st Lt. Oliver B. Jr.: 175

Carter, Col. Leslie D.: 68, 409, 582

Carter, Sgt. Noah: 577

Cassell, Lt. Col. Harold A.: 535

Cassidy, Lt. Col. Patrick F.: 146, 153, 193

Castle Hill (Burg-Berg). See Hill 400.5.

Casualties: 276, 417, 469-70, 484, 621. See also Combat exhaustion; Evacuation; Losses, summary of; Officers; Trench foot; and entries under numbered units.

Allied forces: 4-5, 388, 388n

British forces: 198-99, 198n, 199n

Canadian and attached forces: 229

caused by friendly fire: 254, 260, 348, 412-13

German: 4-5, 14, 26, 89, 95, 152, 168, 182, 198, 229, 293, 317, 317n, 339-40, 340n, 374, 390, 450, 488, 507, 514, 544, 578, 617

nonbattle: 429, 438, 455-57, 474, 492, 557, 593-94, 593n, 606, 609, 612-13, 617

specialists: 26, 617

V-weapon attacks: 230

Cavalry Groups

4th: 23, 36, 92, 328, 347, 590

14th: 613

102nd: 24, 41, 600

113th: 23, 36, 101-03, 107, 114, 232-33, 235-38, 400-02, 517, 547, 556, 566-68, 571

Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadrons

4th: 477

18th: 613

32nd: 613

85th: 3

87th: 244

Channel coast: 119, 204

Channel Islands: 5

Channel ports: 4-5, 12, 204-05, 208-09, 218, 388

Chaplains: 371

Chappuis, Lt. Col. Richard D.: 244-45

Chappuis, Lt. Col. Steve A.: 150-51

Charlemagne (Emperor): 29, 281

Charleroi: 8, 381, 384

Chartres: 36, 39, 62

Chatfield, Lt. Col. Lee W.: 84, 92-93, 333-35

Chemical Mortar Battalion, 92nd: 524, 575

Cherbourg: 8, 23, 49n, 383

Chill, Generalleutnant Kurt: 124

Christiansen, General der Flieger Friedrich: 126, 135, 140, 142, 395

Churchill tanks. See Tanks.

CISCO: 260n

Civilians: 12-13, 125

Aachen evacuation: 71, 81-82

assistance to military forces: 102, 148, 162-64, 168-69, 184

casualties and losses: 153, 230, 260

Dutch reaction to airborne landings: 140, 145, 150, 160, 165, 206

rail reconstruction work: 12, 384

work on defense of Aachen sector: 34, 410

Clark, T. Sgt. Francis J.: 49n

CLIPPER: 546-58, 566, 568, 574

Clothing, winter: 14, 25, 383-84, 386, 444

Coal mines: 496, 510-11, 525, 536-37

Coastal “fortresses.” See Channel ports.

Cochran, Col. John H.: 224, 226, 505, 507, 511, 514

Cole, Col. John T.: 61, 589

Cole, Lt. Col. Robert G.: 147, 150

Collier, Col. John H.: 108-09, 533, 541, 560, 564-65

Collins, Maj. Gen. J. Lawton: 23, 36-39, 66-68, 71, 75, 78, 86, 89-92, 95, 284, 286, 292, 313-14, 323-24, 326n, 327, 330, 342n, 364, 381, 399-400, 408-09, 421, 425-26, 474-76, 481-83, 490, 492, 498, 505, 507, 515, 580, 582, 585, 589, 591, 621. See also Corps, VII.

Colmar: 616

Cologne: 29, 37, 142, 203, 212, 232-33, 241, 252, 308, 391, 394, 399

Cologne plain: 7, 399, 496

Combat Command Hickey. See CCA, 3rd Armored Division.

Combat Commands of Armored Divisions

CCA, 2nd: 108-10, 278, 279n, 523, 532-33, 541-44, 558, 560, 564-65

CCB, 2nd: 108-10, 269-278, 279n, 280, 523-24, 526-27, 530n, 532-33, 540-44, 558

CCA, 3rd: 72n, 74-77, 79-80, 88, 90, 483-84

CCB, 3rd: 72-74, 76-80, 88-91, 422-24

CCA, 5th: 56, 65, 471-73, 591-93

CCB, 5th: 46, 56, 60-61, 63-65, 589-93

CCR 5th: 56-61, 63-65, 408, 429, 440, 442, 445-55, 457, 459-63, 466, 471, 493, 585-86, 600

CCA, 7th: 238-40, 244

CCB, 7th: 238-40, 242, 244-46

CCR, 7th: 238, 240, 244-45

CCB, 9th: 607, 611

Combat exhaustion: 54, 289, 346, 358, 360-61, 364, 371-72, 429, 438, 443-45, 455, 463, 467, 474, 492-93, 574, 576, 617-18

Combat indoctrination: 612-14, 621

Combined Chiefs of Staff: 3

COMET: 120, 129, 131n


in new divisions: 621

tank-infantry command by co-ordination: 585-86

Commando operations: 228-29

Communications: 26, 293, 334. See also Radio.

problems of: 148, 166, 169-70, 172-73, 291, 350, 491, 569-71, 605, 609-10

Communications, German: 245, 405

problems of: 26, 34, 316, 338, 413, 459

Communications Zone: 11-13, 126, 383-85, 389

Concentration of forces: 55-56, 177, 211, 251, 273-74, 328, 378-79

Congressional Medal of Honor. See Medal of Honor.

Cook, Sgt. Ezra: 272

Cook, Maj. Julian A.: 179, 181-82

Corlett, Maj. Gen. Charles H.: 23, 96, 98, 100-01, 108, 112-15, 233, 235, 240, 252, 258-59, 269-70, 278-79, 285, 294, 302-03, 319, 319n, 320. See also Corps, XIX.

Corley, Lt. Col. John T.: 309-16, 421

Corman, Cpl. Daniel L.: 151n

Corps, V: 3, 36, 98, 251-52, 302, 314, 378, 409, 428, 430, 611-12. See also Gerow, Maj. Gen. Leonard T.

casualties: 593, 612

command and organization: 23-24, 107n

November offensive: 373, 396-97, 399, 408, 438-43, 449, 451-55, 461, 464, 467, 469, 471, 561, 580-82, 587, 593, 601

Roer Dams attack: 327, 327n, 342, 342n, 406, 463, 598-602, 615

second attack on Schmidt: 340-43, 346, 348, 352, 366, 400

Wallendorf bridgehead: 56-65, 114-15, 251

West Wall reconnaissance attacks: 37-66

Corps, VII: 29-30, 252, 261, 319, 327, 327n, 340-41. See also Collins, Maj. Gen. J. Lawton.

Aachen encirclement and assault: 96, 98, 101, 103, 107, 109, 112, 114-15, 235, 252-53, 257, 274, 277-80, 285, 291, 297, 304, 309, 318, 498

casualties: 586, 593

command and organization: 23, 36

final attack to the Roer: 580-83, 585-86, 591-94, 600

Hürtgen Forest attacks: 92, 323-24, 348

initial penetration of West Wall: 37-38, 41, 66-68, 71-72, 75, 80, 82, 86-87, 89-90, 95, 251, 283n

November offensive: 364, 366, 373, 395, 397, 399-400, 403-04, 408-15, 421-22, 424-25, 428, 440, 442, 451, 463-64, 468, 471, 474-75, 481, 487, 498, 500, 502, 504, 507, 510-11, 515, 529, 561

Corps, VIII: 251, 373, 379, 396-97, 399, 441n, 474, 580, 611-15

Corps, XIII: 400, 400n, 401-03, 516-17, 523-24, 542-44, 546-48, 550, 554, 556, 561, 566-68, 571-72, 574, 580, 584-85, 593

Corps, XVIII (Airborne): 128

Corps, XIX: 29-30, 36-38, 95, 115, 124, 189, 212, 252. See also Corlett, Maj. Gen. Charles H.; McLain, Maj. Gen. Raymond S.

clearing west of the Maas: 114, 231, 233-35, 237, 252

command and organization: 23, 319-20

final push to the Roer: 544, 558-66, 568, 572, 574, 576-77, 580, 584-85

November offensive: 341, 378-79, 400-402, 498-500, 502-03, 507, 516-20, 522-26, 529-32, 534, 537, 545-46, 548, 550, 556

and Roer River Dams: 327

West Wall attacks north of Aachen: 67, 69, 72, 81, 91, 96-98, 100-01, 106, 110, 112-15, 240-41, 251-53, 257-59, 261, 266, 276-79, 283-86, 288, 290, 293-95, 298, 300, 302, 304, 313, 318, 330, 386, 519

Cota, Maj. Gen. Norman D.: 44-45, 44n, 47-48, 55, 343-44, 346-47, 350-52, 355, 358, 360, 362, 367-69, 373

Cotton, Lt. Col. Hugh W.: 302

Counterattacks, German: 274, 317, 430-31, 478. See also Ardennes counteroffensive.

Cox, Lt. Col. William C.: 275-78, 298, 301, 305-06

Crabill, Col. Edwin B.: 590

Craig, Maj. Gen. Louis A.: 83-84, 86, 90, 92-94, 323, 326n, 328, 331-32, 336, 338, 585

Crerar, Lt. Gen. Henry D. G.: 208, 220

Crocker, Lt. Gen. Sir John T.: 221-25, 227

Crocodile tanks. See Tanks.

Cross, Col. Thomas J.: 447-48

Crossroads 87: 571-73

Crucifix Hill. See Hill 239.

“Culverts”: 256-57, 264-65

Cushman, 1st Lt. Robert P.: 262-63

Czechoslovakia: 31

Czechoslovakian troops: 208n, 229


Daddow, 1st Lt. Elwood G.: 103-04

Dahl, Sgt. Sverry: 74

Daley, Col. Edmund K.: 360, 362, 365

Daniel, Lt. Col. Derrill M.: 309-10, 314-15, 420-21, 490-91

Daser, Generalleutnant Wilhelm: 219, 228-29

Davis, Brig. Gen. George A.: 358, 361, 365, 368, 370, 372

Davison, Lt. Col. Floid A.: 47-48

Dawson, Lt. Col. Joe: 291-93, 418, 420

De Groote Barrier: 125, 133, 208

De Groote Peel: 247

De Ploeg: 163

Deadman’s Ford: 59-61

Deadman’s Moor: 93-94, 323, 328, 332, 600

Deception: 258, 393-95, 410, 465-66, 561, 614. See also Ardennes counteroffensive.

Decker, Maj. Lawrence L.: 332-33


blocking position: 53

in depth: 351, 364

linear: 100, 313

perimeter: 94, 144, 172, 186, 191, 195-96

reverse slope: 563

screen: 190, 195, 200

static: 187

Defilade: 275, 452, 459, 532, 543, 603

DeLille, Lieutenant: 3n

Demolition charges: 45-47, 102, 160-61, 164, 183, 203, 255, 262-64, 275, 287, 310, 310n, 350, 359-60, 555, 596, 619. See also Bangalore torpedoes.

Dempsey, Lt. Gen. Miles C.: 114, 122n, 133, 196, 208, 232, 241

Denkert, Generalmajor Walter: 290-91, 410, 502

Denmark: 135

Derichsweiler: 586, 590

Deurne: 231, 237, 241-42, 244-46

Deurne Canal: 241-46

Devers, Lt. Gen. Jacob L.: 4

Devil’s Hill. See Hill 75.9.

Dew, 2nd Lt. Joseph H.: 46, 46n

Dickson, Col. Benjamin A.: 23

Diekirch: 42, 46

Dieppe: 4, 208

Diestel, Generalleutnant Erich: 220

Disney, Col. Paul A.: 272, 526-27, 531-32

Distinguished Service Cross: 46n, 50n, 53n, 63n, 64n, 279, 299n, 301n, 312n, 339n, 366n, 368n, 418n, 424n, 473n, 610

Diven, Cpl. Ralph F.: 3n

Divisions. See Airborne Divisions; Armored Divisions; British Army units; Canadian Army units; German Army units; Infantry Divisions.

Doan, Col. Leander LaC.; 74

Doherty, Capt. Henry R.: 361-62, 365

Dommel River: 131, 145-46, 149

Donnerberg. See Hill 287.

Dortmund: 28

Dowdy, Lt. Col. John: 53

Dreiborn ridge: 601, 606, 610-11

Dreilaenderbach Dam: 325-26

Driel: 186, 195-96, 198

Driscoll, Lt. Col. Edmund F.: 416-18

Drop zones: 130, 136n, 137-39, 144-47, 159-60, 170-72, 186, 196, 200

“Drowned earth” policy: 327

Druon Antigon: 207

“Duck bills”: 518

Duerboslar: 537, 539

Düren: 30, 66-67, 78, 80, 83, 85, 258, 325, 327, 330-31, 333-34, 346, 397, 404, 408, 412-14, 428, 431, 451, 465, 469, 471-73, 488, 496, 515, 518, 520, 559, 582-83, 586-87, 590, 592, 596n, 602

Duerwiss: 505-06

Duesseldorf: 28, 113, 252, 517

Dugouts: 398, 613

Duisberg: 113

DUKW’s: 196

Dummy parachute drops: 138

Dunkerque: 204, 208

“Dunkerque” operation: 219

“Dutch Panhandle”: 29, 36, 96

Dutch troops: 208n. See also Resistance forces.

Dwyer, Col. Philip R.: 303


Eaker, Lt. Gen. Ira C.: 405

Eastern Front: 14-16

Eberding, Generalmajor Kurt: 219, 221

Eberich: 559, 561

Echternach: 40, 56-57, 59, 251

Echtz: 404, 585

Ederen: 533, 541-44, 558, 566

Eerde: 145, 189-92

Eifel: 29-30, 34, 38, 40-41, 62n, 69, 393-94, 399, 408. See also Ardennes-Eifel; Schnee Eifel

Eighth Air Force: 137-38, 169n, 196, 403-06, 412

Eilendorf: 76-77, 80-81, 86, 88, 284, 286, 288, 290-91, 304, 313-14

Eilendorf-Verlautenheide road: 287

Eindhoven: 113, 120, 122-23, 125, 130-31, 133-34, 137, 140, 142-44, 146, 148-50, 152-53, 168, 174, 187, 189, 199-200, 206, 231, 233, 401

Eindhoven-Grave road. See Hell’s Highway.

Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D.: 3, 5, 134-35, 387-88. See also Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF).

and air attack of Roer River Dams: 598

and Berlin as ultimate goal: 210-11

“broad-front policy”: 6-7, 9-10, 36-37, 199-201, 210-11, 390-91, 619

conferences of top commanders: 8, 10, 36, 62, 128, 205, 210-14, 231, 369, 377, 387, 390-91, 595

and conquest of the Ruhr: 6-7, 36-37, 205, 211-12, 391, 595

decision for the November offensive: 390-91

and importance of opening Antwerp: 207, 209-11, 214-15, 218, 218n

and the logistical situation: 8, 62, 207, 380, 382, 384

and MARKET-GARDEN: 113, 119-22, 128-29, 214

and Montgomery and the command situation: 8, 213-15, 213n, 231, 378, 619

and release of MARKET airborne troops, 201, 204-05

and relief of General Corlett: 319, 319–20n

and shortage of replacements: 388-89

Ekman, Col. William E.: 158, 161-62

Elst: 195-96

Elverfeldt, General Harald Freiherr von: 244, 530

Engel, General: 410-11, 488

Engel, Col. Gerhard: 88-89, 283

Engelsdorf: 538, 558

Engineer Combat Battalions

20th: 351-52, 360, 362, 365

146th: 365-66

254th: 60, 64n

294th: 347

298th: 328, 337-38

1340th: 365, 367

Engineer Combat Groups

1104th: 302

1106th: 286-87, 309, 310n, 314-16

1171st: 343, 360, 362, 365

Engineer support: 47, 60, 64, 74, 76, 78, 102, 108, 150, 203, 226, 267, 305, 333, 347-48, 351-52, 355, 359-62, 365-67, 435-38, 445-46, 453, 455, 467, 541-42, 550, 555, 588-89

Envelopment maneuver: 85, 109, 211-12, 268-69, 275, 426

Erdmann, Generalleutnant Wolfgang: 125

Erft River: 29

Erlekom: 193

Erp: 189

Escaut River: 28

Eschweiler: 66-67, 72, 76-77, 88, 413-14, 425, 496, 503, 505

Eschweiler woods: 422, 424-28, 464, 503

Eschweiler-Weisweiler industrial triangle: 399, 403, 408, 412, 422, 424-25, 475, 480, 482, 492, 498, 580

Essen: 28

Etang de Lindre dam: 597

Euchen: 298-300, 499, 501

Eupen: 36, 67, 84, 377n, 454


ordered at Aachen: 71, 81-82

of wounded: 311, 343, 371-72, 444, 467, 591

Evans, Cpl. James L.: 147n

Evans, Lt. Col. Robert F.: 286, 421

Ewell, Lt. Col. Julian J.: 193


Farmer, S. Sgt. Robert D.: 418n

Farwick Park (Aachen): 307, 309, 311-13, 315

Fascines: 518, 526

Feldt, General der Kavallerie Kurt: 126-27

Field Artillery Battalions

118th: 269

258th: 259n

991st: 332n

Field Artillery Brigade, 32nd: 582n

Field Artillery Group, 406th: 607

Fighter Groups

365th: 64, 332

366th: 446, 453, 453n, 459

368th: 24n, 586

370th: 24n

404th: 24n, 332

474th: 24n, 449

Finnish troops: 15

Five Points: 434-35

Flail tanks. See Tanks, Scorpion.

Flak. See Antiaircraft defense, German.

Flak wagons: 166, 169

Flamethrowers: 45, 48, 221, 255, 262-63, 275, 287, 310, 613. See also Tanks, Crocodile.

Flanders: 7-8, 29, 131

Flank security: 84, 92, 107, 112-15, 231-32, 294-95, 339, 401, 420, 434-38, 464, 493, 553, 566-67, 566n, 601

Flares: 292, 459

Fleig, 1st Lt. Raymond E.: 355, 357-58, 360

Fleming, Pvt. Roy O.: 47

Flood, Lt. Col. Albert: 350-52, 355, 357, 368

Floods and flooding: 102, 198, 215, 227-29, 522, 597

tactical flooding of the Roer: 326-28, 342, 406, 596-97

Flossdorf: 567, 571-73

Floverich: 526-27, 532

Flushing: 228-29

Foote, 1st Lt. Theodore: 263

Ford, Maj. James C.: 46

Ford, Col. Thomas J.: 41

Forest fighting. See Woods fighting.

Fort Eben Emael: 101-02

Fort Hof van Holland: 181

Fortifications. See also Hürtgen Forest Pillboxes; Roer plain; West Wall.

field: 260, 265, 275, 331, 350, 416-18, 432, 452, 482, 510, 520, 535-38, 550, 552, 560, 567, 572, 578, 608

Foster, Col. Robert T.: 589

Foxholes: 225, 305, 331, 336, 358, 360, 373, 398, 432, 437, 465, 476-77, 520, 577, 608, 613-14

Frankland, Lt. Col. Robert E.: 261-62, 264

Freialdenhoven: 541-44, 558

Frelenberg: 272, 278

French, Sgt. Dennis D.: 532

French forces: 4-5, 208n, 381

Frenz: 509, 513

Frenzerburg (castle): 482-87, 489, 511

Fronhoven: 558

Frost, Lt. Col. J. D.: 171-72, 179, 185-86

Frostbite: 372, 456-57

Führer Reserve: 427, 488


Gangelt: 111

Garcia, Pfc. Marcario: 469, 469n

GARDEN: 120, 131, 133. See also MARKET-GARDEN.

Garlington, 1st Lt. Creswell Jr.: 569-70

Gavin, Maj. Gen. James M.: 156, 156n, 157, 157n, 158, 158n, 159, 162-63, 165, 167-69, 174, 176, 178-79, 183-84, 193, 200, 205

Gay creek: 59-61

Gehrke, 2nd Lt. Roy E.: 63n

Geich: 585

Geilenkirchen: 34, 109-112, 114, 252-53, 257-58, 266, 273-74, 277-78, 315, 401-03, 414, 516-21

clearing the salient: 545-57. See also CLIPPER.

Geilenkirchen-Aachen highway: 269-272

Geilenkirchen-Aldenhoven highway: 527, 532-33, 541-42

Geisberg. See Hill 228.

Gemert: 189

Gemuend: 324

Gereonsweiler: 516, 523, 526-27, 531-33, 540-44, 556, 558, 566, 570, 574

Gereonsweiler-Lindern highway: 568-69

Gerhardt, Maj. Gen. Charles H.: 523-24, 527-35, 535n, 537, 539, 558, 560, 563, 576

German Army

outlook in September 1944: 14-19

resurgence in fall 1944: 122, 377, 392-93

German Army units

Alarm units: 42, 57-58, 127, 258, 507

Army Groups

B: 6, 18, 42-43, 57, 63, 87, 100, 104, 107-08, 110, 112, 125, 127, 134-35, 140-41, 197, 219, 237, 240-41, 243, 247, 277, 289-90, 304, 353, 358, 394-95, 530, 540, 545, 547, 571

G: 6, 42, 57, 60, 243, 394-95

H: 395, 547

Student: 247


Ersatzheer (Replacement Army): 15, 393

Feldheer (Field Army): 15

First: 6, 42-43, 57, 60-63

First Parachute: 6, 19, 69, 98-100, 103, 106, 108-11, 123-27, 135-36, 140-42, 146, 150, 153, 188, 193, 201-02, 219, 235-36, 247, 267, 394-95, 410

Fifth Panzer: 6, 127, 247, 353, 394-96, 410. See also Gruppe von Manteuffel.

Sixth Panzer: 394, 566-67, 601, 610

Seventh: 6, 19, 43, 45, 57, 63-64, 69, 82-83, 87-88, 93, 98-99, 103-04, 108-12, 125, 127, 218, 247, 273, 283, 290, 300, 330, 334, 346, 353, 358-59, 394-96, 410, 437, 448, 460, 465, 583

Fifteenth: 6, 8, 19, 99-100, 123, 125-27, 134, 136, 150, 193, 198, 202, 218-19, 222-23, 242, 245-47, 539, 592. See also Gruppe von Manteuffel.

Nineteenth: 6


Feldt: 127, 142, 164, 166, 176-77, 193, 247

Volks artillery: 393, 396

I SS Panzer: 41-42, 42n, 43, 56, 61, 69, 284, 289, 300, 314, 610

II Parachute: 142, 177, 188, 193, 202-03

II SS Panzer: 127, 135-36, 141-42, 142n, 164, 170, 172, 185, 188, 193, 200-01

XII SS: 201, 318n, 394, 410, 419, 519, 539, 548, 568

XLVII Panzer: 243-45, 247, 397, 410, 518-19, 530, 540, 567, 571

LXVII: 219-20, 601-02, 610

LXXIV: 69, 83, 87, 91-92, 273, 330, 333, 339, 346, 353, 358, 431, 583, 592, 601

LXXX: 42-43, 56-57, 60-61, 63-64

LXXXI: 69-70, 75, 79, 83, 87, 91-93, 98, 105, 107, 110, 112, 257-59, 267, 273, 276-77, 283-84, 290, 300, 314, 318n, 330, 396, 410, 417, 419, 419n, 427, 431, 487-88, 499-500, 502, 509, 519-20, 538-39, 559, 562, 582, 592

LXXXVI: 188, 193, 195, 235-37, 240, 247

LXXXVIII: 123-25, 188-89, 192, 195

388th Volks Artillery: 245, 519

403rd Volks Artillery: 488

407th Volks Artillery: 567


Panzer Lehr: 42, 59, 63-64

Parachute Training Erdmann: 124-25, 188, 235-37

von Tettau: 142, 171-72, 193

Volks grenadier: 15, 393, 601, 616

1st SS Panzer: 300n, 301, 304

2nd Panzer: 42-43, 45, 47, 61, 63, 127, 243

2nd SS Panzer: 41-43, 50-51, 53

3rd Panzer Grenadier: 284, 287, 290, 292-93, 295, 300, 304, 313-14, 396, 410, 427, 499-500, 502-03, 510, 519, 538, 562

3rd Parachute: 488-90, 492, 509-10, 514, 548, 583, 586

5th Parachute: 42, 59, 63

6th Parachute: 124n, 177

7th Parachute: 125n

9th Panzer: 18, 69-70, 75-79, 87, 91, 95, 98, 201-02, 243-44, 247, 304, 313, 397, 518, 530, 533-34, 540, 542-44, 549-54, 567, 571

9th SS Panzer: 122, 127, 142-43, 164, 171

10th SS Panzer: 110, 122, 127, 142-43, 164, 171, 189, 547-48, 567, 571-73, 616

12th Infantry: 71, 79, 87-90, 92, 95, 109, 111, 258, 273-74, 277, 279, 283, 288, 295

12th SS Panzer: 300n

12th VG: 411, 413-14, 417, 423, 425-27, 475, 482, 484, 488, 492, 503, 507-08, 538, 583

15th Panzer Grenadier: 243-45, 247, 396, 518, 530, 540-41, 544-45, 550, 554-56, 567

19th VG: 60, 63

39th Infantry: 64

47th VG: 411, 414, 417-21, 424, 460, 475-77, 479-80, 484, 487-89, 492, 502, 508, 539, 583, 585, 592

49th Infantry: 98-104, 107, 110-12, 253, 257-58, 266, 270, 273, 275-77, 279, 283, 295-97, 314, 318n, 500

59th Infantry: 125, 136, 142, 146, 150, 152-53, 189, 192, 200, 219, 574

64th Infantry: 219, 221

70th Infantry: 219-20, 227-28

85th Infantry: 124, 583, 602

89th Infantry: 83-85, 333, 346, 352-54, 356n, 359, 361, 367-68, 372-73, 431, 583, 602

116th Panzer: 68-71, 75, 77, 81-82, 87, 91, 95, 98, 103, 127, 201-02, 245, 257, 283-84, 287, 289-90, 295, 300-01, 303-04, 306, 313-14, 353-54, 358-59, 362-63, 365-67, 372, 417, 419, 431, 437, 465, 538

176th Infantry: 99-101, 106, 108-09, 111-12, 114, 124, 188, 236-37, 519-20, 548

180th Replacement Training: 189, 236

183rd VG: 91, 109-12, 253, 257-58, 266-67, 270, 273, 277, 283, 295, 318n, 519, 530, 548, 551, 567

245th Infantry: 125, 219

246th VG: 91, 258, 270, 273-74, 277, 279, 283-84, 286, 288, 295-97, 301, 307-08, 314, 411, 499-500, 502, 510, 519, 537-38, 559-60, 564, 583-84

272nd VG: 352, 359, 460-62, 583, 601-02, 604

275th Infantry: 91, 98-105, 107, 110-12, 253, 257, 273, 286, 330-31, 333, 338, 346, 352, 359, 372, 410, 431-32, 437, 442, 465

277th VG: 602, 607, 610

326th VG: 606, 610-11

340th VG: 559, 561-63, 572-73, 575

344th Infantry: 427, 439, 442, 465, 469, 583

346th Infantry: 220, 223

347th Infantry: 83

353rd Infantry: 70, 75-76, 87, 92-93, 330, 437, 469, 583, 588

363rd VG: 201-03, 573, 575

406th (Landesschuetten): 126, 142, 166, 176

711th Infantry: 220, 223

719th Infantry: 123-26, 219


Volks-werfer: 393, 396

102nd Assault Gun: 87

105th Panzer: 68, 70, 76

107th Panzer: 142-43, 153, 187-89, 236, 239

108th Panzer: 63-64, 283-84, 295-300

280th Assault Gun: 143

341st Assault Gun: 562

394th Assault Gun: 70, 74-75, 81

667th Assault Gun: 489


von Fritzschen: 284, 295-97, 500

Wegelein: 337-39, 343, 347, 353

2nd Parachute: 124, 124n, 192

5th Parachute: 489-90

6th Parachute: 124, 124n, 125, 192-95, 221

8th Panzer Grenadier: 291-92

8th Parachute: 510, 514

9th Parachute: 489

10th Panzer Grenadier: 531, 551-52

11th Panzer Grenadier: 531, 543

12th Artillery: 87

16th Panzer: 353, 356, 359, 368, 419n

22nd SS Panzer Grenadier: 573

27th Fusilier: 87-88, 90-91, 482, 484, 488

29th Panzer Grenadier: 290

48th Grenadier: 87-89, 93, 417-18

60th Panzer Grenadier: 300-01, 303-04, 354, 358, 361, 365

89th Grenadier: 87-89, 423

103rd, 47th VG Division: 414, 480, 484, 488

104th, 47th VG Division: 419-20, 475, 477-78, 480, 488-89

115th Infantry: 420, 476, 479, 488

148th Infantry: 98-99, 258, 275

149th Infantry: 99, 258

156th Panzer Grenadier: 306, 359, 365-66, 465

253rd Infantry: 330

330th, 183rd VG Division: 257, 530

343rd Grenadier: 273-74, 277

352nd Infantry: 284

404th Grenadier: 273-74, 277, 284, 297, 312-13, 499-500

689th Infantry: 284

751st, 326th VG Division: 610

980th, 272nd VG Division: 460, 605

983rd Infantry: 330, 333, 346

984th Infantry: 99, 330, 346

985th Infantry: 330, 346

991st, 277th VG Division: 607

1055th Infantry: 85, 352-55, 359, 361 368

1056th Infantry: 84, 359, 368


Bayer: 487, 539

Chill: 124-25, 124n, 142, 192, 200

Diefenthal: 300-01, 305, 312

Eisenhuber: 484

Engel: 488-90, 508-09, 583

Heinke: 189

Huber: 189-92

von Manteuffel: 395-96, 410, 417, 488, 501, 518-19, 530, 559, 583

Walther: 124-25, 124n, 188-92, 236, 238-39


Bucher: 305

Jungwirth: 194

Rink: 301, 312-13

2nd Landesschützen: 305

22th Fusilier: 87, 418

31st Machine Gun: 448

105th Panzer Grenadier: 95

147th Engineer: 477

275th Fusilier: 330, 333

301st Tank: 520, 562

506th Tank: 283, 290, 296-97, 301, 530, 571

559th Assault Gun: 520


“Ear battalions”: 100, 127

Feldjaegerkommando z. b. V.: 395

“Fortress” battalions: 16, 75, 273, 286, 334, 372

Garrison troops: 42

Grenadier training units: 81, 83, 85

Heeres units: 16

Landesschützen (local security) battalions: 70, 75-77, 83, 258, 273-74, 277, 286, 330

Military government troops: 124

Mobile interceptor units: 135

NCO Training School Düren: 273-74, 277

NCO Training School Jülich: 273-74, 277

Ost (East) battalions: 83, 220

Replacement units: 111, 153, 258, 330, 610

“Security” units: 99, 258

“Stomach” units: 83, 83n, 127, 220

“Straggler” battalions: 258

Werfer units: 15-16

German Navy: 15-16, 124, 126, 393, 411

Germeter: 93, 323, 331-34, 336-39, 343-45, 347, 349, 352-53, 357-58, 361, 366, 372-73, 399, 431, 438, 464-65

Germeter-Hürtgen highway: 388, 347-49, 358, 428, 440, 442-47, 452, 589

Germeter-Vossenack ridge. See Vossenack ridge.

Gerow, Maj. Gen. Leonard T.: 23, 36-37, 39-41, 44, 46, 48-49, 51, 55-57, 59-63, 65-66, 341, 343, 347, 364, 366, 369-70, 372, 440-41, 451 455, 461, 598-602, 607, 611. See also Corps, V.

Gersdorff, Col. Rudolf-Christoph Freiherr von: 110

Geul River: 105-07, 109-10

Gey: 399, 408, 412, 430, 433, 436, 469, 472-74, 580, 587-91

Ghent: 208

Gibb, Col. Frederick W.: 291-92, 418

Gibney, Col. Jesse L.: 92-94

Gillem, Maj. Gen. Alvan C., Jr.: 400, 400n, 516-17, 547, 550, 556, 566, 568, 571

Glider Field Artillery Battalion, 907th: 192, 194

Glider Infantry Regiments

325th: 176, 193

327th: 152, 152n, 190-91

401st: 152n

Glider Operations: 129, 132, 133, 137-39, 147-48, 152, 154, 159, 166-67, 170, 176, 176n, 185, 198-99, 199n

Glotzbach, Capt. Charles: 508

Goering, Reichsmarschall Hermann: 141

Gomes, Lt. Col. Lloyd H.: 550, 552


Gottberg, Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS Curt von: 201

Grantham: 137

Grave: 120, 131, 154, 157n, 158, 160, 174, 184, 196, 202, 206

Grave-Nijmegen highway: 158, 161

Greer, Maj. Howard: 299, 299n

Grenades: 85, 147, 151, 178, 181, 262-64, 267, 310, 315, 366, 418, 444-45, 453, 481, 486, 487, 511, 541, 564, 577

Gressenich: 72, 79-80, 89, 409, 417

Groesbeek: 155, 158, 161-62, 165, 167, 174, 177, 202

Groesbeek ridge: 155-57, 157n, 158, 161-62, 166, 174, 177

Groesbeekscheweg: 163

Grosshau: 408, 430, 432-34, 437, 450, 465-69, 471-73, 587, 589, 591

Grosshau-Gey highway: 472-73, 588, 591

Grosskampenberg: 44-45

Guerzenich: 590-92

Guingand, Maj. Gen. Sir Francis de: 211n, 212

Gulpen: 107

Gunn, Col. Damon M.: 23n

Gunn, Lt. Col. Frank L.: 337-38

Guns. See also Artillery; Howitzers; Mortar fire; Tank destroyers; Tank guns; Weapons.

75-mm: 159

90-mm: 27

155-mm: 259, 287, 312-13, 316, 609

8-inch: 481-82

Guns, German

railroad: 64

SP: 15-16, 50, 74, 76-77, 79, 87n, 109, 266, 272, 275, 277, 301, 313, 331, 336, 356, 438, 450, 460-61, 472, 487, 501-02, 506, 514, 520, 539-40, 543, 559, 559n, 584, 586, 591-93

88-mm: 27-28, 50, 148-49, 175, 226, 559n, 620

Gut Hasenfeld: 574-77

Gut Merberich: 489

Gut Schwarzenbroich: 430, 432, 437, 464-65, 467-68, 477


Haaren: 288-89, 291, 309-10

Hackard, Capt. Clifford T.: 368, 368n

Half-tracks: 48, 298, 419, 450, 453, 612-13

Hall, 1st Lt. Stanford F.: 64n

Hallahan, Capt. F. J.: 514

Halsdorf: 59, 61

Hamberg, Lt. Col. William A.: 449-50, 452-54

Hamich: 404, 416-19, 421, 475-77, 479-80, 487

Hamich ridge: 399, 404, 408-09, 412, 415-18, 422-24, 464, 475-76, 479-80, 529

Hand-to-hand fighting: 180-81, 193, 437n

Hansen, Maj. Harold D.: 302

Hansen, Pvt. Henry E.: 263

Hardage, Maj. Quentin R.: 335-37, 339

Harmon, Maj. Gen. Ernest N.: 107-08, 107n, 278, 518, 522-24, 532-35, 540-42, 544, 561

Harper, Col. Joseph H.: 152, 190-91

Harris, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur T.: 598

Harrison, Maj. Willard E.: 161, 179, 181

Harscheidt: 352-56

Harspelt: 3n

Hart, Brig. Gen. Charles E.: 22, 621

Hasbrouck, Brig. Gen. Robert W.: 238, 244-47

Hasenfeld: 325, 345

Hasselt: 96, 98-100, 108, 124, 204, 231

Hastenrath: 404, 409, 422-24

Haswell, Pfc. James B.: 316

Hatert: 158, 161-63, 168, 174

Hatzfeld, Lt. Col. Theodore S.: 349, 358, 364-66, 368

Hauptbecken Reservoir: 325

Haviland, S. Sgt. Floyd: 577

Hazlett, Maj. Robert T.: 351, 357, 368

Heartbreak Crossroads. See Wahlerscheid.

Heckhuscheid: 46

Heerlen: 111

Heeswijk: 187

Heeze: 113

Hehlrath: 499, 503-04

Heimbach Dam: 325

Heinsberg: 30, 404, 412, 496, 498, 520, 525, 547-48, 550

Heistern: 477-79, 484

Heitrak: 24445

Helgeson, Capt. Thomas B.: 161

Hellenthaler Wald: 607

Hellerich, S. Sgt. Harold: 89

Hell’s Highway: 143-46, 148, 150, 152-54, 187-95

Helmond: 191

Hemgen Berg. See Hill 253.

Hemmeres: 3

Henbest, Lt. Col. Ross C.: 59-61, 64

Henley, S. Sgt. Robert M.: 473n

Henry, Pvt. Robert T.: 490n

Herbach: 256, 269, 275, 278

Herenthals: 208

Herlong, Lt. Col. Robert H.: 565

Herrin, Sgt. Stanley: 541

Herscheid: 54

Hertogenwald: 66, 84

Heumen: 158, 160-61, 167, 178

Heveadorp: 173, 185-86

Heydte, Lt. Col. Friedrich-August Freiherr von der: 124-25, 192-93, 221

Hickey, Brig. Gen. Doyle O.: 74, 76-77

Higgins, Brig. Gen. Gerald J.: 152

Higgins, Lt. Col. Walter M. Jr.: 609-10

Hill, Col. John G.: 611

Hill 64: 165-66

Hill 75.9: 176, 193

Hill 77.2: 158, 161, 178, 193

Hill 81.8: 161

Hill 87.9: 568, 571, 573-74

Hill 92.5: 551-53

Hill 98.1: 564-65

Hill 100.3: 564-65

Hill 101: 550-51

Hill 154: 506-08

Hill 167: 480-81, 506

Hill 187: 480-82, 506

Hill 194: 305-06, 313

Hill 203: 478-79, 484, 489

Hill 207: 478

Hill 211: 587, 591

Hill 228: 77, 79-80

Hill 231: 286-89, 295, 297, 304-06, 309, 313-14, 314n, 499

Hill 232: 416-20, 422, 424, 475-77, 481-82

Hill 239: 286-290, 287n

Hill 253: 287, 590, 592-93

Hill 266: 590-93

Hill 283: 79-80, 88, 91

Hill 287: 91, 422, 424-28, 464, 503, 529

Hill 400.5: 454, 459, 461-63

Hill 401: 448, 451-53

Hill 401.3: 450, 472-73, 473n

Hill 407: 59, 61, 63-64

Hill 520: 54

Hill 553: 46-48

Hill 554: 92, 602

Hill 559: 48

Hill 560: 47

Hill 568: 48

Hill 655: 53

Hill 697: 50

Hillyard, Lt. Col. Harry L.: 532

Himmler, Reichsführer SS Heinrich: 141

Hinds, Col. Sidney R.: 272, 542

Hirschfelder, Col. Chester J.: 606, 608-09

Hirson: 383

Hitler, Adolf: 6, 218, 320, 377n, 390

and Aachen evacuation and defense: 71, 82, 281, 307, 314-15, 320

and airborne/seaborne invasion: 135-36

and Antwerp and the Schelde: 19, 123, 215, 218, 223, 227-28

and Ardennes counteroffensive: 136n, 393, 395, 397, 505, 559, 616

assumption of complete military command: 16-17

build-up of West forces: 15-16

and the Luftwaffe: 143, 153

order to defend Fort Eben Emael: 101

orders to hold “to the last”: 12, 18, 307, 314-15

reaction to MARKET-GARDEN: 141, 167, 201

and West Wall defense: 87

and West Wall impregnability: 18, 30-31

and withdrawal actions: 223, 505

Hitler Youth: 410

Hitzfeld, General der Infanterie Otto: 601

Hobbs, Maj. Gen. Leland S.: 101, 106-07, 109-11, 114, 253-54, 258-59, 266, 270, 279, 285, 293-305, 500-503, 561

Hodges, Lt. Gen. Courtney H.: 22-23, 379, 619. See also Army, First.

and Aachen encirclement: 285, 302, 319n

biography: 20-21

and Hürtgen Forest attacks: 431, 441, 451-52, 461, 493

and November offensive: 341, 348, 399-400, 405, 411, 429, 438-39, 440, 464, 600

and operations west of the Maas: 231-35, 240

optimism for Rhine breakthrough: 14, 38, 233-35, 409, 421, 618-19

postponement of West Wall assault: 115, 231

and protection of First Army left flank: 114

and the Roer River dams: 326, 342, 342n, 406, 597-98

and Schmidt operation: 364, 369, 373

and supply priorities: 36-37, 62

and West Wall reconnaissance and attacks: 37-40, 55-56, 278

Hoefen-Alzen ridge: 84-86, 92, 328, 600-602, 606-07, 611

Hof Hardt: 474, 580, 583, 587, 590

Hoffman, Lt. John R.: 74

Hogan, Lt. Col. Samuel M.: 91

Hohe Venn: 30

Holy Roman Empire: 281

Holycross, 2nd Lt. Harold L.: 275, 305, 565

Holzinger, S. Sgt. Warner W.: 3, 57

Hongen: 499-502

Honinghutje: 158, 158n, 161-62

Hontheim: 50, 52, 54

Horner, Lt. Col. Charles T. Jr.: 418-19

Horner, S. Sgt. Freeman V.: 501n

Horrocks, Lt. Gen. Brian G.: 133-34, 149, 174, 186, 191, 196-97, 200, 403, 546, 551

Horses: 15, 17, 219

Hospitals: 147, 186

Hostages: 513

Hostrup, Capt. Bruce M.: 351, 355, 359-60, 363

House-to-house fighting: 148, 175, 181, 264, 269, 310-11, 417-18, 453, 505, 508, 562-63, 565, 573, 588, 604-05

Houston, Maj. Jack A.: 326, 328

Hoven: 546, 585-86

Hoverhof: 272


German: 25, 25–26n, 107

75-mm pack: 154, 178

105-mm: 25, 25–26n, 86, 154, 192, 261, 318, 577

155-mm: 25, 25–26n, 481

240-mm: 481

8-inch: 576

Howze, Col. Robert L., Jr.: 585

Huber, Major: 189-91

Huebner, Maj. Gen. Clarence R.: 72, 81, 285-86, 288-89, 291-92, 308-09, 313-15, 408, 415-16, 475, 477, 479, 481, 494

Huecheln: 476, 481-84, 507-08

Hürtgen: 90, 92, 94, 331, 337, 341, 343, 347-48, 352, 354, 370, 372, 408, 412, 414, 417, 428-29, 433, 438, 441, 443, 445-48, 450-51, 456, 464, 466-67, 587-88

Hürtgen Forest: 66, 68, 87, 90, 94, 248, 252, 257, 273, 323-24, 328, 338, 341, 377, 395, 399-400, 409, 451, 474, 496, 529, 561, 583, 596, 600-602, 612, 616. See also Infantry Divisions (1st; 4th; 8th; 9th; 28th; 83rd).

American method of attack: 430-31, 431n

German impression of American troops: 334

summary of American action: 492-93, 618, 620

terrain and defenses: 92, 94, 330, 332-33, 345-46, 349-50, 416, 420, 432, 452, 475, 580, 583, 587

Hürtgen-Kleinhau road net: 323, 331, 341, 343, 399, 448

Huissen: 164, 179

Huling, Capt. George W., Jr.: 292

Hundley, Col. Daniel H.: 380n

Hungarian troops: 15

Hunner Park: 165, 175, 181

Hurless, Col. Bernard F.: 531, 540, 543, 573

Hurley, Sgt. William: 446


Ijssel River: 141, 170

Ijsselmeer: 120, 131, 134, 377

Immendorf: 526-27, 531, 540, 544, 548, 550, 553

Inde River: 66, 72, 408-09, 415-16, 424-25, 475-76, 480, 482, 484, 496, 499, 506-15, 561, 564, 580, 582, 584

Inden: 499, 509-12, 515, 561, 563-64, 580, 584

“Indian” fighting: 144, 152, 154


airborne troops used in line: 176, 201, 204

Hürtgen Forest an infantry battle: 420

riflemen casualties: 93-94, 302, 372, 417, 438

shortage of: 166, 362, 365-67, 388-89, 455, 460

Infantry Battalion, 99th: 113-14, 302, 305, 313

Infantry Division, 1st: 23, 36, 68, 103, 222, 424-25, 498, 580

Aachen encirclement and assault: 66-67, 72, 74-75, 77, 81, 90, 285-93, 299, 304, 306-18

casualties: 293, 318, 417, 421, 478, 481, 484, 492, 492n, 593n

Hürtgen Forest attacks: 415-21, 430, 464, 468, 475-79, 490-93, 580, 586

November offensive: 400, 408-09, 412, 414, 422, 479-90, 506-08, 511, 600

Infantry Division, 2nd: 379, 600-602, 606, 606n, 607-15

casualties: 609-10, 612

Infantry Division, 4th: 3, 24, 36, 41, 60, 341, 615, 618

casualties: 53-55, 429, 433-35, 437-38, 464, 466, 469-74, 580, 593, 593n

Hürtgen Forest attacks: 366, 370, 373, 408, 428-40, 447, 450-51, 464-75, 477, 490, 492-93, 580, 587, 590

Schnee Eifel attack: 44, 49-55, 612

Infantry Division, 8th: 373, 379, 614

casualties: 443-45, 450, 450n, 463, 612

Hürtgen Forest attacks: 440-63, 493, 600-601

Infantry Division, 9th: 23, 36, 66-68, 72, 76, 82n, 294n, 326, 326n, 408, 492-93

casualties: 93-94, 332, 334, 340, 585-86, 593n

Hürtgen Forest first fight: 90, 92-94, 115, 323, 328, 431

Hürtgen Forest second fight: 252, 285, 324, 327-28, 330-40, 345-46, 350, 353, 431

Monschau Corridor battle: 82-86, 342-43, 600, 602

Roer River final push: 580-87, 590

Stolberg Corridor fight: 77-80, 82, 89

Infantry Division, 28th: 3, 3n, 24, 36, 40-41, 44n, 314, 461n, 614-15, 618

casualties: 48, 63, 349-50, 361, 364, 372-74, 474, 493

Eifel attack: 44-50, 52, 55, 60, 612-13

Schmidt and the Hürtgen Forest: 340-41, 342n, 343-74, 386, 397, 399-400, 406, 411, 428-29, 431, 438, 440-41, 451, 455, 474, 493, 600, 608

Infantry Division, 29th

casualties: 539, 576

Maas River-West Wall flank protection: 232-33, 252-53, 258, 266-67, 274, 278-79, 294, 302

Roer plain attacks: 400, 498, 503, 517-18, 523-25, 527-29, 534-40, 542, 544, 558-63, 565, 574-77

Infantry Division, 30th: 23, 36, 96, 99, 102n, 233, 320

advance to the West Wall: 101-04, 106-112, 114-15

casualties: 269, 271, 279, 279n, 295-96, 302, 306, 318, 500-502, 564

encirclement of Aachen: 285, 288, 292-306, 313, 315, 317-18, 318n, 498

November offensive: 400, 498-503, 506-07, 509, 516-17, 522-23, 529, 539, 544, 548, 558-61, 563-65

West Wall set attack: 252-80, 618

Infantry Division, 75th: 614

Infantry Division, 78th: 600-606, 612

Infantry Division, 83rd: 379, 399n, 474, 492, 580-83, 586-93, 596n, 613-15

casualties: 590-91, 593n, 613

Infantry Division, 84th: 399n, 401-03, 499, 524

casualties: 551, 557, 574

final attack to Roer River: 567-74

Geilenkirchen attack: 516-17, 545-58, 566

Infantry Division, 90th: 320, 320n, 448

Infantry Division, 94th: 388

Infantry Division, 99th: 397, 600-601, 606-12

Infantry Division, 102nd: 400-402, 517, 523-24, 544, 546-47, 550, 554, 556, 566-68, 571-74

Infantry Division, 104th: 388, 392, 397, 399-401, 403, 547, 621

casualties: 227, 227n, 426, 506-07, 510, 515, 586, 593n

drive to the Maas: 213, 222-27

Eschweiler-Weisweiler and Roer River drive: 408, 412, 416, 422, 424-28, 464, 475-76, 480-84, 488, 490, 498-99, 502-15, 563-64, 580-82, 584, 586

Infantry Division, 106th: 614-15

Infantry Regiments. See also Glider Infantry Regiments: Parachute Infantry Regiments.

8th: 49, 52-53, 430, 432-33, 435-39, 464-69, 469n, 474, 477

9th: 606-12

12th: 49-53, 366, 370, 372-73, 428-30, 435, 438-39, 441, 447n, 466, 469, 474

13th: 447-48, 450, 450n, 451-52, 457, 463

16th: 67, 72, 74-75, 77, 81, 88, 286, 290-93, 304, 313, 416-21, 475, 477, 479-80, 484, 489-90, 490n, 492n

18th: 75, 81, 95n, 286-91, 293-94, 297, 306, 309, 313, 416, 475-80, 484, 489, 492n

22nd: 3, 49-50, 52-55, 430, 432-39, 464-69, 471-74, 493

23rd: 613

26th: 74-75, 80-81, 91, 286, 289, 291, 307-16, 318, 416, 420-21, 430, 475-78, 490-92

28th: 451-53, 457-59, 462-63

38th: 606, 610, 612

39th: 83-86, 92-94, 328, 331-34, 336-40, 586-87, 590

47th: 76-80, 82-83, 86, 89-90, 92-93, 328, 338-40, 408-09, 415-17, 422, 424-25, 475-76, 479-89, 492-93, 506, 511

60th: 84-86, 92-94, 323, 328, 331-37, 339-40, 350, 585-86

109th: 3, 44-47, 49, 347-49, 352-54, 358-59, 361, 366-68, 370-73, 428-29

110th: 3n, 44-49, 314-15, 347, 349-50, 352, 354-55, 361, 363-64, 367-68, 372, 613

112th: 40-41, 56-57, 59-61, 63-65, 347, 349-74

115th: 525, 527-29, 535-37, 539, 563, 576-77

116th: 278-79, 294, 302-03, 305-06, 313, 535-36, 535n, 538, 560, 562-63, 574-77

117th: 102-03, 106, 111, 255-56, 260-64, 266-71, 274-75, 277-79, 285, 294-97, 299, 305-06, 500-502

119th: 101, 103, 106-07, 109, 111, 256-57, 260, 264-71, 275-79, 285, 295, 297-99, 301-02, 304-05, 500-501, 501n, 523, 541, 544, 560-61, 563-65

120th: 102-03, 107, 110-11, 253, 258, 266, 277, 279-80, 285, 294-302, 305, 500-502, 558-59, 561, 563-64

121st: 441-48, 490-53, 450n, 455-62

175th: 525, 527-49, 535-39, 559-63

309th: 602-06

310th: 602-06

329th: 587, 590-92

330th: 587-92

331st: 587-92

333rd: 549, 551, 554-57, 568, 571

334th: 549-53, 555-57, 573-74

335th: 548, 568-71, 573

393rd: 607, 610

394th: 610

395th: 607-09, 611-12

405th: 546, 554, 556, 572-73

406th: 523, 527, 531-32, 540, 543-44, 572-73

407th: 572-73

413th: 223, 225-26, 425, 503-07, 509-11

414th: 223-24, 226-27, 425-28, 503, 505-09, 511, 515, 584

415th: 223-26, 426-27, 503, 505-07, 511-15, 584

Infantry-tank-artillery team: 106, 537, 620

Infiltration: 358, 465, 477, 559, 589, 604, 609

Intelligence: 31, 38, 41, 61, 68, 121-22, 148, 175, 199-200, 228n, 235, 243-44, 257, 286-87, 290, 295, 328-30, 332, 337, 346, 394, 409-10, 421, 567, 582, 596

from captured papers: 80, 103-04, 106, 122, 141-42, 200, 501

from prisoners: 46, 80, 160, 226, 327, 352, 414, 419, 512, 556, 606

German: 134-36, 167, 240-41, 258-59, 547-48, 614

Irsen creek: 44-45


Jackson, Lt. Col. Langdon A, Jr.: 433

Jaegerhaus: 94, 332, 335

Jagdpanther.See Guns, German, SP.

Jedlicka, Pvt. Joseph: 180

Jeeps: 311, 362

Jenkins, Pvt. Willis: 262-63

Jennings, Pvt. Sheldon D.: 64n

Jeter, Col. John R.: 441-44, 446-47, 447n

Jodl, Generaloberst Alfred: 135

Johnson, Col. Howard R.: 145-46, 153, 188-89, 191-92

Johnson, 1st Lt. Kenneth L.: 418n

Johnson, Col. Walter M.: 102, 106, 256, 260, 264, 269, 275, 294-97, 500-501

Jones, Capt. Robert E.: 146-47

Jülich: 80, 88, 258, 288, 327, 397, 402, 404, 412-13, 488, 498, 516-18, 520, 523-25, 529, 537-38, 544, 548, 559-63, 565, 573-74, 576

Juengersdorf: 403, 408, 415-16, 420, 475-76, 489-90, 580

Juliana Canal: 108, 237


Kading, Pfc. Ken: 307

Kaiserslautern: 7

Kalinowsky, Pfc. Henry J.: 366n

Kall River operations: 323, 331, 336, 343-47, 349-52, 355-72, 457, 463, 600

Kall Valley Dam: 325

Kalterherberg: 84

Kampfgruppen: 59, 69-70, 110, 112, 346, 352. See also German Army units.

Kappel, Capt. Carl W.: 180

Karwell, S. Sgt. Frank A.: 306

Kasteel (chateau): 145-46

Kayes, Capt. Daniel E.: 562

Kean, Maj. Gen. William G.: 23, 342

Keating, Maj. Gen. Frank A.: 566, 572

Keesee, Lt. Col. Morris J.: 447-48, 450, 457

Keizer Karel Plein: 163-64, 166

Kelley, S. Sgt. Brady O.: 473n

Kemper Steimerich Hill. See Hill 560.

Kennedy, Maj. Robert S.: 568

Keppler, General der Waffen-SS Georg: 41-43, 56, 284, 300

Kerkrade: 112, 253, 266, 277, 279, 285, 295, 302

Kesfeld: 45-47

Kesternich: 603-04, 611

Kettenkreuz. See Hill 655.

Kettlehut, 1st Lt. Howard K.: 462

Kiekberg. See Hill 77.2.

Kimbacher, Col. Josef: 477-78

Kiner, Pvt. Harold G.: 264

King, Lt. Col. Roswell H.: 73, 75-76

Kinnard, Lt. Col. Harry W. O. Jr.: 145-46, 187-88

Kinzweiler: 499, 502-04

Kirchberg: 560-61, 563

Kleinhau: 90, 92, 408, 430, 433, 437, 439, 447-52, 457, 464, 466, 471-72, 587, 589

Kleinhau-Brandenberg highway: 451

Kleinsteiber, Lt. George: 453

Kleve: 30, 34, 122, 156

Kleve-Nijmegen highway: 162, 167, 176

Klundert: 224

Knobelsdorff, General der Panzertruppen Otto von: 42, 59-60, 63

Koblenz: 37, 39-40, 252, 399

Koechling, General der Infanterie Friedrich J. M.: 91, 257-59, 267, 270, 273-74, 267-77, 284, 288, 296, 312, 487-88, 502, 520, 538-39, 562

Koenig, Generalleutenant Eugen: 601

Koerte, Colonel: 519

Koettnich: 409, 422

Koevering: 194-95

Kohlscheid: 305

Kommerscheidt: 343, 345, 349-52, 354-64, 367-72, 429

Kommerscheidt-Schmidt ridge: 345, 358, 452, 454, 600

Kornelimuenster: 72, 75

Koslar: 560, 562-63, 576

Kossmala, Col. Eugen: 460

Krauss, Pvt. Edward: 306, 313-14

Kreider, T/4 James A.: 361-62

Krinkelt: 601, 606-07, 611-12

Kufferath: 591-93

Kunzig, Lt. Col. Henry B.: 448

Kurhaus: 309, 312-13, 315

Kyll River: 40, 52, 69


Lafley, 1st Lt. Cedric A.: 307, 317

Lamersdorf: 509, 511, 513-14

Lammerding, SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS Heinz: 51

Lammersdorf: 85, 90, 92, 94, 325, 341, 602

Lammersdorf-Hürtgen highway: 92-94

Lanaye: 102-03

Landau, Col. Christian: 100, 108-11, 124, 236, 519, 548

Landing craft: 135

Landing fields: 120

Landing zones: 127, 130-31, 137, 139, 144, 146, 148, 154, 158, 163, 165-67, 171-72, 190, 200

Lange, Generalleutnant Wolfgang: 111-12, 258-59, 266-67, 270, 273, 519, 548

Langerwehe; 408, 412-13, 415-16, 420, 475-79, 484-85, 489-90, 492, 510, 580

Lanham, Col. Charles T.: 49-50, 50n, 54, 430, 432, 434-36, 438-39, 464-67, 471-73

LaPrade, Maj. James L.: 147-48

Lathbury, Brig. G. W.: 171n

Latimer, Maj. Robert B.: 54

Lattre de Tassigny, Gen. Jean de: 381

Lauer, Maj. Gen. Walter E.: 600, 607, 611-12

Laufenberg (castle): 421, 475-76

Launches: 138

Laurensberg: 314-15

Le Havre: 4, 207-09, 383

Leaflets: 307, 318

Lee, Lt. Robert E.: 526

Leiffarth: 566, 568, 574

Leigh-Mallory, Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford: 218n

Lendersdorf: 591

Leonard, Lt. Col. Henry G. Jr.: 287-88

Leonard, 1st Lt. Turney W.: 363n

Leopold Canal: 209, 215, 221

Leyherr, Lt. Col. Maximilian: 286, 307

Liaison planes. See Artillery liaison planes.

Liège: 4, 7-8, 12, 36, 81, 96, 98-99, 101-03, 119, 230, 383-84, 398, 405

Liesel: 245-46

Limburg, See “Dutch Panhandle.”

Lind, Capt. Ralph E. Jr.: 367

Lindern: 566-73

Lindern-Linnich highway: 571

Lindquist, Col. Roy E.: 158, 161-63, 165-66

Lindsey, T. Sgt. Jake W.: 418, 418n

Lindsey, Pvt. Thomas G.: 148

Lines of communication: 7, 613n

Linnich: 258, 402, 404, 498, 516-20, 525, 547-48, 559, 564, 566-67, 571-73, 593

Lippe River: 135n

Locke, T/5 Coy T.: 3n

Logistics: 7-14, 62, 121, 259, 377, 380, 382-91, 521-22, 616-17, 619-20. See also Shortages; Supply.

Lohn: 506-07, 559, 561

Long, Maj. Talton W.: 177-78

Lorrach: 30

Lorraine: 7, 16, 34, 38, 42, 395, 616

Losenseifen Hill. See Hill 568.

Losheim: 52, 612

Losheim Gap: 41, 52

Losses, summary of. See also Casualties.

Aachen battle: 317-18

Antwerp approaches: 229

German equipment and transport: 14-15

Hürtgen Forest: 373-74, 492-93

MARKET-GARDEN: 138, 159, 170, 198-200, 199n, 206

November offensive: 577-78, 593-94

Roer plain battle: 577-78

Roer River Dams attack: 612

Siegfried Line campaign: 616-17

West Wall penetrations: 378

Lousberg: 309, 311-12, 314-15

Lousberg Strasse (Aachen): 316

Lovelady, Lt. Col. William B.: 73, 79

Loverich: 519, 526, 535-36

Lower Rhine. See Neder Rijn.

Luchem: 404, 485, 490, 580

Lucherberg: 510-15, 580

Luckett, Col. James S.: 49, 428-30, 441, 447n

Luerken: 499-500, 525

Luettwitz, General der Panzertruppen Heinrich Freiherr von: 45, 243-44, 397, 518

Luetzelen Castle: 511

Luftlotte: 36

Luftwaffe: 6, 15-16, 126, 138, 143, 153, 246, 260, 276, 299, 308, 382, 393, 454. See also Air operations.

Luftwaffe troops: 58, 70, 75, 81, 83, 100, 124, 127, 177, 286, 411

Luxembourg: 4, 28, 36, 43, 56-57, 60, 319, 328, 341, 378, 441, 474, 522, 580, 585, 612-13


M4 tanks. See Tanks, medium.

Maas River: 29, 96, 105-06, 108-09, 113-14, 120, 126, 131, 134, 154-58, 168, 198, 207, 401, 517, 519-21, 546, 548, 567. See also Meuse River.

bridges: 155-58, 158n, 160, 162, 174, 176, 521-22

clearing the west bank: 212-14, 220-22, 227, 231-48, 252, 346, 377, 390-92, 547, 594, 616

Maas-Scheldt. See Meuse–Escaut Canal.

Maas-Waal Canal: 131, 156-58, 160-62, 168, 176-79

Maasbracht: 546

Maashees: 231-32

Maastricht: 8, 14, 29, 36, 96, 98-100, 103-09, 113, 124-25, 231-33, 330, 379, 381, 398, 400, 522, 595

Maastricht-Aachen highway: 105

Maastricht Canal: 108-09, 113

Maastricht island: 102, 104-06, 108-09

Mabry, Maj. George L., Jr.: 437n

Macaulay, 1st Lt. J. A.: 446

McAuliffe, Brig. Gen. Anthony C.: 131n, 190-92

McCrory, Sgt. James M: 153-54

McDaniel, Pvt. Doyle W.: 366n

McDaniel, Col. Edward H.: 529

McDowell, Lt. Col. Samuel T.: 271, 274, 296

McGraw, Pfc. Francis X.: 420-21

Machine guns: 25, 27-28, 31

Macholz, Generalleutnant Sigfrid P.: 98-99, 101, 110, 258-59, 266

Macht, 1st Lt. Walter D.: 276

McKee, Col. Richard G.: 430, 436-39, 464-67, 474

Mackenzie, Col. A. J.: 607

McLain, Maj. Gen. Raymond S.: 320, 320n, 498-500, 503, 507, 522-24, 529-30, 534, 537, 561, 563, 565-66. See also Corps, XIX.

McNeal, Pfc. George F.: 3n

Macon, Maj. Gen. Robert C.: 587-89, 591

McWaters, 1st Lt. William L.: 485-87

Maginot Line: 31

Mahogany Hill. See Hill 92.5.

Maintenance: 20, 132, 386, 518, 521

Mainz: 37

Malden: 158, 160-61

Malmédy: 36

Maltzahn, Major Freiherr von: 142, 153

Maness, Lt. Col. Lewis E.: 482-87

Mann, Pfc. Joe E.: 151, 151n

Mannheim: 37

Manteuffel, General der Panzertruppen Hasso von: 247, 394-95, 410, 417n

Map exercise: 353

Maps: 26, 80, 255, 336, 501

Marcum, 1st Lt. Warren E.: 54-55

Maria Plein: 165

Mariadorf: 294-97, 499-502

Mariaweiler: 404, 585-86

Marienberg: 253, 255-56, 264-69, 277

Mark IV tank. See Tanks, German.

Mark V tank. See Tanks, German.

Mark VI tank. See Tanks, German.

Mark River: 223-27

Marker boats: 138

MARKET: 120-21, 128-29, 132-33, 132n, 134-39, 200. See also MARKET-GARDEN.


achievements and cost: 198-201, 211-12, 377, 618-20

American Operations: 143-95

British operations: 170-73, 195-98. See also GARDEN.

defense of the salient: 201-06, 213, 219-22, 231, 236, 239-41, 243

flight from England: 136-39

German forces opposing: 123-27, 174

German intelligence concerning: 134-36, 136n, 140-41

German reaction to airborne invasion: 136n, 140-43

planning for: 113, 119-23, 127-34, 208-09, 214, 383

Marokus, Sgt. Leon: 513

Marr, Col. Richard S.: 471

Marshall, Gen. George C.: 21, 119, 214, 320n

Martin, Cpl. Russell: 263-64

Mastrobattista, Pvt. Alexander: 501

Mathews, Pvt. James E.: 339n

Maubeuge: 7-8

Mausbach: 76, 79, 88

Mead, Col. Armistead D. Jr.: 379-80

Medal of Honor: 49n, 95n, 151n, 182n, 226, 264, 287n, 299n, 303n, 314n, 363n, 418n, 421, 433n, 437n, 442n, 469n, 480n, 487n, 490n, 501n, 592

Medical aid: 357, 362, 371-72

Mediterranean Theater: 205, 380

Meerssen: 109-10

Meijel: 241, 243-48

Meijel-Deurne highway: 244-45

Meindl, General der Fallschirmtruppen Eugen: 142, 177, 188, 193, 202

Mendez, Lt. Col. Louis G., Jr.: 165-67, 178

Menkovitz, S. Sgt. Daniel: 577

Merken: 584, 584n

Merkstein: 279

Merode: 475-77, 488, 490-92, 510, 580, 583, 586, 588

Merzenhausen: 560-61, 563-65

Mettendorf: 40, 57, 59

Metz: 4, 7-8, 14, 115, 200, 238, 346, 377, 380, 384, 397, 597

Meuse River: 9-10, 28-30, 36-37, 62, 96, 101-03, 106, 119, 326. See also Maas River.

Meuse–Escaut Canal: 106, 113, 120, 122, 125, 133, 142, 192, 208, 236

MEW (Mobile Early Warning): 382

Michaelis, Col. John H.: 144-47, 150, 152, 187-88

Middelburg: 229

Middleton, Maj. Gen. Troy H.: 20n, 251, 613

Millener, Col. George A.: 380n

Miller, Col. Art B., Jr.: 380n

Mills, Lt. Col. Herbert N.: 76, 422-24, 424n

Mine detectors: 436, 500-501, 550, 588

Mine fields. See Mines, use of.

Miner, Col. Earl M.: 603


antilifting devices: 435

cleared by flail tanks: 548-50

Schuh mines: 433, 500, 503

sea mines: 212, 229

Topf mines: 500

use of: 89, 195, 238-39, 289, 348, 351, 356, 410, 422-24, 432, 434, 452-53, 455, 500-501, 536, 564, 575-77, 588-89

Minick, S. Sgt. John W.: 442n

“Miracle of the West”: 392

Mitchell, Capt. James W.: 554

Mobilization, German: 19

Model, Generalfeldmarschall Walter: 6, 16-18, 87, 101, 105, 107-12, 125, 127, 135-36, 136n, 140-42, 164, 179, 182, 188, 193, 197 200-203, 237, 243, 245, 277, 289-90, 297, 300, 304, 353, 392, 395, 418, 420

Moehne Dam: 597

Moerdijk: 227

Mon creek: 54-55

Mons: 4, 20, 23

Monschau: 30, 66, 84-86, 90, 251, 324, 342, 601, 603

Monschau Corridor: 66, 68, 72, 76, 82-86, 90, 92, 252, 323-24, 328, 331, 341-49, 352-53, 359, 363, 370, 372, 399, 455, 460, 583, 600-606, 611

Monschau Forest: 600-602, 606-610, 612

Monschau-Hürtgen-Düren highway: 331

Montgomery, Field Marshall Sir Bernard L.: 3-4, 7-8, 246, 594-95. See also Army Group, 21st.

and Army Groups boundary: 231-33, 241

and British role in November offensive: 391-92, 401

and changes in command situation: 213-15, 213n, 378-79, 378n

and importance of capturing Ruhr: 207, 209-14, 231-32, 242, 248, 595, 619-20

and MARKET-GARDEN: 113, 120-22, 128-29, 133, 187, 196, 199-200, 204-05

“one thrust policy”: 9-10, 123, 200-201, 210-11, 619-20

and opening of Antwerp: 204, 207, 209-10, 212-15, 220-21, 242, 383

and Ruhr feint: 112-13

Mook: 156, 161-62, 167, 177-78, 193

Moore, Brig. Gen. Bryant E.: 426

Moore, Brig. Gen. James E.: 379

Moore, Capt. Robert D.: 469n

Morale: 5, 230, 328, 330, 361, 441, 462, 488, 519, 618

Morris, Maj. James S.: 535-36

Mortain: 23, 269, 301

Mortar fire: 74, 144, 178, 261, 269, 287, 310, 312, 368, 416, 433, 442, 482, 485, 514, 521, 528, 530n, 531, 537-38. See also Artillery support; Nebelwerfer; Smoke.

Moselle River: 4, 30, 39, 238, 380, 614

Mud: 386, 406, 432, 435-36, 444, 467, 574, 589, 618. See also Tanks, effect of mud on.

Muellendorf: 546-49, 551, 554-56, 566-68, 574

Mueller, Generalmajor Gerhard: 75-76, 78, 87

Muenster: 135n

Muensterbusch: 90

Munich: 281

Murphy, Maj. John R.: 64n


Namur: 8

Napalm bombs: 254-55, 260, 449, 548, 577

Nazi party: 16, 71, 81-82, 125, 281, 284, 488

Nebelwerfer: 27-28

Neder Rijn: 10, 14, 29, 112, 120, 121, 130-31, 142, 157n, 164, 173, 182, 185, 197-201, 203

Nederweert: 233, 241-42, 244, 246-47

Nederweert-Wessum Canal: 233, 235-37, 241-42, 246-48

Needham, Maj. Fred E.: 224-25

Nelson, Col. Gustin M.: 370-71, 370n

Neppel, Sgt. Ralph G.: 592

Netherlands: 28-29, 38, 120-22, 130-31, 198, 616

Netherlands Interior Forces: 169, 184

Newbury: 137

Nideggen: 345, 459

Niedermerz: 538-39

Niedersgegen: 59-61

Nietzel, Sgt. Alfred B.: 418n

Night operations: 129-30, 223-24, 226, 285, 287, 428, 460-61, 472, 484, 503-04, 507-09, 511-12, 554, 563-65, 568-69, 571, 575-76, 584, 613

Nijmegen: 113, 120-22, 126, 131, 134, 138, 142, 153-58, 157n, 162-69, 173-77, 179-86, 188, 191, 193, 200, 203, 205, 212, 214, 241, 247-48, 377, 391, 547, 595

Nijmegen-Arnhem highway: 181

Nijmegen-Groesbeek highway: 163

Nijmegen-Mook highway: 162

Ninth Air Force: 5, 24-25, 128, 137, 384, 404, 412, 520

Noorder Canal: 241, 243, 246-47

Normandy: 7, 11, 20, 72n, 102n, 107n, 130, 143n, 144, 155n, 177, 218, 222, 254, 383, 461, 580, 600, 606n

comparison with Siegfried Line campaign: 269, 377, 404-06, 404–05n, 411, 413, 523, 528-29, 617-19, 621

North Beveland: 229

North German Plain: 29, 120

North Wuerselen: 295, 297-301

Norwegian troops: 208n

Nothberg: 408, 476, 480-82, 506

Novak, Capt. Frank J.: 165, 175

November offensive: 390-92, 411, 619. See also Army, First; Army, Ninth.

a German defensive victory: 594

lack of large-scale British offensive: 547

optimism concerning: 522, 524, 596-97, 618

German reaction to: 392-93, 520, 547-48

Nuenen: 188

Nuetheim: 74-76

Nugent, Brig. Gen. Richard E.: 380, 498, 520

Nuremberg: 281

Nussbaumer Hardt: 57


OB WEST: 5-6, 5n, 16-18, 60, 109, 135, 141, 245, 289, 393-94, 397, 460, 505, 518, 530, 547-48. See also Rundstedt, Generalfeldmarschall Gerd von.

Ober Forstbach: 72, 74-75

Obergeich: 585-86

Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH): 16, 82, 141

Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW): 16, 18, 100, 182, 393, 488, 559

Obermaubach Dam: 325

Observation: 73, 90, 180, 345, 358, 360, 416, 422-24, 426, 445, 454, 504, 508-09, 541, 564, 576, 585. See also Air reconnaissance; Artillery liaison planes.

air and ground observers: 253, 301, 436, 438, 617

posts: 34, 107, 296, 478-79, 482

restricted by terrain and weather: 55, 131, 265, 348, 420, 442

Observatory Hill. See Lousberg.

Obstacles. See also Bridges, demolished; Mines; Roadblocks.

antitank defenses: 29, 34-35, 410, 520, 533-36, 540-41, 565, 567, 569-71

craters: 76, 419, 445-46

dragon’s teeth: 34, 44-46, 48, 67-68, 73-75, 85

felled trees: 332, 466, 481

H- and I-beams: 34, 47

wire: 34, 89, 261, 331, 350, 372, 410, 426, 432-33, 436, 442, 452, 503, 608-10, 614

Obstfelder, General der Infanterie Hans von: 188, 193, 195, 235-37, 247, 267

O’Connor, Lt. Gen. Sir Richard N.: 241-42, 244, 246


casualties: 54, 238, 272, 364, 372, 434, 435, 438, 444, 466-67, 470-71, 474, 481, 508, 590

German: 19, 82, 328, 337

relief of: 47, 82, 91, 238, 246-47, 319, 319n, 370n, 430, 444, 447, 576

O’Hare, Col. Joseph J.: 23n

Oidtweiler: 278, 518, 524, 528

Olef Creek: 607-08

Oliver, Maj. Gen. Lunsford E.: 56-57, 60-61, 64, 431n, 589, 591-93

Olsen, 1st Lt. John J.: 512

Omer River: 409

Ondrick, Col. John G.: 603-04

“One-thrust” theory: 10, 210-11

Oosterbeek: 140-41, 170-71, 173, 185, 195-97

Oploo: 237-38

Organization Todt: 410

Ormont: 40

Ostend: 204, 208, 228

Our River: 3, 30, 40, 44, 56, 57

Overloon: 235, 238-41


Padgett, S. Sgt. Ewart M.: 316

Palast-Hotel Quellenhof: 307, 309, 312-13, 315

Palenberg: 256, 260, 264, 267, 276

Palenberg-Rimburg road: 262-63

Panel markers: 106, 405-06

Panic: 47, 50, 70-71, 81, 147, 167, 357, 364-65

Pantazopulos, Pfc. Gus: 263

Panther tanks. See Tanks, German.

Panzerfaust: 25, 46, 74, 238, 288, 311, 331, 362-63, 424, 445, 460, 527, 530n, 536, 565

Parachute Infantry Regiments

501st: 145-46, 153, 187-89, 191, 193

502nd: 144-47, 150-54, 187-88, 194-95

504th: 158, 158n, 160-61, 168, 174, 176-77, 179-82, 184-85, 193

505th: 158, 161-62, 165-70, 174-75, 177-78, 181-82, 193

506th: 143n, 144, 147-50, 152-53, 189-92, 195

508th: 155n, 158-59, 158n, 161-68, 174, 176, 178, 193

Paratroops, German: 611

Paris: 12-13, 20, 24, 49n, 383

Parker, Maj. Gen. Edwin P., Jr.: 600, 602, 611

Parker, Col. Hugh C.: 568, 570

Parker, 1st Lt. Warne R.: 275

Pas de Calais: 8, 208, 218

Patch, Lt. Gen. Alexander M.: 381

Pathfinders: 137, 145

Patrol actions: 146-47, 150-51, 203, 255, 609-10

Pattern: 561, 563

Patton, Lt. Gen. George S., Jr.: 9-10, 9n, 21, 23, 36, 380, 392, 597

Paulushof Dam: 325, 598

Paustenbach: 602

Pedley, Col. Timothy A., Jr.: 554-55

Peel Marshes: 231, 233, 235-36, 238, 247, 251-52, 267, 280n, 377, 384, 391-92, 401-03, 517-19, 548, 566, 620

German spoiling attack: 242-46, 397

Pendleton, S. Sgt. Jack J.: 299, 299n

“People’s Court”: 82

“People’s” labor: 31

Pepe, Pvt. Salvatore: 279

Perry, Lt. Col. Collins: 226

Peterson, Lt. Col. Carl L.: 347, 349, 351, 358, 363-64, 369, 370n

Pier: 584

Pillboxes: 27, 46, 53, 56-57, 63, 74, 112, 617-18. See also West Wall.

air attacks against: 255, 260, 381

arrangement and construction: 31, 34-35, 44, 73, 84

effect of artillery on: 45, 253, 259, 261-62, 272, 609

interlocking fire: 286, 555, 603, 608

method of attack: 45-47, 50, 85, 92, 94, 255, 261-65, 272, 275-76, 287-88, 294, 305, 550, 552-55, 568, 609-10, 614, 618

Pinto, Oreste: 136n

Piron, Colonel: 232n

Plaisted, Lt. Col. Mark S.: 226

Planning. See also Strategy.

for employment of airborne troops: 119-23, 127-34, 199, 619

for January Rhine crossing: 595

for November offensive: 390-92, 397-407

preinvasion: 4, 4n, 6, 11, 207

Platt, Col. Washington: 235, 253, 257, 295, 520

POL (petroleum, oil, and lubricants): 13, 230. See also Shortages.

Pole charges. See Demolition charges.

Police, German: 71, 81, 308, 334

Polish troops: 5, 208n, 222. See also British Army units.

Poppe, Generalleutnant Walter: 125, 136, 146, 150, 152-53, 219, 574

Ports, lack of: 5, 7-8, 11-12, 207, 210-11, 383. See also Antwerp.

Position warfare: 90

Prisoners, Allied: 198, 276, 361, 373, 455, 508, 509, 584n, 617

Prisoners, German: 4, 152, 168, 187, 227, 229, 279, 316-17, 334-35, 338, 340, 340n, 374, 448, 450, 474n, 478, 484, 491, 501-02, 507, 514, 530, 539, 544, 578, 594, 610, 616-17. See also Intelligence.

Pronsfeld: 60

Propaganda: 31, 58n, 285

Provisional companies: 13

Proximity fuze: 390

Prüm: 40, 50, 54, 60

Prüm River: 40, 49, 59, 61, 63

Prüm State Forest: 49, 53, 55

Prummern: 531, 545-46, 549-56, 566

Puetzlohn: 506-10

Puffendorf: 526, 529-34, 541-44, 548

Puppchen (bazooka): 299

Purdue, Col. Branner P.: 294-95, 301, 500-501, 563-64

Purnell, Col. William C.: 538

Pursuit warfare: 4, 41, 45, 106, 617, 619


QUEEN: 403-07, 409, 411-14, 412n, 416, 425, 492, 498, 517, 520-21, 524-25, 548, 580, 619

Quesada, Maj. Gen. Elwood R.: 24, 64

Quinn, Lt. Col. Daniel W.: 268


Rabenheck.See Raven’s Hedge ridge.

Radio: 148, 151, 163, 172, 185-86, 191, 196, 366, 382, 406, 444, 453, 470, 485, 491, 512, 569-70, 603, 614

Radio Luxembourg: 307

Radscheid: 49

Raffelsbrand: 334-35, 343, 345, 347, 349-50, 355, 361, 372

Rafts: 196

Railroads: 11-12, 29-30, 111, 129, 167, 255, 281, 284, 381, 383-84

Ramsey, Admiral Sir Bertram H.: 212

Ranger Battalion, 2nd: 455, 461-63, 493, 593, 600, 611

Ratchford, 2nd Lt. William D.: 315

Rations: 13, 134, 233, 398, 569, 591, 608, 613

Ravels Hill (Ravelsberg). See Hill 231.

Raven’s Hedge ridge: 432-35

Ray, 1st. Lt. Bernard J.: 433, 433n

Reconnaissance See also Air reconnaissance Cavalry.

in force: 37, 39, 44, 49, 55, 66-68, 75

sea: 135

Reconnaissance Troop, 1st: 81

Red Ball Express: 12-13, 383

Red Cross: 398

Reichert, Generalleutnant Josef: 220

Reichswald: 156-58, 162, 166-69, 177-79, 200, 202

Reinhard, General der Infanterie Hans: 123-25, 188-89, 192, 195

Relief in place: 428-29, 488, 610

“Reluctant Dragon”: 296

Remagen: 252

“Remote-control robot assault guns”: 273, 283

Renkum: 197

Renn Weg: 436, 466-67

Rennebaum, 1st Lt. Leon A.: 63n

Replacements: 334, 336, 388, 429, 438, 455, 467, 469-71, 469n, 474, 617-18, 621

Replacements, German: 100, 126-27, 222, 258, 393, 594, 616

Reserves: 24, 89-90, 119-21, 134-35, 201, 338, 355, 397, 431, 455, 473, 475, 493, 619

Reserves, German: 6, 15-16, 31, 62n, 69, 111, 114, 121, 136, 143, 257, 273, 284, 289, 295, 334, 348, 353, 358, 393, 427, 488, 530, 547, 559

Resistance forces: 122, 154, 156, 161, 169, 183-84, 187-90, 232n

Ressen: 185-86

Rest and rehabilitation: 398, 456, 522, 612-14, 616

Rex Cinema (Antwerp): 230

Rhine River: 30, 68, 198, 215, 331-32, 496, 520, 577, 616, 619, 622. See also Neder Rijn.

planned crossings: 9, 14, 37, 113, 120-21, 123, 134, 207, 210, 214, 595

planned drive to: 115, 203, 235, 247, 251-52, 280, 324, 327, 327n, 341, 377-78, 390-91, 400, 402, 493, 517, 547, 594-95, 600, 612

Rhineland: 14, 30

Ribbentrop, Reich Foreign Minister Joachim von: 141

Richardson, Lt. Col. Walter B.: 483-85

Richelskaul: 331-38, 347, 349, 351, 353, 368

Richmond, Sgt. Leroy: 181

Rickard, Col. Roy V.: 380n

Ridgway, Maj. Gen. Matthew B.: 128

Riethorst: 155, 158, 161-62, 177-78, 193

Rifle, .30-cal. M1: 25

Rifle, 7.92-mm (Mauser): 25

Riflemen. See Infantry.

Rijsbergen: 224

Rimburg: 112, 114, 253, 255-57, 264, 267-68, 277

Rimburg Castle: 256-57, 264, 266, 268

Rimburg woods: 260, 265, 267-69, 271, 274-77

Ripple, Lt. Col. Richard W.: 351. 362-63. 369

Ritchie, Maj. William D.: 64n

River crossings: 120, 198

Albert Canal: 96-98, 101-03, 107-09, 124

demonstrations: 614

Geul: 107, 109

Inde: 511-15

Leopold Canal: 221

Maastricht Canal: 109, 113

Mark: 224-26

Meuse: 96-98, 101-03, 106

Neder Rijn: 196-98

plans for Roer River: 516-17

Prüm: 61, 63, 255-56

Sauer: 57, 60-61, 64-65

Vicht: 76

Waal: 176-77, 179-82

Wurm: 261-62, 264-67, 269-70

Road Junction 471: 335-37, 339

Roadblocks: 89, 145, 160, 162, 167, 178, 289, 298, 313, 328, 339, 347, 432, 450, 462, 564

Roadblocks, German: 47, 52, 66-67, 75-77, 101, 108, 175, 335


deteriorating: 386, 402, 404, 588-89

importance of road nets: 29, 90, 92, 96, 346, 471, 496, 518, 523, 534, 586-87

lack of: 29-30, 55, 131, 134, 200, 233, 350, 359, 416, 420, 432, 434, 436, 490, 492, 564, 606

Roads U-V-W-X-Y-Z (Hürtgen Forest): 432-38, 444, 464-67, 477, 587, 590

Robertson, Maj. Gen. Walter M.: 600, 606, 609-12, 614

Robey, S. Sgt. Paul W. Jr.: 418n

Rocherath: 601, 606-07, 611-12

Rocket launcher, 2.36-inch. See Bazooka.

Rocket launcher, 4.5-inch: 28

Rodwell, Col. James S.: 49, 52-53

Roehe: 503-04

Roelsdorf: 590

Roer plain: 30, 283n, 328, 399, 409, 415-16, 425, 428, 469, 473, 475-77, 482, 484, 489, 515, 519, 530, 537, 562, 582, 593, 596, 616, 618

terrain and defenses: 480, 496-98, 501-02, 504-07, 510, 517-18, 520-24, 528-29, 534, 538, 557, 564, 567, 568, 572, 574, 578, 583

Roer River: 29-30, 66-68, 80, 90, 111, 112, 253, 278, 285, 323-24, 341, 344-46, 369, 393, 394, 397, 399, 402, 403, 406, 408, 415-16, 428, 430, 451, 457, 459, 461, 465, 472, 482, 492, 496-98, 503, 507, 509, 510, 516-17, 522, 523-24, 525, 538, 539, 542, 544, 545, 547, 548, 556, 558, 559, 561-68, 571-74, 576, 577, 580, 582-86, 587, 590-96, 596n

Roer River Dams: 30, 324-28, 331, 342-43, 342n, 346, 374, 406-07, 410, 451, 463, 493, 517, 566, 566n, 574, 595-601, 606, 610, 612, 615, 619

Roerdorf: 571-73

Roermond: 134, 235-38, 346, 395, 520, 546, 594

Roesler, Colonel: 83, 85

Roesslershof Castle: 479-80, 484-85

Roetgen: 67, 69-70, 72, 78, 83, 325, 492, 528

Roetgen Forest: 66, 72, 78, 85, 87, 90, 94

Rogers, Col. Thomas DeF.: 286

Rollesbroich: 85, 92, 602-03, 606

Roosendaal-Breda highway: 224

Roosma, Col. John S.: 549-50, 552

Roscheid: 44-47

Rose, Maj. Gen. Maurice: 72, 72n, 80, 89, 91, 423

Rosebaum, Col. Dwight A.: 238

Rotation of troops: 398, 612, 614, 618

Roth: 52

Rothe Erde: 309

Rother Weh Creek: 331, 432-33, 436

Rott: 72-73, 76

Rotterdam: 29, 210, 210n

Roush, Pfc. Luther: 78

Rowboats: 148, 171

Royal Air Force: 137-38, 199n, 228, 404, 412, 520, 597-98

Tactical Air Force, 2nd: 5, 138, 169n, 196, 548

Troop Carrier Group, 38: 128

Troop Carrier Group, 46: 128

Royal Navy: 214

“Rubble pile”: 455, 457

Rudder, Lt. Col. James E.: 461n

Ruhr: 6-7, 18, 28-29, 36, 113, 120-21, 134, 198, 203, 205, 208, 210-15, 231-33, 240-41, 248, 377, 391, 595, 597

Ruhrberg: 324-25

Rumors: 141, 162

Rundstedt, Generalfeldmarschall Gerd von: 5-6, 15-18, 43, 60, 63, 69, 82, 87-88, 135, 143, 201, 222-23, 243, 245-46, 273, 284, 289, 299n, 314, 397, 427, 530, 547, 567, 616. See also OB WEST.

Ryan, Col. John L., Jr.: 240


‘s Hertogenbosch: 146, 152, 221

Saar Basin: 7, 135n

Saar River: 31, 34, 616

Sabotage: 11

Saeffeler Creek: 237

St. Antonis: 195

St. Joeris: 502-03

St. Lô: 20, 384, 413, 619

St. Lô-Périers road: 254, 404n

St. Oedenrode: 131, 144-46, 150, 152-53, 188, 194-95, 206

St. Vith: 3, 30, 36, 41, 491, 251

Salvatorberg: 309, 311, 315

Sand tables: 255-56, 500

Satchel charges. See Demolition charges.

Sauer River: 30, 56-60, 64-65, 614

Saverne Gap: 7n

Schack, Generalleutnant Friedrich August: 69-71, 75, 77-78, 83, 87, 91, 98, 103-05, 107, 110, 112, 257

Schaefer, S. Sgt. Joseph E.: 95n

Schafberg: 587-92

Schafer, 2nd Lt. Paul H.: 584n

Scharnhorst Line: 68, 72-73, 75-77, 81, 84-85

Schaufenberg: 296-97

Schelde estuary: 6, 16, 130, 207

clearing the banks: 210, 212-22, 227-29, 377

German control of: 99, 123, 125, 127, 150, 207, 212, 215

Scherpenseel: 404, 409, 422-24

Schevenhütte: 80, 86-89, 91-93, 328-30, 338, 340, 399, 408, 415-16, 427-28, 430-32, 464, 475, 477, 492

Schevenhütte-Langerwehe highway: 421-22

Schierwaldenrath: 267

Schijndel: 187-91

Schill Line: 68, 70, 75-78, 80, 88, 90

Schleiden: 537-38, 537n

Schlich: 586

Schmidt: 323-25, 328, 330-32, 336, 340-58, 360-61, 363-64, 367-68, 373-74, 317, 399-400, 429, 431, 440, 451, 455, 463, 588, 601, 603, 608

Schmidt, Generalleutnant Hans: 99, 101, 103, 103n, 105-07, 110-11, 330-31, 333, 337-39, 346

Schmidt-Lammersdorf road: 352

Schmidthof: 67, 72-73, 75-76

Schnee Eifel: 30, 34, 40-44, 49-55, 55n, 68-69, 341, 399, 612

Schoenberg: 52

Schoenthal: 478

Schophoven: 584

Schuetzenpanzerwagen.See Half-tracks.

Schultz, Capt. Robert H.: 47-48

Schwammenauel Dam: 30, 324-25, 325n, 328, 342, 345, 597-98

Schwarzer Mann.See Hill 697.

Schwerin, Generalleutnant Gerhard Graf von: 70-71, 75, 81-82, 91, 283, 320

Scorpion (flail) tanks. See Tanks.

SCR-300: 569

SCR-509: 569-70

SCR-536: 350, 570

SCR-584: 382

“Screeming Meemie.” SeeNebelwerfer.

Seaborne invasion: 135, 201

Searchlights: 138, 610-11. See also Battlefield illumination.

Sedan: 56n

Seely, Col. Theodore A.: 44, 47-48, 347, 349-50, 372

Seille River: 597

Seine River: 8, 11-13, 121

Seitz, Col. John F. R.: 309, 312-13, 420-21, 475-77, 491

Sellerich: 53-54

Setliffe, Lt. Col. Truman H.: 367

Setterich: 518, 523-26, 528-29, 534-38, 540-41, 554, 560

Sevenig: 3, 44

SHAEF. See Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces.

Shea, Brig. Gen. George D.: 524

Shelters: 312, 576

Sheridan, Pfc. Carl V.: 486-87, 487n

Sheridan, 1st Lt. David: 512-13

Sherman tanks. See Tanks, medium.

Shesniek, S. Sgt. Paul: 509

Shipley, 1st Lt. John: 513


ammunition, 37, 45, 55-56, 68, 86, 95, 114, 172, 214, 259, 276, 341, 383, 386, 521, 562, 593

antifreeze: 387

food: 172, 186

gasoline: 4, 11-13, 29, 36-37, 57, 62, 72, 96, 115

medical supplies: 186

replacements: 388-89

spare parts: 385-86

tanks: 86, 386, 521

transport: 4, 7, 11, 13, 213, 381, 383-84

Shortages, German

ammunition: 26, 43, 63, 150, 331, 562

equipment: 26

fuel: 63-64, 296

signal equipment: 100

small arms: 331

transport: 100

war industry: 392-93

weapons: 331

Shower points: 398, 613

Shugg, Brig. Gen. R. P.: 566n

Sibbald, Capt. George H.: 306

Siegfried Line (Siegfriedstellung): 30, 30n. See also West Wall.

Siegfried Line Campaign

a battle of attrition: 622

comparison with Normandy: 523, 528-29, 617-19, 621

German delaying action: 594, 616

slow pace of: 602

summary of gains and losses: 616-22

Siersdorf: 528, 535-38

Sievers, Generalleutnant Karl: 123, 125

Silvester, Maj. Gen. Lindsay McD.: 237-38, 240-41, 244, 246-47

Simmerath: 602-03, 606, 611

Simmons, Capt. Ross Y.: 298

Simonds, Lt. Gen. G. G.: 220, 228

Simonskall: 349-50, 352, 355, 359, 361

Simpelveld: 110

Simpson, Lt. Gen. William H.: 251, 318-19, 379, 400-403, 406, 498-99, 516, 521-23, 545, 558n. See also Army, Ninth.

Sims, Lt. Hugo, Jr.: 203

Sink, Col. Robert F.: 144, 148, 152-53, 189-90, 195

Sirokin, Pvt. Martin: 263, 267

Sittard: 108-09, 113-14, 236-37, 241, 253

Slag piles: 496, 510

Slave labor: 393

Small unit actions: 47, 146-47, 150-51, 160-61, 179-81, 261-64, 291-93, 453-54, 461-62, 471-72, 479, 481, 485-87, 490-91, 512-14, 528, 550, 564, 569-71, 576-77, 610

Smith, Col. George A., Jr.: 287-88, 291, 477-79

Smith, 1st Lt. James J.: 175

Smith, Lt. Gen. Walter B.: 122, 129

Smoke, tactical use of: 91, 179-80, 254, 260, 305, 309, 332, 336, 446, 449, 465, 473, 481, 482, 509, 526, 528, 542, 563, 570, 572, 575, 577, 584n, 586, 590

Smythe, Col. George W.: 78, 89, 480-82, 485

Snipers: 335, 350, 589

Soissons: 12

Sonnefield, Lt. Col. J. E.: 360

Sosabowski, Maj. Gen. S.: 186, 195

Sound and flash: 57, 276, 336, 443

Sound effects: 614

South Beveland: 123, 209, 215, 219-22, 227-28

Spa: 24

Special Forces teams: 184

Special Troops, 23rd: 614

Spielmannsholz Hill. See Hill 559.

Sponheimer, General der Infanterie Otto: 219-20

Sportplatz: 574-77

Stalzemburg: 3, 57

Standdaarbuiten: 224-26

Steckenborn: 603

Stockem: 59, 61

Stockigt: 60-61

Stokes, Lt. Col. William M., Jr.: 113

Stolberg: 66, 72, 75-77, 80, 88-91, 98, 114, 286, 290, 295, 309, 399-400, 408, 425-26, 475, 499, 502-03, 506, 587

Stolberg Corridor: 29-30, 66, 68-69, 82, 258, 399, 408, 416

first battle: 71-80, 90-91, 109, 111, 115, 283, 285, 330, 410

November offensive attacks: 421-24, 475, 480, 496

Strasbourg: 391

Strass: 587-92, 587n

Strategy, Allied: 6-10. See also Planning.

Straube, General der Infanterie Erich: 69, 83, 87, 330, 333, 337, 353, 372

Strauch: 603

Strauch-Schmidt highway: 601

Street fighting. See House-to-house fighting.

Strickler, Lt. Col. Daniel B.: 347, 349, 352, 358, 366

Stroh, Maj. Gen. Donald A.: 441, 444-45, 447-48

Student, Generaloberst Kurt: 100-101, 109-10, 123-25, 135, 140-42, 146, 150, 153, 188, 193, 200-203, 235-36, 247, 395

Stumpf, Lt. Col. R. H.: 336-39

Sueggerath: 546, 551, 554-55

Summers, Lt. Col. William M.: 510

Supply: 129, 134, 199, 200, 214, 230, 233, 532, 540, 554, 571, 596. See also Air supply; Logistics; Ports; Shortages; Woods fighting.

Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF): 6-8, 16, 119, 121-22, 214, 388, 619. See also Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D.

Air Priorities Board: 383

and Roer River dams: 327, 374, 597-98

Surprise: 91, 136n, 140, 170, 243, 245, 266, 333, 362, 394, 426, 433, 466, 525-26, 531, 553, 561, 563, 584, 602-04, 608

Sussman, Pvt. Morris: 470

Sutherland, Col. Edwin M.: 101, 256-57, 264, 266, 268, 275, 279, 295, 297-99, 304-05, 500

Swanberg, Cpl. Bertol C.: 418n

Swift, Col. Ira P.: 533-34

Swimmers: 203

Swinden: 137


Tactical Air Commands

IX: 5, 24, 24n, 254, 278, 299, 309, 332, 343, 381-82, 404, 412, 418, 446, 449, 508

XIX: 5, 382

XXIX: 380-81, 404, 412, 498, 500, 520, 525, 532, 539-40, 548, 572, 572n, 576-77

Tactical Reconnaissance Group, 67th: 24n

Tactics. See Night operations; Pillboxes; Small unit actions; Surprise; Tank-infantry tactics; Woods fighting.

Tank Battalions

10th: 446, 449-50

40th: 569-70

70th: 472

707th: 351, 362

709th: 448, 453, 603-04

743rd: 279, 296, 502, 558

744th: 237, 588, 591

745th: 479

747th: 536, 538, 576

750th: 510

Tank Destroyer Battalions

628th: 63n

771st: 531

893rd: 360, 462, 604

899th: 480n

Tank Destroyers: 27, 275, 287-88, 291, 293, 296, 312, 347, 359-60, 363, 368, 374, 480n, 500-501, 514, 527, 566n, 620-21. See also Artillery support; Tank-infantry tactics.

Tank dozers: 264

Tank guns

75-mm: 27, 46, 436, 461, 532, 538

76-mm: 27, 461, 532, 541

90-mm: 27, 487

Tank-infantry tactics: 50, 85, 89, 91, 106, 175, 181-82, 195-96, 268-69, 272, 310-12, 357-38, 363, 417-18, 422-24, 436, 448, 449-50, 452-53, 455, 459, 472-73, 483-84, 487, 491, 500-501, 526-27, 536-37, 538, 540, 544, 555, 584-86, 588-90, 603-04, 620

German: 225, 275, 290-93, 296, 298-99, 301, 353-58, 368, 419, 460-61, 514, 531-32, 539, 541, 552

ineffective coordination: 276, 303, 466, 534-35

Tank retrievers: 446, 491, 533

Tanks. See also Armor; Tank guns; Tank-infantry tactics.

captured: 63, 291

Churchill: 223, 560

Crocodile (flame-throwing): 542-43, 553-55, 560

disabled: 295, 355, 359-60, 369, 446, 491, 527n, 544, 578

effect of mud on: 257, 264-65, 288, 305, 422-23, 443, 479, 484, 510, 518, 526, 530n, 535-36, 542, 550, 555, 592, 603

heavy: 27n, 621

light: 434, 436, 443

losses: 65, 65n, 67, 73-74, 77, 79, 91, 199, 239-40, 271, 272, 275, 280, 288, 336, 363, 368, 374, 422-24, 434, 450, 452, 472, 484, 485, 487, 510, 514, 526-27, 530, 530n, 532, 533, 542, 544, 560, 573, 578, 588-89, 593-94, 594n, 617

medium: 16, 27, 620

Scorpion (flail): 74, 548, 550, 591

support strength: 20-21, 68, 86, 86n, 247, 386, 409, 524, 540n, 594

traction expedients: 518, 526

Tanks, German: 76, 79, 121, 153, 186, 187, 239, 242, 243n, 270, 360, 418, 438, 509, 571, 611-12

losses: 64, 245, 296, 298-99, 301-02, 318, 318n, 357-58, 374, 419, 448, 514, 531-32, 540-41, 544, 560, 564, 617

Mark IV: 27, 53, 59, 296, 363, 450

Mark V (Panther): 16, 27, 73, 78, 153, 195, 357, 363, 422, 531-32, 541, 559n

Mark VI (Tiger): 27, 290-91, 491, 530-32

support strength: 51, 81, 87, 121, 236, 243, 283, 284, 303, 308, 397, 410-11, 519-20, 562, 567, 582

Task Forces (Combat Teams)

1: 271-73, 526, 531-32, 541-43

2: 272, 275, 527, 532, 542-43

A: 533-34, 541-42

B: 541-42

X: 527, 531-32, 540-41, 543, 551, 566

Biddle: 547, 566-67

Boyer: 455, 457

Davis: 367-68

Doan: 74-75

Hamberg: 449-50, 452-55, 457

Hogan: 91, 314-15

King: 73-76

Lovelady: 73-74, 76, 18-79, 91, 422

Mills: 76, 91, 422-24

Quinn: 268-69

Richardson: 483-85, 492n, 508

Ripple: 362-64, 367-68

Stokes: 113-14

Taylor, Brig. Gen. George A.: 55, 316

Taylor, Maj. Gen. Maxwell D.: 144-48, 152-54, 186-90, 192, 203, 205

Telephones: 224, 272, 570, 609, 614

Terneuzen: 221

Terrain: 19, 26, 28-30, 200, 248, 408, 409, 480, 500, 617, 619, 620

forest barriers: 40, 53, 55, 57, 66, 72, 82-83, 90, 600, 606. See also Hürtgen Forest.

high ground: 131, 155-56, 170, 323

marshes and waterways: 96, 108, 130-31, 133, 148, 187, 215, 233, 238, 244, 247

the Roer plain: 496, 511, 517-18, 530, 545, 572, 583, 587

Tettau, Generalleutnant Hans von: 142

Teveren: 112

Thompson, Lt. John S.: 160

Thompson, Sgt. Max: 314n

Thompson, Lt. Col. Oscar H.: 85, 92-94, 333-34, 336-38

Thorson, Brig. Gen. Truman C.: 23, 400, 493

Tiefen Creek: 373, 451-53, 457

Tiger tanks. See Tanks, German.

Tilburg: 136, 142, 146, 150, 200, 219, 221

Toad Hill. See Hill 87.9.

Todt, Dr. Fritz: 31

Todten Bruch. See Deadman’s Moor.

Touart, Col. Anthony J.: 224, 227, 425-28, 506-09, 511

Tournai: 119

Towle, Pvt. John R.: 182n

Traffic control: 134, 185, 186, 186n, 190-92, 402-03

Training: 255-56, 262, 469n, 618, 621

Traitors: 136n

Transportation: 11-13, 17, 68, 129, 383-84, 411. See also Shortages.

Travis, Pvt. Ben J.: 509

Trench foot: 360, 372-73, 429, 438, 455, 474, 557, 604, 606, 614, 618

Trenches. See Fortifications.

Trier: 14, 30, 34, 42, 57

Tripsrath: 546, 551

Troop Carrier Command, IX: 128, 199n

Troop carrier operations: 120, 128, 129-30, 132-33, 132n, 136-40, 144-45, 154, 157, 170, 172, 186, 196, 199-200, 199n. See also MARKET-GARDEN.

Troop strength

Allied (September 1944): 3-5, 20, 23-24, 36

Allied (October 1944): 378-79, 387-88, 387n

MARKET-GARDEN: 128, 133, 139, 159, 170

November offensive: 397, 400-403, 409, 440, 516-17, 521, 568, 580-82, 593, 600

21st Army Group problems: 204-05, 213

Troop strength, German

Aachen and West Wall sectors: 69-71, 75, 81, 91, 109, 111, 257-58, 273-74, 277, 283-84, 286-87, 289-90, 296, 300, 308, 314

Albert Canal line: 98-101, 123-24

Antwerp approaches: 218-20

Ardennes counteroffensive buildup: 393-95, 616

holding before the West Wall: 41-43, 51, 57, 60, 63

Hürtgen Forest: 93, 95, 330-31, 337, 346, 353-54, 359, 417-18, 431-32, 437, 465, 487-88

Monschau Corridor: 83, 86-87, 601-02

opposing MARKET-GARDEN: 126-27, 135-36, 142-43, 164, 170, 176-77, 188-89, 193, 201-02

opposing November offensive: 395-97, 409-11, 499-500, 530, 559, 567, 582-83, 594

September 1944: 5-6, 15-18

west of the Maas: 235-37, 243, 247

Truman, President Harry: 418n

Tucker, Col. Reuben H.: 158, 160-61, 174, 176

Tufts, Lt. William C.: 225

Turner, Lt. Col. Robert G.: 113

Turnhout: 222

“Type-1944 Infantry Division”: 15, 87


Uden: 188-94

Uebach: 256, 267, 269-78, 523

Uettfeld: 44-48, 612, 613

Ulmer, 1st Lt. Arthur A.: 513

Urft Dam: 30, 324-25, 326n, 327, 597-98

Urft River: 325-26

Urquhart, Maj. Gen. R. C.: 172-73, 185-86, 198

UTAH Beach: 23, 49n


“V-13”: 310n

V-weapons: 8, 208, 229-30

Valburg: 195, 197

Valkenburg: 98, 107, 109

Valkenswaard: 133, 149

van Hoof, Jan: 184n

Van Houten, Col. John G.: 335

Vanderheid, Sgt. Linus: 487

Vandervoort, Lt. Col. B. H.: 174, 177, 181-82


Veghel: 131, 145-46, 152-53, 160, 187-92, 194-95, 201, 203, 206, 236

Venlo: 156, 238, 242, 243, 247-48, 548

Venlo-Nijmegen highway: 167

Venray: 231, 235, 238, 242, 248

Verlautenheide: 80, 88, 284, 286-91, 297, 300, 304, 309, 425, 499, 504

Versailles: 211

Verviers: 36, 66, 72, 398

Vianden: 40, 43, 56-57

Vicht: 72, 78, 80

Vicht River: 66, 72, 75, 76, 78, 90, 325

Village strongpoints. See Roer plain.

Visé: 99, 101, 105

Vortum: 238

Vosges Mountains: 381

Vossenack: 323, 331, 336-39, 341, 343-47, 349-51, 353-55, 357-59, 361-68, 371, 372-73, 400, 429, 438, 441, 451, 453, 455, 457, 465, 601-02

Vossenack ridge: 336-37, 344-45, 347, 349-50, 358, 361, 364-66, 370, 372-73, 455

Vught: 140


Waal River: 29, 120, 126, 131, 134, 142, 154-58, 166, 174-75, 179-82, 193, 198, 200-201, 203

Wadden Islands: 135

Waffen-SS: 15-16, 126

Wahlerscheid: 601, 606-12

Walcheren Island: 123, 209, 212, 215, 218-21, 228-29

Waldenburg, Generalmajor Siegfried von: 353-54, 359, 365, 374

Wallace, Maj. Robert W.: 568-69

Wallendorf: 43, 56-65, 115, 251, 620

Walther, Colonel: 124-25, 188-89, 191-92

Waltz, Col. Welcome P.: 223, 225, 503, 507, 509-10

War production: 12, 25

War production, German: 6, 31, 390, 392-93

Warden: 499, 502

Warren, Lt. Col. Shields, Jr.: 162-67

Warsaw: 141

Waurichen: 273, 278, 518, 523, 526

Weapons. See also entries for various types of weapons.

Allied numerical superiority: 5

comparison of U.S. and German: 25-28

performance in Siegfried Line Campaign: 620-21

psychological effects: 260, 262-63, 309n, 334, 413-14, 444-45, 455, 489, 575-76

Weasels (Cargo Carrier M-29): 311, 343, 351, 352, 355, 359-60, 371

Weather: 13, 19, 35, 121, 129, 210, 214, 219, 221, 364, 377, 381, 392, 400, 403, 405-07, 411-12, 475, 504, 518, 521, 522, 557, 572, 574, 578, 598, 616, 618

effect on tactical operations: 13, 24, 52, 55, 57, 61, 86, 88, 95, 106, 115, 132, 136-37, 154, 169n, 172, 176, 186, 190, 192, 196, 224, 227, 229, 243, 257, 259-60, 270, 274, 276, 278, 288, 302, 332, 340, 344-46, 347-48, 351, 352, 357, 360, 363-64, 372, 373, 382, 402, 418, 420-22, 441-44, 453-54, 455-57, 467, 479, 492, 506, 508, 525, 532, 534, 540, 542, 555, 563, 572n, 576, 604, 607-09

and failure of MARKET-GARDEN: 199-200, 618

Weaver, Brig. Gen. William G.: 448, 451-52, 455, 457, 461-63

Weert: 231, 246

Wegelein, Colonel: 337-39, 343, 347, 353

Weh Creek: 416, 419-20, 432-33, 464, 475, 477-80, 484, 510

Wehrkieis VI: 126-27, 142, 164, 193

Wehrkreis X: 189

Weissenberg: 422

Weissenberg (hill). See Hill 283.

Weisser Weh: 92-93, 331-39, 347, 428-29, 432-38, 442, 444-45, 464

Weiswampach: 3

Weisweiler: 482, 484, 505-09. See also Eschweiler-Weisweiler industrial triangle.

Weisweiler-Langerwehe highway: 475, 480, 484-85, 489

Welz: 572

Wenau: 477-78, 480

Wenau Forest: 66, 68, 72, 75, 78-80, 87, 90, 94, 399

Werth: 409, 422

Wesel: 113, 122n, 134, 138

Wessum: 233, 235, 237, 241

West, Col. Gustavus W.: 522

West Stellung: 106

West Wall: 6, 12, 16, 18, 29, 41-43, 48, 94-95, 119-21, 208, 211, 281, 283n, 318, 332, 342, 390, 401-02, 600, 616, 618, 622

attacks north of Aachen: 96, 107-15, 205, 231, 233, 240-41, 251-80, 283, 283n, 284-86, 293, 298, 302, 314, 319n

construction and defenses: 30-35, 38, 40, 44-47, 50, 56-57, 66-69, 72-75, 77, 84, 95, 103, 115, 520n, 601. See also Pillboxes.

defended for political reasons: 38, 41, 68

“impregnability”: 18, 31, 34-35, 51

MARKET-GARDEN failure to turn north flank: 198, 212, 377

race for: 41-43, 111

reconnaissance in force penetrations: 37-41, 44-95, 283n, 287, 612

Westkapelle dike: 228-29

Westphal, General Siegfried: 62n, 143n

Wettlingen: 61, 63

White, Brig. Gen. Isaac D.: 108-09, 523, 526, 532, 540, 542-43

White phosphorus, tactical use of: 179-80, 511, 521, 584

Whitis, Pvt. Evan: 306, 313-14

Wierzbowski, Lt. Edward L.: 146-47, 150-52

Wies Creek: 607-08

Wijbosch: 189, 191-92

Wijk: 106-08

Wilck, Col. Gerhard: 283-84, 307-08, 312-16, 410, 519

Wilhelmina Canal: 131, 144-48, 150, 152-53, 187, 200

Wilhelmshoehe: 476, 479, 481-84, 507-08

Willems Canal: 131, 145, 188, 190-91

Williams, Maj. George S.: 461-63

Williams, Lt. Col. John: 287-88

Williams, Col. Laurin L.: 571

Williams, Maj. Gen. Paul L.: 128

Williamson, Lt. Col. Ellis V.: 564

Wilson, Col. Robert W.: 23n

Windmills: 528-29

Winterhilfswerk (Winter Relief Project): 316

Winterization: 383-84, 386-87

Winton, Lt. Col. Walter F., Jr.: 156, 167

Wise, Sgt. Alvin R.: 312, 312n

Withdrawal operations: 91, 166, 196-98, 225, 306, 357, 370-72, 444, 532, 612, 614

Withdrawal operations, German: 99, 104-06, 108, 112, 124, 218-19, 222-23, 505, 508, 558, 560, 563, 584

Wittkopf, 1st Lt. Phillip W.: 53, 53n

Wittscheidt: 331, 334, 336-39, 347-48

Woensdrecht: 220-21, 227

Wolfheze Station: 171

Wolpert, T. Sgt. Howard: 263

Woods fighting: 52-53, 78, 92, 94, 323, 332-34, 336, 339, 344-50, 366-68, 371, 420, 431-32, 436-37, 441-45, 465-67, 469-70, 476-77, 587, 590, 607-09. See also Hürtgen Forest; Monschau Forest.

supply problems: 333, 335, 351, 360, 361-62, 367, 432, 434-38, 444, 465, 467, 476, 478, 588, 590-91, 608

Woodyard, Lt. Col. Thomas R.: 554

World War I: 25, 30, 99, 323, 392

Wuerm: 546, 551, 554-55, 566-68, 574

Wuerselen: 253, 279, 284-85, 294-95, 297, 299-300, 303-06, 308, 313, 399, 402, 408, 424, 496-501, 516, 519, 522, 529, 544, 548

Wuestwezel: 222

Wurm River: 29-30, 111, 252-61, 264-71, 277-78, 295, 302-03, 304-05, 496, 516, 517, 519, 520, 523, 532, 545-56, 566

Wyler: 155, 158, 166, 176-78, 193


York, Col. Robert H.: 589

Youenes, Pvt. Brent: 262


Zangen, General der Infanterie Gustav von: 125, 193, 218-19, 223, 395, 410, 417-18, 539, 559, 592

Zeebrugge: 215, 221

Zeglien, Pvt. Harold: 263

Zon: 131, 144, 146-48, 150, 152-53, 174, 187, 189, 200, 206

Zonsche Forest: 146-48, 150, 151n, 152

Zuider Zee. See Ijsselmeer.

Zundert: 222-24

Zweibruggen: 272

Zweifall: 72, 78, 90, 92, 94