

Abbeville, 487

ABC-1. See American-British Staff Conversations.

Aberdeen, Md., 571

Ablis, 495

Adcock, Brig. Gen. Clarence L., 1

Admiralty (Br.), 277, 281

ADSEC. See Advance Section.

ADSEC Engineer Section, Railway Division, 551

Advance Section, Communications Zone (ADSEC), 211-16. See also Communications Zone; Forward Echelon; Plank, Brig. Gen. Ewart G.

depot structure planning, 312-13

depot system development, 430-31, 493-97

early planning for, 208

established, 212

experience in North Africa and Italy, 212

mission, 212-15

motor transport (Red Ball), 566-67

opposes change in build-up schedule, 302

Ordnance Section, 313

plan, 30 April 1944, 215, 269, 289-90, 293, 296-97

POL pipeline plan, 321, 324

preparation for offensive, 25 July 1944, 489

railway reconstruction plans, 317-18

reconnaissance of Cherbourg facilities, 500

Red Ball planning, 559

regulating stations, 497-99

relationship to base sections, 217-18

relationship to First Army, 212-14, 214n, 433-36, 447, 492-95

relationship to Forward Echelon, 208, 212-14, 219-20

relationship to Third Army, 492, 495

and replacement system, 303

responsibility for port restoration, 288

transportation plans, 314, 315

truck companies, 432, 433

in UTAH area, 401

Air attacks, enemy, 390, 398

Air bases on Continent. See Continental airfields.

Air bases in United Kingdom. See Airfields in United Kingdom.

“Air breakwater,” 272-73

Air Force, U.S. See also Air Force units; United States Army Air Forces in the United Kingdom.

establishment of strategic and tactical air commands, 192-93

establishment in United Kingdom, 28-31

relationship to SOS, 263-64

reorganization, 202-03

Air Force Service Command, 38-39

Air Force units

Air Force, Eighth, 28, 29, 30, 31, 38, 43, 47, 86, 100, 101, 109, 125, 130, 132, 167, 190, 191-92, 202, 257, 375. See also Spaatz, Lt. Gen. Carl.

Air Force, Ninth, 192, 194, 195, 202, 222, 224, 301, 345, 346, 348, 349, 375, 496, 564, 574, 580. See also Brereton, Maj. Gen. Lewis H.

Air Force, Twelfth, 100

Air Force, Fifteenth, 202, 231

Air Force Composite Command, VIII, 169

Air Force Service Command, VIII, 29, 170-71, 192, 202-03, 578

Air Force Service Command, IX, 578

Air Support Command, VIII, 192

Bomber Command, VIII, 28, 76, 124, 192

Pursuit Squadron, 33rd, 18

Air forces, strategic, 192-93. See also United States Strategic Air Forces.

Air forces, tactical, 192-93

Air Ministry (Br.), 26-27, 29, 30, 70, 73, 107, 242, 243, 250-51

Air Section, SPOBS, 46-47

Air shipments, 448

Air supply, 310, 572-83

Air Technical Section. See Air Section, SPOBS.

Airborne Divisions

82nd, 351, 360, 371, 375, 376, 377, 427, 457n, 573

101st, 342, 351, 360, 375, 376, 377, 457n, 573

Airfields in United Kingdom, 20, 27, 30, 76

Albrecht, Col. Frank M., 207-08, 218, 435, 436

Alençon, 487, 494, 510, 512, 513, 514, 562

Algiers, 89, 113

Allen, Maj, Gen. Leven C., 543

Allied air bombardment of French railways, 547-50

Allied Expeditionary Air Force (AEAF), 193, 202, 203, 224, 269, 572, 574

Allied Force Headquarters (AFHQ), 89, 90, 91, 101, 102, 103, 113, 212

Allied Naval Expeditionary Force (ANCXF), 193, 203, 204, 269, 413n. See also Ramsay, Admiral Sir Bertram H.

American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), 36

American Red Cross Field Hospital Unit, Salisbury, 71n

American School Center, Shrivenham, 81, 190n, 336, 338

American-British Staff Conversations (ABC-1), 14, 16, 18, 19-20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 32, 47

Amiens, 480, 485, 487

Ammunition, 93, 96, 97, 98, 152, 261, 306, 307, 309, 310, 313, 328, 393, 396, 397, 404, 422, 431, 448, 453, 454, 489, 490, 491, 515, 518, 524, 525-43, 547, 558

60-mm. mortar, 538

81-mm. mortar, 447, 538, 539

90-mm. gun, 446

105-mm. howitzer, 447, 538, 539

155-mm. howitzer, 539

3-inch gun, 446

antiaircraft, 307, 307n

dumps, 396, 397, 401

early planning for, 537-38

meeting at 1st Army Group headquarters, 9-10 May 1944, 537-38

shortage, June 1944, 410

shortage, June–July 1944, 445-48

shortage at Brest, 529-37

shortage at St. Malo, 529

transportation difficulties, 536

Ammunition Supply Points (ASP’s), 525-27, 529, 535

Amoit Aircraft Plant, Cherbourg, 431


Amphibious Force, 11th, 346, 349, 351

Amphibious Force, Atlantic Fleet, 335

Amphibious operations, 328-54. See also Amphibious exercises.

early experience, 328-34

German E-boat attack, 351-52

Amphibious Training Center (Br.), 330

Amphibious Training Command (Amphibious Training Center), AGF, 329, 330

Amphibious training program, 329-44

Amphibious training schools, 331, 334-38

Andrews, Lt. Gen. Frank M., 113, 119, 120, 123, 133, 154, 160-61, 163, 191, 194, 268. See also ETOUSA.

Andrews, John, 22

Angers, 324

Antwerp, 480, 485, 500, 514, 535-36, 583

ANVIL, 178, 185-86, 457. See also DRAGOON.

Anzio, 296, 334

Appledore, 341

Aquitania, 58, 234

ARCADIA Conference, 52

Area Petroleum Board, 80, 81

Area Petroleum Office, 81

Area Petroleum Officer. See Lee, Lt. Gen. John C. H.

Area Petroleum Service, 81, 163

Argentan, 478, 479, 483, 547, 550

Armies, U.S. See First Army; Third Army; Fifth Army; Ninth Army.

Armored Divisions

1st, 22, 26, 91, 97

2nd, 353, 365, 507-08

3rd, 429, 457, 507-08, 541

5th, 361, 457, 506

6th, 457

7th, 457

Army Air Forces, 38-39. See also Air Force, U.S.; Air Force units.

Army Exchange Service, 80

Army Field Forces Board, Fort Benning, Ga., 380-81n

Army Finance Office, 154

Army Ground Forces (AGF), 138, 329

Army Group, 1st U.S. (FUSAG), 203, 217, 219, 222, 262, 364, 437, 450, 537, 538n, 573. See also Army Group, 12th; Bradley, Lt. Gen. Omar N.

activated, 191

command responsibilities, 204, 206, 224-26

List B, 301

planning responsibilities, 205, 206

relations with ADSEC, 213-15, 308

relations with ETOUSA, 195-98, 200

relations with FECOMZ, 208-11, 213-14, 219, 220-21, 226

relations with SOS, 196-98, 200, 263, 264-65

relationship to COMZ, 207, 209, 224

staff, 209, 221, 226, 302

Army Group, 12th, 436, 478, 480, 490, 496, 530, 576, 583. See also Army Group, 1st; Bradley, Lt. Gen. Omar N.

and air supply, 577, 579-82

and ammunition shortage at Brest, 530, 531, 533, 536

becomes operational, 475

rationing of ammunition, 525

supply allotments to First and Third Armies, 492, 496-97, 541-43

Army Group, 21, 186, 191, 195, 213, 214, 215, 224, 269, 352, 353, 415, 444, 480, 555, 558, 574, 575, 580. See also Montgomery, Field Marshal Sir Bernard L.

activated, 191

command responsibilities, 203-04, 219

organized, 193, 194, 215-16

plan (AXEHEAD), 467

planning responsibilities, 205-07, 215

relationship to FECOMZ, 208-11, 219, 220-21

Army Invasion Training Center, Fifth Army, 331

Army-Navy Petroleum Board, 81

Army Pictorial Service, 369

Army Service Forces (ASF), 131, 137, 238, 239, 262. See also Services of Supply, USA; Somervell, Lt. Gen. Brehon B.

on ammunition, 539-40

and preshipment, 133, 137-38

and PROCO, 260-61

on shipping procedures to ETOUSA, 142-46

survey of BOLERO build-up, January 1944, 259

Army Service Forces, Planning Division, 260

Army Talks, “Achtung,” 366

Arnold, Gen. Henry H., 27, 28, 31, 48, 124, 192

Arpajon, 494

Arromanches-les-Bains, 277, 278, 415. See also MULBERRY B.

Artificial ports. See Ports, artificial.

Ashchurch. See Depots, Ashchurch.

Assault Force, Eastern, 97

Assault Force O. See Task Forces, O

Assault Force U. See Task Forces, U

Assault Training Center, 191, 339-44

Assembly plants (Br.), 258n. See also Vehicles, assembly.

Auray River, 294

Aure River, 376, 379, 390

Austin Motor Company, 77, 157


Avgas. See Gasoline, aviation.

Aviation gasoline (Avgas). See Gasoline, aviation.

Avonmouth, 146

Avranches, 320, 325, 469, 475, 476, 495, 510, 544, 547

Avranches breakout, 484, 546, 574

Avranches corridor, 478, 483

AXEHEAD, 467, 481

Ayers, Lt. Col. Loren A., 559, 564


B-17’s, 29, 251, 578

B-24’s, 251, 578

Baker, Col. Paul T, 78

Bakeries, 255, 441, 518

Ballentine, Lt. Col. Joe M., 534

Balleroy, 322, 323, 325

Banbury, 144

BANG, 145

Barfleur, 270, 288, 290, 432, 433, 489

Barker, Brig. Gen. Ray W, 40, 61, 177, 195, 340

Barnes, Col. Elmer E., 509

Barnstaple, 346

Barnum, Col. Edmund M., 78

Barry. See Depots, Barry.

Base Sections, 84-87, 168-70, 216-18

Brittany, 530, 533, 536

Central, 162, 169, 218, 227. See also London Base Command.

Commanders, 168-70, 358-59

Continental, 216-18

Eastern, 84, 86, 169, 217

London, 169

Normandy, 560, 565, 567, 568, 570

Northern Ireland, 84, 86, 169, 217-18, 350. See also Northern Ireland Base Command.

No. 1, 217

No. 2, 217, 218

Peninsular (Italy), 212

Southern, 84, 86, 106, 123, 169, 217, 218, 264, 345-46, 350, 353, 359-61, 362, 364-66, 367, 369-370, 423, 424, 425. See also Southern Base Section Districts; Southern Command.

Western, 84, 86, 169, 203, 217, 218, 359, 361-63, 364, 367, 368, 370

Bath, 81

Batson, Col. Roscoe C., 78

Battignolles Yards, 550

Bayeux, 183, 374, 379, 429

Beach. See also OMAHA Beach; UTAH Beach.

capacity, 270, 270n, 308, 450

clearance, 391

dump phase, 391, 396-97, 401

maintenance area, 283, 285, 312, 401

marking, 284, 391

organization, 282-85, 328

phases, 391

Beach and port plans (OVERLORD), 297

BEAVER, 345, 349, 350, 351

Beil, M. Sgt. Leroy, 157

Belfast, 20, 22, 84, 91, 148, 350, 363, 374

BENEFICIARY, 188n, 468. See also St. Malo.

Benhall Farm, 83, 84

Bergensfjord, 234

Berthing facilities. See also Beach, capacity; Port capacity.

at Arromanches, 278

on French coast, 182, 271-72, 275

at OMAHA and UTAH, 400, 422

in United Kingdom, 238-40

BIGOT, 175n

Billeting, 242-43. See also Troop accommodations in United Kingdom.

Binic, 473

Birkenhead, 147

“Black Saturday,” 88

Blacker, Brigadier G. C., 363

Blakeney, Col. James L., 78

Blockships. See also CORNCOBS; Ports, artificial. at OMAHA, 402-04, 410, 413

at UTAH, 402

BOLERO. See also Build-up; Cargo; Construction; Local procurement; Marshall Memorandum; Preshipment; Shipping; Supply flow; Troop basis; Troop build-up; Troop flow.

completion of, 231-68

defined, 55

origin of, 52-59

BOLERO Combined Committee

Medical Services Sub-Committee, 71, 108

Movement and Transportation Sub-Committee, 68

BOLERO Combined Committee (London), 54, 55, 58, 61-66, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 107, 110, 116, 122, 131

BOLERO Combined Committee (Washington), 54, 55, 56, 58, 66, 122

BOLERO Key Plans, 65, 110, 123

First, 65, 66, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 81

Second (July edition), 65, 66, 71, 73, 74, 75, 105, 106, 108, 244

Third (November revision), 105, 106, 107

Fourth, 122, 240, 242, 246, 248

BOLERO-ROUNDUP concept, 88, 104, 107, 110

BOLERO-SICKLE Combined Committee, 122

Bolte, Brig. Gen. Charles L., 17, 22, 39, 40, 61

BOMBARDON, 276-77, 278, 278n, 279, 280, 402, 406, 413, 414. See also “Lilo”; Ports, artificial.

Bomber Command, VIII. See Air Force units.

Bombers used as cargo planes, 578, 578n, 579

Bonesteel, Maj. Gen. Charles H., 18

Boston Port of Embarkation, 19, 371

Boughton, 248

Boulogne, 53, 175

Bradley, Maj. Gen. Follett, 124

Bradley, Lt. Gen. Omar N., 358, 364, 443, 483, 510, 523, 531, 538, 543, 570, 579. See also Army Group, 1st; Army Group, 12th; First Army.

alters build-up schedule, 450-51, 457

on ammunition shortage at Brest, 532, 536

assumes command of First Army and 1st Army Group, 191, 226-27

assumes command of 12th Army Group, 475

on Cherbourg seizure, 186

on control of COMZ, 210

places restrictions on First and Third Armies, 491, 515

relations with SOS, 196, 206-07

on releasing supply control to ADSEC, 434, 435-36

Bradley plan. See Bradley, Maj. Gen. Follett.

Bradshaw, Col. Aaron, 22, 101

Brand, Col. Clarence E., 78

Breakwater, 271-79, 413, 413n. See also “Air breakwater”; BOMBARDON; PHOENIX; Ports, artificial.

at OMAHA, 402-04, 406

at UTAH, 402

Brereton, Maj. Gen. Lewis H., 192, 577, 578. See also Air Force Units, Ninth Air Force; First Allied Airborne Army.

Brest, 186, 188, 287, 288, 294, 454, 464, 467, 468, 469-70, 471-73, 478, 479, 480, 528-37

Brett, Maj. Gen. George H., 30, 31

Bricquebec, 432

Bristol, 191, 212, 346. See also Depots, Bristol.

Bristol Channel area, 148, 341, 365

Bristol Channel ports, 65, 86, 144, 146, 169n, 298, 344, 362, 363

British Chiefs of Staff Committee. See Chiefs of Staff Committee (Br.).

British War Office. See War Office (Br.).

British wartime shortages, 24, 60-61

British-American “Q” school, 337

Brittany Base Section. See Base Sections, Brittany.

Brittany ports, 183, 186, 188, 189, 217, 270, 282, 286, 287, 288, 296, 313, 320, 324, 430, 433, 452, 454, 456, 466-69, 470-74, 475-79, 481-84, 486, 487, 488, 490, 495, 507n, 508, 510, 528, 547

Brittany ports, plans for, 296-97

Brixham, 349, 351

Brownjohn, Maj. Gen. N. C. D., 468

Bryanston Square, London, 191

Brussels, 480

Build-up. See also Logistical plans for troop build-up; Supply.

air force, 26-27, 130

British, 404, 404n, 422n

cancellation of, 118-19

on Continent, 404, 415-22

enemy, 450

impact on British economy, 61

schedules, 450, 454-55

troop. See Troop build-up.

in United Kingdom, 29, 31, 32, 33, 47, 59, 60, 97, 114, 118, 121, 132, 137, 231

Buildup Control Organization (BUCO), 302, 363-64, 424, 425

Buildup Priority Lists, 301-02, 309, 363, 364, 457

Bull, Maj. Gen. Harold R., 452, 470

Burford, Col. Freeman W., 320

Burpee, Brig. Gen. Clarence L., 318

Burtonwood, 31, 76

Bushy Park, 31


C-47’s, 578-79, 578n, 580-81, 583

Caen, 181, 183, 188, 351, 374

Caffey, Col. Eugene M., 347

Cairo Conference. See SEXTANT Conference.

Caisson, 273-75, 280. See also PHOENIX.

Calais, 179

Calvados, 414

Cambrai, 552

Camouflage, 367

Camp Edwards, Mass., 329, 330n. See also Engineer Amphibian Command.

Camp Northway, England, 156

Camp Pickett, Va., 335

Cancale, 290, 294, 471, 472, 473

Cannes, 480

Cannibalization of equipment, 443, 520

Capelle, La, 494

Cardiff, 146, 150, 371

Carentan, 188, 288, 290, 313, 376, 377, 401, 416, 427, 429, 431, 432, 433, 445, 465, 573

Carentan estuary, 188

Cargo, 120, 137, 140, 147-48, 308, 581. See also Cargo flow; Shipping.

CARGO, 350

Cargo flow, 121-22, 132-46, 148-49, 234-40. See also Shipping.

Carmarthen, 339

Carston, 147

Casablanca Conference, 114-16, 117, 118, 119-20, 122, 124, 130, 136, 176, 181-82, 193, 194, 234

Case, Maj. Charles, 140, 142

Case, Col. Homer, 17, 22, 40

Casualties, 305, 404-06, 460, 460n

Caumont, 427


Central Base Section. See Base Sections, Central. Central Group of Armies, 224. See also Army Group, 1st.

Chalons-sur-Marne, 479, 488, 505

Chambois, 478, 479

Chaney, Maj. Gen. James E., 1-2, 24, 26, 30, 77

as commander of ETOUSA, 39-43

as commander of USAFBI, 21-39, 46, 57

dual role as Commanding General, USAFBI, and Special Army Observer, 48-49

ideas on command and organization, 27, 32, 33, 47

relations with SOS, USAFBI, 37-38

relations with War Department, 13, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27-28, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 47-48

as Special Army Observer, 14-21, 46, 50

Channel Islands, 373

Channel ports, 485

Chapelle, La, 547

Charleroi, 552

Chartres, 189, 478, 486, 487, 491, 495, 499, 510, 513, 530, 550-51, 558, 560, 565, 566, 575

CHASTITY, 186-87, 296, 470-72. See also Quiberon Bay.

Chateau Pont Rilly, 435

Chateau Servigny, 435

Chateaubriant, 217, 313, 324, 433, 493

Chaumont, 488

Chaumont GHQ (1917–18), 223n

Chef-du-Pont, 431

Cheltenham, 44, 70, 78, 81-83, 159-60, 162, 164, 177, 222, 365, 521. See also Services of Supply, headquarters.

Chemical Warfare Service, 156, 419

Cherbourg, 181, 182, 184, 270, 272, 286, 288, 289, 290-93, 294, 296, 297, 312-13, 317-18, 320, 373, 407, 413, 416, 419, 427, 430, 444, 471, 486, 489, 544, 545, 546, 560, 567

Avant Port, 292

Avant Port de Commerce, 292

Bassin a Flot, 292

Bassin Charles X, 292

Bassin des Subsistences, 292

Bassin Napoleon III, 292

capture of, 376-77, 427, 430, 431-33, 439, 445, 451-52

parse Transatlantique, 292

Digue du Homet, 292

Digue de Querqueville. See Digue de Querqueville.

Grande Rade, 291-92

Nouvelle Plage, 292, 293

Petite Rade, 291

pipeline system, 500-502

and POL delivery, 323-24, 325, 500-504, 514

plans for capture of, 183, 185-86, 188-89, 270, 282, 302, 463-64

port capacity, 413-14, 415, 464-66, 468, 469, 473

Port de Commerce, 292

Port facilities, 291-93

Port de l’Orglet, 292

Quai de France, 292

Quai Homet, 292, 293

Quai de Normandie, 292

reconstruction of, 464n

storage facilities, 500-501

Chespaling, 387-88, 391

Chester, England, 84


Chief of Combined Operations (Br.), 61, 272, 340

Chief of Engineers, 319

Chief of Staff, U.S. See Marshall, Gen. George C. Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander. See COSSAC; Morgan, Lt. Gen. Frederick E.

Chief of Transportation, 99

Chiefs of Staff Committee (Br.), 16-17, 32, 53, 88, 177, 178, 182, 194, 233, 473

Chigwell, 150

Churchill, Prime Minister Winston S., 32, 55, 88, 114, 115, 178, 183, 194, 239, 271-72, 275, 415, 451

Churchill Hospital, Oxford, 71n

Cirencester, 365

Claims Commission, 80, 163, 164

Claims Service, SOS, 80

Clapham Junction, 68

Claridge Conference, 32, 39, 60

Claridge Conference, Second, 89, 104

Clark, Capt. A. Dayton, 278, 281

Clark, Lt. Col. Edward N., 534, 535

Clark, Maj. Gen. Mark W., 89, 96

Clifton College, Bristol, 70

Clyde River ports, 65, 91, 144, 145n, 146

Coasters, 275, 399, 407, 411, 425-26, 446, 471, 473, 516

Cobbs, Col. Nicholas H., 35, 41, 78

COBRA, 475, 482, 501, 504, 510

Coffey, Lt. Col. John W., 17, 22

Colleville-sur-Mer, 379, 383, 390, 575. See also OMAHA.

Collins, Brig. Gen. Leroy P., 2, 23, 84, 168, 169, 218

Combined Administrative Committee, CCS, 276

Combined Air Transport Operations Room

(CATOR), 572, 574, 578, 580, 581

Combined Bomber Offensive, 124, 130

Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS), 32, 40, 52, 54, 58, 87, 106, 107, 121, 123, 124, 131, 132, 176, 177, 178, 182, 184, 185, 188, 192, 194, 202, 231, 233, 240, 272

Combined Operations Headquarters (Br.), 330, 340, 341

Combined Staff Planners, CCS, 54, 122

Command and General Staff School, 266

Commandos, 188, 330, 340

Commands (Br.). See Western Command (Br.); Southeastern Command (Br.); Southern Command (Br.).

Commercy, 479, 552

Commodity loading, 237-38, 309

Communications, 371, 536

Communications Zone (COMZ). See also Advance Section; Forward Echelon; Lee, Lt. Gen. John C. H.; Services of Supply.

and ammunition shortages, 530-32, 533-34, 536-42, 543

beach organization, 282-85

as channel of communications to the War Department, 437-38

and CHASTITY project, 471

command and organization, 207, 209-11, 219-22, 224, 226, 433-36

headquarters, 208, 209, 226, 288, 308, 435, 436, 437, 514


origins of, 33, 198-200, 201, 204, 206

plan, 14 May 1944, 215, 219, 220, 224, 269, 294, 296-97, 297n, 303

planning responsibilities, 213-15

and POL shortage, 508, 514

port reconstruction, 286

regulating stations, 497-99

relationship to 1st Army Group, 206-07, 209-11, 226

relationship with SHAEF, 437-39

staff, 209, 311, 438-39

supply build-up, 306-07, 308, 310-11

supply in the pursuit, 490-97

and tank shortage, 522

and transportation, 553, 565, 567, 568, 580

troop build-up, 300-301, 455, 456

troops to be used in combat, 463

Compiegne, 552

COMZ. See Communications Zone.

Concarneau, 294

Concentration area, 357-58

Conflans, 552

Consolidated Officers Mess, Grosvenor House, Park Lane, 227-30

Construction, 125-26, 240-54, 361

air force, 73, 109-10, 117, 131, 242, 250-51

assembly plant, 64-65

depot, 70, 106, 107, 242, 248-50

differences in American and British methods, 241-42, 253

hospital, 70-73, 105, 106, 108, 117, 131, 244-48

Construction and Quartering Division, Office of the Chief Engineer, 107, 241, 286

Continental airfields, 574-75, 576-77, 579

Continental Base Sections. See Base Sections, Continental.

Cooks and Bakers School, 361

CORNCOBS, 277. See also Blockships.

Cornwall, 86

Corps, II, 89

Corps, V, 22, 23, 26, 43, 76, 84, 101, 167, 169, 190, 191, 269, 301, 343, 345, 346, 348-49, 351, 352, 353, 374, 375-77, 378, 390, 392, 427, 429, 459, 475

Corps, VII, 269, 297, 301, 302, 343, 349, 351, 352, 371, 374, 376, 377, 392, 399, 400, 401, 407, 427-29, 459, 475, 479, 494, 525

Corps, VIII, 377, 427-28, 475, 478, 479, 480, 507n, 508, 528-37

Corps, XII, 479, 505

Corps, XV, 350, 450, 457, 475, 478, 479, 505

Corps, XIX, 377, 427, 429, 450, 459, 475

Corps, XX, 478, 527, 542

Corps of Engineers, 118, 248, 257, 260, 286, 314, 318, 321, 323, 564

COSSAC, 124, 132, 164, 166, 201, 203-04, 205, 206, 212, 222, 269, 270, 276, 286, 320, 537. See also Morgan, Lt. Gen. Frederick E.; Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force.

command and organization, 193-94, 195

missions, 177

OVERLORD plan, 179, 182-83, 184, 188, 277. See also OVERLORD.

Cotentin, 176, 179, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 217, 270, 282, 297, 302, 314, 326, 371, 377, 384, 407, 427, 430, 432, 434, 442, 486, 495, 500, 521, 545, 573

Coubert, 514

Coucy, 494

Coutances, 320, 324, 325, 427, 428, 475

Craon, 324

Crawford, Maj. Gen. Robert W., 2, 164, 166, 222, 452, 470, 472, 473, 534, 556


Dahlquist, Brig. Gen. John E., 22, 38, 39, 40

Daley, Maj. Gen. Edmund L., 23

Dartmouth, 346, 348, 351

Date-line system, 146

Davis, Col. Thomas J., 101

Davison, Brig. Gen. Donald A., 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 50, 78, 84, 101, 286

Days of supply, 306-07, 306

Demolition teams, 379

Depots, 70, 91-92, 116, 152, 158-59, 250, 250n, 263, 432. See also Construction, depot.

Ashchurch (G-25), 91, 92, 150, 152, 154-59

Barry (G-40), 91, 152, 367

Bristol, 91, 152

continental, 312-13, 430-32, 493-96

East End (London), 77

Egginton, 150, 248

G-14. See Depots, Liverpool.

G-25. See Depots, Ashchurch.

G-40. See Depots, Barry.

Langford Lodge, 20, 30, 31

Laval, 467

Lison–St. Lô, 469

Liverpool (G-14), 91, 152, 154

London, 91, 152

Mans, Le, 469, 495

Normandy, 496

Portsmouth, 91, 152

Rennes, 467

replacement (14th), 459

Sudbury, 150, 248

Thatcham, 9-1, 150, 152

United Kingdom, 152-59, 448

Warton, 30, 31

Wem, 248

Deputy Area Petroleum Officer, 164

Deputy Quartermaster General (Liaison) (Br.), 62, 64, 65, 73, 74, 81, 105-06, 240, 241. See also Wootten, Maj. Gen. Richard M.

Deputy Theater Commander for Supply and Administration, 161. See also Lee, Lt. Gen. John C. H.

Devers, Lt. Gen. Jacob L., 123, 124-25, 128, 129, 132, 163, 164, 167, 191, 193, 194-95, 196-97, 198, 202, 268, 336. See also ETOUSA.

Devon, 86, 341

De-waterproofing, 369. See also Waterproofing. Dieppe, 110n, 329

Digue de Querqueville, 291, 293, 323, 324, 500, 501. See also Querqueville.

Dijon, 480

Dill, Field Marshal Sir John, 16

Dinan, 529

Districts. See Southern Base Section Districts.

Division slice, 299-300, 299n, 306, 307, 458, 458n

Dol, 318, 544

Domfront, 510, 511, 513, 514

Donges, 324

Doolittle, Maj. Gen. James H., 202

Dourdan, 514

Douve River, 184, 185, 376, 384, 386

Douve valley, 314

Dover, 272

DRAGOON, 480. See also ANVIL.

Dreux, 189, 478, 487, 499, 550, 551, 558, 560, 565, 575

Driver shortage, 556-57

Driver training, 556

DUCK, 347n, 348, 350

I, 345-47, 380

II, 345, 347-48

III, 345, 347-48

DUKWs, 289, 332-34, 344, 349, 389, 394-96, 399, 400, 400n, 402, 406, 407, 411

Dufferin Quay, 23

Duke of Abercorn, 22

Dumb barges, 389, 389n

Dunes de Varreville, Les, 384

Dunkerque, 319

Dunn, Col. Ray A., 78


Eaker, Brig. Gen. Ira C., 28, 29, 30, 31, 124, 192, 202

East India docks, London, 280

Eastern Base Section. See Base Sections, Eastern. E-boats, German, 351-52

Edgai, Commodore Campbell D., 372

Egginton. See Depots, Egginton.

“Eggs,” 363. See also Marshaling camps.

Eighth Air Force. See Air Force units, Air Force, Eighth.

Eire, 20, 21, 22

Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D., 40, 48, 78, 89, 111, 112, 118, 159, 183, 184, 193-95, 196-97, 198-200, 201, 202, 203, 209, 210, 214, 221, 224-26, 264, 300, 373, 374-75, 434, 443, 451, 462, 473, 483, 521-22, 539. See also ETOUSA; Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force.

on ANVIL, 185-86

appeal to Churchill on port congestion, 239

on BOLERO Combined Committee, 53-54

on Brittany ports, 468, 474

as chief of OPD, 39

chosen Commanding General, ETOUSA, 43-44

chosen Supreme Allied Commander, 195

on construction, 106

directive, 1 June 1944, 226

directive, 6 June 1944, 223-26, 437

directive, 19 July 1944, 437

on MULBERRIES and storm, 413, 415

on OVERLORD, 185-86

relations with Lee, 98, 112-13, 201, 221, 223, 264, 265-67, 268, 268n, 437-39

on ROUNDUP, 75, 104-05

on shipping tie-up, 422, 426

on TORCH, 90-91, 113, 118, 131

on troop build-up, 451, 453

Electronics Training Group, 31, 50

Embarkation area, 357-58

Embarkation Control (EMBARCO), 365, 424-25

Emergency Medical Service hospitals, 108, 244

Emergency Medical Service program, 71

Emergency Powers Defense Act, 67-68

Enemy air attacks. See Air attacks, enemy.

Engineer Amphibian Brigade, 1st, 329-30. See also Engineer Special Brigade, 1st.

Engineer Amphibian Command, 329, 335, 342

Engineer Camouflage Battalion, 604th, 367

Engineer Combat Battalions

37th, 380, 381, 396

147th, 381

149th, 381

234th, 344

336th, 383

348th, 383

Engineer Combat Groups

1106th, 349, 388

1116th, 335, 343. See also Engineer Special Brigade, 6th.

1119th, 335, 343. See also Engineer Special Brigade, 5th.

Engineer Combat Regiment, 540th, 334

Engineer Corps. See Corps of Engineers.

Engineer General Service Regiments

38th, 399

342nd, 290, 580

359th, 444

360th, 362

373rd, 362

388th, 557n

1323rd, 557n

Engineer Group A, 552

Engineer Group C, 552

Engineer Petroleum Distributing Company, 786th, 444

Engineer Port Construction and Repair Groups

1055th, 289, 433

1056th, 292

Engineer School, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, 338

Engineer Service, 241, 260

Engineer Shore Regiment, 531st, 331, 332, 388

Engineer Special Brigades, 283, 284, 342-44. See also Provisional Engineer Special Brigade Group.

1st, 283, 290, 332, 335, 343, 345, 346-50, 351-52, 354, 365, 370, 387, 388, 398, 400, 401, 411. See also Engineer Amphibian Brigade, 1st.

2nd, 335

5th, 283, 343, 348, 349, 350, 353, 365, 383, 384, 396. See also Engineer Combat Group, 1119th.

6th, 283, 343, 344, 348, 350, 353, 365, 384, 396. See also Engineer Combat Group, 1116th.

Engineer Shore Regiment, 531st, 330, 332, 387, 398-99

Etampes, 324, 567

ETOUSA (European Theater of Operations, United States Army), 67, 70, 72, 74, 115, 132, 219, 226, 264, 471. See also Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D.; ETOUSA-COMZ; ETOUSA-SOS; Special Observer Group; United States Army Forces in the British Isles.

command and organization, 190-230

decline of power and control, 195-97

G-1, 40, 459

G-2, 40

G-3, 40, 176, 177

G-4. See Crawford, Maj. Gen. Robert W.; Stratton, Brig. Gen. James H.

G-5, 177, 195

headquarters, 196, 197, 201, 219, 222, 312, 363, 472

and misplaced supplies, 96-97

origins of, 13-51

predecessor commands. See Special Observer Group; United States Army Forces in the British Isles.

relationship with SOS, 40-43, 78-80, 195-203. See also ETOUSA-SOS.

relationship with War Department, 59, 93, 96-97, 123, 127-29, 141-42, 233, 260-61, 449, 461-63, 522-23, 538-39, 540, 553-56

staff, 40, 101, 116, 219

Standing Operating Procedure 7, 496

Standing operating procedures (SOP’s), 216, 219, 261, 311

subordinate commands, 190

ETOUSA-COMZ, 215, 219, 221-22, 223

ETOUSA-SOS, 195-203, 205, 213, 218, 222, 226, 262, 265-66

general staff, 266-67

headquarters, 196, 201-02, 210

reorganization plan, 198-201

staff, 201-02, 219, 223

Etreham, 444, 514

Eure River, 189

European Theater of Operations. See ETOUSA.


FABIUS, 345, 351, 352-54, 359, 361, 372

Falaise, 478, 479, 550

Falmouth, 346, 363, 371, 372

FECOMZ. See Forward Echelon, Communications Zone.

Fell, Col. Edgar B., 164, 166

Ferry craft, 393-94, 400, 402, 406

Ferrying Command (Air Transport Command), 29

Field Artillery Battalions

46th, 18

187th, 353

Field Force Replacement Depot, 344

Field Force Replacement System, 336

Field forces, 299n

Field Service Regulations, 33, 497-98

Fifteenth Air Force. See Air Force units Air Force, Fifteenth.

Fifth Army, 212, 340

First Allied Airborne Army, 576, 577, 579-80, 581. See also Brereton, Maj. Gen. Lewis H.

First Army (FUSA), 185, 195, 196, 197, 203, 262, 304, 305, 314, 343, 350, 352-53, 359, 364, 370, 371, 377, 397, 401, 404, 422, 427-29, 475-80, 498, 521, 522. See also Bradley, Lt. Gen. Omar N.

activated, 191

ammunition, 407, 445-48, 525-28, 539, 541, 543

Class II and IV supplies, 518-20

command responsibilities, 204-05, 208, 218, 219-20, 224-26, 301, 303, 308

List A, 301-02

NEPTUNE Operation Plan, 348, 350-51

ordnance equipment shortage, 368, 442-43

plan, 25

February 1944, 269, 283

planning responsibilities, 215

POL, 322, 445, 490n, 502-08, 509-10, 514, 515-16

rations, 517-18

rear boundary, 210-11, 433-36

relationship to Advance Section, 212-13, 214, 214-15n, 430, 433-36

replacements, 459-60

service troops, 312

supply in the pursuit, 489-95

transportation, 550, 552, 564, 566, 567, 570, 574, 576, 579, 582

unloading procedures, 392-93

First Army Quartermaster Service, 494

First Canadian Army, 339, 478

Firth of Clyde, 349

Flanders, 271

Folligny, 318, 544, 546, 550

Fontainebleau, 479, 495, 567

“Force loading forecast,” 364

“Force marking,” 95, 133-34

“Force movement table,” 364

Foret de Cerisy, 376

Fork de Mont-Castre, 427

Formigny, 390, 391, 397, 431, 432

Fort Belvoir, Va., Engineer School, 335

Fort Pierce, Fla., 335

Fort Southwick, England, 363

Forward Echelon, Communications Zone (FECOMZ), 207-11, 216, 266, 285, 308, 312, 555. See also Advance Section; Communications Zone.

continental role, 219-21, 433, 434-37

organization, 207-08

responsibilities, 208-09, 213-15, 217, 219-21, 224-26

staff, 209

Fougères, 324, 510, 547

Fowey, 360, 371

Fox, 345, 348-49, 350-51

Francis, Maj. William R., 157-58

Franey, Col. James M., 35, 462, 463

Frankfurt, 488

Franklyn, Gen. G. E. W, 23

Freight cars, 150, 547, 550

French railways. See Railways, French.

French Resistance, 477

French road network. See Motor transport; Roads, French; Transportation.

Fuel. See POL.

Fuller-Merritt Chapman Corporation, 24


Gale, Lt. Gen. Sir Humfrey M., 90, 282, 413, 470, 473

Gasoline, 401, 499-516, 575, 576. See also POL. aviation (Avgas), 322, 445, 510, 514

motor vehicle (MT 80), 322, 324, 444, 445, 502, 509, 510, 514

General Board Report on COMZ, 214n

General Depot Service, SOS, 80, 152

General Headquarters (GHQ), 19, 20. See also Marshall, Gen, George C.

General Order 19, 20 July 1942, 44

General Purchasing Agent. 80, 164, 171, 254

General Purchasing Board, 80, 254

German Air Force, 563

German Panthers, 443, 523, 524

German Tigers, 443, 523

Germany, planned advance into, 485-88

Gerow, Maj. Gen. Leonard T., 424

G. Heyn and Son, Ltd. (HEADLINE), 148

Ghormley, Rear Adm. Robert L., 16n

Gilland, Brig. Gen. Morris W., 2-3

Glasgow, 22, 97, 144, 146

Gloucester, 84. 365

GLUE, 145

Goodwin, Col. E. C., 140, 142

GOOSEBERRIES, 277, 278, 280, 402, 413. See also OMAHA Beach, GOOSEBERRY; UTAH Beach, GOOSEBERRY.

Gosport, 360

Gourock, 22, 146

Grandcamp-les-Bains, 183, 270, 288, 290, 343, 390, 404, 416-18, 465

Grande Dune, La, 386, 388

Granville, 288, 289, 290, 465, 466, 475

Gravelle, Maj. Gordon K., 559

GREENLIGHT, 309-10, 423, 448

Greenock, 146

Griner, Brig. Gen., George W. 18, 22, 38, 40, 61

Groninger, Maj. Gen. Homer M., 35

Gross, Brig. Gen. Charles P., 77

Grosvenor Square, 16, 37, 76, 77, 230, 342

Ground Force Replacement System (GFRS), 459

Ground forces, 299n

Grower, Brig. Gen. Roy W, 3, 217

Gruver, Col. Earl S., 166

Guenther, Col. Gustav B., 78

GULL, 350

Gullatt, Col. Doswell, 384

GYMNAST, 52, 88, 89. See also TORCH.


Hainault Railway Sheds and Siding, 150

Hall, Rear Adm. John L., Jr., 372

HANDS UP, 188n, 468. See also Quiberon Bay.

Handy, Brig. Gen. Thomas T., 53, 126, 449

Harbord, Maj. Gen. James G., 35, 267

Harbors, artificial, 271-72, 275-76. See also Ports, artificial.

“Hards,” 361

Hardstandings, 347

HARLEQUIN, 339, 357, 358, 360

Harriman mission, 46, 50

Harrison, Lt. Col. Leander H., 535, 536

Hartle, Maj. Gen. Russell P., 22, 23, 24, 43, 48, 84, 113, 191

Hass, Col. Martin F., 533n

Havre, Le, 53, 175, 179, 430, 470, 471, 480, 481, 485, 486, 535

Hawley, Maj. Gen. Paul R., 3, 22, 50, 71, 72, 78, 108, 108n, 248

Haye-du-Puits, La, 313, 320, 324, 377, 427-28, 489, 500, 501, 504, 510


Hedgerows. See Normandy hedgerows.

Henke, Pfc. Milburn H., 23

Heyn, G., and Son, Ltd., 148

Hinds, Brig. Gen. John H., 530, 531, 541

Hinman, Lt. Col. Dale D., 17

Hirson, 494, 527, 552, 566, 567

Histon, 248

Hodges, Lt. Gen. Courtney H., 226-27, 475

Hoge, Brig. Gen. William M., 3-4, 384, 413n

Holly, Brig. Gen. Joseph A., 443

Home Guard (Br.), 61, 74

Honeybourne, 248

Hopkins, Harry L., 32, 53, 89

Hospitals. See Construction, hospital.

Hotel Splendide, 100

Piccadilly, 76

Housing of American troops in United Kingdom. See

Troop accommodations in United Kingdom.

Hughes, Maj. Gen. Everett S., 41, 78, 90, 93, 96, 99, 101, 437

Hughes-Hallett, Commodore John, 182, 271, 272

Hull, 144, 146

Hull, Brig. Gen. John E., 39, 54, 126

Humber River ports, 144, 146

HUSKY, 331-34


Iceland, 14, 17-19, 40

Iceland Base Command, 40, 190n

“Identification of Separate Shipments to Oversea Destinations” (ISS), 144, 146

Ile de France, 234

Iles St. Marcouf, 573

Immingham, 144, 146

Infantry Divisions

1st, 91, 92, 342, 352, 353, 365, 375, 383

2nd, 350, 429

4th, 342, 348, 349, 351, 352, 365, 375, 376; 389, 398, 428, 429

5th, 18, 19, 350

8th, 350, 427

9th, 365, 376, 428, 429

26th, 570

28th, 342, 346, 457

29th, 101, 130, 338, 341, 342, 345, 347, 348, 352, 353, 365, 375, 377, 429

30th, 377, 429, 540, 541

31st, 342n

32nd, 22

34th, 22, 26, 32, 91

35th, 429

37th, 22

79th, 302, 376, 427

80th, 457

83rd, 428, 429, 450, 451, 457

90th, 427

95th, 570

104th, 570

Infantry Regiments

8th, 387

10th, 18

29th, 361

90th, 377

156th, 342, 342n

175th, 345

Installations Branch, G-4, SOS, 241

Inveraray, 330

Isigny, 270, 288, 289, 290, 318, 343, 351, 377, 379, 390, 404, 416-19, 431, 432, 464, 465

Isle of Portland, 360

Isle of Wight, 323

Ismay, Maj. Gen. Hastings L., 17

Italian experience with advance section, 211-12

effect on OVERLORD planning, 185


Jacobs, Brig. Gen. Fenton S., 4

JALOPY, 349, 350


JEEP, 349, 350

Jerricans, 551

Joint Administrative Plan, 19 April 1944, 269, 306

Joint Admiralty-War Office-Air Ministry committee, 18

Joint Assault Signal Company, 286th, 387

Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 28, 193

Joint commanders’ Initial Joint Plan, 269

Joint Outline Maintenance Project, 269

Joint Organization and Maintenance, U.S., 29

Joint Planning Staff (Br.), 17, 27, 181-82

Joint Q Planning School, 337-38

Joint U.S.-British Assessment Committee, 287

Jones, Col. Gainer B., 529

Juvisy-sur-Orge, 551, 552


Kean, Maj. Gen. William B., 447

Key, Maj. Gen. William S., 123n

Kibler, Brig. Gen. A. Franklin, 531, 542

King, Admiral Ernest J., 88

Kirk, Rear Adm. Alan G., 372, 413

Knerr, Brig. Gen. Hugh J., 192n, 202-03, 263

Knutsford, 203


Labor. See Local Procurement; Troop labor.

Laigle, 550

Lakehurst., 545

Landing craft. See Coasters; DUKWs; Ferry craft; LBVs; LCIs; LCMs; LCTs; LCVPs.

Landing rehearsals. See Amphibious exercises; Amphibious operations.

“Landings on a Hostile Shore” (FM 31-5), 328

Landon, Col. Charles R., 167-68

Land’s End, 346

Langford Lodge. See Depots, Langford Lodge.

Laon, 488, 552

Larkin, Maj. Gen. Thomas B., 4, 35, 37, 57n, 78, 99, 101

Laval, 217, 313, 320, 324, 325, 433, 478, 486, 493, 495, 510, 550,

Layman, Col. Walter G., 78, 81, 303, 336, 460-61, 462

LBVs, 310, 310n, 389n, 399

LCIs, 410

LCMs, 407

LCTs, 182, 182n, 310, 332, 389, 391, 393, 399, 407, 410, 411, 426, 473

LCVPs, 407

Leathers, Lord Frederick, 239

Lee, Lt. Gen. John C. H., 5, 33-36, 46, 62, 75, 77, 80, 97, 98, 98n, 219, 224, 226, 240, 337, 358, 361, 463, 557. See also Communications Zone; Services of Supply.

as Area Petroleum Officer, 81

on base sections, 84

at Casablanca Conference, 116

on construction, 105, 108, 109-10

on Crawford proposal, 222-24

on marking procedure, 141-42

organization of SOS, USAFBI, 35-39

organization of SOS, ETOUSA, 41-43, 77

on partially trained troops. 57

personality, 267-68

on POL situation, 505

as possible commander, ETOUSA, 112-13

powers under SOS, ETOUSA, 42-44

relations with Bradley, 209-11, 221, 532

relations with Eisenhower, 98, 112-13, 268n, 438

reorganization proposals, 159-63, 166

request for ammunition, 539

request for joint “Q” school, 337

requests for service troops, 116-17, 120, 131

responsibilities and problems as deputy theater

commander-SOS commander, 198-202, 206-07, 264-65, 437-38

on ROUNDUP, 104-05

selection of SOS headquarters, 81-83

on shipping problem, 1944, 236

on shortage of service troops, 110-11

staff, 35, 78, 265-66, 535

on TORCH, 99, 104-05

Leigh-Mallory, Air Marshal Sir Trafford, 193


reverse (“mutual aid”), 81, 254, 256, 257, 258

to Russia, 17, 31, 50

to the United Kingdom, 16, 20, 31, 46, 50, 91, 97, 257.

Lend-Lease Act, 13

Lessay, 475, 510

Lewis, Brig. Gen. Henry B., 198

Liaison, U.S.-British, 61, 62-64

Liberty ships, 181, 187, 273, 275, 407, 446, 471

Liege, 485, 527, 552

“Lilo,” 273. See also BOMBARDON.

Lincoln, Col. George A., 337

Line of Communications (LOC), 223n. See also Services of Supply.

Lines of Communications. See also Transportation. and beach organization, 282-83

French railways as, 315-18

lack of co-ordination of, 424, 425

Normandy, 430, 439

and POL delivery, 505, 508

in the pursuit, 491, 493

and Seine crossing, 472, 481-82, 484-86, 508

shortage of truck companies, 315

Transportation Corps responsibilities, 314-15

and troop build-up, 299, 300, 452

Lison Junction, 318, 433, 489, 544, 545

Littlejohn, Maj. Gen. Robert M., 5, 35, 41, 78, 98, 98n, 116, 117, 118

Liverpool, 30, 144, 147. See also Depots, Liverpool.

Llanelly, 371

Loading exercises. See Amphibious exercises; CELLOPHANE; GULL; NUDGER; SNIPE.

Lobnitz pierheads, 275, 278, 280, 281, 404, 406. See also MULBERRIES.

Local procurement

of labor, 20-21, 116-18, 130, 137, 148-49, 154, 158, 234-35, 246, 251, 253, 254, 258, 280

of supplies, 80, 98, 170-71, 254-58

Lockerley, 248

Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, 30

Locmariaquer, 294

Logan Bar, 440. See also Rations.

Logan, Capt. Paul P., 440

Logistical Plans Branch, G-4, SHAEF, 470, 472, 483-84

Logistical plans for troop build-up. See also Build-up.

W (pessimistic), 454

X (realistic), 454, 455, 472

Y (optimistic), 454, 455, 472

Z, 455

Loire estuary, 187

Loire River, 183, 187, 189, 324, 327, 430, 434, 452, 470, 478, 479, 480, 481, 483, 486, 487

Loire River ports, 186, 282, 324, 471

London, 144, 146, 159, 160, 162, 177, 227-30. See also Depots, London.

London Base Command, 86, 162, 169. See also Base Sections, Central.

London Base Section. See Base Sections, London.

London, Midland, and Scottish Railway, 154

Lord Halifax, 35

Lord Haw Haw, 83

Lord, Brig. Gen. Royal B., 5, 160, 164, 167, 200, 206, 220, 235, 259, 266, 434, 437, 469, 472, 534

Lorient, 187, 289, 294, 430, 464, 478, 479, 481

Loudeac, 476

Loupe, La, 494, 506, 527, 558

LSTs, 182, 182n, 392, 393, 394, 399-400, 400n, 404, 411, 473, 532, 533, 534, 545, 546

LUCKY STRIKE, 467, 481, 482, 483

Lutes, Maj. Gen. LeRoy, 77, 94, 97, 141, 142, 239, 261-64, 265, 267, 469

Luxembourg, 480, 481

Lyon, 480

Lyon, Brig. Gen. Alfred J., 22, 26, 29, 39


Maastricht, 566

McClelland, Brig. Gen. Harold M., 22, 26, 40, 61

McConnaughy, Col. Donald S., 91

MacKeachie, Col. Douglas C., 35, 78, 80

McLain, Brig. Gen. Raymond S., 541

McNarney, Brig. Gen. Joseph T., 14, 16, 22, 26, 43

MAGNET, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 48, 60

Maintenance area. See Beach, maintenance area.

Maintenon, 551

Major System. See Pipeline systems, Major.

Manchester, 144, 147

Manifest system, 139-42, 144

Mans, Le, 430, 469, 478, 481, 486, 487, 495, 510, 529, 530, 544, 547, 550, 551, 560, 575-76

Mantes-Gassicourt, 479, 487

“Marfak No. 2,” 440. See also Rations.

Marigny, 427

Marines, 1st Provisional Brigade, 18

Marking procedure. See Date-line system; Force marking.

Marne, 479

“Marrying up,” 95, 349

Marseille, 480


areas, 357-58, 423, 425. See also Sausage camps. camps, 359-60

exercises, 349. See also CHEVROLET; JALOPY; JEEP. process, 367-68, 425

Marshall, Gen. George C., 19, 27, 28, 77, 104, 114

at Claridge Conferences, 32, 39, 88-89

designates Lee SOS commander, 33

directive, 14 May 1942, 36, 40, 42, 43

on ETOUSA build-up, 118

on ETOUSA organization, 196

on marking procedures, 98

on OVERLORD, 186

relieves Chaney as ETOUSA commander, 47-48

on ROUNDUP, 107

on TORCH, 90-91, 106

on troop replacements, 305

warns ETOUSA of manpower shortage, January 1944, 462

Marshall, Col. S. L. A., 380n

Marshall Memorandum, 53-56, 175. See also BOLERO.

Marston, Brig. Gen. John, 18

Master Agreement (reciprocal aid), February 1942, 254

Matejka, Lt. Col. Jerry V., 22, 50

Maubeuge, 485

Mauretania, 234

Mayenne, 478, 547

Mayenne River, 478

Mediterranean theater experiences

in amphibious landings, 334

with ports, 270, 296

with transportation, 557

Melun, 479

Merderet River, 375, 376

Mersey River ports, 65, 91, 144, 145n, 146, 147, 362

Metz, 480, 485, 488, 566

Meuse River, 479, 480, 515

Middleswart, Lt. Col. William H., 22, 50

Middleton, Lt. Gen. Troy H., 532-36

Military Railway Service, 2nd, 318

Miller, Maj. Gen. Henry J. F., 192n

Miller, Col. Robert S., 459

Million-man force, 55-56, 58, 59, 60, 64, 66, 105, 116. See also Marshall Memorandum; Troop basis; Troop build-up.

Ministry of War Transport (Br.), 91, 144, 241, 281, 363

Diversion Committee, 145

Movement Control. See Movement Control.

Sea Transport, 146

MINK I and II, 349

Minor System. See Pipeline systems, Minor

Molotov, V. M., 87, 88n

Mons, 480, 552

Montcornet, 479

Montebourg, 376, 431

Montgomery, Field Marshal Sir Bernard L., 184, 186, 194, 206, 224, 339, 468, 478, 574. See also Army Group, 21.

Montgomery, Col. Edward, 78

Montgomery, Col. Murray M., 78

Mood, Lt. Col. Orlando C., 78

Moon, Rear Adm. Don P., 372

Moore, Maj. Gen. Cecil R., 5-6, 84, 101, 240, 321

Morbihan Gulf, 294

Moreton-on-Lugg, 248

Morgan, Lt. Gen. Frederick E., 124, 177-78, 182, 184, 191, 272, 279. See also COSSAC.

Morlaix, 294, 473, 479, 536

Mortain, 478, 481, 528, 573, 583

Moselle River, 480, 488, 495, 515, 542, 543

Moses, Brig. Gen. Raymond G., 6, 206, 220, 221, 310-12, 315, 400n, 448, 491, 533n, 538, 542

Mosles, 390

Motor transport, 150, 314, 315, 396, 400, 411, 432, 553-72, 579. See also Red Ball Express (motor transport on the Continent); Transportation.

Motor Transport Brigade (MTB), 432, 558, 559, 560, 566-67, 568-70

Motor Transport Division, Transportation Corps, 150-52

Motor vehicle gasoline (MT 80). See Gasoline, motor vehicle.

Mt. Cauvin, 322, 323, 444, 445

Mountbatten, Vice Adm. Lord Louis, 177, 330

Movement Control (MOVCO), 146, 364, 424, 425

Movements and Transportation Branch, G-4,

SHAEF, 454n, 468, 482

MT 80. See Gasoline, motor vehicle. MT ships, 394, 411, 426, 473

MULBERRIES, 183, 277-82, 283, 285, 290, 296, 323, 391, 413n, 452, 465-66, 485. See also Ports, artificial; Storm, 19–22 June 1944.

A, 277, 278, 280, 283, 290, 343, 402, 404, 406, 413-14, 463

B, 277, 415

Muller, Col. Walter J., 6, 506, 515, 529, 530

Mulligan, Col. Timothy L., 384

Munitions Assignments Board, 46

Munitions Assignments Committee (Air), 46

MUSKRAT I and II, 349

“Mutual Aid.” See Lend-lease, reverse.


Namur, 552

Nancy, 480, 488

Nantes, 186, 187, 470, 479

Napier, Maj. Gen. Charles S., 363, 472

National Dock Labour Corporation, 148

“National Wheatmeal Flour,” 255

Naval bases in United Kingdom, 20

Naval Beach Battalion, 2nd, 400

Naval Combat Battalion, 108th, 280

Naval Task Forces. See Task Forces.

Navy engineer units, 288

Navy Ferry Craft Control, 400

NEPTUNE, 175, 269

New York Port of Embarkation, 94, 99, 103, 141, 236, 238, 239, 259, 261, 371, 443

Newport, 146, 364

Nieuw Amsterdam, 234

Ninth Air Force. See Air Force units, Air Force, Ninth.

Ninth Army, 480, 508, 523, 535, 551

Nissen hospitals, 72, 247

Nissen huts, 19, 24, 152, 242, 243, 247. See also Construction; Troop accommodations.

Nixon, Col. Thomas H., 529, 530

Noce, Brig. Gen. Daniel, 329, 330n, 342

Nogent-le-Rotrou, 513

Norfolk House, St. James’s Square, London, 61, 89, 164, 337

Normandie, 290

Normandy, 285-86, 287, 464, 475, 489, 490, 491, 509, 580

beaches, 183, 187, 422, 493

coast, 188, 275

hedgerows, 427, 430, 431, 442

port plans, 296-97

ports, 270, 288-89, 416, 486. See also individual port names.

supply base, 430-39

Normandy Base Section. See Base Sections, Normandy.

North Africa. See North African Theater of Operations.

North African Theater of Operations (NATO), 21, 26, 523. See also TORCH.

detached from ETOUSA, 160

effect on ADSEC, ETOUSA, 211-12

effect on BOLERO, 89, 99-106, 110-15, 118, 120, 137

effect on ROUNDUP, 175, 286

experience with air forces, 192

experience with amphibious landings, 331

experience with transportation, 556

experience with vehicle waterproofing, 369

holds up construction in United Kingdom, 240

manpower waste, 463

supplies for, 96

use of BOLERO troops, 233-34

Northern Group of Armies (21 Army Group), 224

Northern Ireland, 19-26, 28, 30, 32, 48, 49, 60, 70, 84, 148, 169, 363

Northern Ireland Base Command, 23, 84. See also Base Sections, Northern Ireland; Corps, V; Northern Ireland; United States Army Northern Ireland Force.

Northern Ireland Base Section. See Base Sections. Northern Ireland.



Oakley Farm, 83

Office of the Chief Engineer, SOS, 241, 287

Office of the Chief of Transportation, ETOUSA, 150

Officer Candidate School, Shrivenham, 81, 336

Oise River, 486

OMAHA Beach, 290, 298, 312, 323, 348. 349, 350, 351, 372, 375-76, 404n, 427, 431-32, 445, 489, 534, 536, 558. See also Beach.

air support at, 375

ammunition supply, 445

beach clearance, 411

berthing of ships, 393-96

brigades, 410-11

command, 413n.

D Day, 377-84

development of, 389-97

draws (exits), 379

dumps, 396-97, 473

as first continental line of communications, 282-83


lack of communication, 392-93

landing craft, 392-96

location of, 188

maintenance area, 283, 494

MULBERRY, 283, 343

NOIC (Naval Officer in Command), 392-93, 400-401

ponton causeway, 278

storm, 19-22 June 1944, 408-15

supply organization, 343

tonnage capacity, 343, 390, 397, 407, 411-13, 41516, 464, 465-66

transfer points, 397

unexpected enemy resistance, 374

OPD. See Operations Division, War Department.

Operational projects. See Projects for continental operations (PROCO).

Operations Division, War Department (OPD), 32, 52, 54, 55, 56, 114, 118, 231-32, 231n, 233n

Ordnance Base Automotive Maintenance Battalion, 622nd, 157

Ordnance Group, 71st, 525

Ordnance Service, 156-57, 158, 257, 260, 368, 370, 564, 571


Orleans, 189, 324, 478, 479, 488, 576

Orne River, 188

OTTER I and II, 349


command and organization for, 190-230

completed, 479, 481, 484, 485, 500

logistical plan, 269-327

logistical problems, 178-89, 234-40, 259-62

mounting of, 357-73

origin of, 132, 166

Phase I, 208, 213, 303

Phase II, 208, 214, 219-20, 303

Phase III, 208, 214, 219, 303

training and rehearsing for, 328-54

Over-strengths, 458, 463

Oxford, 365

Oxwich Bay, 350


P-51, 51

Package system. See Replacements, package system. Paddington Station, 83

Paget, Gen. Sir Bernard, 77

Pallet loading, 346, 347n

Panthers. See German Panthers.

Parachute Infantry, 502nd, 349

Parachute supply, 573

Paratroop replacement shortage, 305

Paris, 183, 478, 479, 483, 484, 486, 487, 488, 510, 544, 550, 552, 552n, 553, 577-83

Passenger liners, 234

Patch, Lt. Gen. Alexander M., 480

Patton, Lt. Gen. George S., 203, 475, 478, 490, 515, 529, 531. See also Third Army.

Penarth, 148, 371

Periers, 429, 434, 475

Pershing, Gen. John J., 39, 117, 223n

Pershing Principle of 1917, 194

Peters, Maj. Joseph, 531

Petroleum. See POL.

Petroleum Committee, 319

Phases (I, II, and III) of OVERLORD. See OVERLORD, Phase I, Phase II, Phase III.

Philippeville, 296

Phillips, Pvt. George, III, 157

PHOENIXES, 276-78, 279-80, 282, 402, 404, 406, 410, 413, 413n, 415

Pier bridging, 413

Pierheads, 277, 279, 402. See also Lobnitz pierheads. Piers, 272, 277, 402

Pipeline systems, 319, 320, 449, 501, 509, 510-15. See also POL.

Major, 322, 323-25, 500-502, 504, 510, 514

Minor. 322-23, 325, 444-45, 501, 502, 510

Pittville mineral springs, 81

Plank, Brig. Gen. Ewart G., 6-7, 78, 169, 212, 220, 490, 513, 515. See also Advance Section, Communications Zone (ADSEC).

PLUTO, 323-24

Plymouth, 91, 144, 146, 346, 348, 349, 351, 360, 363, 369


Pointe et Raz de la Percée, 378

POL, 93, 152, 291, 307, 310, 396, 404, 439, 446, 453, 454, 484. 487, 488, 496, 499-516, 518, 527, 528, 547, 558. See also Gasoline; Pipeline systems.

air supply of, 579, 580

creation of Area Petroleum Board, 80-81

dumps, 389, 401, 494

for First Army, 504-09, 515-16

OVERLORD plans for, 319-27

shortage affects transportation, 527, 528

status of, June-July 1944, 443-45

supply in the pursuit, 489-91, 499-516

for Third Army, 490, 495, 504-09, 513, 515-16, 527

transportation deficiencies, 509-16

POL Branch, G-4, ETOUSA, 320

POL Branch Plan, 14 April 1944, 321

Pontaubault, 547

Ponton causeways, 278, 332, 402-04

Pontorson, 529

Poole, 359, 360, 363, 372, 373

Port battalions, 235

Port capacity. See also Cherbourg, port capacity; OMAHA Beach, tonnage capacity; UTAH Beach, tonnage capacity.

continental, 296-97, 297n, 308, 311, 450, 463-70, 473, 482, 544

United Kingdom, 121, 132, 136-37, 147-48, 231, 233-39, 259

Port Construction and Repair Groups. See Engineer Port Construction and Repair Groups.

Port Eynon, 350

“Port group” areas, 179-81

Port reconstruction, 285-97

Port Talbot, 350, 371

Portal, Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles, 17, 48, 193

Port-en-Bessin, 320, 322, 325, 434, 444

Portland, 348, 352, 353, 363, 372

Ports, 463-74. See also individual port names.

artificial, 269-82, 414-15. See also MULBERRIES.

beach, 402-06

deep-water, 282, 285

Ports (Major), 290n

4th, 290, 432

11th, 283, 290, 290n, 344, 432

12th, 290

Ports of embarkation, 92, 93, 236, 238. See also Boston Port of Embarkation; New York Port of Embarkation.

Ports of embarkation commanders, 93

Portsmouth, 271, 360. See also Depots, Portsmouth. Post-OVERLORD planning. See Seine River, advance beyond.

Pouliguen, Le, 294

Pound, Admiral Sir Dudley, 16

Pouppeville, 388

Prairies Marecageuses, 428

Pre-loading, 298, 309

“Preparations for Overseas Movement, Short Sea Voyage” (POM SSV), 368

Pre-scheduling of supply shipments, 307, 448

Pre-shipment, 95-96, 130, 133-37, 138-39, 235-36, 259

Presque Isle, Maine, 29

Prestbury Park Race Course, 83

Pre-stowage, 308-09. See also Type loading.

Prestwick, 29

Principal Administrative Officers Committee, 62

PROCO. See Projects for continental operations.

Procurement Section, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 321

Projects for continental operations (PROCO), 260-61, 321, 553, 554, 554n

Provisional engineer groups, A, B, C, 551

Provisional Engineer Special Brigade Group, 283, 290, 343, 344, 352, 353, 379, 383, 384

Provisional Transport Group, 520

Pulsifer, Brig. Gen. Ralph, 197

Pursuit aviation, 26, 27, 28.-See also Air force, U.S.; Air force units.

Pyle, Ernie, 489


Quadrant Conference, 132, 136-38, 178, 231, 231n, 233, 235, 241. See also Quebec Conference.

Quartermaster Battalions

95th, 396

537th, 401

Quartermaster Corps, 44, 50, 118, 158, 257, 259, 314, 321, 439, 516

Quartermaster General, Deputy (Br.). See Deputy Quartermaster General (Br.); Wootten, Maj. Gen. Richard M.

Quartermaster General, Q (Liaison) (Br.). See Deputy Quartermaster General (Br.).

Quartermaster General (Br.), 61, 62, 337. See also Riddell-Webster, Gen. Sir T. S.

Quartermaster Group, 471st, 494

Quartermaster Railhead Company, 557th, 352

Quartermaster Service Company, 3206th, 352

Quebec Conference, 137, 178, 182, 183, 188, 191, 192, 193, 195, 272, 276. See also QUADRANT Conference.

Queen Elizabeth, 58, 234

Queen Mary, 26, 58, 234

Querqueville, 324, 445, 580. See also Digue de Querqueville.

Quiberon Bay, 187-89, 294-96, 464, 467, 468, 470-72, 478, 510, 544

“Quiescent reserve,” 455, 456. See also Troop build-up.

Quineville, 384, 386, 388, 398-400, 400n, 401


Rade de Cancale, 471

RAE See Royal Air Force.

Rail transportation officers (RTO’s), 149, 150

Railway Grand Division, 707th, 545

Railway Operating Battalion, 729th, 433

Railway reconstruction, 551, 552

Railways. See also Transportation.

in France, 314, 315-17, 432-33, 484, 487, 489, 544-53

in United Kingdom, 132, 144, 149-50, 233, 311

RAINBOW 5, 14, 21, 26, 27, 28, 32

Ramcke, General der Fallschirmjäger Hermann B., 532-33

Ramey, Lt. Col. George E., 78

Ramsay, Admiral Sir Bertram H., 184, 193, 372

Ranger Battalions

2nd, 342

5th, 342

Rangers, 188, 330, 340, 353, 375

Raritan Arsenal, 141

Ratay, Brig. Gen. John P., 7

Rations, 93, 255, 261, 306, 307, 309, 310, 328, 389, 396, 401, 404, 439-41, 489, 490, 494, 496, 499, 516-18, 575-76

A, 440, 516, 517

B, 440, 441,516, 517

bread, 255

British, 83-84, 254

C, 439, 441, 516, 517

composite (5-in-1 and 10-in-1), 440-41, 516, 517

D, 440-41

K, 439-41, 516, 517

Logan Bar, 440

RATTLE, 177, 182, 342

Ravenoville, 386

Reciprocal aid, 256, 258. See also Lend-lease.

Red Ball Express (motor transport on the Continent), 309n, 496, 496n, 499, 509, 534, 552, 559-72. See also Motor transport; Transportation.

command and organization, 566-68

cost of, 571

diversion of convoys by the armies, 565

maintenance of equipment, 565

publicity, 571

regulations, 560-63

route, 560, 566-68

traffic control problems, 564

trucks lose gasoline to Third Army, 505

turn-round time, 566. See also Turn-round.

uneconomical use of vehicles, 564-65

Red Ball Express (shipping service), 309-10, 309n, 423, 448

Regimental Combat Teams

8th (4th Division), 349

16th (1st Division), 348

22nd (4th Division), 349

116th (29th Division), 348

Regulating officer, 497-98

Regulating stations, 497-99

24th (Third Army), 498

25th (First Army), 498

Reims, 479, 488, 495, 552, 580

Remagen bridge, 500

Rennes, 317, 324, 325, 435, 472, 475, 486, 510, 533, 545, 547, 550

Rennes–Laval–Chateaubriant triangle, 217, 313, 433, 493

Replacement Depot, 10th, 306

Replacement System, 303-04

Replacements, 303-06, 458-63

infantry, 460-61

over-strength system, 304

package system, 304, 458-59

riflemen, 461

Rethel, 479

Reverse BOLERO (ORELOB) (RHUMBA), 216, 217

Reykjavik, 18, 19

Rhine, 488

Rhine ferry, 394; 410

Rhône valley, 480


Richmond, Col. Adam, 78

Richmond, Col. Clarence W., 157, 559, 560

Rickard, Brig. Gen. Roy V., 7

Riddell, Brigadier R. A., 337

Riddell-Webster, General Sir T. S., 116; 240, 337

Roads. See also Motor transport; Red Ball Express (motor transport on the Continent); Transportation.

in France, 314, 432

in United Kingdom, 142

Roger White, 399

Rogers, Brig. Gen. Pleas B., 7, 162, 169

Rommel, Generaloberst Erwin, 88, 114

Roosevelt, President Franklin D., 14, 18, 52-53, 88, 89, 114, 115, 178, 451

Roscoff, 294, 473

Ross, Maj. Gen. Frank S., 8, 35, 78, 94-95, 101, 149, 235, 448, 554, 555

Rouen, 110n, 189, 470, 481, 485, 486

ROUNDUP: 52, 55, 62, 64-66, 70-72, 75, 87-89, 97, 104-05, 107, 115, 175-76, 179, 319

ROUNDUP Administrative Planning Staff, 75, 286

Rowan, Brig. Gen. Hugh W., 8

Royal Air Force (RAF), 17, 29-30, 88, 193, 250, 251, 348

Royal Air Force Group, 46, 582

Royal Army Service Corps, 154

Royal Engineers; 73

Royal Navy, 292

Rozay-en-Brie, 567

Ruhr, 485

Rumbough, Maj. Gen. William S., 8, 35, 78, 520


Saar, 488

Saarbrücken, 485

St. Brieuc, 290, 294, 430, 473

St. Hilaire-du-Harcouet, 547

St. James’s Square. See Norfolk House.

St. James’s Street, No. 63, 337n

St. Laurent-sur-Mer, 188, 277, 379, 382-83, 390

St. Lô, 313, 320, 377, 427, 429, 432. 434, 435, 445, 475, 482, 489, 494, 510-11, 514, 544, 546, 552, 560, 565; 566, 567

St. Lô-d’Ourville, 427

St. Malo, 188, 188n, 288, 289, 290, 294, 465, 466, 468, 478, 479; 481, 528, 529, 530

St. Michel-en-Grève, 532, 536

St. Mihiel, 479

St. Nazaire, 186, 187, 294, 296, 479

St. Quentin, 552

St. Sauveur-le-Vicomte, 433, 489

St. Vaast-la-Hougue, 270, 288, 290, 433, 465

Ste. Honorine-des-Pertes, 322, 323, 325, 444, 445

Ste. Mere-Eglise, 188, 313, 432

Sainteny; 429

Salisbury, 365, 519

Salvage work, 401, 406

Sarthe, 478

Sausage camps, 347, 365, 367. See also Marshaling, areas.

Sayler, Maj. Gen. Henry B., 9, 541

Sawbridge, Col. Ben. M.. 101

Scotland, 20, 26, 28

Seatrains, 545

Second Army (Br.), 204, 339

Sedan, 488

Seine River, 179, 189, 327, 415, 452, 470. 478, 479, 481-82, 483-84, 486-87, 490, 494, 495, 496, 499, 504, 506, 510, 529. 550, 552, 574-76

Seine River, advance beyond (post-OVERLORD planning), 485-88, 489, 507, 508, 558

Seine River bridges, 550-52

Seine River ports, 183, 282, 286, 467. 468-69, 472, 481, 482, 486

Seine Section, 568

Selective unloading, 422-23, 448-49

Sélune River, 476

Senlis, 494

Services of Supply (SOS), ETOUSA, 116, 119-20, 130-31. 132, 157, 190, 206, 262-63, 269, 308, 424. See also Communications Zone; Lee, Lt. Gen. John C. H.

base sections, 84-87, 168-70, 216-18

and Circular 2, 13 June 1942, 41-44

command and organization, 41-44, 76-87, 159-71, 190

consolidation with ETOUSA, 195-203, 264. See also ETOUSA-SOS.

formation of, 31-43

and General Order 16, 161-62

and General Order 19, 44

and General Order 33, 163

headquarters, 81-84, 162, 166. See also Cheltenham.

number of service troops compared to AEF 1917–18, 117-18

relations with Air Forces. 170-71

relations with ETOUSA, 159-63, 166-68, 198-201

relations with 1st Army Group, 196-97

reorganization, 163-64

responsibilities, 42-44, 80-81

staff, 42, 78-80, 83, 101, 116

Tentative Overall Plans, 122

and TORCH. 89-99

troop basis, 110, 118, 123-28, 131-32

Services of Supply, USA, 35, 56, 98. See also Army Service Forces (ASF); Somervell, Lt. Gen. Brehon B.

Services of Supply in World War I, 36, 223, 223n

Seventh Army, 480

Seventh Army, German, 478

SEXTANT Conference, 178, 195, 231-33, 235, 236

SHAEF. See Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force.

Sharpness, 371


Shipping, 57, 114, 132-34, 138n, 234-35, 238, 258-60, 307-08, 423-24, 559

losses, 88, 114-15, 121, 132

shortage, 53, 55, 57, 58, 66, 114-15, 422

Shrivenham, 81


Siegfried Line, 480, 488, 516, 542-43

Signal Corps, 50, 102, 259, 381, 442, 520, 564

Signal Service, 223

Simpson, Lt. Gen. William H., 480, 535

Sinclair, Sir Archibald, 23

Skid loading, 347, 347n

Slapton Sands, 345, 346, 348-49, 351, 353

SLEDGEHAMMER, 55, 87, 88

Smith, Lt. Gen. Walter B., 101, 113, 198, 200, 206, 210, 223, 437, 438-39, 534

Snavely, Maj. Ralph A., 18, 26

SNIPE, 350

Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français, 544

Soissons, 479, 494, 495, 527, 552, 567

Somervell, Lt. Gen. Brehon B., 33, 35, 36, 44, 48, 56, 77, 103, 106, 115, 154, 163, 265, 266-67, 522, 539-40. See also Army Service Forces.

Somme River, 183; 479, 488

Sommesous, 495, 552, 566, 567

SOS. See Services of Supply, ETOUSA; Services of Supply, USA.

Southampton, 91, 144, 146, 281, 353. 359, 360, 363, 371, 400, 423, 448

Southeastern Command (Br.), 20

Southern Base Section. See Base Sections, Southern.

Southern Base Section districts

XVI, 359, 360

XVII, 359, 360

XVIII, 348. 349, 350, 359-61, 365, 370

XIX, 345, 346, 347, 349, 350, 351, 359-61, 365, 370

XXIX, 350

Southern Command (Br.), 64, 66, 69-70, 74, 106, 108, 122-23, 345

Southwick House, Portsmouth, 470

Soxo, 145

Spaatz. Lt. Gen. Carl, 28, 31, 46, 101-02, 202, 578

Special Army Observer. See Chaney, Maj. Gen. James E.

Special Observer Group (SPOBS), 14-21, 26-27, 29, 30, 32, 46, 49-50, 76

Special Observer Section. See Air Section, SPOBS. SPOBS. See Special Observer Group.

SPOBS, Air Section. See Air Section, SPOBS.

SPOBS, Technical Committee, 50. See also Air Section, SPOBS.

Stalin, Marshal Joseph V., 88n

Standing operating procedures (SOP’s). See ETOUSA, Standing Operating Procedures.

Stanley Tobacco Warehouse, Liverpool, 154. See also Depots. Liverpool.

Stanmore, 572

Stark, Admiral Harold R., 14

Stars and Stripes, The, 50, 366, 571

Stephenson, Lt. Col. William G., 78

Stevens, Col. Eli, 364, 423

Stewart, Sir Findlater, 61, 62, 122

Storm, 19-22 June 1944, 406-15, 446

Stratton, Brig. Gen. James H., 9, 266, 469, 491-92, 515, 521, 532, 533-35, 538

Strong, Col. Paschal N., 359

Styer, Maj. Gen. Wilhelm D., 116, 164

Submarine menace, 115, 132. See also Shipping, losses.

Sudbury. See Depots, Sudbury.

Sugar Red, 387-88, 398, 399

Summers, Lt. Col. Iverson B., 22

SUP (Single Unit Pack), 66n, 156-57

Supply, 139, 254-56, 300, 307, 308-09, 401, 431-32, 439-49, 452, 489-500, 516, 519, 521

Class I. See Rations.

Class II, 93, 97, 223n, 260, 261, 307, 313, 441-43, 489, 491, 494, 518-25

Class III. See POL.

Class IV, 93, 97, 223n, 260, 261, 307, 309-10, 315, 389, 441-43, 448, 489, 491, 494, 518-25

Class V. See Ammunition. Supply by air. See Air supply.

Supply-by-air demands (SAD’s), 574

Supply flow, 103-04, 166, 270, 306, 308, 430. See also Cargo; Shipping.

Supply plan, 306-12

Supply shortage, 239-40, 258-60, 367-68

Supply Specialists School, 81, 336

Supreme Allied Commander, 183, 184, 193-95. See also Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D.

Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), 200-201, 203, 209, 219, 233, 262, 264-65, 269, 300, 327, 365, 413n, 438, 449-50, 467, 470, 471, 481, 484-85

on advance to Germany, 487-88

on air supply, 572, 574-75, 577-81

on ammunition shortage at Brest, 533-35

directive, 9 February 1944, 206-07, 209-10

establishment of command lines, 203-05, 215-16, 222-26, 435-36

G-3, 451, 452, 472

G-4, 327, 451, 452, 453, 471, 472, 487, 555-56

origins of, 195

Swansea, 146, 365

SWORDHILT, 188n, 468. See also Brest.


Tables of Basic Allowances, 260

Tables of Equipment, 260

Talley, Col. Benjamin B., 335, 413n

Tank Destroyer Group, 6th, 361

Tanks, German. See German Panthers; German Tigers.

Tanks, U.S.

inferiority to German tanks, 523-25

losses, 522-23

Tare Green, 387, 388, 399, 401

Task Forces

B, 298, 363, 365, 372, 383-84

Center, 89-90, 97, 103

MULBERRY (Naval Task Force 127.1), 278, 281, 402, 413

O (OMAHA), 298, 352, 359, 363, 365, 370-71, 372, 375, 383

U (UTAH), 298, 359, 363, 365, 370-71, 372-73, 375, 384

Western Naval, 89-90, 97, 103, 185, 372, 413

Taunton, 346

Taute River, 427, 428, 429

Taw estuary, 341

Taylor, Col. Victor V., 78

Tehran Conference, 195

Tennant, Rear Adm. William, 278

“Tentative Manual for Landing Operations,” U.S. Marine Corps, 328

Tented accommodations, 243, 246-47, 247n. See also Troop accommodations.

Texas, 545

Thames River, 280

Thatcham. See Depots, Thatcham.

Thiele, Brig. Gen. Claude N., 35, 78, 81

Third Army (TUSA), 188, 224, 238, 290, 301, 303, 436, 475-80, 483, 487, 488, 515, 543, 546-47, 550, 552, 552n, 558, 564, 567, 579, 582. See also Patton, Lt. Gen. George S.

activated, 203

ammunition supply, 528-31, 542

Class II and IV supply, 519-21, 523

POL supply, 489-90, 504-08, 513-14, 515, 558, 575-76

ration supply, 517-18

supply situation, 491-92, 495, 499

transportation, 542, 570

Thompson, Col. Paul W., 340-41, 384

Thrasher, Brig. Gen. Charles O., 9, 35, 78, 80, 84, 111, 169

TIGER, 345, 351-52, 354, 359, 361, 365, 372

Tiger. See German Tigers.

TOMBOLA, 323, 444

Ton, long, 135n

Ton, measurement, 135n

Ton, ship, 135n


TORCH, 89-99, 109, 110, 111-13, 114, 117, 120, 139, 140, 158, 159-61, 169, 175, 176, 191-92, 256, 319, 331, 341, 367, 369. See also North African Theater of Operations.

Torquay, 351

Toul, 552

Toulon, 480

Tours, 189, 223n, 324

Traffic Control Points, 564

Traffic Regulating Group, 6811th, 552n

Train ferry, 545

Training and Security Division, SOS, 164

Transportation, 231, 234-39, 314-18, 365-66, 432-33, 450, 510, 513, 544-83. See also Motor transport; Red Ball Express (motor transport on the Continent); Red Ball Express (shipping service); Shipping; Railways; Roads.

Transportation Corps, 91, 141, 145, 146, 149, 257-58, 260, 284, 286, 287, 288, 290, 293-94, 311, 314-18, 319, 321, 364, 366, 498, 544, 553-59, 563-64, 566, 568

Transportation Service, 44. See also Transportation Corps.

Trévières, 313, 390, 431

Tribehou, 429

TRIDENT Conference, 120-23, 130, 132, 136-38, 177, 231, 240

Troop accommodations in United Kingdom, 23-26, 60-61, 65, 242-44. See also Construction; Nissen huts; Tented accommodations.

Troop basis, 116, 133, 134, 262, 299-300, 319, 456, 557

air force, 124-25

balance between combat and service, 299-301, 452-53

BOLERO, 55-59, 66, 104, 106

ETOUSA, 123, 456-57, 457n

ETOUSA, first phase, 1 May 1944, 128-29, 136, 139, 231, 236

ETOUSA, second phase, 1 February 1945, 128-29

ground force, 124, 125-26

for North Africa, 90-91

for Northern Ireland, 24

SOS, 110, 118, 123-28, 131-32

for United Kingdom, 107, 109, 119-20

War Department, 1942, 111, 127

Troop build-up, 115, 120-32, 233, 241, 297-303, 306, 308, 310-11, 404, 420-22, 422n, 449-57

Troop Carrier Command, IX, 573, 581

Troop flow

to Continent, 303, 423-24, 430, 449-50, 454-55, 457, 467

to United Kingdom, 104, 120, 122, 134, 135, 139, 166, 231-34

Troop labor, 243, 250, 253

Troop lift

to Continent, 301

from Middle East-Indian Ocean program, 58

shortage of, 57-58

Troop movements, 88, 129-30, 132, 137, 139, 234, 423-24, 450

Troop replacement. See Replacements.

Troyes, 488

Trucks. See Motor transport; Red Ball Express (motor transport on the Continent); Transportation.

Truscott, Col. Lucian K., Jr., 340

TUP (twin unit pack), 66n, 156

Turn-round, 423, 425

Turn-Round Control (TURCO), 364

Twelfth Air Force, See Air Force units.

Twining, Maj. Gen. Nathan F., 202

Type loading, 236-37. See also Pre-stowage.


UGLY system, 140-46

Ulster, 20, 22

Uncle Red, 387, 399, 401, 402

Unit of fire, 306-07, 306n

United Nations, 88, 115

United States Army Air Forces in the United Kingdom (USAAFUK), 192, 193, 202, 203. See also Air Force, U.S.

United States Army Forces in the British Isles (USAFBI), 21-39, 46-50, 55, 56, 61-62

United States Army Northern Ireland Force (USANIF), 23, 25-26, 84. See also Corps, V.

United States Chiefs of Staff. See Joint Chiefs of Staff. United States Embassy in London, 16, 76

United States Military Mission to Great Britain, 16, 21, 46

United States neutrality, 14, 20, 21

United States Strategic Air Forces (USSTAF), 202, 203, 224, 263, 437, 579. See also Air Force, U.S.

USAAFUK. See United States Army Air Forces in the United Kingdom.

USAFBI. See United States Army Forces in the British Isles.

USANIF. See United States Army Northern Ireland Force.

USSTAF. See United States Strategic Air Forces.

UTAH Beach, 290, 292, 302, 312, 348-50, 351-52, 389-90, 431, 432, 434, 500, 536, 573

airborne troops, 386

brigades, 343, 399-400, 410-11

D Day, 374-76, 384-89

development of, 397-401

dumps, 473

as first continental line of communications, 282-83


harbor, 402

location of, 188

NOIC (Naval Officer in Command), 400-401, 407

physical characteristics, 384-86

ponton causeways, 278

ship-to-shore operations, 400

storm, 19-22 June 1944, 406-15

supply clearance, 398

tonnage capacity, 389-90, 397-98, 401, 407, 411-13, 415-16, 464, 465


Valognes, 313, 435, 436

Vannes, 324

Varreville, 185

Vaughan, Brig. Gen. Harry B., 9-10, 169, 207, 210, 211, 435


assembly, 156-58, 313

discharge, 404, 419-20

lift, 452

maintenance, 443

waterproofing, 367, 368-70

Venning, Lt. Gen. Sir Walter, 62

Verdun, 479, 485, 488, 552

Verneuil, 560

Versailles, 499, 567

Vierville-sur-Mer, 185, 379, 390, 434

Villedieu, 494, 495

Vire, 469, 475-76, 494, 495, 510, 511, 547, 565

Vire River, 376, 377, 429

Visiting Forces Act (Br.), 50


Walker, Col. John S., 529

War Department, 144, 286, 456

on BOLERO build-up, 104, 114


directive, 8 June 1942, 40

control over shipment of supplies, 92-93

G-1, 463

on PROCO, 260-61

relations with ETOUSA, 110-11, 126-27

reorganization, 37, 47

on replacements, 305-06

“Tentative Movement Schedule,” 58

troop basis, 117, 124-29, 304

on troop flow, 449

on UGLY system, 141

War Department General Staff, 127, 133

War Department Operations Division. See Operations Division, War Department.

War Department SOS. See Services of Supply, USA.

War Office (Br.), 62, 73, 74, 76, 81-83, 91, 98, 106, 110, 122, 144, 242, 277, 278, 363, 579

War Plans Division, GHQ 20

War Shipping Administration, 135, 137, 144, 281, 364

Warren, Col. Ross B., 560

Warton, 30-31

Wasp, 18

Waterproofing, 367, 368-69

Watford, 84

Weather. See also Storm, 19–22 June 1944.

D Day, 374-75

effect on Cross-channel movement, 270-71

Weaver, Brig. Gen. William G., 98n, 162, 164, 169, 170

Weight of individual equipment, 380-81, 380n

“Wems,” 248

Wernher, Brigadier Sir Harold, 278

Western Base Section. See Base Sections, Western.

Western Command (Br.), 339

Weyand, Col. Alexander M., 78

Weymouth, 348, 360, 372

WHALE, 275-76, 278, 280, 406, 415

Wharton, Brig. Gen. James E., 10, 387, 388

Whipple, Col. William, 453, 483

White, Brigadier Bruce G., 286

White, Maj. Gen. Miller G., 463

“Willow Run,” 227-30

Wilson, Maj. Gen. Arthur R., 10

Wilson, Brig. Gen. Robert W., 10

Wilton, 84

Wood, Maj. Gen. Leonard, 33

Woolacombe, 341, 342

Wootten, Maj. Gen. Richard M., 62-66, 70, 105-06, 241. See also Deputy Quartermaster General (Br.).

World War I experience relative to ETOUSA and SOS, 223, 223n

“World Wide System” (Br.), 391

Wycombe Abbey, 30

Wylie, Brig. Gen. Robert H., 95

Wyman, Col. Theodore, Jr., 347, 359


XYZ operation, 571

rank, 366, 571


Zone of interior, 92-94, 139, 171

Zoning system in United Kingdom, 144-45