

A-2, AC/AS. See Intelligence, AC/AS.

A-3, AC/AS, 430


flown by Eighth AF, 660

by RAF, 634

in SWPA, 414

to U.S.S.R., 339


characteristics, 231, 478, 481

in SWPA, 226, 387, 390, 401, 410, 414


lend-lease to China, 339

in SWPA, 382, 410, 414, 431-32, 479

Abadan, 335

Abbeville-Drucat airdrome, 660

ABC-1, 130, 136, 139-45, 236, 238, 240, 243, 252, 559, 562, 576-78, 591, 594

ABC-2, 130-31

ABDA Command:

244-45, 388, 392, 418, 493, 576

Area, 367-68, 384, 407, 430, 432, 492

assumption by Dutch, 396

comdrs., 367, 370

organization, 243-44, 366-76

Accident rate:

Australia, 483

Eighth AF, 645

Accra, 320, 324-25, 329-32, 340

Adak, 462, 464-65, 467

Adams, Lt., 219

Adelaide, 411

Adler, Brig. Gen. E. E., 326, 364, 497, 509, 513

Admiralty (Brit.), 93, 541

Aeronautical Div. (Signal Corps), 7

Aeronautics, Dept. of, 20, 23, 29

Aeronautics, Navy Bur. of, 129, 538, 566

Africa, in ferrying and air transport operations, 228, 299, 320-23, 328, 330-31, 336, 338, 340, 355-56, 493-95. See also North African.

Africa-Middle East Wing (ATC), 363

Agra, 508-9

Air base (service) commands, origin and functions, 155

Airborne interception radar, 289-90

Air Brigade, First Provisional, 26

Air Corps. See Army Air Corps.

Air Corps Act (1926), 23, 29, 46, 56-57

Air Corps Board, 49-50, 119

Air Corps Ferrying Comd.:

control officers, 329-30

deliveries to Brit. in

Canada and U.S., 316-17

first overseas services, 325

intel. sec., 334

mission, 314, 316

operations, 317-20, 325-37, 340-44, 347-48, 350, 361, 424, 641

organization, 316, 362

overlapping of facilities with ASC, 360-61

overseas jurisdiction, 364-65

requisition of military planes from, 350

sectors, 337, 344

summary, 363. See also Air Transport Comd.

Air Corps Maintenance Comd. See Air Service Comd.

Air Corps Tactical School, 33, 46-52, 59, 146, 604

theory of air war outlined, 51-52. See also ASTS.

Air Corps Training Center, 112


allocation, 131-35, 145, 247-51, 413, 437, 567-68

production schedules (Jan. 1942), 247

standardization, 107-8

types (U.S., Dec. 1941), 109-10

types sold to foreign states, 129. See also Production.

Aircraft Production, Bur. of, 9

Aircraft Production, Ministry of. See Britain.

Aircraft Production Board, 5, 7

Aircraft Warning Bn., 557th, 192

Aircraft warning service:

Alaska, 307-8

Brit. radar equipment, 288-91

early detectors, 287

Panama, 301-3

SWPA, 209, 383-84, 476

in U.S., 278, 286-87, 290-92, 296, 298

Air defense:

categories of defense, 277

England, 622-23

Hawaii, 170-75

Java, 390, 400-401

NEI, 366-402

Philippines, 201-3

system in 1942, 286-93

Western Hemisphere, 61-69, 116-26, 151-70, 236, 271-309 (see also specific regions)

zones, 295-96

Air Defense:

Director of, 292

Directorate created, 295

Air Defense Comd., 152-54, 577

creation, 289

functions, 289, 295

Air Defense Operational Training Unit, 295. See also Fighter Comd. School.

Air Districts, creation of, 153-54

Air doctrine, development, 33-53, 60, 63, 67-70, 565, 597


in Africa, 320-21, 329-30

Alaska, 125-26, 168-69, 303-7, 357-58, 464-65

British Isles, 344, 346 (see also Air Force, Eighth AF)

Canada, 121, 343, 345-47, 357

Caribbean, 121, 123, 162, 299, 319-21, 329

CBI, 440, 444, 511-12

Central Pacific, 125, 174-75, 178

Greenland, 122, 342-47

Iceland, 122-23, 158-60, 344, 346

Latin America, 124-25, 301, 319-21, 329

need for forward bases, 53, 102, 120-26, 241-42.

need for more U.S. bases, 111-13

Panama, 162-63, 302

Philippines, 125, 179, 186-88, 406-7

South Pacific, 180-81, 192-93, 228-29, 437, 469

SWPA, 178, 184, 193, 371-72, 376, 390-91, 423, 483. See also fields by name.

Air Force Combat Comd., 112, 155, 159, 250, 260, 294, 316, 350

abolished, 264

CG, 115, 560, 613

control of Eighth AF, 613

created, 115

Hq. & Hq. Sq., 615

Air Forces (numbered):

First Air Force, 523, 542, 546

aid to Eighth AF, 613

air defense responsibility, 156, 158, 294-96

assigned to Eastern Theater of Operations, 264, 294

CG, 530

creation, 154

reassigned to AAF, 295. See also Antisub. defense

I Bomber Comd.

Second Air Force:

in air defense, 278, 294, 299

creation, 154

OTU units, 617

reinforcements to Pacific, 455

as training agency, 264, 294

Third Air Force:

aid to Eighth AF, 613-17, 648

in air defense, 294

creation, 154

staging operations, 333

as training agency, 264, 294

units in antisub. patrol, 530, 542

Fourth Air Force:

in air defense, 278, 281, 284, 294-96, 299

assigned to WDC, 264, 294

creation, 154

ferrying planes to Hawaii, 172

reassigned to AAF, 295

training for Alaska flights, 304

Fifth Air Force, Eighth AF so designated initially, 612. See also FEAF.

Sixth Air Force. See Caribbean AF. Seventh Air Force:

in Battle of Midway, 452-62

designated, 452. See also Hawaiian AF.

Eighth Air Force:

accident ratio, 645

air defense of UK, 584, 622-23

airfields in UK, 620, 626-33, 649

assigned to ETOUSA, 649

at Bolling Field, 587

bombing accuracy, 656, 663-64

CG, 570, 587-88, 612, 616

communications, 625-26

deficiencies, 656-57

depots in UK, 635-38, 650

diversions, 299, 574, 607, 614, 616, 628, 641-43, 654

establishment in UK, 576, 587-91, 612-54

first heavy unit complete, 655

Hq. in UK, 645

Hq. & Hq. Sq., 613, 615, 639

intelligence, 623-24

logistics, 620-21, 628-39, 648-52, 667

maintenance, 633-38, 648

mission, 575, 607

nucleus for AAFIB, 615

operations, 591, 655-68

organizational scheme, 620, 633

origin, 612-13

overseas movement, 347-49, 639-45

pattern for RAF collaboration, 622

relations with RAF, 618-37, 651

relations with SOS, 649-52

replacements, 627-28, 645

shortages, 616-17

Staging Area Comd., 640

storage space, 638

strength, 526n, 612-13, 615, 652-53

summary of activities, 651, 658-59, 664-65

target selection, 548n, 597, 621-22, 624

training, 613-14, 616-17, 620, 626-29, 640, 648, 651, 653, 655-58, 660-61

training comd. established, 628

training manual, 626

transportation, 651

use of RAF Spitfires, 566, 643, 646, 657

weather services, 625, 639

wings, 633, 646, 648

Ninth Air Force, 206n

organized, 341, 493n

transport and ferry services, 312-13, 340-41

Tenth Air Force, 492-502

A-3, 497

creation, 484-85

Hq. & Hq. Sq., 494

mission and command problems in CBI, 502-10

operations, 500-502, 509-10

reinforcements, 336, 339-40

supply, 496, 508

airlines to, 312-13, 340, 354, 497-98, 508, 511-13. See also CBI.

Eleventh Air Force:

chain of command, 308

designated, 307

strength (1942), 307. See also Alaskan AF.

Twelfth Air Force:

creation, 588, 654

replacements, 645

Air Ministry (Brit.), 15, 20, 25, 37, 92-93, 503, 577-80, 590, 595, 629-32, 636

Airport Development Program, 321

Air raid alerts:

Boston, 280

Los Angeles, 279, 283-86

New York, 279

Oakland, 278

San Francisco, 278-79

Air Search Gp., 465

Air Service (AEF), 10-16, 33-37, 43, 597-98

Chief, 10-11, 26

created, 10


Air Service (U.S. Army), 3-29, 44-45, 54-58

created, 9, 23

Director, 9

mission, 45

Office of Chief, 22

strength, 24, 26

Air Service Comd., 337, 347, 355, 364

Contract Air Corps Div., 360-62

formerly AC Maintenance Comd., 360

in air transport, 355-56, 358, 360-62

Air Service Tactical School, 45, 598. See also ACTS.

Air Staff (AAF Hq.), 134, 144, 185, 236, 246, 249-50, 262, 264-66, 273, 430, 489, 538-40, 558-62, 579, 602-3, 616, 630

Chief, 251, 257, 262, 267

Air support commands, origin and functions, 155

Air-to-surface-vessel radar:

development by Britain, 289

in Alaska, 308

lack in U.S., 291-92

in Panama, 301-2

use in antisub. warfare, 547, 549

Air transport:

by Air Corps Ferrying Comd., 317-18, 325-28, 347, 350, 353-54

by Air Transport Comd., 362-63

by civilian airlines, 323-25, 347-60, 498

distinction between air transport and ferrying, 349-51, 363, 507n

importance, 350-52, 363

principal air routes, 310-12

survey flights, 326, 331, 347-48. See also specific air forces and areas.

Air Transport Assoc., 351

Air Transportation Div. (ATC), 363

Air Transport Comd., 313, 334, 349, 362-65, 495, 508

creation, 349, 356, 362

mission, 362-63

organized into divs. and wings, 363

overseas jurisdiction, 365

strength, 363-64

Troop Carrier Comd. temporarily designated ATC, 360, 362. See also ACFC.

Air War Plans Div., 131, 146, 265, 273, 560, 599, 614

Akaga, 458

Akebono Maru, 458

Akutan I., 467

Akyab, 492, 499

Alameda Naval Air Station, 440

Alaska, 66, 124-26, 147, 166-70, 190, 193, 294, 452

air transport to, 357-59, 361

bases, 303-7, 357-58, 464-65

danger of attack, 272

defenses, 166-70, 276, 307-8, 357

Peninsula, 168-69, 464

reinforcements for, 241, 276-77, 303-9

Alaska Defense Comd., 167-70, 276, 306, 359, 364

Alaskan Air Force, 166, 294, 304. See also Air Forces, Eleventh AF.

Albrook Field, 162-63

Aldermaston, 648

Aleutian Is., 126, 168, 294, 303-8, 358, 444, 452, 462-70, 557, 643

Alexander, Lt. Col. E. H., 333

Allahabad, 509, 512

Allied Air Forces, 433, 448, 478, 481-83

air service, 421-22

command structure, 420

organization, 418-26

Altman, Pfc R. A., 217

Alvarez, Dr. Luis, 293-94

Amberley Field, 227, 230, 376, 422, 424

Amboina, 224, 372, 377, 384, 388, 394, 427

Americal Div., 433

American Airlines, 347, 356

American Expeditionary Force. See Air Service (AEF).

American Volunteer Gp., 244, 313, 339-40, 353, 395, 485-502

first combat, 489

induction into AAF, 505-6

Anchorage, 126, 166, 168, 303, 358, 465

Andal, 512

Andaman Is., 500, 503

Anderson, Col. O. A., 472

Andes, 639

Andres, Pvt. Robert, 212

Andrews, Lt. Gen. F. A., 31-32, 60, 67n, 70, ,60, 165, 579

Anglo-American chiefs of staff, 241-43, 559, 595. See also Combined Chiefs. Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 320, 323

Angmagssalik, 344

Antiaircraft artillery, 152-53, 283-85, 296, 299

Caribbean, 162

Hawaii, 171-72

Panama, 301

Philippines, 187, 220

Anti-Comintern Pact, 80

Antifriction-bearing targets, 597

Antigua, 121, 124, 162, 320, 536

Antilles, 123, 319

Antilles Air Task Force, 535-37, 542

Antisubmarine defense, 514-53

administration, 542

assessments, 533-35

"killer" system, 548

need for centralized comd., 544

operations, 526-37

policy, 538

strength, 536

type of aircraft, 525, 536-37. See also AAF Antisub. Comd.

Commands, I Bomber.

ANZAC, 413

Aparri, 215, 219-20


Arafura Sea, 414

ARCADIA conference, 237-46, 248, 252-55, 265, 267, 281, 310, 312, 342, 367, 372, 492, 559-62, 565, 612

Archerfield, 227, 230, 376, 414, 422, 432

Argentia, 142, 156

Armee de l’Air. See French Air Force. Armstrong, Col. F. A., Jr., 626, 660

Army, First (1918), 13-14

Army Air Corps:

Chief of, 31-32, 48, 50, 59, 63, 115, 129, 176-77, 260, 314, 316, 326, 598 (see also Arnold; Brett; Foulois; Patrick; Westover)

expansion, 104-16

mission, 45, 47-52, 63, 67-68, 105, 114, 138

Office of Chief, 22, 32, 46, 48, 50, 53, 55, 63, 114, 146, 250, 264

strength, 104-16

Army Air Force in Great Britain, 615, 618

CG, 615

Army Air Forces Antisubmarine Comd.:

established, 537, 552

genesis, 519, 538-53

mission, 552

strength, 537

Army Air Forces Headquarters, 50, 170, 178, 181, 186, 238, 265, 292, 347, 384, 425, 428, 430-31, 454, 496, 539-53, 575, 582, 616, 645, 652-53, 663. See also Air Staff

Hq. offices.

Army Air Forces organization, 18-33

as Aeronautical Div. (Signal Corps), 7

as Aviation Sec. (Signal Corps), 4

as Air Service (U.S. Army), 4, 9, 23

as Air Corps, 29

GHQ Air Force created, 31

established as AAF, 115, 260

Air Force Combat Comd. created, 115

reorganization of 9 Mar. 1942, 264-65, 579

mission, 151-52, 155-56, 158, 161, 264, 267, 342, 576. See also Air Forces.

Army Airways Communications System, 155, 157, 169

Army Ground Forces established, 264

Army Regulation 95-5 (20 June 1941), 146, 260, 265, 267

Army Reorganization Act of 1920, 23-24

Army Service Forces, 264. See also Services of Supply.

Army War College, 33, 351

Arnold, Lt. Gen. H. H., 114-15, 133-34, 141-42, 146, 150, 159, 170, 193, 248, 250-51, 253, 260-65, 289, 292-93, 314, 318, 321-22, 327, 359, 361-65, 430-31, 437, 439, 481, 507, 526, 538-41, 546, 550, 552-53, 559, 562, 567, 573-76, 579-91, 594-95, 601-3, 605, 607, 612, 617-18, 623, 627, 630-31, 635-37, 643, 646, 652, 663

Deputy Chief of Staff, 114-15, 253, 259, 265

influence, 260, 265-67. See also Army Air Corps, Chief.

Arnold, Lt. Col. M. W., 348

"Arnold line," 318

Arnold-Portal agreement, 248-49, 566

Arnold-Towers-Portal agreement, 567, 569

Aruba, 240, 281-82, 518, 536

Asansol, 498, 500

Ascension I., 319-20, 329-30

Ashigara, 216

Asiatic Fleet (U.S.), 138, 184, 366-67, 370

Assam, 329, 497-98, 507, 511

Assam-Burma-China Ferry, 498, 508

Atcham, 643, 657

Atka, 467

Atkinson, Capt. Gwen, 497

Atkinson Field, 329

Atlantic, Battle of, 514-53

Atlantic Airways, Ltd., 320-23

Atlantic Charter, 142

Atlantic conference, 141, 150, 235, 252, 265, 594

Attu, 462, 469

Augsburg, 596

Australia, 125, 243, 423, 430-33, 436-37, 447, 449-50, 452, 471, 478-84, 492, 494, 561

air deliveries to, 327-33, 336, 359

air service, 421-23, 482-83

chiefs of staff, 231

defense, 403-26

defense of NEI, 366-402

Dept. of Aircraft Production, 422

Directorate of Air Transport, 424

forces, 419, 477

labor, 483

in reinforcement of Philippines, 178-231

7th Div., 472

withdrawal to, 220-33. See also Allied Air Forces; RAAF; SWPA.

Austrian Air Force, 89

Aviation Act of 1914, 23

Aviation Act of 1917, 6, 25

Aviation Cadet Center, 113

Aviation Objective, First, 105

Aviation Sec. (Signal Corps), 4-12, 23, 34

strength, 6-7

Aviation strength, First and Second, 250

AWPD/1, 131-32, 146-47, 150, 236, 246-47, 250, 266, 559, 565, 573-74, 580, 594-95, 599-600, 603-6, 630

AWPD/2, 133-34

AWPD/4, 236, 246

Ayr, 318

Azores, 326


B-10, development, 55, 60

B-15, X model, 66-67, 119


characteristics, 61, 68, 88, 119-20, 191, 389, 400-401, 417, 450, 456-57, 461-62, 481, 574, 600-601, 655, 660-65

development, 66-67

as escort plane, 604

first delivery, 66

mass flight to Hawaii, 172-73

mass flight to UK, 641-45

test (1935), 53

test against attacking vessels, 457

as transport plane, 493

unsuccessful test by RAF, 600-604, 655

B-19, X model, 69


characteristics, 327, 462, 574, 600-604, 662

for air transport, 326, 350, 352

chief reliance in antisub. work, 537, 549, 552

delivery to Navy, 55,

development, 66

as escort plane, 604. See also LB-30.


characteristics, 478

choice for Tokyo raid, 439, 444

lend-lease to U.S.S.R., 338

B-26, combat in Pacific, 414, 458, 465

B-29, development, 66, 71, 108

Backus, Capt. E. N., 390, 394

Badoglio, Marshal Pietro, 83

Baffin I., 155, 345-47

Baguio, 207

Bahama Is., 121, 124, 162

Baker, Sec. of War N.D., 24, 31, 43

Baker, Noel, 95n

Baker Board, 22, 30-32, 47-48, 67

Balfour, Capt. H. H., 133

Bali, 372, 386, 391-92, 394, 402, 474

Balikpapan, 377, 382

Ballarat, 422

Bandjermasin, 377

Bandoeng, 368, 371, 395

Bangalore, 223, 331, 333, 509

Bangkok, 492

Bangor, 523

Barksdale Field, 31, 530

Barling bomber, 58

Barnes, Maj. Gen. J. F., 226, 371, 388, 396, 411, 420

Barnham, 650

Barr, Lt. George, 442

Barrackpore, 512

Barrage balloons, 152, 299

Basra, 326, 329, 338

Bataan, 209, 212, 218, 223-25, 233, 366, 404-6

Bataan Field Flying Det., 405

Batangas, 186, 191, 203, 219

Batavia, 231, 371, 384, 391, 397

Batchelor Field, 222-24, 407, 426

Bathurst (Gambia), 320, 322, 324

Bathurst I., 393

Bay, WO J. E., 405

Bayse, Maj. W. E., 380, 506

Bean, Lt. J. M., 216-17

Beaverbrook, Lord, 133, 578

Beechcraft, 385, 406

Belem, 320-22, 324, 329-30, 332, 336

Belfast, 240, 648

Belgian Congo, 324, 330, 355

Bellows Field, 171, 198-99

Bengal, 498

Bengal, Bay of, 494, 499, 502-3, 510

Berlin, Pact of. See Tripartite Pact.

Bermuda, 121, 162, 294, 326

Bhamo, 500

Biscay, Bay of, 514

Bishop, S. W., 199

Bismarck Archipelago, 382, 403-4, 447

Bissell, Lt. Col. C. L., 146


Blamey, Gen. Sir Thomas, 419

Blimbing, 384, 386

Bloemfontein, 227, 232

Blomberg, Gen. Werner von, 87-88


BLUIE WEST 1, 343-46, 641-44

BLUIE WEST 8, 343-47, 641, 644

Boeing Aircraft Co., 65-66, 280

Bohol, 406

BOLERO, 564, 566, 570, 574-76, 587, 589, 595, 607, 652-53

committees, 564

first air movement completed, 644

Bolling, Col. R. C., 8

Bolling Field, 318, 326, 328, 616, 625

Bombardment (textbook), 45

Bombardment aviation:

accuracy, 603-5, 656, 663

as compared to other types, 36-37, 41, 64, 70-71

development of weapon, 53-71

precision vs. area, 596-99

research in techniques, 604-5

size of units as compared with RAF, 631

strategic employment, 46-53, 60, 65, 592, 595-99, 615, 666-68

training, 605

trial in NEI, 400-402. See also Air doctrine; Bomber offensive; Daylight.

Bombardment Board, 55, 59

Bombay, 510

Bomber Comd. (Army Air Force in Great Britain), 6,8. See also Commands, VIII Bomber.

Bomber commands, origin and functions, 155

Bomber Command Shadow Staff, 617

Bomber offensive:

diversion from, 574, 654

organization and command, 575

plans for, 240, 557-611, 656, 668

principles of control, 575

strategy launched, 564

targets, 565

Bombsight types, 439, 598-99, 601

Borabora, 436

Borinquen Field, 329

"battle of," 275-76

Borneo, 232, 372, 376-78, 380, 388, 394

Bostock, Vice Marshal W.D., 420

Boston (Mass.), 280

Boston (RAF), use by U.S. units, 640, 658

Bostrom, Lt. F. P., 200, 418

Bougainville, 447-48

Bound, Lt. G. L., 386

Bowles, Dr. E. L., 549, 551-52

Bovingdon, 627-28

Bradford, Maj. W.R., 406

Bradley, Maj. Gen. Follett, 161, 530

Brady, Brig. Gen. F. M., 203-4, 377, 388, 395, 484, 492, 495, 499

Brahmaputra R., 511

Brampton Grange, 646

Brandon, Lt. H. N., 200

Brant, Maj. Gen. G. C., 157

Brazil, 120, 124, 240, 299, 319-22, 329-30, 355

Bremerton, 298

Brereton, Maj. Gen. L. H.:

CG FEAF, 176, 182, 184-85, 187-88, 190, 204-9, 225, 229, 231, 339, 341, 370-71, 377, 395-96, 404

CG MEAF, 510-13

CG Tenth AF, 484-85, 492-93, 495-96, 500, 502-5, 507

Brest, 561, 600

Brett, Maj. Gen. G. H.:

C/AC, 115, 326-27, 634-36, 638n

CG USAFIA, 226, 230-31, 331, 333

DC/S ABDA, 370-71, 386, 388, 391, 395-96, 407, 411-12, 419, 421-22, 484, 492

Brisbane, 228, 230, 372, 376, 384-85, 411-12, 422, 435, 483

Bristol, 638


Air Commission, 322

aircraft types, 88, 93, 95, 107-9, 320, 382, 410, 432, 479, 596, 604, 634

Atlantic ferrying organization, 313-14, 317

base-destroyer exchange, 121

chiefs of staff, 136, 139, 142-44, 232, 237-38, 252, 367, 374, 561, 571-93

Chiefs of Staff Comm., 252-53, 578, 588

collaboration with U.S. planners, 130, 135-50, 234-67, 410, 557-668

co-operation with AAF in CBI, 226, 371, 488-96, 499, 503-4

co-operation in SWPA, 180-81, 184, 189, 213, 223, 366-483

defense in Battle of, 92-100

divergence of opinion with AAF on employment of bombers, 591-611, 655, 662-63

establishment of Eighth AF in UK, 612-53

Expeditionary Force, 90, 94, 592

Fleet, 138, 367

Joint Directif, 608-10

Joint Intelligence Comm., 256

Joint Planning Staff, 144

Joint Staff Mission, 252-53, 266, 577

intelligence, 531, 600, 623-24, 651

labor, 632, 650

lend-lease aid, 103, 127-35, 236, 245, 314, 318-19, 337-38, 634

Ministry of Aircraft Production, 314, 632, 636-37, 639

Ministry of War Transport, 256

Purchasing Commission, 129

review of strategy, 594

in submarine war, 514-15

transport and ferrying, 313-17, 320, 342

Under Sec. of State for Air, 133

War Cabinet, 132

in World War I, 6-8, 12-16, 76. See also Air Ministry; Fleet Air Arm; RAF.

British Columbia, 298

British Guiana, 121, 124, 162, 193, 320, 329, 536

Brooke, Gen. Sir Alan, 253

Broome, 399

Brown, Lt. H. M., 199

Brown, Col. R. R., 508

BR Task Force, 560-61, 613

Buckner, Brig. Gen. S. B., Jr., 167, 276, 464

Buddicum shops, 663-64

Budget, Bur. of, 29, 57, 262

Buin, 448

Buitenzorg, 392

Buna, 449, 483

Burma, 232-33, 241, 244, 339, 367, 371, 388, 395-97, 471, 488-90, 492-95, 497-503, 508, 510, 561

evacuation, 502

Jap conquest, 485

Burma Road, 244-45, 485-86, 488-90, 499

Burnett, Sir Charles, 230

Burrows, Col. P. E., 337

Burton-on-Trent, 638

Burtonwood, 636-37, 639, 650-51

Bushey Hall, 646

Bushy Park, 645, 648

Butler, Brig. Gen. W. O., 307, 464


C-39, air transport to Labrador, 347


characteristics, 502

in China, 499

flight to UK, 347, 641-45

C-5, on South Atlantic route, 355

C-54, characteristics, 353


characteristics, 353

on South Pacific route, 360

Cabcaben Field, 225

Cagayan (Mindanao), 219

Cagayan Valley, 208

Cairo, 319-21, 325-26, 328-29, 332, 335, 339, 354-55, 560-61

Calcutta, 353, 494, 498, 500, 507, 510-12

Caldwell, Lt. M.C., 398

California, 197


air defense of, 271, 278-81

air raid scares, 278-79, 283-86, 299

in ferrying and air transport, 313, 332

submarine attack, 282

Callahan, Lt. Col. D.F., 509


bombers, 189

in Java, 401

Campbell, Col. A.H., 209-10


co-operation in Hemisphere defense, 121, 126, 156, 298, 464

co-operation in weather service, 345

in ferrying and air transport, 126, 304, 342-48, 357

production of radars for Panama, 302

Canadian Western Air Comd., 464

Canberra, 423

Candee, Brig. Gen. R. C., 646

Canton I., 125, 181, 192-93, 228, 331, 359, 430-31, 436

Cape, Lt. J. J., 467

Cape Army Air Field, 467

Capetown, 494

Cape York, 416, 483

Caribbean Air Force, 160-66, 281

Caribbean area, 120-25, 147, 160-66, 171, 530, 541, 579

bases, 299, 319-21

danger of attack, 275-76

ferrying and air transport, 319-21, 324, 329-30, 337, 355-56, 360-61

submarine attacks, 281-82, 308

Caribbean Defense Comd., 160, 163-65, 274

sectors, 163

Caribbean Sea Frontier, 518, 536, 548

Caribbean Wing (ATC), 363

Carmichael, Maj. R. H., 199, 407, 413

Caroline Is., 181, 189, 427

Carpentaria, Gulf of, 450

Carpenter, Lt. John, 205n, 211

Casablanca, 240

Casablanca conference, 252, 666 "Cash and Carry" act, 128-29

Catalina. See PBY.

Catanduanes, 214

Cavite, 218

Cebu, 188n, 218, 406, 417-18

Celebes, 232, 372, 377-80, 382, 388, 394

Central Aircraft Mfg. Corp., 488, 490

Central America, 123-24, 164, 321, 360

Central Defense Comd., 154

Central Pacific Area, 419

Ceylon, 331, 396, 441, 449-500, 503-4, 509

Chaffin, Lt. RN., 200

Chagos Archipelago, 330-31

Chakulia, 509

Chancellor, Lt., 467

Chaney, Maj. Gen. J. E.:

CG Air Defense Comd., 152

CG USAFBI, 577-91, 602-4, 618-20, 628-29, 636-37, 646

controversy with Arnold, 579-89

plan for AAF in UK, 580

Chanyi, 506

Charleston, 494, 530, 613

Charleville, 230

Charters Towers, 414, 422, 478

Chauncey, Brig. Gen. C.C., 648

Cheddington, 627-28

Chekiang, 440

Chelveston, 631

Chemical warfare depot in UK, 650

Chennault, Brig. Gen. C. L., 353, 487-90, 504-6

Cheribon, 372

Chernofski, 306

Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, 244-45, 404, 440, 487, 492-93

Chief of AAF. See Arnold.

Chief of Air Corps. See Army Air Corps.

Chief of Staff (WDGS), 30-32, 48, 63-65, 69, 115, 134, 158, 180, 232, 250, 253, 258-65, 303, 521, 582, 586, 589 (see also Marshall; MacArthur)

Deputy Chief of Staff, 114-15, 546, 582

Chiefs of Staff Committee, 563

Chignik, 168

China, 76, 232, 241, 244, 252, 313, 353, 380, 395, 404, 438, 441-42

aid to, 134, 244-45, 312, 328-29, 337-39, 484-513, 567, 569

airfields, 440, 444

ferrying and air transport, 329-30, 339-40, 356, 507

Fifth and Sixth Armies, 499

China Air Task Force, 505-8

China-Burma-India theater, 364, 393, 419, 440, 484, 504

air service comd., 497, 508-9

air transport, 354, 497-98, 502, 507n, 507-8, 511-13

CG, U.S. Army Forces, 493

communications with Washington, 494

labor, 508-9

reinforcements, 239-43, 493-98. See also Air Forces, Tenth AF.

China National Airways, 506

Chinese Air Force, 78, 339, 486-88

Chorley, 648

Christiansen, H. C., 199

Christmas I., 125, 181, 192-93, 228, 359, 430-32, 436-37

Chuchow, 440, 442, 444

Chungking, 78, 438, 497-98, 504

Church, Lt., 219-20

Churchill, Col. L. S., 182

Churchill, Prime Minister Winston, 133, 136, 141, 232, 235-37, 240, 243, 252-53, 367, 559-61, 564, 567, 570-73, 592

Civil Aeronautics Administration (Authority), 55, 111, 125-26, 168, 304, 321, 352

Civil Aeronautics Board, 352, 361

Civil airlines:

in air transport, 350-60

plans for mobilization, 351-52, 364. See also airlines by name.

Civil Air Patrol, 527-31, 542

Civilian Defense, Office of, 279, 290, 298

Civil Service Det., 637, 650

Clagett, Brig. Gen. H. B., 182, 222, 225-26, 230, 486

Clark Field, 177, 179, 182-83, 186-89, 191, 201-20, 223

Clausewitz, 42, 51

Clipper transports, 324, 331, 352-56

Cloncurry, 230, 385, 450

Coast Artillery, 289

60th, 214

200th, 187, 214

Chief, 187

Coast watchers, 476

Cochin, 510

Cocos I., 124

Cocos Is. (SWPA), 330-31

Coetivy I., 330-31

Cold Bay, 304, 306-7, 464-65

Collins, Capt. J. F., Jr., 458

Cologne, 573, 597

Columbia (S.C.), 613

Columbia R., 272

Combat crew replacement centers, 627

"Combined," usage defined, 253

Combined Chiefs of Staff, 234-67, 395-96, 408, 419, 430, 434, 436, 444, 512, 557-611

established, 253, 265

functions, 254-55, 266. See also Anglo-American chiefs.

Combined Intelligence Comm., 256

Combined Military Transportation Comm., 256

Combined Operations Comd., 590

Combined Planning Staff, 253, 255, 266

Combined Secretariat, 257

Combined Shipping Adjustment Board, 256

Combined Staff Planners, 431, 560, 563-64, 572

Combs, Maj. C. E., 189, 214-15, 219, 378-79

Command and General Staff School, 33

Command and staff exercises, 64

Commanding General, AAF. See Arnold.

Commands (numbered):

I Air Support Comd., 523, 527-28, 542

I Bomber Comd., 523-53

antisub. activities, 296

CG, 526, 528

communications, 528, 544

convoys, protection of, 533

Hq., 526

intelligence, 524, 527

joint control, 524, 527-28

lessons, 532

offshore patrols begin, 523

operations, 531, 533

special problems, 531-32

strength, 524, 537

training, 524-26

types of aircraft, 523-24, 530, 533, 537

Interceptor (Fighter) Comd., 155-56, 293

III Air Force Base Comd., 613

III Air Support Comd., 612-13

4th Antiaircraft Comd., 296

IV Bomber Comd., 296

IV Interceptor (Fighter) Comd., 296

V Bomber Comd., 182-83, 188, 210, 378

V Interceptor Comd., 182, 186, 207, 209, 218, 224-25, 405

VII Bomber Comd., 454-55

VII Interceptor (Fighter) Comd., 454-55

VIII Air Force Base Comd.:

Hq. & Hq. Sq., 613, 615, 639

redesignated Service Comd., 616

VIII Air Force Composite Comd., 616, 628, 648

VIII Air Force Service Comd., 587, 616, 628, 637-38, 648-50

CG, 648

service areas, 648

VIII Bomber Comd., 567, 587-88, 607-11, 622, 624, 628, 631, 646-49

first combat for heavies, 660-66

G-3, 626

Hq. & Hq. Sq., 613, 615, 639, 656

mission, 607

wings organized, 633

VIII Ground Air Support Comd., 587

CG, 646

Hq., 646

mission, 648

redesignated Air Support Comd., 616

VIII Interceptor (Fighter) Comd., 349, 587

Hq. & Hq. Sq., 613, 615-16, 628, 639, 641-43, 646

redesignation, 616

Commerce, Dept. of, 29, 55

Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, 127

Communications, 55, 152, 155-59, 169, 186, 188, 242, 344-48, 419, 423, 447, 476, 494, 511, 625-26, 644-45. See also Radar.

Composite group, defined, 156n

Cone, Capt. R.A., 465

Connally, Lt. J.B., 205n, 381

Connell, Col. Carl, 482

Consolidated Aircraft Corp., 280, 359-60

Contract Air Cargo Div. (ASC), 360-62

Convoys, question of protection, 533, 545, 552

Coolidge, President, 25, 28

Cooper, Col. MC., 499

Coral Sea, Battle of, 444-51, 471, 480-83


I (1918), 13

V, 240

Corps areas, air relations with, 31-32

Corregidor, 186, 203, 223, 225, 366, 388, 404, 406-7, 417

Costa Rica, 125

Council of National Defense, 7

Cousland, Lt. Col. C. W., 656

Cowdray Air Board, 7

Crimmins, Lt. Fred, 212

Crowell mission, 23-24

CRYSTAL weather stations, 345-47

Cuba, 321, 534

Curacao, 240, 281-82, 518, 536

Currie, Lauchlin, 486

Curry, Rep. Charles, 29

Curtiss, 432

Curtiss NBS-4, 58

Curtiss-Wright, 488

Curtiss XO-35, 59

Cyrenaica, 341


Damns, Lt. J. L., 199

Dakar, 240

Dale, Lt., 467

Daly Waters, 230, 385, 422

Danish-U.S. agreement, 122, 343

Darwin, 178-79, 182-84, 222-24, 228, 230-33, 353, 372, 375-77, 385-87, 390-96, 407-11, 414-16, 421-24, 474-76

Davao, 223-24, 231, 376-78, 404, 418

Davao Gulf, 223, 378

Davidson, Brig. Gen. H. C., 454

Davies, Col. J. H., 224, 230, 414, 418

Davis, Lt. Col. E. S., 169, 277

Davison, Col. Donald, 636

Daylight vs. night bombardment, 59, 575, 591-611, 663, 667

Dayton, 55, 358


characteristics, 502

in air transport, 325, 358, 364, 498-99

Defense Aid Supply Comm., 130

De Havilland 4 bomber, 8-10, 57

De Kooy, 659

Del Carmen Field, 186, 203, 209, 211, 218, 223

Delehanty, T/Sgt. W. J., 217

Del Monte, 188-89, 208-11, 214, 219-20, 223-25, 372, 381, 404-7, 418, 426

Denmark, 90, 122, 343, 345

Denpasar airfield, 397

Deployment of air strength, 138-41, 147, 151-93, 560-61, 569, 652

Deshazer, Cpl. Jacob, 442

Deutsche Lufthansa, 86

DeWitt, Lt. Gen. J. L., 279, 294, 308

Dickman Board, 23-24, 43

Dili, 414

Dill, Field Marshal Sir John, 253

Dinjan, 329, 498-502, 505, 507-9, 512

Dive bombing, 457, 461, 598

Dixon, Lt. J. W., 466

Djombang, 384

Doenitz, Adm. Karl, 515, 535

Dolan, Col. W.C., 551

Dominican Republic, 321

Donalson, Lt. Jack, 212

Doolittle, Brig. Gen. J. H., 31, 614

Doolittle raid, 298, 438-44, 451, 498, 506

Dornier aircraft company, 85

Dorval airport, 344

Dougherty, Lt. J. E., 380

Douglas Aircraft Co., 69

Douhet, Giulio, 35, 43, 51, 82-84, 604

Dow Field, 299, 641, 643n

Drum, Lt. Gen. H. A., 30, 294, 526, 528

Drum Board, 30-31, 47-48, 66-67

Dufrane, Capt. J. L., 388-89

Duke of York, 238

Dum Dum, 500-501

Duncan, Brig. Gen. A. N., 571, 612-14, 616

Duncan, Col. C. E., 646

Duncan Field, 113

Dunkirk, 90, 94

Dunlop, Capt., 468

Dutch. See Netherlands East Indies. Dutch Harbor, 126, 168, 303-7, 464-69

Dyess, Capt. W. E., Jr., 405


Eagle Farm, 376

Eagle Sqs., 657

Eaker, Maj. Gen. LC., 60

CG VIII Bomber Comd., 560, 565, 575, 584-86, 591, 595, 604-5, 607, 610, 615-30, 636, 638, 641, 651, 656, 658, 662, 665

plan for AAF in UK, 620-29

Eareckson, Col. W. O., 468

East Anglia, 630-31, 637, 650

East China Sea, 438, 442

East Coast:

defense, 290-96

exposed position, 273, 277

Eastern Air Lines, 355-56

Eastern Defense Comd., 264, 293, 295-96, 523, 528, 546-48

Eastern I., 460

Eastern Sea Frontier, 296, 515, 522, 528, 530, 534, 541, 547

Eastern Theater of Operations, 294

Economic Warfare, Board of, 256

Ecuador, 125, 301

Edmonton, 276-77, 358-59

Edsall, 398-99

Educational contracts and orders, 56, 106

Efate, 436-37

Eglin Field, 439-40

Egypt, 320, 330, 560-61

84 Group Program, 105, 110, 249-50

Eire, 240

Eisenhower, Lt. Gen. D. D.:

Allied comdr. TORCH, 588

CG ETO, 573, 589-91, 607, 610, 632, 648-49, 658

Chief, WPD, 293, 586

El Alamein, 340

El Fasher, 320, 328

El Geneina, 320

Elmendorf Field, 166, 169, 303, 465, 468

El Obeid, 320, 328

Elsinore, Maj. R. T., 188, 406

Emmons, Lt. Gen. D.C.:

CG AFCC, 115

CG Hawaiian Dept., 452-55

Endurance flight (1929), 60

Engineering Div. (AS), 55-58

Engineers (Avn.):

in Aleutians, 168, 305-7

807th, 306

in UK, 650

Enterprise, 172, 440-41, 456, 458-59

Equipment. See Supply.

Eskimonaes, 345

Essen, 573

Eubank, Col. E. L., 172, 182, 208, 210, 378, 396, 420

European Theater, of Operations:

CG, 632

established, 589, 632


Fairbanks, 126, 167, 304, 357-58, 465

Fairchild, Maj. Gen. M.S., 50

Fairfield Air Depot, 55

Faktor, Cpl. L. D., 442

Far East Air Force, 176-77, 182-87, 191-92, 201-3, 206, 209, 213, 231, 366, 370, 377, 484

Far East Air Service Comd., 182

Fargo, 357

Farrow, Lt. W. G., 442

Federal Aviation Commission, 30

Ferrying of aircraft:

by ACFC, 316-20, 325-37, 339-44, 349

by ATC, 362

by British, 313-17, 320, 342

by civil airlines, 320-25

distinction between ferrying and air transport, 349-51, 363, 507n

pioneering flights, 318, 321-22, 326, 331, 344

principal air routes, 310-12

Ferrying Div. (ATC), 363

Field Artillery, 131st (2d Bn.), 381

Field Forces (U.S. Army), CG, 31, 114, 582

Field Service Regulations, 44-46

54 Group Program, 105, 129-31, 134-35, 139

Fighter aviation. See Pursuit aviation. Fighter Command School, 295

Fighter escort, importance in ETO, 600, 657-58, 663, 665

Fiji Is., 181, 192, 226-28, 242, 331, 359, 410, 413, 430-31, 434-37, 447, 471


pilots, 203, 219

agents, 405

Fisher, Maj. W. P., 387

Fisherman’s Lake, 324

FIVE ISLANDS, Task Force, 431, 560, 613

Fleet Air Arm, 132, 541, 566, 590, 593

Fletcher, Rear Adm. F. J., 447-48

Florence (S.C.), 613

Florida I., 447-48, 471

Floyd Bennett Airport, 317

"Flying Tigers." See American Volunteer Gp.

Flying Training Comd., 250

Foch, Marshal, 15

Footscray, 422

Ford, Rep. Leland, 285

Ford Motor Co., 422

Formosa, 191, 201, 203-5, 208-9, 215, 376-77, 382, 441

Fort Chimo, 346

Fort Dix, 640

Fort Glenn, 464, 466, 468

Fort Greeley, 464

Fort Hertz, 502

Fort Lamy, 320

Fort Mears, 466-67

Fort Myers, 341

Fort Nelson, 277

Fort Randall, 465-66, 468

Fortress. See B-17.

Fort Richardson, 464

Fort Santiago, 204

Fort Stotsenburg, 210

Foulois, Maj. Gen. B. D., 10, 21, 63


Air Div., 14

High Commission, 433-34

lend-lease, 129

World War I, 5-6, 10-14

World War II, 76, 90, 330, 563-64, 571, 592, 663. See also Free French; French Air Force.

France Field, 162-63

Frank, Maj. Gen. W. H., 50

CG VIII AFSC, 648-50

CG Third AF, 648

Frankfurt, 26

Fredendall, Maj. Gen. L. R., 612

Free French, 180-81, 432-33

Freeman, ACM Sir Wilfred, 602

Freerks, Lt. M. C., 468

Freetown, 320, 494

Fremantle, 396-98, 484

French Air Force, 90-91

French Equatorial Africa, 320, 330 French Indo-China, 189

French Northwest Africa, 240

Frobisher Bay, 346

Fry, Col. R. L., 422


G-3 (WDGS), 146

G-4 (WDGS), 256

Galapagos Is., 124, 301-2

Galliene, Lt. W. H., 394

Galveston, 531

Gambia, 320

Gambonini, Lt. P. B., 387

Gander Lake, 122, 318, 342-43, 345, 348, 645

Ganges R., 511

Garfield, 192

Gasmata, 414, 472

Gates, Lt. Col. B. E., 262

Gatty, Harold, 424

Geelong, 422

General Headquarters (WD), 141, 258-62

abolished, 264

proposed, 20, 26, 63

relationship to AAF, 261

General Headquarters Air Force, 23, 49-51, 63-64, 69-70, 115, 119, 152-54, 258, 260, 521, 599

CG, 31-32, 68, 70

established, 31, 47, 67

mission, 67-68, 112, 114

proposed, 30, 43, 45-48

wings, 31

General Headquarters Air Force (Prov.), 64

General Staff (WD), 6, 8, 18, 20-21, 24, 26-32, 35, 43, 45, 49, 53, 65-69, 115, 146, 173-74, 232, 256, 259, 262, 264, 563, 573, 586. See also Chief of Staff

WDGS divs. by name.

George, Brig. Gen. H.H., 207, 225, 405, 407, 418

George, Maj. Gen. H.L., 50, 146, 336, 349, 365, 641

German Air Force, 85-92, 95-97, 99

aircraft types, 88-89, 95, 122

development, 75-76

mission, 88

organization, 96

strength, 86, 89, 94


Air Ministry, 87

as first priority target, 238, 410, 559

Defense Ministry, 88

High Command, 99, 515

Ministry of Transport, 86

Supreme Military Staff, 88

Gerow, Brig. Gen. L.T., 232

Ghormley, Vice Adm. R. L., 473, 594

Gilbert Is., 189

Giles, Col. B. F., 157, 349

Glover, Lt. J. G., 393

Goering, Hermann, 51, 86-87, 99, 603

Gold Coast Colony, 320, 331

Good Hope, Cape of, 494

Goose Bay, 343-44, 356, 436-48, 641, 644

Grady, H. F., 496, 510

Grafton Underwood, 631, 640, 661

Great Falls, 358

Green, Maj. Gen. J. A., 187

Greening, Capt. C. R., 439

Greenland, 120, 122-24, 155, 157-58, 193, 342-45, 347-48, 356, 361, 641-44

Greenland Base Comd., 157, 349

Grenier Field, 64

Griffith, Maj. J. L., 658

Ground controlled interception radar, 288, 291


1st Ferrying Gp., 340, 494, 507

1st Pursuit Gp., 278, 299, 615, 639-43, Attack Gp., 550

2nd Air Depot Gp., 615, 639-40

2nd Bomb. Gp., 59, 526

3rd Air Depot Gp., 394, 503

3rd Bomb. Gp., 414, 425, 480

4th Air Depot Gp., 422

4th Composite Gp., Hq. & Hq. Sq., 177

4th Fighter Gp., 657

5th Air Base Gp., 188, 220, 407

5th Air Depot Gp., 639-40

5th Bomb. Gp., 170, 455

6th Bomb. Gp., 163

7th Bomb. Gp., 183, 188, 192, 226, 332, 380-83, 385, 412-13, 484, 494, 497, 505, 512

8th Pursuit Gp., 412, 424-25, 477

9th Bomb. Gp., 163

11th Bomb. Gp., 170, 455

13th Bomb. Gp., 526

14th Fighter Gp., 644-46

15th Pursuit Gp., 171

16th Pursuit Gp., 163

17th Bomb. Gp., 439, 613-14

18th Pursuit Gp., 171

19th Bomb. Gp., 172-73, 178, 182-83, 185, 189, 208, 223, 225, 381-82, 387, 412-14, 425, 447, 450, 480

20th Air Base Gp., 177

20th Pursuit Gp., 613

22nd Bomb. Gp., 414, 425, 447, 479, 480-8

23rd Air Base Gp., 166, 307

23rd Pursuit (Fighter) Gp., 492, 494-95, 505, 512

24th Pursuit Gp., 182-83, 186, 224, 405

25th Bomb. Gp., 162

27th Bomb. Gp., 183, 192, 222, 224, 226, 230, 390, 394, 414

28th Composite Gp., 166, 170, 307

31st Pursuit Gp., 615, 639-43

first complete U.S. combat group in ETO, 643

use of Spitfires, 643, 646, 657

32nd Pursuit Gp., 163

35th Air Base Gp., 422

35th Pursuit Gp., 183, 192, 386, 412, 474, 477

37th Pursuit Gp., 163

38th Bomb. Gp., 414, 433-34

40th Bomb. Gp., 162

43rd Bomb. Gp., 413, 526n

45th Bomb. Gp., 526

48th Bomb. Gp., 613

49th Pursuit (Fighter) Gp., 412, 416, 424, 474, 476

51st Air Base Gp., 484

51st Pursuit (Fighter) Gp., 484, 494, 512

52nd Pursuit Gp., 613, 643, 646

60th Transport Gp., 347, 640-43, 648

64th Tro0p Carrier Gp., 644, 648

66th Obsn. Gp., 526-27

68th Obsn. Gp., 613

81st Air Depot Gp., 422

92nd Bomb. Gp., 644, 646

96th Bomb. Gp., 526

97th Bomb. Gp., 299, 615, 639-43, 646, 660-65

124th Obsn. Gp., 531

128th Obsn. Gp., 531

301st Bomb. Gp., 455, 644, 646

303rd Bomb. Gp., 455

435th Bomb. Gp., 479-80

Grumman (torpedo plane), 458

Guadalcanal, 433, 447, 451, 470-71, 474

Guam, 427

Guatemala, 301

Gulf Sea Frontier, 518, 530-3 I, 534, 547

Gulf Task Force, 530, 542

Gunn, Capt. P. I., 375

Gunnery deficiency, Eighth AF, 656-57

GYMNAST, 240, 560, 562, 571-73, 612-15


Haamstede, 659

Habbaniya, 329, 332, 338

Haiti, 321, 534

Hale, Maj. Gen. W. H., 457, 460

Haleiwa, 171, 199-200

Hallmark, Lt. D. E., 442

HALPRO. See Halverson Det. Halsey, Vice Adm. W.F., 440-41

Halverson, Col. H. A., 341, 493

Halverson Det., 341-42, 493, 505, 526n

Hamilton Field, 172, 182, 189, 193, 199, 332, 359, 643

Hammer Field, 299, 643n

Handley-Page bomber, 16, 37, 597

Hangchow, 444

Hansell, Maj. H. S., Jr., 50, 146

Harbord Board, 258

Harding, Lt. Col., N.B., 331

Harding, Pres. W. G., 25-26

Harmon, Maj. Gen. M. F., 257

Harmon Field, 156

Harriman, WA., 133, 578, 634

Harriman mission. See Moscow.

Harris, AM Sir Arthur, 253, 591, 594-95, 610, 622, 665

Harrisburg, 624

Hart, Liddell, 51

Hart, Adm. T. C., 191, 214, 370-71

Haruna, 216, 461, 469

Harvey, Maj. A. L., 318

Hastings Field, 329

Hatteras, Cape, 547

Havana, 121

Havana, Act of, 122

Hawaiian Air Depot, 198, 455

Hawaiian Air Force, 170-71, 173-75, 178, 185, 193, 197-98, 200, 452

Hawaiian Dept., 171-72, 175, 177, 180-81, 434, 454

Hawaiian Interceptor Comd., 197

Hawaiian Is.:

attack on, 126, 194-201, 380

defense facilities, 124-25, 170-75, 193, 241, 454-55, 643

plans for defense, 66, 134, 147, 236

on South Pacific ferry route, 180, 416, 431, 436-37

threat to, 190, 272, 452-54

Hawkins, Maj. J. R., 657

Haynes, Col. C.V., 317-18, 326, 493, 499, 502, 505, 507

Health of troops in SWPA, 405-6, 477, 481-82

Hebrides, 344

Heinkel company, 85

Helfrich, Vice Adm. C. E. L., 371

Henderson Field, 471

Hengyang, 490

Henry, Bill, 286

Hewitt, Air Comdr. J. C., 420

Hickam Field, 170, 172, 178, 182, 189, 197-98, 200-201, 359, 643

High-altitude bombing:

in CBI, 497

in ETO, 593, 656, 661, 663

at Midway, 459

in SWPA, 450, 481. See also Bombardment.

High Ercall, 643

High Wycombe, 620, 624-25, 640

Himalayas, 329

Hindustan Aircraft, Ltd., 506, 509

Hinoue, Adm., 448

Hiryu, 458

Hitakappu Bay, 195

Hite, Lt. R.L., 442

Hitler, 86-89, 96-97

Hobson, Lt. Col. K. B., 374, 380, 413

Hokyard, S/Sgt. J. E., 217

Holbrook, 227, 232

Holstensborg district, 157

Hong Kong, 236

Honington, 650

Honolulu, 178-79, 361

Hood, Lt. Col. R. C., Jr., 497, 509

Hoover, Lt. Travis, 441

Hopkins, H. L., 256, 563, 572, 634

Hornet, 440-41, 456, 458-59

Horn I., 416

Hoskyn, Lt. W. J., 397

Houlton, 344

Houston, 391-92

Howard Field, 163-64

Howell, Clark, 30

Howell commission, 30-31

Hoyt, Col. R.G., 420

Hudson. See A-29. Hughes, Lt. C. W., 393

Hughes, Lt. J. W., 374, 380

Hull, Sec. of State Cordell, 194. See also State Dept.

Hull, Lt. H. B., 624 "Hump" service, 354, 508

Hunter, Brig. Gen. F. O’D., 349, 641, 646

Huntingdon, 584

Huntingdonshire, 630-31, 637-38, 650

Huon Gulf, 408, 417, 471, 483

Hutchinson, Maj. D. R., 412

Hynes, Lt. G. W., 397


Iba Field, 183, 186, 203, 212


in ferrying and air transport, 342-48, 361, 641

in W. Hemisphere defense, 120-24, 140, 155, 158-60, 193, 239-40, 243, 375, 430, 577-78

Iceland Base Comd., 158

Identification friend or foe, 288-89

Imperial Airways, 320

India, 206n, 226, 228, 312-13, 328-31, 336-40, 353, 356, 380, 395-96, 485, 496, 561, 569. See also CBI; Air Forces, Tenth AF.

India-China Ferry, organization, 508

Indian Ocean, 330-31, 484, 502-4

Indo-China, 201, 235

Infantry Divisions:

1st (1918), 11

32nd, 472

37th, 434

41st, 472

71st, 225

Infantry Regiment, 2nd, 225

Information, Coordinator of, 256

Inland Sea of Japan, 201

Intelligence, 53, 120, 189, 393, 417, 425, 452, 474, 524, 527, 531, 552, 570, 589, 600, 623-24, 651

school at Harrisburg, 624

AC/AS for, 527, 589

Inter-Allied Independent Air Force, 15, 37

Interceptor. See Pursuit aviation.

Interceptor commands:

in air defense, 290

origin and functions, 155. See also Pursuit aviation.

International Co. of China, 488

Iran, 312, 325, 511

Iraq, 338

Ireland. See Eire; Northern Ireland.

Italian Air Force, 82-85

development, 75-76

strength (1940), 84

test, 83

Italian East Africa, 84

Italy, Air Ministry, 82-83


Jaluit, 189

Jamaica, 121, 124, 162, 319


Air Flotillas, 376-77, 382-83

Army Air Force, 77, 79

Carrier Div. Five, 448, 451

Combined Fleet, 446

11th Air Fleet, 201, 376-77

Fifth Army, 201

1st Air Fleet, 195, 198

Genzan Air Gp., 447

High Command, 81

Inspector General of Military Avn., 77

mandated islands, 179-80, 189, 192

Navy Air Force, 77

2nd Air Fleet, 466

Second Fleet, 223, 376-77, 382

strategy, 80-81, 234-35, 444-46, 470

Third Fleet, 201, 215:16, 376, 397, 470

Japanese air power, 75-81

aircraft types and designation, 79-80

German influence, 80

intelligence, 441

strength, 80-81

tactics, 403

training, 76-77

Java, 368, 370-72, 484

bombing operations from, 376-84

campaign, 388-94, 404, 411, 413, 427, 450

evacuation of, 394-402

pursuit reinforcements, 384-88

Java Sea, 388, 391, 402

Jensen, Capt. J.C., 334

Jogjakarta, 372, 382, 395, 399

Johnson, 192

Johnson, Maj. Gen. Davenport, 165

Johnson I., 125

"Joint," usage defined, 253

Joint Action of the Army and Navy, 50, 68n, 118-19, 520-21, 528, 540

Joint Aircraft Comm., 129-30, 257

Joint American/British Directif, 608-10

Joint Board of the Army and Navy, U.S., 26, 33, 48, 53, 67, 71, 141, 144-46, 168, 240, 252, 304, 594

Joint Board Estimate of U.S. Over-All Production Requirements, 131, 145, 150, 428, 594

Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 139, 142-43, 232, 234-67, 367, 374, 410, 419, 436-37, 473-74, 557-611

ancillary committees, 266

organization, 254-55

Joint Intelligence Comm., U.S., 256

Joint Organization and Maintenance (U.S.), 629, 636

Joint Planning Comm., U.S.-Brit., 253, 432

Joint Planning Staff, U.S., 255, 437

Joint Secretariat, 257

Jolo, 376, 382, 397

Jones, Capt. D. M., 439

Joubert, AM P. B., 545

Joyce, Lt. R. O., 442

Julianehaab, 157


Junkers company, 85

Juny o, 464, 466-67


Kaga, 458

Kahuku Point, 197

Kakuda, Rear Adm. Kakajugi, 466-67

Kaldadarnes, 159, 344

Kalidjati, 371

Kanga Force, 477

Kano, 320

Karachi, 329-30, 332-33, 340, 353-54, 493-95, 498, 507, 509-11

Kauai, 171

Kavieng, 382, 446-47

Keator, Lt. R. B., 211

Keflavik, 344, 346

Kegelman, Capt. C. C., 659

Kelly, Capt. Colin, 216-17

Kendari, 377-78, 380-81, 383-84, 386, 388, 404

Kenly, Maj. Gen. W. L., 9

Kenya Colony, 330

Kester, Lt. E. E., 326, 354

Khartoum, 320-25, 329, 332, 354, 375

Kian, 440

Kilbourne, Brig. Gen. C. E., 48-50

Killin, Pfc, 219

Kilner Board, 120

Kimbolton, 631

King, Adm. E. J., 253, 266, 432, 461-62, 473, 538-40, 545-49, 552-53, 572

Kiska, 462, 466, 469

Knerr, Maj. H. J., 59

Knilm, 375

Knox, Sec. of Navy Frank, 284-85, 549

Kobe, 442

Kodiak I., 168-69, 304, 464-65, 468

Koepang, 384-87, 393, 404, 414, 417

Kondo, Vice Adm., 456

Kongo, 469

Krogstad, Brig. Gen. A. N., 526, 528

Kuala Lumpur, 383

Kuantan, 383

Kunming, 329, 354-55, 485, 489-90, 498, 500, 505-6, 509, 511-12

Kure, 451

Kuril Is., 195, 466

Kurusu, Saburo, 194

Kuter, Brig. Gen. L. S., 50, 146

Kweilin, 440


Labor supply, 424, 483, 508-9, 632, 650

Labrador, 155, 342-43, 345-47, 641

Ladd Field, 167, 169, 465

Lae, 184, 372, 408, 417, 425, 471-72, 474, 477-79, 481

La Fleur, Chaplain J. F., 212

Lagos, 320, 322, 324, 354

La Guardia, Fiorello, 21, 279

Lakunai, 480

Lampert Comm., 27-29

Lanai, 171

Lanao, Lake, 407

Lancashire, 636, 648

Landis, J. M., 298

Landon, Maj. T. H., 200

Landry, Lt. LB., 386

Lane, Capt. William, Jr., 385-87

Langford Lodge, 634-39, 650

Langley, 396-98, 484

Langley Field:

antisub. patrols, 523, 550

ASTS, 45, 50

VIII Bomber Comd., activation, 613

GHQAF Hq., 31

Memorial Aeronautical Lab., 55

Langoa, 380

Larson, Brig. Gen. W. T., 528, 553

Lashio, 485, 506

Lassiter Board, 26, 28, 45

Latin America. See Central America; South America.

Lawson, Lt. T. W., 442


characteristics, 400-401

supply for Britain, 317, 328, 332, 359

Leahy, Adm. W.D.:

appointment to JCS, 255

personal C/S to Pres. Roosevelt, 254

TORCH, comments on, 573, 575

Leary, Vice Adm. H.F., 419-20

Lee, Maj. Gen. J. C. H., 649

Leeward Is., 193

Legaspi, 219


before World War I, 23

between wars, 18, 54, 57, 101, 104-5, 15

neutrality, 128-29, 272

World War I, 6, 9. See also Lend-lease aid.

Leland, Maj. Gordon, 505-6

LeMay, Maj. C. E., 326

Lembang, 368

Lend-lease aid, 126-35, 259, 317, 328, 337, 343, 351

Britain, 103, 127-30, 133-34, 236, 245, 314, 318-19, 337-38

British in Middle East, 312, 318-20, 327-29, 337, 351

China, 244, 312, 328-29, 337-38

France, 129

India, 328

passage of act, 130, 314, 342

Southwest Pacific, 328

U.S.S.R., 132-35, 312, 325, 329, 337-39, 351

Leopoldville, 324, 355

Letter contracts, 106

Levin, Sgt. M.S., 217

Lexington, 417, 447, 449

Leyte, 406

Lhoknga, 379

Liberator. See B-24.

Liberia, 321, 324, 329

Light bomber, first designation, 58-59

Lima, Declaration of, 120

Lincoln, Maj. Gen. R. B., 421-22

Lingayen Gulf, 191, 207, 209, 215, 223-24

Lipa, 225

Lishui, 440, 444

Little, Adm. Sir Charles, 253

Little Staughton, 631

Liverpool, 630, 635-38, 640

Lockheed aircraft plant, 280, 321

Lockheed Overseas Corp., 635-37, 650

Loiwing, 490, 498, 501

Lombok, Strait of, 394

London conference (Sept. 1941), 132. See also Special Observer Gp.

London Naval Treaty, 77

Longfellow, Col. Newton, 644, 646

Long Kesh, 648

Long-range bomber, evolution of, 53-71

Los Angeles, 279

"battle of," 283-86


Aleutians, 469

Darwin, 393-94

Java, 393-99, 400-442

Luzon, 212-13

New Guinea, 477, 481-83

Pearl Harbor, 197-201

submarine, 515-18, 530, 534-36

Louisiade Archipelago, 448, 450

Lovett, R.A., 115, 146

Low-altitude flying, 481

Eighth AF, 657-58

World War I, 14

Lower California, 298

Lowery, Capt. H.F., 479

Lunga Plain, 471

Luzon, 125, 186, 188, 191, 195, 232, 234, 236, 242, 368, 405-18

U.S. defeat, 201-27

Lyon, Brig. Gen. A. J., 604, 620, 628, 636


MacArthur, Gen. Douglas:

CG Southwest Pacific Area, 419, 424, 426, 450, 472-74, 566

CG U.S. Army Forces in Far East, 177, 181-84, 366, 368, 403-4, 433

Chief of Staff, 30, 48, 67-68

defense of Philippines, 186, 189-91, 204-5, 207-8, 213, 219

evacuation from Philippines, 224-25, 407

hope for reinforcements, 188-89, 192-93, 222-23, 228, 231-32, 242, 333, 353, 406-8, 417-18

views on Philippine air defense, 179

MacArthur-Pratt agreement, 30, 47, 61-62, 67

McCallum, Lt. Gerald, 397

McChord Field, 299, 643n

McCook Field, 55

MacCormac, John, 610

MacDill Field, 332-34, 336-37, 531

McElroy, Lt. E. E., 442

McIntyre, Lt. W. E., 467

McMahon, Lt. R. F., 393

McNair, Brig. Gen. L. J., 258-62

McNarney, Maj. Gen. J. T., 262, 546-47, 552, 580, 634

McNarney committee, 264

McPherson, Lt. C. E., 374

Madagascar, 504

Madang, 372

Madioen, 371, 383, 391

Magelang, 371

MAGNET, 240, 560-62, 586

Magruder, Brig. Gen. John, 486, 489

Magwe, 490, 492-93, 500

Mahoney, Capt. Grant, 215, 385, 387

Maiduguri, 320


echelons defined, 635n

in ETO (see Air Forces, Eighth AF)

in Pacific, 381, 390, 400, 412-13, 422-23, 454-55, 460, 476-77, 482-83

Makassar, 377, 380, 397

Makassar Strait, 377, 382, 388, 397

Malang, 371, 377-78, 380-83, 390-92

Malay barrier, 137, 233, 241-42, 367

Malay Peninsula, 201, 216, 232, 366-67, 371, 377, 379, 383, 394, 403

Maldive Is., 331

Manado, 377, 380

Manchester (England), 636

Manchuria, 485

Mandalay, 499

Manila, 177, 184, 186-87, 207, 209, 212-14, 222, 225, 236

Manila Bay, 186, 212, 218

Mansfield, Lt. T. F., 468

Marauder. See B-26.

March Field, 31, 643

Marcus I., 451

Marine Corps (U.S.), 145, 506

AAF fighters, use of, 462

Aircraft Gp. 22, 455

Air Wing 1, 278

Guadalcanal, 433, 474, 483

Iceland, 239

Midway, 175, 455-58, 460, 462

Pearl Harbor losses, 197

South Pacific island defense, 437

Wake, 175

Mariveles Field, 225

Marks, Capt. J. L., 468-69

Marrett, Lt. S. H., 215

Marshall, Gen. G. C.:

C/S (WDGS), 116, 133, 146, 228, 231, 258-59, 261-62, 265, 299, 367, 370-71, 430, 545, 547, 552-53, 563-64, 572, 574, 578-79, 582, 586-87

Marshall Is., 181, 189, 427

Martin, Maj. Gen. F. L., 170

Martin aircraft, 58, 65, 322, 352

Martinique, 536

Masbate, 219

Mascot, 422

Masefield, Peter, 662-63

Mass. Institute of Technology, 551

Materiel Comd., 636

Materiel Div. (AC), 55, 59, 65

Materiel program. See Production; Research and development.

Maui, 171

Mauna Loa, 230, 393

Maxwell, Brig. Gen. R. H., 325

Maxwell Field, 50

Maya, 466

Meals, Capt., 468-69

Meder, Lt. R. J., 442

Medium bomber, as category, 60

Meeks Field, 344, 346

Meigs, 183, 393

Melbourne, 184, 395-96, 408, 411, 418, 422-23, 432-33, 483

Membury, 646-48

Menoher, Maj. Gen. C. T., 24

Menoher Board, 22-24

Merle-Smith, Col. Van S., 226


air transport route, 360

bases, 301-2

radar stations, 296, 298

World War I, 6, 34

Mexico, Gulf of, 530, 541, 549

Miami, 322-24, 337, 354-56

Gulf Sea Frontier, hq. for, 530

Microwave early warning radar, 293-94

Middle East:

AAF assignment, 569

air supply lines, 313, 319, 322-25, 328-42, 354

Brereton and units, transfer to, 485, 495, 510-13

Brett special mission, 326-27

British needs, 566, 634 (see

also Lend-lease)

British troops, 239

crisis in, 493, 560-62, 564

Midway, 125, 174-75, 178-79, 181-82, 201, 428, 444, 449, 464, 641-43

Midway, Battle of, 296, 298-99, 451-62, 471

Mikuma, 459

Milch, Erhard, 87

Military Aeronautics, Director of, 9

Military Requirements, Director of, 553

Miller, Lt. H.F., 439

Milne Bay, 483

Mindanao, 125, 187-88, 193, 214, 218-20, 231-32, 376, 381, 388, 404-7, 418, 426

Mindoro, 224

Mingaladon, 489, 501

Minneapolis, 357

Misima I., 448-49

Mitchel Field, 152, 156, 523

Mitchell, Brig. Gen. William, 598

fight for air power when Asst. Chief of Air Service, 22-28, 34-47, 53, 57

statement of doctrine, 42

trial before general court-martial, 27-28

World War I, 12-15, 43

Mitchell aircraft. See B-25.

Mobile Reserve Corps, 612, 614

Mobility, AAF policy on, 437, 542, 544, 547, 551

Modjokerto, 390

Mogaini, 459

Molesworth, 631, 638, 640

Molokai, 171

Molotov, Vyacheslav, 133

Molucca Is., 382

Sea, 377

Mombasa, 330-31

Moncton, 347

Money, Pfc W. L., 217

Monroe Doctrine, 117-19, 122

Montgomery, Gen. Bernard, 340

Montgomery, Lt. G. R., 215-16

Montreal, 313-14, 317-18, 344

Moore, Lt. J. H., 211


in CBI, 401, 495-96

effect of bombing on enemy, 444, 599

in ETO, 659-60, 662

in Pacific, 401-2, 413, 451, 481-82

Morrisey, Capt. R. L., 416

Morris Field, 299, 643

Morrison Field, 337-39, 341-42

Morrow, D. W., 28

Morrow Board, 22, 25, 28-30, 33

Moscow, Anglo-American mission to, 132-33, 318, 578

Moulmein, 492

Mountbatten, Lord Louis, 589

Mow, P.T., 487

Mueller, Capt. A. J., 426

Munitions Assignments Board, 249, 256-57, 566

Munitions Assignments Comm. (Air), 257

Muri, Lt. J. P., 458

Murphy, Lt. J.B., 466

Mussolini, as Air Minister (Italy), 82, 84

Myitkyina, 498, 500-501, 509-10


Nagoya, 442

Nagumo, Adm., 456

Naiden, Brig. Gen. E. L., 497-98, 502, 513

Nandi, 181, 434

Nanking, 78

Narsarssuak, 157, 343, 641

Nassau, 355

Natal, 120, 319, 321-22, 324, 329-30, 332, 355-56

National Advisory Comm. for Aeronautics, 7, 55

National Airways, 422

National Defense, Dept. of (proposed), 20-21, 27-29

National Defense Act of 1916, 23

National Defense Research Council, 551

Nautilus, 458

Naval Operations, Chief of, 30, 67, 69, 158, 253, 265, 515, 521

Navy, U.S.:

allocations, 107, 129, 145, 247, 352, 494

antisub. responsibilities and activities, 278, 296, 514-53

Comdr. in Chief, 515, 522, 544 (see also King)

controversy over air power vs. battleship, 18, 20-22, 25-27, 39, 70-71, 598-99, 667

controversy over allocations, 259, 538-40, 542-44, 547, 551, 594

controversy over coastal defense responsibility and techniques, 35, 48, 61-63, 67-71, 117-19, 284-85, 518-26, 539-53

controversy over relative priority of Pacific and ETO, 435-36, 472, 666

defense activities in Atlantic and Caribbean, 122-25, 147, 157, 159-66, 274-75, 345-49

defense activities in Pacific, 147, 172-75, 178, 180-81, 183, 190-91, 194-95, 214, 225, 228, 276-77, 417, 419, 428-38, 462, 474, 487

Districts, 180, 279, 526

engagements in Pacific, 197, 214, 216, 232, 380, 391-92, 398-99, 401-2, 406, 417, 440-42, 447-51, 455-59, 462, 464-70

General Board, 20

joint and combined collaboration, 28-29, 155, 163-64, 167-68, 231, 254-56, 266, 428, 435-38, 462, 473-74, 487, 566-67 (see also Joint Chiefs

Combined Chiefs)

Naval Air Transport Service, 352

Naval Transportation Service, 256

Patrol Wings, 184, 191, 366, 454, 465, 468

Sec. of, 20, 28, 13 247, 284-85, 548-49

scientific agencies, 551

Task Force ANZAC, 413. See also Special Naval Observer Gp.

Near East, 330

Negros, 406

Neosho, 449

Netherlands, 180, 240, 658-59

Netherlands East Indies:

collaboration in defense of Australia and New Guinea, 419-20, 478

defense facilities, 224, 230-32, 371-72, 383-84, 387, 392, 394

defense plans and operations, 180-84, 201, 213, 226, 231, 235-36, 242-43, 366-96, 484-85

evacuation of Java, 394-404, 408, 427

ferrying, 327-28, 338, 359

Neuberger, R. L., 271

Neutrality Act, 128, 272

Nevada, 197

New Britain, 178-79, 372, 382, 425, 472-74, 476, 480

New Brunswick, 347

New Caledonia, 181, 183, 192, 228, 242-43, 331, 359, 375, 419, 430-37, 444, 447, 471

New Caledonia Task Force, 433

New Delhi, 496


defense, 156-57, 193, 345, 514, 535

in Eastern Theater of Operations, 294

in ferrying and air transport, 155, 313, 317-18, 342-43, 347, 645

lease of bases, 120-2 1

Newfoundland Airport, 122, 156-57, 515

Newfoundland Base Comd., 156

New Guinea, 178-79, 182-84, 372, 384, 395, 408, 410, 416, 419, 425, 450, 470-83

New Guinea Force, 421

New Hebrides, 410, 435, 447, 471

New Ireland, 372, 382, 450, 474

New Jersey, 26

New Orleans, 317

New South Wales, 422-23

New York City, 279-80, 293-94, 356, 526-27

New Zealand, 180-81, 242-43, 419, 430, 432, 436. See also Royal NZAF.

Ngoro, 386, 391, 394, 398

Nichols Field, 177, 186, 203, 207, 209, 213-14, 2 18-19, 223, 405, 418

Nielson, Lt. C. J., 442

Nielson Field, 207-8, 214, 219, 405

Nigeria, 320, 324, 354

Night fighters, 578, 634

Nimitz, Adm. C. W., 403, 419, 452, 454, 462, 464

Nome, 169, 358

Nomura, Kichisaburo, 194

Norden, C. L., 598

Norden bombsight, 439, 598-601

Norfolk (England), 646

North African invasion, 240, 560, 573

North African military mission, 325-26, 497

North Atlantic Naval Coastal Frontier, 521-23, 526

North Atlantic route:

defense, 155-60, 171

ferrying and air transport, 316-19, 327, 342-49, 356-57, 626, 639-45

North Atlantic Sector (ACFC), 344, 349

North Atlantic Wing (ATC), 349, 363

Northeast Air District, 577

Northeast Airlines, 347, 356

Northeastern Defense Comd., 154

Northern Ireland, 140, 239-40, 243, 375, 430, 560, 562, 578, 580, 586, 627-28, 630-31, 634, 638, 648, 650

Northern Territory, 42 I

North Honshu, 464

Northland, 345

North Pacific Area, 419

Northwest Airlines, 357-58

Northwestern, 467

Noumea, 433


Oahu, 125, 234, 462

attack, 194-201

strength (1941), 170-75

Oakley, 627

Observation plane, as category, 57, 65

O’Donnell, Maj. Emmett, Jr., 178, 189, 215-16

O’Donnell Field, 186

Oestreicher, Lt. R. G., 393

Ogden, 358

Oklahoma, 197

Old, Col. W.D., 498, 502

Old Catton, 646

Olds, Brig. Gen. Robert, 316, 364, 507

Oliver, Col. R. C., 509

Olongapo, 279

Ominato, 464

100-octane gasoline supply, 230, 378

115 Group Program, 250-51, 560

Opana radar detector station, 197

Operations. See Air Forces

theaters of operations.

Operations Div. (WDGS), 264, 546, 553, 588, 652. See also WPD.

Ordnance Company (Avn.), 445th, 434

Ordnance depot:

in Philippines, 187, 214

in UK, 650


Air Corps, 29-33

Air Districts, 154

Air Service, 18-29

for bomber offensive, 575

of commands, /55

consolidation of OCAC with GHQAF, 32, 114-15

first four air forces, 155

GHQ Air Force, 31

WD reorganization (Mar. 1942), 264-65. See also AAF

Air Forces.

Ostfriesland, 26

Overman Act of 1918, 9

Owen Stanley Mts., 408, 416-17, 478, 480


P-35, characteristics, 406


in Alaska, 465

flight to UK, 641-45

modification, 425


for Alaska, 465

characteristics, 454, 477

proposed flight to UK, 641-43

in SWPA, 407, 411, 431


for Alaska, 465

for British, 634

characteristics, 231, 401, 405, 454, 476-77, 488, 490

for China, 339-40, 488

in SWPA, 384, 393, 396-98, 404-5, 411, 416, 435

P-400, characteristics, 411, 432, 477

Pacific Fleet (U.S.), 137, 196-97, 236, 272-73

Pacific Ocean Area, 419, 452

Paco, 214

Padloping I., 346

Palau, 376, 382, 393, 447

Palembang, 379, 383, 388, 391

Palmyra I., 125, 180, 430-31, 436

Panair do Brasil, 321

Panama, 66, 121, 163, 190, 193

Panama, Declaration of, 1n

Panama Canal:

danger of attack, 164, 272-73, 275, 299, 301, 303

defenses, 123-25, 147, 160, 274, 301-3, 536

Panama Canal Dept., 160-64

Air Force, 160

Panama Canal Zone, defense of, 160-65, 274-76, 302, 360

Panama Sea Frontier, 548

Pan American Air Ferries, Inc., 322-24, 327, 338-40, 354

Pan American Airways, 172, 320-23, 328-29, 333, 335-36, 352-53, 355-56, 375

Pan American Airways-Africa, Ltd., 322-24, 338, 354

Pan American Airways Co., 322-23

Panay, 406

Papua, 449, 471

Gulf of, 417

Paranaque, 214

Paris Air Agreement, 85

Parse], Capt. E. L., 215-16

Pasirian, 395

Patch, Brig. Gen. A. M., Jr., 433-34

Patrick, Maj. Gen. M.M.:

Chief of Air Corps, 22, 24

Chief of Air Service, 11, 26-28

Patterson Field (Iceland), 344, 346

Patterson Field (Ohio), 358, 484


characteristics, 414, 456-57, 461

in Pacific, 338, 432, 435, 458, 465-68

Pearl Harbor, 125, 173, 194-201, 452, 464

investigation, 262

Peary, 391-93

Pecos, 398-99

Peirse, AM Sir R. E. C., 370-71

Pell, Alai. Floyd, 385, 393, 396

Pennsylvania Central airline, 358

Pensacola, 192, 225

Peres, Lt. J. R., 393

Permanent Joint Board on Defense (Canada-U.S.), 121, 126, 298

Perrin, Col. E. S., 399, 420

Perry, Lt. E. S., 393

Pershing, Gen. J. J., 7, 10-11, 23, 37, 43-44, 258

Persian Gulf, 325-26, 338-39

Personnel problems:

Air Service, 19

shortages, 110, 330. See also Labor; Morale.

Perth, 396, 399, 411

Peru, 301

Philippine Air Force, 203, 219

Philippine Airlines, 375

Philippine Army, 186

Philippine Dept. Air Force, 177, 203

Philippine Is., 125-26, 134, 147, 235-36, 367-68, 377, 380-81, 395, 417, 425-27, 450, 471

advance warning, 190-91

defense, 175-93, 201-20

reinforcement, 183, 223, 227-32, 239, 242, 312, 336, 353-54, 404-10, 428, 562

Royce mission, 418

U.S. High Commissioner, 190

withdrawal of U.S. troops, 220-33

Photo reconnaissance, 189-90, 425, 624

Piarco airport, 162, 329


Pittsburg, 598

Placentia Bay, 156

Plaines des Gaiacs, 433-34

Plan position indicator scope, 288

Plans, AC/AS, 472

Plans Div. (OCAC), 316

Ploesti oil fields, 341

Podington, 631

Pogue, L. W., 361-62

Pohl, Lt. Col. H. B., 331

Point Barrow, 170

Pointe Noire, 330

Polebrook, 631

Polifka, Capt. Karl, 425

Polish Air Force, 89

Portal, ACM Sir Charles, C/AS RAF, 248, 253, 559-60, 566-67, 573, 602, 623, 627, 631, 646, 652

Port Blair, 500

Port Elizabeth, 331, 494

Port Hedland, 330-31

Portland (Maine), 523

Port Moresby, 178-79, 182, 184, 384, 386, 408, 410, 414, 416-17, 425, 447-51, 471-72, 474, 477-80, 483, 504

Port of Spain, 321, 324

Portugal, 326

Potsdam conference, 252

Pound, Adm. Sir Dudley, 253

Poynton, 650

Pratt, Adm. W. V., 30, 61-62, 67

President of U.S., 20, 23, 67n, 180, 194, 265, 367, 371, 487. See also Coolidge; Harding; Roosevelt; Wilson.

Presque Isle, 344, 347-49, 641, 644-45

Press comment:

B-17, 662-63

danger of attack on Western Hemisphere, 150, 271, 279, 282, 285-86

U.S.-British relations, 610

World War I, 6, 15

Prestwick, 344, 346, 356, 641, 644-45

Prichard, Lt. W. J., 389

Prince of Wales, 232, 377, 438

Priorities, Pacific vs. ETO, 435-36, 472, 558, 666

Production, 245-50, 666-67

between wars, 56-57, 106-9

World War I, 7-10, 16, 37, 55

Production Management, Office of, 106, 131, 133

Project A (1933), 65-69

Project X, 332-36, 341. See also X, Task Force.

Prome, 499

Puerto Rico, 120, 123-24, 161-63, 193, 274-75, 282, 320, 324, 329, 355, 494, 534-37

Punta Borinquen, 161

Pursuit aviation:

for bomber offensive, 584

as compared to bombardment, 36-37, 57, 65

designation changed to "fighter," 307n

flight across Atlantic, 640

question of UK defense, 622-23

Pyle, Ernie, 286


Qantas, 375

Queen Elizabeth, 375, 640

Queen Mary, 375

Quonset Point, 340


Rabaul, 178-79, 182, 184, 372, 377, 382, 386, 408, 410, 413-14, 416-17, 419, 427-28, 446-47, 470-74, 479-81


antisub. equipment, 525, 527, 533, 547, 549

British types, 288-91

development, 55, 287-89, 293-94

in Hemisphere defense, 152-53, 290-92, 296, 298, 302-3, 307-8, 465-66, 469

in Pacific, 174, 186, 197, 220, 377, 383-84, 469, 476

training, 295

in UK, 288-91, 625-26

Radiation Laboratory (Mass. Institute of Technology), 293-94

Radio. See Radar.

RAINBOW No. 5, 139-41, 144, 147, 184, 190, 204, 213, 236, 239, 271, 559, 577-86, 629, 634

Ramsbury, 648

Randolph Field, 112-13

Ranger, 340

Rangoon, 395, 488-90, 492-93, 500-501, 509-10

Rawls, Lt. D. G., 200

Reagan, Lt. C. L., 386, 398

Reconnaissance aviation:

as a category, 64, 521

operations, 417, 449-50, 480

redesignation of recon. sqs. as bomb. units, 425

Regia Aeronautica. See Italian Air Force. Reinforcements. See theaters.

Renault works, 593

Replacement Control Depot, 12th, 615, 648

Repulse, 232, 377, 438

Research and development, 54-60, 69, 108-9, 128, 549-51, 604-5

Reykjavik, 158-59, 343-44, 346, 356, 641

Reynolds, Lt. ED., 328

Ribot, French Premier, 5

Rice, Lt. B. H., 393

Richardson, Maj. Gen. R. C., 452, 460

Roberts Commission, 262

Roberts Field, 329

Robins, Lt. D. D., 217

Robinson, Maj. S. K., 383

Rockhampton, 385

Rogers, Lt. R.J., 199

Rohrback aircraft company, 85

Rommel, Gen. Erwin, 330, 339-41, 512

Roosevelt, Capt. Elliott, 318, 344

Roosevelt, Pres. F. D., 101, 104, 106-7, 110, 116-19, 121, 123, 126, 128, 130-34, 136, 140-42, 145, 149-50, 158, 176, 223, 232, 235, 237, 243, 246-47, 251-53, 262, 272, 281-83, 301, 303, 314, 323, 327-28, 332, 337, 351, 364, 407, 419, 438, 486, 559, 561-64, 566-67, 572-73

Rosales Field, 186, 207

Rothrock, Capt. J. H., 318

Rouen-Sotteville, 667-65

ROUNDUP, 564-66, 571-73, 588-90, 632, 651-53

Rowe, Lt. W. M., 218

Royal Air Force, 77, 90, 92-100, 146, 159, 240, 335, 342, 346, 395, 431, 486, 489-90, 498-99, 503-4

autonomy, 253-54

Bomber Comd., 200, 565, 580, 588, 590, 592-95, 599, 605, 618-26, 631, 657

"clutches," 633

Coastal Comd., 200, 5271 538, 540-41, 545-46, 567, 593

co-operation with Eighth AF, 100, 559, 618-40, 646-48, 651, 656-68

established (1918), 92

Ferry Comd., 317

Fighter Comd., 94, 99, 566, 580, 590, 607, 609, 646

Independent Force, 14-15, 37

No. S Gp., 630, 633

No. 11 Gp., 657

No. 24 Maintenance Unit, 651

No. 43 Gp., 651

No. 226 Sq., 658-59

radar, 288-91, 295

as Royal Flying Corps, 12

shift to offensive, 100

strength, (1918) 92, (1939) 93

test with B-77, 655. See also Britain.

Royal Australian Air Force, 99, 190, 230, 372, 393, 410-11, 413-14, 416, 420, 423, 476, 479, 482

aircraft, 479

75 Sq., 416

Royal Canadian Air Force, 157, 346

Royal Navy, 94, 527, 541

Royal Netherlands East Indies Army Air Force, 420

Royal New Zealand Air Force, 431-32

Royce, Brig. Gen. Ralph, 411, 418, 420, 602

Ruhr, 100, 596-97

Rumania, 341

Russia. See U.S.S.R.

Russo-Manchurian border, 76, 79

Ryan, J.D., 9

Ryuho, 442

Ryujo, 466-68


Sacramento Air Depot, 303-4, 332, 440

Saigon, 377, 492

St. Croix, 536

St. John’s, 156

St. Lucia, 121, 124, 162, 320, 536

Saipan, 452, 456

Salamaua, 372, 408, 414, 417, 425, 471, 474, 477-79, 481

Salinas, 307

Salt Lake City, 358

Salween R., 489

Samarinda, 378, 384

Samoa, 180, 228, 430, 432, 436, 452

San Antonio, 112-13

San Cristobal I., 447, 449

San Diego, 278

San Fernando Field, 186, 225

San Francisco, 167, 192, 278, 294

Bay, 440

San Jose (Guatemala), 301

San Jose (Mindoro), 224 San Juan, 324

San Marcelino Field, 208-9, 214-16, 223-25

San Miguel Bay, 224

San Nicholas, 281

Santa Cruz, 473

Sault Sainte Marie Canal, 274

Savannah, 317

Army Air Base, 613, 616

Saville, Col. G. P., 295

"Saxton and Company," 304-5

Sayre, F. B., 190

Scanlon, Brig. Gen. M. F., 421

Schaetzel, Lt. G. E., 216

Scherger, G/C F. R. W., 420

Schofield Barracks, 199

Scotland, 313-14, 317-18, 343-44, 346, 356, 578, 586, 630, 641

Scott, Col. R. L., 499, 508

SCR-270 equipment, 476

Sealark Channel, 447

Sea Lion, 218

Sea-Search Attack Development Unit, 550-51

Seattle, 285, 298, 466

Sea Witch, 397-98, 484

Secretary of War, 20, 24, 26-28, 70, 115, 131, 134, 140, 157, 178, 180, 260, 271, 314, 328, 351, 364, 485, 548 (see also Stimson)

asst. for aviation, 29, 31

Asst. Sec. for Air, 115, 352

Second Asst., 9, 24

Selective Service System,

Selective Training and Service Act, II Selfridge Field, 613

Semarang, 372

Services of Supply:

air priorities function transferred to ATC, 362

in CBI, 495

organization, 264

in UK, 649-59, 652

Seven-Mile Airdrome, 477

Seward, 170

Seward-Anchorage area, 168

Seychelles Is., 330

SHADOW 82, 578

Shanghai, 78, 232

Sharnbrook, 650

Shenandoah, 27


losses, 393-94, 515-18, 530, 534-36, 541, 547

priorities, 243

routes, 310-12, 404-5, 536, 548

shortages, 242, 374-75, 424, 430, 538, 547, 640, 651, 653

Shoho, 448-49

Shokaku, 448-49, 451

Short, Lt. Gen. W.C., 175, 180, 192-93

Shortland T., 447

Siemens, Lt. Col. Isaac, 508

Sierra Leone, 320, 329

Signal Corps:

Chief Signal Officer, 7-8, 292-93

radar research, 55, 289-90. See also Air Service; Aviation Sec.

Simard, Capt. C. T., 455-56

Simon, Frank, 51

Sims, 449

Sinclair, AM Sir Archibald, 592

Sind desert, 496

Singapore, 183-84, 235-36, 242, 367, 404, 427, 432, 594

Singosari, 377, 379, 383, 394

Sitka, 464

Sixteen-Liberator project, 327-28

Skyways, 41

SLEDGEHAMMER, 564-66, 571-73, 588, 590, 653

Slessor, AVM J. C., 567

Slessor Agreement, 134-35

Sneed, Col. A. L., 421

Soemba I., 372, 385, 390

Soerabaja, 231, 371, 383-84, 386-87, 395, 427

Bay, 391

Solomon Is., 183, 410, 419, 425, 444-50, 470-76, 480, 483

Resident Commissioner (Brit.), 471

Sondre Stromfjord, 641

Soong, T. V., 487

Soryu, 458

Sotteville. See Rouen.

South Africa, Union of, 331, 494

South African Air Force, 99

South America, 147, 164, 240. See also Airfields; Caribbean; South Atlantic route.

South Atlantic air route, 123-24, 228, 312, 319-42, 354-56, 380, 388, 428, 493-94

South Atlantic Sector (ACFC), 337

South Atlantic Wing (ATC), 363

South China Sea, 209, 2

Southern Defense Comd., 154

South Pacific air route, 180-83, 228-29, 331-32, 336, 359-60, 375, 380, 410-16, 419, 428-38, 447, 452-54, 560

South Pacific Area, 444, 454, 469, 473

established, 419. See also South Pacific route and specific islands.

South Pacific Wing (ATC), 363

Southwest Pacific Area:

air route via South Atlantic, 228, 312-13, 328-36, 353-54, 359, 364, 428 (see also South Pacific route)

air service, 421-22, 482

Allied Forces established, 419-20

General Hq., 204-5, 208

operations, 397-98, 417, 425, 427, 446-50, 480-81

reinforcements, 227, 312, 336-37, 372, 376, 384-88, 400, 408, 413-14, 452-54, 478, 562, 566

reorganization of bomber units, 413-14

strategy for, 410-II, 472-74, 574, 576. See also ABDA; Australia; NEI; Philippine Is.

Soviet Air Force, 79-80, 98, 133

Soviet protocol, 249

Soviet Union. See U.S.S.R.

Spaatz, Maj. Gen. Carl, 48, 60, 314

Air Officer, ETOUSA, 591, 649-51, 656, 661, 663, 665

CG AFCC, 560, 614-15

CG Eighth AF, 565, 570, 574, 582, 585, 587-91, 595, 606-7, 610, 616-17, 621-22, 625, 628, 637-38, 641-43, 645

Chief of Air Staff, 262

Spanish civil war, 76, 83-84, 487

Spatz, Sgt. H. A., 442

Special Naval Observer Group, 123, 132, 144, 577, 594

Special Observer Group, U.S. Army, 109, 123, 132, 144, 252, 262, 577-82, 601, 618-20, 634, 636

Sperry bombsight, 599, 601

Sperry Gyroscope Co., 599

Spokane, 304

Sprague, Maj. C. A., 385, 387, 394


2nd Obsn. Sq., 177

2nd Sea-Search Attack Sq., 550

3rd Pursuit Sq., 177, 186, 203, 209, 211, 213, 385, 387, 390

3rd Recon. Sq., 526

3rd Sea-Search Attack Sq., 550

5th Photo Sq., 615, 639

7th Photo Sq., 613, 615

7th Recon. Sq., 163

8th Bomb. Sq., 414, 425, 447, 478

8th Photo Sq., 425

9th Bomb. Sq., 512

9th Pursuit Sq., 416

11th Bomb. Sq., 505, 512

11th Pursuit (Fighter) Sq., 303-4, 307, 465-67

12th Pursuit Sq., 431-32

13th Bomb. Sq., 414, 447, 479

13th Pursuit Sq., 385, 396

14th Bomb. Sq., 178, 183, 189, 215

15th Bomb. Sq., 639-40, 648, 660

first U.S. unit to enter combat from England, 640, 658

16th Fighter Sq., 512

17th Pursuit Sq., 177, 186, 203, 207, 209, 212-13, 215, 218, 385, 387, 391-92, 397-98

18th Pursuit Sq., 166, 307

18th Weather Sq., 625

10th Pursuit Sq., 177, 186, 203, 207, 209, 211, 385-86

21st Pursuit Sq., 183, 186, 203, 209, 212-13, 218

21st Recon. Sq., 156

21st Troop Carrier Sq., 478

22nd Bomb. Sq., 413, 512

26th Bomb. Sq., 456

27th Recon. Sq., 161-62

28th Bomb. Sq., 177, 183

30th Bomb. Sq., 183

31st Bomb. Sq., 456

32nd Bomb. Sq., 183

33rd Pursuit Sq., 158, 385, 393, 396

34th Bomb. Sq., 439

34th Pursuit Sq., 183, 186, 203, 209, 211, 215, 218

36th Bomb. Sq., 166, 307, 465, 468

38th Recon. Sq., 183, 189, 193, 199-200

39th Obsn. Sq., 163

40th Bomb. Sq., 537

40th Recon. Sq., 407, 425

41st Recon. Sq., 156

42nd Transport Sq., 307

44th Pursuit Sq., 199

44th Recon. Sq., 163

46th Pursuit Sq., 199

47th Pursuit Sq., 199

49th Bomb. Sq., 157

54th Fighter Sq., 307

58th Bomb. Sq., 170

59th Bomb. Sq., 163

66th Materiel (Service) Sq., 509

67th Pursuit Sq., 430-32, 434

68th Pursuit Sq., 430-32, 435

69th Pursuit Sq., 431-32, 434

70th Bomb. Sq., 435

70th Pursuit Sq., 431

72nd Bomb. Sq., 455-56

73rd Bomb. Sq., 166, 307, 468

77th Bomb. Sq., 303-4, 307, 464-65, 468

86th Obsn. Sq., 170-71

88th Recon. Sq., 183, 189, 193, 199-200, 413

89th Bomb. Sq., 414, 439

90th Bomb. Sq., 414, 447-48

91st Bomb. Sq., 387, 390, 392

92nd Recon. Sq., 526

93rd Bomb. Sq., 183, 189

95th Bomb. Sq., 439

97th Obsn. Sq., 530

313th Materiel Sq., 337

431st Bomb. Sq., 456-57

435th Bomb. Sq., 425, 447-48

436th Bomb. Sq., 512

Staff conversations (U.S.-Brit.), 136, 140

Stalin, Marshal, 133

Standards, Bur. of, 55

Stark, Adm. H.R., 248, 253-54, 515

State, Dept. of, 180, 194, 256, 326, 434, 487

Sec. of, 194, 485

Stephenville, 156

Sterling, Lt. G. H., Jr., 199

Stilwell, Lt. Gen. J. W., 439, 493, 499-500, 502-5, 507

Stimson, Sec. of War H.L., 115-16, 134, 146, 246-47, 250, 272, 282, 284-86, 299, 301-2, 485, 549, 565

Stone (England), 648

Stornoway, 344

Strahm, Col. V. H., 497, 513

Stratemeyer, Maj. Gen. G. E., 574-75

Straubel, Maj. A. A., 332, 380, 383

Strauss, Lt., 220


AAF, 151-52, 154, 193, 249-51

AFCC, 159

Alaska, 166-70

Australia, 410-13

Caribbean, 160-65, 536

CBI, 493, 495, 512

Hawaii, 170-75, 452-57

NEI, 372, 374

North Atlantic, 156-60

Philippines, 176-79, 185-86, 191-93, 201-3, 218, 226, 407, 411-12

South Pacific, 431-37, 474-75

UK, 644-46, 652-53

Strother, Capt. D. R., 389

Subic Bay, 405

Submarine warfare, 514-53

attacks, 281–83, 514-18, 527, 530, 534-36, 541, 547

North Atlantic, 157, 277n, 514-18

Caribbean and Gulf areas, 530, 534

North Atlantic convoy lanes and North Africa, 536

shipping toll, 515-18, 530, 533-36, 541, 547. See also Antisub. defense.

Sudetenland, 89

Suez region, 148

Sumatra, 372, 379, 388, 394

Sungei Patani, 379

SUPER-GYMNAST, 240, 612-15

Supply, 151, 259, 264, 566

Aleutians, 469

CBI, 375, 488-89, 494, 496, 510

Hawaii, 454

North Atlantic, 347

South Pacific, 433-34

Supply Div. (OCAC), 55

Supply Gp. (AS), 56

SWPA, 227-28, 353, 375, 378, 381, 385, 400, 407, 422, 482

Support aviation. See Air doctrine

Air power


Surinam, 124, 536

Sutherland, Brig. Gen. R. K., 188n, 204-5, 207, 209

Suva, 181, 192, 226, 431-32

Swanton Morley, 658

Sweden, 177

Sweeney, Lt. Col. W.C., Jr., 457

Sydney, 411, 422-23


Tactics, 575

British conclusions, 531-32

CBI, 489, 496-97

fighter, in SWPA, 473, 476-77

Japanese, 403

Taiwan Field, 208-9

Takao, 466, 469

Takoradi, 320-22, 331, 339-40, 492

Talara, 301

Tampa, 332

Tanaga, 465

Tanganyika, 330

Tarakan, 377, 379-80, 404

Target selection, 148, 565, 595-97, 599, 621-22, 624

Tarlac, 207, 209

Tash, Lt. Earl, 211


Task Force 8, 464

Tate, Col. Robert, 498, 508

Tavoy, 492

Taylor, Lt. K. A., 199

TBF, at Midway, 456, 458

Technical Services, Director of, 550

Technical Training Comd., 112

Teddington, 645

Tehran, 329, 338, 354

Tehuantepec, 301

Ternate Field, 186

Thacker, Lt. RE., 200

Thailand, 377, 489

Theobald, Rear Adm. R. A., 464

Thomas, Capt. L. M., 326

Thornbrough, Capt. G. W., 468

Thurleigh, 631

Timor, 372, 377, 385-87, 390-93, 414, 417, 474

Tinker, Maj. Gen. C. E., 454

Tjilatjap, 397

Tocumwal, 423

Tokyo, Doolittle raid against, 298, 438-44, 451, 506

Tonga, 435

Tongatabu, 431, 435-37

Tontouta, 432

TORCH, 573-76, 588, 590, 607, 614, 628, 653-54

Toungoo, 488, 492, 499

Towers, Adm. J. H., 538-39, 566

Townsville, 181, 184, 231, 376, 385, 408, 411, 413, 416, 422, 447-50, 477, 480, 483

Training, 10-12, 496-97, 566, 605, 610

(1941) 260, 264, (1942) 249-50, 264

Air Service manuals, 35, 45

Alaska, 166

antisub., 514, 524-25

for Australia, 230

in bombing, 439-40

CBI, 486, 488, 495-96

center at Karachi, 495

directive for GHQAF, 260

in ETO, 151, 656-57

by factory representatives, 423

of ground crewmen, joint exercises (Army-Navy), 521

inadequacy for Coral Sea battle, 450, for crews in Pacific, 450, 454, 482, for Java campaign, 400, for Midway, 461

New Guinea, 481

programs for pilots, 101

Project X, 334-35

of radar technicians, 295

in torpedo-dropping, 481

Training Regulation 440-15, 45, 48-49, 53

Transcontinental & Western Air, 347, 352, 355-57

Trans-India Ferry, 498, 507-8

Transportation targets, 596

Transport designation changed to "troop carrier," 640n

Trenchard, Maj. Gen. H. M., 12, 15, 37


Trinidad, 121, 124, 162-63, 193, 319-20, 324, 329-30, 332, 355, 518, 534, 536-37

Tripartite Pact, 135, 235

Troop Carrier Comd.:

mission, 362

temporarily named Air Transport Comd., 360, 362

units, 623, 640n

Truk, 189, 447

Tsingtao, 78

Tubb, Lt. D. B., 394

Tuguegarao, 207

Tulagi, 447-48, 450, 471, 473

Tunisia, 240

Tunugdliarfik Fjord, 343


Turbinlite squadrons, 634

Turner, Lt. W. L., 386

224 Group Program, 251

273 Group Program, 251


Ulster. See Northern Ireland.

Umnak T. airfield, 126, 168, 303-7, 464-69

Umnak Pass, 306, 466

Unalaska I., 126, 168, 306, 467, 469

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 83, 97, 442, 563

aircraft types, 98

collaboration, 237, 252

equipment for China, 487

lend-lease aid to, 132-35, 236, 245, 249, 312, 325, 329-30, 337-39, 486, 567-69

United Air Lines, 358, 360

United Kingdom. See Britain; Eighth AF.

United Nations, Declaration of, 237, 251

U.S. Army Air Services (in Australia), 421-22, 482

U.S. Army Forces in Australia, 226, 230-31, 370, 376, 411-13, 421, 440

U.S. Army Forces in British Isles (Great Britain), 577-90, 618-20, 627, 636

Bomber Comd., 605, 618

succeeded by ETOUSA, 632, 648

U.S. Army Forces in Far East, 177, 333

CG, 181

U.S. chiefs of staff. See Joint Chiefs of Staff.

U.S. Forces in Australia, 226, 231

U.S. Middle East Air Force, 341

U.S. Military Mission in London, 577, 582

U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, 150


Valle, Gen. Giuseppe, 83

Vandevanter, Lt. Elliott, Jr., 215, 219

Venezuela, 321

Pres. of, 281

Very heavy bomber, as category, 60-61, 69

Very high frequency radio:

adoption by U.S., 290, 293

development by Britain, 289

Very long-range bomber, 60-61, 65-70, 120, 148-49, 574

Victoria, 422

Victory Program, 105, 132-33, 150, 238, 246, 249-50

Vigan, 215-16, 219

Villamor, Capt. Jesus, 219

Virginia, 26

Virgin Is., 193

Visayas, 187-88

Viti Levu, 434, 437

Vladivostok, 442

Vunakanau airfield, 382, 447, 480


Waco, 406

Wagga Wagga, 422

Wagner, Lt. Col. B. D., 207, 219-20, 224, 385, 425, 477

Waingapoe, 385, 390

Wainwright, Lt, Gen. J. M., 417, 420, 426

Wake I., 174-75, 178-79, 181-82, 201, 228, 427-28, 451

Wales, 648

Walker, Lt. Col. K. N., 50, 146

Walker, Lt. W.R., 393

Walled City (Manila), 214

Waller Field, 329

War Council, President’s, 194, 265

Ward, 196

War Dept. Circular 59, 264-65, 267

War Dept. reorganization of 9 Mar. 1942, 257-64, 579

War Plans Div. (WDGS), 48, 62-64, 131, 139, 146, 258-59, 261-62, 264-65, 563, 586-88. See also OPD.

War Shipping Administration, 256

Warton, 636-37, 639, 650

Washington conference. See ARCADIA . Washington protocol, 249

Wasp, 158

Watford, 646

Watson Lake, 277

Watson-Watt, Robert, 288, 291-93, 298-99, 301

report by, 291-93, 2,96

Watton, 650

Wau, 408, 477-78

Wavell, Gen. Sir Archibald, 143, 231, 243, 367-71, 391, 396-97, 407, 502


Alaska, 168-69, 465-66

India, 509, 512

Java, 390, 400

North Atlantic, 344-48, 644-45

South Pacific, 417

stations, 126, 155, 157, 167, 344-48

UK, 625, 639, 656-57, 661

Webster, Lt. J. J., 199

Weeks, Sec. of War J. W., 27

Welch, Lt. G. S., 199

Wemyss, Gen. Sir Colville, 253

West Coast:

defense, 154, 167, 169-70, 190, 278, 280-81, 290-92, 294-96, 298-99

exposed position, 271-73, 277, 280

staging bases, 336

Western Air Lines, 358

Western Defense Comd., 190, 264, 279, 284, 643

Alaska, reinforcement, 167-70, 303-9

defense measures, 293-99

designated as theater of operations, 277, 294, 303

established, 154

West Palm Beach, 337

Westover, Maj. Gen. Oscar, 31-32, 50, 64-65

Westover Field, 523, 531, 641

West Virginia, 197

Wheeler, Brig. Gen. Raymond, 495

Wheeler Field, 170-71, 198-99

Wheless, Lt., 219

Whipple, 398

White, Lt., 467

Whitehorse, 357

Whiteman, Pilot G. A., 199


Wiecks, Lt. Max R., 393

Wiggins, G/C C. S., 420

Wilbur, Sec. of Navy Curtis, 20

Wilhelmshaven, 600

Williams, Pfc G. B., 212

Williamstown, 424

Willis, Maj. H. B., 331

Willkie, Wendell, 285

Wilmington, 523, 613

Wilson, Pres. Woodrow, 9, 23, 75

Windward Is., 193


1st Bomb. Wing, 646

2nd Bomb. Wing, 646

13th Composite Wing, 161-62

14th Pursuit Wing, 170

18th Bomb. Wing, 170

18th Composite Wing, 171

19th Wing, 160

23rd Ferrying Wing (ATC), 363

27th Ferrying Wing (ATC), 363

50th Transport Wing, 360

World War I, operations, 11-16

Wright Field, 55

Wurtsmith, Lt. Col. P. B., 412, 476

Wyndham, 408


X, Task Force, 560, 613n


Yakutat, 169, 464

Yamamoto, Adm., 446, 451, 456, 459, 469-70

Yamato, 456, 461

Yamishiro, 216

Yankee Doodle, 662

YB-40 and -41, destroyer escort planes, 604

Yokohama, 442

Yokosuka, 442

York, Capt. E. J., 439, 442

York area, 582

Yorkshire, 630

Yorktown, 417, 447-49, 456

Yunnanyi, 498

Yushan, 440, 444


Zero, characteristics, 79

Zuiho, 469

Zuikaku, 448-49, 451