

Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., 44, 49, 53, 77, 147, 298

Aberthaw Construction Co., 8

Accident prevention, 280, 439

Accounting and Auditing Branch, OQMG, 125, 154, 235-37, 260, 421

Accounts Branch, OQMG, 260-62, 363, 420-21

Ackart, Everett G., 677

Adams, Senator Alva B., 434-35

Adjutant General, The, 25, 128, 133, 415

Administrative Branch, OQMG, 125, 154, 260-62

Advisory Commission to Council of National Defense. See National Defense Advisory Commission.

Ailes, Milton E., 33

Air base engineering. See also Airfield pavement design.

design standards, 443-44, 450-51, 454-55, 641-43

drainage, 444, 615, 617, 623-24, 631, 632-33, 647

layouts, 84, 90-91, 95-96, 100, 102, 104, 441, 443, 444, 448, 450-54, 457, 501, 536

site selection, 95, 101-02, 131-33, 403-04, 441, 443, 448, 451-52, 456

structural plans, 84, 96, 100-102, 166-67, 441-44, 450, 453, 455-56

technical buildings, 444, 452-53

turfing, 617, 624, 632, 647

Air depots, 101-02, 452-53

Alameda, Calif., 607

Middletown, Pa., 453

Mobile, Ala., 102, 104, 453

Sacramento, Calif., 453, 623

Southeast, Miss., 444

Air force programs. See also Aircraft assembly plants; Airfields, military; Defense program, 1940; Expansion program, 1939-1940.

1926-1935, 48, 50, 52, 54

1941, 451, 459

construction responsibility for, 84-92, 107

funds for, 74-84, 99, 101, 103, 151, 252, 309, 410, 451

after Pearl Harbor, 478, 481, 484, 521, 607, 613, 626, 636

and transfer of construction to Engineers, 87, 252, 254-55, 267-72, 440-59

during World War I, 18, 26

Air Forces

Second, 595, 636, 639

Fourth, 625

Air Transport Command, 593-613

Aircraft. See also separate entry for B-29.

B-17, 623, 641

B-19, 614-15, 616, 617, 620, 622, 632

B-24, 628, 642

B-26, 620

B-36, 622, 644-45, 647, 649

B-52, 649

Aircraft assembly plants Chicago, Ill., 481

Cleveland, Ohio, 481, 594

Fort Crook, Nebr., 271

Fort Worth, Tex., 271

Kansas City, Kans., 271

Marietta, Ga., 481, 642

Tulsa, Okla., 271

Airfield pavement design, 441, 443-45, 456, 612, 614-49. See also Air base engineering.

and aircraft landing gear, 641-42, 644-45, 647, 649

and California Bearing Ratio, 625-30, 634-38, 643, 645

and evaluation program, 639-40

and frost and permafrost, 634, 647-49

and landing impact of planes, 620, 622, 632

and runway failures, 621, 623, 635, 638-40

tests and investigations for, 168, 447, 617-22, 624-35, 637-40, 642, 645, 647, 649

and Westergaard analysis, 447, 618-19, 632

Airfields, military. See also separate entries for Barksdale Field, La.; Langley Field, Va.; Wright Field, Ohio.

Albrook, C. Z., 85

Borinquen, P.R., 101, 103-04

Bradley, Conn., 448-49, 631

Brookley, Ala., 444

Brooks, Tex., 44n, 131

Chanute, Ill., 44n

Clover, Calif., 614

Cut Bank, Mont., 636, 638

Dayton Municipal, Ohio, 620

Dow, Maine, 648

Edwards, Calif., 649

Eglin, Fla., 131, 610, 635, 637

Ellington, Tex., 132

Elmendorf, Alaska, 147

Glasgow, Mont., 636, 638

Godman, Ky., 631

Greenville, Miss., 451-52, 457

Grenier, N.H., 270, 635, 637

Hamilton, Calif., 623, 640

Hickam, T. H., 54, 85, 104

Hill, Utah, 127, 454

Kelly, Tex., 44n, 45, 131

Key, Miss., 444

Lewistown, Mont., 628, 636, 638

Lockbourne, Ohio, 619, 639, 645

Lubbock, Tex., 624

McChord, Wash., 104

McClellan, Calif., 623

MacDill, Fla., 101, 103-04, 457

March, Calif., 44n, 454, 614, 620

Mather, Calif., 623

Maxwell, Ala., 52, 131, 133

Mitchel, N.Y., 44n

Moffett, Calif., 131, 133

Monroe, La., 541

Mountain Home, Idaho, 594-95, 636

Northern, Tenn., 631

Orlando, Fla., 173

Patterson, Ohio, 453

Pocatello, Idaho, 595

Randolph, Tex., 50, 131

Redmond, Oreg., 636

Scott, Ill., 44n

Selfridge, Mich., 44n

Stockton, Calif., 628-31, 635, 645

Tucson Municipal, Ariz., 443, 454

Tuskegee, Ala., 452

Valdosta, Ga., 452

Victorville, Calif., 452

Westover, Mass., 101, 103-04, 447

Airports Division, OCE, 445, 452

Alamogordo Bombing Range, N. Mex., 700

Alaska air bases in, 54, 93, 102-04, 247, 267

construction funds for, 77, 79, 81-83, 101, 248

permafrost tests in, 648

Aleshire, Maj. Gen. James B., 7

Alexander, Col. J. H., 22

Alfonte, Lt. Col. James R., 210, 411

Allan, Maj. Carlisle V., 384

Allen, Maj. A. E., 493

Allen, Robert S., 374, 393-94

Allied Chemical and Dye Corp., 311

Allis-Chalmers Co., 676, 677

Alpine, John R., 28

Alvord & Burdick, 12

Amberg, Julius H., 387-88, 391, 400, 467

American Bridge Co., 329

American Construction Council, 125

American Engineering Council, 116, 266

American Federation of Labor, 14, 28, 221-24, 228. See also Unions.

and Building Trades Agreement, 367-70

Building Trades Department, 222, 338, 611

American Institute of Accountants, 29, 235

American Institute of Architects, 28, 116, 266-67, 434, 581, 584

American Railway Engineering Association, 29

American Society of Civil Engineers, 28, 247, 376, 584, 643

and defense program of 1940, 115, 194, 266-67

and public works department proposal, 60-61

American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, 258

American Society of Landscape Architects, 266

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 28, 266

American Water Works Association, 9

Ammunition storage depots, 137, 310, 340-41, 479, 482. See also Magazines, ammunition storage.

Milan OD, Tenn., 340-41, 568

Portage OD, Ohio, 340-41

San Jacinto OD, Tex., 375

Savanna OD, Ill., 143, 310, 312

Umatilla OD, Oreg., 327, 340-41

Wingate OD, N. Mex., 340-41

Anderson, Archibald L., 163, 164

Anderson, Col. Clay, 594

Andrews, Brig. Gen. Frank M., 138-41

Antes, Lt. Col. Donald E., 201, 280, 593, 602-04

Anthony, Representative Daniel R., Jr., 29, 36

Appropriations. See also Funds.

1921-1938, 44-45, 47-48, 50, 52, 54-56

FY 1940, 77-84, 99-101, 109, 248

FY 1941, 111-13, 150-51, 245, 249-52, 279-80, 309, 348, 379, 409-10, 451

FY 1942, 408, 414-15, 428-29, 478-79, 485

FY 1943, 485

for Manhattan Project, 687

Architect-engineers, 165, 172

and contracts, 276, 278, 297-98, 430, 566-68

and defense program, 122, 155, 184, 205, 319

and materials shortages, 522

and munitions plants, 317, 357-58, 360-63, 611

schedule of fees for, 194-95, 423

and troop projects, 207-08, 211-12, 354

Area engineers and channels of communication, 488, 504-05, 508

and contract negotiations, 562

turnover of, 513-14

Armored Force, 166-67, 169

Army, strength of

1919-1939, 34, 43, 54-55, [.103 ]

1940, 100, 103, 108, 111-13, [.198-99 ]

1941-1942, 293, 480

Army Air Forces, 457, 491, 515, 622. See also Arnold, General of the Army Henry H.

Army Ground Forces, 491

Army Industrial College, 65, 69

Army and Navy Munitions Board, 65, 110, 194. See also Construction Advisory Committee, ANMB.

and building materials, 286, 328, 330-32, 525, 533, 540-41, 545, 550-51

Hogan committee report to, 118, 122, 246

Lumber Advisory Board, 552

Priorities Division, 587, 590-91, 657

Steel Committee, 335

Army Service Forces, 574, 600, 602. See also Services of Supply.

Army Soils Control School, Harvard University, 642

Arnold, General of the Army Henry H., 457, 478, 491, 556

and air bases, 131-33, 614, 622, 639-40, 648

and air expansion program, 75-77, 79-81, 83, 85-86, 95, 100-101

and attempts to control construction, 90-92, 102, 104, 107

on layout and design, 167, 173, 484

and very heavy bombers, 622-23, 644-45

and war program, 501

Arthur, Col. Joseph D., Jr., 489

Ashbridge, Lt. Col. Whitney, 695, 697-98

Asphalt Institute, 447, 617, 621, 624-25, 629, 635-36

Assignment of Claims Act, 1940, 191, 285

Assistant Secretary of War, 65, 134, 157. See also Crowell, Benedict; Johnson, Louis A.; Patterson, Robert P.; Woodring, Harry H.

Associated General Contractors of America, 40, 115-16, 205, 218, 267, 382

annual conventions of, 55, 63, 110, 363, 376, 576

Bureau of Contract Information, 106, 115, 188

and contracts, 70, 97, 102, 106-07, 193, 300, 349, 429, 576, 581

and public works department, 33, 38, 58

and survey of construction industry, 119-21

on transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 250, 468

on WPA, 82, 100

Association of Federal Architects, 56

Atkinson, Guy F., Co., 681

Atlas Powder Co., 177, 187, 396

Atterbury, William W., 35

Attorney General, The, 152, 180, 183, 398, 400. See also Daugherty, Harry M.; Palmer, A. Mitchell.

Auditing systems, 155, 235-38, 419-22, 510

Austin Co., 568, 596


B-29, 614-15, 622-23, 639, 640-42

bases for, in CBI, 641, 643

bases for, in U.S., 611-12, 640, 649

Baade, Lt. Col. Paul W., 81-82, 100

Bacon-Davis Act of 1931, 152, 156-57, 221, 226

Badger, E. B., & Sons, 503, 655, 658

Bain, Col. Jarvis J., 594

Baker, Newton D.

and Congressional investigations, 31-32, 119

and construction during 1917, 8-14, 18-20, 558

and organization of Construction Service, QMC, 40

on transfer of construction function to Engineers, 23-25, 32-34, 37-39

Ball, Senator Joseph H., 387

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 177

Bankers Guarantee Title & Trust Co., 177

Bankhead, Representative William B., 97

Barbour, Frank A., 12

Barker, Lt. Col. Clarence D., 493, 494, 612, 664, 673, 683

Barkley, Senator Alben W., 347

Barksdale Field, La., 52, 131, 133, 635, 637

Baron, Frank, 619

Barracks, types of, 18, 85, 95, 116-17, 349-51. See also Mobilization drawings; Theater of Operations drawings.

Barrows, Lt. Col. Ralph G., 457

Bart, Blasius, 690

Bash, Maj. Gen. Louis H., 43n, 51-52, 69

Bass, Maj. Fred T., 453

Bates, Harry C., 337

Bates & Rogers Construction Corp., 12, 31, 122

Battley, Maj. Joseph F., 377

Baxter, Capt. Samuel S., 669

Bayer, Joseph A., 51, 117, 123, 124, 154, 265

Beach, Maj. Gen. Laming H., 38-40, 46, 61

Beard, G. L., 603

Beck, C., 524

Beck, Maj. Gen. Robert M., 90

Bennett, Lt. Col. Ira F., 124, 125, 154, 227, 257

Bent, Arthur S., 59

Bentley, A., & Sons Co., 31

Bergstrom, George E., 266, 347, 350-51, 431, 435-38, 511

Bernholz, H., 493

Bertram, Capt. George E., 620-21, 624-31, 641

Besson, Col. Frank S., 489, 626

Bethlehem Steel Co., 329

Biddle, Maj. Gen. John, 19-20, 38-39, 38n

Birdseye, Maj. Mortimer B., 123, 124, 265

Black, Maj. Gen. William M., 24, 30, 33

Black & Veatch, 12, 211, 354

Blair, Capt. Robert C., 653, 655, 678, 679, 683

Blanchard, Lloyd A., 280, 281, 439, 493, 600, 603

Blanton, Harry C., 397, 400

Blossom, Francis and review of World War I program, 29-30, 33

and selection of contractors, 125, 188, 191-92, 364

and Truman committee investigation, 382-83

Blossom Board. See Board of Review of Construction.

Blumenberg, H. W., 228

Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, 61

Board of Review of Construction, 29-30, 125

Boatner, Maj. Mark M., Jr., 268, 269

Boeckh, Maj. Everard H., 164, 165, 216, 347, 353, 412, 428-29

Boeing Aircraft Co., 622, 639, 641

Bonding policies, 155, 575

Bone, Evan P., 618-20, 631, 645

Bonfort, Capt. John, 442

Bonneville Dam, Wash., 244, 252, 499, 655, 667, 674

Booth Investment Co., 506

Boswell, Capt. Russell N., 442

Bowen, John, Co., 288

Bowie, Lt. Col. W. Z., 603

Boyce, Earnest, 266

Boyd, J. Philip, 552

Boyd, W. Keith, 637-38, 642

Bragdon, Brig. Gen. John S., 448, 450, 474, 489, 609-12, 626

Brandwen, Maxwell, 228, 367

Brazier, Bernis E., 695-97

Brennand, Jack R., 698

Brett, Brig. Gen. George H., 107, 383, 450-53, 455, 615-17

Brewster, Senator Ralph O., 387

Briggs, Lyman J., 654

Brigham, Leslie E., 152-53, 157, 221, 225, 227-29, 363, 493

Brokers, real estate, 177, 181-83, 383, 393-401

Brooks, Representative Overton, 382

Brown, Lt. Col. Edward A., Jr., 683

Brown, Maj. Gen. Lytle, 23-24, 63

Brown, Theodore R., 700

Brown Brothers Construction Co., 700

Buchanan, Spencer J., 642

Budd, Ralph, 135, 147

Building materials. See also Lumber; Steel, structural, conservation of, 333-35, 349-50, 523-36, 547, 554-55

for Manhattan Project, 682

for mobilization of 1940, 155-56, 169-72, 213

for Pentagon project, 437-39

priorities for, 286-87, 328-29, 332, 540-41, 545, 690

shortages of, general, 104, 218, 285-87, 336, 438, 457, 501, 510, 522-26, 533-37, 545

during World War I, 17, 25

Building Trades Agreement, 1941, 338, 366-71, 426

Buildings and Grounds Division, Army Air Corps, 168, 254, 267, 622. See also Kennedy, Col. Frank M.; Newman, Brig. Gen. James B., Jr.

and layouts, 443, 450, 454, 457, 501

and runway design, 615, 629

Bureau of the Budget, 149, 306, 485

on Army budget during 1930s, 54-55, 80, 109

and defense appropriations, 276, 278-79, 343, 409, 411-12, 415

Bureau of Reclamation, Department of Interior, 64, 349

Bureau of Ships, U.S. Navy, 590

Bureau of Yards and Docks, U.S. Navy, 97, 306, 349, 367, 552, 629

Burger, C. C., 603

Burgheim, Maj. Joseph H., 263, 488

Burke-Wadsworth Selective Service Bill, 114, 148, 150. See also Selective Training and Service Act, 1940.

Burns, Brig. Gen. James H., 65, 72, 75-76

and defense program, 1940, 113, 115, 174

and munitions plants, 186-87, 413

on separate construction corps, 254, 461

Burr, Maj. Gen. George W., 34

Burton, Lt. Col. Albert H., 269, 486, 493, 600

Bush, Vannevar, 652-53, 658, 660, 662, 666

Buzzell, D. A., 524

Byrd, Senator Harry F., 556


California, University of, 640, 654, 657, 693

California Bearing Ratio, 624-30, 633-38, 643, 645. See also Airfield pavement design.

California Division of Highways, 624-25

Calvert, Capt. H. K., 678

Camouflage and concealment, 441, 448-50, 478

Camp Blanding, Fla., 209, 220, 237, 380

completion dates for, 233, 240, 274, 292

contractors for, 190, 194-95, 206

cost overruns at, 278, 285

funds for, 149, 238

labor at, 221, 224-25, 234

publicity about, 373, 375

site selection for, 139-42

Camp Bowie, Tex., 149, 175, 212, 231

delays at, 240, 282-83, 293

layout of, 209, 211

Camp Detrick biological warfare center, Md., 610

Camp Devens, Mass., 13, 44n, 138, 142, 220

delays at, 282-83, 288

lumber for, 214-15

Camp Dix, N.J., 13, 44n, 274

additional acreage for, 181

contract for, 149

troop arrivals at, 240

union fees at, 224

Camp Edwards, Mass., 220, 237, 274, 283, 373

contractors at, 206

funds for, 149, 238

investigation of, 379, 381

labor at, 221, 223, 226, 229, 233

layout of, 209, 211

lumber for, 214, 216

Camp Forrest, Tenn., 142, 190, 209, 225, 238, 496

completion dates for, 233, 240, 243, 274

cost overruns at, 278

labor at, 221, 225, 229

lumber for, 214-15

Camp McClellan, Ala., 44n, 149

delays at, 240

labor at, 224, 226

management at, 231, 233

Camp Meade, Md., 44n, 53, 141, 172, 189, 209, 231, 420

completion dates for, 233, 240, 274, 282-83, 289-91

Congressional investigation of, 380-81, 389

equipment rental at, 219-20

labor at, 223, 228-29

lumber for, 214-15

Camp San Luis Obispo, Calif., 217, 220, 293

closing out contracts at, 298

completion dates for, 240, 243, 274, 282, 284

Congressional investigation of, 382

layout of, 209, 289

site selection for, 139, 141-42

Camp Shelby, Miss., 18, 149, 212, 240, 377

completion dates for, 274, 282

cost overruns at, 278

labor at, 223, 226

layout of, 209, 211

troop arrivals at, 292-93

Campbell, Lt. Gen. Levin H., 383, 589

and completion schedules, 321-25

and cost estimates, 313-18

and Ordnance plants, 167, 311, 319-21, 360, 413, 477-78, 530, 536, 610

Camps and cantonments advance planning of, 342-54, 570

completion schedules for, 198-201, 240-43, 274-76, 280-97, 477-85, 499-519

layout of, 167, 208-11, 569

plans and specifications for, 167, 211-13, 288-89, 349-53

site selection for, 137-43, 207, 343-47, 353-54, 356, 380

supervision of construction at, 231-39

Camps and forts. See separate entries for Camp Blanding, Fla.; Camp Bowie, Tex.; Camp Devens, Mass.; Camp Dix, N.J.; Camp Edwards, Mass.; Camp Forrest, Tenn.; Camp McClellan, Ala.; Camp Meade, Md.; Camp San Luis Obispo, Calif.; Camp Shelby, Miss.; Fort Belvoir, Va.; Fort Bragg, N.C.; Fort Riley, Kans.

Adair, Oreg., 515

Atterbury, Ind., 542

Barkeley, Tex., 292

Benning, Ga., 44, 45, 56, 138-39, 141, 210

Bliss, Tex., 138

Brady, Mich., 607

Callan, Calif., 234

Campbell, Ky., 509

Chaffee, Ark., 429-30

Claiborne, La., 149, 212, 221, 240, 274, 282

Clark, Tex., 139, 141

Cooke, Calif., 429-30

Croft, S.C., 142

Custer, Mich., 18, 44n, 138, 168, 173, 211

Davis, N.C., 141-42, 283, 288

Ellis, Ill., 570

Ethan Allen, Vt., 141

Eustis, Va., 44n, 139, 141, 231

Foster, Fla., 140

Funston, Kans., 27, 44n

Grant, Ill., 31

Gruber, Okla., 571

Howze, Tex., 570

Huachuca, Ariz., 139, 141

Hulen, Tex., 139, 141, 149, 282

Indiantown Gap, Pa., 208, 214-15, 220, 240, 276, 381

Jackson, S.C., 138, 149, 181, 223, 240

Jay, N.Y., 378

Knox, Ky., 44n, 56, 138, 141, 231, 298, 377

Lawton, Wash., 509

Leavenworth, Kans., 44-45

Lee, Va., 17-18, 259

Leonard Wood, Mo., 207, 256-57, 274, 282-84, 289, 503

Lewis, Wash., 44, 138-39, 149, 217, 240, 293

Livingston, La., 149, 211-12, 240, 282

Luna, N. Mex., 694

MacArthur, Calif., 554

McCain, Miss., 570

Madison Barracks, N.Y., 283

Millard, Ohio, 496

Monmouth, N.J., 44n, 77, 141, 288

Myer, Va., 45, 53, 73

Ontario, N.Y., 5, 283

Ord, Calif., 129, 138, 209

Pike, Ark., 211

Pine, N.Y., 224, 282-83

Polk, La., 298, 344, 419, 556

Roberts, Calif., 175, 243, 289

Robinson, Ark., 149, 211, 221, 240, 274, 282

Sam Houston, Tex., 138, 376, 506

Schofield Barracks, T. H., 4

Shanks, N.J., 594

Sherman, Ohio, 31

Sill, Okla., 45, 56, 149, 240

Stewart, Ga., 149, 190, 210, 503

Sutton, N.C., 681

Travis, Tex., 13, 44n

Upton, N.Y., 13, 27

Van Dorn, Miss., 509, 570

Wallace, Tex., 282, 285, 377

Wolters, Tex., 231

Canal Zone, 77-79, 82, 86, 92-106

Cannon, Representative Clarence, 249, 383, 399-400, 481

Cantonment Division, 9-10, 12, 14, 115, 556

centralization of military construction in, 1917, 18-21, 24

Congressional inquiry into, 27

Carey, William F., 240, 243, 259

Carlson, Cmdr. Oscar L., 552

Carlton, Maj. W. W., 493

Carpenter, Walter S., Jr., 667

Carson, Brig. Gen. John M., 43n

Carter, Arthur H., 421-22

Casagrande, Arthur, 620, 626, 631, 642, 648-49

Case, Representative Francis H., 578

Casey, Lt. Col. Henry R., 48

Casey, Lt. Col. Hugh J., 265, 333-35, 366, 376

and advance planning of camps, 1941, 345-47, 349-51, 353, 357

and advance planning of munitions plants, 1941, 360, 413

and Pentagon project, 431, 435

Casey, Brig. Gen. Thomas L., 6

Cassidy, Capt. William, 44-45

Cat, working, 638

Central Procuring Agency, 551-53, 682

Chamberlain, Senator George ., 20-21, 27, 35

Chamberlain, Neville, 74

Chamberlin, Brig. Gen. Stephen J., 307, 451, 477, 505

and cost overruns, 275, 294-95

and mobilization of 1940, 172, 174

Chavez, Senator Dennis, 413

Cheatham, Maj. Gen. B. Frank, 48-49, 51

Cheatham, Mary D. (Mrs. B. Frank), 50

Chemical Construction Co., 568

Chemical Warfare plants and arsenals. See separate entry JOT Edgewood Arsenal, Md.

Fostoria, Ohio, 323, 331, 341

Huntsville, Ala., 414

Midland, Mich., 323, 341

Niagara Falls, N.Y., 323, 341

Pine Bluff, Ark., 543

Chemical Warfare Service, 26, 71, 72, 134, 186

and defense program, 310, 313, 320, 323-24, 326-27, 331, 341, 357

and site selection, 134, 174

and war program, 481, 521, 535

Chicago, University of, 654-57, 659, 665-66

Chief of Engineers, 150-51, 622. See also Beach, Maj. Gen. Lansing H.; Black, Maj. Gen. William M.; Brown, Maj. Gen. Lytle; Casey, Brig. Gen. Thomas L.; Reybold, Lt. Gen. Eugene; Schley, Maj. Gen. Julian L.

Chief of Finance, 236

Chief of Ordnance, 72, 100, 266, 362. See also Campbell, Lt. Gen. Levin. H.; Wesson, Maj. Gen. Charles M.

Chief Signal Officer, 19

Chief of Staff, 65, 157, 304, 605. See also Craig, General Malin; MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas; March, Maj. Gen. Peyton C.; Marshall, General of the Army George C.; Summerall, General Charles P.; Wood, Maj. Gen. Leonard.

Chiefs of Construction, 43, 61, 68, 603. See also Hartman, Brig. Gen. Charles D.; Marshall, Brig. Gen. Richard C., Jr.; Robins, Maj. Gen. Thomas M.; Seaman, Brig. Gen. A. Owen; Somervell, Lt. Gen. Brehon B.

China-Burma-India Theater, 641, 643

Chrysler Corp., 186, 321, 377

Church, Gilbert P., 667, 674, 681

Churchill, Winston S., 198, 464, 523, 641

Civil Aeronautics Authority, 248, 252, 444, 447, 459-60, 619

Civil Service Commission, 10, 127, 129-30, 176, 205, 248, 252, 364-65, 504

Civil works

before 1920, 5, 6, 37, 42

1920-1939, 56-59, 60-65, 244, 499

1940-1943, 88, 109, 244-46, 249, 252, 460, 484, 497, 562n, 590, 592, 602

attempts to divorce from Engineers, 23-24, 35, 37, 57-65

“reserve shelf” of, 609

Civil Works Administration, 53

Civil Works Division, OCE, 267-68, 603

Civilian Conservation Corps, 52-53, 96, 299

Clark, Senator B. Champ, 399-400

Clark, Maj. Chester J., 202, 203

Clarke, Gilmore D., 434

Clay, Maj. Gen. Lucius D., 460, 492, 590

and Manhattan Project, 655, 657-58, 660

and materials shortages, 532-34, 548-49, 554, 560

Clay Products Association, 170

Clinton Engineer Works, Tenn.

construction of, 650, 668-73, 679-81, 683-88, 691-93

manpower at, 682-83

materials for, 682, 690

site selection for, 654-57, 660, 663-64

Clinton Home Builders, 673

Clothing renovation plants, 323, 331, 341

Coblentz, Oscar B., 600

Cochran, Albert L., 632-33

Cochran, Representatives John J., 399

Cochran, Maj. Maurice W., 202, 203, 220

Cockrell, A. J., 181

Coe, Maj. Gen. Frank W., 34

Coffin, Howard E., 19

Cole, Col. Reuben E., 696-97, 700

Coleman Brothers Corp., 288

Collins, Brig. Gen. Vivian B., 140

Colonna, Lt. Col. John O., 625, 628

Columbia University, 654, 659, 677

Combs, Cmdr. Thomas S., 306

Committee on Emergency Construction, 8-12, 18-19, 59, 125

for a centralized construction agency, 18, 24

Congressional inquiry into, 27, 30-31

Committee on Facilities and Construction, WPB, 589, 591

Completion schedules accelerated after Pearl Harbor, 477-85, 499-519

for camps, 1940-1941, 198-201, 240-43, 274-76, 280-97

for heavy ammunition program, 1944-1945, 610-12

for munitions plants, 1940-1941, 310, 314-16, 320-27, 329-31, 340-41

Compton, Arthur H., 654-56, 666-67

Comptroller General, The, 384, 573. See also Warren, Lindsay C.

and CPFF contracts, 126, 235-36, 301

rulings of, 176, 510

Conant, James B., 654, 658, 662

Conchas Dam, N. Mex., 624

Concrete Laboratory, ORD, 618-19

Condemnation proceedings, 152, 176

Engineer program, 456, 532, 556

Manhattan Project, 663, 674

Quartermaster program, 101, 181, 398-99, 405

Congress of Industrial Organizations, 112, 221, 224, 370

Congressional investigations of emergency construction, 26-32, 378-92, 563

Conklin, Lt. Col. John F., 447

Connally, Senator Tom, 387

Connolly, Brig. Gen. Donald H., 460

Connolly, J. F., 493, 603

Connor, Maj. Gen. William D., 364, 428, 430

Consolidated Engineering Co., 189, 231, 289-90, 390

Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp., 645

Constructing Quartermasters, 101-02, 242, 380, 475

1917-1918, 10, 12, 14-15

during 1920s, 43, 45

during 1940, 143-44, 155, 213-14

and auditing, 237-39, 421-22

authority of, 53-54, 123, 201-05, 209, 211-12, 218-20, 225-26, 229-31, 235-37, 565

and building materials, 285, 437

and centralized control of construction, 86, 91-93, 104

and contract termination, 297-98

and cost overruns, 276-77

and design standards, 162, 169, 173

and land acquisition, 174, 176

at munitions plants, 312-14, 317-21, 325, 336

and public relations, 373-74

school for, 130, 154

and transfer of Air Corps construction to Engineers, 270

under Zone Constructing Quartermasters, 260, 263-65

Constructing Quartermasters General. See Chiefs of Construction.

Construction, responsibility for Defense Act of 1920, 32-40, 42, 84

Quartermaster Corps and Air Corps, 84-87, 90-93

Quartermaster Corps and Corps of Engineers, 89-90, 92, 440, 462

transferred to Engineers, 1941, 472-76

Construction, supervision of, 185-87, 191, 312-13, 319-20, 360-63

Construction Advisory Committee, ANMB, 116, 118-22, 125, 146-47, 187, 267

and fixed fees, 194, 196, 423

and transfer of construction work to Engineers, 246-47

Construction Advisory Committee, OQMG, 271, 363-64, 562-63

and Congressional investigations, 382, 385

on fixed-price contracts, 429-30

on Pentagon project, 433

and selection of contractors, 125, 154-55, 160-61, 184-85, 188, 190-92, 225, 266, 456

Construction Contract Board, OCE, 563, 568

Construction Corps, Separate, proposals for

1918-1920, 23-25, 32, 34-36, 38-40

1940, 252-58

1941. 390-91, 461-62, 464, 467

Construction Division, OCE. See also administrative units by name.

and Manhattan Project, 661, 663

organization of, 473, 485-91, 512

reorganizations of, 494, 598-600, 603

Construction Division, OQMG. See also administrative units by name.

during 1920s and 1930s, 40, 42-56, 68, 100-108

for centralized control of construction, 84-93, 102, 107, 185-87, 209-10

and Congressional investigations, 387, 389, 391

criticism of, 102, 241, 253-55, 257

organization of, 1940, 123-30, 201-05

reorganization of, 1941, 260-65, 313, 363-66

transferred to Engineers, 90, 461-76, 486, 499

Construction Division of the Army, 21, 23, 122, 246

absorbed by Quartermaster Corps, 40-41, 43

criticism of, 28-31

efforts to perpetuate, 24-25, 32, 34-40

and plan to re-establish, 1940, 252

proposed merger with public works department, 33

record of, 25-26

Construction Division Association, 68

Construction phase-down, 588-93, 597-98, 602-03

Construction and Real Estate Branch, G-4, 172, 505

Construction and Repair Division, OQMG, 7, 9, 18

Construction Service, QMC. See Construction Division, OQMG.

Construction Workers Organizing Committee, CIO, 370

Contract Board, OQMG, 300-301, 410, 562-63

Contract Settlement Board, OQMG, 301-02

Contractors. See also contractors by name; Subcontractors.

and AEM contracts, 566-68

and centralized purchasing, 214-15, 539-40

and contract termination, 297-302

and CPFF contracts, 420-30, 563-69

and defense program, 1940-1941, 119-21, 145-47, 155-57, 285-88, 289-91, 328-29

and equipment rental, 193, 219-20, 299-300, 426-27, 544

excluded from Building Trades Agreement talks, 369

and financial strains, 284-85, 573

and fixed-price contracts, 430-31, 569-73

and limitations on profits, 578-85

and negotiation of contracts, 192-97, 573-77

selection of, under Engineers, 562-63, 573-77

selection of, under Quartermaster Corps, 12, 27, 105-06, 125, 149, 155, 184-92, 354, 360-63

shortage of, in World War II, 500-501, 510, 562. 568

during World War I, 8-15, 26-29, 70-71

Contractors, specialty, 145-46, 190, 197

and fixed-fee contracts, 425-26, 563, 565

and fixed-price contracts, 566

Contracts architect-engineer-manager, 566-68, 611

construction-manager, 565

cost-plus-a-fixed-fee emergency use of, 23, 102-06, 118-19, 126, 144-47, 155-57, 205, 235, 499, 563-69

fee schedules for, 194-95, 423-27

and insurance rating plan, 422-23

legislative authority for, 97-99, 102, 119, 161

negotiation of, 192-97

opposition to, 98, 119, 144, 147, 385, 389, 419, 423, 427-29, 563, 569

recapture clause, 193, 218-20, 299-300, 426-27, 542, 544

revisions of, 424-25

cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost bonus and penalty provision, 70-71

criticism of, 26-32, 61

prohibition against, 119

and real estate brokers, 177, 183, 397, 400

during World War I, 11, 15-17, 23, 26-32, 70-71

fixed-price, 10-11

under Corps of Engineers, 430, 456-57, 499, 563-64, 566, 568-73, 584-85

delays-damages clause, 349, 571-72

escalator clause, 70, 349

under Quartermaster Corps, 70, 106, 144-45, 149, 196-97, 297, 349, 354, 429-31, 565

and war damage risks, 572

methods of award, 4-5, 10-11, 105-06, 429-30, 441-43, 562, 573-77

renegotiation of, 577-85

and single contract plan for Ordnance projects, 87, 185-87, 361-63

termination of, 297-302

and War Powers Act, 571-73

Contracts and Claims Branch, OCE, 473

Control Section, OQMG, 260, 262

Coors Porcelain Co., 690

Corbetta, Louis P., 531

Corbetta Construction Co., 530-31, 597

Cordiner, Maj. Douglas C., 69

Cornelius, Maj. William P., 681, 686

Cornell, Maj. R. G., 678

Corps area commanders and camp layouts, 209-10

and maintenance and repairs, 306-07

and merger of QM-CE field offices, 474

and mobilization plans, 66-67, 70

and New Deal relief projects, 53

and recruitment of Reservists, 127-28

and site selection, 140-41, 176, 345

Corps area quartermasters, 473, 497

and post maintenance and operation, 303-04

and real estate transactions, 402-04

Corps Areas

Second, 46, 170

Fourth, 140, 304, 306, 402

Seventh, 207

Eighth, 140, 403

Ninth, 209, 217, 404

Corps of Engineers. See Engineers, Corps of.

Cost accounting, 63, 241, 254, 280, 443

Cost estimates, 353

for air force projects, 77, 95, 271, 481

for camps and cantonments, 9, 96, 117-18, 151, 238, 276-79, 294, 353, 483-84

for depots, 482

for emergency construction, 1939-1942, 76-83, 103, 109, 251, 411-12, 503

for Manhattan Project, 667, 676

for munitions plants, 313-14, 325-27, 481, 610, 612

for Pentagon Building, 437

Cost overruns on camps and cantonments, 273-80

Congressional investigations of, 379, 381, 389-92

on munitions plants, 310, 313-14, 316-17

on Pentagon, 515, 517, 608-09

Costello, Representative John M., 382

Covell, Col. William E. R., 363, 413, 462

Cox, Winnie W., 280, 281

Coyne, John P., 222, 226-28, 230, 338, 367-69

CQM and Vicinity offices, 123, 203, 263

Craig, General Malin, 55, 97-98

and centralized construction authority, 86, 91, 93

and mobilization planning, 71-72

on rearmament, 75-76, 79-81

and transfer of Air Corps construction to Engineers, 87, 89-90, 379

Cranford, Frederick L., 28, 61

Crawford, Brig. Gen. Roscoe C., 603

Creedon, Frank R., 202, 203, 280, 281, 493

and Manhattan Project, 685

and munitions program of 1940-1941, 313, 315-16, 324-25, 328-30, 332, 336

and munitions program of 1942, 503, 514, 518, 532, 535, 596

Crenshaw, Maj. Thomas T., 658-60, 678, 683

Crowder, Brig. Gen. Enoch H., 11

Crowell, Benedict, 21, 147

for centralized control of construction, 19-20, 23-25, 186-87

conspiracy indictment of, 59-60

and review of construction contracts, 28-29

for a separate construction corps, 32, 36-37, 246, 252-54, 257, 461-62

Crowell, Lundoff and Little, 8


Daladier, Edouard, 74

Daley, Col. Edmund K., 265, 493, 503, 514, 518, 554-55

Dalton, Brig. Gen. Albert C., 43n, 48

Danielson, Col. Wilmot A., 476, 488

during 1920s and 1930s, 44-46, 48, 51, 53, 55

biographical sketch of, 258

CQM at Panama, 105

Daugherty, Harry M., 59

Davalos, Capt. Samuel P., 700

Davidson, Col. Garrison H., 493

assistant to Groves, 265, 280, 281, 283

and Congressional investigations, 379, 385, 387

and depot construction, 503, 514, 518

and steel shortage, 535

Davies, W. Sanders, 29

Davis, Chester C., 135, 177, 180-83, 311, 399, 406

Davis, Dwight F., 50, 62-63, 65

Davis, Maj. Orville E., 201, 280, 281

Davis, Capt. William A., 201, 280

Day labor. See Purchase and hire.

Day & Zimmermann, Inc., 191

Deadrick, Walter T., 215, 548, 551, 553

Deal, H. B., Construction Co., 565

Dean, W. W., 493

Defense Act of 1920, 33-39, 74-75, 98, 111, 186, 361

and centralized construction authority, 71, 249

and construction of fortifications, 87, 89, 460

and responsibility for mobilization planning, 65

Defense Plant Corporation, 413, 481, 550, 552

Defense Program, 1940

administrative organization for, 123-30

appropriations and funds for, 111-13, 147-51

contracting for, 118-19, 143-47

cost estimates for, 117-18

and manpower and contractors available, 121-22

and mobilization drawings, 115-17

and site selection for airfields, 132-34

for camps, 137-43

for munitions plants, 134-37

Delano, Frederic A., 434

Delaying factors, 285, 503-18

lack of funds, 238-39

lack of materials, 537, 548

lack of plans, 212

purchasing methods, 218

weather, 280-83

Denby, Edwin, 65

Dent, Representative S. Hubert, 34

Denver Ordnance Plant, Colo.

completion schedules for, 318, 324-25, 331, 340

plans for, 137, 181, 192, 312

Department of Agriculture, 175, 183, 407

Department of Commerce, 252, 413

Department of Interior, 64, 175, 592

Department of Justice and land acquisition, 176, 405-06

and real estate brokers, 395-96, 398, 400

and World War I investigations, 32, 59

Department of Labor, 153, 156-57, 221, 226-28

Department of the Treasury, 580, 659

Design and Engineering Section, OQMG, 347

Destroyer-Base Agreement, 198, 251

DeWitt, Lt. Gen. John L., 51-52, 248, 267, 516

Dickson, Lt. M. Scott, 55

Dillon, Lt. Col. Lee S., 455

Dillon, Maj. Leo J., 116, 186

District engineers, 527, 603

and airfield construction, 270, 443, 452-53, 455, 457

authority of, 268, 504-05, 508

and centralized purchasing, 538-39, 552-53

and construction delays, 507, 514, 518

and contract negotiation, 441, 456, 555, 562

and land acquisition, 490, 494-95, 502

purchasing departments of, 443

and service commanders, 600

and shortages of materials, 547-48

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 474-75, 487-89

Disturbance damages, 180-83, 405-06

Division engineers, 270, 548, 603

authority of, 268, 488-89

and centralized purchasing, 538-39, 552

and channels of communication, 504, 508

and conservation of materials, 527, 531

and construction delays, 507, 514, 517-19

and contract negotiation, 441, 562, 581, 605

and land acquisition, 490, 494-96

and runway tests, 626-29

and service commands, 495, 600

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 474-75, 487-88

Division of Military Aeronautics, 26

Dodge Reports, 577

Donovan, Maj. Gen. Richard, 403

Doremus, Representative Frank E., 30, 32

Double bunking, 149, 523, 536, 554, 556-60

Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., 614

Douhet, Giulio, 644

Doyle and Russell, 433

Draper, William H., 160

Dresser, Ferdinand J. C., 125, 155, 571

and Congressional investigations, 383, 385

and selection of contractors, 188, 190, 192, 225

Dresser Co., 125

Dreyer, Capt. Christian F., 163, 164, 170, 363, 476

Drischler, F., 163, 164

Drum, Lt. Gen. Hugh A., 170

DSM Project, 656-57, 661. See also Manhattan Project.

Dudley, Maj. John H., 664-65

Dun & Bradstreet, 106, 188

Dunn, Col. Beverly C., 494, 514

and airfield construction, 455

and Manhattan Project, 652, 654-56

Dunn, Gano, 147

Dunn and Hodgson, 233, 390

Dunning, Charles M., 597

Dunstan, Lt. Col. Edwin V., 263-65, 331, 333-34, 476, 488

DuPont, E. I., de Nemours & Co., Inc., 3, 72, 99, 136, 421

and AEM contracts, 568

and design of Charlestown Ordnance Works, 186, 191-92, 322-23, 329, 339

and design of TNT plants, 502, 530

and Manhattan Project, 666-67, 672-73, 676-77, 681-82, 687, 690, 692


Eadie, Freund and Campbell, 266

Eadie, John G., 266

Eberstadt, Ferdinand, 535, 550-52, 560, 591

Echols, Brig. Gen. Oliver P., 356, 589

Edgewood Arsenal, Md., 44, 143, 147, 479

auditing at, 420

completion schedule for, 320, 323, 331, 341

Edmiston, Representative Andrew, 382

Eichleay Corp., 700

Einstein, Albert, 652

Eisenhower, General of the Army Dwight D., 601, 612

Eken, Andrew J., 195-96, 206

Eldorado mine, Canada, 656

Electro Metallurgical Co., 676

Electromagnetic process. See Y-l 2.

Elliott, Col. Malcolm, 489, 626

Elston, Representative Charles H., 460

Elwood Ordnance Plant, Ill., 191, 312, 327

building schedule for, 316, 320, 323, 335-36, 517

Congressional investigations of, 382-83

site selection for, 137, 178, 181

Embick, Lt. Gen. Stanley D., 140

Emergency Relief and Construction Act, 1932, 52

Engel, Representative Albert J., 95, 107, 460

on fixed-fee contracts, 427

and investigations of defense construction, 378-82, 517, 608-09

Engineer Board, 448-49

Engineer Department, 501-02. See also District engineers; Division engineers; Engineers, Corps of.

capability of, 499, 521

organization of, 6, 244, 249, 268, 441, 473-74, 494, 497, 601-03

work of, 246, 248, 252

Engineer Detachments, Special, 683, 690, 698

Engineer districts. See also District engineers; see separate entry for Manhattan District.

Albuquerque, 665, 693, 696, 700

Atlanta, 487, 506

Baltimore, 487, 494

Boston, 455, 487, 494, 648

Caddoa, 486

Chicago, 487

Cincinnati, 453

Columbus, 487

Denison, 494

Detroit, 457

Jacksonville, 457

Kingsport, 517

Little Rock, 637

Los Angeles, 443, 543, 614

Louisville, 542, 621, 625

Mobile, 444, 452, 645

New Orleans, 33, 456, 494

New York, 455, 487

Norfolk, 447, 619

Ocala, 256, 656

Omaha, 487

Philadelphia, 600, 609

Pittsburgh, 450, 621, 645

Portland (Oreg.), 455, 595, 673

Providence, 448, 455

Puerto Rico, 453

Rock Island, 594

Sacramento, 455, 548, 625

St. Paul, 649

San Antonio, 487

San Francisco, 487

Savannah, 645

Seattle, 455, 673

Syracuse, 651, 653, 658, 664

Tulsa, 596, 631, 697

Vicksburg, 444, 457, 489, 495, 504, 540-41, 637

Wright Field, 460, 602

Engineer divisions. See also Division engineers; see separate entries for Ohio River Division; Southwestern Division.

Caribbean, 489

Eastern, 460

Great Lakes, 489, 496, 514

Lower Mississippi Valley, 454, 473-75, 489-90, 497, 505

Middle Atlantic, 494

Missouri River, 489, 514, 517, 603, 626, 638, 648

Mountain, 494, 497

New England, 494, 631

North Atlantic, 475, 489, 514, 655

North Pacific, 91, 489, 497, 518

Pacific, 497, 594

South Atlantic, 474, 489, 496, 626, 642

South Pacific, 450, 489, 497, 628

Upper Mississippi Valley, 473, 489, 497, 626

Engineer School, 6, 598

Engineering Branch, OCE, 486, 490, 523, 600. See also Stratton, Col. James H.

Engineering Branch, OQMG, 125, 153-54, 156, 216, 289

advance planning activities of, 344, 353-54, 358, 360

reorganizations of, 163-65, 260-62, 266, 363

and standards of design, 162-73, 351

Engineering Manual, 620, 630, 632-38, 642, 649

Engineering News-Record, 33, 119, 377, 468, 479, 531

on construction machinery, 543

on contracts, 144-45, 563, 566-68

on lumber supply, 545-46, 548

Engineering Section, OCE, 267, 473, 616

Engineers, 21st, 625

Engineers, Corps of, 4-7

and channels of communication, 488, 504-05, 508, 600-601, 605

and civil works

before 1920, 5, 6, 37, 42

1920-1939, 56-65, 88, 244, 499

1940-1943, 244-46, 249, 252, 460, 484, 497, 562n, 592, 601-02

and construction program, 1917, 18

and cost accounting system, 63, 443

and decentralized authority, 268, 441-43, 450, 453-54, 474, 489, 494, 499, 505, 562-63, 583

and defense construction, 1940, 246-52, 408

as operating division of SOS, 491

and personnel, 88, 244, 598

procurement under, 443, 537-40, 548, 551-53

proposals to transfer military construction to

1900-1920, 6-8, 19-25, 32, 34-40, 42

1939, 84, 89-90, 92, 102, 107-08, 379

1941, 462-72

transfers of military construction to, 87-89, 254-55, 267-72, 403, 440-59, 472-76

Engle, J. W., 163, 164

Equipment, construction, 540, 682

pooling of, 544-45

rental of, 193, 218-20, 299-300, 426-27, 544

shortages of, 104, 218-20, 514, 542-44

Equipment, installed at camps, 213, 285, 287

at hospitals, 218, 286-87, 529

at munitions plants, 314, 324, 332, 339, 502

Excess Profits Tax, 1940, 578-79

Expansion program, 1939-1940. See also Air force programs, funds for, 74-84

preparations for, 93-100

progress of, 100-10

responsibility for, 84-93

Expenditures for construction, summarized. See also Appendix, 703.

1866-1914, 6, 9

1917-1918, 15-17, 26

1920-1939, 44, 56

1940-1941, 417, 459

1942-1945, 521, 586, 593, 594, 605-07, 608-09, 650, 687


Fabian, Maj. R. H., 493, 603

Facility Clearance Board, 591-92

Facility Review Committee, 591-92

Faddis, Representative Charles I., 382, 395, 470

Fanflik, E. J., 493

Farm Bureau, 180

Farm Credit Administration, 176

Farm Security Administration, 180, 183, 406

Farmers Union, CIO, 180

Farrell, Brig. Gen. Thomas F., 280, 281, 591, 593

and centralized purchasing, 539-40, 552

and Manhattan Project, 650, 663

and Middle Atlantic Division, 494-95

Federal Land Bank, 404

Federal Land Bank of St. Louis, 399

Federal Real Estate Board, 406

Federal Specifications Committee on Metals, 334

Federal Works Administration, 54

Federal Works Agency, 369, 404, 417, 592

Federated American Engineering Societies, 58, 62

Ferguson, H. K., Co., 191, 568, 690

Ferguson, Col. Harley B., 65

Ferguson, Senator Homer, 569

Fermi, Enrico, 656, 658, 665-66, 692, 701

Fidler, 1st Lt. Harold A., 658-59

Field, Frederick C., 625

Field, Maj. Robert B., 164, 165-66, 524

Figert, Maj. F. M., 603

Finkbine, Amos, 442

Fixed Fee Branch, OQMG, 105-06, 125, 201-03, 220, 241, 260

Flemming, Arthur S., 205, 364-65

Flexible Pavement Laboratory, WES, 638, 642, 649

Florida Ship Canal, 256

Foley, Edward T., 267

Force account. See Purchase and hire.

Ford, Bacon & Davis, 686

Foreman, Herbert E., 426, 429, 600

Forrestal, James V., 160, 552, 579

Fort Belvoir, Va., 44n, construction at, 46, 50, 53, 141, 219, 224

investigation of, 381

Fort Bragg, N.C., 44n, 56

construction at, 138, 168, 173

investigation of, 380

workers for, 223, 226

Fort Peck Dam, Mont., 57, 118, 244, 499

Fort Riley, Kans., 226, 375

construction at, 5, 45, 138, 288

management at, 212, 231, 233

Fortifications Branch, OCE, 600

Forts. See Camps and forts.

Foster, Charles R., 637-38

Foster & Creighton Co., 673

Foundation Co., The, 681

Fowler, Frederick H., 266, 493, 524

Fowler, Col. Raymond F., 522, 539

Fox, Lt. Col. Mark C., 514, 685, 690-92

Fraser Brace Engineering Co., Inc., 517, 568

Freight rates, land-grant, 391, 428

Frick, W. S., 524

Frink, Brig. Gen. James L., 69-71, 304, 306, 402-03

Frost Effects Laboratory, 649

Fruin-Colnon Contracting Co., 311-12

Fuller, G. E., 493

Fuller, George A., Co., 12, 27, 105, 149, 288, 433

Fuller, George W., 8, 10

Fulton, Hugh A., 388, 391

Funds. See also Appropriations.

for defense projects, 143, 147-51, 238, 285, 309, 326

PWA-WPA for military construction, 52-55, 73, 80-84, 88-89, 91, 94, 100-101, 103, 148, 221, 526

Funds and Estimates Branch, OQMG, 117, 123, 154, 260


Gallagher, Lt. Col. Leonard B., 455

Garand Ml rifles, 111, 147, 320

Gaseous diffusion process. See K-25.

Gasser, Brig. Gen. Lorenzo D., 100, 107

Gates, Maj. Alexander P., 377

Gates, Maj. Elvin R., 517

General Accounting Office, 572-73

General Electric Co., 667, 677

General Mobilization Plans. See Mobilization planning.

General Motors Corp., 99, 112

General Munitions Board, 8-10, 12, 28

George, Col. Edward M., 68, 488

and Alaskan construction, 102, 104

assignments, 265, 346, 494, 594

George, Senator Walter F., 554

George, Lt. Col. Warren, 664, 669, 678, 679, 685

Gerow, Brig. Gen. Leonard T., 343

Gesler, Lt. Col. Earl E., 268, 654

Gibbins, Maj. Gen. Henry, 55, 108

on decentralized construction authority, 85, 91-93

and expansion program of 1939, 76, 79, 83, 100-101, 103

and fixed-fee contracts, 105-06

and WPA construction, 80-81

Gilbert, Cass, 48

Gill, Capt. Joseph E., 312

Gilroy, U. B., 493, 524

Ginsburg, Col. Robert, 492

Giroux, Carl H., 493, 524, 654, 667, 673

Godfrey, Brig. Gen. Stuart C., 641

Goethals, Col. George R., 593, 600, 603, 604, 609

Goethals, Maj. Gen. George W., 20-21, 25, 30, 376

Gompers, Samuel, 14

Gorgas, Maj. Gen. William C., 556

Gottschalk, Oliver A., 363, 422

Grafton, Capt. James F., 658-59, 672

Graham, Anderson, Probst & White, 453

Graham, Representative Willam J., 30-31

Graham committee, 30-32, 59

Gramm, J. R., 163, 164

Grand Coulee Dam, Wash., 667, 674

Grant, Maj. Gen. Walter S., 290

Grau, Frederick V., 631-32

Gray, Richard J., 369

Greeley, Samuel A., 12

Greeley & Hansen, 165-66

Green, Col. Henry L., 263, 345, 403

Green, William, 222

Gregory, Lt. Gen. Edmund B., 123-25, 128-29, 153-54, 157-59, 171-72, 225, 228, 241, 248, 261, 371, 378, 602

and advance planning of camps, 343, 348

appointed Quartermaster General, 93, 108

and appropriations, 409-10

and auditing system, 237, 421

on civilian hiring, 130, 205, 364-66

and Congressional investigations, 385, 387, 390

on contracts, 144, 149, 235, 301, 426

on conversion of tent camps to hutments, 482-83

and cost overruns, 238, 273-74, 277, 279, 285

and criticism of Construction Division, 253-55, 257-58

and land acquisition, 182-83, 393, 395-96

and lumber purchasing, 215-17

and mobilization plans, 117-18

and munitions plants, 311, 320, 324, 326-27, 341

on post maintenance, 306-07

on reorganization of Construction Division, 259-60, 263-66

and transfer of military construction to Engineers, 267, 270-71, 462, 465-67, 469-71, 473

Greiner, J. E., Co., 291

Griffith, John M., 642

Grinnell Co., 690

Grogan, Leslie S., 674

Groves, Lt. Gen. Leslie R., 3, 241, 254-55, 281, 366, 477-78, 484, 493, 500, 504, 521, 556, 593

and appropriations, 348, 409-12

biographical sketch of, 158-59

and building schedules for munitions plants, 313-16, 318-20, 322-25, 327-31, 333-34, 337, 339

and Congressional investigations, 380-81, 387, 389

and construction progress, 217, 237, 242-43, 285-87, 289-91, 293, 502-03, 505, 513-19

and contracts, 297-98, 300, 429, 563-67, 569-70

and cost overruns, 275, 277-79

and double bunking, 536, 539, 558-60

and engineering standards, 170-71, 209-10, 344

head of Operations Branch, 261, 262, 263, 266, 280, 441, 494-95

and maintenance and operation of camps, 302-07

and Manhattan Project, 650, 652, 654-55, 659

Clinton Engineer Works, 663, 672-73, 679-80, 684-87, 689-90

Hanford Engineer Works, 667, 673-74, 687

Los Alamos, 664-65, 693-97, 699-701

overall director of, 660-62, 666-68, 676-79, 681-83, 688

and materials shortages, 528-29, 534, 547-48, 551-52, 554-55

and Pentagon project, 435, 438-39, 609

and phase-down of construction, 587, 590

and site selection, 139, 142

and transfer of military construction to Engineers, 267, 271, 463, 474-75, 485-86, 490-94, 505-07

Guiney, Brig. Gen. Patrick W., 43n, 53, 55, 71

Gulf Coast Training Center, 451

Gunby, Col. Frank M., 9-10, 14-15, 22, 27, 122, 163, 211

Gurney, Senator Chan, 469

Gwathmey, Cabell, 493, 524


Hadden, Gavin, 429, 609

Hadley, Maj. Clyde M., 300

Haines, Reuben M., 631-32, 636, 641

Hall, Albert E. S., 667

Hall, Col. C. Lacey, 489

and Clinton Engineer Works, 655, 658

on decentralization, 474, 494, 496

and Holston Ordnance Works, 596

and runway pavement tests, 618, 620, 639

Hall, Col. John R., 173, 529

Hamilton, Gordon, Construction Co., 565

Hamilton, Maj. Robert E., 9-10, 14

Hamilton, William E., 493

Hammond, Alonzo J., 116, 266, 364, 563

Hammond, C. Herrick, 267

Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation, Va., 560

Hanford Engineer Works, Wash.

construction of, 650, 668, 672-76, 681-82, 687-88, 690-92

manpower at, 682-83

site selection for, 667, 673

Hankee-James-Zahniser & Warren, 681

Hannis, Lt. Col. Henry F., 268, 441, 442, 621

Hannum, Brig. Gen. Warren T., 450, 474-75, 489

on decentralization, 490, 497

head of Pacific Division, 548, 552, 594

and runway pavement tests, 628, 636, 640

Hardin, Col. John R., 268, 269, 442, 460, 493, 500, 593

and Air Corps program, 441, 451, 454-55

and conservation of materials, 560, 589

and runway design, 616, 622

and transfer of military construction to Engineers, 486-87, 503, 505

and war program, 479, 489, 518

Harding, Edward J., 97, 103, 116, 119-21, 250

Harding, Warren G., 43, 58

Harloe, Maj. Bartley M., 81-82

Harman, Lt. Col. John M., 658-59, 678, 693, 695

Harold, J. C., 524

Harrington, Col. Francis C., 81-83, 103

Harrington and Cortelyou, 163

Harris, Maj. Gen. Charles T., Jr.

and industrial mobilization planning, 65, 69-71

and Ordnance programs, 354-56, 358, 360, 413, 481

and site selection, 135-37

Harrison, Representative Thomas W., 38-39

Harrison, William H., 257, 306, 348, 423, 560, 589-90, 659

Chief of New Construction Section, NDAC, 146-47, 158, 160, 172, 187, 256, 298

and construction schedules, 240, 243

and criticism of Hartman, 253-55

and munitions plants, 309-10, 336, 357, 360

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 247, 462, 467, 469

Harrison Construction Co., 673

Harrold, Capt. Clinton J., 174

Harter, Representative Dow W., 382

Hartman, Brig. Gen. Charles D., 22, 124, 164, 202, 247, 342, 348, 377, 537, 558

and Air Corps bid for construction authority, 90-92, 104

appointed Chief of Construction Division, 108, 110

and camp layouts, 207, 209, 211-13

and construction schedules, 150, 198-201, 240-43, 289-90, 302

and contract negotiation, 97-99, 146-47, 155, 192-94, 196-97, 310, 361, 419, 423

and cost estimates, 160, 238, 277, 379

criticism and relief of, 253-55, 257-59, 273, 372

defends centralized control of construction, 86-87, 258

and defense program, 1940, 115-23, 148-49, 151, 152-62, 235

early posts held by, 18, 44, 53, 55, 56, 71, 73

and engineering designs, 162-72

and expansion program, 1939, 93-96

and hiring of civilians, 126, 129-30, 205, 231, 361

and labor relations, 156-57, 225-27, 229, 235

and leasing of equipment, 218, 220

and lumber, 156, 213-15, 217

and mobilization plans, 69-70

and munitions plants, 310-12, 321

and recruitment of officers, 40, 51, 126-30, 203-04

and reorganization of Construction Division, 123-25

and selection of contractors, 125, 184-92

and site selection, 130-31, 134, 139-41, 143, 177

and transfer of work to Engineers, 246-51

Harts, Brig. Gen. William W., 38-39

Harvard University, 447, 630-31, 642, 648

Harvey, Forrest S., 125, 563, 585

and Congressional investigations, 382-83, 389

and selection of contractors, 184-85, 188, 190-92

Haskins and Sells, 421

Hastings, Brig. Gen. Kester L., 52, 280, 281, 294, 476

Hatch, Senator Carl A., 387

Hathaway, Gail A., 524, 616-17, 623, 632-33, 642-43

Hawaii, 44, 78-79, 81-83, 95, 104

Hawaiian Department, 84-86

Hayden, Senator Carl, 399, 413

Hayden, Maj. Everett C., 51, 263, 345-46, 488

Haynes, John L., 554

Heap, Maj. Theodore P., 69

Heavy water, 653, 655, 658, 676

Henderson, Leon, 480

Henry’s Lake, Idaho, 347

Hercules Powder Co., 135, 647

and Badger Ordnance Works, 568

and Radford Ordnance Works, 187, 191, 312-13

Herman, Raymond E., 181

Heroman, Col. John B., Jr., 493, 585

Herron, Maj. Gen. Charles D., 85

Highway Research Board, 617, 621, 635-36

Hilgard, Col. Milosh R., 68

Hill, D., 493

Hill, Lt. Col. Hibbert M., 523, 524, 554, 632-33, 644

Hill, Representative Lister, 55

Hillman, Sidney, 3, 112, 217, 389, 480

and Building Trades Agreement, 366-67, 369-70

on contracts, 158, 426

on site selection, 135, 311, 357

on wages, 226-27, 230

Hills, George B., 266

Hines, Walker D., 256

Hiroshima, 650, 651

Hitler, Adolf, 74, 111, 117, 641, 660

Hobson, Maj. George F., 49, 68, 104-05

Hodges, Col. John N., 475, 489

Hodgson, Lt. Col. John S., 685

Hoehling, Judge Adolph A., 59-60

Hogan, Frank J., 59

Hogan, John P., 115-16, 121-22, 253-55, 257

Hog Island Ammunition Terminal, Pa., 515

Holabird & Root, 172

Holman, Senator Rufus C., 170-71

Holmes, George S., 261, 262, 373-74, 376-77

Home Owners’ Loan Corp., 176

Hoover, Herbert C., 33, 38, 58, 60, 63-64

Hopkins, Harry L., 357, 480

and CWA, 53

and Somervell, 256-57, 260

and WPA construction, 80-81

Horner, Wesley W., 633

Horowitz, Maj. L. George, 509

Horton, Robert E., 633

Horton, Brig. Gen. William S., 43n

Hospitals construction of, 44-45, 47, 273, 484, 502, 521, 555, 612

design of, 168, 173, 528-29, 535-36

Hospitals, general

Beaumont, Tex., 44n

Des Moines, Iowa, 555

Fitzsimmons, Colo., 44n

Lawson, Ga., 224

Woodrow Wilson, Va., 555

Hotels and apartments

disposal of, 607-08

purchase and lease of, 483, 523, 532-33, 554-56

Houck, Maj. Wayne O., 568

Houdaille-Hershey Corp., 690

Hough, Capt. Benjamin K., Jr., 658-59

Housing, civilian war, 587, 590

Hull, Representative Merlin, 432-34

Hunkin-Conkey Construction Co., 187

Hunt, Frazier, 376

Hunt, Maj. John A., 237

Hunter, Col. Robert C., 455, 548-49, 625

Hunter, Lt. Col. Rosser L., 393-95

Hurley, Patrick J., 66

Hutchings, Col. Henry, Jr., 542

Hutson, John B., 180, 182

Huy, George E., 280, 281


Ickes, Harold L., 53, 64, 248, 347

Idlewild International Airport, N.Y., 644

Indiana Ordnance Works, Ind., 137, 192, 312-13, 327

completion schedule for, 314-16, 321-23, 329

labor shortage at, 611

Induction schedules, 150-51, 199-201, 240-41, 273-74, 291-94

Industrial Mobilization Plans. See Mobilization planning.

Infantry Divisions

29th, 67, 141, 289-91

31st, 292

37th, 293

44th, 149

Initial Protective Force, 72, 74, 77

Inspector General, The, 46, 509. See also Peterson, Maj. Gen. Virgil L.

Institute for Government Research, 60

Interstate Commerce Commission, 404

Irwin & Leighton, 13

Itschner, Lt. Col. Emerson C., 515, 518


Jabelonsky, Lt. Col. Carl H., 488

Jackson, Robert F., 625

Jackson, Brig. Gen. Thomas H., 63

Jacobson, Lt. Col. Simon, 124, 125, 154, 156, 214-16

Japanese relocation centers, 484, 516, 533

Jaros, Alfred L., 266

Jefferson, Thomas, 5

Jefferson Proving Ground, Ind., 177, 319, 335, 393-95

Jeffersonville QM Depot, Ind., 4, 409

Jervis, William H., 637

John Martin Dam, Colo., 624

Johns-Manville Corp., 376

Johnson, Capt. Allan C., 659, 678, 682

Johnson, Maj. Gen. Davenport, 639

Johnson, Maj. H. T., 164

Johnson, Louis A.

and air expansion program, 75, 96

and CPFF contracts, 98, 102-03, 144-45

and defense program, 113, 122-23, 130, 134, 186

and mobilization planning, 72, 76, 110

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 87, 90, 102, 247

and WPA funds, 80-84, 94, 100

Joint Chiefs of Staff, 592-93, 642

Jones, Edwin L., 686

Jones, Lt. Col. Homer W., 123-25, 154, 413

on contracting procedures, 300-301, 347, 349, 423, 428

on wages and hours, 157, 227-28

Jones, J. A. Construction Co., 212, 390, 540, 680, 686

Jones, Jesse H., 252, 412-13, 480, 592

Jones-Reavis bill, 33, 37-38, 40, 58

Judge Advocate General, The, 87, 301

Junkersfield, Peter, 9


K-25, 680-81, 683-84, 686, 690-92

Kadlec, Lt. Col. Harry R., 312, 321, 336, 514, 674, 690

Kahn, Albert, Associates, 187, 321

Kahn, Representative Julius, 36-39

Kankakee Ordnance Works, Ill., 192, 312, 375-76, 610

completion schedules for, 314-16, 322-23, 336, 338-40

site selection for, 137, 178, 181, 183

steel shortage at, 328, 333

Karker, Maurice, 580-83

Keith, Percival C., 677, 680

Kellar, Kent E., 357

Keller, Brig. Gen. Charles, 594

Kellex Corp., 677, 686

Kelley, Maj. Wilbur E., 659, 677, 678, 684, 693

Kellogg, M. W., Co., 666

Kelly, Lincoln G., 235-36

Kelton, Lt. Col. Edwin C., 443, 454-55, 543, 574, 614-15, 617

Kemp, Harold A., 445, 493, 630

and air base engineering, 450, 452-53, 455-56

and airfield pavement design, 616, 624

Kenerson, Col. Waldo I., 642-43

Kennedy, Col. Frank M., 168, 173, 451

on designs and layouts, 443-44, 448, 450, 453-54, 456-57, 501, 615, 621-22

on transfer of Air Corps construction to Engineers, 254-55

Kerr, Lynnwood, 679

Ketcham, Col. Daniel W., 20

Kier, W. E., Construction Co., 234

Kilday, Representative Paul J., 382, 470

Kilpatrick, Maj. John D., 49

King, Senator William H., 28-29

Kingman, Brig. Gen. John J., 448

Kinney, William F., 68-69

Kirkpatrick, Lt. Col. Elmer E., 51, 202, 203-05, 231, 280, 476, 503

Klein, August C., 677

Klinger, William A., 55

Kluttz, Jerry, 153

Knight, Brig. Gen. John T., 43n, 46

Knox, Frank, 480, 589, 592

Knudsen, William S., 389, 480, 560, 589

and munitions plants, 310, 312, 326-27, 331, 357

and National Defense Advisory Commission, 112-13, 147, 247

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 467, 469

Koch & Fowler, 212

Koke, Oscar I., 124, 125, 154, 215, 235-37, 265

Kruger, Willard C., & Associates, 694, 697

Kuhn, Brig. Gen. Joseph E., 11-12

Kuldell, Col. Rudolph C., 593, 603, 604-05, 609

Kurtz, Alfred S., 529


Labor employment totals, 14, 17, 121-22, 221-22, 233, 512, 599

shortages of

1939-1940, 104, 233-34, 316

1941-1942, 287-88, 336, 457, 546

1943-1944, 611-13, 673, 682-83, 687, 690

Labor relations, 156-57, 221-31, 329, 336-38, 343, 366-71

Labor Relations Branch, OCE, 494

Labor Relations Section, OQMG, 221, 363, 366, 368

Lake City Ordnance Plant, Mo., 192, 311

completion schedules for, 314, 319, 324-25, 331, 340

design of, 318, 358

strikes at, 338, 515

Lamb, Capt. George E., 49

Lambert, Byron J., 445

Lamphere, Frank E., 122, 154, 216, 257

and contract negotiations, 188, 192-95

and engineering designs, 156, 162-73, 212

head of Engineering Branch, 124, 125, 164

Land, James L., 524, 617, 621, 624, 630, 639, 649

Land acquisition. See also Brokers, real estate.

during 1940, 152, 174-84

for air expansion program, 101-02

and appraisals, 395-97, 404-05

under Engineers, 490, 494-95, 510

for Manhattan Project, 663, 674, 679

procedure for, revised, 401-07

Lang, Fred C., 649

Langfitt, Maj. Gen. William C., 39

Langley Field, Va., 44n, 52, 447, 618-19, 621, 624-25, 635, 637

Larson, Lt. Col. Leander, 225, 232-34

Latson, Lt. Col. Harley, 455

Lawrence, Ernest O., 654, 656-58, 680, 684, 686

Lawrence, Ray E., 524, 654, 696-97

Layouts. See Air base engineering, layouts; Camps and cantonments, layout of; Munitions plants, design and layout of.

Leavey, Lt. Col. Edmond H., 409-10, 435, 477, 523, 538

and advance planning of camps, 343-45, 350-53

and advance planning of munitions plants, 355-58, 360

and conservation of materials, 317, 333, 523

on contracting procedures, 422, 429

head of Engineering Branch, 261, 262, 265, 271, 486, 490

Lee, Brig. Gen. John C. H., 91-93, 102, 462

Lee, General Robert E., 6

Lee Mansion, Va., 50, 433

Leeds, Hill, Barnard and Jewett, 125, 354, 382

Leehey, Col. Donald J., 595

Leftwich, J. D., Construction Co., 700

Legal Branch, OQMG, 123, 154, 219, 227, 260, 300, 347, 423

Lehigh Portland Cement Co., 156

Leighton, Marshall O., 33, 37-38, 40, 57

Leisenring, Luther M., 48, 265

and Pentagon project, 438

as supervising architect, OQMG, 51, 86, 163, 164

Lend-Lease Act, 322, 356

Lenroot, Senator Irvine L., 39-40

Leslie, D. Dana, 631, 636

Letts, J. C., Jr., 524

Lewis, A. D., 370n

Lewis, Col. George F., 280, 281, 304-07, 493, 593

Lewis, Maj. Oliver A., 595

Lewis, Warren K., 666, 680

Ley, Fred T., & Co., 13, 147, 320

Liaison Branch, OQMG, 125, 154, 260

Lindner, Edward T., 174, 493

Linville, B. K., 524

Littell, Brig. Gen. Isaac W., 558

and Cantonment Division, 7-10, 12-20, 108

and Congressional investigation of military construction, 21, 27-28

Littell, Norman M., 394-96, 405-06

Lockwood-Greene Engineers, Inc., 212

Lodge, Senator Henry Cabot, Jr., 225

Logan International Airport, Mass., 649

Lombard, Carole, 525

Long, Bartlett G., 618

Long-Manhattan-Watson, 233, 288

Lorence, Maj. Walter E., 248, 269, 369

Los Alamos Project, N. Mex., 665, 667, 687, 693-701

Los Alamos Ranch School, 664, 694-96

Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 698

Loughridge, Capt. James A., 694

Louisville & Nashville Railroad, 655, 664, 673

Loving, Harry W., 237, 240, 300, 302, 389, 563

and Fixed Fee Branch, 124, 125, 154, 157, 201-03, 215

and negotiation of contracts, 147, 188-89, 192-96, 206, 219, 241-42, 410-11, 423

and Price Adjustment Board, 580-85

Lowden, Governor Frank O., 38

Lowdermilk Brothers, 696

Ludlow, Representative Louis L., 213, 569

Lumber, 123, 171, 511, 586

procurement of, 14, 156, 213-18, 538-40, 551-53

shortages of, 285-86, 514, 537-40, 543, 546-53

stockpiling of, 343-44, 348-49, 409

Lumber Advisory Board, 552

Lump Sum Branch, OQMG, 123, 201, 260

Lundoff, Clemens W., 8, 19, 59

Lyon, Capt. Archibald W., 163, 164, 493


McAlpine, William H.

and air base engineering, 445-47, 456, 616-18, 620

positions held, 267-68, 269, 486, 493

MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas, 52-53, 67, 366, 601-02

McBryde, Warren H., 266, 493, 524

McCabe, Louis C., 307, 493

McCloy, John J., 252, 259, 388, 435, 516

McCord, Paul L., 393-96

McCormack, Representative John W., 295, 471

McCrary, J. B., Corp., 210, 354

McCulloch, Representative Roscoe C., 30-32

McCumber, Senator Porter J., 28

MacDougald Construction Co., 390

McDowell, R. Newton, 397-98, 400

McEachron, Karl B., 334

McEwan, J. J., 493

McFadden, Gayle, 445, 524, 616, 630-31, 633, 636-37, 639-42

McFadden, Col. Murdock A., 263, 312, 455-56, 488

McGrady, Edward F., 367

McGuire, O. R., 145-46, 425

Machinery, construction. See Equipment, construction.

McIlwain, Lt. Col. Shirley W., 488

McKay, Douglas L, 363, 396-98, 486, 493, 576

McKee, Robert E., 697-98

McKee, Lt. Col. William M., 493, 563

McKellar, Senator Kenneth D., 26-28, 36, 119, 249-51, 460, 462

McKenzie, Representative John C., 29-32

McKim, Meade & White, 48

McNair, Lt. Gen. Lesley J., 491

McPherson, D. C., 493

McShain, John, Inc., 433, 435, 437-39, 511

Madigan, Michael J., 238, 356, 509, 589

biographical sketch of, 159-60

and construction schedules, 240, 243

and contracts, 235, 419-20, 423, 544, 566-67

and conversion of existing facilities, 482-83, 523

and criticism of Construction Division, OQMG, 253-57

and lumber procurement, 214, 554

and Somervell, 463, 472

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 462-72

and wage rates, 226, 367

Madigan-Hyland, 159, 160n

Madsen, Lt. Col. Kenneth E., 643

Magazines, ammunition storage, 327, 340, 523

barrel-arch design, 333-34

Corbetta beehive, 530-31

Magee, Maj. Gen. James C., 168, 173

and design standards, 484, 501, 528-29, 547

and double bunking, 536, 554, 558-60

Maher, William K., 313

Main, Charles T., 28

Main, Charles T., Inc., 9, 125, 147, 211, 354, 517

Maintenance and operation, 598

1917-1939, 18-19, 34, 44-45, 49, 54, 88, 90, 93, 107

city managers for, 302-08

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 463, 465, 467-70, 473

Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, 656, 659

Mallory, Capt. Phillips H., 48

Manhattan District, 562n, 650, 653-55, 658-59, 661, 663, 667-79, 680, 681-82, 690

Manhattan Project, 485

and Argonne Forest, Ill., 655-56, 659

and Clinton Engineer Works, 650, 654-57, 660, 663-64, 668-73, 679-88, 690-93

contractors for, 653, 665-67, 669, 673, 680-81, 686, 690, 693, 696-97, 700

and Hanford Engineer Works, 650, 667-68, 672-76, 681-83, 687-88, 690-92

and Los Alamos Project, 665, 667, 687, 693-701

and plans and layouts of separation plants, 657, 672, 674-77, 684

priorities for, 657-58, 660-61, 682

selection of sites for, 654-57, 660, 663-67, 673

Manufacturers Trust Co. of New York. 285

March, Maj. Gen. Peyton C., 23-25, 32, 34

Marks, Col. Edwin H., 453

Marsden, Lt. Col. E. H., 578

Marshall, Bruce G., 638, 642

Marshall, General of the Army George C., 378, 389, 409, 431, 451, 479, 560, 601-02, 660

and advance planning, 342-43

and air expansion program, 75-76, 80, 91

appointed Chief of Staff, 93

and appointment of Somervell, 256, 260

and appropriations, 100, 148-51

on completion schedules, 240, 294

on cost overruns, 273-77, 278-79

and loan of officers to Construction Division, 127-29, 265

and mobilization, 111, 113-15, 117, 123, 150, 198-200

and relief of Hartman, 258

on responsibility for maintenance, 306-07

on separate construction corps, 257, 461, 464

and site selection, 132, 137-38, 141, 207, 346-47, 354

and strengthening of Army, 1941-1942, 413-14, 480

and supervision of construction, 157, 165

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 87-88, 102, 107-08, 247, 249-51, 254-55, 272, 448, 464-67, 469-71, 473

and views on QM performance, 243

Marshall, Brig. Gen. James C.

and Clinton Engineer Works, 655, 663, 669-71, 673, 680, 683

head of Manhattan District, 651-54, 656-60, 665-66, 676-79, 681-82

and Los Alamos Project, 693, 695

Marshall, Brig. Gen. Richard C., Jr., 7, 18, 22, 43, 122, 189, 247

and cantonment program, 1917, 11-14

for a centralized construction agency, 19, 461

and Congressional investigations, 27-28, 31, 389-90

and history of Construction Division, 68-69

Managing Director, Associated General Contractors, 40, 58, 63

and movement for public works department. 33, 58, 60, 62-63

for a separate construction corps, 32-38, 246

on transfer of Construction Division to Engineers, 1918, 23-25

Mason & Hanger Co., 12, 105, 390, 567-68

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 630

Massman Construction Co., 311-12

Masterson, George, 369

Materials and Equipment Branch, OCE, 537-40, 545, 548, 550, 552-53, 600

Matériel Division, U.S. Air Corps, 453

Matheson, Col. John R. D., 105, 107, 594

Matthes, Gerard H., 616, 635

Matthias, Col. Franklin T., 667, 674, 677, 678, 681

Mauran, John L., 28

Maury, Dabney H., 9

Maxwell, Audley A., 617, 631

Maxwell, Lt. Col. Russell L., 75, 79-82, 87

May, Representative Andrew J., 119, 382-84, 425, 467, 470-71

May, Stacy, 588

May committee, 382-85, 389

Mead, Senator James M., 387

Mechanical Equipment Section, OQMG, 219

Mechanical Equipment Unit, OCE, 542

Mehring & Hanson Co., 690

Meigs, Maj. Gen. Montgomery C., 6

Mellinger, Frank M., 618

Mencken, H. L., 60

Merrill, John O., 669, 671

Merritt, Representative Matthew J., 382

Merzlotovedenie Institute, Moscow, 648

Metal Hydrides, Inc., 656

Metallurgical Laboratory, University of Chicago, 655. 658-59, 666, 677, 680, 687

Metcalf, Leonard, 8, 10, 60

Metcalf & Eddy, 165

Meyer, Lt. Col. Vincent, 133, 148

Middlebrooks, Thomas A., 524, 616, 620-21, 624, 626, 628-32, 635-36, 639, 641, 649

Miles, Col. Francis H., Jr., 314, 356

Military Construction Division, OCE, 600, 603, 609

Military Policy Committee, 662

Military Training Camps Association, 114

Miller, Senator John E., 249

Minnesota, University of, 648

Mississippi River Commission, 63, 475, 642

Mississippi Valley Structural Steel Co., 329

Mitchell, James P., 363, 366-69, 371, 419, 494

Mitchell, Brig. Gen. William, 644

Mobilization drawings, 100, 102, 115

600 series, 116

700 series, 68-69, 71, 73, 116-18, 166, 169, 172, 344, 349-51, 455

800 series, 350-51, 482

Mobilization planning, 65-73, 390-91

and General Mobilization Plans, 66, 68

and Industrial Mobilization Plans, 66, 72, 110

and Protective Mobilization Plans, 72-73, 74, 76, 110, 138-41, 309

Mojave Antiaircraft Range, Calif., 175

Monteith, John, Jr., 617, 624, 631-32, 647

Moore, Lt. Col. Cecil R., 455

Moore, Lacy, 202, 203

Moore, Maj. Gen. Richard C., 123, 148, 160, 247, 307, 462, 478, 529

and appointment of Somervell, 256, 260

and appropriations, 348, 412-14

and construction policies, 157, 165-66, 168, 172, 187, 209

and cost estimates and overruns, 117-18, 238, 275-77, 279

and Pentagon project, 415, 431

on separate construction corps, 257, 332

and site selection 132-33, 138-40

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 108, 151, 254-55, 464, 467, 470

Moreell, Rear Adm. Ben, 97, 426, 550, 589

Morgan, J. E., & Sons, 697

Morse, Charles A., 29

Moses, Maj. Raymond G., 70

Moses, Robert, 159

Mowery, Maj. William A., 612-13

Muller, Siemon W., 648

Munitions Building, 93, 122-23, 153, 432, 444, 652

Munitions plants. See also Chemical Warfare plants and arsenals; Ordnance manufacturing plants and depots.

advance planning for, 354-63

appropriations for, 111, 113-14, 309, 412-13

completion dates for, 310, 314-16, 320-27, 329-33, 335-41, 478, 610, 612

costs of, estimated and actual, 313-14, 316-18, 325-27, 481, 610, 612

design and layout of, 167, 191, 316-18, 333-34, 357-60, 502-03

materials and equipment for, 316, 324, 332, 339, 502

and phase-down of program, 590, 610, 613

priorities for, 328-29, 332, 540

redesign of, 317-18, 333-34, 529-31

responsibility for construction of, 185-87, 191, 312-13, 319-20, 360-63

site selection for, 134-37, 174, 177, 183, 311-12, 355-57, 543

Munitions Plants Branch, OCE, 600

Munitions Program of 30 June 1940, 113-14, 309, 310-13, 354, 408

Muroc Bombing Range, Calif., 454

Murphree, Eger V., 654

Murray, Senator James E., 346n

Muskingum River Project, 499, 618


Nagasaki, 651

Nathan, Robert R., 588-89, 591-92

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 622

National Advisory Council on Real Estate, 401-02

National Association of Building Owners and Managers, 434, 608

National Association of Real Estate Boards, 401

National Board for Jurisdictional Awards, 125

National Bureau of Standards, 531

National Capital Park and Planning Commission, 433-34

National Defense Act of 1920. See Defense Act of 1920.

National Defense Advisory Commission, 112-13, 185, 309, 311, 343, 480

Agricultural Division, 181-82

and building materials, 171-72, 213, 286

Construction Section, 146

and contracting principles, 147, 158, 160-61

and labor policies, 160-61, 222, 227-30, 366, 369

and land acquisition, 177, 180, 406

and selection of contractors, 125, 188

and site selection, 134-37

and union fees and dues, 224

National Guard and camp site selection, 139-43, 197, 209

induction dates for, 12, 150-51, 199-201, 240-41, 273-74, 291-94

mobilization of, 14-15, 103, 108, 112-14, 148-49, 198, 306, 409

move to extend service of, 414

National Guard Act, 1940, 149-50, 175, 188

National Public Works Department Association, 33, 37

Naval Research Laboratory, 689

Nelson, Lt. Col. Curtis A., 683

Nelson, Donald M., 158, 480

and advance planning, 343, 351

on centralized purchasing, 214-15, 538-39, 552

and materials shortages, 542, 548

and negotiation of contracts, 573-74, 576-77

and phasing down war construction, 586-92

on priority ratings, 332, 658, 661

Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1937, 70

Neville, Col. C., 22

New, Senator Harry S., 23-24

New, W. J., 524

New Construction Branch, OQMG, 94, 123

New War Department Building, 473, 486, 512, 560, 609, 653-54, 659, 663

New York Association of Contractors, 28

New York Port of Embarkation, 560, 594, 610

Newcomb, Rexford, 542

Newell, Maj. Frank M., 697

Newman, Brig. Gen. James B., Jr., 269, 501, 619, 622

Newmark, Nathan M., 619

Neyland, Col. Robert R., Jr., 594, 619, 621, 638

Nichols, Col. Kenneth D., 653-60, 677, 678, 690

biographical sketch, 653

and Clinton Engineer Works, 655

heads Manhattan District, 681-82

and Los Alamos Project, 693

and Metallurgical Laboratory, 656, 665-66

Normoyle QM Depot, Tex., 45

Norris Dam, Tenn., 655

Norsworthy, I. D., 524

Noxon, Maj. James A., 228

Nurse, Maj. Howard B., 48, 51, 124, 265, 363

and defense program of 1940, 117-18, 123-24, 149, 154, 166, 172

head of Planning Branch, OQMG, 94, 96-97, 104

on transfer of Air Corps construction to Engineers, 268-70

transfers to Corps of Engineers, 476, 488

Nye committee, 70, 186


Oak Ridge, Tenn., 683, 688, 690

Oakland Port and General Depot, Calif., 409, 550

O’Brien, Lt. Col. E. R., 603

O’Brien, Francis J., 202, 203

O’Brien, Col. John J., 383, 603, 607

Chief of Real Estate Branch, OCE, 490, 493, 494-96, 510, 603

Chief of Real Estate Branch, OQMG, 363, 395

and hotels, 532, 555-56

and Manhattan Project, 654, 657, 674

and real estate brokers, 395-99

and real estate procedures, 401-07

O’Brien, William E., 313

O’Daniel, Governor W. Lee, 375

O’Driscoll & Grove, Inc., 671

Office of the Chief of the Air Corps, 450. See also administrative units by name.

Office of the Chief of Engineers. See administrative units by name.

Office of the Coordinator of Defense Purchases, NDAC, 158

Office of the Director of Sales, 44

Office for Emergency Management, Supply Priorities and Allocations Board, 332

Office of Price Administration, 544, 548

Office of Production Management, 306, 334, 370, 480

for advance planning, 1941, 343, 349, 351, 355-57

and Pentagon project, 437-38

and priority system, 286, 330-32

Office of The Quartermaster General, 86, 306. See also administrative units by name.

Office of Scientific Research and Development, 652-55, 658, 660

Office of the Under Secretary of War, Conservation Section, 334-35

Officers recruitment of, 40, 51-52, 126-29, 203-04, 266, 502-03

Regular Army Corps of Engineers, 37, 246, 502, 594, 603

Quartermaster Corps, 43, 51-52, 127, 203-04, 209, 263, 312, 476, 488, 603

Reserve Corps of Engineers, 24, 270, 305, 366, 502, 594, 603

Quartermaster Corps, 53, 68, 127-30, 203-04, 209, 270, 305, 312, 366

Ogden, Capt. David A. D., 105

Ogden and Vicinity Office, Utah, 173

Ohio River Division, 453, 460, 489

and Clinton Engineer works, 663

and decentralization of Engineer Department, 474, 494, 496

and runway pavement tests, 618

Ohly, John H., 230

Oklahoma City Modification Center, Okla., 481, 596-97

O’Leary, Jean M., 663

Olmsted, Frederick Law, 8, 12, 31

Olmsted Brothers, 347

Olsson, Virginia J., 653

Oman Construction Co., 568

Operations Branch, OCE, 473, 486, 490-94, 507-08, 535, 600

Operations Branch, OQMG, 260-62, 280, 329

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 650, 664-65, 689, 693-96, 698, 701

Ordnance Company, 30th, 290

Ordnance Department, 4, 515. See also Munitions plants.

and construction programs 1917, 18-19, 26, 29

1939-1940, 76, 81, 83, 100-101, 246

1941-1942, 413, 521, 535

1944-1945, 610-13

and construction responsibility, 71, 185-87

Ordnance manufacturing plants and depots. See separate entries for Denver Ordnance Plant, Colo.; Elwood Ordnance Plant, Ill.; Indiana Ordnance Works, Ind.; Kankakee Ordnance Works, Ill.; Lake City Ordnance Plant, Mo.; Radford Ordnance Works, Va.; Ravenna Ordnance Plant, Ohio; see also Munitions plants.

Alabama OW, Ala., 137, 319, 323, 340, 610, 676

Allegany OP, Md., 532

Anniston OD, Ala., 331, 340-41

Badger OW, Wis., 567-68, 610-11

Baytown OW, Tex., 312, 323, 340

Buckeye OW, Ohio, 479, 515

Charlestown OW, Ind., 134, 185, 377

Coosa River OP, Ala., 137, 322-23, 340

Cornhusker OP, Nebr., 565, 611

Detroit Tank Arsenal, Mich., 186-87, 312, 320-21, 335, 479

Frankford Arsenal, Pa., 77, 315, 320, 324, 336

Gadsden OP, Ala., 320, 340

Gopher OW, Minn., 611

Gulf OP, Miss., 568

Holston OW, Tenn., 485, 517, 595-96, 666

Hoosier OP, Ind., 191, 311, 319, 322-23, 331, 340

Iowa OP, Iowa, 183, 191, 314, 319, 322, 327, 335, 339n

Keystone OW, Pa., 543

Kingsbury OP, Ind., 314, 322, 340, 396

Lake Ontario OW, N.Y., 479, 502, 509, 513

Longhorn OW, Tex., 479, 502, 509

Louisiana OP, La., 508, 567

Lowell OP, Mass., 532

Morgantown OW, W. Va., 137, 192, 319, 323, 338, 340, 676

New River OP, Va., 137, 311, 319, 322-23, 331, 340, 567

Ogden OD, Utah, 104, 453

Ogden OP, Utah, 335, 341

Ohio River OW, Ky., 137, 319, 323, 333, 340

Ozark OW, Ark., 546, 565

Pennsylvania OW, Pa., 653, 657

Philadelphia Armor Plate Plant, Pa., 320-21

Ordnance manufacturing plants and depots—(Cont.)

Picatinny Arsenal, N.J., 143, 147, 312, 320, 333, 340

Plum Brook OW, Ohio, 137, 183, 311, 323, 338, 340

St. Louis OP, Mo., 311, 324-26, 329, 331, 336-38, 340

Springfield Armory, Mass., 77, 143, 147, 173, 185, 312, 320

Sunflower OW, Kans., 594, 610

Susquehanna OD, Pa., 611

Twin Cities OP, Minn., 375, 479

Volunteer OW, Tenn., 414

Wabash River OW, Ind., 479, 516-17, 676

Watertown Arsenal, Mass., 594

Weldon Spring OP, Mo., 137, 319-20, 322, 331-32, 338, 340, 400

West Virginia OW, W. Va., 479, 502, 530

Wolf Greek OP, Tenn., 183, 191, 319, 322-23, 340, 568

Oury, Capt. William H., 7


Pace, Thomas A., 421

Pagan, Mary B., 158

Page, Carter, 441, 442

Painting and Decorating Contractors of America, The, 172

Painting industry, 172-73

Palmer, A. Mitchell, 32

Palmer, Arthur E., 252

Palmer, E. P., 116

Panama, 102-03, 255

construction problems, 104-07, 247

funds for construction, 77-79, 81-83, 95, 100

Panama Canal construction of, 7, 9, 20, 38, 62, 257, 376, 499

placed under military control, 103

and U.S. defenses, 78

Panama Canal Department, 84-85

Park, Col. Richard, 489, 518, 594

Parler, Capt. M. L., 493

Parlour, Walter, 215

Parsons, Brig. Gen. James K., 67, 389

Pasco Holding and Reconsignment Point, Wash., 515

Pashley, Lt. Col. Walter A., 261, 262, 420-22

Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Development, Maine, 656

Patrick, Maj. Gen. Mason M., 39, 58

Pattee, Maj. Karl M., 514

Patterson, Robert P., 171, 410, 440, 560

and centralized purchasing, 538, 552

and completion schedules, 240-41, 292, 295, 478, 509

and Congressional investigations, 383, 387, 389

and contracts, 144, 161, 301-02, 349, 421-24, 426-30, 457, 562-63, 565-66, 569, 575, 578-80, 582

on conversion of existing facilities, 523, 532, 556

and curbs on civilian projects, 588-89, 591

and equipment rentals, 219, 544

on land acquisition, 177-78, 182-83, 393-94, 396-98, 400-401, 404, 490, 496, 607

and Manhattan Project, 665, 682, 690

and munitions program, 320, 323-27, 336, 339, 354-58, 361-63, 412-13

and overtime premiums, 227-29, 367-68

and Pentagon project, 431, 435

and proposal for separate construction corps, 252-53

responsibility for construction, 157, 159

and selection of contractors, 188-90, 192, 354

on steel shortage and priorities, 328-31, 334

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 249-50, 461-67, 469-72

Paxson, Frederic, L., 18

Pearson, Drew, 374, 393-94

Pehrson, G. A., 674

Peil, Lt. Col. John H., 594

Pentagon Building construction of, 415, 417, 431-39, 479, 511-12, 594

cost overruns on, 515, 517, 608-09

delays at, 503, 506

Perkins, Frances, 343, 422

Permafrost, 647-49

Perry, Albert W., 384-85, 390-91

Pershing, General of the Armies John J., 32, 35-36, 39, 66, 68

Person, Col. John L., 441, 442, 600

Peterson, Howard C., 387

Peterson, Maj. Gen. Virgil L., 247, 257, 274-76, 342-43, 393-94

Philadelphia QM Depot, Pa., 147

Philippe, Robert R., 641

and landing impact of planes, 620, 622

and research on rigid pavements, 618-19, 629, 631, 638-39, 645, 649

Philips, Col. Joseph L., 587-88

Phillips, Asa E., 8, 10

Pick, Col. Lewis A., 514, 603, 638

Pierce, John B., Foundation, 671

Pile process, 656, 666, 677

Pirnie, Malcolm, 116, 266

Pitz, Col. Hugo E., 52-53, 55, 94, 100-101

Plank, Brig. Gen. Ewart G., 478, 515

and air force programs, 455-57, 484, 503, 514

and oversight of air force projects, 268, 269, 442, 486, 493

and QM-CE relations with Air Corps, 440-41, 450, 501, 615

and site selection, 443, 452, 543

Planning, advance, 1941

of camps and cantonments, 342-54, 482, 570

of munitions plants, 354-63

Planning Branch, OASW, 65-66, 69

Planning Branch, OQMG, 69, 94, 110

Plans and specifications, 152, 165

revised to conserve materials, 525, 535-36, 546-47

screening of, by WPB, 588, 590

Poorman, Maj. Fred S., 163-65, 524, 607

Porter, O. J., Co., 645

Porter, O. James, 624-31, 633-36, 647, 649

Portland Cement Association, 447, 617, 619, 622

Post utilities officers, 303-04, 306-07

Potomac River bridges, 480, 484

Powell, Col. Roger G., 489

Powers, Representative D. Lane, 348, 412, 460

Prefabricated buildings, 13-14, 68, 110, 170-71, 234, 531

in advance planning, 344, 350

for Air Corps, 79, 96, 100-102

for Manhattan Project, 690, 697

Presidio of Monterey, Calif., 283

Price, Governor James H., 320

Price Adjustment Boards, OCE, 580-81, 583-85

Pringle, Thomas B., 626, 631-32, 636-37, 640

Priority ratings, 286-87, 326-32, 540-41, 545, 587, 590, 655, 657-58, 660-61, 682, 690

Prisoner of war camps, 597

Proctor, Ralph R., 625, 633, 637

Proctor & Gamble Defense Corp., 191

Procurement and Expediting Branch, OQMG, 125, 154, 214-17, 260, 286-87, 347, 537

Projects completed, summaries of 1917-1918, 25-26

defense period, 418

war period, 521, 594, 605

Protective Mobilization Force, 108, 111, 294

Protective Mobilization Plans. See Mobilization planning.

Provost Marshal General, 353

Public Buildings Administration, 415

Public Relations Section, OQMG, 260, 262

Public Roads Administration, 447, 506, 622

Public Works Administration, 52-55, 73, 94, 130

Public works department, attempts to establish, 7, 30, 32-33, 37, 40, 56-64

Puerto Rican Department, 92

Puerto Rican projects, 77, 79, 81-83, 93, 103-04

Purchase and hire, 4, 30, 53, 62-63, 102-04, 144, 149, 297

Purchasing, centralized, 25, 287

under Engineers, 537-40

of lumber, 123, 156, 214-18, 538-40, 548, 551-53

for Manhattan Project, 673

Purdue University, 648

Purnell, Rear Adm. William R., 662

Putnam, Col. Rufus W., 594


Quartermaster Corps. See also Cantonment Division; Construction and Repair Division, OQMG; Construction Division, OQMG.

and Defense Act of 1920, 32-40, 42, 87

dissatisfaction with construction performance of, 87, 92, 102, 106-07, 241, 247, 249, 251-55, 257-59

historic construction role of, 4-5

and maintenance and repair functions, 18-19, 34, 44-45, 54, 88, 90, 93, 107, 302-08, 465

and shortages of personnel, 40, 42, 48-49, 51, 127-30, 163-65, 203-05, 253, 270, 312

Quartermaster General, The, 157, 593. See also Aleshire, Maj. Gen. James B.; Bash, Maj. Gen. Louis H.; Cheatham, Maj. Gen. B. Frank; DeWitt, Lt. Gen. John L.; Gibbins, Maj. Gen. Henry; Gregory, Lt. Gen. Edmund B.; Rogers, Maj. Gen. Harry L.

on construction capabilities of QMC, 4, 248, 251

and construction funds, 47, 54, 151

and contracts, 145, 150, 187, 456

and land acquisition, 73, 182, 403

and layouts, designs, and specifications, 90, 93, 353, 357, 569

and maintenance and repair functions, 16, 34, 304, 306-07

military construction transferred from, 1941, 467-76

and recruitment of Reservists, 1940, 127-28

and responsibility for construction, 66, 87, 89-91, 263, 327, 362-63, 463


Radford Ordnance Works’, Va., 187, 312-13, 327, 610

deadlines for, 314-16, 320, 322, 336, 377

site selection for, 134, 137

Radiation Laboratory, University of California, 657, 659

Railroad Retirement Building, 154, 473, 486

Raine, W. A., 493

Ramspeck, Representative Robert, 437n

Ransdell, Senator Joseph E., 33

Ravenna Ordnance Plant, Ohio, 234, 312, 340, 420

contract negotiations for, 187, 396

site selection for, 137, 177

strikes at, 336, 477

RDX program, 479, 481, 485, 516-17, 596

Read, Granville M., 677

Real Estate Branch, OCE, 473, 490, 496, 511, 603, 607, 608, 654

Real Estate Branch, OQMG, 43-44, 94, 123, 154, 260-62, 363

land acquisition program of, 101, 174-84, 393-95, 402-07

reorganization of, 401-02

Real Estate Service, 174

Reavis, Representative Charles F., 38-39

Reber, Lt. Col. Miles, 269, 486, 493

Recapture of leased equipment, 219-20, 299-300, 426-27, 542, 544

Reception centers, 138, 141, 143, 560

Reckord, Maj. Gen. Milton A., 67, 290-91

Reconstruction Finance Corp., 123, 404, 412-13

Redeployment training centers, 613

Redus, John F., Jr., 637

Reed, Maj. Howard H., 280, 493, 537-38, 540-41, 546, 548

Reed, Col. Walter J., 457, 501, 622

Remington Arms Co., 3, 324

Renegotiation Act of 1942, 579-81, 583

Renegotiation Act of 1944, 583, 585

Renshaw, Lt. Col. Clarence, 51, 280, 289, 476

and Congressional investigations, 1941, 385, 390

and Pentagon project, 433, 435, 437-39, 511, 609

Rentenbach, Capt. Thomas J., 669, 673

Reorganizations of executive departments, 64, 89, 107

Repairs and Utilities Branch, OCE, 473, 593

Repairs and Utilities Branch, OQMG, 94, 123, 154, 260, 280, 302, 304-08

Replacement training centers, 141, 200, 273-74, 294, 560

Requisition Act, 544

Reserve officers. See Officers, Reserve.

Reserve Officers Association, 129

Reybold, Lt. Gen. Eugene, 260, 265, 495, 603, 609, 612

and advance planning, 343, 345-46, 350, 356, 570

appointed Chief of Engineers, 464, 477

appointed G-4, 138

and approval of changes in design, 451, 454

and construction delays, 506-07, 510, 514, 517-19

and construction after Pearl Harbor, 478, 485, 499-500, 519-21

and construction phase-down, 589, 591, 598, 605

and contracting policies, 499, 544, 562-63, 570, 572, 575-77, 580, 582, 585

and cost overruns, 273-74, 276-77, 285

and criticism of Construction Division, OQMG, 254-55

and land acquisition, 177, 403

and Manhattan Project, 650-51, 654, 657, 659, 661-62, 681, 683, 701

and materials shortages, 526-27, 541-42, 544-46, 550, 552, 560

and Pentagon project, 431-32

and personnel, 594, 600, 603, 636

on plan to abolish Technical Services, 601

reorganizes Engineer field, 494, 497

and runway design, 616-17, 638-39, 643

and site selection, 138, 142, 149-50, 207, 451-52

and supervision of construction program, 157, 168, 172, 200, 237-38, 241

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 462, 467-68, 471-74, 476, 486-87, 489, 491

Reynolds, Senator Robert R., 468-69

Rhett, Robert G., 28

Richards, Lt. Col. Ralph G., 263, 488

Richardson, Maj. Robert L., 202, 203, 219-20, 542, 544-45

Richland, Wash., 674-75, 683, 688

Ricketts, Walter C., 617, 632, 636

Rigid Pavement Laboratory, ORD, 649

Riley, Maj. Napoleon W., 44

Rindlaub, Lt. Col. Bruce D., 631

Ringland, Arthur C., 180-82

Rivers, Harbors, and Flood Control Branch, OCE, 593

Rivers, Herbert, 368

Rivers and harbors. See Civil works.

Rivers and Harbors Branch, OCE, 600

Rivers and Harbors Congress, 33

Rivers and Harbors Service, OCE, 33

Road building, civilian, 587, 617-18

Roane-Anderson Co., 683

Roberts, W. C., 291

Robins, Maj. Gen. Thomas M., 269, 493, 603

and advance planning, 1941, 350, 356, 569

and air force construction, 267-68, 271, 441-44, 448, 450-51, 453-55, 596-97, 622, 638-39, 649

and construction delays, 506, 510, 512-13, 517-19

and construction after Pearl Harbor, 479, 484, 500-502, 508, 521

on centralized purchasing, 538

and contracts, 423, 563, 565, 568, 570-71, 573-74, 576-78, 580-82

and equipment rental, 544

and labor shortages, 611, 613

and Manhattan Project, 650-52, 654, 659, 662, 664-65, 667, 683, 691

and phase-down of construction, 587, 593, 600, 602-03, 605

and shortages of materials, 523, 526, 528-29, 531, 533-35, 541-42, 554, 559-60

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 462, 468, 473-75, 486-88, 491, 494, 505

Robinson, Brig. Gen. Clinton F., 462, 549, 601

assignments, 261, 262, 263, 320, 492, 507

on construction delays, 513, 515-16

Rogers, Maj. Gen. Harry L., 34, 39-40, 469

Rogers, Walter A., 122

Roosevelt, Eleanor R. (Mrs. Franklin D.), 169, 171-72, 178

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 70, 102-03, 260, 271, 464, 516, 571, 612, 641

and air expansion program, 74-78, 87

and appropriations and funds, 55, 77-78, 81-82, 84, 101, 111-13, 149-50, 248-49, 251, 279, 408-11, 415

and cost overruns, 273, 277

and defense program, 112, 130, 134, 144, 157, 162, 172, 198, 321-22, 327, 332

and election campaigns, 148, 161, 602

and governmental economy, 109, 244-45

and Japanese relocation centers, 516

and Manhattan Project, 652, 668

and New Deal, 52, 64, 161

and Pentagon project, 432, 435-37

and production goals, 477, 480-81, 588-89

and Reorganization Act of 1939, 64, 89, 107

on transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 87, 465, 471-72

Roosevelt, Theodore, 373, 378

Roosevelt Roads Naval Base, P.R., 160n

Rose, William H., 486, 493

Rosenberg, Col. Lyle, 665

Rossell, Maj. Paul F., 669

Ruhoff, Lt. Col. John R., 659, 693

Runway pavements. See Airfield pavement design.

Rutherford, Brig. Gen. Harry K., 134-35, 355-56

Rutledge, Philip C., 638, 648-49


S-1 program. See Manhattan Project.

S-50, 690-92

Sabath, Representative Adolph J., 106

Safety Branch, OCE, 600

Safety Branch, OQMG, 280, 281

St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad, 207

Saipan, 614, 649

Salfingers, Maj, Frank W., 697

Sally, Capt. Joseph F., 658-59

San Antonio QM Depot, Tex., 453

San Francisco Port of Embarkation, Calif., 610

Sanderson & Porter, 29, 125, 191, 382

Sanford, Representative Rollin B., 38-39

Santa Fe Area office, 693, 697

Schenectady General Depot, N.Y., 506

Schley, Maj. Gen. Julian L., 245-46, 256, 269, 440, 462-63, 472

and Air Corps construction, 87-89, 441-43, 450-53, 456

and contracts, 426, 431, 456-57

and defense projects, 247-50, 252, 460-61

and mobilization drawings, 351, 454-55

and recruitment of officers, 127, 265-66, 270

and runway design, 614-16

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 89-90, 107, 271

Schulz, Brig. Gen. John W. N., 159-60, 247, 250, 421

Sciple, Lt. Col. Carl M., 173, 280, 293, 476, 585

Scott, Frank A., 9, 12

Scott, Col. Stanley L., 489, 516, 519, 539, 594, 626

Scowden, Brig. Gen. Frank F., 306

Seaman, Brig. Gen. A. Owen, 91, 108, 147

on contracts, 98, 102-03, 106

and expansion program, 1939, 96, 100-101, 103-04, 107, 110, 247

head of Construction Division, 43n, 55, 73, 89, 94, 390

Secretary of Agriculture, 592

Secretary of Labor, 152. See also Perkins, Frances.

Secretary of the Navy. See Denby, Edwin; Knox, Frank.

Secretary of War. See also Baker, Newton D.; Davis, Dwight F.; Stimson, Henry L.; Weeks, John W.; Woodring, Harry H.

and authority to employ architect-engineers, 129

and contracts, 32, 119, 218, 579

and site selection, 95

Selective service legislation, 1917, 11

Selective Training and Service Act, 1940, 150, 162, 175, 200, 415. See also Burke-Wadsworth Selective Service Bill.

Sengier, Edgar, 659

Service Commands, 495-97, 600

Services of Supply, 509, 600. See also Clay, Maj. Gen. Lucius D.; Somervell, Lt. Gen. Brehon B.; Styer, Maj. Gen. Wilhelm D.

and Manhattan Project, 659, 661

organization of, 491, 495, 507, 578

Shafer, Representative Paul W., 602

Shannon, William L., 648-49

Sharp, Lt. J. H., 202

Sheets, Frank T., 447

Shelby, Col. Evan, 10, 12-13, 22

Shepard, E. R., 524

Shepard, Capt. Hubert L., 694

Sheppard, Senator Morris, 55, 97, 119, 247

Sherman, Arthur L., 163, 192

Sherrill, Col. Clarence O., 30, 59, 61, 303-05

Sherrill, Col. Fred G., 513, 590, 600

and lumber shortage, 547-53

and procurement, 537, 540-41, 545, 673

Sherwood, Herbert N., 698

Shortages of ammunition, 324, 610, 612

of building materials, 14, 104, 218, 285-87, 336, 438, 457, 501, 510, 522-26, 533-37, 545

of civilian personnel, 176-77, 204-05, 236, 502, 504, 583

of construction equipment, 104, 218-20, 514, 542-44

of contractors, 500-501, 510, 562, 568

of equipment and fixtures, 218, 286, 529

of labor, 104, 233-34, 287-88, 316, 336, 457, 546, 611-13, 673, 682-83, 687, 690

of lumber, 213-14, 217, 285-86, 514, 537-40, 546-53, 548-49

of steel, 286-87, 316, 327-35, 514, 525, 533-34, 537, 540, 545

Shreve, Lamb & Harmon, 266

Shreve, Richmond H., 266

Shulman, A. S., Electric Co., 681

Sibert, Brig. Gen. William L., 38-39

Sickel, Cmdr. Horatio G., 587-89, 591

Sidney, William E., 645

Sieder, Otto F., 313, 596, 600, 603, 610-11

Signal Corps, 4, 18-20, 81, 83, 100-101

Simpson, Lt. Col. Lawrence L., 173, 380

Simpson, Maj. Sidney P., 228, 230, 253-54, 367

Site selection, 12, 84, 130-31, 152, 161, 177, 501-02

for airfields, 95, 101-02, 131-33, 403-04, 441, 443, 448, 451-52, 456

for camps, 137-43, 207, 343-47, 353-54, 356, 380

for Manhattan Project, 654-57, 660, 663-65, 667, 673

for munitions plants, 134-37, 311-12, 355-57

for Pentagon project, 431-35

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 669

Slaughter, Saville & Blackburn, Inc., 277-78

Small arms ammunition plants, 311-12, 315, 319, 481

construction speed-up at, 324-27, 329-30

planning and design, 318, 355, 358, 536

Smith, G., 524

Smith, Grant, & Company, 9

Smith, Harold D., 434

Smith, Hinchman and Grylls, 191

Snyder, Representative J. Buell, 412, 427

Soil Conservation Service, 176

Soil mechanics, 618, 620, 626, 629-31, 642

Soil Mechanics Laboratory, ORD, 618

Solomon, Gabriel R., 122

Somervell, Anna P. (Mrs. Brehon B.), 475

Somervell, Lt. Gen. Brehon B., 160, 161, 281, 440, 492, 502, 505, 592, 605, 613

and advance planning of camps, 1941, 342-54, 570

and advance planning of munitions plants, 1941, 355-60

and appropriations, 409-12, 414

assignments, 257-59, 273, 475, 491

biographical sketch of, 256

and building schedules after Pearl Harbor, 477-78, 482-84

and Congressional investigations, 379, 381, 383, 387-90

and construction progress, 285, 291, 294, 506, 508, 515-17, 519

on contracts, 297-301, 360-63, 420-23, 425-30, 544, 565, 574-75, 577-78, 580

and cost overruns, 276-79

and labor relations, 366, 368-69, 371

and land acquisition, 395-97, 401-04, 407

and maintenance and operation of camps, 302-08, 598

and Manhattan Project, 656, 660-62, 665

and munitions plants, 310-14, 316-19, 322-27, 330-32, 337-38, 341, 413, 610-12

and Pentagon project, 415, 431-39, 609

and plan to abolish Technical Services, 600-602

and public relations, 373-78

and reorganization of the Army and SOS, 486, 491, 495-97, 507

and reorganization of Construction Division, 259-67, 363-66

on a separate construction corps, 461-63

and shortages of materials, 523, 527-29, 535, 544, 549-50, 558-60

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 271, 444, 450, 470-73

Southeast Training Center, 451

Southern Pine Association, 156, 215-16

Southern Railroad, 655

Southwestern Division, 489, 494, 519, 594

and airfields, 626, 638, 647

and Los Alamos Project, 665

Spalding, Brig. Gen. George R., 92, 108, 363-64

Spalding, Brig. Gen. Sidney P., 327, 330

Spanish Civil War, 70

Spanish-American War, 3, 67

Sperl, August G., 127-28, 202, 203, 212, 223

Stabinol, 647

“Stamplicker,” 642

Standard Brick and Tile Corp., 554

Stanton, Thomas E., 624

Starnes, Representative Joe, 107, 292, 412

Starrett, Paul, 27

Starrett, William A., 8-11, 18-19, 21, 27, 31-32, 59, 68

Starrett Brothers and Eken, 105-06, 190, 194-96, 220, 224, 233-34, 285

Starrett committee. See Committee on Emergency Construction.

Starrett & Van Vleck, 8

Steel, structural, 586

for Pentagon project, 437-38

shortages of, 286-87, 316, 327-35, 514, 525, 533-35, 537, 540, 545

Steele, B. W., 524

Steinle, John G., 163, 164

Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., 112

Stevens, Lt. Col. Wilber A., 697

Stevens Hotel, Chicago, 556, 608

Stimson, Henry L., 59, 159, 186, 240, 322, 378, 398, 480, 482, 483, 589, 592, 598, 602, 612

appointed Secretary of War, 114, 147

approves Pentagon project, 431-32

and Congressional investigations, 383-84, 387-91

on contracts, 145, 192, 425, 571

on cost overruns, 273, 276-77

and Manhattan Project, 682, 694

and recruitment, 129-30

and relief of Hartman, 258-59

on site selection, 177, 347, 354

on Somervell, 260, 462

on structural designs, 116, 171

on transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 249-50, 252, 272, 459, 461, 463-65

views on Quartermaster performance, 243, 248, 253, 257, 293-94, 295

on wages and overtime, 161, 227

and war profits, 571, 578

Stix, Henry A., 266

Stone, Maj. Gen. David L., 85, 92, 103-04, 106-07

Stone & Webster Engineering Corp., 9, 12-13, 503

and Kankakee Ordnance Works, 315-16, 328

and Manhattan Project, 653-57, 659, 666, 669, 671, 673, 676, 679, 682, 684-85

Storage and shipping facilities, 409-11, 478-80, 482, 521, 523-25

Stowers, Lt. Col. James C., 677, 678

Stratton, Col. James H., 486, 490, 493, 501, 518, 524, 641

biographical sketch of, 624, 656

and conservation of materials, 523, 531, 546-47

and Manhattan Project, 654

on masonry construction, 554-55

and runway pavement design, 595, 623-32, 635-40, 643-44

and TO-type housing, 523, 526

Strikes during 1940, 217, 228-29

during 1941-1942, 288, 336, 338, 370, 457, 477, 511

Strong, Col. Frederick S., Jr., 505-06, 593

head of Operations Branch, OCE, 493, 494, 507-09, 519

and materials shortages, 528, 547

Strong, Brig. Gen. George V., 92, 141

Stuart, George S., 172

Sturgis, Col. Samuel D., Jr., 489, 495, 541, 544, 564

and airfields, 444, 451, 454-55, 457

and centralized purchasing, 538-40

and construction delays, 504-05, 508

Styer, Maj. Gen. Wilhelm D., 402, 413, 477, 491, 492

deputy to Somervell, 261, 262-66, 293, 297, 365, 373-74

and lumber procurement, 539, 546

and Manhattan Project, 650, 652, 660, 662

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 472-75, 486, 488

Subcontractors, 119, 361

and AEM contracts, 566-67

and CPFF contracts, 145-46, 197, 425-26

for Manhattan Project, 673, 681, 687

Summerall, General Charles P., 66-67

Sundt, John S., 696-97

Sundt, M. Eugene, 694-95

Sundt, M. M., Construction Co., 665

Supervising Constructing Quartermasters, 201-03, 242

Supply Division, OCE, 522, 539

Supply Priorities and Allocations Board, Office for Emergency Management, 332-33, 480

Surgeon General, The, 291, 351, 353. See also Magee, Maj. Gen. James C.

against double bunking, 523

and hospital equipment, 218, 286

and recruitment of officers, 128, 266

Sverdrup & Parcel, 596

Swiger, William F., 679

Szilard, Leo, 698


Taber, Representative John, 165, 201, 248, 378

Talbot, Arthur N., 28

Tanney, Joseph P., 349

Tatlow, Lt. Col. Richard H., III

and contracting, 192, 300, 364, 563

deputy chief, Engineering Branch, 163, 164

member, Facility Review Committee, WPB, 591

Taylor, Albert D., 266

Taylor, Representative Edward T., 162

Taylor & Bryne, 390

Teale, Lt. Col. Willis E., 444, 452

Technical Committee of Specialty Contractors, 146

Tennessee Area office, 669

Tennessee Eastman Corp., 517, 666, 693

Tennessee Valley Authority, 592, 655, 680

Terteling, J. A., & Sons, 595

Terzaghi, Karl, 618, 620, 642, 658

Textor, Col. Gordon E., 591

Theater of Operations drawings, 483, 523, 526-29, 534-35, 538, 547

Thermal diffusion process. See S-50.

Thorn, C. Huntington, 230, 367

Thomas, Senator Elmer D., 413, 467

Thomas, Col. Elmer G., 49, 51, 594

and defense construction effort, 154, 159, 173, 235, 259-60, 341

and recruitment of personnel, 127, 130

and selection of contractors, 105-06, 184

transfers to Corps of Engineers, 476, 488

Thomason committee, 384-85, 391-92, 422

Thomason, Representative R. Ewing, 383-84, 391

Thompson, Wells N., 691

Thompson-Starrett Co., Inc., 12-13, 27

Timber Engineering Co., 545-46

Tinian, 649, 700

TNT plants, 137, 478-79, 502, 530

Tolman, Richard C., 662

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, 48, 56, 433

Tompkins, Lt. Col. William F., 268-70, 443, 447, 451-52, 454

Tonopah Bombing Range, Nev., 175

Totten, Robert L., 202, 203

Tournapulls, 621, 626-28, 631, 637

Townes, Maj. Morton E., 104, 263

Tracy, Daniel W., 228, 367

Transit-Mix Concrete Corp., 673

Traynor, Capt. Harry S., 677, 678

Tribe, M. L., 202

Tri-Cities Airport, Tenn., 621

“Trinity,” 700

Truman, Harry S., 413, 563, 650

investigation of defense construction, 385-88, 390-92

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 467-69

Truman committee, 387, 389-92, 423, 427-29, 608

Tulsa Modification Center, Okla., 596-97

Turnbull, J. Gordon, 596

Turnbull, Willard J., 635, 637-38, 641-42

Turner Construction Co., 433

Turton, William F., 174, 177, 180, 182

Tuttle, Morton C., 8, 19, 59

Twaddle, Brig. Gen. Harry L., 274-75, 343

Twaits-Morrison-Knudsen, 681

Tydings, Senator Millard E., 433

Tyler, Col. Gerald R., 699-700

Tyler, Brig. Gen. Max C., 454-55, 474-75, 489-90, 505, 516

Tyner, Brig. Gen. George P., 108

and expansion program of 1939, 80-81, 83, 94, 97-100

and prefabricated structures, 96, 110

and responsibility issue, 86-93, 107


Union Carbide and Carbon Corp., 666, 680

Unions, 14, 106, 121, 169-70, 221-25, 288, 336-38, 426. See also American Federation of Labor; Congress of Industrial Organizations.

Bricklayers, 157, 170, 336-37

and Building Trades Agreement, 366-70

Carpenters and Joiners, 228

Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers, 172

and shortages of skilled labor, 235, 287, 336

and wages and hours, 157, 226-31

United Service Organizations, 404, 417

Urey, Harold C., 654, 659

Urquhart, Leonard C., 266

and conservation of materials, 525, 535, 547

section chief, Engineering Branch, 493, 524, 529

U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 28

U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 552

U.S. Congress on contracts, 427, 565, 569, 571-72, 575-76, 578-79, 583

House of Representatives

Committee on Appropriations, 95, 355, 378, 608

Subcommittee of the Committee on Military Appropriations, 248, 411-12, 414-15, 431-32, 517, 598

Subcommittee on Deficiencies, 279

Committee on Military Affairs, 34-37, 55, 78-79, 556

on defense construction, 382-84, 391-92

on land acquisition, 394, 401

on transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 23, 460, 467, 470-71, 491

Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, 432

Committee on Ways and Means, 608

on land acquisition, 401, 406


Committee on Appropriations, 111, 148, 251, 279, 435, 478, 579, 598

Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, 279, 413

Subcommittee on Deficiencies, 434

Committee on Commerce, 249

Committee on Military Affairs, 20, 23, 27, 34-35, 55, 98, 114

on defense construction, 1941, 384-92

on rearmament, 1939, 78-79

on transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 467-69

Committee on Public Lands, 38

U.S. Employment Service, 222-23, 613, 673

U.S. Forest Service, 176, 546

U.S. Maritime Commission, 369, 548, 550-52, 569, 579-80, 591-92

U.S. Military Academy, 5-6, 50-51, 54, 56, 484

U.S. Navy, 112, 129, 156, 161, 369

and contracting, 145, 565, 569, 578-80

and defense appropriations, 77, 114, 150-51

and equipment rental, 219, 544

and lumber supplies, 548, 550-52

and priority ratings, 330, 540

U.S. Rubber Co., 532

U.S. Steel Corp., 112

U.S. Supreme Court, 393, 400

Utah General Depot, Utah, 181


Valliant, Col. Rigby D.

head of Real Estate Branch, 94, 101, 123, 124, 153-54, 261, 262, 363, 401-02

and land acquisition, 174-84, 207, 393-95, 397, 400, 405, 444

Value, Burnside R., 124, 125, 154

Value of work placed

1941, 459

1942, 485, 503, 510, 512, 519

1943, 595-94, 598

Van Norden, Rudolph W., 266

Van Riper, Francis H., 552

Vanden Bulck, Maj. Charles, 653, 656, 678

Vandenberg, Senator Arthur H., 251

Vandervoort, Lt. Col. Benjamin F., 263, 332, 345, 488, 530-31

Vaughn, Dr. Victor C., 556

Vawter, Wallace R., 441, 442

Velzy, Charles R., 266

Veterans’ Bureau, 552

Vickery, Rear Adm. Howard L., 589

Victory Program, 1941, 408

Vincenz, Jean L., 307, 493

Vinson-Trammel Act of 1934, 578

Violante, Maj. Andre L., 123-25, 143, 154, 201, 265

Voorhees, Stephen F., 116


Wadsworth, Senator James W., 34, 36, 39-40

Wage rates and Bacon-Davis Act of 1931, 152-53, 156, 221, 226-27

and Building Trades Agreement, 366-71

and overtime premiums, 156-57, 161, 227-29, 233

Wagner, John J., 181

Wallace, Henry A., 178, 480

Wallgren, Senator Mon C., 387

Walsh Construction Co., 106, 206, 211, 220, 233-34, 238, 373, 379

Walters, Maj. Elsmere J., 163, 164, 166

Walton, Col. Edward S., 43n

Wanamaker, Col. William W., 494

War Damage Corp., 572

War Department, 42, 84, 103, 154, 243, 372, 602

and Congressional investigations of defense construction, 378, 381, 384, 387, 389-92

and construction phase-down, 588, 590

construction policies, 44, 165, 171, 173, 190, 343, 366, 535

and contracts, 71, 97-99, 106, 119, 144-45, 419, 421, 425, 569, 573

and defense program, 109, 111, 113-14, 198, 240

and expansion program, 76-79, 83, 84-87, 98, 99

labor policies, 224, 229-30, 369

and land acquisition, 73, 394, 396-400, 407

and mobilization planning, 72-73

and Pentagon project, 435-37, 439

and renegotiation, 578-80

reorganization of, 1942, 491, 495-97

and selection of contractors, 28, 191-92

and site selection, 95, 131-37, 140-43

War Department Board of Contract Appeals and Adjustments, 301-02

War Department Facilities Board, 356-57

War Department General Staff, 8, 46, 65, 89, 98, 157, 159, 290-91, 351, 482

G-1, 90, 127

G-3, 67, 149, 166, 291

and site selection, 138-42, 344-47, 353, 451

and transfer of airfield construction to Engineers, 87, 90

G-4, 46, 68, 83, 149, 306, 491, 505-06

and construction policies, 165-66, 168, 172, 622

and CPFF contracts, 98

and “freeze order” on designs, 173, 344, 450-51, 454-55

and site selection, 138-42, 353, 403, 451, 502

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 473

and induction schedules, 148, 241

and mobilization plans, 66-73, 117-18

Operations Division, 20

Purchase, Storage & Traffic Division, 25

and site selection, 95, 131-32, 137-43, 354

War College Division, 11, 134

War Plans Division, 23-24, 87, 90

War Department Insurance Rating Plan, 422

War Department Price Adjustment Board, 580-83

War Department Site Committee, 134-35, 356

War Manpower Commission, 613, 673, 681

War Planning and Training Branch, OQMG, 68

War Policies Commission, 67

War Powers Act, 1941, 571-73

War Production Board, 480, 509, 659

and curbs on civilian projects, 587-92

and materials shortages, 525, 531, 542, 545-46, 548-49, 552

and negotiation of contracts, 573, 576-77, 579

and priorities and allocations, 540

War Purposes Act of 1917, 405

War Shipping Administration, 552

Warren, Frederick H., 163

Warren, Lindsay C., 419, 422

Warren, Col. Stafford L., 677, 678

Washington National Airport, 433, 445

Waterways Experiment Station, Miss., 616, 649

and airfield drainage, 447, 623

and airfield pavement design, 619, 635, 637, 642

Watson, Wilbur, and Associates, 187

Weaver, Lt. Col. S. M., 603

Weaver, Lt. Col. Theron D., 356

Weeks, John W., 43-44, 46, 60, 65

Weeks, Col. William C., 457

Welch, Dr. William H., 556

Weldon Spring, Mo., 396-401

Wendover Bombing Range, Utah, 175

Wensel, Henry T., 677, 678

Wesson, Maj. Gen. Charles M., 109, 320-21, 332

and completion schedules, 314-15, 324, 327

on contracting procedures, 185-87, 361-63

on designs and layouts, 165, 358-59, 501

and site selection, 135, 183, 357

West Coast Lumbermen’s Association, 539

West Coast Training Center, 451

Westergaard, Harald M., 447, 618-19, 631-32, 649

Western Cartridge Co., 324, 336

Western Defense Command, 516

Westinghouse Electric Co., 656, 667, 677

Weyerhaeuser, Frederick K., 550-51

Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., 552

Wheaton, Lt. Col. Francis B., 48, 51

Wheeler, Maj. Merrill D., 44

“Whiffenpoofer,” 647

White, J. G., Engineering Co., 147, 304, 513

White, Senator Wallace H., Jr., 251

White, Maj. Will R., 94, 123-25, 154, 257

Whitman, Requardt & Smith, 147

Whitney Point Dam, N.Y., 658

Whitson, Col. Milton J.

and defense program of 1940, 122, 125, 130, 201-03

in World War I, 9-10, 12, 14, 22, 27

Whittlesey, Charles C., 686

Widmyer, George F., 313

Wilcox Act of 1935, 54

Wild, Col. Herbert J., 594

Willcutt, Maj. Joseph N., 22, 27

Williams, Howard M., 632-33

Williams, T. Cortlandt, 664, 669, 672, 679, 684-85

Williams, Maj. Walter J., 685

Willkie, Wendell L., 162

Willoughby, William F., 60

Wilmington (Del.) Ordnance office, 72, 167, 339, 360, 494, 515

Wilson, Lt. Col. Arthur R., 80, 387

Wilson, Col. Francis J., 486, 493, 596

Wilson, Capt. Frank E., 696

Wilson, James D., 669, 672

Wilson, Maj. Milton E., 216, 281, 286-87

and procurement, 336, 347-49

and steel shortage, 328-31, 333, 335

Wilson, Woodrow, 7, 40, 435

Winchester Repeating Arms Co., 3

Winckelman, D. W., 673

Winston, Col. Barlow, 346

Wise Contracting Co., Inc., 433

Witmer, David J., 438

Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps, 484, 555, 597, 607

Wood, B. R., 493, 524, 603

Wood, Maj. Gen. Leonard, 6, 8, 35-36, 207

Wood, Brig. Gen. Winthrop S., 43n

Woodring, Harry H.

on contracts, 70, 97, 105-06, 119, 145

on expansion program of 1939, 75, 83, 101-04

on preparedness, 75-76, 78-79

on Protective Mobilization Plan of 1938, 72

and transfer of QM construction to Engineers, 89-90, 108

Woodrum, Representative Clifton A., 251, 415, 431, 433-34

Woods, Kenneth B., 619, 648

Works Progress Administration, 54-55, 94, 256-57. See also Funds, PWA-WPA.

and defense program, 122, 172, 252, 274, 299

and expansion program of 1939, 80-84, 100-102

Worsham, Col. Ludson D., 450, 514, 655-56

Wright, Ewing, 398

Wright, John M., 442

Wright Brothers Memorial, N.C., 50

Wright Field, Ohio, 77, 453, 618-19, 621, 624, 631, 638

Wright Field Laboratory, Ohio, 79, 83


Y-12, 671-72, 679, 683-86, 689-93

Yarnell, David L., 633

Yates, Brig. Gen. Arthur W., 43n

Yermo Holding and Reconsignment Point, Calif., 509

Young, Col. Charles D., 492

Younger, Lt. Col. James W., 261, 262, 263

Yount, Maj. Gen. Barton K., 639-40


Zach, Leon H., 524

and layouts, 347, 351-53, 503, 536

and Manhattan Project, 654, 673

Zachry, H. B., 250

Zackrison, Harry B., 333-35, 501, 524, 525-26, 531-32, 536, 547, 553-55

Zalinski, Brig. Gen. M. Gray, 43n

Zia Co., 698

Zia Project. See Los Alamos Project, N. Mex.

Zollers, Maj. Charles O., 18

Zone Constructing Quartermasters, 306-07, 325, 374, 474

appointed by Somervell, 263-65, 267

site selection by, 344-45

transfer of real estate to, 402-04